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Associate  Professor  of  German 



DECEMBER,  1922  PRICE  $2 

Published    bi-monthly    by   the    University   of    Wisconsin   at    Madison, 

Entered  as  second  class  matter  August  31,   1919,  at  the  postofflce  at 
Madison,  Wisconsin,  under  the  Act  of  August  24,   1912.     Ac- 
cepted  for   mailing  at  special   rate   of   postage   pro- 
vided for  in  Section  1103,  Act  of  October  3, 
1917,    Authorized  September  17,   1918. 

The  Studies  may  be  obtained  from  the  Secretary  of  the  Regents, 

University  of  Wisconsin,  to  whom  checks  and 

money  orders  should  be  made  payable. 

British   criticisms   of   American   writings,   1783-1815,   by 
William  B.  Cairns.    98p.    Fifty  cents. 
Studies  by  members  of  the  department  of  English.    394p. 
One  dollar. 

Classical  studies  in  honor  of  Charles  Forster  Smith.  190p. 
One  dollar. 

Ordo  Rachelis,  by  Karl  Young.     66p.     Fifty  cents. 
The  position  of  the  Roode  en  Witte  Roos  in  the  Saga  of 
King  Richard  III,  by  Oscar  James  Campbell.    170p.    Fifty 

Goethe's  lyric  poems  in  English  translation  prior  to  1860, 
by  Lucretia  Van  Tuyl  Simmons.     204p.    Fifty  cents. 
Lucilius  and  Horace — a  study  in  the  classical  theory  of 
imitation,  by  George  Converse  Fiske.    524p.    Two  dollars 
fifty  cents. 

The    first    quarto   edition    of    Shakespeare's   Hamlet,    by 
Frank  Gaylord  Hubbard.     120p.     Fifty  cents. 
Traces  of  matriarchy  in   Germanic  hero-lore,  by  Albert 
William  Aron.     77p.     Fifty  cents. 

The  dramatic  associations  of  the  Easter  sepulchre,  by 
Karl  Young.    ISOp.     Fifty  cents. 

Studies  by  members  of  the  department  of  English,  Series 
number  2.    144p.     Fifty  cents. 

The  formation  of  Tennyson's  style — a  -study,  primarily, 
of  the  versification  of  the  early  poems,  by  J.  F.  A.  Pyre. 
2r)2p.     One  dollar  fifty  cents. 

Modern  thought  in  the  German  lyric  poets  from  Goethe 
to  Dehmel,  by  Friedrich  Bruns.     104p.     One  dollar. 
British    criticisms    of    American    writings,    1815-1833 — A 
contribution  to  the  study  of  Anglo-American  literary  re- 
lationships, by  William  B.  Cairns.     320p.     Two  dollars. 
Classical   studies,   Scries  number  2,  by  members  of  the 
department  of  classics.     168p.     One  dollar  fifty  cents. 
A   bibliography   of   German    literature   in   trans- 
lation, by  Bayard  Quincy  Morgan.    708p.    Two  dollars. 





















No.  11. 















Associate  Professor  of  German 


The  expense  of  printing  this  study  was  partly  defrayed 
by  money  from  the  Carl  Schurz  fund 






P.  25.     The  word  "Bibliographies"  should  be  stricken  out. 
P.  21.     The  list  of  abbreviations  of  English  names  was  omitted  from 
p.  650;  it  is  here  appended. 

A :     Augustus 

Ad Adolf 

Alex -Alexander 

Alf Alfred 

B:     Benjamin 

C :     Charles 

Caro Caroline 

Cath Catherine 

Ctte Charlotte 

D :    David 

Dan Daniel 

E :    Edward 

Eliz Elizabeth 

Em Ernest 

F:     Frederick 

Fes Frances 

Fis Francis 

Frz Franz 

G :    George 

H : Henry 

Herb Herbert 

Htte Henriette 

1 :    Isaac 

J:     John 

Jas '. James 

Jos Joseph 

K :    Karl 

Kath Katherine 

L:     Louis 

M :    Mark 

Ma •. Mary 

Marg Margaret 

N :    Nicholas 

O :     Otto 

P:    Peter 

Ph Philip 

Phil Philip 

R: Richard 

Rob Robert 

S:  Samuel 

Sa Sarah 

T:    Thomas 

Theo Theodore 

I' : Ulric 

V :     Victor 

W: William 


Ordinarily,  it  would  have  been  difficult  to  set  a  time  limit  for 
a  work  of  this  nature ;  but  in  this  case  the  matter  was  vir- 
tually taken  out  of  the  compiler's  hands,  for  the  year  1917, 
beyond  which  we  do  not  attempt  to  go,  marks  the  end  of  a 
phase  of  Anglo-German  and  especially  German-American  re- 
lations that  reaches  back  well  into  the  eighteenth  century. 
With  the  entry  of  the  United  States  into  the  Great  War,  the 
English-Germanic  rupture  was  made  complete.  For  more 
than  a  year  and  a  half,  up  to  the  signing  of  the  armistice  in 
November  1918,  all  intercourse  was  terminated,  and  even 
after  the  peace  treaty  was  signed,  the  resumption  of  relations 
was  naturally  slow  and  hesitant.  Moreover,  whatever  new 
international  connections  are  gradually  formed  will  differ  in 
many  respects  from  those  that  prevailed  before.  It  is  the  com- 
piler's hope  that  this  book  may  assist  the  literary  historian  to 
trace  the  lines  of  cleavage  between  the  period  just  closed  and 
that  which  is  to  come. 

The  value  of  the  publication,  which  in  the  nature  of  things 
will  reach  only  a  limited  circle  of  readers  and  students,  has  if 
anything  been  enhanced  by  the  events  which  have  transpired 
since  its  inception.  One  marked  effect  of  the  war  was  to  re- 
duce very  strikingly  the  direct  study  of  German  literature  in 
English-speaking  countries.  Yet  at  the  same  time,  there  can 
be  no  doubt  that  the  spiritual  upheaval  through  which  the 
world  has  passed  will  lead  to  a  re-examination  of  Germany's 
cultural  and  spiritual  contributions  to  the  world  of  thought, 
considered  from  new  points  of  view,  along  new  lines  of  inter- 
est. In  all  such  undertakings,  the  present  work  should  be  a 
very  useful  guide  to  those  investigators  whose  knowledge  of 
German  leaves  something  to  be  desired. 

The  work  was  begun  in  the  fall  of  1916  at  the  suggestion 
of  Professor  A.  R.  Hohlfeld  of  the  University  of  Wisconsin, 
who,  as  scholars  know,  has  long  been  deeply  interested  in  the 
literature  of   translation,  and  under  whose  direction  several 


ambitious  bibliographical  investigations  have  been  undertaken. 
The  present  task,  however,  differed  from  most  preceding 
studies  in  the  emphasis  that  was  to  be  placed  on  the  critical 
side;  it  was  not  to  be  merely  an  assemblage  of  titles,  but  the 
attempt  was  to  be  made  to  assist  the  scholar,  reader,  book- 
buyer,  and  librarian  to  make  an  intelligent  selection  from  the 
mass  of  published  translations.  It  was  hoped  that  publishers 
who  were  minded  to  issue  inexpensive  series  of  foreign  works 
in  translation  would  find  valuable  hints  in  such  a  compila- 
tion ;  and  it  was  expected  that  translators  would  consult  it  to 
find  out  what  had  not  yet  been  translated  into  English,  or  at 
any  rate  not  adequately.  There  is,  it  must  be  admitted,  some- 
thing anomalous  about  an  uncritical  bibliography  of  any  kind, 
but  perhaps  more  so  in  the  case  of  translations :  it  is  surely 
not  feasible  to  expect  each  reader  to  compare  version  and 
original  for  himself,  yet  unless  we  know  how  they  stand  to 
each  other,  the  version  is  useless  for  any  serious  purpose. 
Such  guidance  has  been  conspicuously  absent  until  of  late 
years,  and  in  view  of  that  fact  we  need  not  be  surprised  at 
the  vogue  of  Anster's  translation  of  Faust,  and  Scott's  ver- 
sion of  Gotz  von  Bcrlichingcn,  or  at  the  inclusion  of  ^Margaret 
Armour's  faulty  rendering  of  the  NibelungenUcd  in  Every- 
man's Library,  which  had  half  a  dozen  better  ones  to  choose 

The  compiler  was  not  so  ill  advised  as  to  expect  that  he 
could  pass  a  really  thorough-going  critical  judgment  on  all  the 
matter  to  be  included  in  the  book.  Many  of  these  titles  could 
be  of  no  conceivable  interest  to  any  one  in  our  day :  e.g.,  Sun- 
day school  stories  (see  Nieritz,  Barth,  Schmidt,  and  the 
Fatherland  Series  in  List  A),  mediocre  novels  (Marlitt,  Heim- 
burg,  Ebers,  Spielhagen),  "adaptations"  of  third-rate  plays 
and  stories.  In  other  cases,  originals  would  not  be  accessible 
in  the  same  libraries  as  the  translations.  Nor,  in  view  of  the 
enormous  material  involved,  would  it  be  possible  to  compare 
each  version  page  by  page  with  the  original.  Experience 
showed,  however,  that  very  careful  examination  of  a  short 
passage  seldom  failed  to  reveal  the  translator's  quality,  just 
as  an  expert  musician  can  tell  by  the  opening  chords  of  a  com- 


position  whether  it  shows  promise  or  not.  It  was  hoped  to 
do  this  much  for  nearly  all  the  interesting  or  important  trans- 
lations that  should  be  encountered. 

It  must  be  frankly  admitted  that  this  hope  could  not  be 
realized  to  its  full  extent.  Titles  found  in  the  British  Museum 
were  often  not  to  be  had  in  this  countrv' ;  originals  and  trans- 
lations were  not  always  found  in  the  same  library,  or  not  ac- 
cessible at  the  same  time.  There  are  consequently  regrettable 
gaps  on  the  critical  side.  These  are  in  part  compensated  for 
by  the  information  afforded  in  the  list  of  translators  (see  note 
prefi.xed  to  that  list,  p.  650.)  If  nevertheless  a  complete 
critical  treatment  of  all  important  material  could  not  be  ac- 
complished, the  compiler  would  beg  to  forestall  adverse  criti- 
cism by  remarking  in  the  first  place  that,  as  the  Englishman 
defended  his  monocle  by  saying  that  it  did  not  injure  the  sight 
of  the  other  eye,  so  the  presence  of  sporadic  critical  judgments 
does  not  impair  the  value  of  the  bibliography  as  such.  In  the 
second  place,  if  the  reader  or  student  please,  he  may  regard 
the  judgments  here  given  as  thrown  in  for  good  measure,  and 
as  perhaps  paving  the  way  for  other  detailed  treatments  of 
special  fields,  such  as  Baumann's  of  Faust  (see  Bi)  or  Long's 
Werther  (B13)  —  both,  by  the  way,  models  of  what  such 
studies  should  be. 

After  mature  deliberation,  it  was  decided  to  employ  three 
diacritical  marks  to  indicate  the  quality  of  translations,  sup- 
plementing by  comment  in  certain  cases.  The  double  asterisk 
**  indicates  excellence.  It  does  not  mean  perfection,  which  is 
no  more  often  attained  in  translation  than  in  other  fields  of 
human  endeavor,  but  implies  that  a  reader  may  safely  take 
a  version  so  marked  as  a  reasonably  satisfactory  rendering  of 
the  original.  The  single  asterisk  *  is  somewhat  more  nega- 
tive in  character ;  it  says  in  eflfect :  I  have  examined  this 
translation  and  find  it  neither  wholly  good  nor  wholly  bad. 
Expressed  in  terms  of  examination  grades,  it  represents  the 
range  between  high  good  and  fair.  In  a  collection  of  lyrics, 
such  a  mark  means  that  you  may  find  an  excellent  version  here 
and  there,  but  you  cannot  be  sure  of  it,  for  the  bulk  of  them 
is  in  some  way  or  other  defective. 


The  dagger  f  is  comparable  to  the  inverted  thumb  in  the 
ancient  Coliseum,  and  leads  to  a  brief  consideration  of  those 
qualities  that  constitute  merit  in  a  translation.  Every  work  of 
literary  art  has  two  component  elements :  substance  and  form. 
By  substance  we  understand  the  entire  substance  in  its  fullest 
extent — including  shades  of  meaning,  connotations,  imagery, 
and  the  like.  The  true  appreciation  of  the  entire  substance 
caJls  for  an  intimate  knowledge  of  the  foreign  tongue,  as  well 
as  a  thorough  acquaintance  with  the  life  and  customs  and  lit- 
erature of  the  people  who  speak  it.  Strangely  enough,  it  is 
weakness  in  substance  that  most  often  betrays  the  skilled  trans- 
lator and  that  necessitates  adverse  criticism  of  such  talented 
translators  as  Alangan,  Lytton,  and  Bowring.  Is  the  modern 
world  growing  more  modest  ?  Or  is  it  only  a  passing  fashion 
that  dictates  the  restrictions  on  translators'  license?  At  all 
events,  it  is  perhaps  not  too  much  to  say  that  Pope's  Iliad  would 
be  unthinkable  in  our  day,  both  in  its  inception  and  its  popu- 
larity:  people  would  say,  if  such  a  work  actually  found  a  pub- 
lisher, "It's  a  fine  poem,  but  not  Homer"  (cf.  comment  on 
Rossetti's  "translation"  of  Burger's  Lcnore).  It  is  the  com- 
piler's conviction  that  nothing  but  the  consciousness  of  in- 
nate genius  can  justify  the  translator  in  altering  by  jot  or 
title  the  substance  of  his  original  (except  in  the  way  of  ex- 
purgation, which  demands  a  chapter  by  itself),  and  no  version 
is  commended  in  this  book  which  is  known  to  tamper  with  the 
matter  of  its  source. 

The  quality  of  form  is  much  less  tangible,  but  for  that  very 
reason  is  not  seldom  caught  unconsciously.  It  includes  not 
only  metre,  of  course,  but  all  those  imponderable  elements  of 
word-choice  and  arrangement  that  we  conveniently  call  style. 
Style  can  be  ponderous  without  being  heavy,  light  without  being 
insipid,  fluent  without  being  verbose,  archaic  without  being 
crabbed.  It  is  the  translator's  highest  function  to  apprehend 
such  qualities  in  his  original  and  pass  them  on  to  the  reader 
of  his  translation. 

The  dagger,  then,  indicates  a  gross  violation  of  one  of  these 
two  principles  (commonly  both),  and  may  be  succinctly  inter- 
preted as  "negligible",  or  highly  unreliable. 


Not  all  the  diacritical  marks  are  due  to  the  compiler's  own 
scrutiny:  he  has  very  gladly  availed  himself  of  the  opinions 
of  Other  critics  (see  List  B,  p.  6i6)  and  acknowledged  his  in- 
debtedness ;  passiin. 

The  titles  contained  in  this  book  are  derived  in  the  main 
from  four  great  catalogs:  British  Museum  (including  the 
Supplement),  Library  of  Congress  (including  the  so-called 
Old  Catalog),  American  (Publishers')  Catalog,  and  English 
(Publishers')  Catalog.  Some  assistance  was  rendered  by  stu- 
dents on  the  British  Museum  Catalog  (ca.F-Z),  and  the  two 
publishers'  catalogs  (small  portions)  ;  the  rest  of  the  work 
was  done  by  the  compiler  in  person.  The  only  method  avail- 
able was  to  go  through  each  list  from  beginning  to  end,  stop- 
ping at  each  name  that  looked  German,  and  examining  the 
titles  under  it  to  see  if  any  were  translations.  The  magnitude 
of  this  task  may  be  gathered  from  the  fact  that  it  took  more 
than  300  hours  to  go  through  the  LC  catalog.  This  method 
had  at  least  three  disadvantages :  it  made  the  compilation  of 
anonyma  very  largely  a  matter  of  chance,  it  lost  sight  of  MS 
material  almost  entirely,  and  it  was  open  to  serious  error,  due 
to  fatigue  or  wandering  attention  of  the  compiler.  But  there 
was  no  other  method  to  be  pursued,  and  the  disadvantages  are 
in  part  counteracted,  in  part  unimportant.  Anonymous  and 
MS  material  is  rarely  of  high  value,  so  that  its  loss  could  be 
viewed  with  resignation ;  lacunse,  on  the  other  hand,  had  a  fair 
chance  of  being  detected  in  the  process  of  going  over  the  same 
ground  in  another  list.  In  spite  of  all,  however,  the  present 
list  is  undoubtedly  defective;  proof  of  this,  if  any  were  needed, 
is  to  be  found  in  the  fact  that  any  special  bibliography  of  an 
individual  or  a  period  always  furnished  titles  found  in  none 
of  the  sources  given  above. 

One  problem  arose  at  the  very  outset  of  the  work,  and  con- 
tinued to  clamor  for  a  solution  up  to  the  very  end :  the  defi- 
nition of  the  term  "literature."  It  seemed  proper  to  interpret 
it  liberally,  but  the  question  of  the  place  to  draw  the  line  was 
never  satisfactorily  answered ;  and  it  is  not  improbable  that 
some  titles  have  been  lost  beyond  recall  as  a  result  of  a  re- 
stricted plan  that  gave  way  to  a  more  liberal  one  a  week  later 
— for  consistency  is  surely    one    of  the  most  elusive  virtues. 


Gradually  something  like  a  rational  plan  evolved,  and  "litera- 
ture" became  defined  as  "humane  letters."  The  book  now 
aims  to  include  the  following:  essays,  travel  and  description, 
German  historj'  and  biography,  history  of  German  literature, 
history  of  Greece  and  Rome,  history  and  theory  of  art  and 
music,  aesthetics,  philosophy,  and  letters  {i.e.,  correspond- 
ence). In  general,  the  idea  was  to  list  those  books  which  are 
most  likely  to  be  consulted  not  for  professional  advantage  or 
information,  but  for  their  cultural  value  and  the  aesthetic 
pleasure  they  afford.  For  this  reason,  historical  monographs 
of  a  highly  technical  nature  were  generally  excluded,  as  well 
as  all  works  dealing  with  the  natural  sciences.  On  other 
grounds,  sermons  and  other  edifying  religious  literature  were 
not  listed,  the  citations  from  Luther,  for  example,  being  almost 
exclusively  biographical  (table-talk,  letters).  An  exception, 
however,  was  made  in  favor  of  hymns,  which  so  often  con- 
form to  the  highest  standards  of  literary  art.  It  should  also 
be  said  that  the  principle  of  exclusion  was  much  less  rigidly 
applied  with  respect  to  the  i8th  century  and  earlier  periods. 

Probably  few  persons  will  pick  up  this  volume  without  a 
feeling  of  amazement  at  the  extent  of  its  contents,  a  feeling 
which  will  not  be  lessened  by  the  realization  that  the  vast  ma- 
jority of  these  titles  fall  within  125  years.  Yet  it  would  be  a 
mistaken  assumption,  as  a  little  study  will  show,  that  this  huge 
bulk  gives  anything  but  a  distorted  picture  of  German  litera- 
ture. For  one  thing,  there  are  included  here  countless  names 
which  no  standard  history  of  German  literature  would  even 
mention :  authors  of  stories  for  the  young,  of  popular  but 
valueless  novels  and  plays,  of  travel  descriptions  and  other 
works  that  appeal  to  men's  love  of  the  outlandish  and  remote ; 
on  the  other  hand,  many  of  the  very  worthy  names  in  German 
literature  have  apparently  found  scanty  recognition  or  none  at 
all  in  the  English-speaking  world.  One  reason  for  these 
anomalies,  of  course,  is  not  far  to  seek :  it  is  that  the  publica- 
tion of  translations  is  to  a  far  greater  extent  controlled  by 
purely  economic  considerations  than  is  the  publication  of  na- 
tive literature.  Hence  the  appeal  is  much  more  likely  to  be 
made  to  ephemeral  interest,  as  in  the  case  of  popular  and  sen- 


sational  novels,  or  even  to  freakish  curiosity,  than  to  sound 
concern  for  genuine  hterary  merit. 

It  may  be  of  interest  to  look  more  closely  at  the  distribution 
and  substance  of  these  lists.  The  appearance  of  translations 
follows  closely  on  the  development  of  the  printing  into  a  suc- 
cessful and  active  business,  and  we  have  over  a  score  of  trans- 
lations in  the  i6th  century.  The  earliest  one  known  to  me  is 
the  1509  edition  of  Sebastian  Brant's  Narrcnschiff.  It  is  fol- 
lowed in  1525  by  Hieronymus  Braunschweig's  treatise  on  sur- 
gery, in  1528  and  1530  by  editions  of  the  pranks  of  Eulen- 
spiegel  (see  list  A),  in  1537  and  1538  (and  again  in  1548)  by 
the  comparison  of  the  old  and  new  learnings  of  Urbanus 
Rhegius  (so  B  M).  In  1545  appears  the  commendation  of 
matrimony  by  Agrippa  von  Nettesheim,  and  his  Vanitie  of 
Artcs  and  Sciences  is  published  in  1569  and  1575.  Melanch- 
thon's  funeral  oration  for  Martin  Luther  is  included  in  another 
work  in  1546.  In  1550  we  have  John  Carion's  The  three  books 
of  Chronicles,  doubtless  in  the  nature  of  a  sermon  or  the  like. 
Sebastian  Muenster  is  the  first  of  that  long  line  of  German 
travellers  and  geographers  whose  works  seem  to  have  appealed 
especially  to  the  English  reader.  A  selection  from  his  Cos- 
mography entitled  A  treatyse  of  the  newe  India  came  out  in 
1553,  and  a  collection  of  extracts  appeared  in  1572  and  was 
re-issued  in  1574.  Martin  Bucer's  treatise  on  the  proper  dis- 
tribution of  alms  was  published  in  1557 ;  and  it  is  of  interest 
that  his  essay  on  divorce  was  translated  about  one  hundred 
years  later  by  John  Milton.  In  1561  Melanchthon  appears 
again  with  his  biography  of  Luther,  included  however  in  an- 
other work ;  and  in  the  same  year  is  published  the  life  of 
Zwingli  by  Myconius,  the  first  of  an  endless  procession  of  biog-  . 
raphies  which  have  re-appeared  in  English  dress.  About  two 
years  later  appear  the  Common  places  of  Wolfgang  Miislin  or 
Meuslin,  called  ilusculus.  In  1570  a  certain  B.  Googe  "engly- 
shed"  a  Latin  poem  Of  the  Popish  kingdomc  or  reigne  of  Anti- 
christ by  Thomas  Kirschmeyer  called  Naogeorgus.  The  year 
following  saw  a  version  of  a  document  touching  the  Papal  bull 
against  Queen  Elizabeth  by  Heinrich  Bullinger.  Ludwig 
Lavater's  treatise  Of  ghostes  and  spiritcs  zvalking  by  nyght 
etc.  was  published  in   1572  and  re-issued  in   1596.     Another 


traveler  found  an  English  public  in  1575,  when  the  (Latin) 
accounts  of  Hieronymus  Turlerus  were  published.  Two  years 
later  we  have  A  Christian  confession  taken  from  the  last  will 
and  testament  of  Friedrich  III,  Kurfiirst  von  der  Pfalz,  called 
der  Fromme.  A  further  oddity  is  the  Declaration  made  by 
the  archbishop  of  Collen  (Cologne)  upon  the  deede  of  his 
marriage,  translated  and  published  in  1583  (see  no.  1179). 
The  year  1592  practically  marks  the  beginning  of  the  issuance 
of  Faust-books  in  English,  several  of  which  appeared  during 
the  following  century.  ("Practically,"  since  the  earlier  pub- 
lication, of  which  this  was  a  new  edition,  seems  not  to  have 
survived.)  The  first  translation  from  the  writings  of  Para- 
celsus is  dated  1596,  entitled  114  experiments  and  cures  etc. 
Just  at  the  turn  of  the  century  appears  Thomas  Decker's 
comedy  Olde  Forttmatus  (see  list  A76). 

The  17th  century  furnishes  us  with  nearly  80  items,  with 
some  of  which  we  are  already  familiar  from  the  i6th  cen- 
tury. Thus  there  are  versions  of  Faust  (5),  Fortunatus  (5), 
and  other  works  by  Agrippa  von  Nettesheim  (9)  and  Para- 
celsus (7).  Especial  popularity  was  enjoyed  by  Jakob  Boehme, 
the  German  mystic,  who  has  no  less  than  twenty  items  to  his 
credit.  In  addition,  there  are  translations  from  Basilius 
Valentinus,  who  sought  to  find  the  "philosopher's  stone," 
travels  by  Adam  Olearius,  Johann  Mandelslo,  Hermann 
Kirchncr,  Johannes  Scheflfer,  and  Adam  Brand,  alchemy  by 
Johann  Glauber,  and  such  curiosities  as  Anton  Horneck's  zvon- 
dcrfiil  story  of  certain  Szvcdish  witches  (see  A143),  Fried- 
rich  Dedckind's  Grobianus,  the  liz'ing  librarie  of  Philipp 
Camerarius,  which  had  a  second  edition  in  1725,  a  narrative 
of  the  death  of  Wallenstein,  a  goodly  dysputacian  by  Hans 
Sachs  (who  has  found  very  little  echo  anywhere),  the  Taking 
of  Alba-Rcgalis  (1601,  see  A303),  and  the  first  version  of  the 
old  romance  of  Reynard  the  Fox  (1700,  see  A254). 

The  early  18th  century  shows  little  advance  over  the  17th, 
and  in  truth  there  was  little  in  the  German  literature  of  that 
time  that  would  have  been  likely  to  appeal  greatly  to  English 
readers.  Of  Faust  and  Eulenspicgel.  Reynard  and  Dedekind. 
Mandelslo   and   other    travelers   there   were    further    editions, 


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with  Other  scattered  works  of  little  or  no  value.  One  oddity 
was  a  little  work  called  the  Groans  of  Germany,  which  ran 
through  six  editions  in  the  year  1741.  With  the  year  1751  we 
begin  to  get  translations  from  better  known  figures  of  the  pre- 
classic  period :  we  tind  Rabener,  Gellert,  Gessner,  Bodmer, 
Klopstock,  and  Frederick  the  Great.  The  freaks  of  popu- 
larity continue  here  also.  Thus  a  traveller  named  Johann 
Keyssler  has  12  items  (3  editions  of  a  4- volume  work)  in  the 
decade  from  1751-60,  and  in  the  same  period  Frederick  has 
eight.  The  names  of  Goethe  and  Wieland  appear  for  the  first 
time  in  the  seventies,  Lessing  in  the  eighties,  but  Schiller  not 
until  the  nineties ;  Herder,  of  whom  very  little  has  been  done, 
appears  in  translation  in  1801  for  the  first  time.  Further 
analysis  of  this  kind  is  rendered  superfluous  by  the  appended 
tables,  one  showing  the  number  of  translated  items  for  each 
decade  from  1751  on,  the  other  giving  the  distribution  by 
authors  over  the  same  period.  The  latter  table  is  made  up  in 
a  purely  empiric  way,  including  only  the  names  of  those 
authors  who  furnished  at  least  5  items  in  each  of  at  least  two 
decades.  As  the  list  even  then  proved  too  long,  certain  less 
significant  names  were  eliminated  which  only  barely  came 
within  the  self-imposed  limit.  It  might  be  of  interest  to  cite 
some  of  the  omitted  names.  (Unless  otherwise  indicated,  they 
appear  in  two  decades.)  The  Sunday  school  stories  of  C.  G. 
Barth  account  for  36  items  in  four  decades,  W.  Baur's  Religious 
life  in  Germany  during  the  tvars  of  independence,  14  items ; 
Carmen  Sylva,  18  in  three  decades;  Curtius's  History  of 
Greece,  16  items ;  Ernst  Eckstein's  stories,  14 ;  Nataly  v.  Esch- 
struth,  15;  Rudolf  Eucken,  19;  Froebel  (autobiography  and 
mother-play),  12;  Ida  v.  Hahn-Hahn's  travels  and  stories,  13 
in  one  decade ;  Arnold  Heeren's  historical  works,  17  in  3  dec- 
ades;  Wilhclniine  v.  Hillern,  16;  Heinrich  Hoffmann's  Struw- 
welpeter,  8  in  one  decade  :  Franz  HotTmann,  70  in  three  decades 
(moral  tales  for  the  young);  Janssen's  historical  works,  15; 
Jung-Stilling's  autobiography,  14 ;  J.  G.  Kohl's  travels  and  de- 
scriptions, 10  in  one  decade;  Franz  Kugler's  histories  of  art, 
17 ;  Lavater,  14  ;  Lotze's  philosophical  lectures  and  works,  16  in 
one  decade;  W.  Luebke's  histories  of  art,  14  in  one  decade; 


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Moltke  (mostly  letters),  lo  in  one  decade;  G.  v.  Moser's  come- 
dies, 17;  Musaeus,  18  in  three  decades,  the  first  two  being  fifty 
years  apart;  Max  Nordau,  33;  Ida  Pfeift'er's  travels,  24; 
Pueckler-I\Iuskau's  travels,  11  ;  Schubin's  novels,  15;  Sealsfield 
(local  interest  in  America),  11;  Spielhagen,  13;  Spillman's 
Sunday  school  stories,  9  in  one  decade ;  H.  v.  Sybel's  histories, 
12  in  two  decades ;  Trenck's  autobiography,  9  in  one  decade,  7 
in  two  others ;  Ueberweg's  philosophy,  9  in  one  decade ;  O.  v. 
Wildermuth,  16;  Zell's  opera  librettos,  18;  J.  G.  Zimmerman's 
aphorisms  and  reflections,  41  in  3  decades. 

The  attentive  student  of  German  literature  will  perhaps  be 
no  less  surprised  at  some  of  the  gaps  in  the  above  list  than  in 
many  of  the  inclusions.  When  such  a  tabulation  fails  to  show 
the  names  of  Franz  Grillparzer,  Friedrich  Hebbel,  Gottfried 
Keller,  Otto  Ludwig,  C.  F.  Aleyer,  and  Theodor  Storm,  it  is 
clear  that  the  English-speaking  public  has  not  been  getting  a 
faithful  picture  of  19th  century  literary  production  in  Ger- 

Analyzing  the  19th  century  by  single  years,  we  find  the  peaks 
coming  in  1845  (over  120),  1882  and  1887  (both  over  140), 
1902  (over  140),  and  1914  (over  180).  In  the  first  two  cases, 
these  peaks  fall  in  with  the  curve  by  decades,  whereas  the  last 
is  neutralized  by  the  violent  drop  in  publication  occasioned  by 
the  war.  Generalization  on  such  matters  is  always  doubtful, 
and  the  following  suggestions  by  way  of  explanation  are  of- 
fered for  what  they  may  be  worth.  As  for  the  peak  at  the  end 
of  the  i8th  century,  it  is  due  to  a  variety  of  causes:  there  was 
a  marked  interest  in  German  literature,  partly  owing  to  the 
connections  between  English  romanticism  and  German  Storm 
and  Stress,  partly  to  dawning  recognition  of  the  greatness  of 
Goethe  and  Schiller ;  Benjamin  Thompson  in  his  German 
Theatre  bears  witness  to  English  concern  with  the  German 
drama,  notably  with  the  works  of  Kotzebue :  and  it  is  not  im- 
possible that  we  have  here  one  result  of  England's  rejection  of 
the  French  Revolution,  which  also  encouraged  an  interest  in 
German  life  and  letters. 

The  sudden  leap  from  the  thirties  to  the  forties  suggests  a 
number  of  considerations.    On  the  one  hand,  wc  note  a  marked 


slump  in  the  nrst  two  decades  of  the  19th  century,  which  per- 
haps reflects  the  economic  depression  that  followed  the  Na- 
poleonic wars,  coupled  with  some  suspicion  of  German  litera- 
ture as  'revolutionary.'  The  following  rise  may  be  partly  due 
to  the  economic  recovery  and  the  expansive  tendency  of  the 
new  industrial  epoch.  Perhaps  more  important  is  the  new 
wave  of  interest  in  German  literature,  promoted  in  England  by 
Carlyle,  in  America  by  Emerson  and  the  Transcendentalists. 
The  factors  ati'ecting  the  American  situation  are  carefully 
studied  by  S.  H.  Goodnight  (German  Literature  in  American 
Magazines  etc..  Bulletin  of  the  University  of  Wisconsin.  1909). 
He  shows  that  German  letters  and  philosophy  enjoyed  a 
marked  popularity  in  this  country  around  1840,  and,  which  is 
possibly  even  more  important,  were  quite  as  violently  attacked 
in  some  quarters  as  they  were  zealously  praised  in  others. 

The  peak  in  the  eighties  almost  surely  results  directly  from 
the  phenomenal  rise  of  united  Germany  to  the  rank  of  a  great 
world-power,  and  the  consequent  focussing  of  the  eyes  of  the 
world  on  her  affairs.  Here  enters  in  also  the  insatiable  appe- 
tite of  the  American  public  fpr  narrative  literature:  note  in 
the  chart  the  names  of  Ebers,  Fouque,  Grimm  (fairy  tales), 
Hauff,  Heimburg,  Heyse,  Marlitt,  E.  Werner,  Wyss  (S-wiss 
family  Robinson).  Interest  in  Goethe  in  this  period,  so  far 
as  such  figures  attest  it,  far  surpasses  that  of  any  other  except 
1901-10,  when  there  were  several  issues  of  large  popular  edi- 
tions to  swell  the  total. 

The  decline  in  the  next  period  may  reflect  the  growing  po- 
litical tension  which  was  to  lead  eventually  to  war.  It  may 
also  be  said  that  in  the  previous  decade  interest  had  been  stim- 
ulated somewhat  beyond  the  normal  state,  thus  rendering  a 
reaction  fairly  certain.  The  early  20th  century  again  registers 
a  recovery  from  this  depression,  due  in  considerable  measure 
to  growing  appreciation  of  Germany's  younger  and  promising 
writers.  Determined  efforts  to  cement  friendly  relations  be- 
tween Germany  and  America  may  also  have  played  their  part 
here.  What  would  have  been  in  the  following  decade  without 
the  war  it  is  of  course  impossible  to  say ;  but  it  is  perhaps  not 
insignificant  that  the  peak  in  the  year   19x4  is  the  highest  of 



all.  The  number  of  items  drops  in  the  very  next  year  to  less 
than  80,  and  thence  downward  to  a  practical  zero  after  1917. 

As  Chart  I  shows  a  progressively  increasing  interest  in  Ger- 
man literature  during  the  19th  century,  so  also  we  find  a  steady 
improvement  in  the  quality  of  the  translations  as  the  century 
advances.  This  improvement  has  two  phases.  On  the  one 
hand,  translators  and  publishers  become  more  sensitive  to  lit- 
erary judgments,  so  that  there  are  more  translations  from 
the  greater  Germans,  despite  such  phenomena  as  the  inex- 
plicable popularity  of  Louise  Muehlbach,  or  the  dispropor- 
tionate exploitation  of  Fouque's  Four  Seasons,  Carove's  Story 
without  ati  end,  and  similar  narrative  matter.  In  the  last  two 
decades  covered  by  the  investigation,  we  find  many  of  the  out- 
standing figures  of  German  literature  fairly  well  represented: 
Eucken,  Goethe,  Grimm's  Marchen,  Heine,  Hauptmann, 
Mommsen,  Nietzsche,  Schiller,  Schnitzler,  Schopenhauer, 
Sudermann,  Wagner,  Wyss's  Szviss  family  Robinson.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  quality  of  the  renderings  themselves  improves, 
as  the  voice  of  the  critic  is  heard.  Publishers  take  more  pains 
to  ascertain  not  only  whether  the  original  work  is  of  any  ac- 
count, but  whether  the  translator  is  competent  or  not.  As  a 
result  it  may  be  said  that  with  few  exceptions  it  is  no  longer 
necessary  to  put  up  with  bad  versions  of  most  of  the  import- 
ant monuments  of  German  literature.  Most  adequately 
handled,  of  course,  is  the  novel,  and  only  second  to  it  is  the 
drama  in  prose  or  unryhmed  verse.  Much  more  difficult  of 
adequate  rendition  are  works  like  Hauptmann's  Sunken  bell, 
Hofmannsthal's  rhymed  dramas,  or  Goethe's  Faust.  Least 
satisfactory  is  naturally  the  field  of  lyric  poetry,  where  we  en- 
counter so  nuich  that  is  strictly  "untranslatable",  due  to  the 
blind  accidents  of  s]iecch  and  rhyme  material  in  tlie  two  lan- 
guages. Yet  even  here  much  can  be  done  with  eclectic  volumes 
such  as  the  one  of  Heine's  lyrics  edited  by  Mrs.  Freiligrath- 
Kroeker.  It  is  interesting,  by  the  way,  that  Heine's  verse  has 
fared  so  much  better  than  Goethe's,  a  circumstance  for  which 
I  have  no  satisfactory  explanation. 

It  is  the  hope  of  the  compiler  that  this  volume  may  stimulate 
the  activity  of  others  along  various  lines :  to  prepare  careful 


critical  bibliographies  of  special  fields,  to  fill  gaps  in  the  trans- 
lation literature  by  making  new  and  acceptable  versions  of 
hitherto  untranslated  or  badly  translated  works,  and  to  aid  the 
literarj'  historian  in  carrying  out  studies  in  comparative  litera- 
ture. If  it  should  not  only  prove  really  helpful  in  these  ways, 
but  also  encourage  publishers  to  issue,  and  readers  and  li- 
brarians to  purchase,  none  but  meritorious  translations,  its 
usefulness  will  have  more  than  justified  the  very  great  expend- 
iture of  time  and  ettort  which  it  represents. 

Due  to  the  very  great  increase  in  the  cost  of  printing  which 
confronted  the  editors  of  these  Studies  after  the  war,  the  bulk 
of  this  book  threatened  to  preclude  its  publication.  At  that 
time  (the  fall  of  1920),  the  income  of  the  Carl  Schurz  fund 
had  been  accruing  since  1915,  and  there  was  no  possibility  of 
its  being  used  then  or  in  the  immediate  future  for  the  appoint- 
ment of  a  Schurz  professor.  Moreover,  the  deed  of  gift 
specifically  provides  that  in  case  it  should  be  found  impossible 
at  any  time  to  use  the  fund  for  its  original  purpose,  the  in- 
come should  be  employed,  in  the  discretion  of  the  Regents 
of  the  University,  "for  advancing  the  knowledge  of  German 
culture  and  civilization  in  this  country."  Under  these  circum- 
stances the  Department  of  German,  feeling  that  the  character 
of  the  work  brought  it  clearly  within  the  scope  of  this  pro- 
vision, recommended  that  a  part  of  the  cost  of  printing  should 
be  defrayed  from  the  accrued  interest  of  the  fund.  After  the 
Regents  had  been  legally  advised  that  such  a  procedure  might 
properly  be  followed,  they  voted  that  one-half  of  the  cost  of 
printing  the  volume,  or  a  sum  not  to  exceed  $1,000,  should  be 
contributed  from  the  income  of  the  Carl  Schurz  fund. 
December  31,  1920.  B.  Q.  M. 


Explanatory  Note:  In  the  main,  the  catalog  of  the  Li- 
brary of  Congress  has  been  followed  in  these  lists,  and  pages 
and  formats  have  been  given  wherever  they  were  accessible. 
It  should  be  noted,  however,  that  each  of  the  four  main  lists 
has  a  different  system  of  giving  the  format.  The  LC  gives  it 
in  centimeters  of  height ;  the  others  in  Latin  abbreviations 
which  originally  indicated  the  folding  of  a  standard  sheet  of 
paper,  but  which  now  indicate  a  certain  range  of  heights  of 
volumes.  The  AC  uses  letters  for  this  purpose ;  BM  and  EC 
use  8vo,  i2mo,  etc.,  but  employ  a  different  scale  of  measure- 
ment, so  that  the  same  volume  may  appear  as  8vo  in  the  one, 
and  i2mo  in  the  other.  Attention  should  also  be  called  to  a 
curious  and  often  repeated  discrepancy  in  the  dating  of  volumes 
by  EC  and  BM  ;  the  difference  is  never  more  than  a  year,  nor 
is  it  consistently  forward  or  backward.  The  serial  numbers 
signify  nothing  but  a  convenience  in  making  cross-references ; 
they  are  not  wholly  flawless  in  their  sequence,  but  they  do  not 
need  to  be. 

A  special  note  is  in  order  with  regard  to  LCO.  In  the  spring 
of  1917,  when  the  compiler  worked  at  the  LC.  there  were  still 
upwards  of  200,000  cards  in  the  Old  Catalog,  representing 
some  volumes  that  had  not  yet  been  recatalogued.  and  so  did 
not  then  appear  in  the  printed  cards  of  LC.  Numbers  of  these 
cards,  however,  represented  volumes  that  had  been  lost  in  the 
meantime,  and  that  therefore  never  will  appear  in  the  printed 
catalog.  For  this  reason  it  seemed  advisable  to  distinguish 
such  titles. 

The  following  library  abbreviations  are  used  in  brackets: 
AC,  American  (rublishcrs')  Catalog;  EC,  (Pub- 
lishers') Catalog;  BM  (British  Museum)  ;  BMS.  British  Mu- 
seum Suii]ilemeiU ;  HCL,  Harvard  College  Library ;  LC,  Li- 
brary of  Congress ;  LCO,  see  above ;  BPL,  Boston  Public  Li- 
brary;  NY,  New  York  Public  Library;  NL,  Newberry  Li- 
brary; ABP,  American  Books  in  Print  (1912) ;  Bi  etc.,  titles 


in  list  B ;  CU,  Columbia  University ;  U\V,  University  of  Wis- 
consin. Sometimes  the  bracketed  symbol  will  be  ACi,  AC2, 
etc.  In  such  cases  the  number  refers  to  the  volume  of  the 
American  Catalog,  the  earlier  volumes  of  which  frequently 
omitted  the  year  of  publication ;  this  device  is  adopted  to  lo- 
calize a  given  book  which  is  listed  without  a  date,  and  to  as- 
sist bibliographers  in  verifying  references.  For  convenience, 
the  dates  of  the  AC  are  here  given:  ACi,  1820-52;  AC2, 
1852-5;  AC3,  1855-8;  AC4,  1858-60;  AC5,  i86i-6;  AC6, 
1866-71  ;  AC7,  1872-6;  ACS,  1877-84;  AC9,  1884-90. 

Other  abbreviations  are :  Tp.,  typed ;  Tr.,  translated  by ; 
1.,  leaves ;  pt.,  parts ;  il.,  illustrated ;  rev.,  revised ;  ad.,  adapted  ; 
sel.,  selection,  selected ;  cor.,  corrected  ;  enl.,  enlarged  ;  fl.,  flour- 
ished; abr.,  abridged  ;  ca.,  circa,  about. 

The  word  do  signifies  identity  of  the  German  original ;  same 
means  identity  of  the  translation.  References  such  as  Ai  and 
Ci  are  to  special  appended  lists  in  this  book.  In  general,  italics 
are  used  for  critical  judgments  and  comments  of  the  compiler. 

Frr  abbreviations  of  English  names  see  note  to  list  of  trans- 
lators, p.  22. 


Following  is  a  list  of  abbreviations  of  German  given  names : 
it  will  be  noted  that  with  few  exceptions  those  of  women's 
names  end  in  a  vowel. 

A:. August 

A:e Auguste 

A:n Augustin 

Ab Albert 

Abh Abraham 

Abr Albrecht 

Ad Adolf 

Ade Adelheid 

Adle Adeline 

Adn Adrian 

Adt Adelbert 

Af Alfred 

Ag Agnes 

Als Aloys 

Am Adam 

Ama Amalia 

Amb Ambrosius 

Amds Amadeus 

Ame Amalie 

An Anton 

And Andreas 

Ane Antonie 

Anga Angolika 

Ans Anselm 

Ante Annette 

Am Arnold 

Art Arthur 

Au Aurora 

Aue Aurelie 

Ax Alexander 

Axe Alexandrine 

B: Benjamin 

Bba Barbara 

Bd Berthold 

Bh Bern'iard 

Bhe Bemhardine 

Bid Balduin 

Bms Bartholomaus 

Bn Benedikt 

Bna Bettina 

Bne Benedikte 

Bp Baptist 

Br Bruno 

Bta Bertha 

C: Carl 

C:e Caroline 

Ca Clara 

Cb Christlieb 

Cd Conrad 

Cf Christof 

CI Clemens 

Cle Clementine 

Clt Clement 

Cms Chrysostomus 

Cn Christian 

Cne. Christiane 

Cph , Christoph 

Cm Cornelius 

Cs Ciisar 

Cst Constantin 

etc Charlotte 

D: David 

Dd Diedrich 

Dn Daniel 

Do Doi-othea 

Dt Dietrich 

Dv Detley 

E: Eduard 

Ea Emma 


Eb Eberhard 

Ed Edmund 

Eg Eugen 

Ege Eugenie 

Ehf Ehrenfried 

El Emil 

Ela Elena 

Ele Elise 

Eli E'isabeth 

Eire Eleonore 

Els Elias 

Em Emanuel 

Eme Emilie 

En Enselbert 

Ep Ephraim 

Er Erich 

Em Ernst 

Erne Ernestine 

Erw Erwin 

Es Erasmus 

Ew Edwin 

Ewd Ewald 

F: Friedrich 

P:e Friederike 

Fee Felicie 

Fd Ferdinand 

Fde Ferdinande 

Fr Fritz 

Fx Felix 

Fz Franz 

G: Georg 

Gb Gottlieb 

Gf Gottfried 

Ghd Gotthold 

Ghf Gotthelf 

Gl Gabriel 

Gib Gottlob 

Gle Gabriele 

Grd Gerhard 

Gst Gustav 

Gsta Gustava 

Gtd Gotthard 

H: Heinrich 

Hb Herbert 

He Hedwig 

Hg Hugo 

Hie Helene 

Him Helmuth 

Hm Hermann 

Hna Helmina 

Hne Hermine 

Hrns Hieronymus 

Hs Hans 

Hte Henriette 

I: Isaak 

Jg Ignaz 

Igs Ignatius 

Im Immanuel 

Ire Irene 

Is Israel 

Iso Isolde 

J: Johann 

J:a Johanna 

J:e Johanne 

J:s Johannes 

Jc Jacob 

Jk Jakob 

Jl Julius 

Jle Julie 

Jne JuUane 

Jm Joachim 

Jr Jeremias 

Js Joseph 

Jse Josephine 

Jt Justus 

Jth Jonathan 

K: Karl 

K:e Karolino 

Ka Klara 

Kd Konrad 

Kl Klemens 

Kle Klementine 

Kn Kuno 

Kp Kaspar 

Kst Konstantin 

Kta Katharina 



L: Ludwig 

La._- Laura 

Lbt Leberecht 

Ld Ludolf 

Lh Leonhard 

Lp Leopold 

Lpe Leopoldine 

Lt Lotha 

Lu Luise 

Lz Lorenz 

M: Markus 

Ma Maria 

Mae Mariane 

Mde Mathilde 

Me Marie 

Mel Melchior 

Mg Magnus 

Mge Margarete 

Ml Michael 

Mlse Melusine 

Mn Martin 

Ms Marius 

Mt Matthias 

Mta Martha 

Mx Maximilian 

Mxe Maximiliane 

Mz Moritz 

N: Nikolaus 

Na Natalie 

Nk Nepomuk 

Ny Nataly 

O: Otto 

Oa Olga 

Ok Oskar 

Os Oswald 

Oto Ottilie 

P: .  Peter 

Ph Philipp 

Phe. Philippine 

PI Paul 

Pie Pauline 

R: Richard 

R:a Ricarda 

Ra Rosa 

Rb Robert 

Rd Rudolf 

Rh Reinhard 

Rid Reinhold 

Rle Rosalie 

Rod Roderich 

S: Samuel 

Sb Sebastian 

Sbl Sebaldus 

Sf Siegfried 

Sg Sigmund 

SI Salo'iion 

Sm Simon 

So Sophie 

St Scephan 

T: Thomas 

Ta Thekla 

Tb Theobald 

Td Theodor 

Te Therese 

Ts Tobias 

U: Ulrich 

Ula Ulrica 

V: Viktor 

VI Valentin 

Vlr Valerius 

W: Wilhelm 

W:e Wilhelmine 

Wcs Wenceslaus 

Wf Wolf 

Wfg Wolfgang 

Wl Walther 

Wlr Waldemar 

Wol Woldemar 

Wr Werner 

Wz Wenzel 

Wzs Wenzeslaus 

X: Xaver 

Z: Zacharias 


Abbelen,  p.  jM. 

1 .  Venerable   Mother  M.  Caroline   Friess.     St.   Louis. 

Herder  1893.     i2mo.  [ac] 

Abekex,  H  :  J  :  W  :  Rd.  1809-72 

2.  Bismark's  pen;  the  life  of  .  .  .  .,  ed.  from  his  letters 

and  journals  by  his  wife.  Tr.  Mrs.  Barrett- 
Lennard  and  M.  W.  Hoper.  Lond.  Allen  191 1. 
il.  376p.  22cm.  [lc] 

Abraham  A  Santa  Clara,  1644-1709 
Selection,  prose,  see  C120. 
Selection,  verse,  sec  C202. 

Achenwall,  Gf.  1719-72 

3.  A 's  observations  on  North  America,  1767.     Tr. 

J.  G.  Rosengarten.    Phil.  1903.  igp.  25cm.         [lc] 

AcKERMANN,  G:  Cn.  Bn.  1763-1833 

4.  The  Christian  element  in  Plato  and  the  Platonic  phi- 

losophy. Tr.  S.  R.  Asbury.  Edin.  Clark  1861. 
22cm.  [lc] 

NY.  Scribner,  W.  &  A.  187-.  [ac] 

Adalbert,  prince  of  Prussia,  181 1-73 

5.  Travels  ....  in  the  south  of  Europe  and  in  Brazil 

....  up  the  Amazon  and  the  Xingu.  Tr.  Sir. 
R.  H.  Schomburgk  and  J :  E :  Taylor.  Lond. 
Bogue  1849.    2v.    22cm.  [lc] 

Adelung,  J :  Cph.  1732-1806 

6.  The  life  of  H.  Graf  von  Briihl.     Lond.     Cooper  & 

Seyflfert  1765?     i2mo.  [bm] 

Adler,  F:  1857 — 

Selection,  I'crse,  see  C14. 

Adolf,  F:  duke  of  Mecklenburg-Schwerin,  1873- 

7.  In  the  heart  of  Africa.     Tr.  G.  E.  Maberly-Oppler. 

26  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Lend ;  NY.  Cassell  1910.    295P.  il.  26cm.  [lc] 

8.  From  the  Congo  to  the  Niger  and  the  Nile   .... 

1910-11.  Lond.  Duckworth  1913.     2v.  23cm.     [lc] 

Agrippa  von  Neti-esheim,  H:  Crn.  i486?-i535 

9.  Selection.    In  "Raphael",  the  art  of  talismanic  magic. 

1880.  4to.  [bms] 

■    10.      The   commendation   of   matrimony   made  by   C.   A. 

and  tr.  into  englishe  by  D.  Clapam.    T.  Berthelet. 

Londini  1545.     8vo.  [bm] 

1 1 .  The  glory  of  women ;  or,  a  looking-glasse  for  ladies 

....  Tr.  into  English  prose,  but  now  turned 
into  heroicall  verse  by  Hugh  Compton,  Gent. 
Lond.  1652.     i2mo.  [bm] 

12.  do.  The  glory   of   women;  or,  a   treatise  declaring 

the  excellency  and  preheminence  of  women  above 
men.    Tr.  E.  Fleetwood.    Lond.  1652.    4to.    [bm] 

13.  do.  Female  pre-eminence;  or,  the  dignity  and  excel- 

lency of  that  sex,  above  the  male.  An  ingenious 
discourse  ....  Done  into  English,  with  additional 
advantages.  By  H.  C  [are].  Lond.  Printed  by 
T.  R.  and  j\L  D.  And  are  to  be  sold  by  H.  Million. 

1670.    83p.    15cm. Also  in  "The  wonders  of  the 

female  world".     Lond.  1683.     14cm.  [lc] 

14.  do.     On  the  superiority  of  woman  over  man  .... 

Tr.  into  French  by  Amaudin,  1713  .  .  .  .  Tr.  into 
Eng.  1873,  in  New  York.  NY.  Am.  News  1873. 
24p.    i8cm.  [lc] 

15.  Fourth  book  of  occult  philosophy.     Tr.  R.  Turner. 

Lond.  Harrison  1655.  2i7p.  il.  17cm.  [lc] 
__  Lond.  1665.    4to.  [bm] 

__  Lond.  1783.     i6mo.  [lc] 

16.  Of    the     vanitie     and     uncertaintie  of    artes  and 

sciences;  Englished  by  Jas.  San  (ford)  Gent. 
Imprinted  at  London  by  Henrie  Bynncman,  dwell- 
ing in  Knightryder  streete,  at  the  sigue  of  the 
Mermayde.     Anno.  1569.     4to.  [bms] 

--  1575.     i87p.     i8cm.  [lc] 


17.  do.  The  vanity  of  artes  and  sciences.  Lend.  Printed 

for  Speed.     1676.    368p.  i8cm.  [lc] 

_-   1694.    8vo.  [bm] 

18.  Three  books  of  occult  philosophy  or  magic   .... 

Book  one.  Natural  magic.  Ed.  (from  the  tr.  by 
J.  F.  published  1651)  by  W.  F.  Whitehead.  Chic. 
Hahn  &  Whitehead  1898.     288p.  il.  25cm.     [lc] 

Ahlborn,  Frau  Lu.    See  "Haidheim,  L." 

Akuxl\n,  Frau  Use  (Levien),  1852-1908,  see  "Frapan,  Use." 

Albert,  prince  consort  of  Queen  Victoria, 
Selection,  verse,  see  C53. 

Albert,  H:  1604-55? 

Selection,  verse,  see  C180,  C265. 

Alberti,  Frau  So.   (Modinger),   1826-92,  see  "Verena,  So." 
Albertini,  J:  Bp.  v.  1769-1831 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264,  C265. 

Albinus,  J:  G:  1624-79 

Selection,  verse,  see  C265,  C266,  C126. 

Albrecht,  Markgraf  von  Brandenburg-Baireuth,  1522-57 
Selection,  verse,  see  C221,  C264,  C266. 

Albrecht  vox  Johaxnsdorf,  fl.  1 185-1209 
Selection,  verse,  sec  C13,  C186. 

Albrecht,  von  Rapperschwyl,  early  14th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C181,  C186,  C244. 

Alexander,  der  wilde. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C181,  C186. 

Alexander  von  B.\ttenberg,  prince, 

See  Koch,  Ad.,  Prince  A__  of  B__ ;  reminiscences 
of  his  reign,  etc.     #3039. 

"Alexis,  Wilibald"  (i.  e.  Haring,  W:  1797-1871) 
Selection,  verse,  see  C20,  C62,  C137. 

19.  Burgomaster  of  Berlin.     [Der  Roland  von  Berlin.] 

Tr.  W.  A.  G.  Lond.  Saunders  &  Otiey  1843.  3V. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

28  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

"Alexius  Wilieald"  — 

20.  Hans  Preller.     Tr.  C.  L.  Lewes.     In  "Tales   from 

Blackwood",  3d  series,  1889-91.    Vol.  3.  [lc] 

Alkuin,  ca.  735-801 

Sec  Lorentz,  F :,  Life  of  A__.     #3619. 

Allendorf,  J:  L:  Kd.  1693-1773 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C265. 

Allmers,  Hm.  1821- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68,  C198,  C267. 

Altenburg,  J:  Ml.  1583-1640 

Selection,  verse,  see  C127,  C25,  C180,  C265. 

Ambros,  a  :  W  : 

21.  The  boundaries  of  music  and  poetrj'.     A  study  in 

musical  aesthetics.      Tr.    J :    H :    Cornell.     NY. 
Schirmer  1893.     i87p.     19cm.  [lc] 

__  New  issue  1900.     i6mo.  [ac] 

Ambrosius,  J  :a.  see  Voigt,  J  :a.  A. 

Andreae,  J:  VI.  1586- 1654 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C264. 
2ia.    The  hermetick  romance;  or,  the  chymical  wedding. 
Tr.  E.   Foxcroft.      Lond.      Sowle    1690.     226p. 
15cm.     (LC  ascribes  to  Cn.  Roscncreuts.)       [lc] 


22.  Eva:  a  book  for  girls.     Tr.  G.  S.  Grahame.    Lond. 

Simpkin  1883.     8vo.  [ec] 

"Angelus  Silesius"  (i.  e.  SchefHer,  J:  1624-77) 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C141,  C221,  C264,  C265,  C266, 
C138,  C180,  C103,  C44,  C172,  C126,  C63,  C134, 
C220,  C177,  C185. 

23.  Angelus   Silesius,   selection   from  the  rhymes  of  a 

german  mystic.     Tr.  Paul  Cams. 

Chic.  Open  Court ;  Lond.  K.  Paul   1909.     I74p. 

il.  iTK-m.  [lc] 

Anna,  Griifin  Stolbcrg 

Sec  Wellnier,  Am.     #5999. 


Anton,  V:,  duke  of  Braunschweig-Wolfenbiittcl,  1633-1714 
Selection,  verse,  sec  C44,  C180,  C264,  C265. 

Anzengruber,  L:  1839-89 

24.  The  farmer  forsworn.     Tr.  Ad.  Busse  and  B.  Q. 

Morgan.     In  C91,  vol.  16. 

25 .  The  fourth  commandment,  drama  in  four  acts.    Tr. 

and  ad.  A.  Sigmann.    Pittsburg  19 12.    Tp.      [lc] 

Apel,  J:  A:  1771-1816 

26.  The     fatal     marksman.      (Der     Freischiitz.)      Tr. 

"Globus,  Septimus".    1824.    8vo.  [bm] 

Also  in  C203. 

2y .     do.  The  Freischiitz;  or,  the  magic  balls.    Tr.  Hay- 
ward  in  C118. 
__  Also  in  C216. 

28.  do.  The  original  legend  of  the  Freischutz.       Lond. 

Schloss  1813.     i8mo.  [ec] 

29.  The  piper  of  Neisse.    In  C50. 

Appenzeller,  Js.  Cd. 

30.  Gertrude  de  Wart;  or,  fidelity  until  death.     Lond. 

1826.     i2mo.  [bm] 

Appuhx,  a.  W. 

31.  Memoir  of  the    Rev.    H:    Moewes,  late  pastor  of 

Altenhausen  and  Ivenrode,   Prussia.     1840.  8vo. 


Archenholz,  J:  W:  v.  1743-1812 

2,2.     History  of  the  pirates,   free-booters,  or  buccaneers 
of  America.     Tr.  G.  ^Mason.     Lond.   1807.  i2mo. 


33.  History  of  the  seven  years'  war  in  Germany.     Tr. 

F.  A.  Catty.    Frankfort  0.  M.  1843.    i8mo.     [bm] 

34.  A  picture  of  England.    (Tr.  from  French.)       [bi8] 

35.  do.   A  new  translation.    Lond.     1797.     i2mo.  [bm] 

36.  A  picture  of  Italy.     (From  "England  und  Italien.") 

Tr.  J.  Trapp.    Lond.  1791.    2v.  i2mo.  [bm] 

Arends,  W:  Es.  d.  1721 

37.  Early  piety  recommended  in  the  life  and  death  of 

30  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


C.   L.   von   Exter.      Rendered    from    the   High- 


Dutch.     Lond. 

1710?     i2mo. 

Arlberg,  Max 

38.     Joseph      Freifeld. 



Caspar      1887. 


Arndt,  Em.  Mz.  1769-1860 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C68,  C38,  C15,  C185,  C202, 
C62,  C103,  C265,  C266,  C52,  C105,  C108,  C44, 
C221,  C54,  €201(17),  €91(5),  C8,  C145,  C160. 
39.  Fairy  tales  from  the  Isle  of  Riigen.  Sel.  tr. 
Anna  Dabis.  Lond.  Nutt  1896.  il.  237P.  8vo.  [bpl] 
t40.  Spirit  of  the  times  (Part  I).  Tr.  Rev.  P[eter] 
W[ill?]  Lond.  Thiselton  1808.  ii6p.  8vo. 
[Too  free.]  [bpl] 

41.  do.    (Part  II).  [bm] 

42.  Life     and     adventures.      (Arndt's    autobiography, 

abridged,  with  extracts  from  letters  and  ztrit- 
iiigs.)  Tr.  J :  R.  Seeley  ?  Lond.  Seeley,  J.  &  H. 
1879.    450p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Arndt  (or  Arnd).  J:  1555-1621 

See  Wildenhahn,  A :,  J :  A ,  a  historical  life-pic- 
ture.    #6137. 

Arnheim,  Me.  v. 

43 .  Memoirs ;  written  by  herself.     Tr.  from  orig.  MS. 

Lond.     1848.     i2mo.  [bm] 


44.  Extract    from   an   infantry   captain's   journal.     Tr. 

C.  J.  East.  Kansas  City,  Mo.  Hudson-Kim- 
berley  1897.     i2mo.  [ac] 

Arnim,  Bna.     (Brentano)  v.  1785-1859 

45.  Goethe's  correspondence  with  a  child.     Tr.  by  her- 

self and  Mrs.  Austin.  Lond.  Longman  1837. 
54op.  [lc] 

46.  do.  Berlin;  Lond.  Longman   1837-9.     3^-  390-  347- 

325P.     8vo.     (Vols.  I  and  II  say  "in  tivo  vols". 


Vol.  II  has  sub-title  "Diary".)  [bm] 

46a.   do.  The  diary  of  a  child.    Berlin  1838.    32sp.  i2mo. 

(Vol.  Ill  of  #46.)  [bus] 

Lend.     Longman  1840.    8vo.  [ec] 

47.  do.  First  American  from  Lond.  ed.  Lowell,  Mass. 

Bixby  1841.    2v.  [uw] 

48.  do.  Host.    Ticknor  &  F.  1859.    504?.    i8cm.  [Repr. 

fr.  Lond.  ed.]     _.  1868.  [lc] 

**49.     do.  (c.vtr.)    Tr.  \V.  S.  Murray  in  C91,  vol.  7. 

50.  Giinderode.    Host.  Peabody  1842.  io6p.  i2mo.  [lco] 

51.  do.  Correspondence    of    Fraulein    Giinderode    and 

Bettina  von  Arnim.     Host.  Burnham  1861.     344p. 
i2mo.  [lco] 

Arnim,  Harry  Kurd  E:  K:  v.  1824-81 

52.  Pro  nihilo.    The  prelude  to  the  Arnim  trial,     ist  pt. 

Lond.  1876.    8vo.  [bm] 

53.  Reply  to    the    charges    contained    in    a  letter  from 

Prince   Bismarck   to   the   Emperor   of    Germany, 
April  14th,  1873.    Lond.  1877.    8vo.  [bm] 

Arnim,  L:  Achim  v.  1781-1831 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C148. 

54.  Des  Knaben  Wunderhorn,  sel.  tr.  by  M.  Miinster- 

berg  in  C91,  vol.  5. 

Arnold,  Gf.  1666-1714 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264,  C265,  C266. 

"Arnold,  Hs."  (i.  e.  Biilow,  Babette  v.  1850-) 
Selection,  prose,  sec  C132. 

Arx,  Adn.  V. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C190. 

ASSCHENFELD,  K  :  Jl.    1 792- 1 856 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221. 

"Auer,  Ade.  V."  (i.e.  Cte.  v.  Cosel,  1818— ) 

55.  It  is  the  fashion.     By  the  translator  of  "Over  yon- 

der", "Magdalena",  etc.     Phil.     Lippincott  1872. 
293P-     19cm.  __  1879.  i6cm.  [lc] 


AUERBACH,  Bd.   1812-82 

Selection,  prose,  sec  C160. 

**56.     Aloys.    Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.    NY.    Holt  1877.    263?. 

17cm.  [lc] 

*57.      The  barefooted  maiden.     (Barfiissele.)     II.     by  E. 

H.  Wehnert.    Lond.    Low  1857.    8vo.  [bm] 

Bost.  Munroe  1858?  i2mo.  [ac] 

*58.     do.  The    little    barefoot.     Tr.    E.    B.    Lee.     Bost. 

Fuller  1867.    275p.    il.     i8cm.  [lc] 

59.     do.  Little  barefoot;  or,  strive  and  trust.    Tr.  H.  W. 

Dulcken.     II.  B.  Vautier.     Lond.  1873.  410.   [bm] 

__  Routledge  1872.     il.     8vo.  [eg] 

**6o.     do.  (abr.)     Tr.  H.  W.  Dulcken  and  P.  B.  Thomas. 

In  C91,  vol.  8. 

**6i .     Black   forest  village  stories.     Tr.  C.  Goepp.     NY. 

Holt  1874.    il.    377p.     17cm.  [lc] 

__  NY.    1869.     i2mo.  [bm] 

62.     Brigitta.     Tr.  Clara  Bell.     Leipz.     Tauchnitz ;  Lond. 

Low  1880.    286p.  i6cm.  [lc] 

__  NY.  Munro  1880.    22p.    4to.  [lco] 

163.     do.  Tr.    J.     A.     McBrayer.     Sr.      Louisville,    Ky. 

Carothers  1902.    97p.  19cm.  [lc] 

64.  Christian  Gellert,  and  other  sketches.     Lond.     1858. 

8vo.  [bm] 

65.  Christian  Gellert's  last  Christmas.     In  C236  (taken 

from  #76). 

66.  Cinderella  of  the  black  forest.     (Abr.)    In  C106. 

67.  The  convicts  and  tlicir  children.     Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks. 

NY.  Holt  1877.    28ip.  17cm.  [lc] 
Lond.  Dulau  1877.     8vo.  [ec] 

68.  The  country  house  on  the  Rhine.     (Das  Landhaus 

am  Rhein.)     Lond.     Bcntley  1870.   3V.   8vo.  [bm] 
♦69.     do.  The  villa  on  the  Rhine.     Tr.  Jas.  Davis.     NY. 
Leypoldt  &  Holt   1869.     2v.    17cm.     Holt    1911. 
99op.     19cm.  [lc] 

70.  do.  Villa  Eden:  the  country-house  on  the  Rhine. 
Tr.  C:  C.  Shackford.  Bost.  Roberts  1869.  549P. 
22cm.  [lc] 


*/!.  Edelweiss.  Tr.  Ellen  Frothiughani.  Bost.  Roberts 
1869.    345p.     17cm.  [lc] 

72.     do.  Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.     Lond.    Dulau  1877.       [b8] 

72a.   Florian  and  Crescence.     In  #61. 

7^.     do.  Tr.  Meta  Taylor.    Lond.    Chapman  &  H.  1853. 
95p.     i2mo.  [bm] 

74.     The  Foresters.     (Der  Forstmeister.)    NY.  Appleton 
1880.     ipip.     17cm.  [lc] 

74a.   The  Gawk.     In  #61. 

*75.  German  evenings,  (with  other  tales  by  G.  v.  Heev- 
ingen,  A.  v.  Imhof,  afterwards  Helwig,  and  F. 
Kruse.)  Tr.  J.  L.  Lowdell.  Lond.  Chapman 
&  H.  1869.    325p.    20cm.  [lc] 

76.     German  tales.     Bost.  Roberts  i86g.     352p.  17cm. 


76a.   Good  government.    In  #61. 
**77.     The  good  hour;  or,  evening  holiday.     (Zur  guten 
Stunde.)     Tr.    H.    W.    Dulcken.      Lond.     Rout- 
ledge    1876.      Svo.       [Collection    of    stories    and 
sketches.]  [Bost.] 

77a.   The  hostile  brothers.     In  #61. 

78.     Ivo,  a  village  talc.    Lond.  Bogue  1847.     i6mo.    [eg] 

78a.  do.  Ivo,  the  gentleman.    In  #61. 
*79.     Joseph  in  the  snow.     (Joseph  im  Schnee.)     Lond. 
Lovell  1867.     196P.     __  Bost.  Fuller  1868.     I96p. 
1 8cm.  [lc] 

80.     do.  and,  the  clockmaker.    Tr.  Lady  Wallace.    Lond. 

Saunders  &  O.  1861.    3V.  i2mo.  [bm] 

*8i .     Landolin.      (Landolin     von     Reutershofen.)      Tr. 

Annie  B.  Irish.     NY.  Holt  1878.     265P.     17cm. 

[Undistinguished;  careless.]  [lc] 

82.  Lorley  and  Reinhard.    Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.    NY.  Holt 

1877-    377P-     17cm.  [lc] 

—  Lond.  Dulau  1877.    Svo.  [ec] 

82a.   Manor-house  farmer's  Vefela.    In  #6r. 

83.  Master  Bieland  and  his  workmen.  Tr.  E.  Hancock. 

NY.  Holt  1883.     266p.  17cm.  [lc] 

84.  Narrative  of    events    in    Vienna,    from  Latour  to 

Windischgriitz.     (From  "Tagebuch  aus  Wien.") 



Tr.  J:  E:  Taylor.     Lend.     Bogue   1849.     252?. 

i8cm.  [lc] 

84a.   Nip-cheeked  Toney.     In  #61. 
85.     On  the  heights.     (Auf  der  Hohe.)     Tr.  F.  E.  Bun- 

nett.     Leipz.    Tauchnitz  1867.    3V.  i6cm.       [lc] 
**86.     do.    Revised  ed.  Bost.  Roberts  1869.    544  p.  i8cm. 

NY.     Burt  190-.    692P.     19cm.  [lc] 

*87.     do.  Tr.  S.  A.  Stern.    NY.  Holt  1875.    624p.    19cm. 

1899.     2v.    82ip.     17cm. 1912.     one  vol. 

19cm.     [Too  free.]  [lc] 

87a.   do.  -_  Bost.  Caldwell  1896.     i2mo.  [ac] 

87b.   do.  Phil.  Porter  &  Coates.  _.  Chic.  Rand,  McNally 

1891. Winston  1902.  [b8] 

87c.    The  pipe  of  war.     In  #61. 

88.  Poet  and  merchant;  a  picture  of  life  from  the  times 

of  Moses  Mendelssohn.  (Dichter  und  Kauf- 
mann.)  Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.  NY.  Holt  1877. 
460P.  [lc] 

89.  The  professor's  lady.    NY.  Harper  1850.  8vo.  [ac] 

__  Tr.  Ma.  Howitt.    Harper  187-.  [ac] 

_-  NY.     Munro   1882.     2op.     4to.  [lco] 

90.  do.  The  professor's  wife.    Lond.  1851.    8vo.     [bm] 

Drane  1903.    8vo.  [ec] 

*9i .  Spinoza.  Tr.  E.  Nicholson.  Leipz.  Tauchnitz; 
Lond.  Low  1882.  2v.  i6cm.  _.  NY.  Holt  1882. 
444p.    17cm.  [lc] 

__  NY.  Munro  1882.    47p.  4to.  [ac] 

92.  Stories  of  the  black  forest.    Longman.  [b8] 

93.  Tales.     Tr.  A.  H.  Fox.     Longman  1890.  [b8] 

94.  Two   stories.      Christian    Gellert,    the    Stepmother. 

Lond.    Sonnenschein  1882.    250P.  8vo.  [ec] 

95.  Village  talcs  from  the  black  forest.    Tr.  Meta  Tay- 

lor.   Lond.     Bogue  1846-7.     2v.  i6mo.  [bm] 

96.  Waldfricd.    Lond.     1874.    3v.  8vo.  [bm] 

97.  do.  Tr.  S.  A.  Stern.      NY.      Lovell   1874.      514P. 

i8cm.     _.  NY.     Holt  1874.     5i4p.     i2nio.     [lc] 

AuKRSPERG,  \\\.  A.\.  graf  v.  1806-76,  sec  "Griin,  .■Xnastasius" 


Augusta,  grand  duchess  of  Mecklenburg- Schwerin, 

See  Jahn,  K.,  A_-  cte.  a  biographical  sketch.    #2846. 

Ayrenhoff,  Cm.  Hm.  1733-1819 

98.  The  set  of  horses,  by  Emdorff  (i.  e.  Ayrenhoff). 

In  C60. 

Ayrer,  Jk.  d.  altere,  d.1605 

99.  The  comedy  of  the  beautiful  Sidea    ....     the 

only  drama  extant  which  points  to  the  plot  of 
Shakespeare's  Tempest ;  and,  the  comedy  of  the 
beautiful  Phaenicia  ....  containing  the 
plot  of  Shakespeare's  Much  ado  about  nothing. 
Tr.  T.  Solly.    In  C41. 

B.\B0,  Fz.  Js.  Ms.  1756-1822 

100.  Otto  of  Wittelsbach;  or,  the  choleric  count;  a  trag. 

in  five  acts.    Also,  Dagobert,  king  of  the  Franks, 
a  tragedy.     In  C247,  vol.  4. 
loi .      The  Strelitzes.     In  C94. 

Bach,  K:  Ph.  Em.  1714-88 
Letters,  in  €257. 

Bach,  J :  Sb.  1685-1750 

See  Bitter,  K:,  Life  of  J.  S.  Bach.     #247. 
See  Forkel,  J  :,  Life  of  J :  Sb.  Bach.    #883. 
Sec  Schweitzer,  Alb.,  J.  S.  Bach.    #5344. 
See  Spitta,  Jl.,  J.  S.  Bach.     #5433. 
Sec  Ziemssen,  L:,  J:  Sb.  Bach.    #6417. 

Baehr,  Jl. 

102.  Naughty  boys  and  girls.     Tr.  Mme.  de  Chatelain. 

Lond.  Addey  1852.    il.    4to.  [bm] 


103.  Midsummer   days   at   Castle   B__    Lond.     Christ. 

knowl.  Soc.  1865.     i6mo.  [bm] 

Bahnmaier,  Jth.  F:  1774-1841 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C180,  C221,  C266. 

Bahr,  Hm.  1863- 

104.  The  concert.    Ad.  Leo  Ditrichstein  1910.         [B19] 

36  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


105.  The  master.    Ad.  B :  Glazer  1916.  [BI9I 

Bahr-Mildenburg,  Anna,  1872-  and 
Bahr,  Hm. 

106.  Bayreuth  and    the    Wagner    theatre.      Tr.  T.  W. 

Makepeace.     Lend.  Unwin   1912.     95p.     19cm. 


Baierlein,  E.  R. 

107.  The  land  of  the  Tamulians  and  its  missions.     Tr. 

J.  D.  B.  Gribble.    Madras  1875.    8vo.  [bm] 

Ball,  Hm. 

108.  Thirza;  or,  the  attractive  power  of  the  cross.    Tr. 

E.  M.  Lloyd.     Lond.   1842.     i2mo.     —  Lond. 
1877.    i6mo.  [bm] 

Balling,  Fz.  An. 

109.  A  short  description    of    Kissingen,  its  baths  and 

mineral  waters.    Tr.  Sir  A.  M.  Downie.    Frank- 
fort o.  M.  1841.    i2mo.  [bm] 

Bamberger,  L:  1823-79 

no.  Count  Bismarck.  A  political  biography.  Tr.  C: 
L.  Lewis.  Breslau.  Giinther.  Lond.  Triibuer 
1869.    229p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

Bandelin,  J :  N  :  1741-1824 

Selection,  verse,  see  C105. 

Barharossa,  (i.e.  Friedrich  I,  1123?-!  190) 
See  Kilhn,  Fz.,  B__.  #3292. 

Barth,  Cn.  Gib.  1799- 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126. 

111.  Benoni ;  or,  the  triumph  of  Christianity  over  Juda- 

ism.    Tr.  S.  Jackson.     Lond.     Wertheim   1856. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

._  Phil.  Pros.  Bd.  n.  d.     i8mo.  [.\C7] 

112.  Bible  stories  for  the  young.     Loni.  Rel.  Tr.  Soc. 

1845.    28op.  i2mo.  [bm] 

.-  Phil.  U.  P.  Bd.  of  Pub.  n.  d.   2v.   i8mo.  [ac7] 


113.  The  child  of  the  rock.     Phil.     Pres.  Bd.  of  Pub. 

1869.     I92p.     i8mo.  [lco] 

114.  Christmas  morning;  or,  the  little  ink  cask.     Edin. 

1851.     i2mo.  [bm] 

Edin.  Hamilton  1857.    i8mo.  [ec] 

__  Lond.  Houlston  1868.     i8mo.  [ec] 

115.  CuflF,  the  negro  boy.    Edin.  Hamilton  185 1.  24mo. 


3d  ed.  Edin.  Hamilton.     1851.     i8mo.       [ec] 

Lond.  Houlston  1868.  i8mo.  [ec] 

116.  Examples  and    warnings.      Lond.     Darton   1841. 

i6mo.  [bm] 

117.  General  history  briefly  told.    Lond.  Rel.  Tract  Soc. 

1840.     i8mo.  [ec] 

118.  Gregorj'  Viran;   or,   the   window-shutter.     Lond. 

Houlston  1868.     i8mo.  [ec] 

119.  Huguenot    galley-slaves.      Phil.      Pres.    Bd.    n.d. 

i8mo.  [ac7] 

120.  J:  G:  Schinidgall.     Lond.     Darton  1838.     i6mo. 


121.  The  juvenile  artist.     Tr.  S.  Jackson.     Lond.  Dar- 

ton 1838.    i6mo.  [bm] 

122.  Mick  and  Nick;  or,  the  power  of  conscience.     Tr. 

R.  Menzies.    Edin.  Hamilton  1849.    i2mo.  [bm] 
__  Lond.  Houlston  1868.    i8mo.  [ec] 

123.  Moravians.    Lond.  Darton  1838.    i6mo.  [ec] 

124.  Natalie;  or,  the  broken  spring.     Edin.  Hamilton. 

1849.     i8mo.  [ec] 

_-  Lond.  Houlston  1868.     i8mo.  [ec] 

125.  do.  and     Setma,    the    Turkish    maiden.      Edin. 

Hamilton  1853.     i2mo.  [bm] 

126.  Poor  Henry.  Lond.  1840?    32mo.  [bm] 

127.  do.  Tr.  S.  Jackson.    Lond.    1851.    8vo.  [bm] 

128.  do.  or,  the  pilgrim    hut    of  Weissenstein.  Tr.  S. 

A.  M.  Lond.     Wertheim  i8mo.     Darton   1854. 

i6mo.  [bm] 

128a.  do.  Phil.  Pres.  Bd.  n.  d.    i8mo.  [ac7] 

128b.     do.    NY.  Am.  S.  S.  Union  1877.  96p.  i8mo.  [lco] 

38  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


129.  The  raven's  feather.     NY.  Am.  S.  S.  Union  n.d. 

i8mo.  [ac7] 

130.  do.  The  raven's  feathers.    Lond.    Rel.  Tract  See. 

1878.    i6mo.  [bm] 

131.  Rene,  the  young  crusader.     Lond.   Darton    1839. 

i6mo.  [ec] 

132.  Setma,  the  Turkish  girl.     Phil.  Presb.  Bd.   1869. 

i2op.  i8mo.  [lco] 

133.  do.  and  Woodroof,  the  Swedish  bo)-.     Lond.  R. 

Clarke  1838.    8vo.  [bm] 

134.  do.  Setma,  the  Turkish  maiden.     NY.     Am.  S.  S. 

Union  1876.     88p.  iSmo.  [lco] 

135.  Stories  for  Christian  children.     Tr.  R.   Menzies. 

Pt.  I-IIL     Stuttgart  1850-1.     i2mo.  [bm] 

136.  do.  2d  series.    Edin.  Hamilton  1854.    356p.  i2mo. 


137.  do.     2d  series.    Edin.    Hamilton  1S57.    iSmo.  [ec] 

138.  The  wanderer.    Lond.  Darton  1838.     i6mo.     [ec] 

139.  The  weaver  of  Ouellbrunn;  or,  the  roll  of  cloth. 

Tr.  T.  E.  Ryland.    Edin.  Hamilton  1851.    24mo. 

do.  Lond.  Houlston  1868.     i8mo.  [ec] 

140.  Winter    evening    stories.      Lond.      Darton    1838. 

i6mo.  [ec] 

141 .  The  young  Tyrolese.     Lond.  Darton  1838.     x6mo. 


Barth,  H:  1821-65 

142.  Travels    and    discoveries    in    North    and    Central 

Africa,  1849-55.    Lond.    1857-8.    5V.  8vo.    [bm] 

Bartsch,  Rd.  Hs.  1873- 

*I43.     Elizabeth   Koett.     Tr.   L.   Lewisohn.     NY.    Fitz- 
gerald 1910.     19cm.     265P.     [Too  free.]      [lc] 
144.     The  Styrian  wine-carter.     Tr.  B.  Q.  Morgan.     In 
C91,  vol.  19. 

Basedow,  J:  Bh.  1723-90  (properly  J:  Bcrend  Basscdau) 

See  Raumcr,  K.,  Ratich,  Comenius,  and  Basedow. 


Baudissin,  \Vf.  Er.  Hg.  El.,  graf  v.  1867- 

145.  First-class  men;  a  novel  of  German  army  life,  by 

"Freiherr  von  Schlicht."     NY.     Schnitzer  1904. 
285P.     I 8cm.  [lc] 

146.  Life  in  a  crack  regiment.    Novel  of  German  mili- 

tary manners  and  morals.     Lond.    Unwin  1900. 

368p.    8vo.     __  1908.  [ec] 

146a.   do.  same.    4th  ed.  Lond.  Unwin  1914.    32op.  8vo. 


NY.  Dodd,  Mead  1915.    3209.     19cm.       [lc] 

Bauer,  K:e  Phe.  A:e,  1807-78 

147.  C.  B and  the  Coburgs.    Tr.  (from  her  memoirs) 

by  C:  Nisbet.     Lond.     Vizetelly.     1885.  404P. 

i6mo.  [lco] 

T48.     Posthumous   memoirs.      Lond.     Remington  i'884. 

2v.    8vo. 2d  ed.  1885.    2v.  [ec] 

148a.  do.  same.  3d  ed.  Remington  1885.    4V.  23cm. 

NY.  Scribner  &  W.  Bost.  Roberts  1885.  644P. 

19cm.  [lc] 

Bauer,  Klara,  1836-76,  see  "Detlef,  Carl" 

Bauernfeld,  E  :  v.  1802-90 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68,  C267. 

Baum,  P:  1869- 

S  elect  ion,  verse,  see  C14- 

Baumann,  J. 

149.  The  rose  of  Jericho;  or,  Christmas  eve.     In  C50. 

Baumbach,  Rd.  1840-1905 

150.  The  Egyptian  fire-eater.     Tr.  Helen  B.  Dole.     In 

C236,  vol.  I  (from  #153). 

151.  The  fountain  of  youth.    Tr.  Minnie  B.  Hudson.   In 


152.  The  forgotten  well.    Tr.  White.    Lord  1901.    [e8] 
*I53.     Summer  legends.    Tr.  H.  B.  Dole.     NY.  Crowell 

1888.     287P.     i8cm.      [Inaccurate.     Style  very 
good.]  [lc] 

--  Lond.  Scott  1889.    8vo.  [ec] 

40  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Tales  from    wonderland.    Tr.    Dole.     Scott 

1890.    287p.    i8cm.  [lc] 

Camelot  classics.     Scott  1891.     2879.     8vo. 


154.  __  Ad.  W:  S.  M.  Silber.    NY.  Lovell  1903.     [Less 

than  half.]     I22p.    19cm.  [lc] 

Wonderful     wonderland     tales.      Tr.   Dole. 

Lond.    Simmons  1903.  [b8] 

155.  __  Ed.  J.  M.    Stradling.      NY.     Stradling  1903. 

(From  London  ed.)   I46p.  [lc] 

156.  Tales.    NY.    Crowell.  [b8] 

157.  The  water  of  youth.     Tr.  J.  E.  Kennedy.     Lond. 

Scott  19 1 3.  [ec] 

Baumgaertner,  Ax. 

158.  Namameha  and  Watonilka.     In  A181. 

Baumgart,  Hm. 

159.  Goethe's  Marchen.     A  politico-national  confession 

of  faith.    Tr.  I.  N.  Judson.    In  C141,  vol.  22. 

Baumgarten,  Mn.  v.,  zu  Braitenbach,  1473-1641 

160.  Travels     ....     through  Egypt,  Arabia,  Pales- 

tine, and  Syria.  Tr.  from  the  Latin  by  Christoph 
Donauer.  In  Churchill,  Coll.  of  Voyages  and 
travels.     Vol.    i.     Lond.    1732.     fol.     1744- 

—  1752-  [bm] 

161.  do.  In  Moore,  J.  H.    New  coll.  of  voyages.    Vol. 

2.     1785?    fol.  [bm] 

Baur,  W  :  1826-97 

162.  Religious  life  in  Germany  during  the  wars  of  in- 

dependence. Tr.  J.  Sturge.  Lond.  1870.  5v. 
8vo.     _-  1872.  [bm] 

—  Lond.  Strahan  1870.     2v.     362,  33op.  i2mo. 

__  NY. ;  Lond.  Routledge  1870.    2v.    8vo.     [ac] 

Bayer,  Rb.  i.e.  K:  Rb.  Emmerich  v..  sec  "Byr,  Rb." 


Bebel,  Fd.  A:  1840- 

**i63.     B 's  reminiscences.     Tr.   ist  Ger.  ed.  E.  Unter- 

mann.    NY.    Socialist  lit.  co.  191 1-    20cm.  [lc] 

164.  My    life.      Lond.      Unwin    1912.      344p.      23cm. 

[Cuts  severely;  otherwise  excellent.]  [lc] 

165.  Woman  in  the  past,  present  and  future.    Tr.  H.  B. 

A.  Walther.    Brooklyn.    Bordollo  1886.  S.    [ac] 
__  NY.    Lovell  1886.  268p.  i8cm.  __  1891.  [lc] 

166.  Woman  under  socialism.    Tr.  33d  ed.    D.  De  Leon. 

NY.     Labor  News  1904.     379p.     19cm.     [lc] 

**i67.     Woman  and  socialism.    Jubilee  50th  ed.    Tr.  Meta 

L.  Stern.     NY.     Socialist  lit.  co.  1910.     5i2p. 

20cm.  [lc] 

Bech,  W:e.  baronin  von  der,  1851- 

168.  Personal  adventures    in    Hungary.      Tr.    M.  A. 

Garvey.    Lond.    Bentley  1850.    2v.    19cm.  [lc] 

Bechstein,  L:  1801-60 

Selection,  verse,  see  C105,  C198. 

169.  As  pretty  as  seven,    and    other    popular  German 

tales  collected  by  L B,-.    Lond.   Hotten  1872. 

367P.    8vo.    111.  by  Richter.     [Contains  some  of 
the  Grimm  fairy  tales,  same  tr.  as  #170.]   [bm] 

170.  The  old  story  teller.    Popular  German  tales.    Col- 

lected by  L.  B.    Lond.    Addey  1854.    8vo.  [bm] 

Beck,  K:  1817-79 

Selection,  verse,  see  C146,  C68,  C38,  C8. 

Becker,  A :  1828-91 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68. 

171.  Tempted  of  the  devil.     Passages  in  the  life  of  a 

cabbalist.    Retold  by  M.  W.  Macdowall.    Bost. 
Cupples  &  H.  1888?    33op.     19cm.  [lc] 

-.  Gardner  1888.    8vo.  [ec] 

Becker,  K:  F:  1777-1806 

Selection,  prose,  see  Ci78a. 

See  Schmidt,  F.,  joint  author.    Gods  and  heroes. 

42  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Becker,  N  :  1809-45 

Selection,  verse,   see   C15,    C38,    C226,  C62,  C18, 
C103,  C90. 

Becker,  W:  Ad.  1796-1846 

172.  Charicles ;  or,  illustrations  of  the  private  life  of  the 

ancient  Greeks.  Tr.  F.  Metcalfe.  3d  ed.  NY. 
Appleton  1866.  5i2p.  19cm.  4th  ed.  Lond. 
Longmans  1874.  _.  8th  ed.  Lond ;  NY.  Long- 
mans 1889.     New    Impression.      Longmans 

1899.    5i2p.  [lc] 

173.  Gallus;  or,  Roman  scenes  of  the  time  of  Augustus. 

Tr.  F.  Metcalfe.     Lond.     Parker  1849.     535?. 

20cm. 3d  ed.  NY.  Appleton  1866. 5th 

ed.  Lond.  Longmans   1876.     9th  ed.  Lond. 

Longmans  18S8.  __  New  ed.  Lond.  Longmans 
1898.    S35P-  [lc] 

Becker,  W:  Gb.  1753-1813 

Selection,  verse,  see  C62. 

Beer,  Ml.  1800-33 

174.  The  paria.     A  tragedy.     Tr.   Earl  of   Ellesmere. 

Lond.     Sams  1836.    3op.    8vo.  [bm] 

Beethoven,  L:  van,  1770- 1827 

Selection,  letters,  see  C160. 

Fidelio.     See  Sonnleithner,  Js. 
**I75.     Letters,  1790-1826     .     .     .     .     Tr.  Lady  Wallace. 
Lond.  Longmans  1866.     2v.  19cm.  [lc] 

**I76.  Letters;  critical  ed.  with  notes  by  Dr.  A.  C. 
Kalischer.  Tr.  J.  S.  Shedlock.  Lond.  Dent ; 
NY.  Dutton  1909.    2v.  23cm.  [lc] 

♦177.     Letters,  tr.  Shedlock.     In  C91,  vol.  6.     [Inaccura- 
cies, liberties  with  style.] 

Sec  Hoffmann,  Fz.,  L v.  B...    #2679. 

See  Marx,  A.,  B__'s  F  minor  sonata.    #3756. 
See  Mueller,  Hg.,  a  dramatized  episode  from  B — 's 
life.     #3994. 

Sec  Nohl,  K :,  B depicted  by  his  contemporaries. 

Also,  Life  of  B__.    #4198,  #4200,  #4207. 


Sec  Rau,  H.,  B.-,  a  biographical  romance.    #445°- 
See  Reinecke,  K:,    The    B—    pianoforte  sonatas. 

Sec  Schindler,  A.,  Life  of  B„.    #5035. 
See  Wagner,  R.,  B_-  etc.  #5811-14,  #5819- 
See  Wegcler,  Fz.,  Furioso;  or,  passages  from  the 
life  of  B_-.    #5895. 
**I78.     Life.     Beethoven,  the  man  and  the  artist,  as  re- 
vealed in  his  own  words.    Compiled  by  F.  Kerst, 
tr.  H :  E :  Krehbiel.    NY.    Huebsch  1905.     nop. 
20cm.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C138,  C266. 

Behrens,  Bta.  1850-    sec  "Heimburg,  W." 

Behrens,  G:  Henning,  1662- 1712 

179.  The  natural  history  of  Hartz-Forest,  in  his  majesty 

King    George's    German     dominions.       Tr.    J: 
Andree.  Lond.  Osborne  1730.    i64p.  20cm.  [lc] 

Beissel,  J  :  Cd.  1690-1768 

180.  A    unique    MS    by    Rev.    P:    Miller     .... 

written  for  B:  Franklin     ....  with  a  tr. 

of  B-_'s  mystical    proverbs,    orig.  pr.    by  B : 

Franklin  in   1730.     Lancaster,  Pa.  The  Penn. 

Ger.  soc.  191 2.     44p.     24cm.  [lc] 

Benedix,  Jl.  Rod.  1811-73 

ti8i.     Eigensinn.     Tr.  and  ad.     In  NY.  Drama,  vol.  2. 


182.  do.  Obstinacy.    Harrow.    Wilbee  1882.     i8p.  8vo. 


183.  do.  Tr.  W.  H.  H.  Chambers.     In  C59.    vol.  11. 

184.  do.  The  obstinate  family.     Chicago.     Dram.  pub. 

1886.    D.  [ac] 

185.  do.  The  table    is    set.      Ad.    Welland  Hendrick. 

Syracuse,   NY.      Bardeen    1888.      26p.     19cm. 

ti86.     The  law-suit;  a  comedy  in  one  act.  (Der  Prozess.) 

44  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Tr.  B.  H.    Clark.      NY.      French   1915.     23p. 

19cm.     [Very  free.]  [lc] 

**i87.     Is  lying  easy?     A  comedy.     Tr.  and  ad.  Annie 

Wall.    St.  Louis.    Jones  1877.    72p.  i2mo.  [bpl] 

tiSB.     Mabel's    manoeuvre;    or,   a    third    party.       (Der 

Dritte.)     Tr.  Sydney  Rosenfeld.     NY.  De  Witt 

1876.     lop.     19cm.     [Very  free.]  [lc] 

ti89.     do.  The  third  man.    Tr.  B.  H.  Cark.   NY.   French 

I9I5.      20p.      19cm.  [lc] 

190.  Married  bachelors;  or,  pleasant  surprises.     (Die 

Eifersiichtigen.)     Ad.  Sydney  Rosenfeld.     NY. 
De  Witt  1876.    up.    19cm.  [lc] 

191.  Mrs.  Walthrop's  bachelors.     Tr.  and  ad.  G:  M. 

Baker  and  Willard   Small.     Bost.  Baker   1878. 
67p.    i2mo.  [lco] 

192.  The  three  bachelors;  an  amusing  play.     Tr.  by  a 

young  lady.    Lond.    Chard  1862.    8vo.         [bm] 
192a.   do.  Three  bachelors.    A  play  in  four  acts.    Hamil- 
ton 1862.     i2mo.  [ec] 
*i93.     The  wedding  trip.     (Die  Hochzeitsreise.)     Tr.  H. 
B.  Sonneborn.     Chicago.     Denison   1890.     33p. 
i2mo.  [lc] 
194.     Who  told  the  lie?     (Die  Liignerin.)     Tr.  H.  B. 
Sonneborn.     Chic.   Denison    1890.      i7p.    i2mo. 


♦195.     The  woman-hater.     (Der  Weiberfeind.)     Tr.  H. 

B.  Sonneborn.    Chic.  Denison  1890.    i6p.    i2mo. 


Benger,  G. 

196.  Rumania  in   1900.     Tr.     A.     IT.   Keane.     Lond. 

Asher  1900.    il.    28cm.  [r.c] 

Benzmann,  Hs.  1869- 

Selectiou,  verse,  see  C14. 

Berg,  Leo,  1862- 1908 

197.  The  superman  in  modem  literature.     Lond.     Jar- 

rold  1916.     258P.     19cm.  [lc] 


Berger,  J:  Nepomuk,  1816-70 

198.  The  life  of  the  right  rev.  J  :  N.  Neumann.    Tr.  Rev. 

E.  Grimm.    NY.    Benziger  1884.    457p.     i2mo. 

"Berkow,  K:"  (i.e.  Wolfersdorff,  Ele.  Cte.,  freiin  v.) 

199.  "Woe  to  the  conquered !"    A  romance  of  the  Moors 

in  Spain.  Tr.  H.  E.  M[iller?]  Chic.  Rand, 
McNally  1892.    2i8p.    il.    21cm.  [lc] 

Berlepsch,  Hm.  Ax.  v.  1883 

200.  The  Alps;  or,  sketches  of  life  and  nature  in  the 

mountains.  Tr.  Sir  Leslie  Stephen.  II.  by  Emil 
Rittmeyer.  Lond.  Longmans  1861.  407P. 
22cm.  [lc] 

Berlichingen,  Ad.  v.,  i.  e.  Gotz  Gst.  Ad.  freiherr  v.  1840- 

201 .  Maron,  the  Christian  youth  of  the  Lebanon.     Tr. 

Helena  Long.  St.  Francis,  Wis.  St.  Aemili- 
anus  orph.  asylum  1895.  76p.  il.  17cm.  [lc] 
2G2.  Prince  Arumugam,  the  steadfast  Indian  convert. 
Tr.  Helena  Long.  St.  Francis,  Wis.,  etc.  1895. 
86p.    il.     i6cm.  [lc] 

Bernard,  A.  Hm. 

203.  Legends  of  the  Rhine.     Tr.  Fr.  Arnold.     8th  ed. 

Mayence.  Halenza  187-.  3i6p.  il.  i6cm. 
(First  Eng.  ed.  1862.)  [lc] 

Bernard,  J.  C.  1780- 1850 

204.  Faust,  a  lyric  play.     (Words  of  Spohr's  opera.) 

Ger.  and  Eng.     Libretto.     Lond.   1842.     i2mo. 


205.  do.     Libretto  ed.  and  tr.  M.  Maggioni.     Ital.  and 

Eng.    Lond.    1852.    i2mo.  [bm] 

Bernger  von  Horheim 

Selection,  verse,  see  C186. 

Bernhard,  Me.  1852- 

206.  For  my  own  sake.  (Um  meinetwillen.)     Tr.  Ma. 

S.  Smith.  Lond.  Internat.  News  1893.  258p. 
i2mo.  [lc] 


Bern  HARD 

207.  The  household  idol.     Tr.  Elise  L.  Lathrop.  NY. 

Worthington  1892.     327P.     il.     19cm.  [lc] 

208.  The  pearl.    Tr.  Ma.  S.  Smith.     Lond ;  NY.  Inter- 

nat.  News  1894.    307p.     19cm.  [lc] 

209.  The  rector  of  St.    Luke's.      Tr.    E.  L.  Lathrop. 

NY.     Worthington  1891.     19cm.  [ac] 

Bernhardi,  F:  Am.  Jl.  v.  1849- 

Selection,  prose,  see  C98. 

210.  B converted;  a  comparative  study  of  the  effect 

of  "drastic  medicine"  on  the  expressed  opinions 
of  Gen.  V.  B__.  Lond.  Darling  1915.  I5p. 
25cm.     [Eclectic.']  [lc] 

211.  Britain  as  Germany's  vassal;  together  with  Kriegs- 

brauch The  customs  of  war.     Tr.  J.  Ellis 

Barker.  Lond.  Dawson  1914.  i8cm.  NY. 
Doran  1914.     19cm.     255P.  [lc] 

212.  Germany  and  England.     NY.     Dillingham    1915. 

93P-     19cm.  [lc] 

213.  Germany  and  the  ne.xt  war.     Tr.  A.  H.   Powles. 

Lond.  Arnold  1912.  300  p.  22cm.  __  Popular 
ed.  NY.  Longmans ;  Lond.  Arnold  1914.  288p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

214.  How    Germany     makes     war.       (\''om    heutigen 

Kriege,  abr.)  NY.     Doran  19 14.  [lc] 

215.  The   new    B__.       "World    power    or    downfall." 

Lond.  Pearson  19 15.  [Eclectic.  Chaps.  I-IV 
=  #212.]  [lc] 

216.  On   war  of   to-day.     Tr.    K:   von   Donat.     Lond. 

Rees  1912-13.    2v.    22cm.  [lc] 

Bernstein,  E:  1850- 

217.  American  opinions  of  the  world  war  as  seen  by  a 

German.    Tr.  J :  Mez.    NY.  Am.  Ass.  for  intcr- 

nat.  concil.  1916.    28p.    19cm.  [lc] 

2x8.     Fd.  Lassallc  as  a  social  reformer.    Tr.  E.  M.  Ave- 

ling.    NY.  Scribncr  1893.     I92p.     19cm.        [lc] 

Bernstein,  Elsa  Porgcs,  1866-  see  "Rosmer,  Ernst" 


Bernstorff,  a.  v.,  graf 

See  Ringhoffer,  K:    The  B papers  etc.     #4558. 

Bethge,  Hs.  1876- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14. 

Bethmann-Hollvveg,  Tb.  v.  1856- 
Selcction,  prose,  see  C98. 

Beust,  F:  Fd.  graf  v.  1809-86 

219.  Memoirs  ....  written  by  himself.    Lond.    Rem- 

ington 1887.  2d  ed.   2v.   398,  39ip.  8vo.       [lco] 

Beyens, ,  baron 

220.  Germany  before  the  war.    Tr.  P.  V.  Cohn.    Lond; 

NY.  Nelson  1916.    366p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Beyerleix,  Fz.  Am.  1871- 

221.  Jena  or   Sedan?     A  novel     ....     somewhat 

abbrev.  by  W :  Thompson.     Bost.     Priv.  print. 

1913-    387?-    2icm.  [lc] 

do.  Lond.  Heinemann  1914.     --  1916.    36ip.  8vo. 

(First  pub.  1904.)  [ec] 

222.  Lights  out,  a  play  in  four  acts.    Tr.  H.  Havelock. 

Lond.     Heinemann  1905.  [B19] 

223.  do.  Taps,  a  play  of  Ger.  military  life.     Ad.  A.  L 

du  P.  Coleman.    NY.     Herman  1904.         [B19] 

222.     do.  Taps.     Tr.   C:   Swickard.     Bost.   Luce    191 5. 

I I9p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Beyrick,  Frau  Cle.  (Helm),  see  "Helm,  Cle." 

Bie,  Ok. 

225.  History  of  the  pianoforte  and  pianoforte  players. 

Tr.  and  rev.  E.  E.  Kellett  and  E.  W.  Naylor. 
NY.  Button  1899.    il.  [ac] 

BiELFELD,  Jc.  F:  freiherr  v.  d.  1770 

226.  Letters     ....     containing   orig.  anecdotes  of 

the  Prussian  court  for  the  last  twenty  years.  Tr. 
W:  Hooper.  Lond.  for  J.  Robson  1768-70.  4V. 
17cm.  [lc] 

227.  The  elements    of    universal    erudition.      Tr.  W: 



Hooper.    Lend,  for  Robson  and  Law  1770.    3%'. 
2icm.  [lc] 

BlELSCHOWSKY,   Ab.    1847-I9O2 

**228.     Life  of  Goethe.      Tr.    W:    Alpha    Cooper.     NY. 
Lend.    Putnam  1905-8.    3V.  il.    24cm.  [lc] 

BiERBAUM,  O :  Jl.  1865- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14,  C185. 


229.  Florence  and  her  art.    Tr.  F.  F.  Cox.    Siegle  1912. 


BiERNATZKi,  J:  Cph.  1795-1840 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C91  (18),  #1660,  #1662. 

230.  The  maid  of  the  hallig;  or,  the  unfortunate   is- 

landers.   A  narr.  founded  on  fact.    Tr.  S :  Jack- 
son.   Lond.    Cradock  1843.    8vo.  [bm] 

231.  do.  The  hallig;  or,  the    sheepfold    in  the  waters. 

A  tale  of  humble  life  on  the  coast  of  Schleswig. 
Tr.  Mrs.  C.  P.  Marsh.    Bost.  1857.  8vo.       [bm] 

BiESE,  Af.  1856- 

*232.  The  development  of  the  feeling  for  nature  in  the 
middle  ages  and  modern  times.  Lond.  Rout- 
ledge;  NY.  Button  1905.  376p.  19cm.  [Neither 
close  nor  accurate.]  [lc] 

BiLSE,  Os.  Fr.  1878- 

233.     Dear  fatherland.  Lond;  NY.  Lane  1904.         [.kc] 
**234.     Life  in  a  garrison  town.     The  military  novel  sup- 
pressed by  the  Ger.  government.     NY ;  Lond. 
Lane  1904.    30ip.     19cm.     _.  1914.  [lc] 

235.  do.  A  little  garrison.  By  "Fritz  v.  d.  Kyrburg." 
Tr.  and  ed.  Wolf  von  Schierbrand.  NY.  Stokes 
1904.    307p.     19cm.  [lc] 

BisciiOFF,  Js.  E:  Kd.  1828-    see  "Bolanden,  Kd.  v." 

BiSMARCK-SciiOENHAUSEN,  O:  E:  Lp.  fiirsi  v.  1813-98 
Selection,  prose,  see  C91  (10),  C160. 


**236.     Letters,   1844-70.     Tr.    F.  Maxse.      Lend.     1878. 

8vo.    --  2d  ed.  1879.  [hcl] 

**237.     Letters   to  his   wife     ....     1870- 1.     Tr.    A. 

Harder.     NY.    Appleton     1903.      I45P-     20cm. 


♦238.     do.  Newly  tr.  Lend.  Jarrold   1915.     ii8p.     22cm. 
[Harder's  is  better.]  [lc] 

♦♦239.  Love  letters,  1846-89.  Tr.  under  supervision  of 
C.T.Lewis.  NY;Lond.  Harpers  1 901.  427P. 
2icm.  [lc] 

Letters,  see  Wilhelm  L     The   correspondence  of 
W—  I  and  B—.    #6154. 

240.  Speeches     ....     Jan.  29  and  Feb.   13,   1869. 

Berlin ;  Lond.  1869.     95p.     22cm.  [lc] 

241 .  Speech     ....     before     the     Ger.     Reichstag 

Feb.  6,  1888.  Tr.  Sa.  Zimmermann.     In  Lord, 

J:,  Two  Ger.  Giants.     NY.     Fords,  H.  &  H. 

1894.  i2mo.  [lco] 

242.  B 's  table-talk.  Ed.    C:    Lowe.      Lond.   Grevel 

1895.  387P.  8vo.  [bpl] 
_.  New  ed.  1898.     396p.     [Based  on  Poschinger's 

Tischgesprdcbe,  but  not  strictly  a  translation  of 

it.]  [EC] 

243.  Conversations  with  Prince  B_-.     By  H:  Ritter  v. 

Poschinger.  Ed.  Sidney  Whitman.  NY  ;  Lond. 
Harpers  1900.    299p.    20cm.  [lc] 

244.  B-_  and  all  about  him.     Tr.  H.  Hay  ward.     Lond. 

Dean  1898.     264P.     8vo.  [ec] 

245.  B intime.     By   a   fellow  student.     Tr.   H:   Hay- 

ward.  Lond.  Dean  1890.  286p.  il.  8vo.  NY. 
Appleton  1890.     i6mo.  [hcl.  kpl] 

246.  B_-,  the  man  and  the  statesman;  being  the  reflec- 

tions and  reminiscences  written  and  dictated  by 
himself.  Tr.  under  the  supervision  of  A.  J: 
Butler.     Lond.    Smith,    Elder    1898.      2v.  8vo. 

__  NY;  Lond.    Harpers  1899.    2v.    22cm.  [lc] 
Sec  Bamberger,  L:,  Count  B__.    A  political  biog- 
raphy.   #110. 

60  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Sec  Busch,  Jl.,  B__  in  the  Franco-German  war. 

Also,  B ;  some  secret  pages  etc.     Also,  Our 

chancellor  etc.    #43'5-8. 

See  Garlepp,  Br.,  B memorial  etc.  Also,  Ger- 
many's iron  chancellor  etc.     #1177-8. 

See  Gorlach,  W.,  Prince  B__.  A  biographical 
sketch.     #1332-4. 

See  Hesekiel,  J.,  B__  ;  his  authentic  biography. 

See  Sonnenburg,    Fd.,    B ,    his    life    and  times. 


Bitter,  K:  Hm.  1813-85 

247.  Life  [abr.]  of  J.  S.  Bach.     Tr.  J.  E.  Kay-Shuttle- 

worth.    Lond.  Houlston  1873.     8vo.  [^m] 

BiTZius,  Ab.  1797-1854,  see  "Gotthelf,  Jr." 

Blaul,  F:  1809-63 

Selection,  prose,  see  A269. 
Selection,  verse,  see  C105. 

Blaurer  {or  Blarer),  .\mb.  1492-1564 
Selection,  verse,  see  C264. 

Bleek,  W  :  H  :  Im. 

248.  Reynard  the  fox  in  South  Africa;  or,  Hottentot 

fables  and  tales.    Lond.     1864.     Svo.  [bm] 

Blei,  Fz.  1871- 

249.  The  powder-puff,  a  ladies'  breviar>'.    Lond.  Chatto 

&  Windus   1909.      NY.    Duffield    1910.     2i8p. 
i8cm.  [r.c] 

Blennerhassett.  Cte.  lady,  1843- 

250.  Sidelights.     Tr.  Edith  Giilcher.     Lond.     Constable 

1913.     252P.    Svo.  [ec] 

Bligcer  v.  Steinach,  fi.  1 165-1209 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C13.  C186. 

Bt.onEi..  O. 

-■;i.     Little   llcrta's    Christmas    dream.      A   Christmas 


fairy  tale  of  the  mountains.     II.  by  H.  Grimm. 
Lond.    Low  191 1.    410.  [ec] 

Bloem,  \V1.  1868- 

252.  The  iron  year.    Tr.  Stella  Bloch.  Lond.;  NY.  Lane 

1914.    40op.     19cm.  [lc] 

Blomberg,  Hg.  freiherr  v.  1820-71 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C230. 

Bluemner,  Hg.  1844- 

252a.  The  home  life  of  the  ancient  Greeks.  Tr.  Alice 
Zimmern.  Lond.  Cassell  1893.  548p.  il.  8vo. 
__  Xew  rev.  ed.  1895.  [ems] 

Blum,  G:  and 
Wahl,  Louis 

253 .  Seaside  and  fireside  fairies.  Tr.  Mrs.  A.  L.  Wister. 

1864.  [lco] 

Blumaner,  Als.  1755-98 

254.  The  death  of  Dido.     In  C245. 

Blumenhagen,  Ph.  W:  G:  A:  1781-1839 

255 .  Eva  von  Troth ;  a  chronicle  of  the  i6th  cent.     .     . 

.     .     .     Tr.  Louisa  Addison.     With  other  tales 
from  the  Ger.  Lond.  184 1.     2v.     i2mo.         [em] 

Blumentiial,  K:  Kst.  Ab.  Lh.  graf  v.  1810-1900 

256.  Journals,  1886  and  1870-1.     Tr.  Major  A.  D.  Gil- 

lespie-Addison.     Lond.      Arnold    1903.      347p. 
23cm.  [lc] 

Blumenthal,  Lu.  J  :e.  Lpe.  (v.  Platen)  v.  1742-1808 

257.  The  life  of  Gen.  de  Zieten     ....     Tr.  Rev. 

B  :  Beresford.     Berl.  pr.  for  author  and  sold  by 
R.  Phillips.     Lond.  1803.     2v.  22cm.  [lc] 

Blumenthal,  Ok.  1852- 

258.  After  business  hours,  a  four  act  comedy.     Tr.  A. 

Daly.     NY.  1886.  [B19] 

259.  The  big  bell.     (Die  grosse  Glocke.)     ff.  17,  16,  12, 

13.    Berlin?  1884.     fol.  Tp.  [bms] 

52  ■     university  op  wisconsin  studies 


260.  Dynamite,  comedy  in  three  acts.     Ad.  and  tr.  G: 

Arthur  and  R.  A.  Weil.    NY.  1893.  [BI9] 

261 .  Little  Miss  Million,  a  comedy  in  four  acts.    Tr.  A. 

Daly  1890.  [BI9] 

Blumenthal,  Ok.  and 
Kadelburg,  Gst.  1851- 

262.  At  the  white  horse  tavern,  a  comedy  in  three  acts. 

(Im  weissen   Ross'l.)      Ad.   Sydney   Rosen  f eld. 
NY.    Cherouny  1898.  [B19] 

263 .  Is  marriage  a  failure  ?    A  comedy  in  four  acts.    Tr. 

and  ad.  L.  Ditrichstein.    NY.  1909.  [BI9] 

264.  The  last  spark,  a  comedy  in  three  acts.    Ad.  Ctte. 

Thompson.     NY.  1913.     Tp.  [lc] 

265.  Number  nine;  or,  the  lady  of  Ostend.    A  comedy 

in  three  acts.    Tr.  F.  C.  Burnand  and  A.  Daly. 
NY.  1897.  [B19] 

266.  The  orient  express,  a  comedy  in  three  acts.     (Die 

Orientreise. )     Ad.  F.  C.  Burnand  and  A.  Daly. 
NY.  1913.    Tp.  [lc] 

267.  A  test  case;  or,  grass  versus  granite.    Tr.  A.  Daly. 

NY.  1893.  [B19] 

Blumextritt,  F. 

268.  The  Philippines;  a  summary  account.  Tr.   D:  J. 

Doherty.  Chic.  Donohue  1900.    69p.  8vo.     [ac] 

Bluntschli,  J:  Kp.  1808-81 

**269.  The  theory  of  the  state.  Tr.  from  6th  Ger.  ed. 
D:  G:  Ritchie,  P.  E.  Matheson,  and  R:  Lodge. 
Oxf.  Clarendon  1885.  Si8p.  8vo.  __  550p. 
1898.     __  1901.  [lc] 

.-  Frovvdc  1893.  [ec] 

Bode,  W  :  1845- 

270.  Morcntine  sculj)tors    of    the  Renaissance.     Lond. 

Methuen  1908.    il.    252P.  [ec] 

271.  Great  masters  of  Dutch  and  Flemish  painting.    Tr. 

Marg.  L.  Clarke.   Lond.   Duckworth  1909.  368p. 
8vo.  [ec] 


Bode,  W  :  and 
Marks,  M. 

272.  Italian  bronze  statuettes  of  the  Renaissance.   Lond. 

Grevel  1907.     10  pts.  [ec] 

BoDENSTEDT,  F :  M  :  1819-         ("Mirza  Schaffy") 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C105,  C262,  C198,  C68,  C145, 
C230,  C36,  C229,  C160,  C185. 

273 .  The  morning  land ;  or,  a  thousand  and  one  days  in 

the  east.     Tr.  R.  Waddington.     Lond.     Bentley 

1851.     2v.     i2mo.      2d    series.     1853.     2v. 

i2mo.  [bm] 

274.  The    mountain    lake,    and    other    poems      Tr.    J. 

Preston.     Lond.     Roxburghe  press  1894.     i26p. 
8vo.  [bms] 

275.  Schamyl.   Tr.  from  F.  Wagner's  "Schamyl".   With 

extracts  from  B 's  "Volker  des  Kaukasus."    In 

The  Traveller's  Library,  vol.   14.     Lond.   1856. 
8vo.  [bm] 

276.  The  songs  of    Mirza    Schaffy.      Tr.  E.  d'Esterre 

Keeling.     Hamburg  1880.     228p.     8vo.       [bm] 


See  Seyppel,  C.  M.,  joint  author.     My  book:  an 
odd  Egyptian  MS  etc.     #5364 
BoDM.\NN,  Em.  baron  v.  1874- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14. 

BoDMER,  J:  Jk.  1698-1783 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

+277.     Noah.     Attempted  from  the  Ger.  of  Mr.  Bodmer. 

By  Jos.    CoUyer.      Lond.      CoUyer    1767.     2v. 

i6cm.     [Takes  liberties.]  [lc] 

--  2d  ed.  1770.  [bms] 

BoECKii,  Ph.  A:  1785-1867 

278.  The  public  economy    of    Athens.     Tr.  Sir  G.  C. 

Lewis.     Lond.  1828.     2v.    8vo.     __  2d  ed.  1842. 


279.  do.    The  public  economy  of  the  Athenians.     Tr. 

A.  Lamb.     Bost.  1857.    2d  ed.    8vo.  [bm] 


BoEHLAU,  Hie.  1859- 

280.  The  ball  of  crystal.    Tr.  A.  I.  du  P.  Coleman.    In 

C91,  vol.  19. 

BoEHME,  D:  1605-57 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266. 

BoEHME,  Jk.  1575-1624 

Selection,  prose,  see  C120. 

281 .  The  works  of  Jacob  Behmen.    Tr.  W  :  Law.  Lond. 

Richardson  1764.     __  1772.     __   1781.     4V.  410. 


282.  Works.     Epistles,  tr.  J:  Ellistone.     Reprint.    Glas- 

gow.   Bryce  1886.    4to.     (In  progress.)     [bms] 

283.  Aurora.     That  is,  the  day-spring  or  dawning  of 

the  day  in  the  Orient.     Tr.  J :  Sparrow.     Lond. 
1656.    4to.  [bm] 

284.  -'-Ed.  C:  Jas.  Barker  and  D.  S.  Helmer.     Lond. 

Watkins  1914.     77op.  8vo.  [ec] 

285 .  Concerning   the   election   of   grace ;   or     .     .     .     . 

predestination.     Tr.  J :  Sparrow.     Lond.     1655. 
4to.  [bm] 

286.  A  consideration  upon  the  book  of  E.  Stiefel  of  the 

threefold  state  of  man,  and  his  new  birth.   Lond. 
1653.     i6mo.  [bm] 

287.  A  consolatory    treatise    of    the  four  complexions. 

Tr.  C.  Hotham.     Lond.  1654.     i2mo.  [bm] 

288.  A  dialogue  on  the  supersensual  life.     Ed.  B.  Hol- 

land.    Lond.     Wethuen  1901.     i8op.     8vo.   [ec] 

289.  Dialogues.     Ed.    B.    Holland.      Lond.     Methuen 

1901.     I44p.     17cm.  [lc] 

290.  Epistles.    Tr.  J :  Ellistone.    Lond.     Simiuons  1649. 

4to.  [bm] 

291 .  do.  Reprint.      Glasgow.      Thomson    1886.      2i6p. 

8vo.  [i!Ms] 

292.  The  fifth  book  of    the    author.     Tr.   J:  Sparrow. 

Lond.  1659.    239p.    4to.  [bm] 

293.  The  forty  questions  of  the  soul  and  of  the  clavis. 

Answered  in  the  year  1620  by  J_-  B_-.    (A  brief 
account  of  the  life  and  conversation     .... 











by  A.    van    Franckenberg.) 
Lend.  1665.    8vo. 
do.  Reissued  by    C.    J.    Barker. 
4i8p.    8vo. 

Tr.    J 

Watkins   1911. 


The  four  complexions.    Lond.    1730?    5ip.    i2mo. 

High  and  deep  searching  etc.    Reissued  by  C.  J.  B. 

Watkins  1909.    8vo.  [ec] 

J.  Behmen's  theosophick  philosophy  unfolded.    Tr. 

E.  Taylor.    Lond.  169 1.    4to.  [bm] 

Mercurius  teutonicus  ....  propheticall  pas- 
sages    ....     out  of  the  mysticall  writings. 

Tr.  J:  Sparrow?  Lond.  Blunden  1649.  [B23] 
Mysterium  magnum;  or,  an  exposition  of  the  first 

book  of  Moses.    Tr.  J :  Ellistone  and  J :  Sparrow. 

Also  his   four  tables  of   divine  revelation.     Tr. 

H.  Blunden.     Lond.     1654.     fol.  [bm] 

Of  Christ's  testaments  etc.    Tr.  J :  Sparrow.  Lond. 

1652.     4to. Another  ed.     Lond.   1656.     4to. 

Propheticall  passages  concerning  the  present  times. 

Lond.     1795.    8vo.  [bm] 

The  remainder  of  books  written  by  J B Tr. 

J:  Sparrow.    Lond.     1662.    4to.  [bm] 

The  second  booke.    Tr.  J :  Sparrow.    Lond.     1648. 

4to.  [em] 

Several  treatises.     Tr.  J:   Sparrow.     Lond.   1661. 

4to.  [bm] 

Signatura  rerum.     Tr.  J:  Ellistone.     Lond.     1651. 

4to.  [bm] 

Signature  of  all  things,  and  other  writings.    Every- ' 

man  1912.     295P.     17cm.  [lc] 

The  supersensual  life;  or,  the  life  which  is  above 

sense.     NY.    Dodd  1850.    32mo.  [ac] 

do.  AUenson  1907.     i2mo.  [ec] 

Thoughts  on  the  spiritual  life.     Tr.  C:  A.  Rainy. 

Oliphant  1896.    88p.     8vo.  [ec] 

The  tree  of  Christian    faith.      Lond.   1644.     4to. 




311.  True    spiritual    illumination.      NY.      Dodd    185-. 

32mo.  [ac] 

312.  Two   theosophical   epistles.     Lond.    1645.      i2mo. 


313.  The  way  to  Christ  discovered.  Lond.  1648.     i2mo. 

-_  1656. 
Manchester  1752.    Svo.  [bm] 

314.  _-  NY.  Dodd  1850.    32mo.  [ac] 

315.     Lond.  Watkins  1911.    302p.     i8cm.     (Repr.  fr. 

Bath  ed.  1775.)  [lc] 

316.  Life.     Memoirs  of  the  life,  death,  burial,  and  won- 

derful writings  of  J B__.     Now  first  done  at 

large  into  English.     Northampton  1780.     i2mo. 


317.  Life    and   doctrines.      Intro,    by    Franz    Hartman. 

Lond.    Paul  1890.    Svo.  [ec] 

See   Franckenberg,     Abh.     v.,     Memoirs     of    J-- 

Behmen.     #1036,  cf.  #293. 
See  Hegel,  G:,  On  J__  B„.     #2336. 

BoEHME,  Mge.  1869- 

318.  The  department  store.    Tr.  Ethel  C.  Mayne.    NY.; 

Lond.    Appleton  1912.    466p.     19cm.  [lc] 

319.  The  diary  of  a  lost  one.      (Das  Tagebuch  einer 

V'erlorenen.)     Sisley  1907.    32op.     8vo. 5th 

ed.  1908.  [ec] 

_-  NY.     Hudson  press  1908.     19cm.  [lc] 

BoEHMER,  Jt.  H.  1674-1749 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C266,  C220,  C221. 

BoELSCHE,  W:  1861- 

320.  Haeckcl,  his  life    and    work.     Tr.  Jos.   McCabe. 

Lond.    Unwin  1906.    336p.    il.    Svo.     _-  Watts 
1909.  [eg] 

321.  The  triumph  of  life.    Tr.  May  \V.  Simons.    Qiic. 

Kerr  1906.    I57p.     17cm.  [lc] 

noKLTi.  Amely,  i.e.  Ame.  Cte.  Ele.  Mae.  1811-91 

322.  Mme.  de  Stacl:  an  historical  novel.     Tr.  Tiieodore 


Johnson.  NY.  Putnam  1869.  487?.  i8cm. 
-  1883.  [lc] 

BoERNE,  L:  1786-1837 

323.  Goethe  as  a  patriot.    In  C116. 

Sec  Heine,  H :     Recollections  of  a  revolutionary. 

BOETTGER,  Ad.  1815-70 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68,  C198,  C229,  C267. 

BoGATZKY,  K:  H:  V.  1690- 1774 

Selection,  verse,  see  C180,  C264,  C265,  C215. 

324.  The  life  of written  by  himself.     Tr.  S.  Jack- 

son.   Lond.    Seeley  1856.    8vo.  [bm] 

Sec  Steinkopfif,  K :  F :  Ad.  Memoir  of  etc.    #5486. 


325.  The  queen's  lace  handkerchief.     (Das  Spitzentuch 

der  Konigin.) 
(Opera  by  Strauss,  J:)     Versified  tr.  of  the  songs, 
choruses,   and   musical   dialogues  ....  by  Jas. 
D.  Trevor.    NY.    Pond  1882.  29p.  8vo.     [lco] 

"BoLANDEN,  Kd.  V."  (i.e.  BischofT,  Js.  E:  Kd.  1828-  ) 

326.  Barbarossa ;  an   historical   novel  of   the    12th  cen- 

tury.     Phil.    Cummiskey     1867.      486p.      19cm. 


_-  New  issue.    Phil.    McVey  1899.    D.         [ac] 

327.  Bertha ;  an  historical  romance  of  the  time  of  H :  IV. 

Tr.  S.  B.  A.  Harper.  NY.  Sadlier  1876.  396?. 
19cm.  [lc] 

328.  King  Ratbodo.    In  C213. 

329.  The  new  god.     A  tale  for  the  people.     Tr.  Rev. 

Theodore  Noethen.  NY.  Pustet  1872.  ii3p. 
i8mo.  [lco] 
Lond.     1873.     i6mo.  [bm] 

330.  The  progressionists,  and  Angela.     NY.     Catholic 

pub.  soc.    1873.    21  ip.    24cm.  [lc] 

331.  The    trowel    and    the    cross,    and    other    stories. 

Catholic  pub.     1878.  [ac] 


Bombast  von  Hohenheim,  Ph.  Aureol.    Theophrastus,  1493- 
1541,  see  Paracelsus 

Boner,  Ul.  fl.  1324-49 

Selection,  verse,  see  C202,  C52  (calls  him  Bona). 

Boos,  Mn.  1 762- 1 825 

332.  The  life  and  persecutions  of  M B— .       Tr.  C. 

Bridges.     Lond.      1836.      i2mo.  [bm] 

BoppE,  Master,  ft.  1270-87 

Selection,  verse,  see  C186. 

Bora,  Kta.  v.  1499-1552 

See  Stein,  Armin.,  K v.  B ,  a  picture  from  life. 

#  5480. 

Born,  Ig.  v.  1742-91 

333.  Travels  through  the  Bannat  of  Temeswar.    Tr.  R. 

E.  Raspe.    Lond.     1777.    8vo.  [bm] 

Bornemann,  W  : 

Selection,  verse,  see  C23. 

Bkachmann,  K:e.  Lu.  1777-1822 

Selection,  verse,  see  C54,  Ciio,  C109,  C198,  C226, 

334.  The  three  suns.     In  The  Odd  \'olume,   1827.     2d 

series.  [bm] 

Brachvogel,  Ab.  El.  1824-78 

335 .  Beauniarchais ;  an  historical  novel.     Tr.  E.  Rad- 

ford.    NY.    Appleton  1868.    8vo.     __  187-.    il. 
8vo.  [ac] 

336.  Friedemann  Bach;  or,  the  fortunes  of  an  idealist. 

Ad.  by  "Grapheus".     Lond.     1875.    8vo.     (See 
A94.)  [bm] 

337.  Narcisse,   the  vagrant.     A    tragedy.      Ad.  by  J. 

Schonberg.    Lond.    Lacy  1850.     i2mo.         [bm] 

338.  Narciss;  or,  the  last  days  of  the  Pompadour.     A 

romantic  historical  drama  in  five  acts.    Tr.  C :  F. 
Buck.    New  Orl.     1875.  [BI9] 


Brackel,  Fde.  freiin  v.  1835- 

339.  The  fatal  beacon.     NY;  Cincin.     Benziger   1904. 

20ip.    20cm.  [lc] 

340.  Just  a  simple  story.    In  C213. 

341 .  Nora.     A   novel.     Tr.   Princess   Marie   Liechten- 

stein.   Lond.    1S77.    8vo.  [bm] 

Brahms,  J:s,  1833-97 

*342.     Letters.     The  Herzogenberg  correspondence.     Tr. 
Ha.  Bryant.    NY.    Dutton  1909.    429P.    23cm. 


See  Deiters,  Hm.,  Biog.  sketch  of  J B_-.    #573. 

See  Dietrich,  Ab.  and  Widmann,  J.,  Recoil,  of  J__ 
B-_.    #601. 

Brand,  Am. 

343.  A  journal  of  the  embassy  from  ....  J:  and  P: 

-Alexievitz  Emperors  of  Muscovy  over  land  into 
China  ....  to     Pekin  ....  by     E.     Isbrand 

....  in  1693-5.     Written    by    A B__.     Tr. 

from  the  High  Dutch.    Lond.    1698.    8vo.  [bm] 

Brandenburg,  Lu.  Hte.  kurfiirstin  v.  1627-67 
Selectiott,  z-crse,  see  C221,  :^5436. 

Brandenburg  Anspach, markgraf  v. 

See    Gros,    K :,     Funeral    oration     ....    in 
honour  of  etc.     #2081. 

Brandes,  J:  Cn.  1735-99 

344.  The  German  hotel;  a  comedy.     Tr. Marshall. 

Lond.     1790.    8vo.    2d  ed.     Lond.  1790.     [bm] 

Bkandis,  J  :s.  1830-73 

Sec  Niebuhr,    B.,    Life    and    letters    of  Niebuhr. 

Brandstaetter,  Hm. 

345 .  Eric's   vacation ;  or,   taking  God   into  one's  work. 

Tr.   Ma.   E.   Ireland.     Elgin  and   Chic.     Cook 
1899.    sq.    8vo.    il.    96p.  [lc] 


Brandt,  Kp. 

346.  Life  of  James  Arminius.     Tr.  J.  Guthrie.     Nash- 

ville, Tenn.    So.  Meth.  Pub.  1856.  i2mo.       [ac] 

Brant,  Sb.  1458- 1 521 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

347.  This  present  Boke  named  the  Shyp  of  folys  of  the 

worlde  was  translated  in  the  College  of  Saynt 
Mary  Otery  in  the  counte  of  Devonshyre:  out 
of  La  ten,  Frenche,  and  Doche  into  Englysshe 
tonge  by  Alexander  Barclay  Preste  .... 
theyere     ....     MCCCCCVIIL    Lond.    R. 

Pynson    1509.      fol.      Repr.      Edin;  Lond. 

Sotheran  1874.    2v.    il.    4to.  [bm] 

__  NY.  Appleton  1874.  2v.  il.  24cm.  [A 
free  rendering  of  the  Latin  version  of  Jacob 
Loclicr.]  [lc] 

Bratuschek,  Em.  1837-83 

348.  Philosophy  in  Europe.      Tr.    Arthur  Amson.     In 

C141,  vol.  7. 

Braun,  A:  El.  1809-56 

349.  The  ruins  and    museums    of    Rome.     Brunswick 

1854.     i2mo.  [bm] 

350.  Introduction  to  the  study   of   art-mythology.     Tr. 

J.  Grant.    Gotha  1856.    4to.  [bm] 

Braunschweig,  Hieronymus 

351.  The  noble  experience  of  the  virtuous  handywarke 

of  Surgeri  practysyd  and  compyled  by  .  .  . 
Jherome  of  Brunsvvyke  ....  translated 
out  of  the  speche  of  hye  Almayne  into  lowe 
Duche,  and  afterward  into  our  mothers  tongue 
of  Englyss  ....  P.  Treveris,  at  London, 
in  Southwarke.     1525.    fol.  [bm] 

Brawern,  H.  see  Herckmans,  Els.,  joint  author. 

Bredow,  Gf.  Gl.  1773-1814 

352.  Compendious  view  of  universal  history  and  litera- 

ture.   Tr.  fr.  the  4th  cd.  by  J.  Bell.    Lond.    1820. 


fol.     --  2d  ed.  cnl.  and  imp.     1824. 4th  ed. 

1833.    --  5th  ed.  1842.  [bm] 

353.  Compendium  of  universal  hist.    Tr.  C.  T.  Stafford. 

Lond.      1850.      i2mo.     __    1851.     i860.     

1861.  [bm] 

354.  Elements  of  universal    hist.      Tr.    B.   S.     Lond. 

1827.     i2mo.  [bm] 

Brehm,  Af.  Ed.  1829-94 

355.  From  North  pole  to  equator:  studies  of  wild  life 

and  scenes  in  many  lands.  Tr.  Marg.  R.  Thom- 
son. Lond. ;  Glasgow  ;  Dublin.  Blackie  1896. 
592p.    il.    25cm.  [lc] 

Breithaupt,  Jm.  Jt.  1658-1732 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C127. 

Breitzman,  Ag.  1841-  sec  "Halden,  Elizabeth" 

Brennenberger,  der,  see  Reinmar  v.  Brennenburg 

Brentano,  K1.  1 778- 1 842 

Selection,  verse,  see    C86,    C19,   C267,  €201(17), 

C8,  C145,  C160. 
Selection,  prose,  see  A48. 

356.  Fair}'  tales    told    by    Kate    F.    Kroeker.     Lond. 

Unwin  1885.    252P.    8vo.  [bms] 

357.  New  fairy  tales.    1888.    26ip.  [bms] 
357a.    Fair)'  tales  in  English.     New  ed.     1890.  [ec] 

358.  Honor;  or,  the  story  of  the  brave  Casper  and  the 

fair  Annerl.  Tr.  T.  W.  Appcl?  Lond.  Chap- 
man 1847.  i6mo.  [bm] 
_-  Lond.  Chapman  1849.  i2mo.  [ec] 
358a.  Des  Knaben  Wunderhorn.  Selection  tr.  by  M. 
Miinsterberg  in  C91,  vol.  5. 

359.  The  wondrous  tale  of  Cocky,  Clucky,  and  Cackle. 

Freely  tr.  by  C.  W.  Heckethorn.  Lond.  Hogg 
1889.     i88p.    8vo.  [bms] 

Brentano,  Fr. 

Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 


Bretschneider,  K:  Gb.  1776-1848 

360.  Henry   and  Antonio.      Tr.    M.    Morgan.     Lond. 

Rivington  1829.     i2mo.  [ec] 

361 .  do.  or,  the  proselytes  of  the  Romish  and  evangel- 

ical churches.  Tr.  J:  G.  ^Morris.  Balto.  Lucas 
&  Deaver  1834.     254p.    20cm.  [lc] 

362 .  do.     To  Rome  and  back  again ;  or,  the  two  prose- 

lytes. Largely  rewritten  with  new  characters, 
and  the  scene  transferred  to  this  countr3\  Balto. 
Kurtz  1856.    238P.     19cm.  [lc] 

Brodbeck,  Ad. 

363.  The  ideal   of   universities Tr.   by  the 

author.  NY.  Metaphys.  Pub.  1896.  I03p. 
8vo.  [bms] 

Bruehl,  H  :  graf  v.  1700-73 

See  Adelung,  J.,  The  life  of  etc.    #6. 

Bruhn,  D:  1782- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C215. 

Bruhns,  K:  Cn.  1830-81 

364.  Life  of  Ax.  V.  Humboldt.     Compiled  by  Liiwen- 

berg,  Ave-Lallemant,  and  Dove.  Ed.  K:  C.  B_-. 
Tr.  J.  and  C.  Lassell.     Lond.     1873.     2v.     Svo. 

Bruxn,  __ 

Selection,  z'crse,  see  C23. 

"Bruneck,  O:  v."  (i.  e.  Elster,  O:) 

365.  Prince  Henry's  sailor    boy;    freely    ad.  by  M.  J. 

Safford.  II.  by  G:  Alfred  Williams.  NY.  Holt 
1904.    293p.    19cm.  [lc] 

Bube,  Ad.  1802-73 

Selection,  verse,  see  C121. 

Bucer,  Mn.  1491-1551 

366.  The  judgment  of   M--     B-.    concerning  divorce. 

writt'n  to  Edward  the  Sixt,  in  his  second  book 
of  the  kingdom  i>f  Christ,  and  now  Englisht  (by 
J:   Milton)     ....     Lond.      1644.     4to.     


Also  in  Milton,  J:,  Works  1753,  vol.  i;  Works 
1806,  vol.  2.  [bm] 

367.  A  treatise,  how  by  the  worde  of  God,  Christian 

mens   almose   ought   to  be   distributed.      15^7? 
8vo.  [bm] 

BucH,  Cn.  Lp.  V.  freiherr  v.  Gelmersdorf  etc.  1774- 1853 

368.  Travels  (through    Norway   and   Lapland,    1806-8. 

Tr.  J :  Black.    Lond.    Colburn  1813.    4to.     [iim] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C38. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C180. 


369.  My  first  communion;  or,  the  happiest  day  of  my 

life.    Tr.  R:  Brennan.     Cincin.     Benziger  1881. 
il.     i6mo.  [ac] 

BuECHNER,  F:  K:  Cn.  Louis,  1824- 

370.  Force  and  matter.     Tr.  J.  F.  Collingwood.     Lond. 

1864.    8vo.    _-  2d  ed.  1870.  [bm] 

371.  do.  Tr.  fr.  15th  Ger.  ed.  enl.  and  rev.  by  the  author. 

NY.    Eckler  1891.    D.  [ac] 

372.  Last  words  on  materialism  and  kindred  subjects. 

Life     ....     by  his  brother,  Ax.  B__.     Tr. 

J.    McCabe.   Watts    190 1.     343p.     8vo.     2d 

ed.     1902.  [ec] 

373.  Man  in  the  past,  present,  and  future.    NY.    Eckler 

1894.    8vo.  [ac] 

374.  Materialism:  its  history  and  influence  on  society. 

Tr.  Alex.  Loos.     NY.     Butts  1873.     28p.     8vo. 


Buechsel,  K  : 

375.  My  ministerial  experiences.    Edin.   Lond.    Strahan 

1863.    290P.    8vo.  [lco] 

Buelow,  Bh.  H :  Mn.  K :  f  iirst  v.  1849- 
Selection,  prose,  see  C98. 



3/6.  Imperial  Germany.  Tr.  Marie  A.  Lewenz.  NY. 
Dodd,  Mead.  25cm.  Lond.  Cassell  1914. 
296P.  23cm.  [lc] 
__  New  ed.  Foreword  by  J.  W.  Headlam.  Cas- 
sell 1916.    389P.    8vo.  [ex:] 

BuELow,  Frau  Babette  v.  see  "Arnold,  Hs." 

BuELOW,  Gle.  V. 

377.  The  daughter  of    W:    v.    Humboldt.      Tr.  Clara 

Nordlinger.  Lond.  Smith,  Elder  1897.  447P- 
8vo.  [bms] 

BuELOW,  Hs.  Guido  v.  1830-94 

378.  The  early  correspondence.    Ed.  Marie  v.  B__.    Sel. 

and  tr.  by  Constance  Bache.  Lond.  Unwin 
1896.  [lco] 
NY.    Appleton  1897.    266p.    8vo.  [bpl] 

BuELOw,  Ma.  He.  griifin  v. 

379.  The  tale  of  the  swallow.     1884.    8vo.  [bms] 

BuERDE,  S:  Gb.  1753-94 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C44,  C126,  C266. 

Buerger,  Gf.  A:  1747-94 

Selection,  verse,  see  C54,  C231,  C167,  C226,  C52, 
C230,  C16,  C23,  C53,  C40,  C245,  C232,  C202, 
C153,  C68,  C156,  C252,  C62,  C5,  C46,  C145,  C90, 
C8,  C103,  Cm,  C22,  C160. 

380.  Ballads.     Outlines  by  Mz.  Retzsch  to  Lenora  (tr. 

Beresford),  Song  of  the  brave  man,  and  The 
parson's  daughter  of  Taubenhayn.  obi.  fol. 
1840.    _-  1875.  [im] 

381.  do.  il.     Retzsch.      (Lytton's  tr.)      Bost.     Roberts 

1872.    obi.  fol.  [ac] 

1382.      The  chase,   and  William  and  Helen;  two  ballads 

(adapted   from  Buerger)   by  Sir  W'alter  Scott. 

lulin.   for  Manner  iJt   Miller   171)6.     41  p.     26   x 

2icm.  [lc] 

+383.     The  Biirger  and   Brighton  Leonora;  or,  romance 


versus  railway.  By  J.  W.  W.  Tyndale.  Lond. 
1849.  ''•  obi.  4to.  (German,  translation,  and 
parody.)  [bm] 

1384.  The  lass  of  fair  wone ;  or,  the  parson's  daughter 
betrayed.  A  ballad.  Glasgow.  Brash  &  Reid 
i8_-.     i8p.     i8mo.  [lco] 

7385.  Lenardo  and  Blandina.  In  C252.  (Omits  lines 

386.  Lean  'Nora;  a  resurrection.     NY.     Clarke   1878. 

17cm.  (A  parody.  Reprint  of  ....  a 
supernatural,    though    sub-pathetic    ballad.      A 

good  long  way almost  97  years  __  after     .     . 

.  .  Biirger.)  By  Heinrich  Yale  Snekul.  (H: 
Clay  Lukens).  [lc] 

387.  Lenore.'      Anon.     Leonora   from   the   German   of 

B__.  Dublin  1799.  (Includes  #409.  #412, 
#415,  #417.  [b7] 

388.  do.  Anon.  In  C76. 
1389.  do.  Anon.  In  C90. 
t390.     do.    Anon.     In  C256. 

*39i.'    do.    Anon.     Two      verse      translations     .     .     . 

Cambridge.    Bell  &  Daldy  1858.    8vo.     (One  tr. 

is  by  W:  Whewell.)  [bm] 

*392.     do.     Tr.  .A.  Baskerville  in  C8. 
t393-     do.     Leonora.     Tr.  B:  Beresford  in  C232 ;  #380. 
**394.     do.     Englished    by    W.    Brinton.      Lond.       Priv. 

print.      1850.       i2mo.       ["The    most  successful 

version",  says  B7.]  [bm] 

395.     do.     Tr.  W.  C.    Bromehead.      1885?     (Title  fr. 

Macmillan  catalog.)  [E7] 

♦396.     do.     Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks  in  C23. 

1397.  do.     Leonora.     Tr.  Julia    M.    Cameron.     II.     D. 

Maclise.     Lond.     Longmans  1847.     38p.     23cm. 


1398.  do.     Lenora.     Tr.  J.  J.  Campbell  in  C32.     [Greg: 

"This  is  quite  the  most  puerile  of  all  the  versions. 
.     .     .     .     The   translator   knozvs   neither   Ger- 

'  Many  critical  judgments  furnished  by  B7. 



man  nor  English,  and  has  the  most  rudimentary 

notions  of  verse."] 
*399.     do.     Lenore.    Tr.  W.  H.  Charlton  in  C37. 
*399a.   do.     Tr.  E:  Chawner  in  C38. 
*400.     do.     Tr.  J.   Rob.    Christian    in  Leonora:  a  trans. 

And  minor  poems.     Lond.     Priv.  print.      1870. 

2icm.  [lc] 

*40i .     do.     Lenora.     Tr.  Col.  Colomb.     Lond.     Chapman 

&  Hall  1877.      i3p.      i6mo.      __  2d  ed.     1878. 

i6mo.     (With  Schiller's  Song  of  the  Bell.)   [iNy] 
402.     do.     Tr.  Royal  Corbin  ?    Plattsburgh?    NY.    1904. 

i2p.    17  X  locm.  [lc] 

*403.     do.     Tr.  Eliz.  Craigmyle  in  C46. 
*404.     do.     The  spectre  bridegroom.     Tr.  A.  H.  Everett 

in  C72. 
1405.     do.     Tr.    J.    W.    Grant.      Lond.      IMurray    1865. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

t4o6.     do.     Tr.  Sir  J.  F.  W.  Herschel  in  his  Essays,  etc. 

Lond.     1857.  [37] 

1407.     do.     Leonora.    Tr.  G:  P.  Maurer  in  C176. 
t4o8.      do.     Lenora.      Tr.    J.    Oxenford    in    Birmingham 

musical   festival    1855.      4to.       [Greg:      "Quite 

worthless."]  [bm] 

1409.     do.     Lenore,  a  tale.    Tr.  H.  J.  Pye.    Lond.     1796. 

4to.  [bm] 

t4io.     do.     Tr.  D.  G.  Rossetti.      Lond.      Ellis    &  Elvey 

1900.    35p.    4to.     [Good  poem,  but  not  Biirger.] 


•(-411.  do.  Lenora.  Tr.  Albert  Smith  in  Wild  oats  and 
dead  leaves.  Lond.  Chapman  &  Hall  1880.  2d 
ed.    359p.     i2nio.  [eco] 

t4i2.  do.  Leonora.  Tr.  W:  R.  Spencer.  Lond.  1796. 
il.  fol.    --  2d  ed.    Lond.  for  Edwards  &  Harding 

'809.    35P-    ^o'-  [bm] 

413.  do.     same.     With  two  other  translations  by  Stanley 

and  Pye.    Dublin  1799.     i2mo.  [bm] 

414.  do.     satnc?     Lenore     ....     in  drei  englischcn 

Obersctzungen.     Gottingen  1797.  [n7] 


•(■415.  do.  Leonora.  Tr.  J:  T.  Stanley.  Lend.  Miller 
1796.     (Feb.)     i3p.    8vo.  [bm] 

t4i5a.   do.    same.     New  rev.  ed.  1796.    (Apr.)    410  [bm] 

t4i6.  do.  Ellenore.  Tr.  W:  Taylor  in  Monthly  Maga- 
zine.   Lond.     1796.    Reprinted  in  C156.         [B7] 

1417.  do.  same.  Tr.  VV:  Taylor,  revised.  Norwich 
1796.  Reprinted  in  C16,  C103,  C245.  Also  in 
Poetry  :  original  and  selected.  Glasgow.  Brash 
&  Reid  1810?    8p.    14cm.  [lc] 

14173.   do.     Tr.  W.  Whewell  in  C256 ;  also  in  #391. 

*4i8.  do.  Tr.  H:  D.  Wireman.  Phil.  Kohler  1870. 
i6mo.  [ac] 
Also  in  C267,  C145. 

419.  Miss  Kitty;  a  parody  on  Lenora.     Tr.   from  the 

Ger.  by  several  hands.     1797.    8vo.  [bms] 

420.  The  wild  huntsman's  chase.     Lond.     Low   1798. 

I5p.    4to.  [bm] 

421.  The  wild  huntsman.      Tr.    C:    J.    LiJtens.     Phil. 

Collins,  printer.  1817.  22p.  25cm.  "Fifty 
complimentary  copies  printed  in  advance  of  pub- 
lication." [lc] 

BuERSTENBiNDER,  Eli.  1838-    scc  "Werner,  E." 

BuESCHiNG,  J:  Gst.  Gb.  1783-1829 

Selections  from  his  Popular  traditions  etc.     Leipz. 
1820.    In  C50,  C212. 


422.  Hegel's  doctrine   of  contradiction.     Tr.   Alice  A. 

Graves.     In  C141,  vol.  22. 

BuLLiNCER,  H:  1504-75 

423.  [Controversial   document  touching  the   Papal  bull 

against  Queen  Elizabeth.    Tr.  1571.]  [bio] 

Bund,  L: 

424.  Puck's  nightly  pranks.     Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.     Bost. 

Roberts  1871.    yj  1.    il.    sq.    8vo.  [ny] 

BuNSEN,  Cn.  K:  Josias,  freiherr  v.  1791-1860 

425.  Letters   from  B__   to  Max  Miiller,  1848-59.     Tr. 



by  G[eorgiana]  A.  ]M[uller?]  In  Miiller,  Chips 
fr.  a  Ger.  workshop.  Lond.  Longmans  1870. 
8vo.  [lco] 

426.  Life  of  M.  Luther.     Bost.    Hurd  &  Houghton  n.d. 

i6mo.  [ac7] 

do.     M L--.   NY.    Am.    book    exchange    1880. 

6ip.     i6mo.  [lco] 

427.  Niebuhr  as  a  diplomatist  in   Rome.     In  Niebuhr, 

B.  G.  Life  and  Letters,  vol.  2.  Lond.  Chapman 
&  Hall  1852.    8vo.  [lco] 

428.  Niebuhr's   political   opinions   and   character,     ibid. 

vol.  3. 

429.  Preface  to  Debit  and  Credit.     In  #1056,  vol.  i. 

430.  Signs  of  the  times.     Letters  to  E.  M.  Arndt  on 

the  dangers  to  religious  liberty  in  the  present 
state  of  the  world.  Tr.  S.  Winkworth.  Harper 
n.  d.     i2mo.  [ac7] 

BURCKHARDT,  Jk.   1818- 

431.  The  civilization  of  the  period  of  the  renaissance  in 

Italy.  Tr.  S.  G.  C.  Middlemore.  NY.  Scrib- 
ner  &  W.  1878.    2v.    8vo. 

Macmillan  1890.    8vo.  [ac] 

_-  Lond.     Sonnenschcin  1898.  [ec] 


432.  Meditations.     Tr.    J.     Snow.      Lond.      Hatchard 

1831.     i8mo.  [ec] 

433.  The    life    and     character    of     ...     .     Luther. 

CoUoquia  mensalia ;  or,  the  familiar  discourses 
of     ...     .     M.  L.  1791.     fol.  --  1818.    8vo. 

Burg,  Ma. 

434.  The  inquisitive  boy-     In  #3045. 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C186. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C13. 




Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C181,  C186,  C244. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C232. 

BuRow,  Jle.  1806-68 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145. 

BuscH,  Jl.  Hm.  Mz.  1821-99 

435 .     Bismarck  in  the  Franco-German  war.    NY.    Scrib- 
ner   1879.     2v.     20cm.  [lc] 

Bismarck;  some  secret  pages  of  his  history;  being 
a  diary  kept  during  25  years'  official  and  private 

intercourse NY.     IMacmillan    1898. 

2v.     23cm.     [Some  deviations.]  [lc] 

do.     Lond.    Macmillan  1898.    3V.  8vo.  [bms] 

do.     Condensed  ed.  1899.    S76p.  [bms] 

Our  chancellor;  sketches  for  a  historical  picture. 
Tr.  W :  Beatty-Kingston.  Lond.  Macmillan 
1884.    2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

BuscH,  P.  d.  1544 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

439.  A  bushel  of  merry    thoughts.      Tr?  H.  Rogers. 

Lond.    Low  1867.    il.    8vo.  [ec] 

440.  do.     Same?    Tr.  W.  Harry  Rogers.     1868.    4  pts. 

obi.     i6mo.  [bm] 

*44i .     Buzz  a  buzz ;  or,  the    bees.      Tr.    W.  C.  Cotton. 

Lond.     1872.    il.    8vo.  [bm] 

*442.     do.     Tr.   Hezekiah    Watkins.      NY.      Holt   1873. 

8op.    il.    8vo.  [lc] 

443 .  Cousin   Freddy's   first   and   last   donkey-ride.     Tr. 

A.  B.  Westmacott.    il.     1879.    4to.  [bm] 

444.  Diogenes  and  the  two  naughty  young  Corinthians. 

Tr.  A.  B.  Westmacott.    il.    1879.    4to.  [bm] 

443.     Edward'.s  dream;  the    philosophy    of  a  humorist. 

Tr.  and  ed.  Paul  Carus.    Chic.  Open  Court  1909. 

74p.     i6mo.  [lc] 






446.  The    fool's    paradise     ....     as    seen    in   the 

strange,  surpassing  peep-show  of  Prof.  WoUey 
Gobble.  Tr.  from  "Miinchener  Bilderbogen"  by 
H.  Llewellyn  Williams.  Lond.  Griffith  & 
Farran  1883.    410.  [bms] 

447.  Hookey-beak,   the    raven.       Routledge     1877.      il. 

4to.  [.-vc] 

448.  do.  and  other  tales.     Tr.  H.  W.  Dulcken.     Lond. 

1878.    8vo.  [bm] 

449.  do.     Jack  Huckaback,  the  scapegrace  raven.     Tr. 

J.  S.  S.  Rockwell.  NY.  Stroefer  &  Kirchner 
n.  d.    24p.    il.    Svo.  [ny] 

450.  Hurdy  gurdy ;  woodcuts,    with    stories  in  rhymes. 

NY.  Stroefer  &  Kirchner  n.  d.    Svo.  [ac7] 

**45i .     Max  and   Maurice,    a    juvenile    history    in  seven 

tricks.     Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.     Bost.     Roberts  1S71. 

il.     56p.     20cm.  [lc] 

Munich  and  Lond.     1874.    il.    Svo.  [bm] 

__  Myers  1886.    Svo.  [ec] 

New  issue.     NY.     Little,  Brown   1899.     il. 

sq.  D.  [ac] 

Siegle  &  H.  igo6.     100  il.  in  color.    54p.  [ec] 

__  Routledge  191 3.    4to.  [ecJ 

452.     Mischief  book.     Tr.  A.  L.  Alger.     NY.     Worth- 

ington  1879.     il.     obi.     i2mo.  [.\c] 

*453.     Naughty  Jemima:  a  doleful  tale.      [Die   fromme 

Helcne.j     Tr.    J:    Mac    Lush,    pseud?     Lond. 

Nimmo  1872.     ii9p.    Svo.    __  1S74.    il.     i6mo. 


**454.     riish  and  Plum.    Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.    Bost.    Roberts 

1883.    67p.    Svo.  [lco] 

__    New   issue.     NY.     Little,    Brown    1899.     il. 

sq.    O.  [ac] 

455-  T'l*^  power  of  sound.  Tr.  A.  B.  W'estmacott. 
1S79.    il.    4to.  [bm] 

456.  The  siege  of  Troy.  Tr.  .'\.  B.  Wcstmacott.  1879. 
4to.  [bm] 



457.  The  tall  student.     Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.    Bost.     1873. 

il.    ff.     17.  [hcl] 

BussE,  K :  1872- 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C14. 

Busse-Palma,  G  : 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14. 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C244. 
"Byr,  Rb."  (i.  e.  K:  Rb.  Emmerich  v.  Bayer) 

458.  Sphinx;   or,   striving    with    destiny.     Tr.   "Auber 

Forestier."  Phil;  NY.  Maclean  1871.  4DOp. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Calisius,  J:  H.  1703 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Camenisch,  Nina, 

Selection,  verse,  see  C190. 

Camerarius,  Ph.  1537-1627 

459.  The  living  librarie;  or,  meditations  and  observa- 

tions historical,  natural,  moral,  political,  and 
poetical.  (Fr.  the  Latin.)  Tr.  J:  Molle.  Lond. 
Islip  1625.    2d  ed.    426p.     29cm.  [lco] 

Campe,  Jm.  H :  v.  1746-1818 

460.  Elementary    dialogues    for    the    improvement  of 

youth.  Tr.  Mrs.  Seymour.  Lond.  1792.  192P. 
8vo.  [bm] 

461 .  Polar  scenes,  exhibited  in  the  voyages  of  Heems- 

kirk  and  Barenz  to  the  northern  regions,  and  in 
the  adventures  of  four  Russian  sailors  at  the 
island  of  Spitzbergen.  2d  ed.  Lond.  for  J. 
Harris  1822.     138P.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

462.  Robinson  the  younger.     Tr.  J:  Timiius.     Braun- 

schweig.    Schulbuchhandlung  1800.    8vo.    [b22] 

463 .  do.     II.  by  German  notes  for  the  use  of  those  which 

are  learning  the  English.  Francfort  upon  the 
Main.  Print,  for  J.  J.  Kessler.  1789.  678P. 
__  A  new  ed.  rev.  and  corr.     Bremen.     Print. 

72  university  of  'wisconsin  studies 


for  F.  Wilmans.     Tr.  F.  C.  jNIertens,  Bremen. 

1800.    8vo.  [b22] 

464.  do.     Hamburg.     Print,    for  C.    E.   Bohn    1781-2. 

2v.    8vo.  [b22] 

465.  do.     The  new  R--  C-- :  an  instructive  and  enter- 

taining history  for  the  use  of  children.  Tr.  fr. 
the  French.  Lond.  1788.  4V.  i2mo.  __  1789. 
Cork  1809.  [bm] 

466.     Reprint?    Bost.   Thomas  &  Andres  1790.   27op. 

iBcm.  [lc] 

467.  -_  Reprint?    Phil.     1803.     i2mo.  [B24] 

468.  do.     An  abridgment  of  the  new  R__   C_-.     NY. 

181 1.  [B24] 

469.  do.     An  abridgment  etc.     [From  Lond.  ed.  1788.] 

Phil.     Bioren   1824.     i82p.     il.     i8cm.  [lc] 

470.  do.     The  new  R__   C_-.      Abr.    tr.   1827.     i2mo. 

—  1830?     i2mo.  [bm] 

471.  do.     R the  younger;  or,  the  new  Crusoe.     Tr. 

R.  Hick.    Lond.     1855.    8vo.  [bm] 

Canitz,  F:  Rd.  freiherr  v.  1654-99 

Selection,  verse,  see  C265. 

Carion,  J : 

472.  The  three  bokes  of    Chronicles.      Tr.  W.   Lynne. 

Lond.  for  G.  Lynne  1550.    410.  [bm] 

Carlk,  Erw.  1876-        see  "Rosen,  Erw." 

"Carmen  Sylva"  (i.  e.  Elizabeth,  Queen  of  Rumania,  1843- 
Selection,  verse,  see  Ci6o. 

473.  The  dreamer  of  dreams.     II.  by  Edmund  Dulac. 

Lond;  NY.     Hodder  &  S.  1915.     i8ip.     25cm. 


474.  F.dlcen  Vaughan;  or,  paths  of  peril.    NY.    Cassell 

1891.    4i2p.     19cm.  [lc] 

475.  From  memory's  shrine:  the  reminiscences  of  C 

S--.  Tr.  Edith  Hopkirk.  Phil.  Lond.  Lippin- 
cott  1911.    270P.  il.  2icm.  [lc] 


New  ed.    Lond.    Low  1914.    2y2p.  il.  8vo. 

Low  1911.  274p.  8vo.  k-  New  and  cheaper 
ed.     Low  1912.     274p.  [ec] 

475a.   Golden  thoughts  of  C.  S.     Tr.  H.  Sutherland  Ed- 
wards.   Lond.    Lane  1910.    gSp.     i2mo.  [ec] 

476.  A  heart  regained.      Tr.    Mrs.    Ma.    A.  Mitchell. 

Bost.     Cupples  &  H.  1888.     I29p.     17cm.     [lc] 

477.  How  I  spent  my  sixtieth  birthday.    Tr.  H.  E.  Delf. 

NY.    Scribner  1904.  [ac] 

478.  Legends  from  river  and  mountain;  by  C-  S--  and 

Alma  Strettell.  II.  by  T.  H.  Robinson.  Lond. 
Allen  1896.    328p.    21cm.  [lc] 

479.  The  mother-in-law.     In   fetters.   In  Roosevelt,   B., 

Elisabeth  of  Roumania  ;  a  study.  With  two  tales. 
1891.    8vo.  [bm] 

480.  Pilgrim  sorrow.    A  cycle  of  tales.    Tr.  Helen  Zim- 

mern.    Lond.    1884.    262p.    8vo.  [bm] 

do.     NY.    Holt  1884.  [ac] 

481 .  Poems.     Tr.  A.  H.   Exner.     Lond.     Jarrold  19 

r22p.    i8cm.  [lc] 

482.  A  real  queen's  fairy  tales.    Tr.  Edith  Hopkirk.   II. 

H.  Nelson  and  A.  G.  Jones.    Chic.    Davis  1901. 

229p.    8vo.  [lc] 

482a.    Shadows  on  love's   dial.     Downev    1895,  6.     8vo. 


483.  Songs  of  toil.     Tr.  J:  E.  Bowen.     NY.     Stokes 

1887.     i43p.     i6cm.     __  1888.     _-  1892.       [lc] 

484.  Suffering's   journey   on   the   earth.      (Leidens   Er- 

dengang.)  Tr.  Marg.  A.  Nash.  II.  Percy  A. 
Nash.  2d  ed.  Lond.  Jarrold  1906?  i39p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

485.  Thoughts  of  a  queen.    Tr.  H.  S.  Edwards.    Lond. 

Eden  1890.    I39p.    8vo.  [bm] 

485a.   New  ed.  Macqueen  1895.    i2mo.  [bm] 

486.  do.     Sparks  from    the    anvil;    or,  thoughts  of  a 

queen.    Lond.    Jarrold  1912.    io8p.    i2mo.  [ec] 

487.  Life.    From  the  German.    Lond.    Paul  1890.    8vo. 


See  Stachelberg,  Na.,  Life  of  C.   S...     #5466. 



Carove,  F:  W:  1789- 185 2 

488.  The  story  of  Gottfried  and  Beata.    Tr.  A.  Moline. 

Lond.     Harvey  1844.     i2mo.  [bm] 

488a.   The  child  and  the  hermit;  or,  a  sequel  to  the  story 

without  an  end.     1840?     i6vo.  [em] 

489.  The  story  without  an  end.      (Das    Marchen  ohne 

Ende.)     Tr.  Sa.  Austin.     Lond.     1834.     i2mo. 

Also  in  Curious  stories  about  fairies.     1856. 

New    and    improved    ed.      II.    W.    Harvey. 

Lond.     1864.     i6mo.     —  II.  Mrs.  E.  V.  Boyle. 
Lond.    Low  1868.    4to.  [bm] 

490.  do.  same.     Bost.      Francis     1836.      I23p.     il.     sm. 

4to.  [lco] 

491 .  do.  same.     New  ed.     Virtue  1863.     i6mo.         [ec] 

492.  do.  same.     Lond.     Low    1872.     i6mo.     1874. 

8vo.     II.  E.  V.  B.  [ec] 

493.  do.  same.     In    Chamisso,    Peter    Schlemihl    1889. 


494.  do.  same.     Portland,    Me.      Mosher    1897.      589. 

13cm.     [Velhtm.]  il.  Boyle.  [lc] 

495.  do.  same.     Boston.    Estes  1899.     74p.     il.     i2nio. 


496.  do.  same.     Bost.     Heath   1902.     1903.     Pref.  by. 

T.  W.  Higg^nson.     II.  E.  V.  B.     57p.     igcm. 




498.  do.  same.     NY.    Putnam  1904.  il.     i2mo.         [ac] 

499.  do.  same.     Intro,  by  C.  Wager-Smith.     Phil.    Al- 
temus  1904.    il.     nop.    19cm.  [lc] 

499a.   Lond.     Duckworth  1904.      86p.      i6mo.     Tr.  Sa. 
Austin.  [ec] 

500.  do.     Tr.  J.    C.    Pickard.      Ciiic.    Winchell    1885. 
33p.     i6mo.  [lco] 

501 .  do.  do.     With  The    Palace    of    vanity ;    from  the 
French.     Bost;    Chic.      Interstate    1886.      1887. 

S.  [AC] 

497.      do.  same?  Tr.    Austin?      Gardner    1899. 

morgan— bibliography  of  german  literature      75 

Carriere,  Mz. 

502.  Sculpture  and  painting.     Ad.  as  "Ancient  Art"  by 

Allan  Marquand  in  Iconographic  encyclopaedia. 
Phil.     1887.    vol.  3.  [lco] 

Carsten,  H : 

503.  Cinderella.    Tr.  L.  Novra.    Libretto.    Lend.  1879. 

8vo.  [bm] 

504.  Little   rosebud.      The    sleeping    beauty.       (Dorn- 

roschen.)     Tr.  L.   Novra.     Lond.     1878.     8vo. 


Carus,  K:  Gst.  1789-1869 

505.  The  king  of  Saxony's    journey    through  England 

and  Scotland  in  the  year  1844.  Tr.  S.  C.  David- 
son.   Lond.    1846.    8vo.  [bm] 

Caspari,  K  :  H  : 

506.  Frank's   friend;    or,    the    rampart     of   Strasburg. 

Phil.    Luth.  Bd.  1862.    i8mo.  82p.  [lco] 

507.  The  schoolmaster  and  his  son,  a  narrative  of     .     . 

.     .     the  thirty  years'  war.     Tr.  fr.  the  3d  ed. 
Phil.     1861.     i2mo.  [lco] 

508.  do.     Morgan  1863.     i2mo.    __  New  ed.    Gardner. 

1888.     i2mo.  [ec] 

Castelli,  Ig.  Fz.  1781-1862 

Selection,  verse,  see  C31. 

509.  The  castle  of  Cleves;  or,  the  witness.     In  C116. 

510.  The  conspirators;  or,  the  household  war.     Opera 

in  one  act.  Music  by  Fz.  Schubert.  (Text  sub- 
stantially a  tr.  of  Aristophanes'  "Lysistrata".) 
Ed.  and  tr.  G:  L.  Osgood.  Bost.  Ditson  1883. 
I34p.    4to.  [lco] 

511.  The  Swiss  family;  lyric  opera  in  three  acts.   Music 

by  Joseph  Weigh  Tr.  C.  B.  Burkhardt.  NY. 
Herald  1845.     top.    8vo.  [lco] 

Chalybaeus,  H:  Mz.  1796-1862 

512.  Historical  survey   of  speculative  philosophy   from 

Kant  to  Hegel.  Tr.  fr.  4th  ed.  by  Alfred  Tulk. 
Lond.    Longman  1854.    397p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

76  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


513.  do.     Historical  development  etc.     Tr.   A.   Eders- 

heim.    Edin.    1854.    8vo.  [bm] 
Same?    Andover,  Mass.    Draper  185-.    i2mo. 


Chamberlain,  Houston  Stewart,  1856- 

514.  The  foundations  of  the  19th  century.    Tr.  J:  Lees. 

Lond;   NY.     Lane   1911.     2v.     il.     22cm. 

1912.     20cm.  [lc] 

**5I5.      Immanuel  Kant;  a  study  and  a  comparison  with 

Goethe,  Leonardo  da  Vinci,  Bruno,  Plato,  and 

Descartes.    Tr.  A.  B.  Freeman-Mitford.     Lond ; 

NY.  Lane  1914.  2v.  456,  530p.  23cm.  [lc] 
**5i6.     The  ravings  of  a  renegade;  being  the  war  essays 

of  H.  S.  C    Tr.  C:  H.  Clarke.     Lond.    Jarrold 

1915-     307P-     19cm-  [lc] 

♦517.      R:  Wagner.     Tr.  G:  A.  Hight.     Munich.     Bruck- 

mann ;  Phil.     Lippincott  1897.    402p.    il.     31cm. 


Chamisso,  Adt.  V.  1781-1835 

Selection,  verse,  see  C226,  C199,  C153,  C48,  C149, 

C248,  C121,  C258,  C84,  C145,  C62,  C119,  Cioq, 

Ciio,  C202,  C68,  C52,  C177,  C25,  C20i(9),  C91, 

C8,  C53,  C103,  C148,  C89,  C20,  C46,  C107,  C160, 

C185  ;  #3800,  #2424. 

**5i8.     Faust;  a    dramatic    sketch.      Tr.    H.  Phillips,  Jr. 

Phil.     Priv.  print.  i86r.    23p.     19cm.  [lc] 

519.     Peter  Schlemihl ;    from    the    German    of  Lamotte 

Fouque    [sic].      Tr.    Sir    J:    Bowring.     Lond. 

Whittaker  1824.    i2mo.  [bm] 

530.     do.  do.     Bost.    Wells  &  L.  1824.    II.    Cruikshank. 

I39p.     i6mo.  [1124] 

**52i.     (/().  do.     3d  ed.      II.    Cruikshank.     Lond.     Hard- 

wicke  &   Boguc    1861.      I9cni.      1878.     i22p. 

25cm.  [lc] 

522.  do.  do.     NY.    Denman.  .Mexander  1874.  [ac] 

523.  do.  do.     II.     Cruikshank.       NY.      Putnam      1903. 

32mo.  [ac] 

524.  do.  do?     Bost.     Knight  1893.     il.  [ac] 


525.  do.  do?     With     Novalis,    Hymns    to    night,    and 

Carove,    Storv    without    an   end.     Cassell    1889. 


525a.   do.     P S--.     Tr.   Emilie   de   Rouillon.     Lond. 

Lane  1838.     i8mo.  [ec] 

526.  do.     The  wonderful  history  of  P--  S ,  the  man 

who  lost  his  shadow.    Tr.  F :  H  :  Hedge.     Bost. 
Ginn  1899.     Ii8p.     i8cni.  [lc] 

__  Also  in  C120,  C91  (5). 

♦527 .      do.     The  wonderful  history  of  P S--.     Tr.  W: 

Howitt.     Niirnberg;  Lond;  Leipz.   1843.     i6mo. 
(Ger.  and  Eng.)     __  i860.  [hcl] 

**528.     do.  do.     NY.      Burgess    &    Stringer     1844.     42p- 
24cm.  [lc] 

♦529.  do.  The  shadowless  man;  or,  the  wonderful 
history  of  P.-  S--.  Lond.  Burns  1845.  75p. 
(Tr.  Jas.  Bums?)  [hcl] 

530.  do.  do.     Lond.     Lumley    1845.     75p.     il.      i6cm. 


531.  do.  do.     Lond.     Routledge   1877.     8vo.     1879. 


532.  do.     Anon.     With  The  new  Paul  and  Virginia  by 

W.   H.   Mallock.      NY.    Am.  news ;   Nashville. 

Setliff  1882.  [ac] 

*533-     <^0-     Anon.     P__  S_-.     In  €236(2). 
534.     do.     The  shadowless  man,  P S-_.  II.  G.  Browne. 

Lond.    Chatto  &  Windus  1910.     i3op.  8vo.  [ec] 
*535-     do.     P--  S--,  the  shadowless  man.     Lond.     Allen 

1899.      I47p.     8vo.      [Slightly  revised  from  the 

Burns  ed.  184.^.    #529.]  [bpl] 

536.  do.     Same  title.    II.  Burne-Jones.    Intro.  J.  Jacobs. 

Lond.    Allen  1898.     i8op.  8vo.  [ec] 

537.  do.     Allen  &  U.  1915.     i8mo.  [ec] 

538.  do.     The    marvellous    history     of    the    shadowless 

man  ;  and.  The  cold  heart  by  W :  Hauff.    Lond. 
Holden  &  H.  1913.    8op.    4to.  [ec] 

*539-  Woman's  love  and  life ;  a  cycle  of  song.  Tr.  F.  V. 
McDoilald.  Cambridge,  Mass.  Wilson  1881. 
fT.    9.    8vo.  [hcl] 


Charlemagne  (i.  e.  K:  I,  der  grosse,  742-814) 

See  Eginhardus,  Life  of  the  emperor  K :  the  great. 

#738,  #739- 
See  Kohlrausch,  H  :,  The  character  of  C--.    #3091. 
See  Schmidt,  Fd.,  C— .    #5182. 

Chezy,  Hna  Cne.  v.  1783-1856 

*540.  Euryanthe.  Romantic  opera  in  three  acts.  Music 
by  C.  M.  V.  Weber.  Tr.  F:  A.  Schwab.  NY. 
1887.    Libretto.    Ger.  and  Eng.     i2mo.       [lco] 

Christen,  Ada 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C230. 

Christian  von  Hamle,  jjth  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C181,  C186,  C244,  C146. 

Christian  von  Lupin,  /?.  1292-1312 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C244. 

Christoffel,  Raget 

541 .  Zwingli ;  or,  the  rise  of  the  reformation  in  Switzer- 

land.     Tr.    J:    Cochran.      Edin.      Clark    1858. 
462P.    8vo.  [bm] 

_-  Edin.  Hamilton  1858.  i860.    8vo.  [ec] 

"Claudius,  Mn."  (i.  e.  Petzel,  Rosa) 

542.  The  cottage  by  the  lake.     (Das  Hiiuschen  am  See.) 

Tr.  R.   H.   Schively.      Phil.      Luth.   Bd.    1869. 
i6op.    17cm.  [lc] 

Claudius,  Mt.  1740-1815 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C62,  C6S,  C230,  C105,  C180, 
Cn7,  C20,  C245,  C232,  C109,  C176,  C202,  C127, 
C15,  C20i(i8),  C202,  C23,  C145,  C265,  C103, 
C8,  C185,  C160,  #2411. 

Selection,  prose,  see  C120. 

543.  Claudius;  or,  the  messenger  of   Wandsbeck,  and 

his  message.      (Letters,    essays,    and   fragments 
fr.  his  works.)    Ed.  H.  J.  C.    Lond.    1859.    8vo. 



"Clauren,  H:"  (i.  e.  Heun,  C:  Gb.  S:) 

544.  Liesli,  a  Swiss    tale.      Tr.    J.    D.    Haas.     Lend, 

Whittaker  1826.    I44p.    8vo.  [bm] 

545.  same.     Liesli,  the  maid  of  Solothurn ;  or,  the  ceme- 

tery of  Schwytz.     In  C116. 

546.  do.     Liesli,  a    Swiss    tale    etc.      With    Aeinrich 

(Heinrich)  and  Blanca;  or,  the  three  brothers. 
Lond.     1845.     i2mo.  [bm] 

Clausewitz,  K:  v.  1780-1831 

Selection,  prose,  see  C98. 

Clausnitzer,  T. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C138,  C180. 

CoHN,  Ca.  (Viebig)  see  "Viebig,  Ca." 

CoHN,  Mn.  d.  1894  see  "Mels,  A." 

Collin,  H:  Js.  v.  1771-1811 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C23. 

CoMENius,  J:  Amos,  1592-1670 

Selection,  verse,  see  C180. 

See  Raumer,  K.  v.,  Ratich,  Comenius,  and  Base- 
dow.    #4462. 

Conrad  von  Queinfurt 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264. 

Conrad,  A :  1842- 

547.  The  destruction  of  Columbia,    S.    C.     Tr.  W:  H. 

Pleasants.     Roanoke,   Va.      Stone  print.    1902. 
3ip.    23cm.  [lc] 

Conrad,  J  :s 

548.  The  German  universities   for  the  last  fifty  years. 

Tr.  J.  Hutchison.    Glasgow.    Bryce  1855.    333p. 
8vo.  [bm] 

__  Lond.    Simpkin  &  M.  1885.    8vo.  [ec] 

Corvin-Wiersbitzki,  O:  Jl.  Bh.  v.  1812-86 

549.  A  life    of    adventure,    an    autobiography.     Lond. 

Bentley  1871.    3V.    2icm.  [lc] 



550.  Yorston's  popular  history  of  the  world.     Tr.  H.  W. 

Dulcken.  NY;  Cincin.  Yorston  1884-6.  8v. 
il.  25cm.  [From  his  "Illustricrtc  Weltgeschichte 
fur  das  Volk."]  [lc] 

CoSEL,  Cte.  V.  1818-         sec  "Auer,  Ade.  v." 

Cramer,  J:  And.  1723-88 

^■r^  Gellert.    The  life  of  professor  G etc.   #1193. 

Cramer,  K:  Gib. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C264. 

551.  Hermann  of  Unna:  a  series  of  adventures  of  the 

15th  cent.     3d    ed.      Lond.      1796.      3V.   i2mo. 

Crasselius,  Bartholomaus,  ca.  1700 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126,  C180,  C220,  C266. 

Creuznach,  Td. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

Crojan,  J. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C105. 

CuRTius,  Ern.  1814-96 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

552.  The  hi.«tory  of    Greece.      Tr.    Sir    Adolphus  W'. 

\\ard.    Lond.    Bentley  1868-73.    5V.    22cm. 

Rev.  by  W :  A.  Packard.  NY.  Scribner  1870-4. 
20cm.  __  Scribner  1871-4.  19- cm.  __  Scrib- 
ner 1892.    2icm.  [lc] 

CuRTMAN.N,  W  :  Jk.  G:  1802-71 

553 .  Short  stories  for  children.    Tr.  Ida  Kurtmann.    St. 

Louis  1909.    8ip.    23cm.  ^c] 

Da(  II,  Sm.  1605-59 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264,  C266,  C267,  C161,  C151, 
C215.  C126,  C259,  C145,  C103. 
Daems,  S. 

SS4-     Double  sacrifice.     Balto.     KcUv.  Piet  1870.     i2ino. 



Dahn,  Fx.  L:  Sophus,  1834-1912 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C145,  C148,  C198,  C230,  C267, 


555.     Attila  the  Hun.     A  novel.     NV.     Minerva   1891. 

253p.     18cm.  [lc] 

**556.     -A  captive  of  the  Roman  eagles.     [Bissula.]     Tr. 

Ma.  J.  Safford.     Chic.     McClurg   1902.     434p. 

20cm.  [lc] 

556a.   The  fall  of  the  Vandal  dragon.    McClurg.         [b8] 

**557-     Felicitas.     Tr.  Ma.  J.  SafTord.     NY.     Gottsberger 

1883.    2o8p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

558.     -_  McClurg  1903.    34ip.  [lc] 

**559-     'io.     Tr.  Ma.  Gowen  Lansdale.    Washington,  D.  C. 

Neale  1903.    i6op.    20cm.  [lc] 

560.  do.  abr.     Longmans   1890.  [b8] 

561.  do.     Macmillan  1893.  [b8] 

562.  do.     Industrial  pub.  1903.  [b8] 
562a.   The  saga  of  Half  red,    the    Sigskald.     A  northern 

tale.     Tr.  Veitch.     Gardner  1886.     8vo.         [ec] 
**563.     The  scarlet  banner.     [Gelimer].     Tr.  Ma.  J.  Saf- 
ford.   Chic.    McClurg  1903.    4i8p.    20cm.     [lc] 

564.  A  struggle  for  Rome.     (Ein  Kampf  um  Rom.) 

Tr.  L.  Wolftsohn.    3V.    Lond.    1878.    8vo.  [bm] 

Dalei,  Bn.  , 

Selection,  verse,  see  C202,  C20i(i8). 

Bamberger,  Cn.  F : 

565.  Travels  through  the  interior  of  Africa     .... 

1781-97.  Tr.  by  "Zacharias  Taurinius"?  NY. 
Durell  1801.  2v.  i8cm.  [Reprint  of  English 
ed.    Lond.    Longman  1801.    2v.  in  1,  il.    21cm.] 


^       566.     do.     Host.     Larkin    1801.     523P.      21cm.      [Fic- 
titious voyage.]  [lc] 

Darmstaedter,  pi. 

Selection,  prose,  see  Ci78a. 

Dauthendev,  Mx.  1867- 

Selcction,  verse,  see  C14. 

82  university  op  wisconsin  studies 


567.  The  caprices  of  an  empress,  dramatic  composition 
in  four  acts.  [Die  Spielereien  einer  Kaiserin.] 
Tr.  Marie  M.  Macdonald.    NY.    1912.    Tp.  [lc] 

Decius,  N:  a.  1522-41 

Selection,  verse,  see  C220,  C180,  C185. 

Dedekind,  F:  1525  P-gS 

**568.  The  schoole  of  slovenrie;  or,  Cato  turned  wrong 
side  outward.  Tr.  out  of  Latine  into  English 
verse,  to  the  use  of  all  English  Cristendome,  ex- 
cept court  and  cities.  By  R.  F.,  Gent.  Lond. 
V.  Simmes  1605.    4to.  [bpl] 

569.      do.     Reprinted   in    Palaestra    XXXVUI.      Berhn 
1570.      Grobianus ;   or,   the   compleat  booby.     An  ironical 
poem.    Tr.  Roger  Bull.    Lond.    T.  Cooper  1739. 
276P.    Svo.     [Paraphrase.]  [ny] 

Deecke,  W:  1831-97 

571 .  Italy  :  a  popular  account.    Tr.  H.  A.  Nesbit.    Lond. 

Sonnenschein ;    NY.      Macmilian     1904.      485P. 
26cm.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C109. 

Dehmel,  R  :  1863- 

Sclection,  verse,  see  €91(18),  C14,  C160  (2d  ed.), 

Deinhardstein,  J:  L:  Fz.  1794-1859 

572.  Salvator  Rosa;    or,    the    portrait    of    Danae.     A 

comedy.    In  Ci  16. 

Deiti;ks,  Ilm.  1833- 

573.  Johannes  Brahms.     Tr.  Rosa  Newmarch.     Lond. 

Unwin  1888.     i6op.     i8cm.  [i,c] 

Delbrueck,  Hs. 

Selection,  prose,  see  €1783,  C98. 


Delff,  Hg.  K.  H. 

Selection,  prose,  see  Ci4i(i7). 

Delitzsch,  Fz.  1813-90 

574.  A  day  in  Capernaum.     Tr.  3d.  Ger.  ed.  by  Rev. 

G:  H.  Schodde.  NY.  Funk  &  W.  1887.  i66p. 
i2mo.  [lco] 

575.  Iris:  studies  in  color  and  talks  about  flowers.    Tr. 

A.  Cusin.    Edin.    Clark  1889.    2279.  8vo.  [bms] 

576.  Jose  and  Benjamin :  a  tale  of  Jerusalem  in  the  time 

of  the  Herods.  Tr.  J.  G.  Smieton.  Lond.  1882. 
232P.    8vo.  [bm] 

577.  The  oaks  of  A  La  Ronde.     Tr.  A.  F.  O.  I.     Re- 

printed from  "Hebrew  Christian  Witness." 
Lond.    Adams  1880.    I5p.    8vo.  [bm] 

Denk,  V:  Mn.  O:  1853-  see  "Schaching,  O:  v." 

Dessler,  Wfg.  Cph.  1660-1722 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264,  C265,  C266,  C220,  C221 ; 



Selection,  verse,  see  C229. 

"Detlef,  Carl"  (i.  e.  Klara  Bauer,  1836-76) 

578.  At  Capri.    A  story  of  Italian  life.     [Auf  Capri.] 

Tr.  MS.  Phil.     Porter  &  C.  1875.     353p.     19cm. 


579.  Clemence  d'Orville;    or,    from    the  palace  to  the 

steppe.  A  novel  of  Russian  high  life.  Also, 
Clelia,  from  family  papers.  By  "A.  Mels."  Tr. 
T.  H.  Fairfax.  Host.  Littell  &  Gay  1870.  ii2p. 
23cm.  [lc] 

580.  Irene;  or,  the  lonely  manor.     NY.     Lovell   1882. 

i2mo.  [ac] 

581.  Must  it  be?    A  romance.    Tr.  MS.  Phil.    Lippin- 

cott  1873.     I34p.    il.    23cm.  [lc] 

582.  Nora.     Tr.    Marian    Ford.      NY.      Munro   1888. 

239p.    19cm.  [lc] 

34  university  of  wisconsin   studies 


583.  Russian  country  house.     Tr.    Mrs.    J.   W.  Davis. 

NY.    Worthington  1890.    D.  [ac] 

584.  Valentine,  the  countess;   or,   between   father  and 

son.  Tr.  MS.  Phil.  Porter  &  C.  1874.  377?. 
19cm.     __  1885.  [lc] 

Deussen,  pi.  1845- 

585.  Outlines   of   Indian   philosophy.     Prolsthain   1907. 

/op.     5  X  8  in.  [ec] 

586.  Outlines  of  the  Vedanta  system  of  philosophy  ac- 

cording to  Shankara.  Tr.  Jas.  Haughton  Woods 
and  C.  B.  Rumble.  Luzac  1907.  8vo.  [ec] 
NY.    Grafton  press  1906.    45p.    20cm.     [lc] 

587.  The  philosophy    of    the    Upanishads.     Tr.   A.   S. 

Green  (i.  e.  Geden?)  Edin.  Clark  1906.  444p. 
8vo.  [ec] 

588.  do.     Tr.  Alfred  Shenington  Geden.     Edin.     Clark 

1906.  22op.  23cm.  [lc] 
1908.  429P.  [lc] 

589.  The  system  of  the  Vedanta  etc.    Tr.  C:  Johnston. 

Luzac  1912.  528p.  8vo.  [ec] 
Chic.    Open  Ct.  1912.    513P.    23cm.         [lc] 

"Deutsch,  Cn."  sec  ]:sU:  A:  Ebrard,  1818- 

Devrient,  E:  1801-77 

**590.  My  recollections  of  Felix  Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, 
and  his  letters  to  me.  Tr.  Natalia  Macfarren. 
Lond.     Bentley  1869.    307P.     20cm.  [lc] 

"Dewall,  J:s  van"  (i.  e.  A:  Kiihne,  1829-83) 

591.  Dear  Elsie,  a  novel.     Tr.  Ma.  J.  Saflford.     II.  W. 

B.   Davis.     NY.     Bonner    1892.      ^45p.      19cm. 


592.  Far  from  home.    By  "J-  van  Derval."    Tr.  Kath- 

rine  Hamilton.      Bost.      Lothrop    1884.  250P. 

19cm. 1886.  [lc] 

593-     A  great  lady.     A  romance.     Tr.  MS.  Phil.  Lip- 

pincott  1874.     I25p.     il.     23cni.  [i.c] 


594.  do.     Tr.  Mrs.  M.  B.    Harrison.     Lend.     Tinsley 

1879.    313P.    8vo.  [bm] 

595.  The  hussar.     A  romance  of  the  Franco-Prussian 

war.  Tr.  Hettie  E.  Miller.  Chic.  Donohue, 
Henneberry  1891.     263P.     19cm.  [lc] 

596.  The  marriage  tie.      Tr.    K.    E.   Stantial.     Lond. 

1879.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

De  VVette,  \V;  Mn.  Lbt.  1780-1849 

597.  Human  life;  or,  practical  ethics.     Tr.  S:  Osgood. 

Bost.  Munroe  1842.  2v.  368,  409P.  [lco] 
__  1856.  i8cm.  [lc] 
Bost.     Dennett  (n.  d.)  2v.     i2mo.  [AC7] 

598 .  Theodore ;  or,  the  sceptic's  conversion.  History 

of  the  culture  of  a  Protestant  clergyman.  Tr. 
Jas.  F.  Clarke.  Bost.  Munroe  1840?  2v.  8vo.  [bm] 

1856.  2v.  i8cm.  [lc] 

__  Bost.    Burnham  n.  d.    2v.  in  i.     i2mo.     [ac] 

DiEDE,  Cte.  1 769- 1 846 

599.  Letters  to  a  female  friend.     (The  Catholic  series.) 

1844.     i2mo.  [bm] 

Dielitz,  Td. 

600.  The  hunters  of  the  world;  or,  wild  sports  and  ad- 

ventures in  encounters  with  wild  animals  in 
every  part  of  the  world.     Tr.  by  a  lady.     Phil. 

Diepold  von  Vohburg,  /?.  1212-25,  sec  Markgraf  von  Hohen- 

DiETERICH,  J.   S.  d.   1797 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C215. 

DiETMAR  VON  AlST,  ft.   I I43-7O 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C145,  C184,  C186,  C243, 

Dietrich,  Ab.  Hm.  1829-        and 

WiDMANN,  J.  V. 

601 .  Recollections  of  Johannes  Brahms.     Tr.  Dora  E. 

Hecht.    Lond.    Seeley  1899.    21  ip.    21cm.  [lc] 


DiETZGEN,  JS.   1828-88 

602.  The  positive  outcome   of  philosophy.     Tr.   Ernest 

Untermann.     Chic.     Kerr    1909.     444p.     20cm. 


603.  Some  of  the  philosophical  essays  on  socialism  etc. 

Tr.  M.  Beer  and  Th.  Rothstein.  Chic.  Kerr 
1906.    362P.    20cm.  [lc] 

DiEZEL,  Gst. 

604.  Russia,  Germany,  and  the  Eastern  question.     Tr. 

F.  Rowan.     Lond.     1854.    8vo.  [bm] 

Dincklage-Campe,  Ame.  Ehrengarte  So.  W:e  v.  1825-91 

605.  The  little  countess.     Tr.  S.  E.  Boggs.     II.  W.  B. 

Davis.    NY.    Bonner  1891.    319?.    19cm.     [lc] 

DiNGELSTEDT,  Fz.  freiherr  v.  1814-81 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C20i(iS),  C40,  C231,  C202, 
C68,  C8,  C145. 

606.  The  Amazon.     Tr.  Jas.  M.  Hart.     NY.     Putnam 

1868.     315P.     iScm.  [lc] 

607.  do.     Edin.  1869.     8vo.    [Founded  on  606.]        [lc] 

608.  do.     New  ed.    Putnam  1872.  [ac] 

609 .  J :   Gutenberg,   first  master  printer,  his  acts   and 

most  remarkable  discourses,  and  his  death.  Tr. 
C.  O.  W.  [CamiUe  Wins?]  Lond.  Philo- 
biblon  Soc.  185S.     I4ip.    8vo.  [bmsj 

610.  do.     Lond.    i860.  4to.    (Only  100  copies  printed). 


Dinger,  Hg.  1865- 

611.  The  mastersingers  of  Nuremberg.     Tr.  J:  Bern- 

hoff.  Leipz.  Wild;  NY.  Breitkopf  &  H. 
1892.    96p.    20cm.  [lc] 

DriTEKS  VON  DiTTERSDORF,  K:  1739-99 

612.  Autobiography,  tr.   Arthur   D.   Coleridge.     Lond. 

Bentley  1896.    3i('>p.    20cm.  [ix] 

Dock;,  Cph.  d.  1771 

613.  The  life  and  works  of  C.   D.,  America's  pioneer 

writer  on  education,  with  a  tr.  of  his  works  into 


the  Eng.  Lang,  by  Martin  G.  Brumbaugh,  1862. 
Phil.    Lippincott  1908.    372p.    25cm.  [lc] 

DOELLINGER,  J:  Js.  Ig.  V.   I799-189O 

614.  Addresses  on  historical  and  literary  subjects.    Tr. 

Marg.  Warre.      Lend.      Murray     1894.     300p. 
8vo.  [lco] 

615.  Conversations  of  Dr.  D__.     Tr.  Katharine  Gould. 

Lond.     Bentley  1892.     264P.     igcni.  [lc] 

616.  Luther:  a  succinct  view  of  his  life  and  writings. 

Pref.  signed  C.  A.  S.  Lond.     1853.     i8mo.  [bm] 

617.  Studies  in  European  history.     Tr.  Marg.  Warre. 

Lond.     Murray  1890.     426p.     8vo.  [lc] 

618.  Universities  past  and  present:  a  lecture     .... 

1866.    Tr.  C.  E.  C.  B.  Oxford.    Appleton  1867. 
8vo.  [dm] 


6 1 8a.   Life  and  character  of  Beethoven.     In  Moscheles, 
L,  Life  of  B__.    #3875. 

DoERiNG,  J.  M.  H.        see   Wolff,    O.    L.    B.      The  German 

DoHME,  Rb.  1845- 

619.  The  early  Teutonic,  Italian,  and  French  masters. 

Tr.  [abr.]  and  ed.  A.  H.  Keane.     Lond.     1880. 
il.    4to.  [bm] 


620.  The  historic  styles  of  ornament     ....     Hist. 

and  desc.   text    from    the    German.     Bats  ford 
1898.    fol.  il. 1912.  [ec] 

"Dolorosa",  1879- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14. 


621.  The  postilion  of  Schoenberg.    /«  C213. 

Draexler-Manfred,  K  :  Fd.  1806- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C162,  C267. 

s8  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Drese,  a. 

Selection,  verse,  see  Ci8o. 

Dressler,  F:  A: 

622.  Moltke  in  his  home.  Tr.  Mrs.  C:  E:  Barrett-Len- 
nard.     Lend.     Murray   1907.     i63p.     il.     22cm. 


Drewes,  Lbt.  1816-70 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68,  C221,  C265. 

Dreyer,  Max 

**623.      On   Probation.      [Der    Probekandidat.]      Tr.   Ma. 
Harned.    In  Poet  Lore  (1902),  vol.  14. 

Driesch,  Hs.  1867- 

624.  The  history  and  theory  of  vitahsm.  Tr.  C.  K. 
Ogden.  Rev.  and  in  part  rewritten  for  the 
Eng.  ed.  Lond.  Macmillan  1914.  239P.  il. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Droste-Huelshoff,  Ante.  v.  1797-1848 

Selection,  verse,  see  €91(7),  C148,  C8,  C185. 
**625.     The  Jew's    beech-tree.      Tr.    Lillie    Winter.     In 

DuENTZER,  J:  H:  Js.  1813-1901 

626.  Life  of  Goethe.    Tr.  T:  W:  Lyster.    Lond.    Mac- 

millan 1883.     2v.     il.     19cm.     [To  some  extent 
a  re-ivorking  of  Diinfccr.]  [lc] 

627.  do.     Popular    ed.      Lond.      Unwin    1908.     Slop. 

8vo.  [ec] 

**628.     Life  of  Schiller.     Tr.  Percy  E.  Pinkerton.     Bost. 

Nicolls  1902.    492p.    23cm.  [lc] 

DuERER,  Abr.  1471-1528 

629.  Letters,  journal.     In  Heaton,  Mrs.  C,  History  of 

the  Life  of  A.  D._.     Lond.     1870.    8vo.    __  2d 
cnl.  cd.    Lond.    Seclcy  1881.    373p.    8vo.     [mil 

630.  Literary   remains.     Ed.    W:    M.   Conway.      With 

transcriptions  from  British  museum  MSS.    Ox- 
ford 1890.    8vo.  [ac] 
*63i.      Records  of  journeys  to  Venice  and  the  Low  Coun- 


tries.  Tr.  Rud.    Tombo,  Jr.    Best.    Merrymount 

1913.     ii-p.     25cm.     [Too  free]  [lc] 

5"^^  Grimm,  Hm.,  A-_  D...     #1830. 
Sec  Knackfuss,  Hm.,  D-_  [life  and  ivork.] .  #3035. 

See  Niichter,  F:  A D ,  his  life  etc.    #4246. 

Sec  Schefer,  Lp.,  The  artist's  married  life.    #4678- 

See  Scherer,  VI.,  The  Work  of  D__.     #4709. 
Sec  Thausing,  M.,  A D ,  his  life  and  works. 


DuERNER  (or  DUring),  <l&r*late  ijth  cent. 
Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C244. 

DuNCKER,  Mx.  VVfg.  181 1-86 

632.  The   histor>'   of     antiquity.      Tr.    Evelyn   Abbott. 

Lond.    Bentley  1877-82.    6v.    22cm.  [lc] 

633.  The  history  of  Greece,  to  the  end  of  the  Persian 

war.     Tr.  S.    F.    Alleyne    and    Evelyn  Abbott. 
Lond.     Bentley  1883-86.     2v.     22cm.  [lc] 

—  NY.    Scribner  &  W.  [ac] 

DUNKER,  B.  A. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C167. 

Du  Prel,  K  :  L  :  A  :  F  :  Mx.  Af .  freiherr  v.  1839-99 

634.  The  philosophy  of  mysticism.     Tr.  C.  C.  Massey. 

Lond.    Redway  1889.    2v.    23cm.  [lc] 

Ebeling,  Ad.  1827-97 

635.  Sketches  of  modern  Paris.     Tr.  Frances  Locock; 

Lond.    Bentley  1870.    323P.    19cm.  [lc] 

Eber,  pi.  1 5 11-69 

Selection,  verse,  see  C63,  C264,  C265,  C266,  C138. 

Eberhard,  Cn.  A:  Gib.  1769-1845 
Selection,  verse,  see  C62. 

636.  Hannah  and    her    chickens.      Tr.    Jas.  Cochrane. 

Edin.    Johnstone  &  Hunter  1854.     I45p.     19cm. 


90  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Eberhardt,  p. 

Selection  from  the  popular  traditions  collected  and 
narrated  by  him,  in  C212. 

Ebers,  G:  Mz.  1837-98 

Sclectio-n,  prose,  see  C160. 

637.  Arachne.      Tr.    Ma.   J.    Safford.      NY.     Appleton 

1898.    2v.    I7cin.  [lc] 

638.  Barbara    Blomberg.     Tr.     :\Ia.    J.    Safford.      NY. 

Appleton  1897.     2v.     i6cm.  [lc] 

639.  The  bride  of  the  Nile.    Tr.  C.  Bell.    Rev.  and  cor. 

NY.     Gottsberger  1887.     2v.     i6cm.  [lc] 

640.  do.     NY.     Harper  1887.     Q.  [ac] 

641 .  do.     NY.    Munro  1888.    2  pts.  D.  [ac] 

642.  do.     Popular  uniform  ed.     NY;  Lond.  Appleton 

191 5.     2v.  in  I.     20cm.  [lc] 

643.  do.     On  the  barge.    Selection.    In  Cioo. 

644.  The  burgomaster's  wife.     A  tale  of  the  siege  of 

Leyden.     Tr.  C.  Bell.     Lond.     Macmillan  1882. 

365P.    8vo.  [bm] 

645.  do.     NY.    Munro  1882.    410.    __  1888  D.  [ac] 

646.  do.     Tr.  Ma.  J.  Safford.    NY.     Gottsberger  1882. 

35 ip.    i6cm.  [lc] 

647.  do.     Popular  uniform  ed.  NY;  Lond.     Appleton 

1915-     35iP-     20cm.      [With   "A   word   only   a 
word."]  [lc] 

648.  do.     Tr.  Annie  W.  Ayer  and  Helen  T.  Slate.    NY. 

Burt  1896.    347p.     19cm.  [lc] 

649.  Cleopatra.     Tr.    Ma.    J.    Safford.     NY.     Apple- 

ton  1894.    2v.     17cm.  [lc] 

650.  Egypt;  descriptive,  historical,  and  picturesque.    Tr. 

C.  Bell.     vol.   I.     Cassell  18S1-2.     fol.  __  New 
ed.  2v.    4to.     1887.  [ec] 

651.  do.     Lond ;  Paris ;  NY.    Cassell  1887.    2v.    il.  fol. 


652.  do.     Intro,  by  S.  Birch.      Lond.  Cassell  1898.    2v. 

4to.  [hms] 

653.  An  Eg\'ptian  princess.    Tr.  Eleanor  Grove.    Leipz. 

Tauchnitz ;  Lond.      Low    1870-71.     2v.     i6cni. 



654.  do     Same  tr.     Rev.  and  cor.     NY.     Gottsberger 

1880.  2v.  i6cm.  __  NY.  Appleton  1901.  __ 
Popular  uniform  ed.  NY;  Lond.  Appleton 
1915.    2v.  in  I.    20cm.  [lc] 

655.  do.  same  tr?    NY.     Munro  1888.     2v.  D.       [ac] 

656.  do.     Tr.  Emma  S.  Buchheim.    Lond.    Bohn.  1887. 

466p.    8vo.  [bms] 

Bell  1895.    466p.    i8cm. Bell  1913.    480P. 

i2mo.  [lc] 

657.  do.     The  daughter  of  an  Egj'ptian  king.     Tr.  H: 

Reed.     Phil.      Lippincott    1871.      368p.     19cm. 


658.  do.    same?    NY.    Munro.    4to.  [ac8] 

659.  The  elixir,  and  other  tales.      [Includes  The  grey- 

lock,  a  fairy  tale.  The  nuts,  a  Christmas  story.] 
Tr.  Mrs.  E:  H.  Bell.  NY.  Gottsberger  1890. 
26ip.     i6cm.  [lc] 

660.  The  emperor.     Tr.  C.  Bell.     Rev.  and  cor.     NY. 

Gottsberger  1881.  2v.  i6cm. Popular  uni- 
form ed.  NY;  Lond.  Appleton  19x5.  2v.  in  i. 
20cm.  [lc] 

661.  do.    same?    NY.     Munro  1881.    4to.  [ac] 

662.  do.     Tr.   C.  H.   Storrs.     NY.     Munro   1888.     D. 


663.  Homo  sum.    Tr.  C.  Bell.    NY.    Gottsberger  1880. 

299p.      i6cm.     (Same  as   Tauchnitz  ed?   1878. 

2V.)  [lc] 

664.  do.  NY.     IMunro  4to.  [ac8] 

665.  do.  NY.    Munro  1888.    D.  [ac] 

666.  do.  NY.    Appleton  1900.    299P.  [lc] 

667.  do.  NY.    Burtn.  d.  [uw] 

668.  do.  Popular  uniform  ed.     NY;  Lond.  Appleton 

1915.     2v.  in    I.     20cm.      [Includes  "Serapis."] 


669.  In  the  blue  pike;  a  romance  of  German  civiliza- 

tion at  the  commencement  of  the  sixteenth  cen- 
tury. Tr.  5th  Ger.  ed.  by  Ma.  J.  Safford.  NY. 
Appleton  1896.    23op.     i6cm.  [lc] 



670.  In  the  desert.     Tr.   'M.    J.    Safford.     NY.  Dodd, 

Mead  1900.    329P.     19cm.  _  [lc] 

671 .  In  the  fire  of  the  forge :  a  romance  of  old  Nurem- 

berg.   Tr.  M.  J.  Safford.     NY.    Appleton  1895. 
2v.     i6cm.  [lc] 

672.  Joshua,  a  storj-    of    biblical    life.      Tr.  Clara  and 

Marg.    Bell.     Leipz.     Tauchnitz ;   Lond.     Low 
1890.    2v.     1 6cm.  [lc] 

673.  do.  same?     NY.     Munro  1890.     D.  [ac] 

674.  do.     a  story  of  biblical  times.     Tr.  M.  J.  Safford. 

NY.     Gottsberger  1S90.     37  ip.     i6cm.  [lc] 

675.  do.     Popular  imiform  ed.     NY.     Appleton    1915. 

37 ip.    20cm.  [lc] 

676.  do.     a  biblical  picture.     NY.     Lovell   1889.     267P. 

19cm.  [lc] 

677.  The  king  and  queen  of  Mollebusch ;  or,  the  indis- 

pensables.     Tr.   M.   J.    Safford.     Bost.      Brown 
1899.     i24p.    il.     19cm.  [lc] 

678.  Lorenz  Alma  Tadema :  his  life  and  works.    Tr.  M. 

T.  Safford.     NY.     Gottsberger  1886.     il.     i6cm. 


679.  Margery:  a  tale  of  old  Nuremberg.     Tr.  C.  Bell. 

NY.    Gottsberger  1889.    2v.    S.  [ac] 

680.  do.     Gred  of  Nuremberg:  a  romance  of  the  15th 

century.     Tr.     E.    \'.    Conder.      NY.     Munro 
1889.    D.  [ac] 

681 .  A  question :  the  idyl  of    a    picture   by  his  friend 

Alma  Tadema.    Tr.  IVI.  J.  Safford.    NY.    Gotts- 
berger 1881.     I25p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

682.  Richard  Lepsius:  a  biography.     Tr.  Mrs.  Zoe  D. 

Underbill.      NY.      Gottsberger      1887.      347p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

683.  Serapis.    Tr.  C.  Bell.    Rev.  and  cor.    NY.    Gotts- 

berger 1885.   387P.    i(K-m.    _.  6>c  (;/.f<)  <y>8.    [lc] 

684.  The  sisters.    Tr.  C.  Bell.     NY.    Gottsberger  1880. 

i6mo.  [ac] 

685.  do.  same?     NY.     Munro  1880.     4to.  [ac] 
086.     do.  same.     NY.     Munro  1889.     D.  [ac] 


687.  do.     Popular  uniform  ed.     NY;  Lend.     Appleton 

1915.    352p.    20cm.     [Includes  "Joshua."    From 
Tauchnitz  ed.    1880.     2v.]  [lc] 

688.  The  story  of  my  life  from  childhood  to  manhood. 

Tr.  M.  J.  SaiYord.    NY.    Appleton  1893.    382P. 
19cm.  [lc] 

689.  do.     Hirschfeld  1893.     8vo.  [eg] 

690.  A  thorny  path.     Tr.  Clara  Bell.     NY.     Appleton 

1892.     2v.     i6cm.  [lc] 

691 .  do.     Per  aspera.    Tr.  C.  Bell.    Leipz.    Tauchnitz ; 

Lond.    Low  1892.    2v.     i6cm.  [lc] 

692.  Uarda:  a  romance  of  ancient  Egypt.     Tr.  C.  Bell. 

NY.     Gottsberger    1880.      2v.      i6cm.      [From 
Tauchnitz  ed.  1877.]  [lc] 

693.  do.     NY.    Munro  1880.    4to.     _-  1887.    D.     [ac] 

694.  do.     NY.     American  book  exchange  1881.     i6mo. 


695.  do.     S.  W.  Green  1882.     sq.     i6mo  [ac] 

696.  do.     NY.    Appleton  1901.  [lc] 

697.  do.     Popular      uniform      edition.       NY;      Lond. 

Appleton  1915.    2v.  in  i.    20cm.  [lc] 

698.  A  word,  only  a  word.     Tr.  M.  J.  Safford.     NY. 

Gottsberger  1883.    348p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

699.  do.    saute  f     NY.     Munro  1883.    to.  [ac] 

700.  do.     Popular  uniform  ed.     NY;  Lond.     Appleton 

1915.    20cm.     [With  647.]  [lc] 

701.  do.     Only  a  word.      Tr.    C.    Bell.      Lond.     Mac- 

millan  1883.    35op.    8vo.  [bm] 

702.  do.     samef     NY.    Munro  1888.    D.  [ac] 

Ebersweiler,  F: 

703.  The  three  holy  kings.    An  historical  drama  in  five 

acts.     Tr.  by  a  member  of  the  S.  J.    St.  Louis. 
Herder  1904.     I03p.     20cm.  [lc] 

Ebert,  K:  Egon,  1801-82 

Selection,  verse,  see  C167,  C229,  C243,  C46. 

Ebner-Eschenbach,  Me.  v.  freifrau,  1830-1916 

704.  Aphorisms.     Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.     Phil.     Lippincott 

1883.    i6mo.  [bm] 

94  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


705.  Beyond  atonement.     Tr.  Ma.  A.  Robinson.     NY. 

Worthington  1892.    il.     i2mo.  [bpl] 

706.  do.  same?    NY.     Bonner.     __  NY.     Hurst.   [b8] 

707.  The   child    of   the  parish.      [Das    Gemeindekind.] 

Tr.  Ma.  A.  Robinson.    NY.    Bonner  1893.  [lco] 
**7o8.      The   district   doctor.      [Der   Kreisphysikus.]      Tr. 
Julia  Franklin.     In  €91(13). 
*709.     Krambambuli.    Tr.  A.  Coleman.     In  €91(13). 
710.     A  man  of  the  world.     Tr.  R.  T.  House  in  Poet 
Lore,  vol.  22. 
**7ii.     The  two    countesses.      Tr.    Islrs.    Waugh.     NY. 
Cassell  1893.     i76p.     18  x  9cm.  [lc] 

_-  Lond.    Unwin  1893.    i9op.     i2mo.         [bms] 

Ebrard,  J:  H:  A:  i8i8-  ("Cn.  Deutsch",  "Gf.  Flamm- 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C86   ("Deutsch"). 

712.  Bilihild:  a  tale  of  the  Irish  missionaries  in   Ger- 

many, A.  D.  703.     Tr.  J.   Sutter.     Lond.  Rel. 
tract  soc.     1883.     I53p.    8vo.  [bm] 


713.  Modern    Russia:   comprising   Russia   under   Alex- 

ander II.     Lond.      Smith,    Elder    1870.     388p. 
22cm.  [lc] 

714.  Russia  before  and  after  the  war.     Tr.  E:  F.  Tay- 

lor.   Lond.    Longmans  1880.    436p.    22cm.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

ECKER,  Ax. 

715.  Lorenz  Oken,  a  biog.  sketch.    Tr.  A.  Tulk.    Lond. 

Paul  1883.     i83p.    8vo.  [bm] 

EcKERMANN,  J:  P:  1792-1854 

See  Goethe,  Conversations.     #1766-9. 

Eckstein,  Ern.  1845-1900 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C230. 

716.  Against  the  stream.     In  #2760. 


717.  do.     Chic.     Schick  1886.     29p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

718.  Aphrodite:  a  romance  of  ancient  Hellas.     Tr.  M. 

J.  Safford.  NY.  Gottsberger  1686.  2899. 
1 6cm.  [lc] 

719.  Art   treasures    of     Italy,     a    collection     .... 

with  explanatory  notes  by  E.  E.  Lond.  1875-8. 
2v.    4to.  [bm] 

720.  Cyparissus :  a  romance  of  the  isles  of  Greece.    Tr. 

M.  J.  SaiTord.    NY.    Peck  1897.    348?.     i6cm. 


**72i.  The  Chaldean  magician:  an  adventure  in  Rome,  in 
the  reign  of  the  emperor  Diocletian.  Tr.  M.  J- 
Safford.    NY.    Gottsberger  1886.     ii2p.     i6mo. 


The  eternal  laws  of  morality.  Tr.  and  ad.  from 
the  Ger.  of  E.  E.    In  #4693. 

Hertha.  Tr.  Mrs.  E:  H.  Bell.  NY.  Peck  1892. 
360P.     17cm.  [lc] 

A  monk  of  the  Aventine.  Tr.  Helen  H.  Johnson. 
Bost.    Roberts  1894.     196P.     19cm.  [lc] 

Nero.  Tr.  C.  Bell  and  M.  J.  Safiford.  NY.  Gotts- 
berger; Lond.    Triibner  1889.    2v.     17cm.     [lc] 

Prusias.  Tr.  C.  Bell.  Rev.  and  cor.  NY.  Gotts- 
berger 1884.    2v.     i6cm.  [lc] 

Quintus  Claudius:  a  romance  of  imperial  Rome. 
Tr.  C.  Bell.  Rev.  and  cor.  NY.  Gottsberger 
1882.     2v.     i6cm.  [lc] 

**729.     The  visit  to  the  lockup.     In  C173. 

730.  do.     The  visit  to  the  cells.     A  humorous  tale.     Tr. 

S.  F.  J.  Veitch.  Lond.  Provost  1876.  Leipz. 
i6mo.  [bm] 

731.  do.     The  incarceration  of  the  Herr  Professor.     In 


732.  The  will.  Tr.    Clara    Bell.      Rev.  and  cor.     NY. 

Gottsberger  1885.    2v.  i6cm.  [lc] 

733.  do.     A  sealed  inheritance.    A  melodrama  in  5  acts. 

[Ad.  and  very  materially  altered  front  "Das 
Vertndchtttis".]  By  A.  S.  Bost.  1891.  31  1. 
Tp.  [lco] 








Edelinc,  Cn,  L:  d.  1742 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221. 

Edler,  K:  Erdmann,  1844- 

734.  Baldine  and  other  tales.    Tr.  E :  Lord  Lytton.    NY. 

Harper  1887.  302p.  17cm.  (Notre  dame  des 
flots.  A  journey  to  the  Grossglockner  moun- 
tain.) [lc] 

735.  do.     Lond.     Bentley  1886.     2v.     8vo.  [ec] 

Eelking,  Max  v.  1813-73 

736.  The  German  allied  troops  in  the  North  American 

war  of  independence.  Tr.  and  abr.  J.  G.  Rosen- 
garten.  Albany.  Munsell  1893.  36op.  24  x 
19cm.  [lc] 

72,7.  Memoirs,  and  letters  and  journals  of  Maj.  gen. 
Riedesel,  during  his  residence  in  America.  Tr. 
W:  L.  Stone.  Albany.  Munsell  1868.  2v. 
22cm.  [lc] 

Eginhardus,  abbot  of  Seligenstadt 

738.  Life  of  the     emperor     Karl     the  great.      Tr.  W. 

Glaister.    Lond.    Bell  &  S.  1877.    8vo.  [bm] 

739.  Life  of  Charlemagne.     Tr.   S:  E.  Turner.     NY. 

Harper  1880.     32mo.  [ac] 

Ehlert,  Louis 

740.  From  the  tone  world.     Tr.  H.  D.  Tretbar.     NY. 

Tretbar  1885.    D.  [ac] 

741 .  Letters  on  music,  to  a  lady.     Tr.   Fanny  Ritter. 

Bost.     Ditson  1870.    2i6p.     17cm.  [lc] 

742.  Robert  Schumann  and  his  school.    Tr.  H.  D.  Tret- 

bar.   NY.    Tretbar  1885.    D.  [ac] 


743.  Celebrated  pianists  of  the  past  and  present  time. 

.     .     .     .     Lond.      Grevcl     1894.      367P.      8vo. 


744.  Celebrated  violinists.     Ed.    R.    11.  Legge.     Lond. 

The  Strad  lib.     1897.    28ip.    8vo.  [bms] 

EiCHENDORFF,  Js.  K:  Bn.  freiherr  v.  1788-1857 

Selection,  verse,  see  C9i(5),  C19.  C148,  C145,  C8. 


C62,  C267,  C198,  C168,  C38,  C109,  C162,  C68, 

C230,  CI2I,  CI72,  C243,  C54,  C43,  C46,  CI8, 

CI60,  CI85,  #1662. 
**74S-     The  happy-go-lucky;  or,  leaves  from  the  Hfe  of  a 

good  for  nothing.     Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.     II.  P.  G. 

Johann,  E.  Kanold,  and   Eva  N.  Wolf.     Phil; 

Lond.    Lippincott  1906.     ii4p.    22cm. 1889. 

23cm.  [lc] 

746.     do.     selection  in  €91(5). 
**747.      Memoirs  of  a  good-for-nothing.    Tr.  C:  G.  Leland. 

II.  E.  B.  Bensell.     NY.     Leypoldt  &  Holt   1866. 

192P.     17cm.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C23. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

ElFFER,  P.  T. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C105. 

Elisabeth,  Consort  of  Fis.  Js.  I.,  1837-98 

See  Kiichler,  C:,    Elizabeth,    empress   of   Austria 
etc.    #3290. 

Elisabeth,  Pie.  Ote.  Lu.  queen  of  Rumania,  1843-1916,  sec 
"Carmen  Sylva." 

Elster,  O:  see  "Bruneck,  O:  v." 

Elterlein,  E.  v. 

748.  Beethoven's     pianoforte     sonatas     explained     for 

lovers  of  musical  art.     Rev.  tr.  5th  ed.     Lond. 
Reeves  1898.    8vo.  [ec] 

Elze,  K:  1821- 

S election,  verse,  see  C121. 

Embden,  L:  v.  graf, 

749.  The    family   life   of   H.    Heine.     Tr.   C:   dc  Kay. 

NY.    Cassell  1892.    355p.    i2mo.  [lco] 


Emilie  Jne.  grafin  v.  Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt,  d.  1706 
Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C266. 

"Emin  Pascha"  (E:  Schnitzer,  1840-92) 

750.  E P ,  his  life   and  work;   compiled   from  his 

journals,  letters,  etc.  By  G:  Schweitzer.  West- 
minster. Constable  i8g8.  2v.  23cm.  [Slightly 
abbreviated.]  [lc] 

751.  E P in  central  Africa,  being  a  collection  of  his 

letters  and  journals.  Tr.  Mrs.  Robert  W :  Felkin. 
Lond.     Philip  1888.     547p.     23cm.  [lc] 

Emmerich,  Anna  Kta. 

See  Schmoger,  K :,  Life  of  A —  C —  E-_.     #5201, 

^f £7  Wegener,  T:.  Sister  A__  K—  E__  etc.   #5986. 

Engel,  Ax.  1869-  a>id 

HoRST,  Jl.  1864- 

752.  The  blue  mouse.    A  comedy  in  3  acts.  Ad.     .     .     . 

Clyde  Fitch.  [B19I 

753.  The  gentleman  from  the  secession.    A  farce  in  one 

act.    NY.    1915.    Tp.  [lc] 

754.  The  florist's  shop.     [Gliick  bei  Frauen.]     Tr.  and 

ad.  Oliver  Herford.     NY.     1909.     Tp.  [lc] 

Engel,  J:  Jk.  1741-1802 

755.  The  juvenile  dramatist ;  or,  a  selection  of  plays  from 

the  most  celebrated  German  writers  upon  edu- 
cation.    Hamburg  1801.     3v.     8vo.  [bm] 

756.  Lorenz   Stark;  a   characteristic  picture  of  a  Ger- 

man  family.     Tr.    J.  Gans.      Lond.     Treuttel 

1826.    2v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

757.  do.  same?     In  #4529. 

758.  do.     Laurence   Stark:   a  family    picture.      Tr.    T. 

Gaspey.     Heidelberg   1843.     umo.  [bm] 

Engel,  Mz.  Erdmann 

759.  Essays  and  tales,  moral,  literary,  and  philosophical. 

Tr.  T:  Home.      Lond.      Coxhead    i8o8.     8vo. 



760.  The  goddesses.    Tr.  Bcresford.    Bed.    Hayn  1800. 

48p.    8vo.     [Cited  in  C94.] 

761 .  Tales :     The  anti-speculator.     Toby  Witt.     Lady 

Elizabeth  Hill.     In  C2i2(4). 

Engelbach,  a.  H. 

762.  Gretchen's   troubles:   a   story   of    German   peasant 

life.     Phil.     Skelly  1868.     i8mo.     _-  1878.  [ac] 

Engelmann,  R. 

762a.    Pompeii.  Tr.  Talfourd  Ely.     NY.     Scribner  1904. 
il.    8vo.  [ac] 

Engels,  F:  1820-95 

See  Kautsky,  K:.  F:  £__.,  his  life,  his  work  and 
his  writings.     #2941. 

Enslin,  R. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C105. 

Erdmann,  J:  E:  1805-92 

763.  A  history  of  philosophy.    Tr.  ed.  by  W.  S.  Hough. 

Lond.     Sonnenschein ;  NY.     Macmillan   1892-7. 
3v.  8vo.  [lc] 

764.  Outlines  of  logic  and  metaphysics.    Tr.  4th  rev.  ed. 

by   B.   C.    Burt.      Lond.      Sonnenschein;   NY. 
Macmillan  1896.     253p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Erman,  Ad.  1854- 

765.  Life  in  ancient  Egypt.    Tr.  H.  M.  Tirard.    Lond; 

NY.     Macmillan  1894.    S/Op.    il.    4to.  [lc] 

766.  Travels  in   Siberia.     Tr.    W :    D.   Cooley.     Lond. 

Longmans   1848.     2v.     20cm.     __   Phil.     Lea  & 
B.  1850.    2V.     19cm.  [lc] 

Erndtel,  Christianus  Henricus 

767.  The  relation  of  a  journey  into  England     .... 

1706-7  by   a   Saxon    physician.      Tr.    from  the 
Latin.     171 1.    8vo.  [bm] 

Ernst  H,  duke  of  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha,  1818-93 

768.  Memoirs.     Tr.  Percy  Andreae.     Lond.     Reming- 

ton 1880-90.     4v.    22cm.  [lc] 


"Ernst,  O:"  (O:  Ern.  Schmidt,  1862-) 
Selection,  verse,  sec  C267. 

769.  Asmus   Semper:  the  story  of  a  boyhood.     Lond. 

Griffiths  1909.    3i6p.    8vo.  [ec] 

770.  Dolls,  dead  and  alive.     Tr.  A.   C.   Caton.     Lond. 

Caton  191 1.    42p.     i2mo.  [ec] 

771.  Master  Flachsman :  a  comedy.     Tr.  H.  M.  Beatty. 

Lond.     Unwin  1909.     8vo.  [ec] 

~J2.     do.     NY.     Duffield  n.d.     155P.     19cm.  [lc] 

/7^.     Roswitha:  being  leaves  from  the  life  of  my  little 

daughter.    Tr.  A.  C.  Caton.    Lond.    Caton  1913. 

322p.    8vo.  [ec] 

774.  do.     2d   ed.      Lond.      Simpkin    1913.     66p.     8vo. 


775.  do.     Lond.     Caton   1913.     65p.     19cm.  [lc] 

776.  do.     or  philosophy.    Part  2  of  R_-.     New  and  rev. 

ed.     Lond.     Caton  1914.     8vo.  [ec] 

Ertingen,  Ad. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

EscHE,  Lu. 

~~7.     Grandmother   and   granddaughter.      Tr.    Caro.    R. 
Corson.    In  #5527. 


778.  The  pearls   [and  other  stories.]     In  A300. 

Eschstruth,  Ny.  v.  1860- 

779.  The  erl    queen.      Tr.    Emily    S.    Howard.     NY. 

Worthington  1892.     291P.    il.     19cm.  [lc] 

780.  The  gray  nun.    Tr.  Lionel  Strachey  in  Cii4(8) 

781.  Her  little  highness.     Tr.  E.  L.  Lathrop.     II.     J. 

Pagan.    NY.    Bonner  1894.    303P.     19cm.     [i.c] 

782.  The  opposite  house.    Tr.  M.  J.  Safford.    II.  H.  M. 

Eaton.     NY.    Bonner  1894.     282p.    20cm.  [lc] 

783.  Polish  blood.     Tr.  Cora  L.  Turner.     NY.     Alden 

1889.    367P.     19cm.  [i.c] 

784.  do.  same.     Countess    Dynar :     or,    Polish    blood. 

NY.    Bonner  1894.  [lc] 

785.  A  priestess  of  comedy.     Tr.  E.  L.  Lathrop.     II. 


W.  B.  Davis.    NY.    Bonner  1893.    307P.     19cm. 


786.  A  princess  of  the  stage.     Tr.  E.  L.  Lathrop.     II. 

J.   Pagan.     NY.     Bonner   1894.     300p.     19cm. 


787.  The  wild  rose  of  Gross-StaufTen.    Tr.  E.  L.  Lath- 

rop.   NY.    Worthington  1892.    282p.    il.     19cm. 


EucKEN,  Rd.  Cf.  1846- 

788.  Back  to  reUgion,  Bost;  NY.     Pilgrim  press   1912. 

3ip.     i8cm.  [lc] 

**789.  Can  we  still  be  Christians?  Tr.  Lucy  J.  Gibson. 
NY.    Macmillan  1914.    2i8p.    20cm.  [lc] 

*790.  Christianity  and  the  new  idealism.  [Hauptprob- 
leme.]  Tr.  3d  Ger.  ed.  Lucy  J.  Gibson  and  W : 
R.  B.  Gibson.    Lond ;  NY.    Harper  1909.     i62p. 

17cm. 1912.  [lc] 

**79i.  Collected  essays.  Tr.  Meyrick  Booth.  NY.  Scrib- 
ner  19 14.  354p.  23cm.  [Largely  from  period- 
icals.] [lc] 

792.  Ethics  and  modern  thought:  a  theory  of  their  re- 

lations. The  Deem  lectures,  delivered  in  1913 
at  New  York  University.  Tr.  from  Ger.  MS. 
by  Marg.  von  Seydewitz.  NY ;  Lond.  Putnam 
1913.    I27p.    19cm.  [lc] 

793.  The  fundamental  concepts  of  modern  philosophic 

thought,    critically    and    historically    considered. 
[Geschichte   und   Kritik   der   Grundbegriffe  der 
Gegenwart.]     Tr.  M.  S.  Phelps.     NY.     Apple- 
ton  1880.    304p.    20cm.  [lc] 
*794.     Knowledge  and  life.     [Erkcnnen  und  Leben.]     Tr. 
W:  T:    Jones.      Lond.      Williams    &    N;  NY. 
Putnam  1913.     307p.     19cm.  [lc] 
795.     The  life  of  the  spirit ;  an  introduction  to  philosophy. 
[Einfiihrung  in  eine  Philosophic.]      Tr.   F.   L. 
Pogson.     2d  ed.     Lond.     Williams   &  N;  NY. 
Putnam  1909.     4o6p.     19cm.  [lc] 
**796.     Life's  basis  and  life's  ideal,  the  fundamentals  of  a 
new  philosophy  of  life.     [Grundlinien  etc.]     Tr. 



A.  G.  Widgery.  2d  ed.  rev.  Lond.  Black  1912. 
377P-    23cm.  [lc] 

*797.  Main  currents  of  modern  thought:  [Geistige 
Stromungen  der  Gegenwart.]  a  study  of  the 
spiritual  and  intellectual  movements  of  the  pres- 
ent day.  Tr.  M.  Booth.  Lond.  Unwin  1912. 
488p.    22cm.     [Too  free]  [lc] 

798.  The  meaning  and  value  of  life.      [Der  Sinn  und 

Wert  des  Lebens.)  Tr.  Lucy  J.  Gibson  and  W: 
R.  B.  Gibson.    Lond.    Black  1909.    iS7p.    19cm. 


799.  Naturalism  or  idealism?     The  Nobel  lecture     .     . 

.     .     1909.    HefTer  1912.    44p.    8vo.  [ec] 

800.  Present-day  ethics  in  their  relations  to  the  spiritual 

life,  being  the  Deem  lectures.  Ed  W:  T:  Jones. 
Lond.  Williams  &  N;  NY.  Putnam  1913. 
I4ip.     i8cm.  [lc] 

*8oi .  The  problem  of  human  life  as  viewed  by  the  great 
thinkers  from  Plato  to  the  present  time.  [Die 
Lebensanschauungen  der  grossen  Denker.]  Tr. 
W.  S.  Hough  and  W:  R.  B.  Gibson.  NY. 
Scribner  1909.  582p.  23cm.  ..  Rev.  enl.  ed. 
1914.    6i4p.    2icm.  [lc] 

802.  Religion  and  life.     Lond.  Brit,  and  for.  Unitarian 

assoc.  191 1.  5op.  17cm.  [Lecture  delivered  at 
Essex  Hall,  London.]     Tr.  G.  F.  Beckh.       [lc] 

803.  The  truth   of   religion.    [Der   Wahrheitsgehalt  der 

Religion.]  Tr.  W:  T:  Jones.  Lond.  Williams 
&  N ;  NY.    Putnam  1911.    622p.    22cni.         [lc] 

804.  2d  ed.  1913.    6i6p.    8vo.  [ec] 

EuGENius  (Fz.  Eugen),  prinz  v.  Savoyen,  1663-1736 

805.  Memoirs.     Tr.  F.   Shoberl.     Lond.     Colburn  181 1. 

8vo.  [ec] 

Sec   Miihlbacii,    Lu.,    Prince    E--    and    his    times. 

Sec  Wiirdig,  L.,    Prince    E.-,    the    noble  knight. 


EuLER,  Lh.  1707-83 

806.  Lectures  on  natural  philosophy  addressed  to  a  Ger- 

man princess.     Tr.  Hunter.     NY.     Harper.    2v. 
il.     i8mo.  [ac7] 

807.  do.     Letters  to  a  German  princess.    Tr.  H  :  Hunter. 

2d  ed.    Lond.     Murray  1801.    2v.  [ec] 

EvERS,  Jm.  Lz. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C162. 

Eye,  J:  Ld.  A:  v.  1825-96 

812.  History  of  culture.     In  Iconographic  encyclopedia. 

Phil.    vol.  2.  [lco] 

Eyler,  Emile  see  "Osten,  Mary". 

Eylert,  Ruleman  F:  1770-1852 

813.  Characteristic  traits,  personal,  moral,  domestic,  and 

religious,  of  F:  W:  IH.  king  of  Prussia.    Tr.  J. 
Birch.     Lond.    Bell  1845.     i76p.    22cm.       [lc] 

814.  The  religious  life  and  opinions  of  F:  W:  111,  late 

king  of    Prussia.      Lond.      Bell    1845.      i26p. 
22cm.  [lc] 

Faber,  E. 

815.  The  mind  of  Mencius :  political  economy  founded 

upon  moral  philosophy.  Tr.  A.  B.  Hutchinson. 
Bost.     Houghton  Mifflin  1882.    8vo.  [ac] 

Fabricius,  Jk.  1 598- 1654 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221. 

Falckenberg,  R:  F:  O:  1851- 

816.  History  of  mod.  philos.  from  Nicolas  of  Cusa  to 

the  present  time.  First  Am.  from  2d  Ger.  ed. 
Tr.  A.  C.  Armstrong.  NY.  Holt  1893.  655P. 
22cm.  [lc] 

_.  Lond.    Bell  1895.    655p.    8vo.  [bms] 

Falk,  J:  Dn.  1 768-1826 

Selection,  verse,  see  C21 

Characteristics  of  Goethe,  see  Goethe.    #1782. 


Falke,  Gst.  1853- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14,  €91(18),  C185. 

Falke,  Jk.  V.  1825-97 

817.  Art  in  the  house.     Historical  and  aesthetic  studies. 

Tr.  3d  Ger.  ed.  with  notes  by  C :  C.  Perkins. 
Bost.     Prang  1879.    356p.    il.    410.  [ac] 

818.  Greece  and  Rome,  their  life  and  art.     Tr.  W :  H. 

Browne.  NY.  Holt  1882.  351?.  il.  40  x 
30cni.  [lc] 

Falkenhorst,  K: 

819.  With  Columbus  in  America.     Ad.  [from  "Aus  der 

Zeit  der  Entdeckung  Amerikas"]  by  Elise  L. 
Lathrop.  NY.  Worthington  1892.  302p.  il. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Falkland,  H  : 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C230. 

Fechner,  Gst.  Td.  1801-87 

Selection,  verse,  see  C162. 

Feil,  Js. 

820.  Torstenson  before  Vienna.     Tr.  of  "Die  Schweden 

in  Oesterreich  1645-6"  by  J.  W.  de  Peyster. 
NY.    Ludwig  1885.    68p.    8vo.  [bm] 

Feld,  Leo,  1869-  and 

Leon,  V :  1860- 

821.  The  great  name.    Ad Jas.  C.  Harvey. 

NY.    191 1.  [B19] 

Fels,  Gsell,  see  Gsell-Fels 

Ferber,  J  :  Jk.  1743-90 

822.  Travels  through  Italy,  in  the  years  1771  and  1772. 

Tr.  R.  E.  Raspe.  Loud.  Davis  1776.  371P. 
2 1  cm.  [lc] 

Fernau,  Ihn. 

9^2^,.     Because  I  am    a    German.      N^'.      Dutton   1916. 
I59p.     19cm.  [lc] 


Fernhain,  Ele.  v. 

824.  Ema  Stark:  a  story    of    conscience.     Tr.  Ma.  E. 

Ireland.     Phil.      Am.    Baptist    pub.   soc.   1892. 
i92p.    il.     i8cm.  [lc] 

"Ferrand,  E:"  (E:  Schulz,  1813-42) 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68,  C267,  C198,  C54. 

Feschep.^  F:  a. 

825.  Travels  in  Spain   1797-8.     Tr.   from  the  German. 

Lond.    Longman  1803.    8vo.  [ec] 

Feuchtersleben,  Em.  freiherr  v.  1806-49 
Selection,  verse,  see  C38,  C185. 
"826.     The  dietetics  of  the  soul.     Ed.  from  the  7th  Ger. 
ed.     Tr.  H :  A.  Ouvry.     Lond.     Churchill  1852. 
202p.    i6cm.  [lc] 

827.  do.     NY.    Francis  n.  d.  [ac2] 

_-NY.     Francis  1856.     i2mo.  [ac] 

828.  do.     Rev.  from  the  32nd  Ger.  ed.     Lond.     Kerby 

&  Endean  1S73.    224p.     i6mo.  [bm] 

**829.     do.     Health  and  suggestion:    the    dietetics  of  the 

mind.    Tr.  and  ed.  L.  Lewisohn.    NY.    Huebsch 

1910.     i6Sp.     19cm.  [lc] 

Feuerd.ach,  pi.  J:  Anselm,  ritter  v.  1775-1833 
Selection,  verse,  see  C3. 

830.  Caspar  Hauser.    Tr.  H.  G.  Linberg.     Bost.     Allen 

&  Ticknor  1832.     I78p.     i6cm.     —  2d  ed.  1833. 
__  Lond.     Simpkin  &  M.  1834.  [lc] 

831.  Narratives   of   remarkable  trials.     Tr.   Lady  Duflf 

Gordon.     Lond.      Murray    1846.     368p.     22cm. 

Harper  n.  d.  [aci] 

FiCHTE,  Im.  Hm.  1796- 1879 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

♦♦832.     Addresses  to  the  German  nation.    Tr.  L:  H.  Gray 

in  C9i(5). 

833.     The  characteristics  of    the    present    age.     Tr.  W : 

Smith.       Lond.       Chapman      1844.       (Catholic 

series.)     i2mo.  [bm] 



834.  do.     Lond.     Chapman  1847.     27ip.     i2mo.     [lco] 

835.  do.     Lond.     Triibner  1852.     8vo.  [ec] 

836.  Contributions  to  mental  philosophy.     Tr.  and  ed. 

J:    D.    Morell.     Lond.     Longman    i860.      I59p. 
18cm.  [lc] 

837.  Criticism   of    philosophical    systems.      Tr.    A.   E. 

Kroeger  in  Ci4i(i). 

838.  Criticism  of  Schelling.     Tr.  Kroeger  in  Ci4i(i2, 

*839.     The  destination  of  man.    Tr.  Jane  Sinnett.    Lond. 
Chapman  1846.     i2Sp.     19cm.  [lc] 

840.  do.     in  C120. 

841 .  do.     The  destiny   of   man.     Tr.   F.   H.    Hedge  in 


842.  Exposition  of  the  science  of  knowledge.    Tr.  A.  E. 

Kroeger.  Phil.  Lippincott  1868.  [Cited  by  the 
preface  to  #843,  zvherc  the  tr.  says  that  he  both 
added  and  omitted  freely,  making  almost  an  in- 
dependent work  "much  superior  to  the  German 
**843.  New  exposition  of  the  science  of  knowledge.  Tr. 
A.  E.  Kroeger.  St.  Louis  1869.  I55p.  22cm. 
[Lauding  himself  for  accuracy  in  the  preface,  he 
begins  with  a  bad  blunder.]  [lc] 

844.  do.     Lond.     Triibner  1870.     8vo.  [ec] 

845.  do.     Lond.    Triibner  1S89.    377p.    21cm.         [lc] 

846.  do.     extract.    Tr.  Kroeger  in  C141  (i,  3). 

847.  Facts  of  consciousness.     Tr.  Kroeger  in  Ci4i(5, 

6,  7,  17.  18). 

**848.  On  the  nature  of  the  scholar,  and  its  manifesta- 
tions. Tr.  W :  Smith.  2d  ed.  Lond.  Chapman 
1848.  131P.  20cm.  [lc] 
1st  ed?    Lond.    Chapman  1845.  [eg] 

♦♦849.  The  popular  works.  Tr.  W  :  Smith.  Lond.  Chap- 
man 1848-9.    2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

850.  do.     1862.    2v.  [ec] 

851.  do.     Lond.    Triibner  1874.    8vo.  [ec] 

852.  do.     4th  ed.     Lond.     Triibner  1889.     21cm.     [lc] 


853.     The  science  of  ethics,  as  based  on  the  science  of 

knowledge.      Tr.    A.    E.    Krocger.      Ed.   W.    T. 

Harris.  Lond.  Paul  1897.  4i^p.  8vo.  [cms] 
^♦854.     The  science  of  rights.     Tr.  A.  E.  Kroeger.     Phil. 

Lippincott     1869.       505P.        19cm.       —     Lond. 

Triibner  1889.     505P.     21cm.  [lc] 

__  Lond.     Triibner  1883.    8vo.  [ec] 

855.      Sun    clear   statement     ....     concerning     .     . 

.     .     the  newest    philosophy.      Tr.    Kroeger  in 



The  vocation  of    man.      Tr.    W :    Smith.     Chic. 

Open  court   1906.      I78p.      20cm.      __    Also  in 

#849.                                                                   [lc] 

Lond.    Chapman  1848.    __  Lond.    Paul  1906. 

8vo.                                                                      [ec] 


The  vocation    of    the    scholar.      Tr.    \V :   Smith. 

Lond.     Chapman   1847.     "ap.     20cm.     __   Also 

in  #849.                                                                  [lc] 


The  way  towards  the  blessed  life.     Lond.     Chap- 

man 1844     (Catholic  series.)     i2mo.            [bm] 


do.     Lond.     Chapman  1849.                                [ec] 

iCK,  Hm 


Life  and  deeds     ....     Luther.     Tr.  M.  Loy. 

Columbus,  0.     Schultze  &  Gassm'n  1869.     i8ip. 

i6mo.                                                                   [ac] 

Fink,  Gf.  W:  1783-1846 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C38. 

Fischer,  C.  M.  D.  zh  Cothen 

861.  A  biographical  monument    to    the    memory  of   S. 

Hahnemann.    Lond.     1852.    8vo.  [bm] 

Fischer,  Cn.  A:  1771-1829 

862.  Letters  written  during  a  journey  to  Montpellier  in 

1804.     In  A  collection  of  modern  voyages,  vol. 
3.     1805.    8vo.  [bm] 

863.  A  picture  of  Madrid:  taken  on  the  spot.     Lond. 

Mawman  1808.     3o6p.     19cm.  [lc] 

108  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


864.  A  picture  of  Valencia:  taken  on  the  spot.     Tr.  F. 

Shoberl.     Lond.     1808.    8vo.  [bm] 

865.  Travels  to  Hyeres,  in  the  south  of  France.     In  a 

collection  of  modern  voyages,  vol.  5.  1805. 
8vo.  [bm] 

Fischer,  J:  G:  1816-97 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C145,  C68,  C267,  C198,  C121, 
C54,  C230. 

Fischer,  K:  Ph.  1807-85 

866.  Realistic   philosophy   and   its    age.     Lond.      Long- 

man 1857.  8vo.  [ec] 

Fischer,  Kn.  1824-1907 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

867.  Centennial  of  the  critique  of  pure  reason.     Tr.  B: 

Rand  in  €141(17). 

**868.  A  commentary  on  Kant's  critick  of  the  pure  rea- 
son :  tr.  from  the  hist,  of  modern  philos.  by  J : 
P.  Mahaflfy.  Lond.  Longmans  1866.  374p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

**869.  A  critique  of  Kant.  Tr.  W.  S.  Hough.  Lond. 
Sonnenschein  1888.  i88p.  22cm.  [From  Hist, 
of  Modern  Philos.  2d  ed.  vol.  5.     chaps.   1-5.] 


870.  A  critique   on    Kantian    philosophy.      Tr.   W.   S. 

Hough  in  €141(20,  21). 

871.  Essay  on    Nathan    the    wise.       [Condensed.]      In 


872.  Francis  Bacon   of  Veruiam.     Realistic  philosophy 

and  its  age.  Tr.  J:  Oxenford.  Loud.  Long- 
man 1857.     5o8p.     19cm.  [lc] 

**873.  Goethe's  Faust.  Tr.  H.  R.  Wolcott.  Manchester, 
la.  H.  R.  Wolcott  1895.  2i8p.  20cm.  [Vol. 
I.  only.]  [lc] 

*'''874.  History  of  modern  philosophy.  Tr.  3d  rev.  Ger. 
ed.  by  J :  P.  Gordy.  NY.  Scribner  1887.  58i)p. 
22cm.  [lc] 

_-  Lend.    Unwin  1887.    589P.    8vo.  [bms] 


875.  Life  and  character  of  Benedict  Spinoza:  a  lecture. 

Tr.    Frida   Schmidt.     In   Knight,  W :,   Spinoza 
1882.    8vo.  [bm] 

Fischer,  Max  A. 

876.  The  castle  of   Heidelberg  in    14  views.     Text   tr. 

.     .     .     .     R.  H.  Whitelocke.    Carlsruhe.   Wag- 
ner 1842?    66p.    obl.    8vo.  [bms] 

Fischer,  W: 

Sec  Wagner,  R.,  Letters  to  his  Dresden   friends. 


FiTGER,  Art.  1 840- 1909 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C14. 

Flaischlen,  Casar,  1864- 

Selecticnt,  verse,  sec  C14. 

"Flammberg,  Gf."  (i.  e.  Ebrard.  J:  H:  A:  1818-88) 
See  Schively,  Rebecca.    A269. 

Flathe,  H:  Td.  1827-1900 

877.  The  reconstruction  of  Europe.     Vol.   19  of  C123. 


878.  Restoration   and    revolution.      Vol.     18    of   C123. 


Flemming  (or  Fleming),  PI.  1609-40 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C264,  C266,  C243,  C221,  C52, 

Flessa  J.  A.  d.  1776 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126. 

Fliedner,  Td.  1800-64 

879.  Life  of  pastor  Fliedner.    Tr.  C.  Winkworth.  Lond. 

Longmans  1867.    8vo.  [bm] 

Flotow,  F:  freiherr  v.  1812-83 

Martha,  opera.    See  Friedrich,  W:  #1120-30. 

FlI^e,  N:  v.  der  (properly  Lowenbrugger),  1417-87 

See  Goerres,  G.,  The  blessed  Nicholas  v.  d.  F__. 

110  university  op  wisconsin  studies 

Flugi,  -- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C190. 

FoERSTER,  K:  A:  1 784-1 841 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C105. 

FoERSTER-NiETZScHE,  frau  Eli.  1846- 

*88o.     The  life  of  Nietzsche,  tr.  A.  M.  Ludovici.     NY. 

Sturgis  &  W.     1912-15.     2v.     il.     25cm.     [Fol. 

3.  tr.  PL  V:  Cohn;  better  than  L.]  [lc] 

881 .     The  young  Nietzsche.     Tr.  A.   Ludovici.     Lond. 

Heinemann  1912.     399p.     il.     24cm.  [lc] 

FoLLEN,  A:  Ad.  L:  1794-1855 

Selection,    verse,    see    C23,     C190,    C167,    C202, 
€203(17);  #3800. 

FoLLEN,  K:  1795-1840 

Selection,  verse,  see  C23. 

FoLLENius,  Em.  F:  W:  Ern.  1773-1809 

88ia.    (Continuation  of  Schiller's  Geisterseher.)     Tr.  W: 
Render.     In  #4827. 

FoNTANE,  Td.  1819-98 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  €91(12),  C185. 
**882.     Effi  Driest,     [abr.]     Also,  extract  from  My  child- 
hood days.    Tr.  W:  A.  Cooper.    In  €91(12). 

FoRBES-MossE,  Ire.  1864- 

S election,  verse,  see  C14. 

FoRKEL,  J:  N:  1749-1818 

883.  Life  of  J:  S.  Bach.    Lond.  for  Boosey  1820.     Ti6p. 

22cni.  [lc] 

FoRSTER,  J:  Rid.  1729-98 

884.  An  cs.say  on  India.     Tr.  from  the  Latin     .... 

J.  Aikin.    In  Pennant,  T.,  Indian  Zoology.    1790. 
4to.  [bm] 

885.  History  of  the  voyages  and  discoveries  made  in  the 

north.    Lond.    for    J.    Robinson     1786.      489P. 
28cni.  [r.c] 


FoUQUE,  F:  H:  K:  freiherr  de  La  Motte-,  1777-1843 

Selection,  verse,  see  C90,  C265,  C266,  C62,  C52, 

C167,  C121,  C44,  C221,  C16,  C103,  C4,  C230, 

C153,  C160. 
Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

886.  Aslauga's  knight.     Tr.  T.  Carlyle  in  C34.    Also  in 

Carlyle,  Works. 

887.  do.     Aslauga  and  her  knight.  An  allegory.     New 

tr.    Lond.    Hamilton,  Adams  1843.    84p.    i6mo. 


888.  do.     Aslauga's  knight,  a  romance.     Lond.     Lum- 

ley  1846?    42p.     il.      17cm.       [Same  tr.  as  in 
#917,  prob.  by  Jos.  Burns.]  [lc] 

__  Burns  1845.  [ec] 

889.  Berthold.    In  #914. 

890.  The  crown  of  victory.     In  #6515. 

891 .  The  cypress  crown,  a  tale.    In  Morley,  H :,  A  mis- 

cellany.    Lond.     Routledge   1888.     272p.     20cm. 
[Tr.  by  a  Dutchman.]  [lc] 

892.  do.     In   An    essay    of    three    tales.     Ghent   1820. 

i2mo.  [bm] 

893.  The  eagle  and  the  lion.     In  #914. 

894.  Eugenia.     In  #914. 

895 .  The  field  of  terror ;    or,    the    haunted    field.     In 


896.  Head    master    Rheinfricd    and    his    family.      In 


897.  do.     In  #9x4. 

898.  The  lantern  in  the  castle  yard.    In  the  Odd  Volume, 

pt.  I,  1826.  [bm] 

899.  do.     In  #914. 

*900.     The  magic  ring;  a  romance.    Edin.   Oliver  &  Boyd 
1825.    3v.     i2mo.  [ny] 

__  Lond.  Whittaker  1825.     i2mo.       .  [ec] 

901.  do.     a   knightly    romance.     New   tr.   by   A.   Piatt. 

Lond.    Burns  1846.    i2mo.  [bm] 

902.  do.     same!'      Routledge     1875.       i2mo.      _-Rout- 

ledge  1882.  [ec] 

903.  The  mandrake.     In  C212  (2). 



904.  ^Minstrel   love.     Tr.   G:    Soane.     Lend.      Simjpkin 

1821.    2v.     X2mo.  [ec] 

905.  do.     reprint.    NY.    1822.  [B24] 

906.  do.     A  romance.     New  tr.   with  original  designs. 

Lond.     Lumley  1845.     333p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

-_  Routledge  1876.     333p.     i2mo.  [ec] 

907.  The  modern  Regulus.     In  C50. 

908.  The  mysterious  invalid.     lu  The  Odd  Volume,  pt. 

I.    1826.  [bm] 

909.  Scenes  from  The  pilgrimage,  a  drama.     In  C4. 

910.  The  prince's  sword.     In  #914. 

911.  The  privj'  councillor.    In  #914. 

912.  The   red  mantle.      The    juvenile  Englishman's  li- 

brary. 1845  '^''"-     '^'o'-  4-     i-2mo.  [bm] 

913.  Romantic  fiction:    selected    tales   from     .     .     .     . 

F-_  arid  others.  Lond.  1843.  i6mo.  [Con- 
tains talcs  from  Tieck,  later  publislved  in  "Tales 
from   the  Phantasns" ;  also  "Peter  Schlonihl".] 


914.  do.     Romantic  fiction:  shorter  tales  from     .     .     . 

.     F_-.     Lond.      Burns     185- ?      327p.      i6mo. 


915.  do.     New  ed.  Routledge  1875.     i2mo.  [ec] 

__  Routledge  187-.    il.     161110.  [-^^7] 

916.  Rose.    In  #914. 

917.  The  seasons.     Four  romances   from  the  German. 

Undine  (spring).  The  two  captains  (summer). 
Aslauga's  knight  (autumn).  Sintram  and  his 
companions  (winter).  Lond.  Burns  1843.  4 
pts.  98,  52,  42,  i2op.  8vo.  [Siutraui  tr.  Jas. 
Burns.]  [bm] 
LoTid.    Lumley  1846.     i8mo.                    [log] 

918.  do.     Leipz.     Tauchnitz.     Lond.     Low  1867.    36ip. 

8vo.  [bm] 

♦919.  do.  Undine  and  other  talcs.  11.  H.  W.  Herrick. 
Host ;  NY.  Houghton  i8()7.  4i6p.  17cm. 
[Same  as  p/7,  Undine,  same  as  #(jd./.] 
—  1889.  [lc] 


Hurd  &  Houghton  1871.     i6mo.  [ny] 

920.     do.     The  four  seasons.     New  ed.    Routlcdgc  1875. 
i2ino.  [ec] 

**92i.     do.     Undine  and  other  tales.     Tr.  F.  E.  Bunnett. 
XY.    Burt  1901  ?    32op.     igcni.  [lc] 

*922.  do.  Undine:  i.  c.  the  four  seasons.  NY.  Crowell 
191-?  313P.  i2mo.  [About  the  same  as  #pi9, 
with  some  revision;  Undine  different.]  [n"y] 

923.  The  siege  of  .Algiers.     In  #914. 

924.  Sintrani  and    his    companions.      Tr.    J.  C.   Hare. 

Lond.    Oilier  1820.    267p.     i2mo.  [bm] 

925.  do.     A  tale  of    the    north.      Lond.      Smith   1844. 

39p.    8vo.  [bm] 

*926.     do.     Lond.     Lumley  1848.     Tr.  Jas.  Burns.     ii9p. 

il.     i6cm.  [lc] 

927.  do.     Bost.    Osgood  1877.     X56p.    il.     i6mo.  [bm] 

928.  do.     NY.    Munro  1881.    4to.  [ac] 

929.  do.     A    romance.      Lond.       Seeley     1883.       I24p. 

4to.     [Founded  on  #92^.]  [bm] 

930.  do.     same?     NY.    Scribner  &  W.    II.  H.  Sumner. 
1883.    4to.  [ac] 

931.  do.     New  tr.  A.  ^I.  Richards.     II.  Anna  Richards. 

Lond.    Freemantlc  1900.     i88p.     i2mo.  [ec] 

932.  do.     Phil.     Lippincott  1901.  [b8] 

933.  do.     Lond.    Constable  1902.     i2mo.  [ec] 

934.  do.     NY.    Putnam  1904.    32mo.  [ac] 

935.  do.     Blackie  1905.     48p.     8vo.  [ec] 

936.  do.     1905.    i4op.    8vo.     [Same  as  #gjSf]       [ec] 
*937.     do.     Tr.  A.  C.  Farquharson.     II.  E.  J.  Sullivan. 

Lond.    Methuen  1908.     i93p.    23cni.  [>>'v] 

938.  do.     Story  of    Sintram    ete.      Ed.  Ma.  Macleod. 

Gardner,  Darton  191 1.     i4op.     il.     i6nio.     [eg] 

939.  do.    and  Aslauga's  knight.     Routledge    1875,   76. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

940.  do.     do.     Cassells  1887.  I92p.    8vo.  [bm] 

941.  do.     do.     II.   C:    Robinson.      Lond.      Dent   1890. 

222p.     i2mo.  [ec] 

942.  do.     do.     Macmillan   1900.     il.     i6mo.  [ac] 

943.  do.     and  Undine.     Intro.  Cttc.  M.  Yonge.     II.  G. 












**96i . 


♦964 . 

Browne.     Lend.     Gardner  &   D.    i8g6. 

do.     do.     Young  n.  d. 
do.     do.    same  as  #943?     H.   G.  Browne 

Stokes  1909.    279p.    21cm. 
Sir  Elidoc:  an  old  Breton  legend.     Lond. 



.     NY. 




1849.    8vo. 
A  story  of  Number  Nip.     In  C50. 
Thiodolf,  the  Icelander.     Lond.     Burns  1845.     2v. 

in  I.    il.     i6cm.  [lc] 

do.     same.     NY.      Miller    1862?       1867?       3o8p. 

19cm.  [lc] 

do.     New  ed.     Routledge  1876.     i2mo.  [eg] 

do.     New  issue.     Knox    1885.      il.    D.     NY. 

Pollard  1889.  i2mo.  [ac] 

_-NY.     Routledge  1887.     i6mo.  [ac] 

do.  and  Aslauga's  knight.    NY.    Wiley  &  Putnam 

1845.     349p.     i2mo.     [Same  as  #93^,  #9i9-] 

The  two  captains,    a    romance.      Lond.      Lumlej 

1846?    32p.    il.     17cm. 


__  Lond.    Burns  1845.     i2mo.     [Same  as  #9/7.] 


Undine.    Sel.  in  Cioo;  also  in  091(5),  tr.  Bunnett. 

(cf.  #921.) 
do.     A  romance.     Tr.  G:  Soane.     Edin.     Bell  & 

B.   Lond.     Simpkin    181S.      i2nio.     __   Simpkin 

1830.     i2mo.  [ec] 

do.     A  tale.     Bost.       1824.      Phil.     Littell   1824. 

[Probably  reprint  of  #p.i0.]  [B24] 

do.     or,  the  spirit  of  the  waters.     Tr.  T :  Tracy. 

Lond.    Clements  1841.    49p.     22cm.  [lc] 

do.     Tr.  Tracy.     NY.     Colman  1839.     I57p.  [lc] 
do.     A    miniature    romance.       Tr.    Tracy.     Lond. 

Clarke  1844.     I38p.     i6mo.  [bm] 

do.     Tr.  Hon.  C.  L.  Lyttelton.     In  Woltmann,  C. 

v..  The  white  lady    etc.      2  pts.     Lond.     1844. 

8vo.     [Same  as  #9'9>  easy,  but  too  free]   [bm] 


**965.     do.     Tr.  Tracy.     Loiul.     Burns  1845.     i2mo.  [em] 

966.  do.     Tr.  Lady  Lyttelton.     Lond.     Bell  &  D.  1845. 

i2nio.     _-  1868.  [ec] 

967.  do.     New  tr.    II.  J:  Tenniel.    Loud.    Burns  1845. 

96p.     i2mo.  [bm] 

968.  do.     Illus.  lit.  of  all  nations,  no.  21.     1852.     410. 


969.  do.     NY.     Francis  1856.     i6mo.  [ac] 

970.  do.     Newly  tr.  by  the  author  of  "Night".     Lond. 

Smith,  Elder  1858.     lojp.     8vo.  [em] 

971.  do.     same.     2d  ed.      Published  by   the  translator. 

Lond.     1884.     184P.    8vo.  [bm] 

972.  do.     Same  as  #p66.     1859.     8vo.  [bm] 
*973.     do.     New  tr.    NY.    Phinney,  Blakeman  &  Mason 

i860.     i54p.    il.     i6mo.  [ny] 

_-  NY.     Miller  1888.     [Stilted  language.]    [xv] 

974.     do.     or,    the    water    spirit.      NY.      Miller    1861. 

i6mo.  [ac] 

♦975.     do.     A  tale.     II.  H.  W.  Herrick.     NY.     Hurd  & 

H.  1868.     ii6p.     17cm.  [lc] 

**976.     do.     same  as  #p6j.    Lib.  of  famous  fiction.     NY. 

Cambridge,  Mass.     1873.     8vo.  [ny] 

977.     do.     same  as  #964.     Bost.     Osgood   1877.     nop. 

i6mo.  [bm] 

♦978.     do.    same  as  #919.     Rochester,  NY.     Fitch  1879. 

43p.    8vo.  [ny] 

979.     do.     NY.     Munro  1881.     410.  [ac] 

**98o.     do.     A  legend.    Tr.  F.  E.  Bunnett.    II.  J.  Hoppner. 

Lond.     Griffith    &    Farran     1885.       fol.       (Cf. 

#921.)  [bm] 

981.  do.     NY.    White  &  S.     1885.     S.  [ac] 

982.  do.     the  spirit  of  the  waters.     A  poem  containing 

a   version  of  the  narrative By  W. 

Hipsley.    Lond.    Stock  1886.     i84p.    8vo.  [bm] 

983.  do.     Tr.   Julia   Cartwright.     Lond.     Chapman   & 

Hall  1887.    il.    4to.  [ec] 

984.  do.     same  as    #g6/.      Lond.      Chapman    &  Hall 

1888.     I74p.    8vo.  [bm] 

985.  do.     NY.    Putnam  1888.    il.    T.  [ac] 



















1001 . 


do.     or,   the  naiad   queen.     Pollard    1889.      i2mo. 


do.     Phil.      Altemus    1895.      I74p.      i6mo.      [Too 

free.]  [ny] 

do.     Tr.   Edmund   Gosse.      II.   W.   E.   F.    Britten. 

Lond.     Lawrence  &  Bullen    1896.      iSgp.     8vo. 


do.     Tr.  Gosse.     II.  F.  M.  Rudland   1897.     286p. 

8vo.  [bpl] 

do.     Tr.   Gosse.     New   ed.      Sidgwick  &  J.    191 2. 

2i6p.    8vo.  [ec] 

do.     In  Fairy  tales  four,  princes  three.     1916.  [ec] 

do.     A  tale.    Tr.  A.  L.  Alger.    Host ;  Lond.    Ginn 

1897.     io6p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

do.     same  as  ^q8j.     II.     Rosie    ^I.    M.    Pitman, 

Lond.    Alacmillan  1897.    293p.    8vo.  [bpl] 

do.     same  as  #()2i.     A  romantic  fairy  tale.     II.  J. 

Heath     1902.       I49P-      19cm. 


Hoppner.     Host. 


do.     Putnam  1904. 

do.     Caldwell  1905. 

do.     a   romance.     Tr.  G:  P.  Upton. 

Glurg  1908.  138P.  17cm. 
do.  told  to  the  children  by  Ma.  Macgregor.  II. 
Kath.  Cameron.  Lond.  Jack ;  NY.  Dutton 
1908.  II5P-  15cm.  [Not  a  translation;  zvcU 
done]  [lc] 

do.     Ad.  ^^' :  L.  Courtney.    II.  .\.  Rackham.    Lond. 
Heinemann ;     NY.      Doubleday     1909.       I36p. 

25cm. 1912.  [lc] 

do.     Undine  and  Huldbrand.     Founded  on  F.-'s 

U--.     By  T.  R.  N.  Crofts.     Lond.     Methuen 

1909.     i2nio.  [kc] 

do.    same  as  #p2J-     H-  F.  B.  Comstock.     NY. 

McLoughliii   1911.     i26p.     24cm.  [lc] 

do.     \  poem  ad.  in  part    from     ....     F 

by  Mrs.    Antoinette    Patterson.       Fisher  19 14. 
34p.    O.  [AC] 


1003.  do.     and     Aslauga's     knight.       Lend.       Newnes 

1901.    il.     i2mo.  [ec] 

1004.  do.     do.     Newnes    1902.     II.   H.   Nelson.     2o6p. 

i2nio.  [ec] 

1005.  do.     do.     Scribner  1901,   1902.     il.     i6mo.     [ac] 
**iOo6.      do.     Same  as  #p(5j,  #926.  and  Sintram  and  his 

companions.  NY.  Wiley  &  Putnam  1845. 
238P.  i2nio.  [ny] 
New  ed.  1852.     238p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

1007.  do.     do.     Phil.     Hazard  1854.     i2mo.  [ac] 

1008.  do.     do.     Loves   of   Undine   and   Sintram;  (also 

Paul  and  Virginia,  by  J.  H.  de  Saint  Pierre.) 
World  pub.  1876.    il.     i2mo.  [ac] 

1009.  do.     do.     NY.    Miller,    il.     i2mo.  [ac7] 
loio.     do.     do.     New  issue.     Knox  1885.    il.     D.     [ac] 

**I0II.     do.     do.     Undine;  or,  the  water-spirit.     Sintram 

etc Tr.  T.  Tracy.    NY.    Appleton 

1899.    243p.    il.    8vo.  [lc] 

**ioi2.  do.  and  The  two  captains.  Tr.  F.  E.  Bunnett. 
Lond.  Low  1875.  i68p.  i2mo.  (Cf. 
#921.)  [ec] 

1013.  do.     do.     Scribner,  W.  &  A.  n.  d.  [ac7] 

1014.  do.     do.     Routledge  1875,  1876.    il.     i2mo.     [ec] 

1015.  do.     do.     Lond.    Seeley  1883.    i8mo.  [ec] 
**ioi6.     do.     do.     NY.    Lovell  1886.    94p.     i8cm.     [Un- 

dine  sauw  as  4^921 ;  hi'o  captains  same  as  #p22.] 

1017.  do.     do.     Cassell  1886.     I92p.    8vo.  [bm] 

1018.  The  unknown  patient.    In  #914. 

1019.  The  victor's  wreath.     In  #914. 

1020.  N'iolina :    a    miniature    romance.      Lond.      Qarke 

1845.     •34P-     i2mo.  [ny] 

1021.  The  vow.    In  The  Odd  volume,  pt.  i.    1826.  [bm] 

1022.  do.     In  #914. 

1023.  Wild  love,  and  other  tales.     (Rosaura.     The  oak 

of  the  idols.  The  field  of  terror.)  Lond. 
Lumley  1844.    215,  51,  22p.    il.    17cm.         [lc] 

1024.  do.     A  romance.      Phil.      Ferrett    1845.      ii2p. 

23cm.  [lc] 

1025.  do.     Routledge  1877.     i6mo.  [ac] 


FouQUE,  K:e  A:e   (v.  Driest),  baronin  de  La  Motte-,  1773- 

1026.  The  castle  of  Scharfenstein.     In  Cioi(t). 

1027.  The  castle  on  the  beach.    A  tale.    In  C50. 

1028.  The  outcasts.    A  romance.    Tr.  G.  Soane.    Lend. 

Whittaker  1824.    2v.     i2mo.  [lc] 

1029.  The  physician   of   Marseilles,    (and  three  other) 

tales.     Lond.      Burns    1845.     72,    16,   20,   23p. 
i6cm.  [lc] 

Fraas,  Ok.  1824-97 

Sec  Schubert,  G.,  Palastina  etc.     #5300. 

Franck,  S.  i8th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C265,  C266,  C220. 

Franck,  J :  1618-77 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264,  C265,  C266,  C221,  C138, 
C134;  #5436. 

Francke,  A:  Hm.  1663- 1727 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266,  C126,  C265. 

See  Guericke,  H :,  Life  of  A.  H.  F__.     #2088. 

Francke,  Hm. 

1030.  "Cinderella".    Book  of  words  by  L.  Novra.  Lond. 

1879.    8vo.  [p.m] 

1031.  "Little   red   ridinghood."     Book   of   words.     Tr. 

E.  M.  Traquair.    Lond.     1878.    8vo.  [bm] 

1032.  "Little  snow  white."     Libretto.     Tr.  E.  M.  Tra- 

quair.   Lond.    Augencr  1880.     igp.    8vo.  [bm] 

1033.  The  seven  ravens.    A  series  of  seven  vocal  pieces 

connected  by  recitation.     Tr.  Ma.  A.  Robinson. 
NY.     Schubcrth  1882.     Libretto.     i4p.     i2mo. 

Francois,  Lu.  v.  1817-93 

1034.  The  last  von  Rcckeiiburg.     Tr.  "J.  M.  Pcrcival." 

1st  Am.  from  3d  Gcr.  ed.    Host.    Cupples  &  H. 
1887.    37op.    I9cni.  [lc] 

_-  Lond.    Gardner  1888.    370P.    8vo.       [bms] 


"Frank,  U:"  (i.  e.  Frau  Ulla  (Hirschfeld)  Wolff,  1850-) 

1035.  Simon  Eichelkatz.     The  patriarch.     Two  stories 

of  Jewish  life.    Phil.    Jewish  pub.  soc.  of  Am. 
1907.    43 ip.     19cm.  [lc] 

Franke,  O  : 

Selection,  prose,  see  Ci78a. 

Frankenberg,  Abh.  v. 

1036.  Memoirs  of     ...     .     Jacob  Behmen.    Tr.  Fis. 

Okely.     Northampton,    Eng.      For    the  trans- 
lator 1780.     I53p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

Frankl,  L:  A:  1810-94 

Selection,  verse,  see  C162;  also  C230  (Frankle)  ? 

Franz,  Ag.  1794- 1843 

1037.  The  best  dowry.     The  friends.     The  rivals.     In 


Franzos,  K:  El.  1848-1904 

Selection,  verse,  see  C230. 

1038.  The  chief  justice.     (Der  President. )      Tr.  Miles 

Corbet.    Lond.    Heinemann  1890.    272p.    8vo. 

NY.     Lovell  1890.     272p.     19cm.  [lc] 

1039.  For  the  right.      (Ein   Kampf  urns  Recht.)      Tr. 

Julie     Sutter.      NY.      Harper     1888.       I98p. 
2icm.  [lc] 

1040.  do.     Pref.   by   G.    MacDonald.      Lond.     Clarke 

1887.    53 ip.    8vo.  [bms] 

1041 .  do.     New  ed.  Lond.     Clarke  1889.     278p.     8vo. 


1042.  The  Jews  of  Barnow.    Stories.    Tr.  M.  W.  Mac- 

dowall.     Lond.     Blackwoods ;  NY.     Appleton 
1883.    334p.    i8cm.  [lc] 

1043.  <^o-     same?     NY.    Munro  1882.    33p.    4to.  [ac] 

1044.  Judith  Trachtenberg.     Tr.  Mrs.  L.  P.  Lewis  and 

C.    T.    Lewis.      NY.      Harper    1891.      22ip. 
2icm.  [lc] 

"Frapan,  Use"  (i.  e.  Frau  Use  (Levien)  Akunian,  1852-1908) 

1045 .  God's  will,  and  other  stories.    Tr.  Helen  A.  Mac- 


"Frapan,  Use" 

donell.    NY.     Cassell  1893.    2i4p.     18  x  9cm. 


1046.  Heavy  laden;  and,    Old    fashioned  folk.     Lond. 

Unwin   1892.      Tr.    Macdonell.      2i6p.     i2mo. 

Frauenlob,  see  Heinrich  v.  Meissen 

Frederick,  Bta.     (Heyn)   1825-82,  see  "Raimund,  Golo". 

Freid.\nk,  i^th  cent. 

Selection  in  C13. 

Freiligrath,  Fd.  1810-76 

Selection,  verse,  see  C3,  C53,  C148,  C145,  C108, 
C109,  C18,  C229,  C48,  C38,  C226,  C246,  C167, 
C168,  C127.  C231,  C230,  C68,  C86,  C121, 
C2oi(i7,  18,  22,  24,  25),  C243.  C258,  C54, 
C165,  €91(7),  C22,  C103,  C20,  C8,  C46,  C267, 
C160,  C185;  #2411,  #2424. 

1047.  Poems.    Ed.  by  his  daughter.     2d  cd.  enl.    Leipz. 

Tauchnitz ;   Lond.      Low    1871.     26op.      i6cm. 
Tr.  Frau  Kiithe  Freiligrath  Kroeker.  [lc] 

1048.  do.     Lond.     Low  1869.     i8mo.  [ec] 

Frenssen,  Gst.  1863- 

Sclection,  prose,  see  C160. 

*i049.  Holyland.  Tr.  IMa.  Ag.  Hamilton.  Bost.  Estes 
1906.    375p.     19cm.  [i.c] 

*iOSO.  Jorn  Uhl.  Tr.  F.  S.  Delmer.  Bost.  E.stes ; 
Lond.  Constable  1905.  4i6p.  19cm.  [Uses 
some  Scotch  expressions  to  give  effect  of  dia- 
lect.] [lc] 

*io5i.  Klaus  Hinrich  Baas;  the  story  of  a  self-made 
man.  Tr.  ICsther  E.  Lapc  and  Eliz.  F.  Read. 
NY.     Macmillan  191 1.     44op.     20cm.  [lc] 

**I052.  Peter  Moor's  journey  to  Southwest  Af  rcia ;  a 
narrative  of  the  German  campaign.  Tr.  Marg. 
M.Ward.;NY.  Houghton.  Mifflin  1908. 
244p.     I9cni.  [lc] 

*I053.     The  three  comrades.     Tr.  L.  W'instanley.     Lond. 


Constable;  Best.      Estes    1907.      362p.     20cm. 

Freylinghausen,  J  :  Anastasius,  1670-1739 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C265,  C264,  C180,  C44; 

Freytag,  Gst.  1816-95 

Selection ,  prose,  see  C160. 
**I054.     The   crown     prince    and    the    German    imperial 
crown.    Reminiscences.    Tr.G:  Duncan.  Lond. 
Bell  1890.     i3op.    19cm.  [bpl] 

1055.  Debtor  and    creditor:    a    romance.      Tr.    W.    J. 

Stewart.    Lond.    Blackwood  1857.    8vo.     [um] 

1056.  do.     Debit  and  credit.     Pref.  by  Bunsen.     Edin. 

Hamilton   1857.     2v.     8vo.  [ec] 

**io57.     do.     Tr.  Mrs.  Georgiana  Malcolm.    Lond.     Bent- 
ley  1858.     50op.     19cm.  [lc] 
11058.     do.     Tr.  L.  C.  Cummings.    Edin.    Constable  1857. 
2v.     17cm.    —  NY.     1858.    564P.     D.  —  NY. 

Harper  1893.     564P.     2rcm. NY.     Abbatt 

1909.    564P.    20cm.     [Cuts  ruthlessly.]       [lc] 

1059.  do.     A  novel.      New    ed.      Lond.      Ward  &  L. 

1876.     i2mo.  [ec] 

1060.  Frederick    the    great.       Tr.     E.     H.    Babbitt    in 


**io6i.  Ingo,  the  first  novel  of  a  series  entitled  Our  fore- 
fathers. Tr.  Mrs.  Malcolm.  NY.  Holt  &  W. 
1873-     327P-     17cm.  [lc] 

**io62.  Ingraban,  the  second  novel  etc.  Tr.  Mrs.  Mal- 
colm.    NY.     Holt  1873.     304p.     17cm.       [lc] 

1063.  do.     Our    forefathers.       [Same    as    #1061    and 

#1063.]      Tr.   Mrs.    Malcolm.      Lond.     Asher 
1873.     2v.  [ec] 

1064.  The  journalists.    Cambridge.    Sever  1888.    i2mo. 


71065.     do.     literally  tr.  Herbert  Leslie.    NY.    Hinds,  N. 
&  E.  1904.    i4op.    15cm.    ( Handy  literal  trans- 
lations.) [lc] 
1066.     do.     Comedy  in  four  acts.    Tr.  R.  T.  House.    In 
The  Drama,  No.  9  (1913). 

122  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


*io67.     do.     Tr.  E.  F.  Henderson.     €91(12). 
**io68.      The  lost  manuscript.     Tr.  Mrs.  Malcolm.     Lond. 
Chapman  &  H.  1865.     3V.     19cm.  [lc] 

1069.     do.     NY.      Appleton     1891.       259P.     (in   double 
columns)  24cm.  [lc] 

*I070.  do.  Chic.  Open  court  1892.  2pts.  in  one  vol. 
20cm.  [lc] 

1071 .     do.     Lond.     Arnold.     Tr.    i6th    Ger.    ed.     2pt. 
1887.    Svo.  [bms] 

_-  1892.  [ec] 

**io72.  Martin  Luther.  Tr.  H  :  E.  O.  Heinemann.  Chic. 
Open  court  1897.     I30p.    il.    8vo.  [lco] 

**I073.     do.     Doctor  Luther.     Tr.  G.  C.  L.  Riemer.    Phil. 
Lutheran  pub.     1916.    203p.     il.     19cm.       [lc] 
**io74.     do.     Doctor  Luther.  Tr.  E.  H.  Babbitt.  091(12). 
**io75.     Pictures  of  German  life  in  the   15th,   i6th,  and 
17th    centuries.      Tr.    Mrs.    Malcolm.      Lond. 
Chapman  &  H.  1862.    2v.     X9cm.  [lc] 

1076.      do.     Pictures  of  German  life  in  the  i8th  and  19th 
centuries.     2d  series.     1863.  [lc] 

11077.  Reminiscences  of  my  life.  Tr.  Kath.  Chetwynd. 
Lond.     White  1890.     2v.   i2mo.  [lc] 

**I078.  Technique  of  the  drama,  an  exposition  of  dra- 
matic composition  and  art.  Tr.  6th  Ger.  ed.  E. 
J.  MacEwan.  Chic.  Griggs  1895.  366p. 
20cm.  [lc] 

Fried,  Af.  Hm.  1864- 

1079.     "^^^  diary    of    a    condemned    man.      Tr.  S.  van 
Straalen.    Lond.    Heinemann  1899.    i86p.  Svo. 


fioSo.  The  German  emperor  and  the  peace  of  the  world. 
Lond;  NY.  Hodder  &  S.  1912.  2i4p.  21cm. 
[Careless;  alters  at  7C'i7/. ]  [lc] 

1081 .  The  restoration  of  Europe.     Tr.  L.  S.  Gannett. 

NY.    Macmillan  1916.     I57p.    19cm.  [lc] 

Friederichs,  K:  1831-71 

1082.  Greek  sculi)turc.    Selections  from  his  "Baustcine." 


Tr.  and  ed.  D.  C.  Eaton.  New  Haven.  Tuttle, 
M.  &  T.  1881-3.    5v.    19cm.  [lc] 

1083.  Handbook  of   Greek  and   Roman   sculpture.     2d 

rev.  ed.     Bost.     Osgood   1884.     41 5p.     19cm. 


Friederike  So.  \V  :e,  markgriifin  v.  Bayreuth,  1709-58 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160  (under  Wilhelmine  v. 

See  Horn,  G:,  The  margravine  of  Bayreuth 
and  Voltaire.     #2763. 

1084.  Memoirs     ....     written    by    herself.       Tr. 

from  the  French.  Lond.  Colburn  1812.  2v. 
8vo.  [bm] 

1085.  do.     Lond.     Hunt  &    Clarke    1828.     2 v.     iScm. 


1086.  do.     Bost.     Osgood    1877.     _-    Bost.     Houghton 

Mifflin  1905.  [lc] 

1087.  do.     Tr.    Princess   Christian  of    Schleswig   Hol- 

stein.    Lond.     Stott  1887.    4589.    23cm.     [lc] 

Friedlaender,  L:  1824-1909 

1088.  Roman  life  and  manners  under  the  early  empire. 

Lond.  Routledge;  NY.  Button  1908-13.  4V. 
20cm.  Vol.  I  tr.  L.  A.  Magnus;  vol.  2  and  3 
tr.  Magnus  and  J :  H :  Freese ;  vol.  4  tr.  A.  B. 
Gough.  [lc] 

1089.  Town  life  in  ancient  Italy.     Tr.  W:  E.  Waters. 

Bost.    Sanborn  1902.    62p.    20cm.  [lc] 

Friedlaender,  L:  Hm. 

1090.  Views    in    Italy    during    a    journey     .... 

1815-16.  In  New  voyages  and  travels,  vol.  5. 
Lond.    1820.    8vo.  [bm] 

Friedmann,  Af  ?  1845- 

Sclcction,  verse,  see  C230. 

Friedrich  I,  called  Barbarossa, 

See  Kiihn,  Fz.,  Barbarossa.     #3292. 

Friedrich  II,  called  der  Crosse,  king  of  Prussia,  1712-86 

Posthumous  works.     Tr.  from  the  French  by  T. 










IIOI  . 

1 102. 

1 103. 

1 104. 

1 105. 

1 106. 

Holcroft.     Lond.      1789.      13V.     Svo.  [bm] 

The   art  of  war:  a  poem Tr.   Miss 

Hamilton.     Lond.     1826.    8vo.  [bm] 

Characteristic  anecdotes  etc.  (Chiefly  from  Anek- 
doten  und  Charakterziige  aus  dem  Leben  Fried- 
richs  des  Zweiten.)  Notes  by  B.  H.  Latrobe. 
Lond.     1788.    8vo.  [bm] 

Eulog)'  on  Prince  Henry  of  Prussia.  Birming- 
ham 1768.    8vo.  [bm] 

FamiHar  and  friendly  correspondence  .... 
with  M.  F.  de  Suhm.  .  .  .  Lond.  1787. 
8vo.  [bm] 

The  king  of  Prussia's  criticism  on  the  Henriad 
of    M.   de   Voltaire.      Lond.      Rivington    1858. 

34p.    8vo. 
Letter  upon  education.     1777.     i6mo. 
Letters  to  the  public.     Lond.     1753. 








Memoirs   of  the    house    of  Brandenburg. 

8vo.    --  1 75 1.    i2mo. 
do.     Lond.     Nourse  1757.     i2mo.     _-   1758.     

1758-68.     2v.     i2nio.  [bm] 

Memoirs  of   Frederick    HI     (i.    c.    H)    king  of 

Prussia.    Lond.    1757.    8vo.  [bm] 

Military    instructions     ....     written    by   the 

king  of   Prussia,   to  the  generals  of  his  army. 

Lond.     1762.    Svo.  [bm] 

An  ode     ....     after  the  victory  at  Rosbach. 

Lond.     1758.     4to.  [«m] 

The  panegyric  of  Voltaire.    Lond.    Murray  1779. 

56p.    4to.  [lco] 

Poems.     In    Jolinson,    S.,    Memoirs    of   Charles 

Frederick.    To  which  are  added  translations  of 

select  poems,  written  by  the  king  of   Prussia. 

1786.     Svo.  [bm] 

Secret      strategical      instructions     ....     for 

the    inspectors    general.       Tr.    C     H.    Sniilli. 


Coventry.  For  the  translator  1811.  28p.  il. 
4to.  [lco] 

1 107.  The  seventh  epistle  attempted  in  English.     Lend. 

1761.  fol.  [bm] 

1108.  Sylla,  a  dramatic  entertainment.      Tr.   Mr.    Der- 

rick.   Lond.     1753.    Bvo.  [bmJ 

See  Freytag.     G.,  F-.  the  G--.     #1060. 

See  Kugler,  Fz.,  Life  of  F the  G--.    #3310-12. 

See  Miihlbach,  Lu.,  F__  the  G...     #3933-38. 
See  Raumer,  F :,  Contributions  to  modern  history. 


See  Schrader,   Fd..   F__   the   G and  the  seven 

years'  war.     #5288. 

Fkiojrich  III,  coiled  der  Fromme,  kurfiirst  v.  d.  Pfalz,  1515- 


1 109.  A    Christian    confession    of    the    late     .... 

Prince  F__  .  .  .  .  taken  word  for  word 
out  of  his  last  will  and  testament.  Lond. 
Barker  1577.    8vo.  [bm] 

Friedrich  in,  deutscher  Kaiser,  1831-88 

mo.  The  crown  prince  of  Germany:  a  diary.  New  and 
complete  ed.     Lond.    Low  1888.    8vo.         [ec] 

nil.  Diaries  ....  during  the  campaigns  of  1866 
and  1870-I,  also  journeys  to  the  east  and  to 
Spain.  Tr.  Fes.  A.  Welby.  Lond.  Chapman 
&  Hall  1902.    368p.    22cm.  [lc] 

1 1 12.  Diary,    1870-1,  and  prince   Bismarck's   rejoinder. 

Lond.    Routledge  1888.     i2mo.  [ec] 

Sec  Poschinger,  Marg.,  Life  of  Emperor  Fred- 
erick.    #4390. 

Friedrich  H:  L:  called  Prinz  H:  1726-1802 

See  Friedrich  d.  Grosse,  Eulogy  on  prince  H :  of 
Prussia.     #1094. 

Friedrich  K:  N:  prince  of  Prussia,  1828-85 

1 1 13.  A  military  memorial,  by  __.     Ed.  from  the  Ger. 

by  C.  H.  Chambers.    Lond.     1866.    8vo.     [bm] 


Friedrich  W  :  der  grosse  kurfiirst,  1620-88 

11 14.  A  letter     ....     to  the  king  of  France,  declar- 

ing  the   reasons     ....     to   take  up   arms 

against  the  king    of    Sweden.      Tr.  from  the 

Latin.    Lond.     1659.    4to.  [bm] 

1 1 15.  A  letter     ....     to    Richard    lord  protector 

.  .  .  .  on  the  protecting  and  defending  of 
the  reformed  protestant  cause.  Tr.  from  the 
Latin.    Lond.     1659.    4to.  [bm] 

Sec  Miihlbach,  Lu.,  The  reign  of  the  great  elector. 
The  youth  of  the  great  elector.     #3969,  #3973. 

Friedrich  W:  III,  konig  von  Preussen,  1770-1840 

1 1 16.  A     letter     ....     to     ...     .     the     .     .     . 

.     duchess    of     Coethens,    on     ...     .     her 

conversion  to     ...     .    the  church  of  Rome. 

Lond.     1826.    8vo.  [bm] 

Sec  Eylert,  R.,    Characteristic    traits    of  F :  W : 

in.    The  religious  life  and  opinions 

#813,  #814. 

Fkif.duicu  von  Hausen,  ii40?-ii9o 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C13,  C186. 

Fkiforich  von  Leiningen,  fJ.  1214-39 
Selection,  verse,  see  C13. 

Friedrich,  F:  1828-90 

1 117.  Gone.     A  drama  in  three  acts.     Ad.  by  "Ryam 

Notlag"  (Mary  Galton).    1871.  [BI9] 

1118.  The  lost  despatch.     Tr.   L.  A.  Williams.     Best. 

Osgood  1871.  io7p.  24cm.  [lc] 
Estes  1871.                                                  [ac] 

1 1 19.  The  workingnian's  wife.    Tr.  H.  E.  Miller.    Chic. 

Weeks  1894.    264P.    20cm.  [lc] 




Martha.     Music    by     Flotow. 

libretto.      NY. 

1857-     I5P-     4to. 



do.     lul.  Tyron,  Jr.     Phil.  n.  d. 



do.     Host.      Ditson    i8f)0.     31  p. 

8v.>.     Ital.  and 




♦1123.  do.  same  as  #1120.  NY.  Academy  of  mus. 
1863.    Ger.  and  Eng.    29p.    4to.  [lc] 

1124.  do.  satne  as  #1122.  Arr.  and  ad.  [/.  e.  short- 
ened] by  E:  S.  Payson  for  Redpath  English 
opera  co.    Bost.    1875.     i2p.    4to.  [lc] 

11125.     '^''-     ^^-     Acad,  of  mus.   1865.     Ital.  and  Eng. 


1 126.  do.     NY.     Bryant  1871.    43p.     8vo.  [lc] 

1127.  do.     Ed.  Arthur  Sullivan.     Lend.     Boosey  1871. 

Svo.  [ec] 

1 128.  do.     the    fair     at     Richmond.       Comic    romantic 

opera.    Lond.    Novello  1874.    8vo.  [ec] 

1129.  do.     same  as  it  1 1 32.    Ditson  1888. 

tii30.  do.  English  ed.  M.  Louise  Baum.  Bost.  Burch- 
ard  1913.    42p.    8vo.  [lc] 

Friedrich-Friedrich,  Emmy,  see  "Rhoden,  Emma  v." 

Fries,  N  :  1823-94 

1 131.  Homes  iu  Schafhausen :  stories   from  the  seven 

petitions  of  the  Lord's  prayer.     Tr.  loth  Ger. 

ed by  M.  E.  Ireland.     Burlington, 

la.    Ger.  lit.  board  1913.     183P.     i8cm.        [lc] 
Fries,  R. 

1 132.  Gretchen,  or    the    day-laborer's    daughter.      Am. 

Tract  Soc.   1873.     il.     i6mo.  [-^c] 

1 133.  The  uhlan's    wife.      Am.    Tract    Soc.    1874.     il. 

i8mo.  [ac] 

Frobenius,  Leo,  1873- 

1134.  The  childhood  of  man:  a  popular  account  of  the 

lives,  customs,  and  thoughts  of  the  primitive 
races.  Tr.  A  :  H  :  Keane.  Lond.  Seeley  1909. 
504p.    il.     23cm.  [lc] 

1 135.  The  German  empire's    hour    of    destiny.     Lond. 

Longman  1914.     I38p.     8vo.  [ec] 

1136.  The     voice     of     Africa     ....     exploration 

1910-12.  Tr.  Rudolf  Blind.  Lond.  Hutchin- 
son 1913.    2v.  7i4p.    il.    25cm.  [lc] 

Froedel,  F:  W:  A:  1782- 1852 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

128  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


1137.  Autobiography.     Tr.    E.    Michaelis    and  H:   K. 

Moore.     Syracuse,  NY.     Bardeen  1889.  16/p. 

2icm.  [lc] 

1 138.  do.     1st  ed.    Lond.     Kellogg  1886.  [lc] 
1138a.   do.     NY.     Kellogg  1887.     S.  [ac] 

1 139.  do.     Lond.     Sonnenschein  1886.    8vo.  [ec] 

1140.  do.     7th  ed.     Lond.     Sonnenschein   1899.  i68p. 

8vo.  [ems] 

1141.  do.     New  ed.   1901.  I72p.  9th  ed.  1903. 

I74p.  _-  New  ed.  I72p.  1906. nth  ed. 

I74p.  1908. I2th  ed.  Lond.  Allen  &  U. 

1916.  [ec] 

1 142.  Rlother-play  and    nursery    songs,    with  notes  to 

mothers.    Lee  &  S.  1879.    il.    4to.  [ac] 

1 143.  do.     poetry,  music,  and  pictures  for  the  noble  cul- 

ture of  child  life.  Tr.  Fannie  E.  Dwight  and  J. 
Jarvis.  Ed.  Eliz.  P.  Peabody.  Boston.  Loth- 
rop,  L.  S:  S.     1906.     I92p.     30  x  23cm.       [lc] 

1 144.  do.     Mother's  songs,  games,  and  stories.    Tr.  F. 

and  E.  Lord.    Lond.    Rice  1883.    8vo.         [dm] 

1 145.  do.     New  rev.    ed.      Lond.      Rice  1888.     2  pts. 

8vo.  [ems] 

*ii46.     do.     Tr.  Henrietta  Fes.     Lord  and  Emily  Lord. 

New  and  rev.  ed.     Lond.     Rice   1890.     2i2p. 

75p.  of  mus.    il.    22cm.  [lc] 

1 147.  The    mottoes     and     commentaries    of     ...     . 

mother  play.  Mother  communings  and  mot- 
toes rendered  into  Eng.  verse  by  Mrs.  Henri- 
etta R.  Eliot.  Prose  commentaries  tr.  Susan  E. 
Blow.  NY.  Appleton ;  Lond.  Arnold  1895. 
3i6p.    il.    18cm.     [Very  freely  adapted.]     [lc] 

1148.  Songs    and    music    of     ...     .     mother    play. 

Sonijs  newly  tr.  and  furnished  with  new  music. 
Prep,  and  arr.  by  S.  E.  Blow.  NY.  .Appleton  ; 
Lond.  Arnold  1896.  272P.  il.  18cm.  [Tr. 
by  various  Itand.^:  really  ne'w  rliywes  based  on 
Frocbcl.]  [lc] 


Sec  Marenholtz-Bulow,  Bta.,  Reminiscences  of  F. 
F__.    #37oy. 

Froebel,  Jl.  1805-93 

1 149.  Seven  years'  travel  in  Central  America,  Northern 

Mexico,  and  the  far  west  of  the  United  States. 
Lond.  Bentley  1859.  Rev.  and  tr.  by  the  au- 
thor from  "Aus  Amerika",  Bks.  2,  4,  and  5. 
586p.    il.    22cm.  [lc] 

Froehlich,  Abh.  Em.  1796-1865 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C190;  #3800. 

Froehlich,  K: 

1 1 50.  Frolics  with  scissors  and  pens.     The  rhymes  tr. 

Mme.  de  Chatelain.     Myers  1863.     8vo.       [ec] 

1 151.  do.     NY.     Worthington  1879.     8vo.  [ac] 

Froehlich,  L. 

1152.  Lilly  Day.     Lond.     Dulau  1863.     8vo.     [Transla- 

tion?] [eg] 

1 153.  Little  darling  at  the  seaside.     A  series  of  draw- 

ings by  L.  F_-,  text  by  her  mamma.  Tr.  Mrs. 
G.  Hooper.    Lond.    Triibner  1863.    8vo.     [bm] 

1154.  Little  darling  at  home.    Drawings  by  L.  F — ,  text 

by  her  mamma.  Lond.  Dulau  1864.  8vo.  __ 
2d  ed.  1864.    4to.  [bm] 

Frommann,  L  U. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Frommel,  El.  1828-96 

1 155.  Heinerle   von    Lindelbronn.       Phil.      Luth.   Pub. 

1886.  [AC] 

FucHS,  Rid. 

1156.  Helga:  a  tale   in   verse.     Tr K.   L 

Lerwick.     Johnson  &  Grcig  1897.     47p.      8vo. 

FuLDA,  L:  1862- 

Sdeclion,  verse,  see  €91(17),  C185. 

1157.  The  blockhead.     (Der  Dummkopf.)     A  comedy 

in  5  acts.    Tr.  J.  L.  Jones.     Chic.     1908.  [B19I 



1 158.     By  ourselves.    (Unter  vier  Augen.)      Tr.   Oscar 
Leonard.     St.  Louis  1907.  [B19] 

*ii59.     do.     Tet-a-tete.    Tr.  E.  L.  Townsend.    €91(17). 
[Needless  deviations.] 

11 60.  Friends  of  youth.     A    comedy    in  4  acts.     (Die 

Jugendfreunde.)  Tr.  Martin  Schuetze.  Phil. 
Avil  Print.  Co.  [B19] 

1 161.  do.     Our  wives.     Farce  comedy  in  4  acts.     Tr. 

Helen  Krafft  and  Frank  Mandel.     191 1.     Tp. 


1 162.  The   fur  coat.     Tr.  Mrs.  J.   M.  Lancaster.     In 


1163.  The  lost    paradise.      Ad     .     .     .     .     H :    C.   De 

Mille.  NY.  Goldmann,  printer,  1S97.  77p. 
19cm.     [No  apparent  relation  to  original.]    [lc] 

1 1 64.  do.     or,  work  and    wages.      Ad.    J:    A.  Fraser. 

Chic.     1898.     Tp.  [lc] 

1165.  Moonbeams.      Satire     in    3    acts.      Tr.    A.    H. 

Schwartz.    NY.     1914.     Tp.  [lc] 

1 166.  Twin  sisters.    A  play  in  4  acts.    Tr.  L.  N.  Parker. 

Lond.     1902.  [B19] 

FuNCKE,  O: 

ii66a.  A  home  abroad.     In  #5033. 

1167.  How  to  be  happy  and  make  others  happy.     Tr. 

Sophia  Taylor.  Lond.  Hodder  &  S.  1896. 
286p.    Svo.  [bms] 

Funk,  G.  B.  d.  1814 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

FURTWAENGLER,   Ad.    1853-I9O7 

1168.  Greek  and    Roman    sculpture.       Tr.   H.   Taylor. 

Lond.  Dent;  NY.  Dutton  1914.  24ip.  il. 
23cm.  [lc] 

1 169.  Masterpieces  of    Greek    sculpture:    a    scries  of 

essays  on  the  history  of  art.  Ed.  Eugenie 
Sellers.  Lond.  Heinemann  1893.  487P.  il. 
4to.  [lc] 


FuRTWAENGLER,  Ad.  and 
Urlichs  (i.  e.  Ulrichs),  H.  L. 

1 170.  Greek  and  Roman  sculpture.     Lend.    Dent  1914. 

254p.     il.    8vo.  [ac] 

Fuss,  Joannes  Dominicus 

1 171.  Roman  antiquities.     Tr.  from  the  Latin  by  A.  N. 

and  B.  Street.    Oxford  1840.    8vo.    Bohn  [bm] 

Gaetschenberger,  St. 

1172.  Love  is  lord  of  all;  or,  neighboring  steppes.    Ad. 

by  Ma.  J.  SafTord.  II.  W.  B.  Davis.  NY. 
Bonner  1892.    35ip.     19cm.  [lc] 

"G.\LEN,  Ph."  (i.  e.  Em.  Ph.  K:  Lange,  1813-99) 

1 173.  The  madman  of  St.  James.     Tr.  by  T.  H.  1847. 

8vo.  [bm] 

1 174.  do.     Lond.     i860.     3V.  8vo.  [bm] 

Gans,  Gst.  H  :  sec  Putlitz,  Gst.  H  : 

Ganz,  Hg.  1862- 

1175.  The  downfall  of  Russia;  under  the  surface  in  the 

land  of  riddles.  3d  ed.  Lond.  Hodder  &  S. 
1905.     32op.     20cm.  [lc] 

1176.  The  land  of  riddles  (Russia  of  today).     Tr.  and 

ed.  Herman  Rosenthal.  NY;  Lond.  Harper 
1904.    33op.    2 1  cm.  [lc] 

Garlepp,  Br.  1845- 

1177.  Bismarck  memorial.     The  passing  of  Germany's 

great  chancellor :  a  narrative  etc.  with  an  elegiac 
poem  by  F.  Dahn.  Akron,  O ;  Chicago. 
Werner  1898.     69p.    il.  [lc] 

1178.  Germany's  iron  chancellor.     Tr.  and  ed.  Sidney 

Whitman.  Akron,  O;  NY.  Werner  1897. 
403p.     il.    38cm.  [lc] 

Gaudy,  Fz.  v.  1800-40 

Selection,  verse,  see  C109,  C169,  €68,  Clio,  C54, 
C8.  Ci45- 


Gebhard,  Truchsess   v.  Waldburg,  Kurfiirst,   Erzbischof  v. 
Koln,  1547-1601 
1 179.     A  declaration  made  by  the  archbishop  of  Collen, 

upon  the    deede    of    his    marriage 

Tr.  fr.  the  Lat.  ace.  to  the  coppie  imprinted  at 
Collen,  1583.  By  T.  Deloney.  Lond.  J.  Wolfe 
1583.    8vo.  [bm] 

Gedike,  L.  1735 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Geibel,  Fz.  Em.  A:  1815-84 

Selection,  verse,  see  C230,  C68,  C40,  €91(7),  C36, 
C229,  C198,  C199,  C109,  C162,  C167,  C248, 
C121,  C20i(i7,  18),  C243,  C54,  C30,  C8,  C62, 
C20,  C145,  C148,  C103,  C185,  C160. 
**ii8o.  Brunhild,  a  tragedy  from  the  Nibelungen  saga. 
Tr.  G:  Th.  Dippold.  Bost.  Ginn  &  Heath 
1879.     ii6p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

ii8oa.    Loreley,  an  unfinished  opera   (by  Mendelssohn). 
Tr.  W.  Bartholomew.    Bost.    Ditson  n.  d.    8vo. 


1 181.      Poems:  with  tr.  by  Lucy  H.  Hooper.    Phil.     Ley- 

poldt  1864.    96p.    i6mo.  [lco] 

*ii82.     The  wooing  of  King  Sigurd,  and,  The  ballad  of 

the  page  and  the  king's  daughter.     Tr.    Ellen 

Cook.     Lond.     Bell  &  D.  1864.    il.    18I.    [ny] 

Geiger,  Ab.  1866- 

S election,  verse,  see  C14. 

Geiger,  Hm. 

1 183.  Lydia :  a  tale  of  the  2d  cent.    Lond.    Washbourne 

1866.     8vo.  [EC] 

--  Phil.    E.  Cummiskcy  1867.  275p.  19cm.  [lc] 

Geisweiler,  Ma. 

1184.  Angelion,   or  the    wizard    in    Elis.      A  romance. 

Taken  from  the  Ger.  Lond.  Sherwood,  Neely 
&  Jones  1816.    3v.     i2mo.  [bm] 




Gellert,  Cn.  Fiirchtegott,  1717-69 

Selection,  verse,    see   C220,    C221,    C245,    C149, 

C226,   C52,  C126,   C8,   C137,  C23,   C20,   C21, 

Cio8,  C264,  C266,  C134,  C103,  C135,  C185; 

Gellert's  fables  and  other  poems.    Tr.  J.  A.  Mirke. 

Lend.    Whittaker  1851.    Svo.  [ec] 

Free  tr.  fr.  the  Ger.  of  G and  other  poets.     By 

J.  A.  Nuske.     Famham  1850?    8vo.     [Same  as 

foregoing']  [bm] 

History  of  the  Swedish  countess  of  Guildenstern. 

Lond.    Dodsley  1752.  [bq] 

do.     Lond.     Scott  1757.    2  pts.     i2mo.         [ems] 

The  life  of  the  countess  of  G.     Tr.     .     .     . 

by  a  lady.    Lond.     1776.    2v.    8vo.       [bm] 

The  life  of  the  Swedish  countess  de  G.    Tr. 

Rev.  Mr.  N.    Lond.     1776.     i2mo.  [bm] 

Instructions  from  a  father  to  his  son.    32p.     i2mo. 

Pamphlet.  [lco] 

The  tender  sisters :  a  comedy.    Lond.    Theatrical 

recorder,  vol.  i.     1805.    Svo.  [bm] 

The  life  of  Professor  Gellert  by  J:  An.  Cramer; 

w^ith  a  course  of  moral  lessons,  delivered  by 

him  in  the  university  of  Leipsick ;  taken  from 

a  French  translation  [by  Marie  Elis.     (Bouee) 

de  Fite]    of  the  original  German  by  Mrs.  M. 

Douglas.     Kelso   for  J.    Hatchard    1805.     3V. 

2icm. 2d  ed.     1810.     i6cm.  [lc] 

1 194.  Gellert;  or,  the  loving  care  of  our  Heavenly 
father.  Ad.  by  M.  M.  Campbell.  Lond.  Chr. 
Knowl.  Soc.  1879.    Svo.  [bm] 

1 195.  Three  days  from  the  life  of  Gellert.  Tr.  from 
the  German  by   K.   K.     Lond.      1859.      i2mo. 


1 196.  do.  Trust  in  God;  or,  three  days  etc.  NY. 
Carter  &  Bros.     i6mo.  [AC4] 

1 197.  do.  The  adventures  of  a  hymn;  or,  three  days 
etc.     Lond.     1862.     Svo.  [bm] 

1 198.  do?     Cn.  G-- ;  or,  trust  in  God.     Lond.      1864. 

1 185 







134  university  of  wasconsin  studies 


i6mo.  [Apparently  a  tr.  of  C.  F.  G--.  Eine 
Lebensgeschichte.      (A   tract.)      Berlin    1857.] 


1 199.  do.     Lending  unto  the  Lord;  or,  three  days  etc. 

Tr.  B.  Conway  and  J.  R.  Endean.    Lond.  1874. 

il.    i6mo.  [bm] 

__  Kerby  1881.    i6mo.  [ec] 
See  Horn,  W.  O.,  Three  days  etc.  #2774. 

Geltar,  ijth  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13. 

Gelzer,  H:  1813-89 

1200.  Life  of  Martin  Luther.    Ingram  1853.    8vo.  [bmJ 

1201.  do.     Tr.  Stork.    Phil.    Lindsay  &  Blakiston  1854. 

360P.    il.    8vo.  [lco] 

1202.  do.     1855.    __  1858.  [bm] 

Genee,  Fz.  F:  R:  1823-95 

Operas :  the  merry  war,  Nanon,  the  naval  cadets, 

see  Zell,  F: 
Opera :      the     queen's     lace     handkerchief,     see 
Strauss,  J  : 

Gensichen,  O:  Fz,  1847- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C105. 

Gentz,  F:  v.  1764-1832 

1203.  The  dangers  and  advantages  of  the  present  state 

of  Europe.  Lond.  for  Stockdale  i8of).  30p. 
8vo.  [lco] 

1204.  Fragments  upon  the  balance  of  power  in  Europe. 

Lond.  for  ^L  Peltier  i8o().    33p.    22cm.     [lc] 

1205.  On  the  state    of    Europe    before    and  after  the 

French  revolution,  being  an  answer  to  a  work 
.  .  .  .  [by  Citizen  Houtcrivc.]  Tr.  J:  C: 
Herries.  3d  cd.  Lond.  for  Hatchard  1803. 
397p.     2 1  cm.  [lc] 

1206.  The  origin  and  principles  of  the  American  revolu- 

tion,   compared     with     ....     the    French 


revolution.  Tr.  J :  Quincy  Adams.  Phil. 
Dickins  1800.    73p.    21cm.  [lc] 

George,  St.  1868- 

S election,  verse,  see  091(18),  C185. 

Gerber,  N. 

1207.  The  days  of  Abd-el-Kader,  a  tale  of  Algeria.  Tr. 
Ma.  E.  Ireland.  Elgin,  III. ;  Chic.  Cook 
1900.    94p.    il.    sq.    8vo.  [lc] 

Gerhardt,  pi.  1607-76 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C52,  C127,  C180,  C264, 
C265,  C266,  C138,  C44,  C2,  C215,  C220,  C221, 
C63,  C134,  C103,  C185;  #5436. 

*i2o8.     Lyra  Gerhardti ;  or,  a  set  of  P G--'s  spiritual 

songs.  Tr.  Rev.  Bernhard  Pick.  Burlington, 
la.    Ger.  lit.  board  1908.    95p.     i2mo.  [ny] 

1209.  Spiritual  songs.     Tr.  J.  Kelly.     Lond.     Strahan 

1867.     i6mo.  [bm] 

Routledge  n.  d.  [ac7] 

See  Wildenhahn,  C,   P-_  G ,  an  historical  tale 

etc.    #6139. 

Gerning,  J  :  I :  V. 

1210.  A  picturesque  tour  along  the  Rhine,  from  Mentz 

to  Cologne.  Tr.  J.  Black.  Lond.  Ackermann 
1820.    il.    4to.  [bm] 

Gerok,  K:  1815-90 

Selection,  verse,  see  C40,  C229,  C84,  C162, 
C2oi(i7),  C221,  C198,  C103,  C46. 

121 1.  Palm  leaves.  Tr.  J.  E.  A.  Brown.   Lond.   Strahan 

1869.    8vo.  [bm] 

1212.  do.     2d  ed.     Cirencester.     Hamilton  1885.     8vo. 

Gerschow,  F: 

1213.  Diary  of  the  journey  of  Ph.  Jl.  duke  of  Stettin- 

Pomerania,  through  England  in  the  year  1602. 
Ed.  G.  v.  Biilow  ....  Wilfred  Powell. 
[Ger.  and  Eng.]      In  Royal  Hist.  Soc.  Lond. 

136  universrit  of  wisconsin  studies 


Transactions.      New   series.     Vol.   6.      Long- 
mans 1892.    8vo.  [lco| 

Gerstaecker^  F  :  1816-72 

1214.  Adventures  in  the    tropics.      Tr.   F.  L.  Oswald. 

NY.    Allison  1898.    2iop.    il.     i2mo.  [lc] 

1215.  Bell  the  wolf.     (Die  Wolfsglocke.)     In  Nimmo's 

popular  tales,  vol.  3.     1866.    8vo.  [bm] 

1216.  The  daughter  of  the  Riccarees,  a  picture  of  life 

in  Louisiana.  Tr.  Rlrs.  F.  M.  Baker.  Akron, 
O.     Baker  1851.     io8p.     14cm.  [lc] 

1217.  '  The  death  trail.    NY.    De  Witt  1867.  [lco] 

1218.  Each  for  himself  ;  or,  the  two  adventurers.    Lend  ; 

NY.  Routledge  1859.  427p.  i6cm.  [lc] 
New  ed.    Routledge  1873.     i2mo. i89'?- 


1219.  The  feathered  arrow  :  or,  the  forest  rangers.     (Die 

Regulatoren  in  Arkansas.)  Lond.  1851. 
42op.    8vo.  [bm] 

1220.  do.    a  romance.    Routledge  1857.     i2mo.  __  New 

ed.  1872.  [ec] 

1221.  do.     The  regulators  of  Arkansas,  a  thrilling  tale 

of  border  adventure.  NY.  Dick  &  FitzGerald 
1857.  99p.  23cm.  [Chaps.  1-13  of  Die  Regu- 
latoren.] [lc] 

1222.  do.     The  death  trail ;    or,    the  feathered  arrow. 

(Abridged  tr.  of  Die  Regulatoren.)  NY. 
1867.     loop.     i6mo.  [bm] 

1223.  The   forest  and  the  clearing.      (Civilisation  und 

Wildniss.)  In  Nimmo's  popular  tales.  1866. 
Svo.  [bm] 

1224.  Frank  Wildnian's  adventures  on  land  and  water. 

Tr.  and  revised  by  L.  W'raxali. 
ledge  1855.    Svo. 

1225.  do.     Tr.  Wraxall.    Bost.    Crosby. 

_-  Bost.    Crosby,  Nichols  1863. 
__   Routledge.     il.      Knno.     Be 







1 2mo. 


St.     Nic 

hols  & 


Hall.    i6mo.    Phil.  Lippincott.    il.    i2mo.    [.A.C7] 

1226.  Germtlshauscn.      Literally   tr.    Cambridge,    Mass. 

Sever  1888.    yp.     19cm.  [lc] 

1227.  do.     Tr.  Clara  M.  Lathrop.     NY.    Crowell  1906. 

45p.    19cm.  [lc] 

1228.  do.     The  strange  village;  and,  the  burgomaster's 

daughter.    Kelly,  Piet  &  Co.  1878.    i8mo.  [ac] 

1229.  The  haunted    house.      (Das  alte    Haus.)     Lond. 

Routledge  1857.     175P.    8vo.  [bm] 

1230.  do.     Routledge  1878.     i2mo.  [ec] 

1231 .  Herman  Schwabe's  daughter.     (Der  Deutsche  und 

sein  Kind.)     In  Nimmo's  popular  tales,  vol.  2. 
1866.    8vo.  [bm] 

1232.  The  hidden  treasure.      (Die  Schooner fahrt.)      In 

Nimmo's  popular  tales,  vol.  5.    1866.    8vo.  [bm] 

1233.  How  a  bride  was    won;    or,    a    chase  across  the 

pampas.     Tr.    Fis.    Jordan.      NY.     Appleton 
1869.    274p.    24cm.  [lc] 

__  Appleton  n.  d.    il.     8vo.  [ac7] 

1234.  Narrative  of  a  journey  around  the  world,  1847-52. 

Lond.    Hurst  &  Blackett  1853.    3V.  19cm.  [lc] 
__  Harper  1853.  [ac] 

1235.  Novels  and  tales.    Routledge.    4V.     i6mo.     (Two 

convicts.  Feathered  arrow.     Each  for  himself. 

A  wife  to  order.)                                             [ac7] 


Patz  and  Putz.     1868.     i6mo.     __   1880.     (See 

A235-6.)                                                           [bm] 


The  pirates   of   the  Mississippi.      12th  thousand. 

Lond.    Routledge  1856.    227p.     i6cm.         [lc] 

._  NY.    De  Witt  1856.                                   [ac] 


do.     New  ed.    Routledge  1878.                         [eg] 


A  sailor's  adventures.    (Aus  dem  Matrosenleben.) 

Lond.    Routledge  1859.    i84p.    8vo.            [bm] 


do.     new  ed.    Routledge  1878.     i2mo.            [ec] 


Tales  of  the  desert  and  the  bush.    Edinb.    Hamil- 

ton 1854.    8vo.                                                [bm] 


do.    new  ed.    Lond.     1859.    8vo.                    [bm] 


do.     new  ed.     PhiHp  1862.                                [ec] 

138  university  of  wisconsin  stupies 


1244.  G 's   travels    (in    Rio    Janeiro,    Buenos  Ayers, 

etc.)  Lond.  Edinb.  Nelson  1854.  290P.  il. 
2icm.  [lc] 

1245.  The  two  convicts.     (Die  beiden  Straflinge.)     New 

ed.  Lond.  Routledge  1857.  393p.  8vo.  [bm] 
_-  Routledge.  i6mo.  [ac/] 
Routledge  1873.     i2mo. — 1887.  [ec] 

1246.  Wanderings  and  fortunes  of  some  German  emi- 

grants. Tr.  D :  Black.  Lond.  Bogue  1848. 
3iop.    19cm.  [lc] 

1247.  do.     NY;  Phil.      Appleton    1848.      27op.     i8cm. 


1248.  Western  lands  and  western  waters.   Lond.   Beeton 

1864.    388p.    il.    20cm.  [lc] 

1249.  do.     Burns  &  O.     1871.     8vo.  [ec] 

1250.  A  wife  to  order.     (Unter  dem  Aequator.)     Tr. 

Edmund  Routledge.  Lond.  Routledge  1890. 
394p.  8vo.  '  [bm] 
i860.     i2mo. New  ed.     1863. 1873. 


1251.  Wild  sports  in  the  far  west.    II.  H.  Weir.    Lond: 

NY.    Routledge  1854.    396p.    i2mo.  [lc] 

i2mo.  [ac4] 

Routledge.      i6mo.      __    Nichols    &    Hall. 

i6mo. Phil.     Lippincott.     i2mo.  [ac7] 

__  New  ed.    Routledge  1878.     i2mo.  [ec] 

1252.  The  young  gold-digger;  or.  a  boy's  adventures  in 

the  gold  regions.  Lond.  Routledge  i860.  8vo. 
—  1877.  [VM.] 

1253.  do.     Routledge  n.  d.    il.     i6nio.  [aC/] 

1254.  The  young  whaler;  or,  the  adventures  of  Chas. 

Ilolberg.    Routledge  1857.    il.     i6mo.         [AC7] 

1255.  do.     The  little  whaler.     Lond.     Routledge  1857. 

il.    8vo.    --  1876.  [bm] 

--  Routledge  1880.  [ec] 

Gerstenberg,  H:  W:  v.  1737-1823 

Ariadne  on  Naxos,  selections  in  C245. 


Gervinus,  G:  Gf.  1805-71 

1256.  The  course  and  tendency  of  history  since  the  over- 

throw of  the  empire  of  Napoleon  I.  Tr.  from 
his  "Introduction"  by  M.  Sernan  and  J.  M. 
Stephens,  to  vindicate  Prof.  G.  from  his  Eng- 
lish translator  in  Bohn's  one  shilling  series. 
Lond.     1853.    8vo.  [bm] 

1257.  Introduction  to  the  history  of  the   19th  century. 

Lond.    Bohn  1853.    8vo.  [bm] 

_.  NY.   Scribner,  W.  &  A.  Bohn.   i2mo.  [ac7] 
Sec  Lehmann,  J:,  G.  G.  G--.     #3489. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C265. 

Gesner,  Kd.  V.  1516-65 

1258.  The  historic  of  the  Foure-Footed  Beastes.     Tr. 

E:  Topsell.     1607.  [E23] 

Gessner,  G: 

1259.  Memoirs  of     ....     J.  C.  Lavater.    In  Lava- 

ter.  Essays  on  Physiognomy,  vol  i.  Lond. 
Symonds  1804.    8vo.  [lco] 

See  Lavater,  J :,  Memoirs.     #3482. 

Gessner,  si.  1730-88 

Selection,  verse,  see  C202,  C252. 
Selection,  prose,  see  C94,  C245. 
ti26o.     The  works.     U.  by   Stothard.     Lond.   Cadell   & 
Davies    1802.     3V.      19cm.      [Unwarranted  li- 
berties.] [lc] 

1261.  Works.     Lond.     1805.     2v.     i6mo.  [bm] 

1262.  Selections.     In    the    Leadenhall    press    sixpenny 

series.  Illustrated  gleanings,  vol.  2.  1886. 
4to.  [bm] 

1263.  Daphnis.       Tr.     interlinearly     by     C.     Eichhorn. 

Boosey  181 1.     i2mo.  [ec] 

11264.  The  death  of  Abel.  In  five  books.  Attempted 
from  the  German  by  Ma.  CoUyer.  Phil,  re- 
printed. J.  Cruikshank,  J.  Collins,  1770.  io6p. 
i6mo.     [Imitation  rather  than  tr.]  [lc] 






















i2mo.      _.  2d  ed. 
-7th  ed.  1765.    8vo. 

do.     first   Lend.  ed. 

1762.     __  5th  ed.  1763. 

_-  nth  ed.   1776.     i2mo.     [Cited  by  lc  card.] 
do.     Phil.     Bradford     1762.       [Prob.    reprint  of 

do.     Boston   1762.      i2mo. 
do.     NY.    Gaine  1765. 
do.     NY.     1767.    i2mo. 
do.     Phil.     Dunlap  1770?     io6p.     i2mo. 

same  as  #1^64.] 


do.     NY.     Campbell   1764   (i.  e.   1794?). 

do.     A  new  tr.     Lond.     1780?     121T10. 

do.     Harrison's  ed.     1786.    il.    8vo. 

do.     Phil.     Spotswood  1791.     I72p.     i6mo.  [324] 

do.     Newport,  R.  I.     Edes  1791  ?     i54P-     i6mo. 



i2mo.  [bm] 

do.     In  The  sacred  miscellany.     1800.    8vo.  [bm] 

do.     Phil.     Plowman     1802.      (With    the    "new 

idyls".   )     275p.    8vo. 


NY.     Duyckinck  1795? 

new  ed.     Lond.     Lane  1796.     203p. 

do.     Tr.  Collyer.     20th  ed.     Lond.   1799. 

do.     Tr.  Collyer.     New  ed.     Ostell  1803. 



Newburyport,  n.  d. 
Phil.     1806. 
NY.     Ronalds  1806. 
Tr.  F.   Shoberl.     New  ed 
1806.    Svo. 
do.     Tr.     w.    memoir    by 
Cundce  1806.    2v.    Svo. 
do.     A  new  tr.  by    F.    Shoberl.      2d  ed. 

Cundee  1807.    Svo. 
do.     Tr.  Shoberl.     Biirslcm  1808.     Svo. 
do.     Phil.    Kite  1808.    204p.     i2mo. 


F.    Shoberl. 










1290.  do.     Tr.    CoUyer.      Lend.      Suttaby    &    Crosby 

1807.    I26p.     i2ino.  [bms] 

1291.  do.     Stereotype  ed.     Tr.  Shoberl.     Lond.     1809. 

i2mo.                                                                [bm] 


do.     Tr.  Shoberl.    New     .     .     .     .     ed.    Portsea 

1810.     i2mo.                                                   [bm] 


do.     Tr.  Shoberl.     181 1.    8vo.                           [bm] 


do.     Tr.  Shoberl.    Lond.    1813.    8vo.             [bm] 


do.     Tr.  Shoberl.     Limerick  1814.     i2ino.       [bm] 


do.     Tr.   Shoberl.      With,    The    death    of   Cain. 

Oxford   1814.     595p.     i2mo.                       [bm] 


do.     Brattleborough,  Vt.  Holbrook   1815.     I79p. 

24mo.                                                               [B24] 


do.     Tr.  Shoberl.     1815.  i2mo.                         [bm] 


do.     Tr.  Shoberl.     1818.     i2mo.                       [bm] 

1300.  do.     Also,  The  idylls.     The  first  navigator.     In 

Chateaubriand,  Atala,  etc.     1825.    i2mo.     [bm] 

1301.  do.     The  death  of   Abel,  done   into  blank   verse 

from  the   translation,   by   Mrs.  Mary   Collyer, 
in  1761,  of  the  original  German:    by  M.  B.  C. 

Lond.    1840.    8vo. 



do.     Pease  &  Co. 



do.     Tr.     De     Benham-Yacoby. 






Idyls,  or  pastoral  poems.     Edinb. 




do.     In  Chateaubriand,  Atala.     181 

7.     120 

.  [em] 


Morning  hymn,   from  the  death  of 



J.  sli.    4to. 



New  idylles.      Tr.    W.    Hooper. 






Rural  poems.     Lond.     for  Becket 

&  De 


1762.     io6p.     1 8cm. 


^1308.      Select  idylls;  or,  pastoral  poems.     Tr.  G.  Baker. 

Lond.     Longman   1809.     226p.     i2mo.  [Verse 

translation  very  good.]  [lc] 

1309.  Select  poems  from  M.  Gesner's  pastorals.  Tr.  A. 

Penny.    Lond.    1762.    410.  [bm] 

1310.  Letters.    Lond.     1804.    8vo.  [bm] 




Letters  of   G-- 
1805.    8vo. 

to  his    family. 




GiEHRL,  Frau  Emmy  (Aschenbrenner),  1837- 

13 12.  Blossoms  of  the  cross,  from  3d  Ger.  ed.     Tr.  and 

pub.  by  sisters  of  St.  Joseph.  Indianapolis,  Ind. 
Carlton  &  Hollenbeck,  printers.  1894.  296p. 
i8cm.  [lc] 

1313.  Children  of  Mary.    In  C213. 

1314.  Master  Fridolin.     A  Christmas  story.     NY;  Cin- 

cin.    Benziger  1897.    96p.    15cm.  [lc] 

13 15.  New  fairy  tales  for  children  young  and  old,  told 

by  Aunt  Emmy.  Tr.  Emy  Gordon.  Donau- 
worth.     Auer  1889.     247p.     il.     20cm.         [lc] 

1316.  The   three  little   kings.     NY;   Cincin.     Benziger 

1897.    88p.    15cm.  [lc] 

GiESELER,  J:  K:  L:  1793-1854 

Selection,  verse,  see  C229. 

GiNDELY,  An.  1829-92 

1317.  History   of  the  thirty  years'   war.      Tr.   Andrew 

Ten  Broek.  NY.  Putnam  1884.  2v.  il. 
2icm.  [lc] 

GiNZKEYj  Fz.  K:  1871- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14. 

GiRUDT,  O : 

Sec  Moser,  G.,  joint  autliior. 

GiSEKE,  Rb.  1827-90 

1318.  The  rose  of  the  parsonage:  an  idyl  of  our  own 

times.  Phil.  Parry  &  M'Millan  1854.  2i9p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Glasenapp,  C:  F:  1847- 

1319.  Life  of  R.  Wagner.     Tr.  W:   A.   I'llis.     Lond. 

Paul,  T.  &  T.  1900.    5v.    23cnj.  [lc] 

Glauber,  J:  Rd.  irx33?-68 

1320.  A  description  of  new  philosophical  furnaces,  or  a 


new  art  of  distilling  ....  of  the  tincture 
of  gold,  or  the  true  aurum  potabile.  Tr.  J.  F., 
D.  M.    Lond.    Williams  1651.    4to.  [bm] 

1321.  The  golden  ass  well  managed,  and  Midas  restored 

to  reason  ....  wherein  ....  is 
demonstrated  that  ....  gold  may  be 
found  as  well  in  cold  as  hot  regions.  Tr.  fr. 
the  Lat.  1673.    8vo.  [bm] 

1322.  Works     ....     containing     ....     choice 

secrets  in  niedecine  and  alchymy.  Tr.  C.  Packe. 
Lond.  1689.    3  pts.  fol.  [bm] 

"Glaubrecht,  O."  (Oeser,  Rd.  L:  1807-59) 

1323.  Anna,  the  leech  vendor.     Lond.     Wertheim  1844. 

i8mo.  [ec] 

1324.  do.     Anna,  the   leech-vender.     Tr.    Mrs.   Clarke. 

Phil.    Pres.  Bd.    i8mo.  [ac7] 

Gleim,  J:  W:  L:  1719-1803 

Selection,  rerse,  sec  C245,  C198,  C232,  C202, 
C199,  C52,  C167,  C62,  C8,  C145,  C16,  C23, 
C22,  C109,  C177,  C38,  C261,  Cio. 

Glueck,  Bba.  Eli.  1815-94,  see  "Paoli,  Betty". 

Gr,uEMER,  Claire  v.  1825- 

1325.  Frau  domina.     Lockwood,  B.  &  Co.  1877.     i6mo. 


1326.  A  noble    name;    or,    Diinninghausen.      Tr.   Mrs. 

Wister.  Phil.  Lippincott  1883.  36op.  19cm.  [lc] 
GoEDE,  Cn.  A :  Gb. 

1327.  A  foreigner's  opinion  of  England.    Tr.  T.  Home. 

Lond.   1821.    3v.    8vo.  [bm] 

1328.  The  stranger  in    England;    or,    travels    in  Great 

Britain.     Lond.     1807.     3V.     i2mo.  [bm] 


1329.  Three  months  in  a  workshop:  a  practical  study. 

Tr.  A.  B.  Carr.  Lond.  Sonnenschein  1895. 
2i9p.    8vo.  [bms] 

GoEHREN,  C  :e  v. 

1330.  The  orphan.    Phil.    Claxton  1872.    i8mo.       [ac] 


GoERGEi,  Art.  1818-1912 

1331.  My  life  and  acts  in  Hungary  in  the  years  1848-9. 

Lend.    Bogue  1852.    2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

NY.     Harper  1852.     i2mo.  [ac] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

GoERLACH,  W :  187s 

1332.  Bismarck.    A  biographical  sketch.    Tr.  Miss  M.  E. 

V.  Glehn.    Tauchnitz  1867.  [bm] 

1333-     f^o.     NY.    Holt  1875.    233P.     i6cm.  [lc] 

1334.     do.     Life  of  Bismarck.     Intro,  sketch  by  T.  H. 

Joyce.    NY.     Munro  1882.    4to.  [ac] 


1335-     Art  treasures    of    Germany.      Lond.      1873.     il. 
4to.  [bm] 

1336.  The  galleries  of  Vienna.     Text  tr.  W.  C.  Wrank- 

more.     Leipsic  and  Dresden   1861-4.     il.     4to. 

GoERLiTZ,  K :  1830-90 

1337.  Her  only   fault,  comedietta    in    one    act.     Tr.  S. 

Rosen  f eld.     NY.     De  Witt  1882.  [BI9] 

GoERRES,  Guido 

1338.  The  blessed  Nicholas  Vonder  Fliie.  and  the  depu- 

ties at  the  diet  of  Stantz.  .\  picture  from  the 
15th  cent.     Tr.  E.  Cox.     Lond.     1838.     i2mo. 


1339.  The  manger  of  the  holy  night     ....     Prince 

Schreimund  and  the  Princess  Schweigstilla. 
Tr.  C.  E.  H(awker?).  In  the  juvenile  Eng- 
lishman's library,  vol.  18.     1845.     i2mo.       [bm] 

GoERRES,  J:  Js.  V.  1 776- 1 848 

1340.  Germany  and    the    revolution.      Tr.    J :   Black. 

Lond.    Longmans  1820.    336p.    2icni.         [lc] 

1 34 1.  do.     Tr.   liberally    (from   the   German   pamphlet, 

lately  suppressed  by  tlic  Prussian  government) 
exclusively  for  the  Pamphleteer.  Lond.  Valpy 
1820.     Sop.     22cnL  [lc] 


GoESCHEL,  K:  F:  1781-1861 

1342.  The  immortality  of  the  soul.     Tr.  T.  R.  Vickroy 

and  Susan  E.  Blow  in  C141   (11,  17-20). 

GOESLI  VON  Ebenheim,  I -ftll  coit. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C244. 

Goethe,  J:  VVfg.  v.  1749- 1832 


Works  Single  works 

Poetry  Letters,  conversations 

Selections  Biography 

1342a.   Autobiography  and  works.    Lond.    Bohn  1848-50. 
3v.    8vo.  [ec] 

1343.  Works.     14V.     Lond.     Bohn   1848-90.      [This  set 

of  translations  by  different  Iiands,  mostly  good 

or  excellent see  judgments  on  the  individual 

titles has  been  used  as  the  basis  of  all  subse- 
quent English  editions.]  [lc] 
1343a.   Works  with  life  by  Lewes.     Lond.     Nutt   1855. 
2v.  [ec] 

1344.  do.     People's  ed.     Ed.  F.  H.  Hedge  and  L.  Noa. 

Bost.  Cassino  1882.  9V.  (or,  gv.  in  5).  8vo. 
[Has  Carlyle's  tr.  of  Wilhelm  Meister;  poems 
eclectic.     Otherwise  same  as  Bohvi.]  [lc] 

Estes  &  Lauriat  1882.    9V.  in  5.     i2mo.  — 

NY.    Crowell  1882.    gv.  in  5.     i2mo. Bost. 

and  NY.  1885.  ._  University  edition.  Bost. 
Cassino  1885.  5V.  i2mo.  __  Goethe's  popu- 
lar works.  lov.  i2mo.  __  Cambridge  edi- 
tion,    lov.    1895.  [b2i] 

1345.  do.     Gottingen  ed.     Phil,  and  Chic.     Moore  1882. 

lov.     Svo.     2d  ed.   1901.     [Poetry  volume 

eclectic  as  in  #1^44;  Hayward's  prose  tr.  of 
Faust  added.    Othenvise  same  as  Bohn.]   [b2i] 

1346.  do.     II.  by  the  best  German  artists.    Life  by  H.  H. 

'For  fuller  information  on  the  various  editions  of   Goethe's 
works  see  B21. 














Boyesen.  Phil ;  NY.  Barrie  1885.  5V.  30cm. 
[Poems  eclectic,  zvith  some  additions.  Reineke 
Fuchs  by  Arnold.     Othenvise  same  as  Bohn.] 


do.  Houghton  &  Mifflin.  1885.  6v.  4to.  [No 
poems.  Lczvcs's  life  of  Goethe.  Faust  by  Tay- 
lor.    Wilhelm  Meister  by  Carlyle.']  [b2i] 

do.  Ed.  de  luxe.  Lond  ;  Phil ;  Chic.  Amaranth 
soc.     lov.     1901.     [Same  as  #1^4^.]  [b2i] 

do.  Weimar  ed.  Ed.  N.  H.  Dole.  Best.  Nic- 
colls  1902.  14V.  8vo.  [Poems  eclectic.  IVil- 
helm  Meister  by  Carlyle.  Faust  I  by  Martin. 
Otherwise  same  as  Bohn.]  [lc] 

--Lyceum  ed.  Niccolls  1902.  14V.  -_  NY. 
International  pub.  co.  1902.    jv.  [b2i] 

do.     NY.    Appleton.    6v.  i6mo.  [AC7] 

do.     Phil.     Lipp.     /V.     i2mo.     [Probably  Bohn.] 



1901.      5v. 


Coryell    (Crow- 





Caldwell.     5V. 
New    library   ed.      Host. 
[Probably  same   as  #1^44.] 
do.     with  autobiography.      lOv. 


do.     Tr.  J.  O.  Oxenford.   Lond.    1891.  8v.     [b8] 
do.     IMacMillan.       14V.       [Probably     sa»ue     as 

#1343-]  _ 
do.     Ed.    K.    Heineniann. 

Lond.     Unwin 

1 5v.     8vo. 
do.     New  imperial  library  edition.     Best. 

1910.    yv.    il.    8vo. 
Goethe's  poetical  works.    Ed.  N.  H.  Dole. 

Niccolls  1902.    23cm.    2v.     [No  poems. 






I  and  II  by    Martin;    Fgmont    by  S'vanwick. 
Clavigo   and    IVavward    lorcr    bv   Bowring.] 



Anon.     Goethe's  poetical   works.     NY.     Crowell 
1882.     439p.      [Translations  by  various  hands, 



see  C2I.    This  z'olume  used  in  all  sets  of  Goethe 
except  Bohn.]  [i!2i] 

1361.     Anon.     Goethe's    poems.       NY.        Lovell     1884. 
i2mo.  [35] 

*I362.  Aytoun,  W.  E.,  and  Martin,  Sir  T.  Poems  and 
ballads  of  Goethe.  Edinb.  and  Lond.  NY. 
Delisser  &  Proctor  1859.  24OP.  8vo.  Black- 
wood, [bm] 

1363.  do.     2d  ed.    Lond.     i860.     8vo.  [bm] 

1364.  do.     Favourite  poems.     Bost.     Osgood  1877.     il. 

i6mo.  [bmJ 

1365.  do.     NY.    Gowans  1863.  [ac] 
1365a.    do.     NY.     Holt  and  W.  1871.  [Bi2a] 

1366.  do.     3d  rev.  ed.  Edinb;  Lond.  Blackwood  1907. 

272P.    8vo.     [For  slashing  criticism,  see  C165.] 


1367.  do.     last  ed.  1908.  [b2i] 

1368.  Bcrcsford.     Translations   from   the   German    [of 

Goethe]  by  von  Beresford.     Cassel.     Gottingen 
1862.    8vo.     [cf.  #1488.]  [bm] 

1369.  Souring.  E.     A.      Poems     of     Goethe.      Lond. 

Parker  1853.    433?.    4to.  [lc] 

♦1370.  do.  Rev.  and  enl.  ed.  Bohn  1874.  [Adds  Her- 
mann and  Dorothea,  also  West-Eastern  Divan. 
Steadily  reprinted  doutt  to  19 14  as  part  of  tlie 
Bohn  edition  of  Goethe's  works.  Bowring  is 
no  contemptible  translator,  facile  and  fluent,  and 
sometimes  happy;  but  he  too  often  lets  his 
fluency  run  azvay  zvith  him.]  [lc] 

137 1.  C/iawHfr,  £.•  Goethe's  minor  poems.  Lond.  Pit- 
man 1866.  I42p.  8vo.  [bm] 
11372.  Dyrsen,  B.  Poems  tr.  in  original  metres.  NY. 
Christern  1878.  374p.  8vo.  [Wholly  negli- 
gible.] [ny] 
^2)7}>-  Gibson,  W.  Poems  ....  ballads  and  songs, 
and  miscellaneous  selections.  Lond.  Simpkin 
&  Marshall  1883.  344p.  8vo.  [In  keeping 
Goethe's  metres,  Gibson  docs  z'iolence  to  the 
se7tse.     fevj  acceptable  translations.]  [ny] 

148  university  of  wisconsin  stijdies 


1373a.   Morgan,  Mrs.  Jatiita    A.,    the  Erl-King,  Racine, 
Wis.,  i860.  [Bi2a] 

1374.  Gray,  M.     Lyrics    and    epigrams    after  Goethe. 

Edinb.    Douglas  1890.     i2op.    8vo.  [b2i] 

1375.  Guthrie,  W :  Norman.     Odes  and  didactic  verse 

of  Goethe.    1906.  [b2i] 

*I376.  Noa,  L.  Roman  elegies  tr.  in  the  original  metres. 
Bost.  Schoenhof  &  Moeller  1876?  39p.  i2mo. 
[Creditable,  not  distinguished.]  [ny] 

1377.     Page,  Gregory  A.     Lyrics.     25th  anniversary  of 
the    English    Goethe-society.  [26(33)] 

11378.  Thomas,  IV:  G.  Minor  poetry  of  Goethe.  Phil. 
Butler  1859.  335P-  8vo.  [Stilted  and  un- 
natural; too  much  for  him.\  [lc] 


Selections,  verse,  see  C201  (11,  21),  Cioo,  C43, 
Cio,  C249,  C258,  C130,  C133,  C243,  C221,  C172, 
C25,  C121,  Cisi,  C262,  C248,  C245,  C81,  C105, 
C226,  C86,  C230,  C38,  C162,  C137,  C109,  C108, 
C107,  C127,  C56,  C229,  C149,  C40,  CX03,  C46, 
C143,  C18,  C23,  C191,  C232,  C16,  C202,  C8, 
Ci45,  C225,  C231,  C177,  C32,  Cm,  C167,  C142, 
C7,  C136,  C48,  C246,  C26,  C62,  C53,  C89,  C90, 
C83,  C156,  C176,  C158,  C124,  C72,  C253, 
€91(1),  C116,  C160,  C185,  C156,  C69,  C233, 
C96,  C178,  C80,  C77,  C268,  C211  ;  #45,  #1660, 
#2424,  #2411,  #1489,  #1394.  #4957.  #'775. 
#1770,  #1772,  #1780. 

Selections,  prose,  see  Cioo,  C70,  C120,  Ci4i(i, 
2),  €91(2),  C260,  C6,  C160,  C206,  C92. 

1379.  Anon.     Female    characters    of     Goethe.      Lend. 

Munich.    Bruckmann  1867.    Fol.     [Verse  tr.  by 
Carlyle,  Swanii-iek,    Martin,    Aytoun,  Lares.] 


1380.  Anon.     The  Gift.     Phil.     1844.  [b2i] 

1381.  Anon.     Maxims  and  reflections  of  Goethe.     NY. 


Quarterly  1853.  Vol.  i.  p.  109  seq.  200 
seq.  [b5] 

1382.  Anon.     Opinions  on  the  world,  mankind,  litera- 

ture, etc.     Parker  1853.     i2mo.  [ec] 

1383.  Anon.     Poems  and  prose  from  Wolfgang  Goethe. 

II.  H.  Printz  and  H.  Comploi.  Stokes  1908. 
unpaged.    Q.  [ac] 

1384.  Anon.     Retzsch's     illustrations    of     Shakespeare, 

Goethe,  and  Schiller.    Tilt  1823.    obi.    4to.  [ec] 

1385.  Anon.     The      Roman      martyr.        By      "nominis 

umbra."  With  translations  (from  Goethe). 
Lond.     Williams  &  Norgate  1859.     iiip.    8vo. 


1386.  Anon.    Selections.    Lathrop.    (Same  as  #1400?) 


1387.  Anon.     Selections.     Lippincott.  [b8] 

1388.  Anon.     Thoughts    from    Goethe.     Load.      Mayle 

1905.    8vo.  [ec] 

1388a.  Anon.  Literary  rambler:  being  a  collection  of  the 
most  popular  and  entertaining  stories  in  the 
English  lang.  Edin.  1833.  (Contains  36  of 
Goethe's  Spriiche.)  [B5] 

1389.  Attwcll,  H:      Gleams     from     Goethe     .... 

sel.  and  tr.  from  the  prose     ....     and     . 

.     .     .     conversations Lond.   Allen 

1898.     19IP.    8vo.  [bms] 

—  NY.  Stokes  1900.  1901.  32mo.  [b6(2i)] 
-_  Chic.  Browne's  brookstore.     n.  d.     S.     [ac] 

'•'1390.  Bannan,  Martha  R.  The  fisher  maiden:  a  vaude- 
ville, and  the  lover's  caprice:  a  pastoral  play 
.  .  .  .  tr.  for  the  first  time  (  ?)  and  in  the 
original  metres  (?).  Phil.  Yorston  1899.  Ii6p. 
il.     i2mo.  [lc] 

*i39i.  Blackie,  J:  S.  The  wisdom  of  Goethe.  Edinb. 
Blackwood  1883.    246p.    8vo.  [ec] 

_-  NY.    Scribner  1884.  [lc] 

1392.  Blind,  Mathilde.  Maxims  and  reflections  .  .  . 
.  of  Goethe.  Pub.  Eng.  Goethe  Soc.  Lond. 
1888.  [b5] 

150  universitt  of  wisconsin  studies 


1393.     Boycsen,  H.  H.     Collection  of  poems  and  songs. 

Vol.   I.     1885.     (Verse  tr.  from  Goethe,  p.  3- 

188.)  [B5] 

*I394.      Calvert,  G:  H:     Goethe:  life  and  works.     Bost. 

Lee  &  Shepard  1872.     276p.     i6mo.     [A  few 

tolerable  verse  translations.]  [lc] 

11395.      Campbell,  J :  J.     The  song  of  the  bell,  and  other 

poems     from    the    Ger.    of    Goethe,    Schiller. 

Biirger,  Matthisson,  and  Salis.     Edinb.     Lond. 

1838.    8vo.     [Cf.  C32.]  [bm] 

1396.     Carlyle,  T.    Goethe.    Bost.    Osgood  1877.     i6mo. 

(Contains    "favorite   poems"    by    Aytoun   and 

Martin.)  [bm] 

*i397.     Cams,  Paul.     Goethe,  with  special  consideration 

of  his  philosophy.  Chic.  Open  Court  1915.  375p. 

24cm.     [Many  verse  tr.,  some  good.]  [lc] 

**i398.     Cams,  Paul.      Goethe's    and    Schiller's  Xenions. 

Chic;  Lond.     Open  Court  1896.     i62p.     13  x 

19cm. 2d  ed.  1915.     I79P-     i6cm.  [lc] 

1399.  Clapp,  Amanda  R.     Goethe  year  book;  selections 

for  every  day  in  the  year  from  the  writings. 
NY.  Button  1894.  i67p.  17cm.  (Brief  quo- 
tations in  prose  and  verse ;  the  latter  from 
Bovvring.)  [lc] 

1400.  Cooke,  Carrie  A.    Many  colored  threads  from  the 

writings  of  Goethe.  Bost.  Lothrop  1885.  244P. 
8vo.  [lc] 

1401 .  Dudley,  Marion   V.,  ed.     Poetry  and   philosophy 

of  Goethe,  comprising  the  lectures  .... 
before  the  Milwaukee  literary  school  in  Au- 
gust 1886.  Chic.  Griggs  1887.  30op.  i9cni. 
(Eclectic.)  [hcl] 

1402.  Dunbar,  Nca'ell.  ed.  J.  W.  von  Goethe,  his  wit, 

wisdom,  and  poetry.  Bost.  Cupples  1892. 
iSip.    8vo.  [bms] 

1403.  Gibberd,  J.  E.,  eomp.   Goethe's  aphorisms.   Sieglc, 

H.  1912.    32nio.  [ec] 


1404.  Leake,  R.  Old  verse new  versions.  Man- 
chester 1901.  [b2i] 

*I405.  Lewes.  G:  H :  Life  and  works  of  Goethe.  Lond. 
Nutt  1855.  2v.  786p.  i2mo.  [Some  medi- 
ocre verse  translations.]  [lc] 

__   2d   ed.      Lond.      Smith    1864.       4th  ed. 

1890.     _-  Everj-man's  library  1908.  [b2i] 

1406.     Naylor,  S:     Ceracchi,  a  drama,  and  other  poems. 

(Passages    tr.    from    the    Faust    of    Goethe.) 

Maidenhead.     Priv.  print.     1839.    8vo.       [bm] 

*I407.  Nisbet,  C:.  Annals;  or,  day  and  year  papers. 
Rev.  ed.  NY.  Colonial  press  1901.  26ip. 
24cm.     (Vol.  42  of  The  world's  great  classics.) 


1407a.  Noehden,  G.  H.  Observations  on  Leonardo  da 
Vinci's  ....  last  supper.  Lond.  Booth 
1821.    45p.    4to.  [Bi3a] 

1408.  Page,  F.    Employment.    Poems  tr.  from  the  Ger. 

of  Schiller  and  Goethe.     Bath.     Upham  1828. 
40p.    8vo.  [bm] 

1409.  Rcade,  J :  Edmund.     The  drama  of  a  life.     Fol- 

lowed   by    poems    tr.    from    Goethe.      Lond. 
Saunders  &  Otley  1840.     i62p.    Svo.  [bm] 

1410.  Robinson,  H:  Crabb.     Literary   remains.     Lond. 

1802.    (Has  some  verse  from  Goethe.)       [b2i] 

141 1.  Riinnfeldt,  W.    B.      Criticisms,    reflections,    and 

maxims  of  Goethe.     Tr.  with  an  introduction. 
Lond.    Scott  1897.    26ip.    Svo.  [bms] 

141 2.  Sanborn,  F.  B.    Life  and  genius  of  Goethe.  Host. 

Ticknor  1886.     454p.     Svo.     (Has  some  verse 
tr.)  [b2i] 

*I413.  Saunders,  T:  B.  Maxims  and  reflections  of 
Goethe.  NY.  Lond.  Macmillan  1893.  223p. 
19cm.    —  1906.  [lc] 

1414.  Saunders,  T.  B.     Nature  aphorisms.     By  G.  C. 

Tobler.    In  Eng.  by  B.  Saunders.    Lond.   Mac- 
millan 1894.    32mo.  [eg] 

1415.  de  Stael,  Mme.    Germany.    Lond.    Murray  1813. 

3v.  [b2i] 

152  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


1416.  Swanunck,   Anna.      Selections    from   the    dramas 

of  Goethe  and    Schiller.      Lond.       1843.     8vo. 


1417.  Wenckstern,  O.     Goethe's  opinions  on  the  word, 

mankind,   literature,    science,    and  art.     Lond. 
1853.    8vo.  [bm] 

Single  Works 

**i4i8.      Achilleid.     Tr.  Alex.  Rogers  in  #1343,  vol.  14. 
*I4I9.     The   bride   of    Corinth.      (An   unpublished   tract, 
printed   in    an    unfinished    state.)      [Kingston, 
1847?]  I3P-    O.  [uw] 

1420.  do.     Tr.  W.  A.  Cox.     Cambridge  lop.     [06(33)] 

1421.  do.     Tr.   C:  Tomlinson. .   For  the  author.     1890. 

VIIIp.    8vo.  [b6(i3)] 

**i422.  Clavigo.  Clavidgo,  a  tragedy  in  five  acts.  Tr.  by 
C.  L.  Lond.  Johnson  1798.  95p.  8vo. 
[Gocdckc  ascribes  to  B.  Thompson:  doubtful. 
Sorn-e  bad  blunders;  style  and  spirit  c.vccllcnt.] 


1423.  do.     In  the  Literary  World,   1847.     vol.  II,  506. 

534-  [b5] 

1424.  do.     Tr.    E.    A.    Bowring   in    #1343,    vol.    VIII. 

1879.     _-  Reprinted  as  tr.  by  E.  A.  Browning 
in  #1349  (Faust,  vol.  11). 
**I425.     do.     Tr.  by  members  of  the  Manchester  Goethe 
Soc.     Lond.     Nutt  1897.     i36p.     8vo.     [bms] 

1426.  Dichtung   und    Wahrheit.      Selection.     The  new 

Paris,  a  child's  tale.     In  C192. 

1427.  do.     Memoirs    of    Goethe:    written    by    himself. 

Lond.     Colburn   1824.     2v.     437,   350P.     8vo. 

ti428.     do.     Same  title.     NY.     Collins  &  Hannay  1824. 
360P.      8vo.      (Reprint     from     #1427.      Pts. 
I-III  abbreviated.)  ["24] 

..NY.    1844?  [n24] 

**I4?9.  do.  Autobiogra|>hy  of  Goethe.  Tr.  Parke  God- 
win.    Phil.     Henderson  n.  d.     2v.  i2mo.   [.\C2] 


_-  Tr.  Parke  Godwin  and  J.  H.  Hopkins.  NY. 
Wiley  and  P.  1846.  2d  ed.  1850.  (Pt.  3  tr. 
C.  A.  Dana.    Pt.  4  tr.  J.  S.  Dwight.)   [lc  card] 

1430.  do.     Autobiography  of  Goethe.    Truth  and  poetry 

of  my  own  life.  Tr.  J.  Oxen  ford.  Lond. 
1846.    3v.    8vo.  [05] 

1431.  do.     Bost;  NY.     1846.     Ed.  (i.  e.  tr.)  by  Parke 

Godwin.     (Same  as  #1429.)  [lc] 

**I432.     do.     Thirteen  books.    Tr.  O.xenford.    Bohn  1848. 

52op.    8vo.    __  1872.    Vol.  I  of  #1343.       [lc] 

(Books  I-IX  almost  literal  reprint  of  :^I429.) 
**I433.     do.     The  concluding  books,   14-20.     Also,  letters 

from  Switzerland,  2  pts.,  and  letters  from  Italy. 

Tr.  A.  J.    W.    Morrison.      Lond.      Bohn  1849. 

544p.    Vol.  II  of  #1343-  [b2i] 

1434.  do.     Goethe's  boyhood,  1749-64.    Being  the  first  5 

books  forming  part  I  of  Goethe's  autobiography. 
Tr.  O.xenford.    Bohn  1888.     i8op.    8vo.  [bms] 

1435.  do.     Tr.  J.  Oxenford.    Rev.  ed.  Lond.    Bell  1884. 

1891.    2v.  19cm.  [lc] 

1436.  do.     Goethe's  boyhood  and  youth.     Books  I-XI. 

NY.    Putnam  1890.    2v.  [b6(i2)] 

_-  Putnam  1891.     2v.     i8mo.  [ec] 

1437.  do.     same?      Goethe,    the    boyhood    and    youth. 

Being  books  I  to  II  (i.  e.  XI?)  of  the  auto- 
biography. Tr.  Oxenford.  Lond.  1893.  2v. 
i8mo.  [b5] 

1438.  do.     Truth  and  fiction  relating  to  my  life.    Tr.  J. 

Oxenford.     2V.     In  #1349. 

1439.  do.     The  early  life  of   Goethe.     Books   I-IX   of 

the  autobiography.  Tr.  J.  Oxenford.  Lond. 
Hutchinson  1904.    378p.     17cm.  [lc] 

1440.  do.     Poetry  and  truth  from  my  own  life.     Lond. 

Bell  1908.     2v.     440,  332p.     i2mo.     1913- 


**r44i.     do.    same  title.     Tr.  by  Oxenford  and  Morrison, 

revised  by  Minna  S.  Smith.    Intro,  by  K :  Breul. 

Lond.     Bell    1908.      2v.      40 1,    326p.     19cm. 

154  university  op  wisconsin  studies 


[Revision  makes  real  improvements ;  poems  are 
poorer.]  [lc] 

NY.      Macmillan    1908.      2v.     i6mo.     

1913.  [ac] 

**I442.      Egmont.     Anon.       Best.      Munroe    &    F.    1841. 

150P.     i6mo.     (Preface  calls  this  first  English 

translation.)  [epl] 

1443.     do.     Anon.     Lond.       Saunders    &    Otley     1848. 

ijop.     i6mo.  [bm] 

*I444.     do.     Tr.   F.   Boott.     Bost.     Sever,  Francis   1871. 

150P.     17cm.     [Spirited;  errors.]  [lc] 

1445.  do.     Tr.  (with  entr'  actes  and  songs  by  Beethoven 

.  .  .  and  Schubert's  "Freudvoll  und  leid- 
voll")  by  A.  D.  Coleridge.  Lond.  Chapman 
&  Hall  1868.     ii4p.    Svo.  [bm] 

1446.  do.     Tr.  C:  Dickens,  Jr.    Lond.    Williams  &  Nor- 

gate   1855.     i2mo.     (This  is  probably  only  a 
school  ed.)  [ec] 

1447.  do.     Tr.  E :  S.  Pearson.     (German  classical  plays, 

No.  7).    Dresden  1890.     nop.    Svo.  [B5] 

**I448.  do.  Tr.  Anna  Swanwick  for  Bohn's  library, 
1850.    #1343,  vol.  VIII.     --Also  in  #1544. 

1449.  do.     Tr.   Swanwick.      Lond.      Bell    1894.      9op. 

Svo.  [b6(23)] 

1450.  do.     Tr.  Swanwick.     Phil.     McKay    1901.     95p. 

S.     (Pocket  literal  trans.)  [b6(23)] 

1451.  do.     Tr.  W :  Taylor.    Phil.     1837.     i6nio.       [B5] 

--  Selection  in  C245. 
1451a.   do.     Tr.  Oskar    von    Wegnern.      Lond.     Marl- 
borough   1906.      (Prob.    only    a    school    ed.) 

♦1452.     Essays  on  art.    Tr.  S:  G:  Ward.    Bost.    Munroe 
1845.     263P.     17cm.      ("Uber  Dilettantismus." 
Mostly  from  the  "Propyliien".)  [lc] 

**i453.  Farbenlehre.  Goethe's  theory  of  colors.  Tr.  Sir 
C :  L.  Eastlake.  Lond.  Murray  1840.  423P. 
22cm.  [lc] 

morgan— bieliogkai'liy  of  german  literature      155 


Selections,  Faust  I.  See  C262,  C136,  C177,  C109, 
C83,  C149,  C103,  C72,  Ci45,  C245,  C202.  C225, 
Cioo,  C59.  Also  #1408,  #1415.  #1405. 
#1369.  #1378,  #1406,  #1409.  #1660,  #1394- 

Selections,  Faust  II.  Sec  C107,  C86,  C33,  C202, 
C109,  C261,  C36,  C21.    Also  #1369. 

1454.  Faust.     Selections.     F'austus.     (The  greater  part 

of  Thl.  I.  tr.  in  verse  and  connected  by  a  prose 
narrative.  II.)  Lond.  Boosey  1821.  86p. 
4to.  [bm] 

1455.  do.     same.     New       ed.       w     .     .     .     .     append. 

May-day  night  scene,  tr.  P.  B.  Shelley.  Lond. 
Lumley  1832.     79p.     410.  [bms] 

1456.  do.     Selections.        Retzsch's     outlines     .... 

(with  illustrative  text  in  English.)  Lond.  Low 
1875.     obi.     4to.  [bm] 

1457.  do.     Selections.     Tr.  T.  J.  Arnold.     11.  A.  Liezen 

Mayer.     NY.     Stroefer.    n.  d.  fol.  [ac7] 

1458.  do.     Selections.     Tr.  G.  F.  Duckett.     Faust  (i.  e. 

the  "preface"  and  "prologue  in  Heaven".  Lit- 
eral trans.)     Lond?    1845?    3p.    4to.         [bm] 

1459.  do.     Selections.      Translations     (by     Sir     G.    F. 

Duckett,  turned  into  verse  by  Prof.  Burrows) 
from  part  of  the  Faust  of  Goethe.  Lond. 
1885?     s.  sh.  fol.  [bms] 

''1460.  do.  Selections.  Ray  Elbing.  A  study  .... 
Columbus,  O.  Haak  1896.  ii8p.  19cm.  [Con- 
siderable portions  of  Pt.  I  in  very  good  and  ac- 
curate trans.]  [lc] 

1461 .  do.     Selections.    Grant,  J.  W.  Historical  pictures 

from  the  Campagna  of  Rome.  1867.  8vo. 
[Lyrics  from  Faust.    Cf.  #ijiO/.]  [bm] 

1462.  do.     Selections.     C:    Hodges.      Original   poems 

etc.    Lond.     1836.     i2mo.  [bm] 

1463.  do.     Selections.     T.   Martin.     Songs  and  scenes 

from  Faust.  II .  A.  Liezen  Mayer  and  Ad. 
Lalauze.  Bost.  Estes  &  Lauriat  1884.  44p. 
2icm.  [lc] 

156  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


1464.  do.     Selections.      P.    B.    Shelley.      Posthumous 

works.     Lond.     1824.  [35] 

1465.  do.     Selections.       G.      Soane.       Extracts      from 

Goethe's  tragedy  of  Faustus.  Explanation  of 
the  plates  by  Retzsch.  Lond.  Bohte  1820. 
4to.  [bm] 

1465a.   do.     Selections.     Tr.  B.  Taylor.     II.  P.  Konewka. 
Bost.     Roberts  1871.     i/p.     30cm.  [lc] 

1466.  do.     Selections.    Phil.    G.  L.  Webb.    Trans,  from 

Heine  and  Goethe.     Lond.     1912.     95p.     8vo. 


Faust  Translations^ 

11467.  do.  Anon.  Faustus  (I).  Lond.  Simpkin  & 
M.  1834.  23IP.  i2mo.  Omits  prolog,  prel- 
ude, and  intermezzo.  [Manotonoiis  blank 
verse.]  [bm] 

*I468.     do.     Anon.     Faust  (I,  H)  rendered  into  English 

verse.     Lond.     print,  by  Taylor  1838.     2v.  267, 

379p.     i2mo.     [Blank  verse;  correct.]         [lc] 

1469.     do.    Ancm.      Faust    and    Wallenstein.      Kepam 

1850.      8vo.      (Probably    same    as    #1503,    of. 

B5.)  [EC] 

1469a.   do.     Anon.     Faust.       Authorized      ed.       Lond. 

Ward,   Lock   1887.      (Same  tr.  as   #1550,  of. 

#1559.)  [bm] 

1469b.     do.     Anon.    II.  G.  James.    Routledge  1906.  i48p. 

8vo.      (Probably  Anstcr's  trans.,  cf.   #1479.) 


ti47o.  do.  Tr.  J:  Anster.  Faustus  (I),  a  dramatic 
mystery.  (With  The  bride  of  Corinth  and  The 
first  Walpurgis  night.)  Lond.  Longman  1835. 
49ip.  8vo.  [Not  a  tr.  but  a  re-creation;  ex- 
pands by  about  one-seventh,  and  wholly  dis- 
torts the  original.]  [bm] 

'Note.  Judgments  on  most  of  the  translations  of  Fnust  taken  from 
Bl.  Arrani;cd  alphabetlfally  by  tran.slators:  pdltions  arranged 


1471.  do.     do.     Faust    (11).     Lond.      1864.     8vo.     _- 

1895.    287P.    D.  [bm] 

1472.  do.     do.     Faust    (I).      Lond.      Tauchnitz    1867. 

295p.    8vo.  [dm] 

1473.  do.     do.     Faust    (I).      Lond;    NY.      Routledge 

1883.  3i5p.     i8cni.                                        [lc] 

1473a.   do.     do.  Faust     (I).      Intro.    H.    R.    Haweis. 

Lond.  Routledge  1886.    i6op.    i6mo.         [bm] 

1474.  do.     do.  Faust  (I).     8vo.     i6mo.     Faust  (11)- 

8vo.    Routledge  1886.  [ec] 

1475.  do.     do.     Faust   (I,  II).     NY.     Harper  1886-7. 

2v.     1 8cm.  [lc] 

1475a.   do.     do.     Faust  (I).     Intro.  H:  Morley  and  H. 

*R.  Haweis.     NY.     Harper  1887.     290P.     8vo. 


1476.  do.     do.     Faust  (I)  with  Marlowe's  Faustus.   8th 

ed.     Lond.     Routledge  1887.    8vo.  [lc] 

1476a.   do.     do.     Faust  (I).     Intro.  H:  Morley.  II.  J. 

P.    Laurens.      Lond;    NY.      Routledge  1887. 

255P-    4to.  [b5] 

1476b.   do.     do.     Faust  (I).     NY.    Munro  1888.  329?. 

8vo.  [b5] 
1476c.     do.     do.     Faust   (I).     Intro,  by  B.   Mason.     II. 

F.  M.  Gregory.      NY.      1888?     Lond.  1890? 


1477.  do.     do.     Faust,   with   Schiller's  poems  and  bal- 

lads.     Intro.    H:    Morley.      Routledge    1889. 
8vo.  [ec] 

1478.  do.     do.     II.    F.   J.      Bost;    NY.     Stokes    1890. 

360P.    19cm.  [lc] 

1479.  (^o-     <^o-     Faust    (I,    II).       Intro.    H:    Morley. 

Routledge  1893.     2  pts.    8vo.     (Lubbock's  100 

books.)  [ems] 

1480       do.     do.     Faust    (I).     Intro.   B.   Mason.     Lond. 

Truslove    &    Hanson    1894.      il.      250P.     8vo. 


—  NY.    Dodd,  Mead  1894.    II.  F.  M.  Gregory. 

250P.    22cm.  [lc] 

1480a.   do.     do.     Marlowe's  Faustus  and  Goethe's  Faust 

158  university  of  wisconsin  stitdies 



Intro.  H  :  Morley.     Lend. 





>.     do. 

Faust    (I).      Univ.    lib. 





1.     do. 

Faust.     NY.      Scribner 



148 1.  do 

1482.  do. 


1483.  do.     do.     Faust  (I).    Lond.    Newnes  1903.  254P. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

1484.  do     do.     Best.    (I).     Tr.  J.  Aster.     Hutchinson 

1907.     258P.     i2mo.  [ec] 

1484a.   do.     do.     Marlowe's  Faustus  and  Goethe's  Faust. 

Intro.   A.   W.   Ward.      Lond.       Frowde    1908. 

235P-    8vo.  •  [b5] 

1485.  do.     do.     Faust.     Cassell  1909.     8vo.  [ec] 
1485a.   do.     do.     Faust   (i).     People's  ed.     Lond;  NY; 

Toronto ;  Melbourne.     1909.    419P.    8vo.     [35] 

i486,     do.     do.     Faust    (I)     with     Marlowe's    Faustus. 

Intro.  A.  W.  Ward.    Oxford  press  1915.   291P. 

O.  '      [ac] 

11487.  do.     Tr.  T:  J.  Arnold.     Faust   (I).     Tr.  in  the 

orig.  metres.  Lond ;  Stuttgart ;  Munich  1877. 
I57p.  il.  fol.  [Translation  is  ttrcckcd  on  the 
metres.]  [bm] 

11488.  do.     Tr.   Von     Beresford.     Faust    (I).     Cassel; 

Gottingcn.  1862.  8vo.  [Has  poetic  feeling, 
but  does  not  command  English.]  [bm] 

*I489.  do.  Tr.  Leopold  Bernays.  Faust  (II).  tr.  .  . 
.  .  partly  in  the  metres  of  the  original,  and 
partly  in  prose.  With  other  poems  .... 
translated.  Lond.  1839.  268p.  8vo.  [Cor- 
rect; much  unrhymcd  verse;  careless  about 
rhythms.]  [bm] 

..  Now  cd.     Lond.     Carlsruhe.     1840.         [05] 

ti490.  do.  Tr.  "Beta".  Faust  (I)  with  a  literal  tr.  and 
notes  for  students.  Lond.  Nutt  1895.  384P 
I9cni.     [Little  more    than    a    copy    of  i^i'yop.] 


ti49i.     do.     Tr.    Jonathan   Birch.     Faust    (1).   w.  engr. 


after  M.  Retzsch.  Lond.  Black  &  A.  1839. 
276p.  8vo.  [Dublin  Review,  1840:  "As  a 
translation  it  is  bad,  as  a  poetic  translation  it  is 
worse,  but  as  a  translation  of  Faust  it  is  worst 
of  all."]  [bm] 

J402.  do.  do.  Faust  (I,  II).  276,  342p.  1843.  il. 
8vo.  [bm] 

_-  1879.     __  1893.  [bmsJ 

1493.  do.  do.  Issued  1886  by  T:  Beecham  as  adver- 
tisement. At  the  bottom  of  each  page  is  printed 
in  black  type:     "Beecham's  pills."  [b7J 

*I494.  do.  Tr.  Jas.  A.  Birds.  Faust  (I)  chiefly  in  blank 
verse.  Lond.  Longmans  1880.  460P.  8vo. 
[Faithful,  rarely  inaccurate,  but  prosy  and 
without  insight  into  the  spirit  of  Faust.]  [bm] 
._  Lond.     1889.  [b5] 

1494a.  do.  do.  Faust  (I,  II).  Intro,  and  notes.  NY. 
1889.    2v.    460,  45op.  [b5] 

11495.  <^^-  Tr.  J.  S.  Blackie.  Faust  (I).  Edinb ;  Lond. 
Blackwood  1834.  288p.  8vo.  __  2d  ed.  1880. 
296P.  8vo.  [Mostly  xveak.  petty,  and  banal, 
with  bad  rhymes  and  verse.]  [bm] 

ti496.  do.  Tr.  C:  H.  Bowen.  Faust  (I).  Lond. 
Longmans  1878.  247P.  8vo.  [A  boyisH  at- 
tempt sent  to  press  after  40  years  tnthout  the 
least  revision.]  [bm] 

♦1497.  do.  Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.  Faust  (I).  Bost.  Tick- 
nor  &  F.  1856.  234p.  19cm.  __  2d  ed.  1857. 
—  15th  ed.  1880.  [Succeeds  best  in  humorous 
passages;  struggle  to  retain  rhyme  and  metre 
forces  him  to  pad.]  [lc] 

1498.  do.     Tr.  Sir  G:  Buchanan.     Faust    (I),  tr.  into 

Eng.  verse.    Alston  Rivers  1908.     20op.    i2mo. 


1499.  do.     Tr.  J :  Cartwright.    Faust  (I).     Lond.     1862. 


ti5co.  do.  Tr.  W :  B.  Clarke.  Faust  (I,  II),  Freiburg 
i.  Br.  1865.  460P.  8vo.  [One  of  the  very 
worst;  incredibly  faulty  and  prosy.]  [bm] 

160  university  of  wisconsin  stujjies 


1500a.   do.     Selections  from  th€    tr.    of  Goethe's  Faust. 
By   Frank  Claudv.     Washington,  D.  C.     188^. 


fi50i.  do.  Tr.  F.  Gaudy.  Faust  (I).  Washington.  D. 
C.  1886.  [Language  is  German-English; 
forced  from  beginning  to  end.]  [37] 

fi502.  do.  Tr.  W.  H.  Colquhoun.  Faust  (I)  in  Eng. 
verse.  Lond.  1878.  8vo.  [Literal  tr.,  bad 
rhymes  and  verse;  complete  failure.]  [bm] 

11503.  do.  Tr.  L.  Filmore  (Fillmore?).  Faust  (I). 
Lond.  Smith  1841.  64p.  8vo.  [Very  bald 
and  spiritless.]  [bm] 

New  ed.    Lond.     1847.     i2mo.  [B5] 

__  Univ.  library.  Poetry,  vol.  i.  1853.  [bm] 
__  New  ed.  Lond.  1861.  8vo.  [B5] 
New  cd.     Lond.     Griffin   1866.     64p.     8vo. 


_.   Also  in  Masterpieces  of    foreign  literature. 

Griffin   1866.  [bm] 

1503a.   do.     do.     Lond.     1843.     223?.  [B5] 

11504.  do.     Tr.  J:  Gal  van.    Faust  (I)  tr.  into  Eng.  verse. 

Dublin.  Robertson  i860.  252p.  il.  i6cm. 
[A  travesty  of  Goethe's  Faust.]  [lc] 

11505.  do.     Tr.  Lord  Fis.  L.  Gower.     Faust  (I).     And 

Schiller's  song  of  the  bell.  Lond.  Murray 
1823.     304p.    8vo.  [bm] 

Ti50().  do.  do.  2d  rev.  ed.  With  translations  from  the 
German.  Lond.  Murray  1825.  201,  205p. 
2v.  [Bowdlerized ;  full  of  errors,  contradic- 
tions, and  banalities.]  [i-'w] 

1x507.  do.  Tr.  J:  W.  Grant.  Faust  (I).  Lond. 
Hamilton  1867.  i62p.  8vo.  [Only  a  fczv 
signed  copies  printed.  Beneath  contempt.]  [bm] 
..  Lond.     Hamilton  1868.    8vo.  [B5] 

tT5o8.  do.  Tr.  A.  Gurney.  Faust  (H.)  Lond.  1842. 
336p.  8vo.  [Unzvarranted  liberties.]  [bm] 
1_  Lond.     Nutt  1843.  [15] 

♦1509.     do.     Tr.  A.  Hayward.     Faust  (I).    Tr.  into  Fng. 


prose.  Lend.  Moxon  1833.  291P.  8vo. 
[Surprisingly  free  from  errors,  yet  zi'holly  fails 
to  convey  the  variety  of  vwods  in  the  original.] 


1510.  do.     do.     2d  ed.    Moxon  1834.    35op.    8vo.  [bm] 

—  3d  ed.  Lond;  NY.  1838.  ..  New  title- 
page:    1st.  Amer.  ed.  1840.  [B5] 

1510a.  do.  do.  Reprinted  from  3d  Eng.  ed.  corr.  and 
rev.  Erfurt ;  Leipzig.     1842.     I72p.     i2mo.  [B5] 

1510b.  do.  do.  4th  ed.  Lond.  1847.  --  5^^  ed. 
1851.    Best.  1854.  [b5] 

6th  ed.    Moxon  1855.    245p.    8vo.  [bm] 

--  7th  ed.     1866.  --  8th  ed.   1864.     245P.     __ 

New  ed.  1867.     1873. 9th  ed.  1874.     i2mo. 

loth  ed.  1880. nth  ed.  1890.    282p.  [B5] 

151 1,  do.     do.     Bell  &  S.     1889.     __  Ed.  C.  A.  Buch- 

heim.  Bell  &  S.  1892.  8vo.  _.  II.  W.  Pogany. 
Hutchinson  1908.    23op.    8vo.  [ec] 

1511a.  do.  Tr.  J:  Hills.  Faust  (I)  tr.  into  Eng.  prose. 
Lond.    Whittaker  1839.    8vo.  [B5] 

*I5I2.  do.  do.  Faust  (I)  tr.  into  Eng.  verse.  Lond. 
Whittaker  1840.  369P.  i6mo.  [Hampered 
by  metre  and  rhyme;  often  succeeds  in  strik- 
ing the  right  note.]  [bm] 

11513.  do.     Tr.  A.  H.  Huth.    Faust  (I).    Lond.    Long- 

mans 1889.  8vo.  [Attempts  to  combine  Ja- 
cobean and  modern  English:  result,  travesty. 
Metre  and  rhyme  very  faulty.]  [bi] 
Lond.     Low   1889.     8vo.     __  2d  ed.  191 1. 


11514.  do.     Tr.   Capt.  Knox.     Faust   (I).     Lond.     Ol- 

livier  1847.    338p.    8vo.     [Knozvs  no  German.] 


11515.  do.     Tr.  A.  G.  Latham.    Faust  (I).    Lond.   Dent 

1896.  (Temple  classics.)  [Uneven;  incredible 
lapses  even  in  the  midst  of  good  passages.]  [bi] 
Dent  1902.  28ip.  15cm.  (Temple  class- 
ics.) [lc] 

162  university  of  wisconsin  stut)ie3 


Macmillan  1902.    i6mo.    (Temple  Classics.) 


1 5 16.  do.     do.     Faust  (II).    Lend.    Dent  1905.    4iip. 

15cm.  [lc] 

1517.  do.     do.     Faust   (I,    II).      Lond.      Dent;    NY. 

Dutton  1907.    (Everyman.)    654P.    17cm.  [lc] 

ti5i8.  do.  Tr.  Sir  Geo.  Lefevre.  Faust  (I)  tr.  into 
Eng.  verse.     Lond.     Nutt  1841.     202p.     i2mo. 


2d  ed.    Frankfort  o.  M.  Jiigel  1843.     207p. 

14cm.  [Neither  poetic,  nor  accurate,  nor  com- 
plete.] [lc] 

♦1519.  do.  Tr.  R.  McLintock.  Faust  (I),  together  with 
the  scene  "Two  imps  and  amor",  the  variants 
of  the  Gochhausen  transcript,  and  the  complete 
paralipomena  of  the  Weimar  edition  of  1887. 
Lond.     Nutt  1897.     375p.     23cm.  [lc] 

[No  other  translator  has  so  reproduced  the  vary- 
ing rhythm  of  Goethe's  zTrse;  but  this  formal 
success  has  crushed  out  the  poetic  content.] 

*i52o.  do.  Tr.  W:  B.  Macdonald.  Faust  (II)  tr.  into 
Eng.  verse.  2d  ed.  Lond.  Pickering  1842. 
35 ip.  i8cm.  (First  ed.  printed  at  Dumfries, 
1838,  only  a  few  copies  made.)  [This  ivould 
be  a  very  good  verJiion,  if  the  translator  fol- 
lozued  Goethe's  metres.]  [lc] 

11521.  do.  Tr.  Sir  T.  Martin.  Faust  (I)  tr.  into  Eng. 
verse.  Edinb.  Lond.  Blackwood  1865.  239p. 
8vo.     --  2d  ed.  1866.  [bm] 

[Ine.x-act:  paraphrases,  imitates,  or  e.tpands  at 

1522.  do.     do.     Faust  (I).     31!  ed.     Lond.     1870.   8vo. 


1523.  do.     do.     Faust  (I).    Munich,    riruckmann  187O. 

il.  w.  photos,  fol.  [ec] 

1524.  do.     do.     Faust  (I).    II.  .\.  vmi  Krcling.     Rruck- 

niann  1877.     I40p.     fol.  [bm] 


do.     do. 


do.     do. 



do.     do. 



do.     do. 


do.     do. 


do.     Tr. 


Faust  (I).    Lond.  1879.     i2mo.       [bs] 
New   ed.      Blackwood    1886.     8th   ed. 
i2mo.  [ec] 

Faust  (11).    Edinb;  Lond.    Blackwood 
307p.     i2mo.  [b5] 

Faust  (i).    9th.  ed.     Blackwood  1887. 

In  #1349. 

C.  K.    Paul.      Faust    (I)    tr.    in  rime. 

Lond.    King  1873.    229p.     19cm.     [Errors  and 

misconceptiotis  frequent ;  no  lyric  talent;  no  eye 

for  the  essential.]  [lc] 

11529.     do.     Tr.  L.  E.    Peithmann.      Faust    (I).     Lond. 

1854? 2d.  rev.  and  improved  ed.     Lond. 

Dueben  1856.     [Review,  quoted  by  Bi:  "tedious 
and  without  inspiration".]  [bi] 

--  Lond.  Williams  &  Norgate  1856.   i2mo.    [ec] 
11531.     do.     Tr.  W:  D.  Scoones.    Faust  (I)  tr.  into  Eng. 
verse.     Lond.     Triibner    1879.     23OP.      17cm. 
[Some  good  lyrics;  shows  dependence  on  Mar- 
tin.] [lc] 
ti532.     do.     Tr.  G:  Soane.    Soane's  Faust  translation  (of 
576  lines),  now  first  published  from  the  unique 
advance  sheets  sent  to  Goethe  in  1822.     Braun- 
schweig.      Westermann     1904.       2op.       22cm. 
[Free.]                                                                [lc] 
**i533.     do.     Tr.  Anna  Swanvvick.     Faust  (I)  and  selec- 
tions from  Schiller.     Lond.     Manwaring  1849. 
[Often  truly  poetic;  the  best  translation  before 
1850.     Somewhat    over-inclined    to  be  conven- 
tional.] [35] 
1533a.   do.     do.     Faust  (I).     Lond.     Bohn  1850.     i54p. 
8vo.  [35] 
1534.     do.     do.     Faust  (L  selected  portions  of  II).     II. 
after  Retzsch.    Lond.     Bell  1878.     2  pts.    8vo. 
--  1879.    366p.    4to.  [ec] 
1534a.   do.     do.     Faust  (I,  II  complete?)     The  first  part 
revised,   the   second   newly   tr.     Lond.     Bohn 
1879.    437p.    8vo.  [bs] 




1535.  do.     do.  Faust  (I,  II).     Ed.  F.  H.  Hedge.     II. 

A.  von  Kreling.     NY.     Crowell   1883.     455p. 

20cin.  [lc] 

1535a.   rfo.     do.  Faust  (I).    NY.    White,  S.  &  A.  1883. 

i6mo. 1890.  [b5] 

1536.  do.     do.  Faust  (I,  II).    NY.  Lovell  1884.  405P. 

i6mo.  [lco] 

1537.  do.     do.  Faust  (I,  II).    Lend.    Bell  1886.    437p. 

i8cm.  [lc] 

1538.  do.     do.  Faust    (I).     Bohn's   shilling   lib.    1888. 

i67p.  8vo.     _-  1893.                                     [bms] 

1539.  do.     do.  New  il.  ed.     NY.     Stokes  1893.    26ip. 

i6cm.  [lc] 

1540.  do.     do.  Rev.    ed.      II.    Retzsch.      Load.    Bell 

1895.  i67p.    8vo.                                            [b5] 

1 541.  do.     do.  Faust   (I).     Intro,  by  E:  Brooks,  Jr. 

Phil.  McKay  1898.    2i3p.     i6cm.               [lc] 

1542.  do.     do.  Intro,  by  K:  Breul.       Macmillan  1905. 

437p.  i2mo.                                                    [ac] 

J543.     do.     do.  Faust  (I,  II).    Bell  1905.  5o8p.     i2mo. 


—  Bell  1909.    437p.     1 8cm.  [lc] 

1544.  do.     do.     Faust  (I).    In  Harvard  Classics.    NY. 

Collier  1909.     43  ip.     22cm.  [lc] 

1545.  do.     do.     Faust   (I,  II).     Ed.  K:   Breul.     Mac- 

millan 19 1 4.    437p.    S.  [ac] 

1546.  do.     do.     Faust  (I,  II).    Bell  1914.   40op.    i2mo. 


1547.  do.     do.     In  C9i(i). 

ti548.  do.  Tr.  D:  Syme.  Edinb.  Black;  Leipz. 
Fleischer  1834.  24IP.  20cni.  [Errors,  ab- 
breviations, and  expansions  distort  the  original.] 


ti549.  do.  Tr.  R.  Talbot.  Faust  (I)  attempted  in  Eng. 
rhyme.  Lond.  Smith,  Elder  (Bi  says  Wacey) 
1835.  263P.  Svo.  __  2d  ed.  with  German 
text.    Lond.    Wacey  1839.    569P.    8vo.    [Fairly 


accurate  and  pai)istakiug,   but  Icz'cls  everything , 

is  chilly  and  conventional.  ]  [bm] 

1549a.  do.     Tr.  Bayard  Taylor.     Faust   (I,  II).     Best. 

Houghton,  Mifflin  1870.  [B5] 

**r550.     do.     do.     Faust  (I,  II).     Host.     Osgood  1871-3, 

2  pts.  Bvo.     --  Lond.     Strahan  1871.     2v.  386, 

507p.    [The   best,  most  nearly  perfect  English 

version.    Admirable    both    in   form   and  spirit. 

Close  fidelity  to  rhyme,  metre,  and  sc7ise.]   [bm] 

1550a.  do.     do.     Faust  (I).  Bost.  1871.  4059.  8vo.  [35] 

1550b.   do.     do.     Faust    (I).      Leipz.      Brockhaus    1872. 

3o8p.  [b5] 

1551.  do.     do.     Faust  (II).     Bost.     1873.  536?.       [B5] 
1551a.  do.     do.     Faust    (I,   II).     Bost.     Osgood    1875. 

378,  478p.  [uw] 

1551b.  do.     do.     Faust  (I).     Bost.     1876.  [B5] 

1551C.   do.     do.     Faust    (II).     Leipz.     Brockhaus   1876. 

404P-  [25] 

I55id.  do.     do.  Faust.      II.    E.    Seibertz,    A.    Liezen 

Mayer,  and  L.  Hofmann.    NY.    1876.  fol.  [B5] 

I55ie.  do.     do.  Faust  (II).    Bost.     1879.                [B5] 

15511.  do.     do.  Faust  (I,  II).    Bost.     1879.    2v.     [35] 

I55ig.   do.     do.  Faust  (I).    2d  ed.    Leipz.    Brockhaus 

1881.  3o8p.     8vo.                                           [b5] 

I55ih.  do.     do.  Faust  (I,  II).    Houghton,  Mifflin  1882. 

2v.  in  I.    336,  463P.                                       [b5] 

1552.  do.     do.  With   Konewka's    illustrations.      Bost. 

Roberts  1883.  [B5] 

1553.  do.     do.     Stark  1884.    8th  ed.     8vo.  [ec] 

1554.  do.     do.     Faust  (I).     Lond.     Ward,  Lock  1886. 

152P.    8vo.  [bm] 

1555-     (^0-     '^°-     Faust    (I,    II).     Lond.     Warne    1886. 

424P.    8vo.     (Chandos  classics.)  [bm] 

1555a.   do.     do.     Faust  (I,  II)  with  biogr.  intro.  and  il. 

after  Retzsch.     Reduced  format.     Lond.     1886. 


_-  Authorized  ed.     Ward,   Lock   1887.     636P. 


1556.     do.     do.     Faust  (I).    Bost.     1887.     i6mo.     [ec] 

156  university  of  wisconsin  stupies 


1557-     '^^^     '^o-  Lend.     Ward,    Lock    1889.     New  ed. 

8vo.  [ec] 

1558.  do.     do.  With    some   of   the   minor   poems,   ed. 

Eliz.  Craigmyle.  Lond ;  NY.  Scott  1889. 
278P.     14cm.     (Canterbury  poets.)  [lc] 

1559.  da.     do.     Faust    (I,    II).      2d    ed.    of    #i555a. 

636P.  [b5] 

_-3ded.    Ward,  Lock  1890.    636P.    8vo.    [ems] 

1560.  do.     do.     Faust  (I,  II).    Bost ;  NY.    Houghton, 

Mifflin  1898.    2v.    20cm.  [lc] 

_-  Large  paper  ed.  Houghton,  M.  1906.  4v. 
28cm.  [lc] 

1560a.   do.     do.     Faust  (I,    II).      Lond.      \\'ard,    Lock 
1911.  664p.  [b5] 

1561.  do.     do.     Faust    (I).      Bost;    NY.      Houghton, 

M.  191 1.    368p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

11562.     do.     Tr.T:  E.Webb.    Faust  (I).    Dublin  Univ. 

press   1880.     373p.      [Webb  is  ivholly  unpoctic, 

often  lacking  in  taste;  almost  complete  failure.] 


1563.  do.     do.     Longmans  1881.     8vo.  [ec] 

1564.  do.     do.     New  ed.  with  the  death  of  Faust  from 

the  second  part.  Lond :  NY.  Longmans  1898. 
295p.    20cm.  [lc] 

1565.  do.     Adaptation.      Gounod's     grand     opera     of 

Faust.  The  words  of  P.  J.  Barbier  and  M. 
Carre  founded  on  Goethe's  Faust  (I).  In 
Gounod.  C.  F.,  The  opera  libretto.  1865? 
i2mo.  [bm] 

1566.  do.     Adaptation   by   H.     Berlioz.      Faust,   a   dra- 

matic legend.  Eng.  tr.  by  Marie  Halle.  Man- 
chester, n.  d.  (1880?)  8p.    4to.  ["'33] 

1567.  do.     Adaptation.     Faust;  or,    the    fate  of   Mar- 

garet.     Ad B.     Bernard.      Lond. 

Lacy's  acting  edition  of  plays.     1866?     i2mo. 

1567a.    do.     Adaptation.        The  story  of   Faust     .     .     . 


.  told  simply  as  a  prose  romance.  By  M. 
Charles.     Lond.     Theosophical  pub.  soc.   1907. 


1568.  do.     Adaptation.      Faust     and     Marguerite.      A 

grand  operatic  extravaganza.  By  J.  Halford. 
Lond.  Lacy's  acting  edition  of  plays.  1850. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

1568a.  do.  Adaptation.  Goethe's  Faust  for  English 
readers.  By  E.  J.  Hassell.  Lond.  St.  Paul's 
mag.,  vols  II  and  12.  [^133] 

1569.  do.     Adaptation.     Faust,  a  weird  story,  based  on 

Goethe's  play.  By  Alfred  R.  Phillips.  NY. 
Munro  1886.    96p.    8vo.  [bm] 

115693.  do.  Adaptation.  By  Stephen  Phillips  and  J.  W. 
C.  Carr.  NY.  Macmillan  1908.  2o8p.  i8cm. 
[Wholly  false  to    Goethe's   spirit    and  intent.] 


1569b.  do.  Adaptation.  Faust  and  Helena:  the  only 
English  drama  founded  on  the  second  part  of 
Goethe's  Faust;  original  modern  conception, 
four  acts ;  by  Ray  Elbing.  Columbus,  O. 
Haak  1898.    36?.    19cm.     [Cf.  #1460.]      [lc] 

1570.  do.     Adaptation.     Faust    ....    ad.   and   arr. 

....  W.  G.  Wills.    Lond.     1886.    8vo.     [bm] 

1571.  do.     Imitation.     Faust,  a  serio-comic  poem     .     . 

.  .  by  "A.  Crowquill".  Lond.  King  1834. 
32p.    8vo.     [TrazTsty.]  [bm] 

1572.  do.     Traz'csty.      Mephistopheles,    a    profanation. 

J :  K.  Bangs.    1889.    i2mo.  [bms] 

._  NY.     Gilliss  1889.    97p.  [ac] 
Commentary,  sec  #873. 

1573.  Geschwister.    The  sister,  a  drama.  Tr.  W  :  Taylor 

of  Norwich.  Lond.  1792.  [This  is  probably 
the  same  as  #1574.]  [B5] 

**i574.     do.     Tr.  H:  Mackenzie  in  C60. 

1575.  do.     Brother  and  sister.    Tr.  anon,  in  #1346,  vol. 


1576.  Goetz   von    Berlichingen.       Tr.    Rose   D'Aguilar. 

1795-  [b5] 











1591  ■ 

do.  An  histor.  drama  of  the  15th  cent.  Tr.  Rose 
Lawrence.  Liverpool  1799.  I28p.  8vo.  (Title: 
Gortz  V.  Berlichingen.)  [nM] 
do.  Tr.  W.  Scott.  Lond.  Bell.  1799.  202p. 
8vo.  [Scott  knew  very  little  German.]  [uw] 
NY.  Inskeep  18 14.  2o6p.  24mo.  (Re- 
print.) [B24] 
__  Li  the  "Dramatic  Works."  Lond.  Bell  1879. 
543p.  8vo.  Also  in  vol.  VIII  of  works,  Bohn's 
Library,  1906. 
do.     do.     Paris  1826.     i87p. 

Zwickau  1829.     254p. 
New   ed.     "Carefully   revised". 
-  Lond.  185 1?    --  Phil.  1857. 
In   Scott's   works.      Edinb.    1880. 

do.     do. 
do.     do. 

do.     do. 

do.     do. 






Lond.     Bell  1898.     i2mo. 
do.     Tr.  R.  D.  Boylan  for  Bohn's  lib.     1854.     In 

#1343,  vol.  4.  [lc] 

do.     Tr.  E.  S.  Pearson  (German  classical  plays, 

No.  8).     Dresden  1892.     I36p.  [35] 

The  good  women.     Tr.  R.  D.  Boylan.     In  #1343, 

and  later  editions. 
Hermann  und  Dorothea.    Anon.    A  tale.     (Tr.  in 

prose.)     Lond.     Longman  1805.     I42p.     121110. 

do.     Anon.     H__  and  D in  old  Eng.  measure. 

Lond.     Nutt  1840.     i2mo.  [ec] 

do.     Anon.    In  the  Democratic  review.  NY.  1848. 

XXIIL  [B5] 

do.     Anon.     H__   and    D_.    in    ling,   hexameters 

with  an  intro.    essay.      Lond.      Smith  &  Son 

1849.     i2mo.  [ec] 

do.     Anon.     Lond.     Ward.  Lock  1854.  [B5] 

do.     Anon.     NY.     Rikcr,  Thorn  1854.  [ac] 

do.     Anon.     German    text      with     corresponding 

hexameters.    Lond.    Williams  &  Norgfate  1874. 

Svo.  [ec] 


1594.  do.     Anon.     NY.     Putnam  1910.     321110.       [ac] 

1595.  do.     Tr.   E.  A.    Bowring.      In    #1343,    vol.    7. 

(About   1884.) 
1595a.  do.     do.     NY.    Elzevir  library,  1884.     (Cited  by 
Lieder,  list  B.) 

1596.  do.       do.     Etchings  by  Hm.  Faber.   Phil.     Lip- 

pincott  1888.  [b6(ii)] 

1597.  do.    do.     Lond.     Bell  1898.     84p.     i2mo.     [ec] 
*I598.     do.     do.     Name  given  as  Brozcning.     Phil.     Mc- 
Kay 1898.     ii4p.     i6cm.     [Takes  his  task  too 
lightly.]  [lc] 

1599.  do.     do.     NY.     Hinds  &  Noble  n.  d.     83p.     S. 

(Handy  literal  trans.)  [l'wJ 

1600.  do.     Tr.   Vivian    Brandon.       Laurie   1913.     96p. 

i6mo.  [ec] 

*iCoi.     do.     Tr.  S.  E.  Brovvnell.    With  Alexis  and  Dora. 

NY.   for  the  editor  1849.     48p.     8vo.     [Poor 

verse.     Bi2a  says  this  is  the  same  as  #1612.] 


1602.     do.     Tr.  J:  Cartwright.     Lond.     Nutt  1862.  I3ip. 
8vo.  [bm] 

*i6o3.  do.  Tr.  Jas.  Cochrane.  Oxford,  M'Pherson 
1853.  I45p.  19cm.  [Poor  z'crse;  correct.]  [lc] 
__  Groombridge  1850.  [ec] 

♦1604.  do.  Tr.  H:  Dale.  Dresden  1859.  8vo.  [Accu- 
rate; poor  verse.]  [cpl] 

Lond.     Bohn  i860.     8vo.     Munich ;  Berlin ; 

Lond.  Bruckmann  1874.  86p.  II.  W :  Kaul- 
bach  and  L.  Hoffmann.  4to.  [gm] 
Also  in  #1360. 

♦1605.  do.  Tr.  Ellen  Frothingham.  Bost.  1870.  i65p. 
il.  8vo.  1887.  [Verse  is  halting  and  un- 
satisfying.] [ny] 
__  Also  in  #1544,  C9i(i). 

ti6o6.  do.  Tr.  J.  B.  Harris.  Prose  tr.  Wilton  June, 
la.  Review  press  1899.  iiip.  i6mo.  [Prose 
indeed!]  [lc] 

ti6o7.  do.  Tr.  T:  Holcroft.  Richmond,  Va.  Enquirer 
press  1805.     I33p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

170  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Reprinted  from  Eng.  ed.     Lond.     Longman 

1801.     21  ip.     8vo.  [bm] 

[Blank  verse,  curtails  at  will,  and  heavily.] 

1608.  do.     Tr.  T.  C.  Porter.     NY.     Ricker  1854.     i68p. 

8vo.      (Prose.)  [bm] 

1609.  do.     Tr.   AI.    J.    Tecsdale.       In    Eng.  hexameter 

verse.     Lond.    Williams  &  Norgate  1874.    78p. 

8vo. 2d  ed.     1875.  [bm] 

**i6io.  do.  Tr.  C:  Tomlinson.  Lond.  Nutt  1887. 
I09p.  8vo.  [5'fHiT  and  spirit  both  admirably 
caught.  Bi2a  says  this  is  2d  revised  ed.  First 
ed.  1849.]  [ny] 

1611.  do.  Tr.  F:  B.  Watkins.  Hexameters.  Lond. 
WilHams  &  Norgate  1875.  i33p.  8vo.  [bm] 
ti6i2.  do.  Tr.  W:  Whewell.  Lond.  1840?  I32p.  ob- 
long. 8vo.  [bm] 
Also  in  C69. 

1612a.  do.  do.  NY.  Brownell  1849.  Also  in  U.  S. 
Mag.  and  Democratic  Review.     1848.       [Bi2a] 

1613.  do.     Tr.    j\L  Winter.     In  the  old  Eng.   measure 

of    Chapman's    Homer.      Dublin.      Kelly    1850. 
Sap.     i2mo.  [em] 

1614.  Iphigenie  auf  Tauris.    Anon.     With  other  poems. 

Liverpool.      Priv.    Print.    1851.      20op.      i2mo. 


1615.  do.    Anon.     NY.     Democratic  review  1849.   Vol. 

XXIV.     (Acts  I-III.  lines  1-1210).  [B5] 

1616.  do.     Anon.     NY.    Appleton.     i2mo.  [ac2] 
*i6i7.     do.     Tr.  G :  J.  Adler.    NY.    Appleton  1850.  155P. 

i2mo.     [Dull  verse.]  [lc] 

1618.     do.     Tr.  Behr.     Lond.     Nutt  1850.  i2nio.       [ec] 

*i6i9.     do.     Tr.  F:  Butler.    Reading,  Pa.     1898.     i2mo. 

[Correct;  ordinary.]  [lc] 

**i620.     do.     Tr.  Eliz.  Dowden.     Lond.    Dent  IQ06.    88p. 

13cm.  ["I'l] 

_-  Macmillan  1906.    32mo.     (Temple  classics.) 


*i62i.     do.     Tr.  Phillis  M.  Ellis.     Lond.     1883.     Priv. 



circ.    Ii4p.     Sm.     8vo.      [Close  and  accurate- 
verse  rather  moiiotonous.]  [tl] 
1622.     do.     Tr.  Mrs.  Hamdon.     Lond.     1906.  [B5I 
♦1623.     do.     Tr.  G.  L.  Hartwig.     Berlin.     Besser  1841. 
84P.    8vo.     [Good  verse;  too  free.]           [bpl] 

1624.  do.     Tr.  Anna   Svvanwick    for    Bohn    lib.    1850. 

#1343,  vol.  VIII.     'Very  carefully  revised'  for 
1879  ed.     [Cf.  judgment  on  Iter  Faust  transla- 
tion, #/5.?5-]  [lc] 
__Also  in  #1416,  €91(1),  C59. 

1625.  do.     do.     Lond.     Bell  1894.     79p.    8vo.         [35] 
1625a.   do.     do.     Weimar  text  with  the  Eng.  tr.  by  A.  S. 

Given  in  Sanders'  Theatre,  Cambridge  (Mass.), 
Mar.  22,  igoo.  Intro,  by  Kuno  Francke.  Cam- 
bridge. Wheeler  1900.  (Cited  by  Lieder,  see 
list  B.) 

1626.  do.     Tr.  W :  Taylor.     I in  T--,  a  tragedy  (  !). 

Lond.  Johnson  1793.  I26p.  8vo.  __  Also  in 
C245(3).  [bm] 

_-  Berlin.    Unger  1794.     Ii3p.    8vo.         [bms] 
''*i627.     do.     Tr.  Judge  B.  Tucker.     In  Southern  Literary 
Messenger,  vol  X.     1844.  [lc] 

♦1628.      Italienische  Reise.     Tr.    A.    J.    W.  Morrison  for 
Bohn's  lib.     1846.    8vo.  [bm] 

[No  idea  of  retaining  Goethe's  style.] 

1629.  do.     do.     In  Autobiography    of    Goethe.     Lond. 

1849.     P.     237-450.  [155] 

1630.  do.     do.     With  his  second  residence  in  Rome,  and 

Fragments  on  Italy.  Lond.  Bell  1883.  1885. 
589P.  19cm.  In  #1343,  vol.  X.  (Second  part 
tr.  by  C:  Nisbet.)  [lc] 

**i63i.  Kampagne  in  Frankreich.  The  campaign  in 
France  in  the  year  1792.  Tr.  Farie.  Lond. 
Chapman  &  Hall  1849.     i8cm.  [lc] 

1632.  do.     In  #1343,  vol.  II. 

1633.  Die  Laune  des  Verliebten.     Tr.  E.  A.  Bowring  in 

#1343,  vol.  VIII. 

-_  Also  in  #1349  (ascribed  to  E.  A.  Browning). 
♦1634.      Tr.  Martha  R.  Bannan  in  #1390. 

172  university  of  wisconsin'  studies 


1635.  Das    iMarchen,    zur    Fortsetzung    der    Unterhal- 

tungen  deutscher  Ausgewanderten.  Anon.  A 
tale  by  Goethe.  In  Western  Messenger.  Louis- 
ville 1837.    Vol.  IV.  [b5] 

1636.  do.     Anon.     The  Tale.     In  C203. 
1636a.   do.     Tr.  R.  D.  Boylan.    In  #1343,  vol.  IV. 

1637.  do.     Tr.   T.    Carlyle.      Eraser's    magazine    1832. 

No.  33.  [bm] 
Also  in  C^^;  #1396. 

1638.  do.     do.     Bost.    Osgood  1877.    i6mo.  [bm] 

1639.  do.     do.     With  favorite  poems  tr.  by  Aytoun  and 

Martin.  Bost.  Osgood  1877.  i6mo.  (Same 
as  #1638?)  [bpl] 

__    The  tale  and   favorite   poems.      Houghton. 


1639a.    Die  Metamorphose  der   Pflanzcn.     Essay   on  the 

metamorphosis  of    plants.      Tr.    E.    M.  Cox. 

Lond.      1863.      (Reprint    from  the  Journal   of 

Botany.     Cited  by  Lieder.  see  list  B.) 

1640.  Die  Mitschuldigen.     The  fellow  culprits.     Tr.  E. 

A.  Bowring ;  in  #1343,  vol.  VIII. 

1641.  Die  natiirliche    Tochter.      Tr.   anon.     In    #1346. 

1642.  Novelle.    Tr.  T.  Carlyle.    Novel.    Eraser's  Maga- 

zine 1832.    No.  34.  [b5] 

*i643.     do.     do.     Lond.      Moxon     1S37.      63p.       i2mo. 


1644.  do.     do.     In  C33,  C120. 

1645.  ^'^-     Tr.  Boylan  in  #1343,  vol.  I\'. 

1645a.  Palaeophron.  A  masque  for  the  ....  24th 
of  October  1800.  (Tr.  J.  C.  Mellish?) 
Weimar.    Gadicke  1801.     iSp.    4to.  [bm] 

1646.  Reineke  Fuchs.    Anon.     Reynard  the  Fox,  after 

the  German  version  of  G_-.  Lond.  1833-5. 
Svo.     (Same  as  #1649?)  [°m] 

1647.  do.     Anon.     II.  J.  Wolff.     Lond.     1858.         [05] 

1648.  do.     Tr.  A.  D.  Ainslie.    Reynard  the  fox,  After 

the  German  version  of  G...  Lond.  Mac- 
niillan  1886.    338p.    Svo.  [iim] 


*i649.     do.     Tr.  T :  J.  Arnold.    II.  W :  v.  Kaulbach.    NY. 

Appleton  i860.    226p.    8vo.     [Heroic  couplets; 

rather  free.]  [lco] 

__  In  #1346,  vol.  3. 

II.  Kaulbach    and    Wolff.      Lend.     Nimmo 

1886.    342p.     —  Bost.    Roberts  1886. 

__  Phil.  1888.  [b5] 

1650.     do.     do.     Lond.    Ninimo  1887.    342p.    8vo.  [bm] 

**i65i.     do.    Tr.  J:  S.  Cobb.   Reynard  the  fox;  an  early 

apologue  of  renown  clad  in  an  Eng.  dress,  etc. 

With  Canton's  illustrations.     Bost.     Damrell  & 

Upham  1899.     386p.     i2mo.  [lc] 

1651a.   do.     Tr.  S.  Naylor.    Reynard  the  fox,  reproduced 

in    rhyme.      Lond.      Longmans     1845.      251P. 

8vo.  [1*133] 

**i652.     do.     Tr.  A.  Rogers.     Tr.  in  hexameters  with  an 

introduction.    Bohn's  shilling  series  1888.    2o8p. 

8vo.  [bms] 

Also  in  #1343,  vol.  XIV. 

Lond.    Bohn  1890.    376p.    8vo.  [bms] 

1653.  Reisebilder.      Miscellaneous     travels,     etc.      Tr. 

Robert  Farie.     Ed.  L.  Dora  Schmitz.     Lond. 
Bell  1884.    424p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

—  Bell  &  S.  1882.     i2mo.     Tr.  Schmitz.     [ec] 

1654.  do.     Letters  from  Switzerland;  letters  from  Italy. 

Tr.  A.  J.  W.  Morrison.     In  #1349. 

**i655.      Satyros  und  Prometheus.    Tr.  J  :  Gray.    Glasgow, 

for  the  Goethe  Soc.  by  F.  Bauermeister  1898. 

66p.  19cm.  [lc] 

ti656.     Stella.     Tr.  B:  Thompson.     Lond.     Hookham  & 

Carpenter    1798.       Ii3p.      8vo.       Also    in 

C247(3).  [bm] 

1657.  do.     Tr.  Anon.     In   #1346. 

1658.  do.     Tr.    Anon.    Routledge  1890.    8vo.       [ems] 

1659.  Torquato    Tasso.      Tr.    J:    Cartwright.      Lond. 

Nutt  1861.     I5ip.    8vo.  [bm] 

1660.  do.     Tr.  C:  Des    Voeux.      With   other  German 

poetry.     Lond.     Longmans   1827.     307p.     8vo. 


174  university  of  wisconsin  studies. 


1661 .     do.     do.     26.  enl.  ed.    Weimar  1833.     298P.    Svo. 

**i662.     do.     do.     Lend.     Longmans    1836.     307p.     8vo. 
[Tasso  Z'cry  well  done,  despite  the  sharp  criti- 
cism of  Bii;  lyrics  much  poorer.]  [ny] 
__  Lond.     1856.    8vo.  [35] 

1663.  do.     Tr.  Marg.  Fuller.     A  rhythmical  trans.     In 

Ossoli,  Sarah,  Works,  1881-95.    Vol.  2.     [uw] 

1664.  do.     Tr.  M.  A.  H.    With  other  poems,  trans,  and 

orig.    Lond.    Longman  1856.    366p.    8vo.  [bm] 

1665.  do.     Tr.  Anna  Swanwick    for    Bohn's  lib.    1850. 

In  #1343,  vol.  VIII.  "Very  carefully  revised" 
for  1879  ed.  [lc] 
Selections  in  #1416. 

1667.  Ulrich  von  Hutten,  a  tribute  to  the  memory  of. 

Tr.  A.  Aufrere.  Lond.  1789.  I35p.  8vo. 
[Really  by  Herder,  see  Bi3a,  p.  75.]  [bm] 

1668.  L^nterhaltungen  deutscher  Ausgewanderten.     Rec- 

reations of  German  emigrants.  Tr.  R.  D. 
Boy  Ian  for  Bohn's  lib.  1854.  In  #1343,  vol. 

1669.  Wahlverwandtschaften.    Anon.     NY.    Holt  1872. 

i6mo.  [35] 

1670.  do.     Anon.  Intro,    by     Victoria      C.    Woodhull. 

Bost.     Niles  1872.     325P.     i2mo.  [lco] 

1671 .  do.     Tr.  R.  D.  Boylan  for  Bohn's  lib.  1854.     In 

#1343,  vol.  IV. Macniillan.  [b8] 

1672.  do.     Tr.  R.  D.  Boylan  and  Jas.  A.  Froude.     In 


1673.  do.     Tr.  Bradford.    Selection  in  C120. 

1673a.   Walpurgis  night.     (Music  by  Mendelssohn.)     Tr. 
W.  Bartholomew.     Bost.     Ditson.     n.  d.     Svo. 


morgan— blblioonapht  of  german  literature    175 


tl674.  Die  leiden  des  jungen  Werthers.*  Anon.  (Prob- 
ably tr.  Daniel  Malthus.)  Lond.  for  Dodsley 
1779.  2v.  168,  I72p.  i2mo.  [Trans,  from 
French  of  Aubry,  which  is  not  bad,  but  incom- 
plete; Eng.  more  so.]  [B13] 
--  New  ed.  168,  i68p.     Lond.     Dodsley  1784. 

1675.  do.     do.     Lond.    1780.    2d  ed.    2v.  sm.    8vo.    __ 

3d  ed.    Dodsley  1782.    2v.     i6mo.  [bm] 

New  ed.   168,   i68p.     Lond.     Dodsley  1784. 

8vo.  [bms] 

1676.  do.     The  sorrows  and  sympathetic  attachments  of 

Werter ;  a  German  story  by  Mr.  Goethe,  doctor 
of  the  civil  law.  Phil.  Bell  1784.  2v.  in  i. 
20cm.  [lc] 

1677.  do.     same  as    #1674.      New    ed.      Lond.     1785. 

i6mo.  [bm] 

__  New  ed.    Lond.    Dodsley  1786.    223p.    8vo. 

New  ed.  1786.    2v.  168.  i68p. New  ed. 

1789.     223p.     cm.     8vo.  [35] 

11678.  do.  W'erther  and  Charlotte.  A  German  stor\'.  A 
new  tr.  from  the  last  Leipsic  ed.  Lond.  Par- 
sons 1786.  I72p.  il.  i2mo.  [bms] 
[Knozvs  no  German;  expands.] 
1679.  '^^-  -fO"'^  ''■-  OS  #1674.  New  ed.  Lond.  for 
Osborne   &   Griffin    1788.      180,    i92p.      i6mo. 

*i68o.  do.  The  sorrows  of  Werther.  Tr.  from  the 
French  ed.  of  AL  Aubry  (i.  e.  Count  F.  W.  K. 
Schmettau?)  by  J:  GifTord.  Lond.  for  Harri- 
son 1789.  2v.  47,  74P  (in  double  columns). 
8vo.  [Creditable  despite  disadvantage  of  xuork- 
ing  from  French.]  [bm] 

1681.  do.  same  tr.  as  #1674.  (B5  ascribes  to  W. 
Render,  see  #1688.)  Litchfield,  Ct.  T:  Collier 
1789.    2v.    94,  92p.     i2mo.  [B24J 

'Note.     For  "Wertherladen"  see  B5,  p.   198se<i. 

•Note.     Many  judgments   taken   from   B13.      Editions   listed  chrono- 

176  rxlversity  of  wisconsin  studies 


1682.  do.     same  tr.  as  #16/4.     Dublin  1790.     2v.    8vo. 

Vol.   I  print.     J :  Rice.     I05p.     Vol.  II  print. 
Hannah  Chamberlaine.     I22p.  [b$] 

1683.  do.     same  tr.  as  #i6j4,  cf.  #i6'/C).    The  sorrows 

of   Werter.     New  ed.      Lond.     Osborne   1794. 
2v.     i6mo.  [bms] 

-  1795-  [b5] 

1684.  do.     The  sorrows  of  Werter,  an  affecting  storj'. 

NY.  for  L.  Wayland  1795.     I42p.     iSmo.  [B24] 

1685.  do.     sami-  as  #16/4.    Werter  and  Charlotte.    The 

Sorrows  of  Werter.     A  German  story.     Bost. 
for  Thomas  &    Andrews    1798.      284P.     i2mo. 


ti686.     do.     The  letters  of  Werter.    Ludlow  1799.    i8mo. 

[Incomplete.]  [B13] 

Ludlow.    Nicholson  1802.     ii6p.    8vo.  [35] 

1687.  do.  The  sorrows  of  Werther,  of  Baron  Goethe. 
Tr.  from  the  last  Ger.  ed.  Lond.  Phillips  1800. 
i2mo.  Bvo.  [B5] 

ti688.      do.     The  sorrows  of  Werter.     Tr.  from  German 
of  Baron  Goethe,  by  W :  Render.     Lond.     Phil- 
lips 1801.    375p.     18cm.  [lc] 
11689.     '^0.     The  sorrows  of  Werther.     Tr.  F:  Gotzberg 
(assisted   by   an    English    literary    gentleman); 
Lond.    Cundee  for  Hurst  1802.    I94p.    il.  8vo. 
[Follozvs  #1688,  knows  little  German.]       [bm] 
i6go.     do.     same   as   #i6SS.      Bost.    Andrews   &   Cum- 
mings.     1807.     iSop.     i6mo.                         1k-4] 
1691.     do.     same  tr.  as  #16/4.    Edin.  Oliver  1807.  i8op. 
il.     i6mo.  [05] 
11692.      do.     The  sorrows  of  Wtrtcr.  A  new  tr.  revised 
and  compared  with  all  the  former  editions.    By 
S:  J.   Pratt.     Lond.     Tcgg  &   Hughes    1807? 
i64p.     i6mo.     (Catalog  dates  it  i8og,  but  cf. 
#1693,  #1694.)     [Does  not  stick  to  text,  says 
5/5].                                                               [bms] 
1693.     do.     sam<r  title  as  foregoing.     NY.     Scott   1807. 
loop.     i6nio.                                                   [ny] 


1694.  do.     Tr.  Pratt.    2cl  ed.    Lond.  Tegg  n.  d.     1807? 

19IP.    8vo.  [b5] 

1695.  do.     Lond.    Jones  1809.     (In  possession  of  Man- 

chester Goethe  soc.  [b5] 

11696.  do.  The  sorrows  of  Werther.  Edinb.  Print,  by 
McCliesh  &  Campbell  for  Carins,  Wilson  &  Son, 
York.  1809.  i8op.  24mo.  (Tr.  from  French, 
not  before  1807.)  [ny] 

1697.  do.     same  tr.  as  #i6;-4.    Edinb.    Oliver  &  Boyd 

1810.    loop.    il.    32mo.  [b5] 

1698.  do.     Tr.  Pratt.    2d  ed.     1813?    8vo.  [bm] 

1699.  do.     do.     Lond.     Tegg  1813.     i62p.    8vo.     [35] 

1700.  do.     same  as  #16/4.     Lond.     Lackington,  Allen 

1815.     i62p.    il.    8vo.  [bmJ 

1701.  do.     Lond.     Dean  &  Munday   1815.     In  poss.  of 

Manchester  Goethe  soc.  [B5] 

1702.  do.     The  sorrows   of   Werter,  a  pathetic   story. 

Lond.     Dean  &  Munday  1816.     i4op.     i2mo. 


1703.  do.     same  tr.  as  #16/4.     Chiswick  printed,   for 

Jennings  &  Tegg  1823.     I24p.     i8mo.         [bm] 

1704.  do.    same  tr.  as    #16^4.      Lond.      Jones   1826. 

i2mo.  [b5] 

1705.  do.     same    tr.    as    #16^4.      With    letters     from 

Yorick  to  Eliza,  and  Sterne's  Sentimental 
journey.  Lond.  Dove  1826.  2i6p.  24mo.      [ny] 

1706.  do.     Lond.     Blake  1829.     In  possession  of  Alan- 

chester  Goethe  soc.  [35] 

1707.  do.     same  tr.  as  #16/4?    The  sorrows  of  Werter 

[and  other  miscellaneous  works}  .... 
for  the  female  sex.  Lond.  C:  Daly  1830?  28ip. 
i6mo.  [b5] 

1708.  do.  same  tr.  as  #16^4,  cf.  #i6/().    New  ed.  Lond. 

for  Osborne  &  Griffin  1838.  2v.  180,  i92p. 
8vo.  [b5] 

1709.  do.  same  as  #1/0^-    Lond.    AUman  1842.     i6mo. 


1710.  do.  same  tr.  as  #16/4.     1844.     i2mo.  [bm] 





■   1714 




1721 . 





do.  same  tr.  as  #16/4.     New  ed.   Belfast.     Jos. 

Smith  1844.     I35p.     i2mo.  [b5] 

do.     Ithaca,  NY.     Andrus,  Gantlett  n.  d.    i8mo. 

do.  same  tr.  as  #16/4.     Lend.     Chapman   1851. 

il.    24p.    4to.  [bm] 

do.  same  tr.  as  #16^4.    Lend.    Bohn  1852.     36p. 

8vo.  [bm] 

do.     The  sorrows    of    Werter.      NY.     Derby  & 

Jackson  n.  d.    i8mo.  [AC3] 

do.     The  sorrows  of  young  Werter.     Tr.  R.  D. 

Boylan  for  Bohn's  lib.     1854.     Also  in  #1343, 

vol.  4. 
do.     In  The  Western.     St.  Louis.     1879.         [05] 
do.  same  as  #i68g.    Cassell  1S86.     Intro,  by  H : 

Morley.     I92p.     Svo.  [rm] 

do.     The  sorrows  of  Werter  and  other  tales.    Ed. 

and  rev.  by  L.  Noa.     Bost.     Bradlee  Whidden 

1886.     New  ed.  [b6(9)] 

do.     Goethe's  sorrows  of  W'erther.     II.  Gambart 

and  Marold.    Bost.     1893.  [35] 

do.     Sorrows  of  Werther.     Educ.  Pub.  Co.  1902. 

do.     Caldwell  1905.  [b8] 

do.     Cassell  1905.     i2mo.  [ec] 

do.     The  sorrows  of    Werther.      (World's   best 

classics.)     Brooklyn.     Wessels  1907-8.         [ns] 
do.     Adaf>tation.     Anon.      The    letters   of    Char- 
lotte.     1797.      i2mo.     --    18 1 3.      ijmo.      [hm] 
do.     Adaptation.     Anon.     \\'erther      and     Char- 
lotte.   1800?    Svo.  [bm] 
do.     Adaptation.     The   sorrows   of   Werther.     A 

poem  by  A.  Pickering.     1788.    4to.  [bm] 

do.     Adaptation.     Werter,  a  translation.    Adapted 

by  F.  Reynolds.     Lond.     Woodfall  1796.    48p. 

Svo.     (A  play  in  three  acts.)  [nv] 

Der  Wcst-Oestliche  Diwan.     Tr.  E.  .\.  Bowring 

in  #1370.     Also  largely  in  #1360. 


*1730.  do.  The  W'cst-castcrn  divan  in  12  books.  Tr. 
E:  Dowdcn.  Lond.  Toronto.  Dent  1914. 
I95p.  19cm.  [Greatest  fault  is  a  needless  ob- 
scurity of  phrase.     No  feminine  rhymes.]    [lc] 

•1731.     do.     Tr.  A.  Rogers  in  #1343,  vol.  14. 
♦♦1732.     do.     Tr.  J:  Weiss.     Bost.     Roberts  1877.     264P. 
24mo.  [ny] 


Selection,  sec  C91  (2),  C120,  Cioo,  C245. 
1733.     Wilhelm      Meister.        Selections.        Goethe      on 

Shakespeare.     Carlyle's    trans.     De    la    More 

press    1904.      i8mo.  [ec] 

__  Lond.    Moring  1904.  [b6(26)] 

**I734.     do.     Lehrjahre.        Tr.      T.      Carlyle.       Wilhelm 

Meister's     apprenticeship.      A     novel.       Edin. 

1824.     3v.    8vo.     (See  also  C34.)  [35] 

**I735-     ^0.     Wanderjahre.        Tr.       Carlyle.        Wilhelm 

Meister's  travels ;  or,  the  renunciants.    A  novel. 

In  C34,  vol.  IV. 

1736.  do.     do.     Tr.  A.  H.  Gunloyson  from  enlarged  ed. 

of  the  German  and  ed.  by  E:  Bell.  Lond. 
Bohn  1828.    438p.    Cf.  #1750.  [35] 

1737.  do.     Lehrjahre.     Bost.    Wells  &  Lilly  1828.    [35] 

1738.  do.  same  as  #i/34.    2d  ed.  1839?  [155] 

1739.  do.     Lehrjahre.      Wanderjahre.      W.    M's.    ap- 

prenticeship and  travels.  New  ed.  rev.  and  ed. 
T.  Carlyle.  Phil.  Lea  &  Blanchard  1840.  3V. 
20cm.  [lc] 

1740.  do.  same  as  #i/j.^.     New  rev.  ed.     Lond.     Chap- 

man &  Hall  1842.    3v.     i2nio.  [bm] 

1741.  do.     Lehrjahre.     Tr.  R.   D.    Boylan   for  Bohn's 

lib.     1846.    8vo. 

1742.  do.  same  as  #i/jg.     Bost.     Ticknor   1851.     2v. 

i2mo.  [ac] 

1743.  do.  same  as  ^1/41.    Bohn  1855.    590p.    8vo.  [35] 

--  Bost.  1857.    8vo.  [b5] 

1744.  do.  same  as^ij  }0.     1858.     8vo.  [B5] 

1745.  do.  same  as  #IJS9^    Bost.     1865.    2v.    8vo.  [B5] 

180  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


1746.  do.     Lehrjahre.     Tr.  E.  Grove.     Leipz.     Tauch- 

nitz  1867.  2v.  8vo.  [35] 
1873.    2v.    322,  39op.    8vo.                   [bpl] 

1747.  do.  same  a-f  #IJS9-     NY.     Am.  book  exch.  1871. 

i6mo.  [B5] 

Bost.     Osgood    1876.      2v.      New  rev.  ed. 


1748.  do.  same  as  #1/41.     Lond.     Bell  &  Daldy  1872. 

57op.     i8cm.  [lc] 

1749.  do.     Wanderjahre.      Tr E:    Bell.      Lond. 

Bell  &  S.  1881.    438p.  [B5] 

Also  in  #1343,  vol.  9.  (There  said  to  be  the 
only  complete  English  version,  tr.  from  the  2d 

1750.  do.     do.     Tr.  E:    Bell    and    A.    H.    Gunlogsen. 

Lond.    Bell  1885.    438p.     19cm.    _-  [lc] 

1751.  do.     Same  as  #1^48.     1886.     19011.  [lc] 

1752.  do.     Lehrjahre.        Also      Wanderjahre?        NY. 

Lovell  1887.    3  pts.  201,  440,  596p.  [B5] 

1753-     do.     Lehrjahre.     Tr.    E.    Grove.      NY.     Stokes 

1888.    2v.    322,  39op.  [b6(ii)] 

1754.  do.  same  as   #i^^g.     Lond.      Chapman   &  Hall 

1888.     3v.     i2nio.  [ec] 

1755.  do.     Lehrjahre.       Wanderjahre.       Tr.      Carlyle. 

Intro.  E:  Dowden.  Lond.  Stott  1890.  2v. 
i2mo.  _-  Notes  by  C.  K.  Shorter.  Lond.  Stott 
1 89 1.     2v.    86op.     i2mo.  [bs] 

1756.  do.     do.    420,  469P.     Chic.     McClurg   1890. 

2v.     i6mo.  [B5] 

1757.  do.     do.     Tr.  Carlyle.     3V.  in  2.     Lond.     Oiap- 

man  &  Hall  1894.    8vo.  [ec] 

1758.  do.     do.     Tr.  Carlyle.     Lond.     Chapman  &  Hall 

1899.    472,  4i8p.  [b5] 

1759.  do.     do.     Tr.   Carlyle.      Ed.    N.    H.    Dole.     In 


1760.  do.     Bost.     Estes    1901.     2v.     ..Caldwell    1901. 

2v.  [b8] 

1761.  do.     Ai)prcnticcsliip    and    travels.      Tr.    Carlyle. 


NY.    Scribner  1901.    2v.    8vo.     (In  centenary 
ed.  of  Carlylc's  works.)  [lc] 

1762.  do.     W'anderjahre.      Bost.       1901.      New     athe- 

naeum ed.    2v.  [b5] 

1763.  do.     Lehrjahre.      Wanderjahre.       Tr.      Carlyle. 

Lond.    Chapman  &  Hall  1903.    3V.  in  i.    75op. 
sm.    8vo.  [b5] 

New  Edinb.  ed.     NY.     Scribner  1903.  3v.  in 

I.    i6mo.  [ac] 

1764.  do.     do.     Tr.  Carlyle.    Lond.    Dent;  NY.   Dutton 

1912.     (Everyman).     2v.     17cm.  [lc] 

1765.  do.     Theatralische  Sendungf.     W.  M's.  theatrical 

mission.     Tr.  G.  A.  Page.     Lond.     Heinemann 
1913-    34ip-     19cm-  [lc] 

Conversations,  Letters 

1766.  Conversations  of  J  :  P.  Eckermann  with  Goethe  in 

the  last  years  of  his    hfe.      Tr.  S.  M.  Fuller. 
Bost.    Milliard,  Gray  1839.    414P.    O.  [lc] 

New  ed.     Bost.     1852. 

Same?     Wiley  1840.     i2mo.  [ec] 

1767.  do.     Conversations    of    Goethe    with    Eckermann 

and  Soret.      Tr.    J :    Oxenford.     Lond.     1850. 
2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

—  New  ed.     Lond.     Bell  1874.     583P.     i9cni. 


1768.  do.  same.     Rev.    ed.      Lond;    NY.      Bell   1883. 

(Chronologically    arranged;    includes  for    the 

first  time  vol.  3  of  the  conversations.)  [35] 

--  1892.  [lc] 

1768a.   do.  same.      Intro,    by    Wallace    Wood.  Wash. 

Lond.     Dunne   1901.      397p.      24cm.  (Some 
omissions  from  Lond.  editions.) 

1769.  do.  selection.     InC9i(2). 

1769a.   Goethe's  correspondence.     1837.     8vo.  [bm] 

**i770.     Early  and  miscellaneous  letters,  including  letters 

to  his  mother.    Lond.    Bell  1889.    3i8p.    19cm. 

(Tr.  by  E:  Bell,  using  Slater's  Leipzig  letters. 

ig2  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


and  assisted  by   Mrs.   E.    Fielding  and  A.   H. 

Gunlogsen.     ]\Iany  interspersed  poems.)      [lc] 

1771.      Goethe's  letters.     NY.     Scribner  1885.  [B5] 

**I772.     Letters  to  Leipzig  friends.     Tr.  Robt.  Slater,  Jr. 

Lond.     Longmans  1866.     jOSp.     8vo.     [Lyrics 

rather  poorly  done]  [l'w] 

1773.     Letters  to  Bettina  von  Arnini.  sec  Arnim,  #45 

**I774.      Correspondence  with  T:  Carlyle,  ed.  C.  E.  Norton. 

Lond.     1887.      362P.      8vo.      (Goethe's  letters 

are  translated.)  [bpl] 

1775.      Goethe's  mother.   Correspondence  of  C.  E.  Goethe 

with  Goethe,  Lavater,  Wieland,  and  others.    Tr. 

A.  S.  Gibbs.     NY.     1880.    265?.    8vo.       [bm] 

*I776.      Goethe's   correspondence   with   W:   v.    Humboldt 

and  his  wife.     Tr.  Louis  H.  Gray  in  C9i(2). 

1777.      Goethe  and  Felix  v.   Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,  see 


**I778.      Correspondence    between    Schiller    and    Goethe, 

1794-1805.     Tr.  G:   H.  Calvert.     NY;   Lond. 

Wiley  &  Putnam  1845.     ^'ol-  I-     39^?-     i2mo. 


1778a.   do.     Selections.    Tr.  L.  Dora  Schmitz.  InC9i(3). 

1779.     do.     do.     Tr.  from  3d  ed.  with  notes  by  L.  Dora 

Schmitz.     Lond.     1877-9.    2v.    460,  S27p.    8vo. 


**i78o.     Letters  to  Zelter.     Tr.  A.  D.  Coleridge.     Lond. 

Bell  1887.     504p.     19cm.     (some  poetry  tr.  by 

his  daughter,  Mary  Coleridge.)  [lc] 

*i78i.     do.     Sclecti&ns.    Tr.  Fes.  H.  King  in  C9i(2). 

Bioc.RAPHv,  Etc. 

See  Baumgart,    Hm.,    Commentary    on    Goethe's 

Marchen.      #159. 
See  Bielschowsky,  A.,  Life  of  G--.     #228. 
See  Borne.  L.,  G--  as  a  patriot.  #323. 
Sec  Diintzer,  II.,  Life  of  G...     #626,  #627. 
1782.      Characteristics  of  Goethe,    from   the  German   of 
Falk,  von  Miiller,  etc.     Tr.  Sa.  Austin.     Lond. 
1833-     3v.    331.  336.  352P-     i2mo.     (Falk,  J: 


Daniel,  Goethe  aus  nahcrni  pcrsonlichem  Um- 

gange  dargestellt.     Leipz.  1832.)  [bm] 

See  Grimm,    Herman,    The    life    and    times    of 

Goethe.     #1831. 
Sec  Muehlbach,  L.,  Goethe  and  Schiller.     #3939- 

Sec     Reichlin-Meldegg,     Exposition      of     Faust. 

See  Rosenkranz,  J.    #4599ff. 

Goethe,  Kta.  Eli.  1731-1808 

See  # 1 769a.     (Her  correspondence  with  Bettina 

von  Arnim.) 
See  #1775- 

GoETZ,  C.  G.  d.  1746 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

GoETZE,  A.  1 840- 1 908 

1783.  Heights.     (A  play.)     Poet  Lore,  vol.  25  (1914). 

Tr.  Sasha  Best.  [lc] 

GoLDBECK,  J :  Cn. 

1784.  The  metaphysic  of  man.     Tr.  S.  F.  Waddington. 

Lond.     1806.    8vo.  [bm] 

Goldmark;,  K:  1830- 

The  Queen  of  Sheba.     (Opera.)     See  Mosenthal, 
S.  H. 

GoLM,  Rd. 

1785.  The  old  Adam    and    the    new    Eve.      Tr.  Edith 

Fowler.  NY.  Richmond  1898.  2SOp.  i2mo.  [lc] 
Lond.    Heinemann  1898.    270P.    8vo.     [ec] 


1786.  R.  Wagner    as    poet.      Lond.     Heinemann  1905. 

94p.     i6mo.  [ec] 

GoLTZ,  Colmar,  frhr.  v.  d.  1843- 

Sclcction,  prose,  see  C98. 

1787.  Angeline:  a  story    of    the    Franco-Prussian  war. 



Tr.  "J.  M.  Percival."  Chic.  Morrill,  Higgins 
1892.    i6ip.    20cm.  [lc] 

GoLZ,  Bogumil,  1801-70 

Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 

GoMPERZ,  Td.  1832-1912 

1788.  Greek  thinkers:     a  history  of  ancient  philosophy. 

Lond.  Murray  1901-12.  4V.  23cm.  Vol.  i. 
tr.  Laurie  Magnus.     Vol.  2-4  tr.  G :  G.  Berry. 


GoTTER,  L:  A. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C232,  C265,  C215,  C180. 

Gottfried  von  Neifen,  fl.  1234-55 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C181,  C244,  C146. 

Gottfried  von  Strassburg 

Selection,  verse,  see  C146,  C160  (under  Walther  v. 
d.    Vogelweide ) . 
Tristan,  selections,  in  C146,  C52. 

1789.  Tristan.     The  story  of  Tristan  and  Iseult.     Ren- 

dered ....  Jessie  L.  Weston.  Lond.  Nutt 
1899.  2v.  il.  14cm.  _-  NY.  New  Amster- 
dam book  CO.  1899.  2v.  14cm.  [Prose,  con- 
siderably condensed;  well  done.  Concluding 
portion  from  Heiii.  von  Freiberg;  one  episode 
from  Ulrich  von  Tiirlwini.]  [lc] 

"Gottiielf,  Jr."  {_Ab.  Bitzius,  1797-1854) 

1790.  The  joys  and  sorrows  of  a  schoolmaster.     1864. 

i2mo.  [dm] 

1791.  The  soul  and  money.    Tr.  Guarterick  Vere.    Lond. 

Tinsley  1872.    8vo.  [eg] 

1792.  Story  of  an  Alpine  valley;  or,  Katie  the  grand- 

mother. Tr.  L.  G.  Smith.  Lond.  Gibbings 
1896.    32op.    8vo.  [bms] 

^793-  Uli,  the  Farmhand  (abridged).  Tr.  B.  Q.  Mor- 
gan in  C9i(8). 

1794.     do.     Ulric,  the  farm    servant.      Tr.  Julia  Firth. 


Rev.  and  ed.  J :  Ruskin.  Lond.  Orpington, 
Allen  1886.  8vo.  [bm] 

1795.  do.     Ulric  the  farm  servant  by  J.  Ruskin.    Pts.  7, 

8,  9  (conclusion).    Allen  1888.  [ec] 

1796.  do.     Tr.  J.   Firth.     Lond.     Dent;  NY.     Button 

1907.     (Everyman.)     17cm.  [lc] 

1797.  Wealth  and  welfare.     Lond;  NY.    Strahan  1866. 

2v.    19cm. 1868.  [lc] 

"Gotthold"  (Cn.  Scrivcr,  1629-93) 

1798.  Gotthold's  emblems;  or,    invisible    things  under- 

stood by  things  that  are  made.  Tr.  (fr.  Zufal- 
liger  Andachten  vier  hundert)  by  R.  Menzies. 
Edinb.  1857.  8vo.  [ec] 
_-  Tr.  fr.  28th  German  ed.  by  R.  Menzies. 
Edinb.  1862.  [ec] 
4th  ed.    Edinb.    Hamilton  1878.    8vo.  [ec] 

1799.  Gotthold's  emblems.     Tr.   Hoddam.     Bost.   i860. 

8vo.  [ec] 

GoTTSCHALK,  Kp.  F:  1772- 

Selection    from    his    popular    traditions    etc.    in 
C212,  vol.  2;  also  in  C50. 

GoTTSCHALK,  Louis  Moreau, 

See  Hensel,  O.,  Life  and  letters  of #2489. 

GOTTSCHALL,  Rd.  V.   1823- 

S election,  verse,  see  C230,  Ci2r,  C68,  C38. 

1800.  Withered  leaves,  a  novel.     Tr.   B.  Ness.     Lond. 

Remington  1879.    3V.    8vo.  [bm] 

GorrwALT,  P. 

1801.  Christmas,  a  tale.    In  #892. 

Grabbe,  Cn.  Dt.  1801-36 

Selection,  verse,  see  C202. 

Graeven,  O.  C.  v.,  see  "Lothar" 

Grautoff,  Fd.  H:  1871- 

1802.  Banzai!     By    "Parabellum".      Leipz.     Weicher; 

NY.    Baker  &  Taylor.    1909.    32op.    il.    19cm. 


183  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Selection,  I'crse,  see  C266,  #5436. 

Gregor,  C.  1 723- 1 80 1 

Selection,  verse,    see    C126,    C220,    C221,   C266, 

Gregorovius,  Fd.  1821-81 

1803.  Corsica  in    its    picturesque,    social,    and    historic 

aspects :  the  record  of  a  tour  ....  1852.  Tr. 
R.  Martineau.  Lond.  Longmans  1855.  493p. 
i8cm.  [lc] 

1803a.    do.     Wanderings  in  Corsica.     Tr.  A.  Muir.  Lond. 
Constable  1854.    8vo.  [bm] 

1804.  do.     Tr.  E:  J.  Morris.     Phil.     Parry  &  McMillan 

1855-    522p.    20cm.  [lc] 

1805.  The  emperor  Hadrian:  a  picture  of  the  Graeco- 

Roman  world  in  his  time.  Tr.  Ma.  E.  Robin- 
son. Lond ;  NY.  Macmillan  1898.  414P. 
8vo.  [lc] 

1806.  History  of  the  city  of  Rome  in  the  middle  ages. 

Tr.  4th  Ger.  ed.  Annie  Hamilton.  Lond. 
Bell  1894--  _-V.  in  __.     i2mo.  [lc] 

_-  Lond.  Bell  1895.  3V.  8vo.  _-vol.  4.  Bell 
1896.    2  pts.    752p.    8vo.  [ec] 

1807.  The  island  of  Capri.     Tr.   Lilian   Clarke.     Bost. 

Lee  &  Shepard  1879.    95p.    15cm.  [lc] 

1808.  do.     The  island  of  Capri:  a  ^Mediterranean  idyll. 

Freely  tr.  M.  D.  Fairbairn.  Lond.  Unwin 
1896.     156P.    8vo.  [ec] 

1809.  Latin  summers  and  an  excursion  in  Umbria.    Tr. 

Dorothea   Roberts.      Junior    army    and    navy 
stores  1902.    376p.    8vo.  [ec] 

1810.  The  Roman  journals.     1852-74.     Tr.  2d  Ger.  ed. 

Mrs.  Gustavus    W.  Hamilton.      Lond.      Bell 

1907-    473P-    2icm.  [lc] 

__  Bell  191 1.  [ec] 

181 1.  Siciliana :  sketches  of  Naples    and    Sicily.     Tr. 

Mrs.  G.  W.  Hamilton.  Bell  1914.  346p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

morgan— blbliogitaphy  of  gkhman  literature    187 

Grelling,  R: 

iSiia.   I  accuse!    By  a  German.     Tr.  Alex.  Gray.     NY. 

Doran  191 5.     445p.     20cm.  [lc] 

Title:  J'accuse.     Lend.     Hodder  &  S.  1915. 

456p.    8vo.  [ec] 

181  lb.    The  crime.     Tr.  Alex.  Gray.     NY.  Doran   1917- 

19.    4v.    22cm.  [lc] 

Greif,  Martin,  1839- 

Sclcction,  verse,  sec  C230,  C198,  C243. 

Grillparzer,  Fz.  1791-1872 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68,  C148. 
**i8i2.     The  Jewess  of  Toledo.     Tr.  G:  H:  Danton  and 
Annina  Periam  Danton.     In  €91(6). 

1813.  Medea.    A  tragedy.    Tr.  F.  W.  Thurstan  and  S. 

A.    Wittmann.      Lond.      Nisbet    1879.       I22p. 
8vo.  [cm] 

1814.  Medea,  a  tragedy   in  4  acts     .     .     .     .     a.s   per- 

formed by  Mile.     Fanny  Janauschek  and  her 

company NY.     18 O.  [nl] 

*i8i5.     do.     Tr.  Theodore  A.  Miller  in  €91(6).     [Eng- 
lish needlessly  diffuse.] 

1816.  ^liriam's  song  of  triumph.      (^Cantata,  music  by 

Fz.  Schubert.)     Bost.    Ditson  n.  d.    4to.  [ac7] 

1817.  My  journey  to  Weimar.    Tr.  A.  Remy  in  091(6). 

1818.  The  poor  musician.    Tr.  A.  Remy  in  €91(6). 
ti8i9.     Sappho,    a    tragedy.      Tr.    J:    Bramsen.      Lond. 

Black  &  Y.     1820.    86p.    8vo.     [Unwarranted 

liberties.]  [ny] 

1820.     do.     Tr.     L.     C.     C[ummings?]       Edin.      1855. 

8vo.  [bm] 

--    Tr.    Miss     Cummings.        Hamilton     1854. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

**i82i.     do.     Tr.    Ellen    Frothingham.       Bost.      Roberts 

1876.     I36p.     15cm.  [lc] 

1822.     do.     Tr.  E.  "B.    Lee.      In    Ohlenschliiger,  A.  G., 

Corregio.     1846.     i6mo.  [bm] 

--  Phillips,  Sampson  &  Co.     i2mo.  [aci] 

188  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


11823.     da.     Tr.  Edda  Middleton.     NY.    Appleton  1858. 
i6op.    28cm.  [lc] 

Grimm,  Ab.  L: 

1824.  The  advent  of  Haschem,  an  eastern  tale.     Lond. 

Cundall  1846.     57p.     sq.     i6mo.  [lco] 

1825.  The  Christmas  roses.      The    water   fairy's  gifts, 

etc.  1845.    4to-  [bm] 

1826.  Fairy  tales    ....    Lond.  1827.   il.   i2mo.    [bm] 

1827.  The  merchant  of  Balsora,  an  eastern  tale.     Lond. 

Cundall  1846.    93p.  sq.  i6mo.  [lco] 

1828.  Tales   from  the  eastern  land.     Tr.   H.  V.  Lond. 

1847.    il.     i6mo.  [bm] 

Bohn  1852.     284P.     i2mo.  [lco] 

__  Routledge  1887.     il.    8vo.  [ac] 

1829.  Tony.     The  miller's  son.     The  gleaner.  In  Ru- 

dolphi,  F.  J-.  The  King  of  the  swans  etc.     1846. 
i6mo.  [bm] 

Grimm,  Hm.  F:  1828-1901 

1830.  Albert  Diirer.    From  the  Quarterly  German  maga- 

zine 1872.    42p.    O.  [uw] 

Johanna  Ambrosias.     See  Voigt,  Johanna. 

1831.  The  life  and  times  of  Goethe.    Tr.  Sa.  H.  Adams. 

Host.     Little,  Brown  18S0.     559p.     21cm.  [lc] 

1832.  Literature:  essays.      Tr.    S.    H.  Adams.     Best. 

Cupples,  Upham  1886.    297P.     19cm.  [lc] 

—  1888.  [uw] 

**i833.  Correspondence  between  R.  \V.  Emerson  and  H. 
Grimm.  Bost ;  NY.  Houghton  1903.  gop. 
17cm.     (Ed.  and  prob.  tr.  F:  W:  Rolls.)     [i.c] 

G:{iMM,  Jk.  L:  K:  1785- 1863 

Kinder    und    Hausmiirchen.       Selections.       In 
C2i2(2),  C9i(5),  Cioo,  C50;  #169. 
1854.     do.    Selections.    Grimm  and  Andersen.     German 
]iopular  talcs.     Bost.     Tilton   186;.     4V.   i6mo. 



1855.  do.     Sclcctiotis.     Fairy  tales  old  and  new.    A  se- 

lection of  stories  from  ....  Grimm  etc. 
Cassell    1905.     384P.     il.      i6mo.  [ec] 

1856.  do.     Selections.      Grimm's    and    H.    Andersen's 

fairy  tales.  Sel.  and  ed.  for  little  folk.  II.  H. 
Stratton.     Blackie  1906.     fol.  [ec] 

1857.  do.     Selections.     Grimm,    fairy    tales,   and    fairy 

tales  and  legends,  by  C:  Perrault.  NY.  book 
CO.  n.  d.  (1913?)  [ac] 

1858.  do.     Selections.     Fairy  tales  from  Andersen  and 

Grimm.  In  words  of  one  syllable.  By  A.  Pitt- 
Keithley.    Routledge  1895.    96p.    i6mo.      [ec] 

1858a.  do.  Selections.  Fairy  reader.  Ad.  from  Grimm 
and  Andersen  by  J.   Baldwin.     Am.  bk.   1905. 


1858b.  do.  Selections.  Folk-lore  and  fable:  Aesop, 
Grimm,  Andersen.     Collier   1909.  [abp] 

1858c.  do.  Selections.  Twenty  best  fairy  tales  by  An- 
dersen, Grimm,  and  Miss  IMulock.  Comp.  by 
L.  Perkins.     Stokes  1907.  [abp] 

Note.    The  following  entries  arranged  alphabetically  by  title. 
**i859.     do.     Animal  stories.    Tr.  Lucy  Crane.    II.  J  :  Rae. 
NY.    Duffield  1909.     iiip.    23cm.  [lc] 

—  1911-    95P-  [ny] 

i860,     do.     Best    stories.      Ed.    and    ad.    for  ....  3d 

reader  grade.    NY ;  Bost.    Univ.  pub.  co.  1903. 

i28p.    il.     i8cm.  [lc] 

1861 .  do.     Brave  little  tailor    and    other  stories.     NY. 

Miller.     i6mo.  [aC7] 

1862.  do.    same  title.     NY.     McLoughlin   1883.     i2p. 

4to.  Rhymed  by  Josephine  Pollard,    cf.  4F2067. 


ti863.     do.     same  title.     Tr.  Ella  Boldey.     II.  R.  Andre 

NY.     McLoughlin    1890.     4to.      (cf.   #2007.) 


*i864.     do.     Cherry  blossom    and    other    stories.      Lond. 

Blackie   1908.     84p.  il.      25cm.       (8  stories  in 

same  tr.  as  #1982.)  [ny] 












do.  Cinderella.  Dramatized  from  the  original 
fairy  tale.    NY.    Gray  &  Green  1865.  8vo.  [ac] 

do.     do.     NY.    Hurd  &  H.  1865.    il.    i2mo.  [ac] 

do.  Clever  Hans.  II.  J.  Lawson.  Lond.  De  La 
Rue  1883.    23p.    4to.  [bm] 

do.  The  enchanted  fawn  and  other  stories.  Tr. 
Ella  Boldey  (of.  #1863.)  II.  R.  Andre.  NY. 
McLoughlin  1890.    4to.  [lco] 

do.  The  enchanted  princess.  NY.  McLoughlin 
1883.  4to.  Rhymed  by  Josephine  Pollard, 
(cf.  #2oo5a).  [lco] 

do.  Fairy  library.  Lond.  Routledge  1879.  lov. 
8vo.  (Same  tr.  as  #2001,  but  tales  in  different 
order.)  [bm] 

do.  The  fairy  ring.  A  collection  of  tales  and 
traditions.  Tr.  J :  E.  Taylor.  Lond.  Murray 
1846.    2d  ed.    II.  R.  Doyle.    376p.  [ny] 

-_  1857.  40op.  i2mo.  [Univarrantcd  liber- 
tics.]  [i.c] 
(43  stories.) 

do.  Fairy  stories,  supplementary  to  the  first 
reader.  M.  Winifred  Haliburton  and  P.  P. 
Claxton.  Richmond,  Va.  Johnson  pub.  1900. 
I44p.    il.     i2mo.  [lc] 

do.  Fairy  stories.  By  M.  T.  Yates.  Aldine  pub. 
1907.    8vo.  [ec] 

do.     Fairy  talcs.' 
11.  H.  Wehnert. 

do.     do.     II.     Cruikshank. 
umo.     (Cf.  #1982.) 

do.     do.     Chandos  classics.     1868. 
_-  Chandos  classics,     n.  d. 

do.  do.  A  new  tr.  by  Mrs.  H.  H.  B.  Paull.  II. 
W.  J.  Weigand.  Lond.  Warne  1872.  8vo. 
(Judgment  ba.sed  on  #1888.)  [bm] 

--  1874.    575p.    8vo.  [bm] 

do.     do.     NY.     Miller  n.  d.     i6mo.  [ac7] 

By  M.  T.  Yates. 

NY.     Routledge  n.  d. 
(Cf.  #1922). 

Lond.       Tilt 






>Note.      Volumes    wilh    tltlo     I-'alry    Tales,    or    Grimm's'    fairy    tales, 
Arranged  by  date  of  publication. 


1879.     do.     do.     NY.      Scribner,    W.    &    A.    n.d.      il. 

i2mo.  [ac7] 

ti88o.     do.     do.     same  tr.  as  #i8j/.     Phil.     Lippincott 

1878.  [ac] 

1 88 1,     do.     do.     Fair}'  tales  and  other  popular  stories. 

II.  "Bertall."    Lond.     Ward  &  L.  1881.    3i2p. 

8vo.     (Same  as  #2024.)  [ec] 

*i882.     do.     do.    same  tr.  as  #2009.    II.  E.  H.  Wehnert. 

Lond;  NY.    Routlcdge  1882.    38ip.    il.     19cm. 


Routlcdge  1882.     8vo.    4to.  [ec] 

1882a.  do.  do.  same  tr.  as  #2001.  With  Andersen's 
fair\'  tales  and  the  Arabian  nights.  3pt.  il. 
Routlcdge  1882.    4to.  [ijm] 

1883.  do.  do.  II.  W.  Crane  and  E.  H.  Wehnert.  Also, 
Grimm's  goblins.  II.  Cruikshank.  New  issue. 
NY.     Worthington  1883.    8vo.  [ac] 

ti884.     do.     do.     same    tr.    as    4^18/y.      Lend.      Warne 
1883.    8vo.  [ec] 

1885.  do.     do.     New  issue.    Knox  1885.  [ac] 

1886.  do.     do.     Routlcdge  1885.     i2mo.     (Cf.  #1882.) 


**i887.     do.     do.     Tr.  Lucy  Crane.     Lothrop  1886.     (Cf. 

#2014.)  [ac] 

ti888.     do.     do.     same    tr.    as    #18//'.      Lond.     Warne 

1887.     522p.     8vo.     (130  tales,  "especially  for 

children".)  [ny] 

1889.  do.     do.     Lond.    Ward,  Lock  1889.     i2mo.     (Cf. 

#1881.)  [ac] 

1890.  do.     do.     Ed.  Mrs.  Mara  L.  Pratt-Chadwick.    II. 

Edith  F.  Foster.    Bost ;  NY.     Educ.  pub.  1892. 
19cm.     (11  stories,  much  edited.)  [lc] 

1891.  do.     do.     Lond.     Routledge    1893.      i8op.     8vo. 

(Cf.  #1882.)  [ems] 

_-  New  ed.    Routledge  1893.    8vd.  [ec] 

ti892.  do.  do.  Tr.  Mrs.  Paull  and  L.  A.  Whcatley. 
Lond.  Warne  1893.  121110.  (Judgment  based 
on  #1993.)  [ec] 

192  rniversity  of  wisconsin  studies 


1893.  do.     do.     Routledge    1894.     8vo.      (Cf.    #1882.) 


1894.  do.     do.     New  rev.  ed.     II.      Harry  S.  Watson. 

NY.     Cassell  1894.     4o6p.     25cm.  [lc] 

1895.  do.     do.     Ed.  Sara  E.  Wiltse.     II.  Caro.  S.  King. 

Best.  Ginn  1894-6.  2v.  i8cm.  (29  stories, 
edited  to  make  proper  moral  effect  on  chil- 
dren.) [lc] 

1896.  do.     do.     Intro.     S.    Baring-Gould.      II.  Gordon 

Browne.  Lond.  Gardner  1894.  8vo.  [ec] 
__  Lond.  Wells  Gardner  1895.  339p.  8vo. 
(Cf.  #1983.)  [bms] 

1897.  do.     do.     King   1895.     il.     8vo.  [ec] 

1898.  do.     do.     In  words   of   one  syllable.     By  "Aunt 

Virginia".    NY.    Hurst  1896.     i62p.    il.   20cm. 

(35  stories.)  [lc] 

11899.     do.     do.     satnc  a-y  itiSg2.     Lond.     Warne  1897. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

*i900.     do.     do.     Phil.     Altemus    1898.      255p.     il.     sq. 

i6mo.     (33  stories.)  [lco] 

1901 .     do.     do.     Tr.  L.  L.  Wecdon.    Lond.    Nister  1898. 

2o8p.    8vo.  [bms] 

__    II.  Ada  Dennis,   E.   S.   Hardy  etc.     Nister 

1898.    4to.  [ec] 

**i902.     do.     do.     NY.    McKibbin  1899.    i92p.    il.  i6mo. 

(26  stories.)  [lc] 

*I903.     do.     do.     II.    Helen    Stratton.      Lond.      Blackie 

1 90-.     336p.      8vo.      (Virtually    a    reprint  of 

#1982,  with  new  illustrations.)  [nv] 

T904.     do     do.     Ward  &  Lock  1900.  638P.  il.  Svo.  [ec] 

1905.  do.     do.     Tr.  B.  Marshall.     Ward  &  Lock  1900. 

348p.  [ec] 

1906.  do.     do.     Ed.  Edric  Vredenburg.    II.    E.  J-   -Xn- 

drews  and  S.  Jacobs.    Lond.  Tuck  1900.    i28p. 

Svo. 1901.    1902.  [ec] 

**I907.     do.     do.     Now  tr.    by    Mrs.  Edgar  Lucas.     II. 

Arthur   Rackhani.       Lond.  Freemantle    1900. 

1901.    482P.  [ec] 


do.     do. 
do.     do. 



do.     do. 


do.     do. 

do.     do. 



__Phil.     Lippincott ;    Lond.      Frccniantle    1902. 

464P.    20  X  1 6cm.     (62  stories.)  [lc] 

1 90S.     do.     do.     Retold  in  words  of  one  syllable.    Burt 

1901.    8vo.  [ac] 

1909.  do.  do.  II.  J.  Hassall.  Sands  1902.  314P. 
8vo.  [kcI 

1910.  do.  do.  Sel.  and  ed.  for  primary  reader  grades 
by  Kdna  H.  L.  Turpin.  NY.  Maynard,  Merrill 
1903.  207p.  il.  I9cni.  (25  stories,  severely 
edited.)  [lc] 

Conkey  1903.    il.    S.  [ac] 

II.  Cruikshank.     Lond.     Methuen  1903. 


Lond.     Scott  1903.     566]).     8vo.     ( Cf. 

552P-)  [ec] 

Lond.    Blackie  1903.     222p.    8vo.   [ec] 

same  as  #ipojf     Sel.  and  tr.  for  little 

II.  H.   Stratton.      Lond.      Blackie  1903. 

4to.     __   Fol.  [ec] 

♦1916.     do.     do.     same  as    #ipoj.      II.    Helen   Stratton. 

Lond.    Blackie  1904.    336p.    8vo.  [ec] 

**I9I7.     do.     do.    same  as  #ipO/.   Lond.   Constable  1904. 

482P.  [ec] 

1918.  do.     do.     sel.  and  ed.   for  children  in  their  third 

school  year,  by  Jas.  H.  Fassett.  NY ;  Lond. 

Macmillan    1904.      i88p.      14cm.  (20  stories, 

edited.)  [lc] 

1919.  do.     do.     carefully  chosen  from  the  collection  of 

the  brothers   Grimm.      Partridge    1904.     3iop. 
8vo.  [ec] 

1920.  do.     do.     same  as  #igio.  Maynard.  Merrill  1904. 

il.     i2mo.  [ac] 

1921.  do.     do.     Collins  1904.     448p.     il.     8vo.  [ec] 

1922.  do.     do.     II.  E.  H.   Wehncrt.     New  ed.     Rout- 

ledge     1904.      5i2p.      8vo.      1905-      (Cf. 

#1882.)  [ec] 

1923.  do.     do.     New  tr.  by  N.  J.  Davidson.   II.  L. 

Speed.  Pearson  1904.  4i6p.  8vo.      [ec] 

194  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


1924.  do.     do.     Chic.     Reilly    &    Britten    1905.      I2jp. 

il.     locm.     (5  stories  retold.)  [lc] 

1925.  do.     do.     same    as    #1882?       Routledge     1905. 

392p.     i2mo.  [ec] 

1926.  do.     do.     II.    H.    L.    Shindler.      Routledge    1905. 

480P.  8vo.  [ec] 

1927.  do.     do.  Collins    1906.      232P.     8vo.  [ec] 

1928.  do.     do.  Siegle  1906.     il.     64p.     i6mo.  [ec] 

1929.  do.     do.  New  tr.  N.  J.  Davidson.     Nisbet  1906. 

304p.     il.     8vo.     (Cf.  #1923.)  [ec] 

1930.  do.     do.     II.   R.    A.    Bell.      Button    1906.      1907. 

(Everyman.)  i2mo.  [ac] 
**i93i.  do.  do.  same  as  #igo~.  Tr.  Lucas.  II.  Rack- 
ham.  Constable  1907.  482p.  Svo.  [ec] 
Lippincott  1907? 

1932.  do.  do.  same  as  #ipipF  Partridge  1907.  3iop. 
il.    Svo.  [ec] 

1933-  (^c.  do.  Ed.  A.  T.  Martin.  Macniillan  1908. 
i2mo.  [ec] 

1934.  do.     do.     II.  H.  M.  Brock  and  L.  Speed.     Seeley 

1908.  Svo.  [ec] 

1935.  do.     do.     Cassell  1908.    Svo.     (Cf.  #1894.)   [ec] 

1936.  do.     do.     Ed.  and  il.  J.  R.  Monsell.    Cassell  1908. 

344P-    8vo.  [ec] 

1937.  do.     do.     New  tr.  N.  J.  Davidson   (cf.   ^(^1923). 

NY.     Bowman  1908.    il.    D.  [ac] 

1938.  do.     do.     Dent  1909.     i2mo.  [ec] 
**I939.     do.     do.     same  tr.  as  #ipO/.     Lond.     Constable 

1909.  325p.    25cm.  [lc] 

1940.  do.     do.     Ed.  H.  W.  Mabie.     II.  Ethel  F.  Betts. 

Phil.     Stern  1909.     ii7p.    28cni.  [lc] 

1941 .  do.     do.     Ninimo  1909.     il.     i6mo.  [ec] 

1942.  do.     do.     Dodge    1909.      336p.      il.      Svo.      (cf. 

#1903.)  [ac] 

1943.  do.     do.     Milner   1909.     Svo.  [ec] 

1944.  do.     do.     Sel.  and  retold  by  Githa  Sovverby.     II. 

Millicent     Sowerby.      Richards     1909.      272P. 
Svo.  '  [ec] 


_-  NY.    Stokfs  19 10.    255p.    23cm.  [lc] 

1945.  do.     do.     Ed.    W.    A.    jcrrold.       Dutton     1910. 

i2mo.  [ac] 

1946.  do.     do.     Collins    1910.     572p.     i2mo.  [ec] 

1947.  do.     do.     same  as  #1928.     II.  G.  James.     Siegle, 

H.  1910.    64p.    8vo.  [ec] 

1948.  do.     do.     Newnes   1910.     348p.     8vo.  [ec] 
**I949.     do.     do.     Tr.  Lucas.    II.  Rackham.    (Cf.  #1907). 

Doiibleday,  Page  1910.     O.  [ac] 

**I950.     do.     do.     sameas#i90j.    Constable  191 1.    482p. 


1950a.    do.     do.     Piatt  and  Peck  1911.  i76p.  il.  O.    [abp] 

195 1,  do.     do.     11.  C:    Folkard.      Lond.      Black  1911. 

33ip.    2icm.  [lc] 

__  Intro.  J.  Ruskin.     II.  Folkard.     Black  1911. 
348p.  [ec] 

__  Macmillan  1911.  [abp] 

1952.  do.     do.     II.  Noel  Pocock.    Doran  1912.    O.  [ac] 

II.  Pocock.    Frowde  1912.    356p.   8vo.  [ec] 

Harper  1912.     637p.     il.     O.         [ac] 
Hurst  1912.  [abp] 

Told   bv   Kathleen    Fitzgerald.     Jacobs 


McLoughlin    1912.  [abp] 

Everett   1912.     i2mo.  [ec] 

II.  Hope  Dunlap.     Chic;  NY.     Rand. 

McNally  191 3.     275P.     23cm.  [lc] 

1957.  do.  do.  Ed.  A.  T.  Martin.  (Cf.  #1933).  Mac- 
millan 1913.     i2nio.  [ec] 

1958.  do.  do.  II.  J.  R.  Monsell.  (Cf.  #1936).  Cas- 
sell  1913.  344p.  4to.  [ec] 
„  II.  Monsell.  New  ed.  NY.  Funk  &  W. 
1913.                                                                  [ac] 

1959.  do.  do.  Lond.  Gardner  1913.  3  MP-  8vo. 
(Cf.  #1909.)  [ec] 

i960,     do.     do.     Sully  &  Kleinteich  1914.    il.     S.     [ac] 

1961.     do.     do.     Ed.    H.    VV.     Mabie.       (Cf.     #1940.) 

Barse  &  Hopkins  1914.     il.    Q.  [ac] 





















196  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


1962.     do.     do.     II.  J:  Hassall.  Stokes  1914.    305?.  O. 

(Cf.  #1909.)  [AC] 

**I963.     do.     do.     Tr.    M.   Hunt.  (See   #2026.)      Com- 
plete ed.    II.  J :  B.  Gruelle.    Cupples  &  L.  1914. 

4i9p.     25cm.  [lc] 

1964.  do.     do.     II.  G.  Ridout.  New  ed.     Kelly  1914. 

8vo.  [ec] 

1965.  do.     do.     II.    Hope    Dunlop    (i.    e.    Dunlap,   see 

#1956.)       Duckworth  1914.     276p.     8vo.  [ec] 

1966.  do.     do.     II.  Monroe  S.  Orr.    Harrap  191 5.  334p. 

(cf.  #1903.)  [ec] 
Stokes  1915.                                                [ac] 

1967.  do.     do.     New  tr.    by    Ernest    Beeson.      II.   G: 

Soper.     Headley   1915.     286p.     Svo.  [ec] 
Crowell  191 5.    278p.    O.                          [ac] 

1968.  do.     do.     II.  Louis  Rhead.     NY.     Harper  1917. 

443P-     O.  [ac] 

1969.  do.     do.     II.  M.   S.    Orr.      Phil.     McKay   1917. 

327P.    D.     (Cf.  #1966.)  [ac] 

1970.  do.     Folk  tales  from  Grimm:  a  dramatic  reader 

for  3d  and  4th  grades  by  Ethelyn  Abbott.     II. 
Dorothy  Dulin.    Flanagan  1913.    I26p.   D.  [ac] 

*i97i.     do.     Gammer  Grethel's  fairy    tales.      Tr.  Edgar 
Taylor.    New  ed.  Lond.  Green  1839.  Svo.  [bm] 
(A  re-issue  of  #1982.) 

_-  Cundall  1846.     1848.  [ec] 
Lond.    Bohn  1849.                                    [bm] 

*I972.  do.  do.  German  fairy  tales  and  popular  stories 
as  told  by  Gammer  Grethel.  Tr.  Edgar  Tay- 
lor.   II.  Cruikshank.    Lond.    1851.    i2mo.  [i-co] 

1973.  do.     do.     Gammer    Grethel,    or,    German     fairy 

tales.    Bohn  1862.    Svo.  [ec] 

1974.  do.     do.     Gammer     Grethel.       Phil.       Lippincott 

n.  d.  [ac"] 

♦1975.     do.     do.     Lond.      Bell    1878.  il.      3o6p.      Svo. 

(Same  tr.  as  #1982.)  [bpl] 

..  Bohn  1888.    il.    Svo.  [kms] 

--  Bell  1S97.     3o6p.     iScni.  [lc] 


*I976.  do.  do.  II.  Cruikshank  and  others.  Lend. 
Moring  1902.  359p.  20cm.  (Same  tr.  as 
#1982.)  [lc] 

♦1977.  do.  do.  Dodge  1905.  il.  sq.  i2mo.  (Same 
tr.  as  #1982.)  [ac] 

1978.     do.     do.     (Cf.  #1975.)     Bell  1908. 

*I979.     do.     do.     II.     Cruikshank     and     others.      Intro. 

Laurence    Housman.      Lond.      Simpkin    1913. 

372p.    i6mo.     (Re-issue.)  [ec] 

1980.     do.     German  fairy  tales  and  stories.    Lond.  Bohn 

1863.     i2nio.  [ec] 

tigSi.     do.     German  fairy  tales.    NY.    Maynard,  Merrill 

1896.    96p.    i6mo.    (8  stories.)  [lco] 

_-  Merrill  1904.  [abp] 

1981a.   do.     German  household  tales.      Houghton    1912. 

2  pts.  [abp] 

*I982.  do.  German  popular  stories.  Tr.  Edgar  Taylor. 
Lond.  Baldwin  1824-6.  il.  2v.  i2mo.  [61  stories, 
rather  freely  translated,  but  well  and  in  idio- 
matic English.    J.  E.  Taylor-see  #i8yi says 

translation  done  by  Taylor  and  Jardinc.]    [bm] 

♦1983  do.  do.  Intro.  J.  Ruskin.  Lond.  Hotten  1868 
(1869?).  335p.  8vo.  (Reprint  of  fore- 
going.) [em] 
__  Little,  Brown  n.  d.                                    [AC7] 

*I984.     do.     do.     reprint    of     #1982.      Lond.       Frowde 

1904.    2v.    i2mo.    II.  by  Cruikshank.    __  1905. 

422p.    Bvo.  [ec] 

1985.     do.     German  popular  tales  and  household  stories. 

NY.    Francis  1853.    2v.  i2mo.  [ac] 

♦1986.  do.  do.  Newly  tr.  M.  L.  Davis?  (cf.  #2001.) 
Bost.  Crosby  &  Nichols  1862.  2v.  il.  i2mo. 
\'ol.  I,  456p.  (90  stories).  Vol.  2,  43op. 
(106  stories.)  [Translator  not  wholly  conver- 
sant with  German.]  [n'v] 

11987.     do.     Grimm's  goblins.      Fairy    books    for  boys. 

1861.    4to.  [bm] 

19S8.     do.     do.     A  collection    of    fairy    tales.     Vickers 

1866.    2v.  in  I.    il.    8vo.  [ec] 

198  university  op  wisconsin  studies 


**1989.     do.     do.     II.  in  color  from  Cruikshank's  designs. 

Best.     Ticknor  &    Fields    1867.      iiip.     igcni. 

(13  stories.)  [lc] 

1990.     do.     do.     The  goblins.     Bost.     Osgood  n.  d.     il. 

sm.  4to.  [ac7] 

*i99i.     do.     do.     Grimm's  household  stories.     Tr.  Edgar 

Taylor.    II.  after  G.  Cruikshank.    Lond.    Meek 

1876.    296P.    8vo.     (cf.  #1982.)  [lc] 

11992.  do.     do.     Tr.  Paull.    Lond.    Warne  1893.     i2mo. 

(Cf.   #1877.)  [EC] 

_-    189-.  [EC] 

11993.  do.     do.     and   wonder    tales.      Tr.    Mrs.   H.   B. 

Paull  and  L.  A.  Wheatley.  Lond.  Warne 
190-.  372p.  il.  8vo.  [6g  stories.  Trans,  of 
#1877  revised  and  altered,  but  not  accurate. 
Not  same  collection.]  [ny] 

1994.  do.     The  golden    bird,    and     other  tales.      NY. 

Miller  n.  d.     i6mo.  [ac7]' 

1995.  do.     do.     Tr.    Ella    Boldey.      NY.      McLoughlin 

1890.  4to.  II.  R.  Andre.  (Cf.  #1863, 
#2007.)  [lco] 

1996.  do.     do.     Ed.  W.  H.  Webster.     Leeds.     Arnold 

1910.     32p.     il.      i6mo.  [ec] 

1997.  do.     Golden    tales      from     Grimm.       Ed.    Edith 

Robarts.  Gardner,  Darton  1914.  I28p. 
i6mo.  [ec] 

Stokes   1915.     Ii9p.     il.  S.  [ac] 

*I998.  do.  Hansel  and  Grettel  and  other  stories  from 
Grimm.  II.  Helen  Stratton.  Lond.  Blackie 
1910.  unpaged  (84p.)  4to.  (8  stories  in  tr.  of 
#1982.)  [NY  I 

1999.  do.     Hiinscl  and  Gretel.    II.  Maria  L.  Kirk.   Lond. 

Gardner,  Darton  1910.    8op.    8vo.  [ec] 

2000.  do.     Home  fairy  talcs.    NY.     Miller  n.  d.     i6mo. 


__  New  issue.    Knox  1885.  [ac] 

2001.  do.     Home  stories.    Newly  tr.  M.  L.  Davis.  Lond 


Routledge  1855.    3769.    8vo.    __  Lond.  Bogue 

1857.     8vo.     (Same  as  #2009?)  [bm] 

--  Routledge  1874.     1875.     i2mo.  [ec] 

2002.  do.     do.     Routledge  1876.     564P.     8vo.  [bm] 

--  Routledge  1880.  [em] 

2003.  do.     do.     Routledge    1883.      II.    E.    H.   Wehnert. 

51  ip.    8vo.     (Cf.  #1922.)  [bmJ 

2004.  do.     Hop  o'   my   thumb's   wanderings   and  other 

fairy  tales.  Tr.  L.  L.  Weedon.  Nister  1898. 
I04p.    4to.  [lic] 

2005.  Hours  in  fairy  land.    (Enchanted  princess.  White 

rose  and  red  rose.  Six  swans.)  Rhymed  by 
Josephine  Pollard.  NY.  McLoughlin  1883. 
14,  14,  i2p.    il.  27  X  2icm.     (Cf.  :ii2o67.)   [lcJ 

*20o6.  do.  The  house  in  the  wood,  and  other  old  fairy 
stories.  II.  L.  L.  Brooke.  Lond ;  NY.  Warne 
1910.    89p.    24cm.     (10  stories.)  [lc] 

12007.  <io.  Household  fairy  tales,  newly  tr.  Ella  Bolder. 
II.  R.  Andre.  NY.  McLoughlin  1890.  276P. 
26  X  2icm.  (97  stories.  Apparently  #1863, 
#1868,  #1995,  #2042,  #2070,  #2071  are 
taken  from  this.)  [lc] 

t20o8.  do.  Tr.  Ella  Bodley  (i.  e.  Boldey?)  Lond. 
Grififith  1893.    4to.  [ec] 

*2009.  do.  Household  stories.  Newly  tr.  II.  E.  H. 
Wehnert.  Lond.  Addey  1853.  2v.  8vo. 
(same  as  #1986.)  [ny] 

—  ist  series.     1854.    288p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

2010.  do.     do.     New  ed.   Lond.    Routledge  1862.  552p. 

il.    sm.    4to.  [t-co] 

2011.  do.     do.     Newed.  NY.  Miller  1870.   i2mo.   [ac] 
201  la.   do.     do.     Routledge  1876.    s64p.    8vo.    (Same  as 

#2001.)  [b.m] 

2012.  do.     do.     New  ed.     1873.     1880.     i2mo.       [ec] 
2012a.  do.     do.     Routledge  1880.    564P.    8vo.    (Same  as 

#2001.)  [bm] 

2013.  do.     do.     Routledge  n.  d.    il.    8vo.  [AC7I 

200  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


**20i4.      do.     do.     Tr.     Lucy     Crane.      Macmillan    1882. 

269P.    il.     i8cm. 1899.  [lc] 

_.  Tr.  Lucy  Crane.     II.  Walter  Crane.     NY. 
Lovell  1883.   2699.    i6mo.    (Cf.  #2020.)    [lco] 
2015.     do.     do.     Louisville,  Ky.     American  print,  house 
for  the  blind,  1883.    i5op.    fol.  [lco] 

**20i6.     do.     do.     Tr.  M.  Hunt.      Bell    &    S.  1884.     2v. 
8vo.     (Cf.  #2026.)  [ec] 

2017.  do.     do.     Phil.     Porter  &  C.  1886.  [ac]' 

2018.  do.     do.     Routledge  1893.     1894.    8vo.  [ec] 
t20i9.     do.     do.     Tr.  Paull  (cf.  #i()g2).    Lond.    Warne 

1893.    1897.    i2mo.  [eg] 

**2020.     do.     do.     (Cf.    #2014.)       Tr.    Lucy    Crane.     II. 

Walter    Crane.      NY.       Crowell     1896.      342p. 

19cm.     (No  ill.  in  this  copy.     51  stories.)    [lc] 

2021.  do.     do.     II.   E.  H.   Wehnert.     New  ed.     Rout- 

ledge  1896.    384P.    Svo.     (cf.  #1882,  #2001.) 


2022.  do.     do.     II.  Dorothy  Furniss.    Soc.  prom.  Christ. 

knowl.  1906.    64p.    4to.     (cf.  #1928.)         [ec] 

**2023.     do.     do.     NY.       McLoughlin     1906.      96p.      il. 

19cm.     (9  stories,  same  tr.  as  #2014.)  [lc] 

2024.  do.     Household      tales      and      popular      stories. 

(Grimm,  Hauff,  etc.)  Lond.  Ward,  Lock 
1862.    II.  "Bertall."    3i2p.    Svo.  [bm] 

2025.  do.     do.     Household  tales.     1877.  [ac] 
**2026.     do.     do.     Tr.  Marg.  Hunt.    Intro.  A.  Lang.   Bohn 

1884.  2v.  [Vol.  I,  ■^34p-,  lias  86  stories;  vol. 
2,  59p/>.,  brings  the  number  to  3io.  Translated 
both  with  absolute  fidelity  and  skill :  the  use  of 
"thee"  and  "thou"  is  unfortunate.]  [lc] 

2027.  do.     do.     same  a^    tPjoj^.      Ward.    Lock    1881. 


2028.  do.     do.     Ed.    Alfonzo    Gardiner.      Manchester. 

Heywood  1889.    255P.    il.   Svo.    __  1894.  [hms] 

2029.  do.     do.     Alanchester.      Heywood    1889.      336p. 

Svo.     (Cf.  #1983.)  [hms] 

2030.  do.     do.     Household  talcs,  told  again  in  luiglish. 



Best;  NY.  Houghton  1897.  2v.  17cm.  [jp 
stories,  based  on  #^026,  much  altered.]  [i.c] 
**203I.  do.  do.  Ed.  and  partly  tr.  anew  by  Marian 
Edwardes.  II.  R.  A.  Bell.  Dent  1901.  4i6p. 
8vo.     (cf.  #2036.)  [ec] 

2032.  do.     do.     same  as  j^  ipjo.   Everyman  1906.   356p. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

2033 .  do.    do.     Ed.  E.  Norris.  Host ;  NY.  Educ.  pub.  co. 

1906.    I34p.    17cm.     (13  stories,  much  edited.  J 


2034.  do.     do.     same  as  #  ipjo.    II.  R.  A.  Bell.    Every- 

man 1908.    343p.    17cm.  [lc] 

**2035.  <'"■  ^^-  same  as  #2026.  Lend.  Bell  1910.  2v. 
I 8cm.  [lc] 

**2036.  do.  do.  Household  and  fairy  tales.  Tr.  Mrs. 
Edgar  Lucas,  Lucy  Crane,  and  Marian  Ed- 
vt-ardes.  Phil.  Jacobs  1916.  377p.  (53  stories. 
Eclectic  volume,  cf.  ;^203i,  #2014,  :^i907;  se- 
lections thus  made  on  the  advice  of  librarians 
and  story  tellers ;  no  individual  ascriptions 
made.)  [lc] 

2037.  do.     The  king  of  the    swans,    and  other  stories. 

NY.    Miller  n.  d.    i6mo.  [ac] 

2038.  do.     Little   snowdrop,   and   other  tales.      Nelson 

1910.     96p.     i6mo.  [ec] 

12039.     (^'^-     Little  snow-white,  and  other  fairy  tales.    Tr. 

L.  L.  Weedon.    Nister  1898.     i04p.    4to.     (cf. 

#2005.)  [ec] 

2039a.   do.     Burt  1906.  [abp] 

*2040.     do.     do.     Ed.  W.  T.    Stead.      II.    B.  Le  Fanu. 

Phil.     Penn  Pub.  co.   1908.     6op.     i8cm.     (7 

stories.)  [lc] 

2040a.  do.     do.     Bost.     Palmer   191 1.  [abp] 

2041.  do.     Little   stories   from  Grimm.      Griffith   &   F. 

1904.    4to.  [ec] 

2042.  do.     The  magic  mirror  and  other  stories.     NY. 

McLoughlin    1890.     II.    R.  Ande.     4to.      (Cf. 
#2007.)  [lco] 

2043.  <^o.     The   man    without    a    heart.       Tr.    Ma.   A. 



Sprague.  II.  Rose  M.  Sprague.  Best.  Prang 
1893.  22p.  4to.  (Not  Grimm  or  much 
altered.)  [lc] 

2044.  do.     The  ogre   with  the  three  golden   hairs  and 

other  tales.  II.  S.  B.  Pearse.  NY.  Stokes 
1914.    63p.    O.  [ac] 

2045.  'io.     do.     same?     The  oger  with  the  three  golden 

hairs,  and  other  tales.     Jack  1915.     62p.     8vo. 


2046.  do.     Old  time  stories  from  Grimm  and  Andersen. 

II.  E.  J.  Andrews  and  S.  Jacobs.  Lond.  Tuck 
189-.  72p.  4to.  (10  stories  in  a  severely 
abridged  version  for  children.)  [ny] 

2047.  do.     The   plight     of    a    princess.       Tr.    Ma.   A. 

Sprague.    II.    Rose  M.  Sprague.    Bost.    Prang 

1893.     up.    4to.     (Cf.  #2043.)  [lc] 

^2048.     do.     Popular  tales  and  household  stories.     II.  E. 

H.  Wehnert.    Phil.    Porter  &  Coates  1869.   2v. 

in  I.     i2mo. 1877.  [ny] 

NY.    Appleton  n.  d.  il.  i2mo.  [ac7] 

__  Porter  &  Coates  1886.  (Same  tr.  as  #1986; 
cf.  also  :^2ooi.)  [ac] 

2049.  ^o-     Rumpelstiltskin     ....     a    new    tr.      II. 

G.  R.  Halkett.  Lond.  De  La  Rue  1882.  26p. 
4to.  [bm] 

2050.  do.     do.     Rumplestilskin.     Extravaganza  by   Fs. 

C.  Burnand.    NY.     French  n.  d.     i6nio.  [ac7] 

2051.  do.     The  six  swans.      NY.      McLoughlin   1883. 

i2p.  il.  4to.  Rhymed  by  Josephine  Pollard. 
(Cf.  #2005.)  [lco] 

2052.  do.     Snowdrop.     Extravaganza  by  Fs.  C.  Burn- 

and.   NY.    French  n.  d.     i6mo.     (Cf.  #2050.) 


2053.  do.     Snow  white.     NY.     McLoughlin  1883.    I2p. 

il.  4to.  Rhymed  by  Josephine  Pollard.  (Cf. 
#2067.)  [lco] 

2054.  do.     Snow  wJiite  and  the  seven  dwarfs.     A  fairy 

tale  play  by  Jessie  Braham  White.     Music  by 


Edniond  Rickett.  11.  C :  R.  Falls.  Dodd  1913. 
236P.    O.  [ac] 

2055.  do.     Stories  from  Grimm,  told  to  the  children  by 

Amy  Steedman.  II.  Harry  Rowntree.  Lond. 
Jack;  NY.  Duttoii  1908.  ii6p.  15cm.  (10 
stories,  recast  quite  freely.)  [lc] 

2056.  do.     do.     Selected  and  ed.  for  little  folk.     II.  H. 

Stratton.     Lond.      Blackic    1909.     410.      (Cf. 

#1915.)  [EC] 

2056a.   do.     do.     Bost;  NY.    Caldwell  1910  [abp] 

2057.  do.     do.     Lond.    Blackie  191 1.     i26p.    8vo.  [ix] 

2058.  do.     do.     Cassell  1912.  [ac] 

2059.  do.     do.     Nelson  1914.     i6op.     i6mo.  [ec] 

2060.  do.     The  storj'  of  Bonnybelle.     NY.     McLough- 

lin  1883.  up.  il.  4to.  Rhymed  by  Josephine 
Pollard.    (Cf.  #2067.)  [lco] 

2o6i .  do.  The  story  of  red  rose  and  rose  white.  NY. 
McLoughlin  1883.  I4p.  il.  4to.  Rhymed  by 
Josephine  Pollard.     (Cf.  #2005.)  [lco] 

2062.  do.     Stray  leaves  from   fairy  land.     Phil.     Bliss 

n.  d.    il.     i2mo.  [ac7] 

2063.  do.     Tales.      Selected   and    tr for   use    in 

schools.  Bell's  reading  books.  1875.  8vo.  [bm] 
1876.     i2mo.  [ec] 

2064.  do.     Tales  and  stories.     New  tr.  Scribner,  W.  & 

A.  n.  d.    il.    8vo.  [AC7] 

2065.  do.     Tales.      Lond.      Blackie    1905.      2i4p.     il. 

8vo.  [ec] 

**2o66.     do.     Tales.    Tr.  Lucy  Crane.     New  ed.    Crowell 

1917.     (Cf.  #2020.)  [.\c] 

2066a.   do.     Tales  for  children.     Doran   19 10.     54p.     il. 

Q.  [abp] 

2067.  do.     Tales   of    the    fairy    world.      Rhymed    by 

Josephine  Pollard.  (Bonny  Belle,  brave  little 
tailor,  snow  white.)  (Cf.  #1862,  #2053, 
#2060.)  NY.  McLoughlin  1883.  11,  12,  I2p. 
il.     28  X  22cm.  [lc] 

2068.  do.     Three    brothers    and    other    stories.      NY. 

Miller  n.  d.    i6mo.  [ac7] 

204  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2069.  do.  The  three  feathers.  Hans  and  Meg.  The 
little  ass.  Prepared  by  Elsie  J.  Crossfield. 
Arnold   1915.     32p.     8vo.  [ec] 

12070.  do.     The  three  golden  hairs  and  other  stories.  Tr. 

Ella  Boldey.  II.  R.  Andre.  NY.  McLoughlin 
1890.    4to.     (Cf.  #2007.)  [lco] 

12071 .  do.     The  twelve  brothers  and  other  stories.     Tr. 

Ella  Boldey.  II.  R.  Andre.  NY.  McLoughlin 
1890.     4to.      (Cf.   #2007.)  [lco] 

2072.  do.     The  waits  of  Bremen  and  other  tales.    Lend. 

Blackie  191 1.     i26p.    8vo.     (Cf.  #2057.)    [ec] 

2073.  do.     The  water  of    life.      Ed.    W.    H.  Webster. 

Leeds.  Arnold  1910.  32p.  il.  i6mo.  (Cf. 
#1996.)  [ec] 
t2074.  do.  Grimm's  wonder  tales.  Tr.  Paull  and 
Wheatley.  Lond.  Warne  1893.  1897.  i2mo. 
(Cf.  #1993-)  [ec] 
**2o75.  Teutonic  mythology.  Tr.  4th  ed.  Jas.  S.  Stally- 
brass.  Lond.  Bell  1882-8.  4V.  22cm.  [lc] 
Lond.     1880-3.    3v-    8vo.                         [bm] 

Grimmelshausen,  Hs.  Jk.  Christofifel  v.  1625  ?-76 
Selection  in  C132. 

2076.  The   adventurous    Simplicissimus:    being   the   de- 

scription of  the  life  of  a  strange  vagabond, 
Melchior  Sternfels  von  Fuchshaim.  Lond. 
Heinemann  1912.    448p.     i6mo.  [ec] 

Grisar,  Hartmann,  1845- 

2077.  Luther.     Tr.  E.  M.  Lamond.     Ed.  Luigi  Cappa- 

delta.  Lond.  Paul  T.  &  T.  1913-6.  5v. 
22cm.  [lc] 

Grisebach,  E:  1845-1906 

Selection,  verse,  see  C230. 

Grob,  J : 

2078.  The  life  of  Ulric  Zwingli.     Tr.  I.  K.  Loos  and 

G:  F.    Behringer.      NY.      1-iink    &  W.    1883. 

200p.       19cm.  [lc] 


Gronek,  Frau  A:e,  1850- 

2079.  The  man  with  the  black  cord.     Tr.  Grace  I.  Col- 

bron.  NY.  Duffieldigii.  278p.  il.   igcm.    [lc] 

2080.  Mene  tekel ;  a  tale  of  strange  happenings.     Tr. 

G.  I.    Colbron.      NY.      Duffield    1912.     243P. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Gros,  K  :  H  : 

2081.  Funeral  oration  ....  in  honor  of  the  late  Mar- 

grave of  Brandenburg  Anspach Tr.  Fr. 

the  Latin.  Southampton  1807.    4ip.     fol.  [bm] 

Gross,  Tb. 

2o8ia.    The  humming    top.      Tr.    Blanche    W.  Howard. 
New  holiday  ed.    Stokes  1903.     S.  [ac] 

Grosse,  Em. 

2082.  The  beginnings    of    art.      NY.      Appleton  1897. 

327p.     il.     19cm.  [lc] 

Grosse,  Jl.    1828- 1902 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68. 

Grot,  J.  C.  d.  1800 

Selection,  z'crse,  sec  C126. 

Groth,  Klaus,  1819-99 

Selection,  verse,  see  C230,  C148,  C208,  C184,  C46. 

Grube,  A:  W:  1816-84 

2083.  Heroes  of  history  and  legend.     Tr.  J.  L.   Shad- 

well.     Lond.     Griffith  &  Farran   1880.     348p. 
8vo. New  ed.     1882.  [bm] 

Gruebel,  J:  Kd.  1736-1809 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C62. 

"Gruen,  Anastasius"  (i.  e.  An.  Ax.  graf  v.  Auersperg,  1806- 
Selection,  verse,  see  C226,  €91(7),  C37,  C3,  C105, 
C108,  C109,  C20,  C21,  C68.  C202.  C201  (to, 
14-7,  29),  C230,  C81,  C54,  C8,  C103,  C145,  C89, 
C229;  #3800. 


"Gruen,  Anastasius" 

**2o84.     The  last  knight.    Tr.  J:  O.  Sargent.     NY.    Hurd 
&  Houghton  1871.     20op.    21cm.  [lc] 

Gruenfeld,  Mx.  1879- 

2085.  The  feast  of    Esther,    a    fairy    play.     Tr.  Oscar 

Leonard.    Cincin.     191 1.  [lc] 

Gruppe,  O:  F:  1804-76 

Selection,  verse,  see  C162,  C20,  C21. 

Gryphius,  And.  1616-64 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C264,  C126,  Ci8s. 

GSELL-FELS,    Td.    1819-98 

2086.  Switzerland,  its  scenery  and  people.     II.  eminent 

Swiss  and  German  artists.  Text  based  on 
.  .  .  .  Dr.  G.  Lond.  Blackie  1881.  472p. 
80cm.    Tr.  and  ad.  G:  Goudie  Chisholm.     [lc] 

GuELL,  F:  W:  1812-79 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145,  C198,  C105. 

GuENDERODE,  K  :e,  1780-1806 

2087.  Giinderode.     Correspondence    with    Bettina    von 

Arnim.  Host.  Peabody  1842.  i2mo.  [lco] 
-_  Correspondence  of  Friiulein  G.  and  Bettina 
V.  Arnim.     Bost.    Burnham  1861.     i2mo.  [lco] 

Guenther,  Cyriacus,  1650- 1704 

Selection,  verse,  see  C44,  C126. 

GuERiCKE,  H  :  Ern.  Fd.  1803-78 

2088.  The  life  of  A:  Hm.  Francke.     Tr.  S:  Jackson. 

Lond.  Seeiey  1837.  8vo.  [dm] 
Lond.    Bohn  1847.     296p.     i6mo.         [lco] 

GuiiL,  Ern.  K:  1819-62  and 
KoNKR,  W : 

2089.  The   life  of   the   Greeks   and    Romans,   described 

from  antique  monuments.  Tr.  3d  Ger.  ed. 
Fis.  Ilueffer.  NY.  Appleton  1875.  Lond. 
Chapman  &  TTall  1875.    62op.     il.     21cm.    [lc] 


New  ed.     Lond.     Chatto  &  Windus   1889. 

62op.     il.     2icm.  [lc] 

-.  Lond.    Chatto  1875.    1878.  8vo.  [ec] 

GuMPERT,  Ta.  v.,  later  v.  Schober,  1810-97 

2090.  The  beggar  boy.     Lond.     1852.     i6mo.  [bm] 

2091 .  do.     Lond.    Seeley  1854.    i6mo.  [ec] 

2092.  do.     The  nest-egg.     A  tale  for  children.  Berlin 

i860.    i6mo.  [bm] 

2093.  The  orphan's  pilgrimage.      In    Meade,  Eliz.  T., 

Mon-Setsc.    Lond.    Isbister  1880.    nop.  i2mo. 


gundert,  h. 

2094.  Biog.  of  C.  Isenberg.     Tr.  C.  and   M.  Isenberg. 

1885.    8vo.  [bm] 

Der  Guter,  i^tli-i.ith  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186. 

GuTZKOw,  K:  Fd.  181 1-78 

**2095.     Sword  and    Queue.      Tr.    Grace    L    Colbron  in 

2096.      Through  night  to  light.     Tr.  Mrs.  Faber.     Leipz. 

Tauchnitz   1867.     8vo.  [bm] 

_-  Low  1870.     i2nio.  [ec] 

**2097.     Uriel  Acosta.     Tr.   R:   Hovey  and   Frangois   S. 

Jones.    Poet-lore,  vol.  7,  1895. 
*2098.     do.     Tr.    M.    M.    NY.      Ellinger     i860.      io4p. 

19cm.  [lc] 

♦2099.     do.     Tr.  W.  J.  Tuska.     NY.    Van  der  Potendyk 

and  Cahn.  printers.     1867.    86p.     17cm.     (Semi 

prose.)  [lc] 

IL\CKER,  Fz.   1836- 

2100.  Joseph  Haydn:  the  story  of  his  life.  Tr.  from 
"Fz.  V.  Secburg"  by  J.  ^L  Toohey.  Notre 
Dame,  Ind.     Lyons  1884.    349p.     20cm.     [lc] 

Hacklaender,  F:  VV:  ritter  v.  1816-77 
Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 
See  Stieler  K :,  The  Rhine  etc.  #5496. 

208  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2101.  The  Austrian   campaign   in    Piedmont   1849.     In 

Scenes  from  the  hfe  of  a  soldier.  1850.   i2mo. 


2102.  Behind  blue  glasses.    Tr.  Ma.  A.  Robinson.    NY. 

Harper  1878.     I38p.     13cm.  [lc] 

2103.  Behind   the   counter.       Tr.    M.    Hewitt.     Leipz. 

Tauchnitz.     Lond.     Low  1868.     8vo.  [bm] 

2104.  Clara:  or,  slave  life  in  Europe.     2d  ed.     Lond. 

Bentley  1856.     3V.     19cm.  [lc] 
NY.     Harper   1883.     533p.     19cm.        [lc] 

2105.  do.     European  slave    life.      Tr.    E.    Woltmann. 

Lond.    Tinsley  1879.    3V.    8vo.  [bm] 
NY.    Munro  1883.     2  pts.    32cm.  [lc] 

2106.  Countess  of  St.  Alban ;  or,  lost  and  found.    Tr.  F. 

Denunler.  Lond.     Hodgson    1854.     8vo. 
1884.  [bm] 
Weldon  1882.     i2mo.                                   [ec] 

2107.  The   dwarf's  tailor  and   other   fairy   tales.     Col- 

lected Zoe  D.  Underbill.     NY.     Harper  1896. 
26op.    il.     i2mo.  [lco] 

2108.  Enchanting  and    enchanted.      Tr.    Mrs.    Wister. 

Phil.     Lippincott  1898.     226p.     il.     i2mo.   [lc] 
Phil.    Lippincott  1870.  [ac/] 

2109.  Forbidden  fruit.     Tr.  Rosalie  Kauffmann.     Bost. 

Estes  &  Lauriat  1877.     262p.     i8cm.     NY. 

Lovell  1885.     i8cm.  [lc] 

2110.  Katherine ;  and,    The    moment    of    fortune.     Tr. 

Lady  Wallace.     1857.    8vo.  [bm] 

2111.  Military  life  in  Prussia.     First  series.     The  sol- 

dier in  time  of  peace.    Tr.  F.  F.  R.  and  H.  E.  R. 
Lond.    Low  1873.    298p.    8vo. 1874.     [bm] 

21 12.  do.     Bombardier  H.  and  Corporal  Dose.     Lond. 

Low  1874.     8vo.  [ec] 

21 13.  The  old  monasten,'.      Tr.    Lady  Wallace.     1857. 

8vo.  ["m] 

21 14.  The  secret  agent,  a  comedy  (partly  from     .     .     . 

H_-).     In   Lacy's  acting  ed.   of  plays.     Vol. 
18.     1850.    Svo.  [iim] 

morgan— bibliognaphy  of  german  literature    209 

Hackmann,  H:  F:  1864- 

21 15.  A  German  scholar  in  the  east:  travel  scenes  and 

reflections.  With  a  chapter  on  the  position  of 
England  in  India.  Tr.  Daisie  Rommel.  Lond. 
Paul,  T.  &  T.  NY.  Pott  1914.  223P.  il. 
23cm.  [lc] 

Hadlaitb,  J  :  ft.  1302 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186.  C146,  C245,  C244, 
C160  (under  Walther  v.  d.  Vogelweide). 

Haeckel,  Ern.  1834- 

21 16.  The  answer  of  Ernst  H__  to  the  falsehoods  etc. 

from    the   German    pamphlet   "Sandalion"   and 

"My    church   departure" Tr.   Jos. 

McCabe  and  T.  B.  Wakenian.  NY.  Truth 
seeker  191 1.    46p.    il.    20cm.  [lcJ 

21 17.  Eternity:  world  war  thoughts  on  death,  religion, 

and  the  theory  of  evolution.  Tr.  T :  Seltzer. 
NY.    Truth  seeker  1916.    I73p.    il.    20cm.  [lc] 

21 18.  Freedom  in  science  and  teaching.     NY.     Apple- 

ton.  Lond.  Paul,  T.  &  T.  1879.  I2ip. 
19cm.  [lc] 
Intro,  note  by  T :  H :  Huxley.  NY.  Hum- 
boldt pub.  1889.     O.                                       [ac] 

21 19.  Monism  as  connecting  religion  and   science;   the 

confession  of  faith  of  a  man  of  science.  Tr. 
J.Gilchrist.    Lond.     Black  1895.     ii/p.     19cm. 

_-  Black  1894.     ii/p.  [bms] 

_-  Black  1903.  ii/p.  (Title:  The  confes- 
sion of  faith  etc.)  [lc] 

2120.  The  riddle  of  the  universe  at  the  close  of  the  19th 

century.  Tr.  Jos.  McCabe.  NY ;  Lond.  Harper 
1900.    39op.     19cm.    1901.  [lc] 

2121.  A  visit  to  Ceylou.    Tr.  Clara  Bell.    3d  Amcr.  ed. 

NY.  Eckler  1881  ?    337p.     i8cni.  [lc] 

Same.     Letters  of   Indian   travel.     Rev.  by 

J.  S.  Kingsley.  Bost.  Cassino  1883.  i2mo.  [ac] 
Macmillan  1884.    8vo.  [ec] 

210  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2122.  do.     India  and  Ceylon.     Tr.   Mrs.   5.  E.   Boggs. 

NY.    Lovell  1883.    i74p.    i8cm.  [lc] 

See  Bolsche,  W.,  Life  of  Haeckel.     #320. 

Hmtring,  G:  W:  H:   1797-1871,  sec  "Alexis,  Wilibald." 

Haeusser,  L:  1818-67 

2123.  The  period   of  the  reformation,    1517-1648.     Tr. 

Mrs.    G:   Sturge.     Lond.     Strahan    1873.     2v. 
20cm.  [lc] 

__  Lond.    Gemmell  1884.    702p.    Svo.        [bm] 

Hagedorn,  F  :  v.  1708-54 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C52,  C245. 

Hagen,  Em.  A:  1787-1880 

2124.  Norica ;  or,   tales   of    Nuernberg    from  the  olden 

time.    Lond.    Qiapman  1851.     i6mo.  [bm] 

Hagen  bach,  K:  Rd.  1801-74 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221. 

Hagenbeck,  K:  1844- 

2125.  Beasts  and  men.      Abridged    tr.    by    Hugh  S.  R. 

Elliot  and  A.  G.  Thacker.     Lond ;  NY.    Long- 
mans 1909.     299p.     il.     24cm.     __  1912.     [lc] 

Hahn-Hahn,  Ida  Me.  Lu.  So.  F:e  Gsta..  grat'in  v.  1805-80 
2x26.  Adventures  and  travels  ....  in  Turkey, 
Egyj)t,  the  Holy-Land  etc.  2d  ed.  Lond.  Col- 
burn  1845.  3^-  iQcni.  [lc] 
Title.  Letters  from  Turkey,  Egypt  etc.  1843-4. 
Lond.    Colburn  184s.     ^v.    Svo.    (Ci.  #2138.) 


2127.  Countess  Faustina.     Tr.   11,  N.  S.  Lond.     Clarke 

1844.     i6mo.  [bm] 

2128.  do.     Tr.  A.   E.    I.      Lond.      OUivier    1845.     ■^'^■ 

i2mo.  [bm] 

2129.  do.     Faustina.      NY.      Carleton ;     Lond.      l^iw 

1872.    298P.     19cm.  [lc] 

2130.  Countess    Obernan.       Tr.     "Julicn    Gordon".      II. 


Jas.  Fagan.    NV.    Bonner  1894.    28ip.     19cm. 
(Much  altered.)  [lc] 

2131.  Dorothea  Waldegrave.  Tr.  Lady  Herbert.     Lond. 

Bentley  1875.    2v.    8vo.     (ec  says  3V.)       [bm] 

2132.  Eudoxia :  a  picture  of  the  fifth  century.     Freely 

tr.     Balto.    Kelly,  Piet  1869.    287P.    19cm.  [lc] 

2133.  A  few  words  about  the  Good  Shepherd.    Tr.  by 

a  German    lady.      Lond.      Jones   1S58.     I72p. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

2134.  From  Babylon    to    Jerusalem.      Lond.      Newby 

185 1.    8vo.  [ec] 

2135.  From  Babylon  to  Jerusalem,   letter  on.     Parker 

1851.     i2mo.  [ec] 

2136.  From    Jerusalem.       Tr.     E.     Atcherley.       Lond. 

Newby  1852.    202p.    8vo.  [bm] 

2137.  Heiress  of  Cronenstein.    Ad.  Ma.  H.  Allies.  NY; 

Cincin.     Benziger  1900.     223p.     i2mo.         [lc] 

2138.  Letters  from  the  orient.    Tr.  S:  Phillips.    2d  ed. 

Lond.    Moore  1845.    265P.    26cm.  [lc] 

--   First  appeared  in  The  novel  times,  vol.   i. 
Lond.     1845.     8vo. 

2139.  do?     Letters  of  a  German  countess  (Orientalische 

Briefe).    Lond.     1845.    3V.     i2mo.  [bm] 

2140.  Lives  of  the  fathers  of  the  desert.     Tr.  E.  F.  B. 

Lond.    Richardson  1867.    52op.     19cm.       [lc] 

2141 .  Poems  on  the  litany  of  Loretto.    Tr.  F.  C.  Husen- 

beth.     In  Orsini,  The  life  of  the  blessed  virgin 
Mary  etc.     1862.    8vo.  [bm] 

2142.  Society  ;  or,  high  life  in  Germany.    Lond.     Piper, 

Stephenson   1854.     I09p.     8vo.  [bm] 

2143.  Travels  in  Sweden.     Tr.  J.  B.  S.  Lond.     Clarke 

1845.     i^'mo.  [bm] 

2143a.   Ullrich,  a  tale.    Clarke  1845.    24mo.  [ec] 

Hahnemann,  S:  Cn.  F:  1755-1843 
See  Fischer  C,  #861. 

"Haidheim,  L." 

2144.  Wife  and    woman.      Tr.    M.    J.    SafTord.     NY. 

Bonner  1891.     D.  [ac] 


Halbe,  Max,  1865- 

*2i45.  Mother  earth.  Tr.  P.  H.  Grummann  in  C91  (20). 
[Verbose:  too  anxious  to  get  in  all  the  particles. 
Some  Geniianisms.] 
**2I46.  The  Rosenhagens.  Tr.  P.  H.  Grummann  in  Poet 
Lore,  vol.  21  (1910).  [Correct;  flats  on  the 

2147.  When  love  is  young,  a  passion  drama  in  three  acts. 

Tr.  and  ad.  C :  Swickard.   Chic.    1904.  Tp.  [lc] 

2148.  do.     Youth.    Tr.  Sara  T.  Barrows.    Garden  City, 

NY.     Doubleday  Page  1916.     I3ip.    i8cm.  [lc] 

2149.  do.     Ad.  H.  Bernstein.    NY.     1911.  [B19] 

2150.  do.     Youth  and  love.     Tr.   Harry  M.  Goldberg. 

NY.    1910.    Tp.  [lc] 

"Halden,  Eli."  (i.  e.  Ag.  Breitzmann,  1841-         ) 

2151.  The  doctor's  family;  or,  the  story  of  the  Erlans. 

Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ireland.  NY.  Am.  tract  soc.  1896. 
I94p.    il.     19cm.  [lc] 

Halem,  Grd.  An.  v.  1752-1819 

Selection,  verse,  see  C62. 

Halirsch, ? 

Selection,  verse,  see  C109. 

Hallberg^ v. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C153. 

Hallberg-Broich,  C  :  Td.  Ma.  Hubert  v.,  baron 

2152.  Sentimental  sketches    ....    during  a    .    .    .    . 

.  journey  through  the  north  of  Germany  etc. 
In  New  voyages  and  travels,  vol.  5.  Lend. 
1820  seq.    8vo.  [bm] 

Haller,  V:  Abr.  v.  1708-77 

Selection,  verse,  see  C245,  C52,  C145. 

2153.  The  Alps.    Tr.  Mrs.  Howard  1793.  [u^o] 

Same?    Poems.    Tr.  Mrs.  Howorth.    Lend. 

1794.     i2mo.  [bm] 


2154.  The  moderate  monarchy,  or  principles  of  the  Brit- 

ish constitution,  described  in  a  narrative  of  the 
life  and  maxims  of  Alfred  the  great  and  his 
counsellors.  Lond.  Longman  1849.  344P- 
20cm.  [lc] 

2155.  Usong:  an  eastern  narrative.     Lond.     1772.     2v. 

8vo.  [bm] 

"Halm,  F:"  (i.  e.  Eligius  Fz.  Js.  freiherr  v.  Miinch-Belling- 
hausen,   1806-71) 
Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C145,  C267,  C68,  C38. 

2156.  Child  of  the  wold.     Dramatic  poem.     Tr.  M.  A. 

Faber.  Lond.  Williams  &  Norgate  1867. 
8vo.  [bm] 

2157.  The  gladiator  of  Ravenna.    Tr.  W.  H.  Charlton. 

In  C37. 

2158.  do.    Tr.  De  Vericour.     Lond.     Blackwood  1859. 

i2mo.  [bm] 

♦2159.      Tr.   Sir    T.     Martin.       Edin.      Priv.   circ.    1885. 

77p.    22cm.     [Careless.]  [lc] 

2160.  Griselda.     A  drama.     Tr.  Sir  R.  A.  Anstruther. 

Lond.     Black  &  Armstrong  1840.     141P.    8vo. 

—  Lond.    Smith,  Elder  1844.    i2mo.  [ec] 

2161.  do.     Tr.  Q.  E.  D.  Lond.    1844.    i2mo.  [bm] 
♦*2i62.     do.     Tr.  Mrs.  G.  L.  Prentiss.    NY.    Y.  W.  C.  A. 

1876.    i52p.    19cm.  [lc] 

2163.     do.     Griseldis.     Tr.  VV.  M.   Sieg.     Lond.     1871. 
8vo.  [bm] 

f2i64.  Ingomar,  the  barbarian;  a  play  in  five  acts.  Tr. 
and  ad.  Maria  Lovell.  NY.  Taylor  1846.  65p. 
i6mo.  __  NY.  Wheat  &  Cornett  1878.  Vol. 
3   of   NY.     Drama.      [Unwarranted  liberties.] 


2165.  Son  of  the  wilderness.    Tr.  Anon.    Dolman  1847. 

8vo.  [ec] 

2166.  do.    Anon.     Lacy's  acting  ed.  of  plays,  vol.  7. 

1850  etc.    i2mo.  [bm] 

214  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

"Halm,  F  :" 

**2i67.     do.     Tr.  C:  E:    Anthon.      NY.      Ludwig  1848. 
i66p.     19cm.  [lc] 

2168.  do.     Tr.  W.  H.  Chartlon.     In  C37. 

Ham  ANN,  J:  G:  1730-88 

Selection,  prose,  see  C120. 

Hamel,  Js.  v. 

2169.  England  and  Russia :  comprising     ....     voy- 

ages    ....     to  the  White  Sea.     Tr.  J.  S. 
Leigh.    Lond.    1854.    8vo.  [bm] 

Hamerling,  Rb.  1830-89 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68,  C148. 

2170.  Aspasia.     A  romance  of  art  and  love  in  ancient 

Hellas.     Tr.  M.  J.  Safford.     NY.     Gottsberger 
18S2.   2v.    i6cm.   --1893.   2v.ini.    19cm.    [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C68,  C198. 

Hammerstein-Gesmold,  L:  K:  W:  freiherr  v.  1882-1905 

2171.  Edgar;  or,   from  atheism  to  the  full  truth.     St. 

Louis.     Herder  1903.     355P-     20cm.  [lc] 

Hampe,  K  : 

Selection,  prose,  in  Ci78a. 

Hand,  Fd.  Ghf.  1786-1851 

2172.  Aesthetics  of  musical  art;  or,  the  theory  of  the 

beautiful  in    music.      2d    ed.  Lond.     Reeves 
1880.     8vo.  [ec] 

__  Tr.  W.  E:  Lawson.    3d  ed.  Lond.     Reeves 
191 1.     i87p.     2ocm.  [lc] 

Hansjakob,  H  :  1837- 

2173.  From  the  story  of  an  unhappy  life.     In  C213. 

Hanslick^  E  : 

2173a.   Operas  of  the  great  masters.    II.     M.  v.  Schwind. 
Rothe  1880.    fol.  [ec] 

Hansson,  La.  (Mohr).  1854- 

2174.  Modern    women.       Tr.    Ilermione    C.    Ramsden. 


Loud.     Lane;    Bost.    Roberts.      1896.      21  ip. 
20cm.  [lc] 

(Also  published  as  Six  modern  women.) 

2175.  Studies     in     the     psychology     of     woman.      Tr. 

Georgia  A.  Etchison.     Chic;  NY.    Stone  1899. 

348p.     20cm. Lond.  Richards  1899.    295?. 

19cm.  [lc] 

2176.  We  women  and  our  authors.     Tr.  H.  Ramsden. 

Lond;  NY.    Lane  1899.    2isp.    19cm.         [lc] 

Hardegger,  Der,  fl.  1227-75 

Selection,  verse,  see  C186. 

Harden,  Mx.  1861- 

**2I77.  Word  portraits;  character  sketches  of  famous  men 
and  women.  Tr.  Julius  Gabe.  Edin?  Lond. 
Blackwood  191 1.  425P.  22cm.  [Lyrics  trans- 
lated moderately  well  by  Herbert  Jacobs.]    [lc] 

H.\RDENBERG,  F:  Lp.  freiherr  v.  1772-1801,  see  "Novalis". 
Harder,  L  : 

2178.  A  family  feud.    Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.     Phil.     Lippin- 

cott  1905.    238P.  19cm.  __  First  pub.  1877.  [lc] 

Hardt,  Em.  1876- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14. 

2179.  Tantris,  the  fool.     Drama  in  five  acts.     Tr.  W: 

Noble  and  J.  James.    St.  Louis.    1909.       [B19] 
*2i8o.     Tristram  the  jester.      Tr.    J:    Heard,  Jr.     Bost. 

W'agner    1913.       i8sp.       19cm.      Also  in 

091(20).     [Needlessly  z'crbose  at  times.]     [lc] 

Haringer,  Ml. 

2181.  Life  of   the  venerable  servant  of  God  Clement 

Maria    Hofbauer.      Tr.    Ma.    Elis.      Herbert. 
NY;Cincin.    Pustet  1883.    376p.    i2mo.  [lco] 

Harms,  Claus,  1778- 1855 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221,  C126. 

Harms,  F:  1819-80 

2182.  A.  Schopenhauer's  philosophy.     Tr.  Mrs.  Ella  S. 

Morgan.    In  Ci4i(9). 


Harms,  Td. 

2183.  Life  work  of  pastor  Louis  Harms.     Tr.  Ma.  E. 

Ireland.  Phil.  Lutheran  pub.  soc.  1900.  ii8p. 
i6mo.  [lc] 

Harnack,  Ad.  185 1- 

2184.  Martin  Luther,  the  prophet  of   the  reformation. 

NY.     Macmillan  1896.     i6mo.  [lco] 

Harring,  Harro 

Selection,  verse,  see  C72. 

Hartig,  Fz.  de  Paula,  graf  v.  1789- 1865 

2185.  Genesis  ;  or,  details  of  the  late  Austrian  revolution. 

Tr.  W.  K.  Kelly.  In  Kelly,  History  of  the 
house  of  Austria.  Lond.  1853.  i8cm.  (p. 
I-33I-)  [lc] 

Harteleben,  O:  Er.  1864-1905 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14. 
*2i86.     Hanna  Jagert.     Tr.  Sa.  E.  Holmes.     Poet  Lore 

Vol.  24   (1913).      [Errors.] 
12187.     Love's  carnival.     Tr.  Rud.   Bleichmann.     Lond. 
Heinemann  1904.     i6op.  D.      [Ruthlesscly  and 
senselessly  altered.]  [uw] 

Hartmann  von  Aue,  H.  1190-1210 

Selectian,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C264. 

2188.  Henry  the  leper,  paraphrased  by  D.  G.  Rossetti. 

Bost.  Bibliophile  soc.  1905.  2v.  il.  26cm. 
[Little  relation  to  Hartmann.]  [lc] 

Hartmann,  C.  F:  1743-1815 

Selection,  zrrsc,  see  C221. 

Hartmann,  K:  Rb.  E:  v.  1842-1906 

2189.  On  the  dialectic  method.     Tr.  Louis  Soldan.     In 


2190.  The  phliosophy  of  the  unconscious.     Tr.  W:  C. 

Coupland.    2d.  cd.    Lond.    Paul,  T.  &  T.  1893. 

3v.    2icm.  [lc] 

219T.     The  sexes  compared,  and  other  essays.     Sel.  and 

tr.  A.    Kenncr.      Lond.      Sonncnschein ;     NY. 


Macmillan.     1895.     i64p.     igcm.  [lc] 

2192.  The  true  and  the  false  in  Darwinism.     Tr.  H:  I. 

D'Arcy.     In  €141(11,  12,  13). 

Hartmann,  Mz.  1821-72 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C68,  C199,  C145,  C8, 
C267,  C146,  C62,  C229. 

2193.  The  last  days  of  a  king.     An  historical  romance. 

Tr.  M.  E.  Niles.    Phil.    Lippincott  1867.    198?. 
19cm.  [lc] 

"Hartner,  Eva"  (i.  e.  Ea.  Eva  Hte.  v.  Twardowska,  1845-89) 

2194.  Pythia's  pupils.     Tr.   Mrs.  J.  W.  Davis.     Rout- 

ledge  1888.    il.    D.  [ac] 

2195.  Severa.    Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.    Phil.    Lippincott  1882. 

354P-     19cm.  [lc] 

Hartwig  von  Raute 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186. 

Hartwig,  G: 

2196.  The  polar  world:  a  popular  description.     Lond. 

1869.    8vo. 2d  ed.     1874.  [bm] 

2197.  do.     extract    from    the    foregoing.      The  Arctic 

regions.     Land.     Longmans   1882.     64p.     8vo. 


2198.  do.     do.     Dwellers  in  the  arctic  regions.     In  "the 

polar  world."     Lond.     Longmans  1887.     I58p. 
8vo.  [bm] 

Hase,  H:  1789-1842 

2199.  The  public  and  private  life  of  the  ancient  Greeks. 

Lond.    Murray  1836.    358p.     17cm.  [lc] 

Hase,  K:  A:  v.  180090 

2200.  Miracle  plays  and  sacred  dramas,  a  historical  sur- 

vey.    Tr.   A.   W.   Jackson.     Lond.     Triibner 
1880.    273p.    22cm.  [lc] 

Hassler,  Fd.  Rd. 

See  Zschokke,  E.,  Memoirs  of  __  #6465., 


Haufe,  Ewd.  1854- 

2201.  Passages  from  the  life  of  an  educational  free- 
lance. Tr.  W  :  H  :  Herford.  Lend.  Isbister 
1902.    204p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Hauff,  W:  1802-27 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145,  C38,  C153,  C198,  C18, 

Selection,  prose,  see  C260,  C132,  C192. 
2201a.  Selection.    In  The  diamond  fairy  book.    II.  H.  R. 
Millar.     Lond.     Hutchinson  1897.     3iop.     8vo. 


*2202.     Arabian  days'  entertainments.     Tr.  H.  P.  Curtis. 

nth  ed.     Bost;  NY.     Houghton   1887.     434p. 

il.      19cm.       (Die    Carawane,    Der    Sheik  von 

Alexandrien,  Das  Wirtshaus  im  Spessart.)   [lc] 

_-  Bost.    Osgood  n.  d.  [ac7] 

--Bost.   Houghton  1 88 1.    loth  ed.    i2mo.    [ac] 

2203.      The  banished:  a  Swabian  historical  tale.     Lond. 

1839.     3V.     i2mo.  [bm] 

12204.      The  beggar-girl  of  the  Pont-des-arts.     In  C205. 

2205.  do.     Josephine;  or,  the  beggar  etc.     Lond.   1844. 

i6mo.  [bm] 

2206.  do.     The  beggar-girl  of  the  bridge  of  arts.     NY. 

Munro  1880.  28p.  4to.  (Cf.  #2243.)  [lco] 
*2207.  The  caravan.  Said's  fate.  The  Sheik  of  Alexan- 
dria. In  Horwitz,  Carrie  N.,  Fairy-lure.  Col- 
lected and  adapted  from  the  German.  Bost. 
Lothrop  1891.  II.  L.  J.  Bridgman.  345p. 
i6mo.  [lco] 

2208.  The  caravan.    In  #2024. 

2208a.   do.     Tr.    S.     Mendel.       Macmillan     n.     d.    (Cf. 
#2241.)  [b8] 

2209.  Caravan  tales  and    some    others,    freely  ad.  and 

retold  by  J.  G.  Hornstein.     11.     Norman  Ault. 
NY.     Stokes  1912.     337p.     21cm.  [lc] 

2210.  The  cold  heart.     In  C192. 

221 1.  do.     The   Juvenile    Englishman's    library.      1845. 

i2mo.  [bm] 

MOnGAN— IJlBLIOGUArHY    OF    GERMAN    LlTERATlItn:      219 

2212.  do.     With  The  emperor's  picture.     NY.     Munro 

1 88 1.     25p.    4to.     (Cf.  #2243.)  [Lco] 

2213.  do.     Tr.  A.  Henry.   Digby  and  L.  1889.  sq. 

i6mo.  [ec] 

2214.  Constant  lover.     Tr.  J:  Nisbet.     Lond.     Unwin 

1893.     i2mo.  [ec] 

The  emperor's  picture.    Sec  ^2212. 

2215.  Fairy  talcs.    Tr.  and  ad.  Cicely  McDonnell.   Dean 

1902.    224p.     i6mo.  [ec] 

2216.  do.     Tr.  Lucy  L.  W'eedon.     II.  .Arthur  A.  Dixon. 

Lond.      Nister;    NY.      Dutton.      1910.      344p. 
2icm.  [ny] 

2217.  The  false  prince.     In  Rudolphi,  F.  J.,  The  king  of 

the  swans  and  other  tales.     1846.     i6mo.     [bm] 

2218.  The  inn  in  the  Spessart,  literally  tr.  by  S.  Mendel. 

Lond.    Bell  1886.    I75p.    8vo.    __  1894.     [bm] 

2219.  do.     Tales  of  wonder;  or,    the    inn  in  the  Black 

Forest.    Lond.    1861.    8vo.  [bm] 

2220.  The  Jew  Suss:  a  tale  of  Stutgard,  in  1737.    Tr.  B. 

T.    Phil.    Moore  1845.     IS^P-    i6mo.         [ny] 

2221.  Kalif  Stork  and  the  phantom  crew,  by  Mullins 

and  Storr.  New  ed.  Rivingtons  1887.  8vo.  [icc] 

2222.  do.     Caliph  Stork.    Tr.  E.  J.  Cunningham.  Lond. 

Sonnenschein  1905.    obi.    4to.  [ec] 

**2223.  Lichtenstein ;  or,  the  Swabian  league.  An  his- 
torical romance.  Tr.  Frank  Woodley  and  W : 
Lander.  Lond.  Bruce  &  Wyld  1846.  362p. 
19cm.  [i,c] 

2224.  do.     or,  the  outlaw  of  Wiirttemberg.     A  tale  of 

the  1 6th  cent.    Tr.  E.  M.  Swann.    Lond.  Black- 
wood 1859.    8vo.  [bm] 

2225.  do.     Marie  of  Lichtenstein.     A  tale  of  love  and 

war.    Tr.  R.  F.  Craig.    Digby  &  L.  1897.    352p. 
8vo.  [ec] 

f2226.  do.  .\  romance  ....  adapted  for  English 
readers  by  L.  L.  Weedon.  II.  T.  H.  Robinson. 
NY.  Dutton  ;  Lond.  Nister  190 1.  i2mo.  [uw] 
_-  Heath  1901.  [b8] 

220  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2227.  Little  glass  men  etc.     Stories  from  the  German. 

Lond.    Unwin  1893.    il.     i2mo.  [ec] 

2228.  Little  Mook,  and  other  fairy  tales.    Tr.  P.  E.  Pin- 

kerton.  NY.  Putnam  1881.  il.  i6mo.  (Long- 
nose,  the  dwarf.  The  history  of  little  Mook. 
The  caliph  turned  stork.  Adventures  of  Said. 
The  stone-cold  heart.  The  story  of  the  silver 
florin.)  [bpl] 

Title:     Longnose  the  dwarf,  and  other  fairy 

tales.  Tr.  P.  E.  Pinkerton.  1881.  303P. 
8vo.  [bm] 

Sonnenschein    1881.     8vo.     __    1893.     new 

ed.  [ec] 

Same?     Fairy   tales,    tr.    Pinkerton.      Phil. 

McKay.  [bS] 

**2229.  Memoirs  of  Beelzebub,  extracts  from.  NY. 
Taylor  1846.  96p.  i6mo.  (Chapters  I-IV, 
then  scattering  extracts.)  [bpl] 

**2230.     Nose  the  dwarf.    In  €192. 

2231.  do.     Little  dwarf  Nose  and  The  magic  whistle. 

Tr.  E.  Gordon  Browne.  II.  Flor.  Anderson. 
NY.    Dodd,  Mead  1916.    io8p.    24cm.       [bpl] 

2232.  Popular  tales.     Lond.     Burns  1845.     i2mo.     [ec] 

__  Same?  Select  popular  tales.  Lond.  1845. 
3  pts.     i2mo.  [bm] 

2233.  The  prima  donna.     Chic.     Donnelly,  Lloyd  1878. 

4to.     (Lakeside  lib.  vol.  6.)  [lco] 

**2234.     The  severed  hand.    In  C236(2). 

2235.  do.     In  C192. 

2236.  do.     In  C260. 

2237.  Stories:  selections  by  Mullins  and  Storr.    Riving- 

tons  1883.     New  ed.     1886.  [ec] 

2238.  The  storks.    The  false  prince.    In  Stanhope,  E.  S., 

countess  of  Harrington.  The  Storks  etc.  1875. 
i6mo.     (Free  translation  by  E.  S.  S.)         [bm] 

2239.  Story  of  a  manikin.    In  Christmas  roses  and  other 

tales  ....  from  the  German.  1845. 
4to.  [bm] 


**2240.  Tales  of  the  caravan,  inn,  and  palace.  Tr.  E:  L. 
Stowell,  Chic.  Jansen,  McClurg  1882.  397p. 
il.  i2mo.  (The  caravan.  The  inn  in  the  Spes- 
sart.  The  Sheik's  palace.  The  dwarf  Nosey. 
Little  Muck.  The  marble  heart.  The  caliph 
Stork.  The  story  of  Almansor.  The  rescue  of 
Fatima.  The  false  prince.  The  Hirschgulden. 
Said's  adventures.  The  cave  of  Steenfoll. 
Abner  the  Jew.  The  young  Englishman.  The 
amputated  hand.)  [lco] 

2241 .  Tales.     The  caravan.     The  Sheik  of  Alexandria. 

The  inn  on  the  Spessart.    Tr.  S.  Mendel.  Lond. 
Bell  1 886.     342p.     8vo.  [hm] 

__   Title:     Caravan  and  Sheik  of  Alexandria. 
Literally  tr.  by  Mendel.    Bell  &  S.  1889.    i2mo. 


The  caravan,  Sheik,  and  Inn.     Tr.  Mendel. 

MacMillan.  [b8] 
Same?    Talcs.    Bell  1914.  348p.   i2mo.  [ec] 

2242.  Tales.     Tr.  Sybil  Thesiger.     Nimmo  1905.    438p. 

il.    8vo.  [ec] 

**2243.  Three  tales.  Tr.  ^L  A.  Faber.  Leipz.  Tauch- 
nitz  1869.  326p.  i6cm.  (The  beggar-girl  of 
the  Pont  des  Arts.  The  emperor's  picture.  The 
cold  heart.)  [lc] 

__  Stokes  1888.    S.  [ac] 

12244.     The  wine-ghosts  of  Bremen.     Tr.  E.  Sadler  and 
C:  R.  L.  Fletcher.    White  &  A.  1889.    il.     D. 


_-  Simpkin  1889.     i2mo.  [ec] 

Haupt,  a. 

2245.  Nicholas  Cusanus.    In  C213. 

Hauptmann,  Carl,  1858- 

2246.  The  dead  are  singing.    A  play  in  six  scenes.    Tr. 

Ma.  L.  Stephenson.    In  Texas  Review.    Austin. 

Tex.  Vol.   I.     1916.  [ni9] 

*2247.     Ephraims    Breite.     Tr.   Ma.   Hamed.     In    Poet 

Lore,  Vol.  12  (1900).  [i.c] 

222  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2248.  War.     Tr.  A.  von  Ende.     In  The  drama,  vol.  6 


2249.  do.     Tr.  Lionel  van  Prangh.    NY.    Tp.  [Lc] 

Hauptmann,  Grd.  J:  Rb.  1862- 

**225o.     The  dramatic    works.     Ed.    Ludwig    Lewisohn. 
NY.     Huebsch  1912-17.     j\.     19cm.     (See  in- 
dividual  titles    for   judgments.     For  the   most 
part,   the  best  English  versions  are  here  col- 
lected;  several  tr.  made  for  this  edition.)     [lc] 
*225i.     And  Pippa  dances.     A  mystical  tale  of  the  glass- 
works.    Tr.  Ma.  Harned.     In  Poet  Lore,  vol. 
18  (1907).     [Errors.]     Also  issued  in  one  vol- 
ume with  #2265.     Bost.     Badger  1909.       [lc] 
**2252.     do.     Tr.  Sa.  T.  Barrows.    In  #2250(5).     (Com- 
mended by  Scholz,  see  list  B.) 
12253.     Atlantis.      Tr.     Adele     and     T:     Seltzer.     NY. 
Huebsch    1912.      4i5p.      19cm.       [Outrageous 
liberties.]  [lc] 

2254.      The  beaver  coat.    Tr.  L.  Lewisohn.    In  #2250(1). 
12255.     '^o-     Thieves'  comedy.     Tr.  C:  J:  Home.     Lond. 
1905.    Tp.  [lc] 

(Examined  by  Scholz.  see  list  B.) 
**2256.     Before  dawn,  a  social  drama.    Tr.  L.  Bloomfield. 
In  Poet  Lore,  vol.  20  (1909).  [lc] 

2257.  do.     Tr.  L.  Lewisohn.     In  #2250(1). 

2258.  The  bow   of    Odysseus.      Tr.    L.  Lewisohn.     In 


2259.  Charlemagne's   hostage.      Tr.    L.    Lewisohn.      In 


2260.  Colleague  Crampton.     Tr.  R.  T.  House   (rev.  by 

L.  L.).     In  #2250(3). 

f226i.  The  coming  of  peace,  a  family  catastrojihe.  Tr. 
Janet  Achurch  and  C.  E.  Wheeler.  Chic. 
Sergei  1900.  II9P-  20cm.  [Translators' 
knmvlcdgc  of  German  is  inadequate]  [lc] 

♦2262.  do.  The  reconciliation.  Tr.  R.  T.  House.  In 
Poet  Lore,  vol.  21  (1910).  [Tr.  flats,  and  has 
bad  errors.]  [lc] 


2263.  do.     Tr.  R.  T.  House,  rev.  by  L.  Lewisohn.     In 

2263a.   Commemoration  masque.     Tr.  B.  Q.  Morgan.     In 

2264.  The  conflagration.  Tr.  L.  Lewisohn.  In  #2250(1). 
♦2265.     Elga.     Tr.  Ma.  Harned.     In  Poet  Lore,  vol.  17 

(1906).     [Errors.]  [lc] 

Also  issued  in  one  volume  with  #2251.     Bost. 
Badger  1909. 

*2266.     do.     Tr.  Edith  Terry.     NY.     1912.     Tp.     (Ex- 
amined by  Scholz,  see  list  B.)  [lc] 
2267.     do.     Tr.  L.  Lewisohn.     In  #2250(7). 

f2268.  The  fool  in  Christ,  Emanuel  Quint.  Tr.  T: 
Seltzer.  NY.  Huebsch  191 1.  474p.  19cm. 
[Takes  liberties.]  [lc] 

12269.     Fuhrmann  Henschel.      Tr.    Marion    A.    Redlich. 
Chic.     Dram.  pub.  1910.     i49p.     21cm.     (Ex- 
amined by  Scholz,  see  list  B.)  [lc] 
2270.     do.     Drayman  Henschel.     Tr.   L.   Lewisohn.     In 

f227i.     Griselda.     Tr.  Alice  Kauser.     Binghamton   book 

mfg.  CO.   1909.      (Examined  by  Scholz,  see  list 

B.)  [B19] 

**2272.      Hanncle,  a  dream    poem.      Tr.    W :    A.  Archer. 

Lond.     Heinemann  1894.    95p.     i8cm.         [lc] 

♦2273.  do.  The  assumption  of  Hannele,  a  dream  poem. 
Tr.  G:  S.  Bryan.  Bost.  Badger  1909.  (Poet 
Lore,  vol.  20.)  28p.  25cm.  [Gennitte  col- 
loquial style;  some  bad  errors.]  [lc] 
♦2274.  do.  Hannele,  a  dream  poem;  rendered  into  Eng. 
verse  and  prose  by  C :  H :  Meltzer.  NY. 
Doubleday.  Page  1908.  io3p.  20cm.  [lc] 
-_  Also  in  #2250(4). 

2275.  do.     Abridged.    NY.    Werner.  [1519] 

2276.  Henry  of  Aue.    Tr.  L.  Lewisohn.     In  #2250(4). 

2277.  Lonely  lives.     Tr.  Ma.  Morison.     NY.     De  Witt 

1898.     i79p.     I 8cm.  [lc] 

_-  Also  in  #2250(3). 

224  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2278.  Michael  Kramer.    Tr.  L.  Lewisohn.    In  €91(18); 

also  in  #2250(3). 

2279.  Parsival.     Tr.    O.    Williams.      NY.     Macmillan 

1915.     ii7p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

2280.  The  rats.     Tr.  L.  Lewisohn.     In  #2250(2). 

2281.  Rose  Bernd.     Tr.  L.  Lewisohn.    In  #2250(2). 
**2282.      Schluck  and  Jau.   Tr.  L.  Lewisohn.   In  #2250(5). 

*2283.  The  sunken  bell.  Tr.  IMa.  Harned.  In  Poet  Lore, 
vol.    ID    (1898).      [Very  good  prose   version.] 


*2284.  do.  A  fairy  play,  freely  rendered  into  Eng.  verse 
by  C :  H  :  Mel'tzer.  NY.  Doubleday,  McClure 
1899.    1900.    i25p.    il.    20cm.  [lc] 

_-  Doubleday,  Page  1914.     I43p.     i8cm.       [lc] 
_-  Also  in  €91(18),  #2250(4). 
2285.     do.     abridged.    NY.    Werner.  [B19] 

*2286.  The  weavers;  a  drama  of  the  forties.  Tr.  Ma. 
Morison.  NY.  Huebsch.  1911.  i48p.  i8cm. 
[Flats  on  the  style;  is  not  scrupulously  faith- 
fill.]  '  [lc] 

Lend.     1899. 

Also  in  €91(18)  ;  abr.  in  C200. 

Also  in  C55. 

2287.  do.     do.     In  #2250(1).     [Much  revised  and  im- 

proved ;  still  some  errors  and  omissions.] 

Hauptmann,  Mz.  1792-1868 

2288.  Letters   of  a  Leipzig  cantor.     Ed.  by     ...     . 

A.  Schone  and  F.  Hiller.  Tr.  and  arr.  A.  D. 
Coleridge.  Lond ;  NY.  Novello  &  Ewer  1892. 
2v.    23cm.  [lc] 

Hauser,  F.  1 794- 1 870 

See  Hauptmann,  Mz.,  Letters  of  a  Leipzig  cantor. 


Hauser,  Kp.  d.  1883 

Sec  Feuerbach,  P:,  Caspar  Hauser.     #830. 


Hausiioker,  Max 

Selcctioi,  z'crsc,  sec  C198,  C230. 

Hausrath,  Ad.  1837- 

2289.  Antinous:  a  romance  of  ancient  Rome.     By  "G: 

Taylor".  Tr.  Ma.  J.  Safford.  NY.  Gotts- 
berger  1882.    343p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

2290.  do.     Tr.  J.  D.  Morell.     Lend.     Longmans   1884. 

44op.    8vo.  [bms] 

2291.  Elfriede:  a  romance  of  the  Rhincland.     Tr.  Ellis 

Wright.     Lond.     Sonnenschein  1888.    2v.    8vo. 


2292.  Father  Matemus:  a  romance  of  the   i6th  cent. 

Lond.    Dent  1911.    328p.    Svo.  [ec] 

2293.  Klytia:  a  story  of  Heidelberg  castle.     Tr.  S.  F. 

Corkran.     Leipz.     Tauchnitz   1867.     2V.     8vo. 

--  ^aine:'     NY.     Munro  1885.     Q.     _.  1885. 

D.  [AC] 

2294.  do.     Clytia  :  a  romance  of  the  i6th  cent.    Tr.  Ma. 

J.  Safford.  NY.  Gottsberger  1884.  364P. 
i6cm.  [lc] 

2295.  Treitschke.  his  doctrine  of  German  destiny  and  of 

international  relations.  NY ;  Lond.  Putnam 
1914-    332P-     19cm.  [lc] 

2296.  Treitschke,  his  life  and  works.     Lond.     Jarrold 

1914.    329P.    22cm.  [lc] 

Haxthausen-Abbenburg,  A:  Fz.  L:  Ma.  freiherr  v.  1792- 

2297.  The  Russian  empire,  its  people,  institutions,  and 

resources.  Tr.  Rob.  Farie.  Lond.  Chapman 
&  Hall  1856.    2v.    il.    2 1  cm.  [lc] 

2298.  Transcaucasia.    Sketches  of  the  nations  and  races 

between  the  Black  Sea  and  the  Caspian.  II.  by 
Graeb.  Tr.  J :  E :  Taylor.  Lond.  Chapman 
&  Hall  1854.    448p.    22cm.  [lc] 

2299.  The  tribes  of  the  Caucasus.     Tr.  J:  E:  Taylor. 

Lond.    Chapman  &  Hall  1855.  i3op.  19cm.  [lc] 

226  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Haydn,  Fz.  Js.  1732-1809 

Letters.  In  Wallace,   Lady.     Letters   of  distin- 
guished musicians.     1867.    8vo.  [bm] 

See  Hacker,  Fz.,  Js.  Haydn,  the  story  of  his  life. 

See  Hocker,  Gst.,  Js.  Haydn,  a  study  of  his  life 
and  time  for  youth.     #2605. 

See  Nohl,  L:,  Life  of  Haydn.     #4202. 

Hay'N,  Lu.  Hte.  V.  1744-82 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266,  C221,  C180,  C63. 

Hebbel,  Cn.  F:  1813-63 

Selection,  verse,  see  C86,  C68,  C162,  C267,  C145, 

C19,  C198. 
**Sclectio>i,  prose,  see  091(9).     Tr.  Fes. H.King. 
**2300.     Agnes   Bernauer.     Tr.   Loueen   Pattee.     In   Poet 

Lore,  vol.  20(1909). 
**230i .      Anna.    Tr.  Fes.  H.  King.    In  091(9). 
**2302.      Herod  and  Mariamne:  a  tragedy  in  five  acts.    Tr. 

Edith  R.     Isaacs  and  Kurt   Rahlson.     In  The 

drama,  no.  6(1912). 
**2303.      Judith:  a  tragedy.    Tr.  Carl  van  Doren.     In  Poet 

Lore,  vol.  25(1914). 
12304.      jMaria   Magdalena :   a   middle-class  tragedy.      Tr. 

Paula  Green.      In    Poet    Lore,    vol.  25(1914). 

[Umvarraiitcd  dilution.] 
♦♦2305.     do.     Tr.  P.  B.  Thomas.    In  €91(9). 
**23o6.     Siegfried's  death.    Tr.  Kath.  Royce.    In  091(9). 
**23o7.     Three  plays.     (Gyges  and  his  ring.     Herod  and 

Mariamne.     Tr.  L.  H.  Allen.     Maria  Magda- 
lena.   Tr.  Barflpr  Fairley.)     Lond.    Dent ;  NY. 

Button   1914.      (Everyman.)  [lc] 

Hebel,  J:  P:  1760-1826 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C145.  C105.  C202,  C243,  C30; 

Hebich,  S: 


Life.    Tr.  J.  G.  Halliday. 

Prof.  G.  T.  Fox.  Lond. 

Seeley  1876.    8vo. 



Heckel,  El. 

Letters,  see  Wagner,    R.,  Letters  to 


Hedemann,  Axe.  v. 

2309.      My  friendship  with  Prince  Hohenlohe.    Tr.  Ethel 
C.  Mayne.    Lend.  Nash  1912.  1649.  23cm.  [lc] 

HhERF.x,  Arn.  Hm.  L:  1760-1842 

i;3io.     Historical  works.    New  ed.  Lond.    Bohn  1846-50. 

6v.    8vo.  [ec] 

231 1.     Ancient  Greece.    Tr.  G:  Bancroft.    2d  Amer.  ed. 

Bost.    Little,  Brown  1842.    344p.    23cm.     [lc] 

2313.  do.     and  historical  treatises.     Lond.     Bohn  1847. 

i860.    8vo.  [ec] 

2314.  Historical    treatises.       Oxford.       Talboys     1836. 

44ip.     22cm.  [lc] 

2315.  History  of  the  political  system  of  Europe,  and  its 

colonies  from  the  discovery  of  America  to  the 
independence  of  the  Amer.  continent.  Tr.  G: 
Bancroft.  Northampton,  Mass.  Butler  1829. 
2v.    22cm.  [lc] 

2316.  History  of  the  states  of  antiquity.     Ed.  G:  Ban- 

croft. Northampton,  Mass.  Butler  1828.  487P. 
23cm.  [lc] 

2317.  A  manual  of  ancient  history.    Tr.  D.  A.  Talboys. 

Oxford.    Talboys  1829.    476p.    22cm. 6th 

ed.    Lond.    Bohn  1854.    413?.    22cm.         [lc] 

2318.  A  manual  of  the  history  of  the  political  system  of 

Europe  and  its  colonies,  from  its  formation  at 
the  close  of  the  fifteenth  cent,  to  its  re-estab- 
lishment upon  the  fall  of  Napoleon.  Tr.  D.  A. 
Talboys.  Oxford.  Talboys  1834.  2v.  21cm. 
__  Lond.    Bohn  1857.    54op.    23cm.  [lc] 

2319.  On  the  origin  and  progress  of  the  notion  concern- 

ing rewards  and  punishments  after  death, 
amongst  the  Greeks.     In  C94. 

2320.  Reflections  on  the  politics  of  ancient  Greece.     Tr. 

G:  Bancroft.  Bost.  Cummings,  Hilliard  1824. 
35op.    23cm.  [lc] 


Heeren,  H.  J. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Heeringen^  Gst.  V. 

Tales.    In  Auerbach,  German  evenings.    See  #75. 

Heermann,  J:  1585-1647 

Selection,  verse,  sec    C220,    C264,    C265,  C266, 
C180,  C44;  #5436- 

Hegel,  G:  W:  F:  1770-1831 

Selection,  prose,  see  C120. 

2321 .  Aesthetics.      Ed.    J.    S.    Gedney.      Chic.      Griggs 

1885.    i6mo.  [lco] 

2322.  do.     Selection.    Aesthetics  of  chivalry.     _.  Fidel- 

ity.   Tr.  Sue  A.  Longwell.    In  0141(7). 

2323.  do.     Aesthetics,  pt.  II.     Tr.  W:  M.  Bryant.     See 


2324.  do.     Selection.    Symbolic  art.    Tr.  W  :  M.  Bryant. 

(From  the  2d  French  (!)  ed.  of  C:  Binard's 
translation  of  the  2d  pt.  of  the  aesthetics.)  lu 

2325 .  Doctrine  of  formal    logic.      Tr.    H :  S.   Macran. 

Oxford.     Clarendon  1912.    315?.     20cm.     [lc] 
**2326.      Doctrine  of  reflection.     Tr.  W:  T.  Harris.     NY. 

Appleton  i88r.    2i4p.    25cm.  [lc] 

**2327.     The  ethics  of  Hegel;  tr.  of  selections  from  his 

"Rechtsi)hiloso])hie"  by  Jas.  M.  Sterrett.     Bost. 

Ginn   1893.     2i6p.     iQcm.  [lc] 

**2328.     First  principle:  an  exposition  of  comprehension 

and  idea.    Tr.  \V :  T.  Harris.    St.  Louis.  Knapp 

1869.     32p.     23cm.  [lc] 

_-  Also  in  Ci4i(3). 
2329.      Giordano  Ilruno.    Tr.  E.  D.  Mead.     In  C 141  (20). 
**2330.      History    of    philosophy,    lectures    on.     Tr.   Eliz. 

Haldane  and  Fes.  H.  Simson.     Lond.     Paul,  T. 

&  T.  1892-6.    3v.    8vo.  [i)Ms] 

**233i.     Logic.     Tr.    from    the    encyclopedia    of   philos. 

sciences  by  W :  Wallace.     2d  rev.  and  enl.  ed. 

Oxford.    Clarendon  1892.    439p.    20cni.    [First 

part  too  free.]  [lc] 


First  ed.    Oxford  1874.    8vo.  [bm] 

2332.     do.    Selection.     In  Stirling,  J.  H.    The  secret  of 

Hegel.    Lond.    1865.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

2333-     do.    Exposition.     Outlines  of  Hegel's  logic.     Tr. 

W:  T.Harris.    In  €141(3). 
2334.     On  the  absolute  religion.     Tr.  Louis  Soldan.     In 

€141(15.  16). 
2335-     On  classic  art.    Tr.  W:  M.  Bryant.    In  0141(12). 
2336.     On    Jakob    Boehme.       Tr.     E.    D.    Mead.      In 

^337-     O"  romantic    art.      Tr.     W :     M.     Bryant.      In 

2338.  On  the  philosophy  of  Aristotle.    Tr.  \V  :  T.  Harris. 


2339.  On  the  religion  of  the  Old  Testament.    Tr.  J.  M. 

Sterrett.    In  €141(22). 

2340.  On  symbolic    art.      Tr.     W:     M.     Bryant.      In 

**234i.      Phenomenology    of    mind.      Tr.    Jas.    B.  Baillie. 
Lond.     Sonnenschein ;    NY.      Macmillan   igio. 
2v.     23cm.  [lc] 

2342.  dof     Phenomenology  of  spirit.    Tr.  H.  €.  Brock- 

meyer  and  W :  T.  Harris.     In  €141(2). 

2343.  do.     Exposition.     Outlines  of   Hegel's  phenome- 

nology.   Tr.  W:  T.  Harris.    In  €141(3). 

2344.  The  philosophy  of  art.     An  introduction   to  the 

scientific  study  of  aesthetics.  Tr.  W :  Hastie. 
Edinb.  OHver  &  Boyd  1886.  ii8p.  8vo.  [bm] 
**2345.  Introduction  to  Hegel's  philosophy  of  fine  art. 
Tr.  B.  Bosanquet.  Lond.  Paul,  Trench  1886. 
I75p.     19cm.  [lc] 

2346.  Philosophy    of    art:    being    the    second    part    of 

Hegel's  "Aesthetik."    Tr.  W:  M.  Bryant.    NY. 
Appleton  1879.    I94p.    23cm.  [lc] 

2347.  do.     Selection.     Ohivalry.     Tr.  Sue  .-\.  Longvvell. 

In  €141(5,  6). 

2348.  do.     Introduction  to  the  philosophy  of  art.     Tr. 

J.  Loewenberg.    In  €91(7). 

2349.  Philosophy  of  history,  lectures  on.     Tr.  3d  Ger. 

230  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


ed.  J.  Sibree.    Lond.    Bohn  1861.    477p.    i8cm. 
__  Bell  1902.  [lc] 

Bohn  1852.    8vo.  [bm] 

*2350.     do.     do.     NY.      Colonial   press    1899.      Rev.    ed. 
457P-     24cm.  [lc] 

2351.      do.     Introduction   to   the   philosophy   of    history. 
Tr.  J.  Sibree  In  091(7). 
**2352.      Philosophy  of  mind.     Tr.   from  encyclopedia   of 
philosophical  sciences  by  W :  Wallace.    Oxford. 
Clarendon  1894.    202p.    20cm.  [lc] 

2353.  Philosophy  of   Plato.      Tr.    W :    T.   Harris.     In 


2354.  Philosophy  of  religion,  lectures  on.     Tr.  2d  Ger. 

ed.  E.  B.  Speirs  and  J.  B.  Sanderson.     Lond. 
Paul,  T.  &  T.  1895.    3v.    8vo.  [lc] 

2355.  do.     Introduction  to  the  philosophy  of   religion. 

Tr.  F.  L.  Soldan.    In  Ci4i(i8-2i). 
**2356.     Philosophy  of  right.     Tr.  S :  W.  Dyde.     Lond. 

Bell  1896.    365P.     2icm.     [Somczvhat  free,  but 

so^md.]  [lc] 

**2357.     do?     The  philosophy   of    law.      Tr.    J.  Loewen- 

berg.    InC9i(7). 

2358.  do.     Summary.     Hegel's  philosophy  of  right.    By 

T.  C.    Sandars.      In    Oxford    Essays.      Lond. 
1855.    8vo.  [bm] 

2359.  Philosophy  of  the  state.     Tr.  E.  D.    Mead.     In 


2360.  do.     Exposition.     Philosophy  of  the  state  and  of 

history.    By  G.  S.  Morris.    Chic.    Griggs  1887. 
i6mo.  [lc] 

2361 .  Science  of  rights,  morals,  and  religion.   Tr.  W  :  T. 

Harris.    In  0141(4). 

2362.  The   subjective   logic.       Tr.     II.     Sloman   and    J. 

Wallon.     Lond.     Ciiapmau   1855.     8vo.     [bm] 

2363.  The  wisdom  and  religion  of  a  German  philosopher. 

Coll.  and  ed.  Eliz.  S.  Haldane.     Lond.     Paul, 
T.  &  T.  1897.     138P.    20cm.     (Eclectic.)     [lc] 


Sec  Rosenkrauz,  J:   (Various  articles.)      #4600. 

#4604—7,  #4609. 
See  Trendelenburg,  F:,  Hegel's  system.     #5703. 

"Heimburg,  W."  (i.  e.  Bta.  Behrens,  1850-         ) 

2364.  Beetzen  manor.      Tr.    Elise    L.    Lathrop.     NY; 

Lend.     International  news  1895.     333P-     19cm. 


2365.  Christmas  stories.     Tr.  Mrs.  J.  W.  Davis.     NY. 

Worthington  1890.     il.     D.  [ac] 

2366.  Cloister  Wendhusen.     Tr.  Ma.  E.  Almy.     Chic; 

NY.    Rand,  McNally  1890.    253P.     19cm.  [lc] 

2367.  Defiant  hearts.    Tr.  Annie  W.  Aver  and  Helen  T. 

Slate.    NY.    Fenno  1897.    35op.     19cm.     [lc] 
_.  1898.    il.    D.  [ac] 

2368.  Elsie.     Tr.  Hettie  E.  Miller.     Chic ;  NY.     Rand, 

McNally  189 1.     236P.     19cm.  [lc] 

2369.  A  fatal  misunderstanding,  and  other  stories.     Tr. 

Elise  L.   Lathrop.      NY.      Worthington    1893. 
313P.    il.     19cm.  [lc] 

2370.  For  another's  fault.      Tr.    H.    E.   Miller.     Chic. 

Weeks  1895.    275p.    20cm.  [ix] 

2371 .  do.     For  another's  wrong.    Tr.  A.  W.  Ayer  and 

H.  T.  Slate.     NY.     Bonner  1895.     358p.     il. 
20cm.  [lc] 

2372.  Friendship's  test.      Tr.    Amelia    Burdette.     NY. 

Ogilvie  1889.    igSp.    20cm.  [lc] 

2373 .  Gertrude's  marriage.    Tr.  Mrs.  J.  W.  Davis.   NY. 

Worthington  1889.     307p.     il.     20cm.         [lc] 

2374.  do.     Tr.  Marian  Ford.    NY.    Munro  1890.    i6op. 

20cm.  [lc] 

2375.  Her  only  brother.      Tr.    Jean    W.    Wylie.     NY. 

Crowell  1888.    4o6p.    20cm.  [lc] 

—  New  cheap  ed.  1889.  [ac] 

2376.  do.     NY.    Munro  1890.    Pocket  ed.  D.  [ac] 

2377.  dof    Sister's  love.     Tr.  M.  D.  Waterman.  NY. 

Worthington  1890.    il.    D.  [ac] 

2378.  do.     Her  only  brother.    Nat.  Pub.  1892.    S.  [ac] 

2379.  Hortense.    Tr.  Ma.  E.  Almy.    Chic;  NY.    Rand, 

McNally  1891.     336p.     19cm.  [lc] 

232  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2380.  In   the  depths.     The   godmother.     Ursula.     Our 

mannie.      Tr.    Kate    Dykers.      Chic.      Weeks 
1894.    228p.    20cm.  •  [lc] 

2381 .  An   insignificant   woman :    a   story  of   artist  life. 

Tr.  Mrs.  M.  S.  Smith.    II.  W.  B.  Davis.    NY. 
Bonner  1891.     389P.     19cm.  [lc] 

2382.  do.     Misjudged.     Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ahny.     Chic;  NY. 

Rand,  McNally  1891.    296P.     19cm.  [lc] 

2383.  do.     Misjudged.     Tr.   Mrs.  J.  W.   Davis.     NY. 

Worthington  1891.     362p.     il.     19cm.  [lc] 

2384.  Lizzie  of  the  mill.    Tr.  C.  Tyrrell.     Lend.    Bent- 

ley  18S0.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

2385.  "Lora",  the  major's  daughter.     Tr.    Mrs.  J.  W. 

Davis.     NY.     Worthington  1889.     il.     D.   [ac] 

2386.  do.     Lenore    von    Tollen.      NY.      Munro    1890. 

D.  [ac] 

2387.  Lottie  of  the  mill.     Tr.  Kath.  S.  Dickey.     Phil. 

Lippincott  1882.     289P.     i8cm.  [lc] 

2388.  Lucie's  mistake.     Tr.    Mrs.    J.    W.  Davis.     NY. 

Worthington  1890.     il.    D.  [ac] 

2389.  Magdalen's    fortunes.      Tr.    Mrs.    Davis.      NY. 

Worthington  1889.     il.     D.  [ac] 

2390.  Maiden's   choice.      Tr.    E.    L.    Lathrop.      NY. 

Worthington  1891.     il.     D.  [ec] 

2391 .  Miss  Good-for-nothing.     Tr.  H.  E.  Miller.    Chic. 

Weeks  1893.    269P.     19cm.  [lc] 

2392.  do.     Miss  Mischief.     Tr.  Mrs.  M.  S.  Smith.     II. 

W.    B.     Davis.      NY.     Bonner     1893.     325P. 
19cm.  [lc] 

2393.  My  heart's  darling.      Tr.    E.    V.    Conder.     NY. 

Munro  1889.     20op.     19cm.  [lc] 

2394.  The  owl-house.    See  "Marlitt,  E."  #3742.     (Fin- 

ished by  Heimburg.) 

2395.  The  pastor's  daughter.      Tr.    Mrs.    Davis.     N^'. 

Worthington  i8()0.     32op.     il.     igcni.  [lc] 

2396.  do.     Martha  the  parson's  daughter;  and,  Under 

the  muses'  ban.     NY.     Street  &  Smith    1S91. 
282p.    20cm.  [i.c] 


2397.  do.     The  chaplain's  daughter.     Also,   Misunder- 

stood, and  Jascha.  Tr.  K.  Dykcrs.  Chic. 
Weeks  1894.     2i7p.     20cni.  [lc] 

2398.  do.     The  story   of  a    clergyman's    daughter;  or, 

reminiscences  from  the  life  of  my  old  friend. 
Tr.  J.  \\\  Wylie.  NY.  Munro  1889.  2i2p. 
20cm.  [lc] 

2399.  A  penniless  girl.     Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.     Phil.     Lip- 

pincott  1885.    28op.    19cm.  [lc] 

2400.  do.     A  penniless  orphan.     Tr.  Edwyna  Benedict. 

NY.    Munro  1887.    2oip.     19cm.  [lc] 

2401 .  do.     A  poor   girl.      Tr.    E.    L.    Lathrop.      NY. 

Worthington  1892.  257p.  il.  19cm.  __  Hurst 
1896.  [lc] 

2402.  A  tale  of  an  old  castle.     Tr.   Mrs.   M.  S.  Smith. 

NY.     Munro  1889.     i85p.     19cm.  [lc] 

2403.  Two  daughters  of  one    race.      Tr.    Mrs.  D.  M. 

Lowrey.  NY.  Worthington  1889.  329p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

2404.  Was  she  his   wife?      Tr.    Helen    WolfT.     Lond. 

Eden  1891.    271P.    8vo.  [bms] 

Heine,  Fd. 

Sec  Wagner,  R.,  Letters  to  his  Dresden  friends. 

Heine,  H:  1797-1856 


Works  Prose. -Selections 

Poems__ Selections  Single  titles 

Poems. -Collections  Memoirs  and  letters 

**2405.  Works.  Tr.  C:  G.  Leland  ("Hans  Breitman"), 
and  others.  Lond.  Heinemann  1891-1905. 
I2V.  19cm.  (L  Florentine  nights.  H.  HL 
Pictures  of  travel.  IV.  Salon.  V.  VL  Ger- 
many. VIL  VHL  French  affairs.  IX.  Book 
of  songs.  Tr.  T:  Brooksbank.  X.  New  poems. 
Tr.  Marg.  Armour.  XI.  XII.  Germany.  Ro- 
mancero.     Last  poems.     Tr.   Marg  Armour.) 

2406.     do.     Tr.  C:  G.  Leland.     NY.  print,  for  subscr. 

234  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


only  by  Croscup  &  Sterling  190-.  i6v.  il. 
22cm.  (i.  Florentine  nights.  2.  Shakes- 
peare's maidens  and  women.  3-6.  Pictures  of 
travel.  7,  8.  The  salon.  Letters  on  the  French 
stage.    9-12.  Germany.     13-16.  French  affairs.) 


2406a.   do.     same?     Ed.  E.  Elfter.     Lond.    Unwin  1905. 
8v.    Svo.  [ec] 

Poems  __  Selections 

Selections,  verse,  see  €91(6),  C230,  C107,  C109, 
Ciio,  C103,  C18,  C8,  C84,  C62,  C145,  C119, 
C146,  C46J  C21,  C68,  C38,  C202,  C229,  C226, 
C37,  C127,  C243,  C248,  C237,  C172,  C20i(i4, 
17,  18),  C43,  C54,  C258,  C131,  C246,  C161,  C67, 
C162,  C169,  CiS3,  C199,  C105,  C48,  C149, 
C31,  C40,  Cioo,  C249,  C24,  C132,  C195,  C121, 
C151,  C262,  C86,  C36,  C231,  C89,  C/S,  C178, 
C185,  C160. 
Also  #1466. 

2407.  /.   Geikie.     Songs  and  lyrics,  by  H.   Heine   and 

other  German  poets.  Edinb.  Thin  18S7.  i88p. 
8vo.  [bm] 

2408.  E.  Lazarus.     Poems  and  translations,  written  be- 

tween the  ages  of  fourteen  and  sixteen.  NY. 
priv.  circ.  1866.     207p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

2409.  do.     do.     NY.     Hurd  &  Houghton  1867.     297p. 

i2mo.    Cf.  #2428.  [lco] 

*24io.     /:  Mudgc  Merrick.    Nugae  inutiles.    Bost.    Shep- 

ard  1874.     I33p.     i2nio.  [lco] 

12411.  IV:  Stigand.     Anthea.     Poems  and  translations. 

Lond.  Paul,  T.  &  T.  n}0~.  384P.  i2nio. 
[Very  uneven;  mostly  too  iiotichaJant.]        [ny] 

12412.  do.     Life,  work,  and  opinions  of  H.  Heine.   Lond. 

1875.     2v.     8vo.     [Many  poems,  mostly  bad.] 


2413.     J  as.    Thomson.     Poetical   works.     1895.     Vol.    i, 

p.  321-56.  [uw] 

morgan— elbllograrhy  of  german  literature    235 

Poems  ._  Collections 

2413a.   Anon.     Fourteen  pwenis     ....     from  Heine. 
1852.     (Cited  by  Harris,  list  B.) 

2414.  Anon.     Pearls     from     Heine.       Phil.      Leypoldt 

1865.  i6p.  4to.  (Done  by  various  hands; 
uneven  in  quality.)  [ny] 

2415.  Anon.     Selections  from  the  poetical  works.  Lond. 

Macmillan  1878.     i55p.    8vo.  [bm] 

2416.  Anon.     Book   of   songs.     With    foreword  by   T. 

Gautier.  East  Troy,  NY.  Roycrofters  1903. 
II  6p.    8vo.  [ny] 

2417.  "/;  Ackerlos"  (i.  e.    J:    S.    Smith).     Selections 

from  the  poetry  of  H.  Heine.  Lond.     Chap- 
man 1854.    66p.    8vo.  [bm] 
**24i8.     Marg.     Armour.     New    poems.  Lond.      Heine- 
mann     1910.      3iop.      19cm.  (Vol.     X.     of 

#2405-)  [LC] 

*24i9.     E.  A.  Boivring.    Poems  of  Heine  complete.  Lond. 

Longman  1858.     553P-    8vo. 1861.    Bohn. 

Svo.  [um] 

__  New  ed.    Bell  &  D.  1866.     i2mo.  [ec] 

__  Lond.  Bell  1884.  2d  ed.  56op.  i2mo. 
[Bozcring  seldom  rises  to  excellence:  good 
mediocre   translations.]  [ny] 

2420.     H.  B.  Briggs.     Love  songs.    Lond.    Triibner  1888. 
ii2p.    8vo.  [bms] 

—  Triibner  1889.     fcp.  [ec] 

—  Same?    Stokes  1907.    il.    Q.  [ac] 
**242i.      T :  Brooksbank.     Book  of  songs.     Lond.    Heine- 

mann  1904.  278p.  19cm.  (Vol.  IX  of 
#2405.)  [lc] 

**2422.  T:  S.  Egan.  Atta  Troll  and  other  poems.  Lond. 
Chapman  &  Hall  1876.  327P.  i2mo.  [Lyrics 
not  so  good;  rhymes  bother  him.]  [bpl] 

♦♦2423.  Julian  Fane.  Poems  of  H.  Heine  (not  published). 
Vienna.  From  the  imperial  court  and  govern- 
ment printing-ofifice  1854.  95p.  Svo.  [lc] 
Also  in  Lytton,  E:  Bulwer-,  Julian  Fane,  a 

236  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


memoir.    Lond.    Murray  1871.    8vo.  [ec] 

2d  ed.     1872.     i2mo.  [lco] 

**2424.     Frances  Helhnan.     Lyrics  and  ballads  of  Heine, 

and  other  German  poets.     2d  ed.  rev.  and  enl. 

NY.     Putnam  1895.    256P.     i6cm.  [lc] 

-_  ist  ed.     1892.  250P.  [bmsI 

t2425.     Franklin  Johnson.     A  romance  in  song.     Heine's 

lyrical   interlude.      Bost.     Lothrop    1884.     gip. 

il.    8vo.     [Fails  in  simplicity.]  [lco] 

*2426.     H.  M.  Jones.    Heine's  poem,  the  North  Sea.  Chic. 

Open  court  1916.     i29p.     19cm.  [lc] 

**2427.     Kate  F.  I\rocker.     Poems.     Lond;  NY.     Scott 

1887.     28op.     14cm.     [Eclectic  volume;  mostly 

very  good  translations.]  [lc] 

—  NY.     Lond.     White   &  .\llen   18—.     28op. 
14cm.  [lc] 

**2428.  Emma  Lazarus.  Poems  and  ballads.  NY. 
Worthington  1881.  224p.  19cm.  (Contains 
North  Sea.  homeward  bound,  and  scattering 
poems.)  [lc] 

**2429.  C:  G.  Leland.  Book  of  songs.  Phil.  Leypoldt 
1864.  239p.  i6mo.  (Not  the  same  tr.  as  in 
#2405.  Contains  Buch  der  Lieder,  Romanzen, 
Sonette,  Lyrisches  Intermezzo,  Heimkehr, 
Harzreise,  Nordsee.)  [Mostly  excellent  ver- 
sions.] [lc] 

—  NY.     1868.    3d  ed.    8vo.  [km] 
**243o.     Robert  Levy.      Poems   and   ballads.      Macmillan 

1914.  246p.  i2mo.  [Knozvs  his  German  thor- 
oughly and  ivritcs  good  verse:  almost  all  his 
translations  are  good,  many  are  excellent.  Es- 
peeially  valuable  for  Heine  is  the  printing  of 
the  initial  Gernmn  line  as  sub-heading.]  [nv] 
*243i .  Sir  T.  Martin.  Poems  and  ballads,  done  into  Eng- 
lish. 3d  ed.  with  additions.  Edinb;  Lond. 
Black  wood  i8t)4.  263P.  17cm.  __  ist  ed. 
1878.  (Contains  most  of  the  Traumbilder, 
Lieder.     Romanzen,      Intermezzo,     Heimkehr. 


Harzroisc,  also  some  scattering  poems.)    [Fails 
in  simplicity;  some  grotesque  rhymes.]        [lc] 

2432.  T.  Martin,    E.    A.    Bozvring.      Book    of    songs. 

Compiled    etc.       NY.       White     1884.      244p. 
i6mo.  [bm] 

2433.  /.  W.  Oddie.    Choice  poems  of  H.  H.  Lond.  Mac- 

millan  1896.     I74p.    8vo.  [bms] 

*2434.  J :  Payne.  Poetical  works  ....  complete. 
Lond.  Villon  soc.  191 1.  y/.  22cm.  Priv. 
subscr.  and  circ.  (Includes  Almansor  and 
RatclifT.)  [Translations  of  high  quality  at  their 
best;  but  rhymes  trouble  him,  he  breaks  his 
lines  frequently,  and  is  not  simple  enough,    [bpl] 

2435.  E.     Radford.      Translations     from     Heine     etc. 

1882.    8vo.     (17  poems.)  [bm] 

2436.  "Stratheir".     Book  of  songs.     Lond.     Allen  1882. 

328p.    8vo.  [cm] 

--  Same?    New  ed.    Allen  1894.    8vo.         [ec] 

2437.  Alma  Strettell     (afterwards    Harrison).      Selec- 

tions from  the  poetical  works.    1878.  8vo.  [bms] 

2438.  /;  Todhuntcr.    Book  of  songs.    Oxford.    Clarfen- 

don  1907.    279p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

**2438a.   Louis    Untermeycr.      Poems.  NY.      Holt    1917. 

288p.     2 I cm.  [lc] 

2439.  /.  E.  IVallis.     Book  of  songs.  Lond.     Chapman 

&  Hall  1856.    8vo.  [bm] 

Prose Selections 

Selections,  prose,  see  C9i(6),  C70,  C120,  C132, 

2440.  Anon.     Thoughts  and  ideas  of  H--.     Siegle,  H. 

1914.    i6mo.  [ec] 

2441 .  Ncicell  Dunbar.     Heine,   his    wit,    wisdom,    and 

poetr}'.  Bost.  Cupples  1892.  i23p.  (Eclectic 
volume,  very  brief  prose  extracts,  poems  inter- 
spersed. No  ascriptions.)  [lc] 
12442.  Havelock  Ellis,  ed.  Prose  writings.  Lond. 
Scott  1887.  327P.  i8cm.  (Buch  le  Grand, 
part;  English  fragments :  London,  Wellington, 

238  university  of  wisconsix  studies 


the  liberation ;  religion  and  philosophy  in  Ger- 
many ;  Florentine  nights ;  Romantic  school, 
part;  confessions;  gods  in  exile;  Don  Quixote.) 
[Editor's  own  translations  are  bad;  his  "revi- 
sions" naturally  of  liitle  account.]  [lc] 

12443.  S.  L.  Fleishman.  Prose  miscellanies.  Phil.  Lip- 
pincott  1876.  302p.  8vo.  (The  salon,  1831 ; 
memoirs  of  Herr  v.  Schnabelewopski ;  on  the 
history  of  religion  and  philosophy  in  Germany ; 
the  romantic  school ;  the  Suabian  school ;  the 
gods  in  exile;  confessions.)  [Cuts  and  is  too 
free.]  [lco] 
2444.  R.  McLintock.  Heine  as  novelist  and  dramatist, 
being  a  selection  from  his  longer  works.  Lond. 
Roper  &  Drowley  1890.  268p.  8vo.  [bms] 
Liverpool.     Jaggard  1896.  [ec] 

12445.     Eliz-  A.  Sharp.     Heine  in  art  and  letters.     Lond. 
Scott    1895.     250P.     8vo.      (Letters    from   the 
Pyrenees ;  letters  from  Normandy ;  June  days, 
•  1832;  the  old  regime,  1831 ;  letters  from  Berlin. 

1822;  the  salon,  1831,  1833;  Berlioz,  Liszt, 
Chopin.)  [lc] 

*2446.  /.  Snodgrass.  Wit,  wisdom,  and  jmthos  from  the 
prose  of  H.  Heine,  with  a  few  pieces  from  the 
book  of  songs.  Lond.  Triibner  1879.  8vo. 
__  2d  ed.  Lond.  Gardner  1888.  [Lyrics 
mostly  had.]  [bpi.] 

*2447.  S.  A.  Stern.  Scintillations  from  the  prose  works. 
NY.  Holt  &  Williams  1873.  185P.  17cm. 
(Florentine   nights   almost   entire,   and    miscel- 



laneous  extracts.) 


Single  Titles 

Atta   Troll.     Tr.    Herman 


11.  W. 

Pogany.      Sidgwick  &  J. 

I913.        I92p. 



English    fragments.       Tr. 

Sa.    Norris. 


Grant  1880.     io7p.    8vo. 


__  Lond.     Simpkin  1880. 




2450.  do.     Tr.  C.  G.  Leland.     In  €91(6). 

2451.  French  affairs    (Lutece).      Letters    from  Paris. 

Lend.  Heinemann  1893.  2v.  8vo.  (Cf. 
#2405.)  [EC] 

2452.  Germany.     Lond.      Heineman    1892.      2v.     8vo. 

(Cf.    #2405.)  [EC] 

*2453.  Heine  on  Shakespeare.  Tr.  Ida  Benecke.  West- 
minster. Constable  1895.  iSgp.  20cm.  [Too 
free.]  [lc] 

2454.  Ideas.     "Buch  le  grand"  of  the  Reisebilder.    Tr. 

I.  B.  Macmillan  1884.     i2op.    8vo.  [bm] 

2455.  Italian  travel  sketches  etc.     Tr.  Eliz.  A.  Sharp. 

Lond.  Scott  1892?  250P.  i8cm.  (  The  jour- 
ney from  Munich  to  Genoa  ;  the  town  of  Lucca  ; 
conclusion ;  the  French  stage ;  George  Sand :  a 
supplement;  the  depart;  later  news.)  [lc] 

^*2456.  Letters  auxiliary  to  the  history  of  modern  polite 
literature  in  Germany.  Tr.  G:  W.  Haven. 
Bost.     Munroe  1836.     i72p.     17cm.  [lcJ 

2457.  Ludwig  Borne:    recollections    of    a  revolutionist. 

Abr.  and  tr.  T.  S.  Egan.  Lond.  Newman  1881. 
189P.    8vo.  [bm] 

2458.  The  romantic  school.    Tr.  S.  L.  Fleishman.    NY. 

Holt  1882.  273p.  8vo.  [B16  says  it  is  close 
and  good.]  [hcl] 

2459.  do.     Tr.  C:  G.  Leland.     In  €"91(6). 

2460.  Pictures  of  travel.    Tr.  C:  G.  Leland.    Copyright 

1855.  4th.  rev.  ed.  1863.  Philadelphia.  Ley- 
poldt  1863.    47 1  p. 

--  5th  rev.  ed.    NY.     1866.    8vo.  [bm] 

--  9th  ed.  Phil.  1882.  _.  NY.  Lovell  1891. 
--  Lond.  Heinemann  1891.  2v.  8vo.  (Cf. 
#2405-)  [ec] 

♦2461 .  do.  Travel  pictures.  Tr.  Fis.  Storr.  Lond. 
Bell  1887.  367P.  19cm.  __  1901.  (A  tour  in 
the  Harz ;  book  of  ideas ;  Norderney ;  romantic 
school.)  [Unequal  to  Heine's  jokes;  lacks  pun- 
gent style.]  [lc] 

240  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2462.  do.  Pictures  of  travel.  New  tr.  R.  D.  Gillman. 
Lend.    Low  1907.     4i8p.    8vo.  [ec] 

*2463.  Religion  and  philosophy  in  Germany:  a  frag- 
ment. Tr.  J.  Snodgrass.  Lond.  Triibner 
1882.     I77p.    8vo.  [lco] 

2464 .      Salon.     Tr.   C :   G.   Leland.      Lond.      Heinemann 

1893.      8V0.       (Cf.    #2405.)  [EC] 

*2465.  A  trip  to  the  Brocken.  Tr.  R.  ]\IcLintock.  Mac- 
millan  1881.     lOQp.    8vo.  [hcl] 

2466.  do.     The  journey  to  the  Harz.    Tr.  C:  G.  Leland. 

In  €91(6). 

Memoirs  and  Letters 

2467.  Anon.     Letters  of    passion:    Heine    and  others. 

Siegle,  H.  1912.     8vo.  [ec] 

*2468.      T.    IV.   Evans.      IMemoirs     ....     and    some 

newly  discovered  fragments.     Lond.    Bell  1884. 

274p.     19cm.  [lc] 

**2469.  G.  Karpclcs,  cd.  Heinrich  Heine's  life  told  in  his 
own  words.  Tr.  A.  Dexter.  NY.  Holt  1893. 
375p.     20cm.     [Lyrics  fair  to  poor.]  [lc] 

**247o.  do.  Memoirs,  from  works,  letters,  and  conver- 
sations. Tr.  Gilbert  Cannan.  NY.  Lane  1910. 
2v.     23cm.  [lc] 

2471.  C:  G.  Leland.  Family  life:  122  letters.  Lond. 
Heinemann  1893.  8vo.  __  2d  ed.  Ed.  by 
Baron  L:  v.  Embden.  Lond.  Heinemann 
1896.    294p.  [ec] 

See  Embden,  L:  v..  The  family  life  of  II.  }I. 

Heinrich  VI,  1165-97 

Selection,  verse,  see  C52,  C244. 

Heinkicti  dkr  Erlauciitf:,  markgraf  v.  Meissen,  1218-88 
Selection,  verse,  see  C13. 

Hr.iNRUii  IV,  herzog  von  Breslau,  /?.  1266-90 

Selection,  ^rrse,  see  C"i  ^  G244,  C181,  C186. 


Heinrich  I,  herzog  von  Anhalt,  //.  iigg-d.  1252 
Selection,  verse,  sec  C13,  C244. 

Heinrich  von  Frauenberg 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13. 

Heinrich,  burggraf  von  Liienz,  fl.  1231-58 
Selection,  verse,  see  C13. 

Heinrich  Hetzbold  von  Weissensee,  fl.  1312-45 
Selection,  verse,  see  C13. 

Heinrich  von  Meissen  (properly  zur  Meise),  called  Frauen- 
lob,  tl.  1278-rf.  13 18 
Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C146,  C186,  C264,  C181. 

2472.  The  lay  of  our  lady.     Tr.  A.  E.  Kroner.     St. 

Louis,  Mo.  1877.    2op.    8vo.  [bm] 

Heinrich  von  Morungen,  /?.  1200 

Selection,  verse,  see  C186,  C13.  C244,  C243,  C160 
(under  Walther  v.  d.  Vogelweide). 

Heinrich  von  Mueglin,  fl.  1346-69 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186. 

Heinrich  von  Rugge,  £.  1 175-91 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C181,  C186. 

Heinrich  von  Veldeke,  ft.  1174-84 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C181,  C160  (under 
Walther  v.  d.  Vogelweide). 

Heinse,  J  :  Jk.  \V  :  1749- 1803 

2473.  Ardinghello;  or,  an  artist's  rambles  in  Sicily.     In 


Held,  H  :  1643 

Selection,  verse,  see  C220,  C180. 

Helene  Lu.  Eli.  duchess  of  Orleans,  1814-58 

See  Schubert,  G.  H.,  Reminiscences  etc.     #5301. 

Helfferich,  K  :  1872- 

2474.  The  dual  alliance  vs.  the  triple  entente.   Germany's 

case  in  the  supreme  court  of  civilization.    NY. 
Fatherland  corp.     1915.     46p.     23cm.         [lc] 

242  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2475.  Germany's  economic  progress  and  national  wealth, 

1888-1913.     NY.     Germanistic  soc.  of  America 
1914.     i24p.    23cm.  [lc] 

"Hell,  Td."  (i.  e.  K:  Gf.  Td.  Winkler,  1775-1856) 
Selection,  verse,  see  C237. 

Heller,  L:  1872- 

See  Stein,  L.  W.,  joint  author. 

Helm,  Kle.  (afterwards  Beyrich),  1825-96 

2476.  Child  and  woman.     Tr.  J.  Zitella  Cocke.     Phil. 

Aloore   1878.     428p.     19cm.  [lc] 

New  issue.    Title:  Lilly's  girlhood;  or,  child 

and  woman.    Ward  &  D.     1884.    D.  [ac] 

2477.  Gretchen's  joys  and    sorrows.       ist  Amer.   from 

8th  Ger.  ed.  by    H.    M.  D.  Stack.     Plymouth, 
Mass.    Avery  ;  Best.,  Williams  1877.    8vo.  [.^c] 

2478.  A  miss  in    her    teens.      Tr.    Rhoda  E.  Colborn. 

Lond.    Kolckmann  1877.     I99p.    8vo.         [bm] 
__   Kolckmann     1882.       i6mo.       (Ascribed    to 


Helm,  Erne. 

2480.  The  young  artists.     Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ireland.     Cincin. 

Curtis  &  Jennings ;  NY.    Eaton  &  Mains  1896. 
291P.     il.     lycm.  [lc] 

Helmbold,  L:  1532-98 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264,  Ci38,  C126  (calls  him 

Helmholtz,  Hm.  L:  Fd.  v.  1821-94 

Sec  Koenigsberg,  Leo.,  II.  v.  H...     #3049. 

Helmken,  Fz.  Td. 

2481 .  The  cathedral   of  Cologne.     Tr.  J.  W.  Watkins. 

Cologne  x88i.    88p.    8vo. 2d  enl.  ed.    Co- 
logne 1S84.    c)3p.    8vo.  ["MJ 

Caro.  Helm.) 


■incess  Eve.     Tr.  Rosa  Sachs. 


Lee  &  S. 

1878.    303p.    il.     i6mo. 




Helms,  An.  Z: 

2482.  Travels  from  Buciios  Ayres,  by  Potosi,  to  Lima. 

Lond.  1806.  i2mo.  __  2d  ed.  Lond.  1807. 
8vo.  _-  Also,  in  Collection  of  modern  voy- 
ages and  travels.    Lond.     1805  seqq.  8vo  [bm] 

Helmuth,  Jt.  Henry  Cn.  1745-1825 

2483.  A  short  account  of  the  yellow  fever  in  Philadel- 

phia, for  the  reflecting  Christian.  Tr.  C :  Erd- 
mann.  Phil.  Printed  by  Jones,  Hofif,  &  Der- 
rick 1794.    55p.    19cm.  [lc] 

Henckell,  K:  1864- 

Selections,  verse,  see  C14. 

Hengstenberg,  Ern.  W :  1802-68 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Henkel,  F:e 

2484.  The  mistress  of  Ibichstein.    Tr.  Mrs.  S.  E.  Boggs. 

NY.    Holt  1884.    333p.     17cm.  [lc] 

2485.  do.     Tr.  Ma.    J.    Safford.      NY.      Munro  1887. 

i88p.    19cm.  [lc] 

Hennes,  Goswin  AIs.  1827-89 

2486.  Therese  Hennes  and  her  musical  education.     A 

biog.  sketch  ....  by  her  father.  .  . 
.  .  Tr.  H.  Mannheimer.  Lond.  Tinsley 
1877.    i62p.    19cm.  [lc] 

Henning,  F: 

2487.  The  maid  of  Orleans.     Tr.  G:  P.  Upton.     Chic. 

McClurg  1904.     i35p.    il-     17cm.  [lc] 

Hensel,  Lu.  Ma.  1798-1876 

Selection,  verse,  see  C220,  C266,  C229,  C185. 

Hensei.,  Sb.  1830-98 

2488.  The   Mendelssohn   family    (1729-1847)    from  let- 

ters and  journals.  2d  rev.  ed.  Tr.  Carl  Klinge- 
mann.  NY.  Harper  1882.  2v.  il.  22cm.  [lc] 
3d  ed,    Lond.    Low  1882.    2v.    8vo.      [eg] 

244  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Hensel,  O. 

2489.  Life  and  letters  of  Louis  M.  Gottschalk.     Best. 

Ditson  1870.    i6mo.  [ac] 

Henselt,  Ad.  1814-89 

See  Lenz,  W :,  The  great  piano  virtuosos  of  our 
time.     #3512. 

Herberger,  Vlr.  1562-1627 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Herbert,  ]\L 

2490.  Tinsel.     In  C213. 

Herbert,  P. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C180. 

Herbst,  J. 

Life  of  Lavater,  see  Lavater. 

Herchenbach,  W  : 

2491 .  After  many  days.      Tr.    and  ad.  Agnes  Sadlier. 

NY.    Sadlier  1886.    ii9p.    i6nio.  [lco] 

2492.  Angel  Hilda.     Tr.  and  ad.  Agnes  Sadlier.     NY. 

Sadlier  1886.     i38p.     i6mo.  [ixo] 

2493.  Armourer  of  Solingen;  and,  wrongfully  accused. 

Lond.     Simpkin   1889.     il.     Svo.  [ec] 

2494.  As  good  as  gold.     Tr.  Josephine  Black.     Lond. 

Simpkin  1889.     i8mo.  [ec] 

2495.  Bruno  and  Lucy:  or,  the  ways  of  the  Lord  are 

wonderful.     Rev.    by    W.    H.  Eyres.     Lond. 
Burns  &  O.     1S98.    302p.    8vo.  [ec] 

2496.  The  coiner's  cave.     Tr.  Josephine  Black.     Lond. 

Simpkin  1887.     i2mo.  [ec] 

..  Tr.  Mrs.  J.  Black.  Dublin.    Gill  1887.    226p. 
Svo.  [bm] 

2497.  Lucy  Harding.    Tr.  and  ad.  Agnes  Sadlier.    NY. 

Sadlier  1886.     I39p.    i6mo.  [lco] 

2498.  Miralda:   a  story     of     Cuba.      .\d.     Kath.   Ma. 

Johnston.    NY;Cincin.    Benziger  1915.     I55p. 
17cm.  [lc] 


2499.  The  voyage  of  the  Veronica.    Tr.  and  ad.  Agnes 

Sadlier.   NY.  Sadlier  1886.    ii8p.    i6mo.  [lco] 

Herckmans,  Els.  and 
Brawern,  H. 

2500.  A  voyage  to  Chili,  1642-3.     In  Churchill,  A.  and 

J.,  A  coll.  of  voyages  and  travels.  Vol.  i. 
1732.    fol.  [bm] 

Herder,  J:  Gf.  v.  1744-1803 

Selection,  verse,  see  C46,  C23,  C62,  C145,  C40, 
C48,  C229,  Ci6,  C8,  C190,  C7,  C202,  C38,  C199, 
C162,  C167,  C81,  C245,  C221,  Ci72,  C226, 

Also  #1401. 
Selection,  prose,  see  Ci6o(i2),  C94,  C245,  C120, 

2501 .  The  book  of  Job  considered  as  a  work  of  art.   Tr. 

A.  E.  Kroeger.     In  Ci4i(4). 

2502.  The  cid.     Tr.  fr.  the  Ger.     Lond.     Graves  1828. 

I27p.     i2mo.  [bms] 

2502a.   Fables.    See  Lessing,  #3529. 
**2503.     Leaves  of  antiquity.     Tr.  Mrs.  Caro.  Sawyer.    3d 
ed.    Bost.    Universalist  pub.  1893.    i77p.  i8cni. 


*2504.      Oriental      dialogues     ....     conversations 

.  .  .  on  the  ....  sacred  poetry  of 
the  Hebrews.  Lond.  Cadell  &  Davies  1801. 
3S4P.     8vo.     (Not  complete.)  [lco] 

2505.  Outlines  of  a  philosophy  of  the  history  of  man. 
Tr.  T.  O.  Churchill.  Lond.  for  J.  Johnson  by 
Hansard  1800.    632P.    27cm.    __  2d  ed.     1803. 


**2505a.   The   spirit  of   Hebrew  poetry.     Tr.  Jas.   Marsh. 
Burlington,  Vt.     Smith  1833.     2v.  in  i.     i8cm. 


2505b.   Treatise  upon    the    origin    of  language.     Lend. 

1827.    8vo.  [bm] 

2505c.      Ulrich  von  Hutten,  a  tribute  to  the  meniorj'  of. 

246  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Tr.  A.  Aufrere.     Lond.    Dodsley  1789.     I35p. 
8vo.     [Falsely  ascribed  to  Goethe.]  [bm] 

Herder,  J.  G. 
LiEBESKiND,  A :  Jk.  and 
Krummacher,  F:  Ad. 

2506.  Oriental   fairy  tales.      New    issue.     NY.     Knox 

1886.     il.     D.  [AC] 

Herlossohn,  K:  1804-49 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145,  C38. 

Hermann,  J.  G. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266. 

Hermann,  N:  i48o?-i56i 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C264,  C266;  #5436. 

Herrand  von  Wildonje,  H.  1248-78 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C181,  C186. 

Herrnschmidt,  J.  D. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C180. 

Hertel,  Br. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68. 

Hertz,  W:  183  5- 1902 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68,  C38,  C229. 

2507.  The  story  of  queen   Guinivere  and  Sir  Lancelot 

of  the  lake.    With  other  poems.    Tr.  C.  Bruce. 
Lond.     1865.    Svo.  [bm] 

Hertzberg,  Gst.  F :  1826- 

2508.  Ancient  Greece.     Tr.  C:  F.  Smith.     In  €123(3). 

2509.  Imperial  Rome.    Tr.  J:  King  Lord.    In  €123(5). 

[Anytliing  hut  a  strict  translation.] 

2510.  Republican  Rome.    Tr.  J.  K.  Lord.    In  €123(4). 

Hertzka,  Td.  1845- 

251 1.  Freeland,  a  social  anticipation.     Tr.  Arthur  Ran- 

somc.    NY.    Appleton  1891.    443p.    I9cni.  [lc] 

morgan— bibliography  of  german  literature    247 

Herwegh,  G:  1817-75 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C22,  C20,  C8,  C145, 
C202,  C20i(i8),  C168,  C68,  C230,  €91(7). 

Herzberg,  W  : 

2512.  Jewish  family  papers;  or,  letters  of  a  missionary. 

Tr.  F:  de  Sola  Mendes.     NY.  Amer.     Jewish 
pub.  1875.    26op.    i2mo.  [lco] 

Herzog,  Rd.  1869- 

2513.  The  adventurer.      Tr.    J:    W :    van    Eyndhoven. 

NY.    Fitzgerald  1912.    378p.    il.     19cm.     [lc] 

2514.  Sons  of  the  Rhine.    Tr.  Louise  T.  Lazell.     NY. 

Fitzgerald  1914.    372p.     19cm.  [lc] 

2515.  The  story  of  Helga.     Tr.  Mrs.  AdMe  Lewisohn. 

NY.    Button  1913.    3iop.     19cm.  [lc] 

Hesekiel,  J:  G:  L:  1819-74 

2516.  Bismarck;   his    authentic    biog.      Tr.    K.   R.   H. 

Mackenzie.     II.  by  disting.     Ger.  artists.     NY. 
Ford  1877.    596p.    23cm.  [lc] 

_-  1870.  [bm] 

Hess,  J.  G.  (  ?  i.  e.  J :  Jk.  1741-1828) 

2517.  Life  of  Zwingli.     Tr.  Miss  Aikin.     Lond.     John- 

son 1812.    8vo.  [eg] 

Hess,  J.  L.  v. 

25x8.  Value  ....  of  the  freedom  of  the  Hanse 
towns.  Tr.  B.  Crusen.  Lond.  Longman  1814. 
8vo.  [ec] 

Hesse,  Hm.  1877- 

S election,  verse,  see  €91(18),  C185. 

2519.  Gertrude  and  L    Tr.  Adele  Lewisohn.    NY.    In- 

ternal, monthly  1915.    207p.     19cm.  [lc] 

2520.  In  the  old  "Sun".    Tr.  A.  I.  Coleman.  In  €91(19). 

Hesse-Wartegg,  Em.  v.  1851- 

2521.  Tunis.    The  land  and  the  people.    Lond.    Chatto 

&  W.    292p.    NY.    Dodd,  Mead.    302p.    1882. 
il.    8vo.  [bm] 


Hettner,  Hm.  Jl.  Td.  1821-82 

2522.  Athens  and  the  Peloponnese.    In  Constable's  mis- 

cellany of  foreign  lit.  Vol.  2.     1854  seqq.  8vo 


Heun,  K:  Gb.  S:  1771-1854,  see  "Clauren,  H :" 

Heuser,  J  :  P  : 

2523.  Outlines   of   universal   history     ....     for     . 

.  .  .  schools.  Tr.  S.  R.  Reichel.  Derby 
1852.  i2mo.  _-  2d  ed.  rev.  and  cor.  Lond. 
i860.    8vo.  [bm] 

Heusser-Schweizer,  Meta,  1797-1876 

Selections,  verse,  see  C220,  C221,  C215,  Ci62 
(says  "she  is  considered  the  most  gifted  poetess 
in  the  German  language"). 

2524.  Alpine  lyrics.     A  selection  from  the  poems.     Tr. 

H.  L.  L.  (  ?  i.  e.  Jane  Borthwick.  tr.  of  //ymns 
from  the  Land  of  Luther?)  Lond.  1875. 
i6mo.  [bm] 

_-  NY.    Randolph  1875.    ,sq.     i8mo.  [.\c] 

Hey,  W:  1789- 1833 

Selection,  verse,  see  C105,  C266,  C185. 

2525.  Fifty    fables    for   children.     Tr.    S.   Klingemann. 

Gotha  1867.     il.    8vo.  [bm] 

2526.  Other  fifty    fables   for  children.     Tr.   S.   Klinge- 

mann.   Gotha  i86q.    il.    410.  [i^m] 

2527.  Picture  fables.     Tr,  II.  W.  Dulcken.    Lond.    1858. 

4to.     --  100  picture  fables.     Lond.     1868.    410. 


Heyden,  F:  A:  v.  i 789-1 851 

Selection,  verse,  see  C167. 

Heyking,  Eli.  A  :e.  Lu.  Hie.  JMlse.   Mxe.    (Fleming)    Gans, 
baronin  v.  1861- 

2528.  The  letters  which  never  reached  him.     NY.     Dut- 

ton  1904.    302p.    20cm.     (Tr.  by  the  author?) 



2529.      Lovers  in  exile.    Lond.    Nasli  1914.    344p. 
(Ad.  by  the  author  from  "lUe  mihi".) 

llEYMEL,  Af.  VVl.  V.  1878- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C185. 



Heyne,  Cn.  Lbt.,  see  "Wall,  An." 
Heyse,  pi.  J:  L:  1830- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C148,  C68,  C230. 

Selection,  prose,  see  Ci6o(i2). 

At  the  ghost  hour.  The  fair  abigail.  (Die  schone 
Abigail.)  Tr.  Fes.  A.  van  Santford.  II.  Alice 
C.  Morse.  NY.  Dodd,  Mead  1894.  72p. 
14cm.  [lc] 

At  the  ghost  hour.  The  forest  laugh.  (Das  Wald- 
lachen.)     6op.  [lc] 

At  the  ghost  hour.  The  house  of  the  unbelieving 
Thomas.  (Das  Haus  zum  unglaubigen  Thomas.) 
96p.  [lc] 

At  the  ghost  hour.  Mid-day  magic.  (Mittags- 
zauber. )  Also,  Little  Lisbeth.  ('s  Lisabethle.) 
84p.  [lc] 

Andrea  Delfin.    Bost.    Burnham  1864.    8vo.  [bm] 

Barbarossa  and  other  tales.  Tr.  L.  C.  S.  Leipz. 
Tauchnitz ;  Lond.  Low  1874.  302p.  i6cm.  [lc] 
.-  NY.    Munro  1882.    4to.  [ac] 

Beppe,  the  star  gazer.     In  C173.    Cf.  :#2569. 

Blind.  Tr.  Mary  Wilson.  In  €91(13).  [Wooden 

Children  of  the  world.  Lond.  Chapman  &  H. 
1882.     3v.     8vo.  [lc] 

do.     NY.    Munro  1883.    2  pts.    4to.  [ac] 

do.     NY.    Holt  1894.     New  rev.  ed.  573p.  19cm. 


do.     NY.   Worthington  1890.   _.  Holt  19.-.  [ac] 

Count   Ernest's  home.      (In   Grafenschloss.)      In 

Good  stories.    Bost.     1868?  [bpl] 

--  Also  in  Famous  stories.    Bost.  1879?    [bpl] 

2543.     The  dead  lake,    and    other    stories.      Tr.   Mary 











250  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Wilson.    Leipz.     Tauchnitz  1870.     3i2p.   i6cm. 


*2544.  A  divided  heart  and  (2)  other  stories.  (Rothen- 
burg  on  the  Tauber.  Minka.)  Tr.  Constance 
S.  Copeland.  NY.  Brentano  1894.  240P. 
i6cin.  [lc] 

2545.  Doomed.     NY.     Munro  1881.     4to.  [ac] 

2546.  Fair  Kate.    NY.    Munro  1882.    4to.  [ac] 

2547.  Fortnight  at  the  dead  lake;  also,  Beatrice.     NY. 

Munro  1881.    4to.     (Cf.  #2543.)  [ac] 

2548.  Four  phases  of  love.    Tr.  E.  H.  Kingsley.    Lond. 

1857.  Bvo.  [bm] 
Same.  Love  tales.  New  ed.  Lond.  Rout- 
ledge  1862.  [bm] 

2549.  Hans  Lange:  a    drama.  Ed.  A.  A.  ^Macdonell. 

Symons  1885.     i2mo.  [eg] 

**2550.     In  paradise.    NY.    Appleton  1878.  2v.  i8cm.  [lc] 

2551.  Incurable.     Tr.  j\Irs.  H.  W.   Eve.     Lond.     Nutt 

1890.    224p.    8vo.  [bms] 

2552.  La  Marchesa,  a  story  of  the  Riviera,  and  other 

tales.    Tr.  J.  Philips.    Lond.    Stock  1887.   20op. 

8vo.  [bm] 

**2553-     L'Arrabbiata.     Tr.    Ma.    Wilson.      In  €91(13). 

(Revised?    Cf.  #2537.) 
♦♦2553a.   do.     In  C173.     (Cf.  #2569.) 

2554.     do.     Tr.   W.    W.    Florer.      Ann    Arbor,   Mich. 

Wahr  1902.    S.  [ac] 

**2S55-     do.     Tr.  V.  E.  Lyon.    NY.    Trans,  pub.  co.  1916. 

39p.     15cm.  [lc] 

12556.     do.     The    fury.      In    €236(1),    reprinted    from 


2557.  do.    and  other  tales.      Tr.    Ma.  Wilson.     Leipz. 

Tauchnitz.     Lond.      Low    1867.     274P.     i6cm. 
(Cf.  #2553,  #2537.)  [lc] 

2558.  do.     do.     NY.     Munro  1882.     23p.     32cm.   [lc] 
♦2559.     The  maiden  of  Treppi ;  or,  love's  victory.    Tr.  A. 

W.  Hinton.    NY.    Hinton  1874.     i6nio.     [bpl] 
t256o.     do.     The  young  girl  of  Treppi.    In  C196. 


2561.  Maria  Francisco.     In  Ci~3.     (Cf.  #2569.) 

2562.  Mary  of  Magdala,  a  drama  in  five  acts.    Tr.  A.  I. 

Coleman.    NY.    Lcderer  1900.    22p.  8vo.  [lc] 

2563.  do.    an  histor.  and  romant.  drama  in  five  acts. 

Ad.  Lionel  Vale.  NY.  Fiske  1902.  Ggp. 
2icm.  [lc] 

2564.  do.     Tr.  F.  Hess.     1903.    Tp.  [lc] 

2565 .  do.     the  tr.  freely  ad.  and  written  in  Eng.  verse 

by  W :  Winter.  NY.  Lond.  Macmillan  1903. 
i35p.    20cm.  [lc] 

**2566.     Nino  and  Maso.    Tr.  A.  Remy.    In  €91(13). 

2567.  The  road  to  fortune.    Laird.  [b8] 

2568.  The  romance  of  the  canoness.    A  life-history.   Tr. 

"J.  M.  Percival."    NY.    Appleton  1887.    i2mo. 


2569.  Selected   stories.      (**L'Arrabbiata.      Beppe,   the 

star-gazer.  Maria  Francisco.)  Chic.  Schick 
1886.  64p.  19cm.  (Same  tr.  as  C173.  Cf. 
#2536,  #2553a,  #2561.)  [lc] 

**2570.     The   solitaries.      (Die   Einsamen.)      Phil.     Clax- 
ton,  R.  &  H.     1870.    54p.     19cm.  [lc] 

♦2571 .     do.     The  lonely  ones.    In  Marlitt,  E.,  Magdalena. 


2572.  The  spell  of  Rothenburg.     Tr.  E.  L.  Townsend. 

In  C9i(i3). 

2573.  Tales.      NY.      Appleton     1879.      281  p.       i8cm. 

(Count  Ernest's  home.  The  dead  lake.  The 
fury,  cf.  #2556.    Judith  Stern.)  [lc] 

2574.  Tales  from  the  German  of  P.   Heyse.     Ormeril 

1903.  [b8] 

2575.  do.    samcf    NY.    Burt  1906.     i2mo.  [ac] 

2576.  Two  prisoners.    Lond.    Simpkin,  M.  1893.     i28p. 

8vo.  [bms] 

2577.  The  witch  of  the  Corso.     Tr.  G:  W.  Ingraham. 

NY.     Munro  1882.     i8p.    32cm.  [lc] 

12578.  Words  never  to  be  forgotten,  and  The  donkey. 
(Unvcrgessbare  Worte.  Die  Eselin.)  Tr. 
Abbie  E.  Fordyce.  Union  Springs,  NY.  Hoflf 
1888.     i39p.     17cm.  [lc] 


HiERONYMus  von  Prag,  fl.  1399-rf.  1416 
See  Huss,  J.  #2830. 

HiLDBOLD  VON   SCHWANGAU,   I2th-J^th   cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C181. 

HiLDEBRAND,   Ad.    1847- 

2579.  The  problem  of  form  in  painting  and  sculpture. 

Tr.  May  F.  Meyer  and  Rob.  M.  Ogden.     NY. 
Stechert   1907.     I4ip.     il.     20cm.  [lc] 


2580.  Winter  in  Spitzbergen.     A  book  for  youth.     Tr. 

E.  G.  Smith.      NY.      Dodd  1852.     30op.     il. 

i6mo.  [lco] 

__  Houlston  1866.     i2mo.  [ec] 

._  Dodd  &  M.  1871.  [lco] 

HiLLE,  P:  1854-1904 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14. 

HiLLEBRAND,   K:    1829-84 

2581 .  Six  lectures  on  the  history  of   German  thought, 

from  the  seven  years'  war  to  Goethe's  death. 
Lond.     Longmans  1880.    290P.    8vo.  [cm] 

_-  NY.     Holt  1880.     i2mo.  [ac] 

HiLLER,  P.  F.   1699-I769 

Selection,  verse,    see    C264,    C265,    C126,  C63 ; 

HiLLER,    Fd.    181 1-85 

**2582.  Mendelssohn.  Letters  and  recollections.  Tr. 
Miss  M.  E.  V.  Glehn.  Lond.  Macmillan  1874. 
2d  ed.    223p.    2 I cm.  [lc] 

__  Church  n.  d.     i2mo.  [^(^7] 

HiLLERN,  frau  W  :e  (Hirch)  v.  1836- 

**2583.  By  his  own  might.  (Aus  eigner  Krat't.)  Tr.  M. 
S.     Phil.     Lippincott  1872.    397p.     i8cm.  [lc] 


♦2584 .  Ernestine.  (Ein  Arzt  der  Seelc.)  Tr.  S.  Baring- 
Gould.  NY.  Gottsberger  1881.  2v.   i6cm.    [lc] 

♦2585.  Geier-Wally :  a  tale  of  the  Tyrol.  (Die  Geier- 
Wally.)     NY.     Appleton   1876.     237P.     i6cm. 


1876.  78p.  23cm. 1879.  237p.  17cm.  [lc] 

*2586.  do.  The  vulture  maiden.  Tr.  C.  Bell  and  Eleanor 
F.  Poynter.  Leipz.  Tauchnitz  1876.  279p. 
i6cni.  [lc] 

2587.  do.     A  Ger.  peasant  romance.    Elsa  and  her  vul- 

ture :  a  tale  of  the  Tyrolean  Alps.     Tr.  Lady 
Wallace.    Lond.  1876.    8vo.  [bm] 

2588.  do.     Eagle  Elsa,  a  romantic  drama  in   four  acts. 

Tr.  and  ad.  Fred    Lyster    and    L.  E.  Stowell. 
1882.  [B19] 

2589.  A  graveyard  flower.     Tr.  C.  Bell.     Rev.  and  cor. 

NY.    Gottsberger  1884.     i6op.     i6cm.         [lc] 

*2S90.      Higher  than  the  church:  an  art  legend  of  ancient 

times.      (Hoher  als  die  Kirche.)     Tr.  Ma.  J. 

SaflFord.    NY.    Gottsberger  1881.    74p.     i6cm. 


2591.  do.     a  tale  of  the  olden  time.    Ad.  M.  F.  P.  F-G. 

Lond.    Triibner  1884.     63p.    8vo.  [bm] 

2592.  do.     Tr.  V.  E.  Lyon.      NY.      Translation  pub. 

1916.    57p.     15cm.  [lc] 

**2593-     The  hour  will  come:  a  tale  of  an  Alpine  cloister. 

(Und  sie  kommt  dochlj      Tr.   C.   Bell.     NY. 

Gottsberger  1880.    273P.    i6cm.  [lc] 

_-  Leipz.     Tauchnitz  1887.     2v. 

_-  NY.     Munro  1880.    410.  [ac] 

*2594 .     On  the  cross :  a  romance  of  the  passion  play  at 

Oberammcrgau.      (Am     Kreuz.)      Tr.     M.    J. 

SafTord.     NY.     Peck  1893.    442p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Same.    By  W.  v.  Hillern  and  Ma.  J.  SafTord 

(!).     Phil.     Biddle    1902.      442p.      il.      19cm. 

[Careless  errors.]  [lc] 

**2595.     Only  a  girl:  or,  a  physician   for  the  soul.     (Ein 

Arzt    der    Seele. )       Tr.     ^Irs.     Wister.      Phil. 



Lippincott  1872.    544p.  19cm.     —  1898.     (Cf. 

#2584.)  [lc] 

__  Phil.     1867.     i2mo.  [ec] 

2596.  A  twofold  life.     Tr.    M.  S.      Phil.     Lippincott 

1873-    343P-     i8cm.  [lc] 

HiLTY,  K :  1833- 

2597.  Happiness:  essays  on  the  meaning  of  life.     Tr. 

Fis.  G.  Peabody.  NY ;  Lond.  Macmillan  1903. 
I54P-     19cm-  [lc] 

2598.  The  steps  of  life:   further  essays   on   happiness. 

Tr.  M.  Brandow.  NY;  Lond.  Macmillan 
1907.     264P.     19cm.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C62. 

HiNTZE,  O : 

Selection,  prose,  see  CijSa. 

HiNZE,  A.  P.  F. 

Selection,  prose,  see  C94. 

HiRSCH,  Fz. 

2599.  Annie  of  Tharau:  a  song  of  olden  times.    Tr.  C. 

H.  Roehder.     Lond.     Siegle  1890.     I3ip.     8vo. 


HiRSCHER,  J.  W.  (?  i.  e.  J:  Bp.  v.  1788-1865) 

2600.  Sympathies  of  the  continent.     Tr.  Coxe.     Parker 

1852.     i2mo.  [ec] 

HiRSCHFELD,   G:    1873- 

2601.  The  mothers.      (a    drama.)      Tr.   L.  Lewisohn. 

Garden  City,  NY.  Doubleday  19 16.  i22p. 
i8cm.  [lc] 

HiRZEL,  Hs.  Kp.  1725-1803 

2602.  The  rural  Socrates;    or,    an    account    of  a  cele- 

brated philosophical  farmer,  lately  living  in 
Switzerland,  llallowell  (district  of  Maine), 
printed  by  P:  Edcs  iSoo.    203p.    21cm.       [lc] 



2603.  The  tell-tale  watch.    Tr.  Meta  De  Vere.    II.  Jas. 

Fagan.    NY.    Bonner  1893.    284P.    19cm.  [lc] 

HoECKER,  Gst.  1832- 

2604.  Arnold  of  Winkelried,  the  hero  of  Sempach.    Tr. 

G.  P.  Upton.      Chic.      McClurg    1908.     i39p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

2605.  Js.  Haydn:  a  study  of  his  life  and  time  for  youth. 

Tr.  G.  P.  Upton.    Chic.    McClurg  1907.     is8p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

HoECKER,  PI.  Ok.  1865- 

2607.  Dr.  Armyon's  wife.      (Die  Wappenhanse.)     Ad. 

C:  A.    Mitchell.      Lond.      Internat.  copyright 
bureau  1905.    I35p.    15cm.  [lc] 

2608.  do.     The  doctor's  wife,  a  play  in  four  acts.     Tr. 

and  ad.    NY.    Selvvyn  1906.    Tp.  [lc] 

HoEFER,  Ed.  1819-82 

Selection,  verse,  see  C38,  C68. 
2608a.    The  old  countess.    A  novel.     By  the  translator  of 
"Over  yonder",  "Magdalena"  etc.     Phil.     Lip- 
pincott  1870.     205p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

HoELDERLiN,  J:  Cn.  F:  1770-1843 

Selection,  verse,  see  C9i(4),  C145,  C19,  C3,  C8, 
C52,  C230,  C86. 

HoELTV,  L:  H:  Cph.  1748-76 

Selection,  verse,  see  Ci6o(i2),  C23,  C8,  C145, 
C54,  C198,  C232,  C149,  C109,  C176,  C202, 
C127,  C62,    C52,    C167,    C231,    Cio;  #1662, 


HoENSBROECii,  PI.  Kajus,  graf  v.  1852- 

2609.  Fourteen  years  a  Jesuit.     A  record  of  personal 

experience   and    a    criticism.      Tr.    Alice    Zim- 
mern.     Lond;  NY.     Cassell  1911.     2v.     23cm. 


HoEPPL,  Cn. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C267. 



2610.  Aner's  return;  or,  the  migrations  of  a  soul:  an  al- 
legorical tale.  Tr.  I.  A.  Bergrath.  O'Shea 
1868.     i2mo.    _-  1876.  [ac] 

HOFBAUER,  Clt.  Ma. 

Sec  Haringer,  M.,  Life  of  the  venerable  etc. 

HoFER,  And.  1 767- 1 8 10 

2611.  Memoirs  of  the  life Tr.  C :  H.  Hall. 

Lond.     Murray  1820.     8vo.  [ec] 

See  Hormayr,  Js.,  Memoirs  of #2761. 

See  Miihlbach,  L.,  A__  H.-.     #3922-3. 

Hoffmann,  called  von  Fallersleben,  A:  H:  1798-1874 

Selection,  verse,  see  C20i(i8),  C8,  C145,  C62, 
C149,  C229,  C198,  C202,  C68,  C230,  C30 
(much),  C185. 

Hoffmann,  Ern.  Td.  W:  (or  Amadeus),  1776-1822 
Selection,  prose,  see  Ci6o(i2). 

2612.  The    Cremona    violin.      Tr.    J.    T.    Bealby.     In 

12613.     The  devil's  elixir.     Edinb.     Blackwood  1824.     2v. 
1 8cm.  [lc] 

2614.  The  elementary   spirit.      Tr.    J:    Oxenford.      In 


2615.  Fairy  tales.     Bost.     Burnham  1857.     274P.     (Tr. 

from  the  French  version,  by  Lafayette  Burn- 
ham,  who  says :  "The  French  possesses  in  a 
greater  degree  the  ease  necessary  for  amusing 
narratives,  and  corrects  the  terseness  of  the 
harsher  Teutonic")  I'-to] 

2616.  Fantastic    tales,      il Lalauze.      NY. 

Worthington  1884.  jv.  Svo.  __  Scribncr  & 
W.     1884.    2v.  [ac] 

2617.  The  golden  pot.    Tr.  T.  Carlylc.    In  €34(2). 

-_  Also  in  Johnstone,  Mrs.  The  Edinb.  tales. 
Vol.  2.     1845.  [hm] 

2618.  do.     Tr.  F.  H.' Hedge.     In  091(5). 


--  .\lso  probably  in  C120. 
2619.      The  Jesuit's  church.    Tr.  J  :  Oxenford.     In  €192. 
♦2620.      Mile,  de  Scuderi.     Tr.  R.  Gillies.     InCioi(i). 
*262i.     do.     Mme  (  !).  de  Scuderi.    Tr.  R.  Holcraft.    In 
**2622.      Master  flea.     Tr.  G:  Soane.     In  C233a. 
♦2623.      Master  Martin  and  his  workmen.    In  C9. 

2624.  Nut-cracker  and  mouse-king.    Tr.  Mrs.  St.  Simon. 

NY.  Appleton  1853.  I38p.  il.  i6cm.  (bm 
ascribes  it  to  H  :  Hoffmann!)  [lc] 

2625.  do.     (ascribed    to    H:     Hoffmann)     King    nut- 

cracker ;  or,  the  dream  of  poor  Reinhold.  A 
fairy  tale.  Freely  rend,  by  J.  R.  Planche. 
Lond.  Tcgg  1853.  4to.  (ec  ascribes  to  A.  H. 
Hoffman.)  [dm] 

2626.  do.     (ascribed  to    H:    Hoffmann).      Kirig    nut- 

cracker, and  the  poor  boy,  Reinhold.  A  Christ- 
mas story.  Tr.  into  Eng.  verse  by  A.  H.  Lond. 
1854.     il.     8vo.  [bm] 

2627.  do.     The  history  of  a  nut-cracker.     (Tr.  of  ver- 

sion   by    Alex.     Dumas.)       11.    by    "Bertall". 

Lond.     1875.    8vo.     (Pages  159-313  of  a  larger 

work.)  [bm] 

2627a.   do.     Bost.     Lockwood,  Brooks,     n.  d.  8vo.   [ac7] 

2628.  do.     (without  author's   name).      NY.     Appleton 

n.  d.     il.     i6mo.     (Grandmother's  lib.)      [ac7] 

2629.  do.     Nutcracker  and  mouse  king,  and  the  edu- 

cated cat.  Tr.  A.  R.  Hope.  198P.  Lond. 
Unwin  1892.    8vo.  [bms] 

2630.  do.     Nutcracker  and  mouse  king.    New  ed.  Lond. 

L^nwin  1907.     i2mo.  [ec] 

2631.  Rolandsitten  ;  or,  the  deed  of  entail.    Tr.  R.  Gillies. 

In  Cioi(2). 

2632.  The  sandman.    Tr.  J:  Oxenford.     In  C192. 
♦♦2633.      Sera])ion  brethren.    Tr.  Maj.  Alex.  Ewing.    Lond. 

Bell  1886-92.     2v.     19cm. Macmillan  1902. 

**2634.     Signor  formica.    NY.    Taylor  1845.    90p.     i2mo. 

258  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


(With  Korner's  "Schwertlied"  in  good  tr.  by 
M.  S.)  [bpl] 

2635.  Stories.     Lond.    Jack  1908.     1729.     i2mo.     [ec] 

2636.  The  strange  child,  a  fairy  tale.    1852.   i2mo.  [bm] 
12637.     Hoffmann's    strange    stories.      Bost.      Burnham 

1855.  444p.  19cm.  (The  walled-up  door. 
Antonia's  song.  Berthold,  the  madman.  Cop- 
pelius,  the  sandman.  The  cooper  of  Nurem- 
berg. Cardillac,  the  jeweler.  The  pharo  bank. 
Fascination.  The  agate  heart.  The  mystery  of 
the  deserted  house.  The  lost  reflection.  Sal- 
vator  Rosa.)  [lc] 

*2638.     Weird  tales.     New    tr.    by    J.    T.  Bealby.     NY. 
Scribner  1885.     2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

Same?    Lond.    Nimmo  1884.    2v.    8vo.  [ec] 

Scribner  1896.  [uw] 

Hoffmann,  Fz.  1814-82 

2639.  Adalbert  and  Bastel ;  or,  every  man  m  his  place. 

Lond.    Christ,  knowl.  soc.  1871.     i6mo.       [bm] 

2640.  do.     Basil  and  Adelbert ;  or,  each  in  his  own  way. 

Tr.  I\L  P.  Butcher.  Phil.  Luth.  pub.  1883. 
I44p.     17cm.  [lc] 

2641 .  Adventures  of  Leo  Rembrandt.    Tr.  L.  H.  Steiner. 

Phil.  Ref.  church  pub.  iStx).     24IP.     il.     17cm. 


2642.  Alii;  or,  blessed  are  the  merciful,  for  they  shall 

obtain  mercy.  Tr.  Ph.  C.  Croll.  Phil.  Luth. 
l)ub.  1886.     I76p.     17cm.  [lc] 

2643.  Anton  the  fisherman.     Tr.  Mrs.  ^L  A.  Mander- 

son.  Phil.  Luth.  board  1870.  I72p.  il. 
17cm.  [lc] 

2644.  do.     Virtue  triumphant;  or,  Anton  the  fisherman. 

Lond.    Ward,  Lock  1882.    I72p.    il.    8vo.  [bm] 

2645 .  do.     Augustin  and  Wenonda :  a  tale.     In  Young 

Kngland's  il.  lib.    Vol.  i.    1857.    i2mo.       [bm] 

2646.  do.     satncf     Lond.     Judd  &     Glass   1857.     gSp. 

8vo.  [bms] 


2647.  Buried  in  the  snow.     Tr.  Mrs.  Manderson.     Phil. 

Luth.  board  1870.     i6ip.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

2648.  do.     Lond.    Ward,  Lock  1879.    i6ip.    8vo.  [bm] 

2649.  Captal ;  or,  the  little  French  count.     Tr.  J.  Bar- 

rett.   Lond.     Sun.  Sch.  inst.  1876.    8vo.     [bm] 

2650.  Christmas:  a  story  for  my  friends.    Tr.  H:  Har- 

baugh.      Phil.      Luth.   board    1875.      Ii4p.     il. 
17cm.  [lc] 

2651.  Climbing  the  glacier.    Tr.  Kath.  K.  Walker.    NY. 

Randolph  1865.     I3ip.     i6cm.  [lc] 

2652.  The  count  and  the  showman.     Tr.  Janet.     Lond. 

Sun.  S.  union  1881.    ii6p.    i6mo.  [bm] 

2653.  The  czar's  favorite;  or,  pride  goes  before  a  fall. 

Tr.   E.   M.   G.    Phil.     Moore    1878.     232p.     il. 
16cm.  [lc] 

2654.  Dominic.      Tr.   Rebecca   Schively.      Phil.     Luth. 

board  1870.    246p.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

2655.  do.     or,  a  good    action    always    has  its  reward. 

Lond.    Christ,  knowl.  soc.  1871.     i6mo.     [bm] 

2656.  The  emigrants:  a  tale  of  the  last  century.     Tr. 

and  rev.   for  Am.   S.  S.  union  by  Mrs.  H.  C. 
Conrad.     NY.     1883.     I56p.    il.     i6cm.     [lc] 

2657.  Fidelity  rewarded.     Tr.  Mrs.  Manderson.     Lond. 

Ward,  Lock  1882.     ipGp.    8vo.  [bm] 

2658.  The  forest    cave;    or,    revenge.      Tr.  by  a  lady. 

Lond.     Faithful  1863.    8vo.  [bm] 

2659.  Fortune's  wheel.    Rivingtons  1888.     8vo.         [ec] 

2660.  Fritz;  or,    experience    teacheth    wisdom.     Lond. 

1872.     i6mo.  [bm] 

2661.  Fritz;  or,  filial  obedience.     Tr.  Mrs.  Manderson. 

Phil.    Luth.  board  1870.     i25p.    il.    17cm.  [lc] 

2662.  Fritz  ;  or,  the  young  Schiller.    Ad.  A.  L.  G.    Lond. 

Christ,  knowl.  soc.  1882.    8op.    8vo.  [hm] 

—  Same?     Fritz,  or  the  young  soldier.     1882. 
i6mo.  [ec] 

2663.  Geyer  Walty ;  or,  fidelity  rewarded.      (Same  as 

#2657.)     Tr.  Mrs.  Manderson.     Phil.     Luth. 
board  1870.     i96p.     17cm.  [lc] 

260  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2664.  Gipsy   Fred.      Phil.      Martien    n.    d.     it.     i6mo. 


2665 .  The  gold-seeker.    Tr.  Levi  C.  Sheip.    Phil.   Luth. 

pub.  1883.     i86p.     17cm.  [lc] 

2666.  Gold-seekers  and  bread-winners.      Lond.    Christ. 

knowl.  soc.  1871.     i8mo.  [ec] 

2667.  The  Greek  slave.     Tr.   J.   C.   Brodfiihrer.     Phil. 

Luth.  board  1870.    239P.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

Same,   or,   filial  love.     Lond.     Ward,  Lock 

1881.    il.    8vo.  [bm] 

2668.  The  Hartz  boys;  or,  as  a  man  sows,  so  must  he 

reap.     Lond.     Christ,  knowl.   soc.    1871.     8vo. 


2669.  do.     Bost.     Lothrop  n.  d.      il.     i6mo.  [ac7] 

2670.  Hilda  ;  or,  God  leadeth.    Tr.  M.  P.  Butcher.    Phil. 

Luth.  pub.  1882.    20 1  p.     17cm.  [lc] 

2671 .  Industry  and  laziness.    Tr.  J.  King.    Lond.  Wash- 

bourne  1877.     i2mo.  [ec] 

--   1878.     8vo.  [liM] 

—  1884.  [ec] 

2672.  The  iron  age  of  Germany.  Tr.  Rebecca  Schively. 

Phil.    Luth.  board  1870.    236P.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

2673 .  The  iron  head ;  or,  an  old  soldier's  story  of  Chas. 

XII,  king  of  Sweden.     Tr.  Mrs.   Manderson. 
Phil.    Luth.  board  1871.    239P.     17cm.         [lc] 

2674.  Knight  and  peasant.    Tr.  D.  P.  Rosemiiller.   Phil. 

Luth.  board  1872.     I94p.     il.     17cm.  [lc] 

2675 .  Leo  Bertram ;  or,  the  brave  heart.     Tr.  Ella  T. 

Disosway.     NY.    Amer.  tract  soc.  1880.     I73p. 
il.     17cm.  [lc] 

2676.  The  little  dauphin.    Tr.  G.  P.  Upton.    Chic.    Mc- 

Clurg  1905.     150P.     17cm.  [lc] 

2677.  Little  Hans  and  his  liible-lcaf.     Tr.  and  ad.  Airs. 

Louise   Houghton.      Phil.      Prcsb.   board    1883. 
252p.     il.     i8cm.  [lc] 

2678.  The  lost  child.    A  tale.     Loiul.    Wiud,  Lock  1879. 

2oop.    8vo.  [km] 


2679.  Ludvig  van  Beethoven.     Tr.  G.  P.  Upton.    Chic. 

McClurg  1904.     njp.    17cm.  [lc] 

2680.  Martin  Bernhard  :  or,  seed-time  and  harvest.   Enl. 

Mrs.  S.  K.  Porter.  Easton,  Pa.  Riegel  1883. 
256P.     I 8cm.  [lc] 

2681.  Maternal  love.      Tr.    H.    J.    K.  Lemcke.     Phil. 

Luth.  board  1870.    200p.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

2682.  Max  Wild  the  merchant's  son,  and  other  stories 

for  the  young.    Lond.     1874.    8vo.  [bm] 

2683.  Money,  and  its  influence.    A  tale.    Tr.  by  a  lady. 

Lond.     1852.    8vo.  [bm] 

2684.  Mozart's  early    days.      Tr.    Mrs.    C.  A.   Smith. 

(1873).     New  ed.     Bost.     Hoyt   1874.     i6mo. 


2685.  do.     Mozart's  youth.     Tr.    G.    P.  Upton.     Chic. 

McClurg  1904.     II9P-     17cm.  [lc] 

2686.  The  orphans:    a    tale    for    youth.     Lond.     1861. 

i6mo.  [bm] 

2687.  The  parsonage  of    Libenau.      Tr.    C:  A.  Smith. 

Phil.     Luth.  pub.  1880.    222p.     17cm.         [lc] 

2688.  Paul  Arnold:  a  tale  of  life  in  Peru.    Tr.  J.  Hen- 

derson.    Chambers  1870.    8vo.  [bm] 

2689.  Pride;  or,  a  haughty   spirit  before   a   fall.     Tr. 

Emma  L.  Parry.  Phil.  Luth.  pub.  1883.  i96p. 
17cm.     (Cf.  #2653.)  [lc] 

2690.  Prince   Wolfgang.      (Prince    von    Anhall,    1492- 

1566).  A  historical  narrative.  Tr.  J:  F: 
Smith.  Phil.  Luth.  board  1871.  3i6p.  il. 
17cm.  [lc] 

2691.  do.     same?     The    Christian    prince    (Wolfgang, 

prince  of  Anhalt).  A  historical  narrative. 
Lond.    Ward,  Lock  1882.    il.    8vo.  [bm] 

2692.  Rene.    Tr.  J  :  F :  Smith.    Phil.    Luth.  board  1870. 

I76p.     il.     17cm.  [lc] 

2693.  do.     same.     Trust  in  God.     The  story  of  Rene 

the  little  Savoyard.  Lond.  Ward,  Lock  1881. 
176P.    8vo.  [bm] 

262  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2694.  Rich  and  poor.     Ward  1862.      i6mo.     (Ascribed 

to  D.  Hoffman.)  [ec] 

__  New  ed.    Jackson  &  W.     1863.     i8mo.  [ec] 

2695.  Self-will  and  repentance.     Tr.  C:  A.  Smith.  Phil. 

Luth.  board  1872.     iSgp.     il.     17cm.  [lc] 

2696.  Seppi.      Ad.    M.    M.    Campbell.      Lond.      Christ. 

knowl.  soc.  1B77.    8vo.  [em] 

2697.  The   stiff-necked  king:   stories    from  the  life   of 

Chas.  Xn  of  Sweden.  Tr.  J.  Henderson. 
Lond.    Chambers  1870.    Svo.  [bm] 

2698.  Stories    from    Germany.       (L    Gold-seekers   and 

bread-winners.  H.  The  cobbler,  the  clerk,  and 
the  lawyer  of  Leibstein,  by  G.  Nieritz.)  Tr. 
A.  Harwood.    Lond.     1868.    Svo.  [bm] 

2699.  Same?     Stories    from  the   German.      1868.    Svo. 


2700.  The  story  of  Father  Miller.     Tr.  L.  H.  Steiner. 

Phil.    Ref.  church  pub.  1869.     I76p.    il.    17cm. 


2701 .  The   story   of   the  old  schoolmaster.     Tr.   L.   H. 

Steiner.  Phil.  Ref.  church  pub.  1S69.  23ip. 
il.    17cm.  [lc] 

2702.  Tales  for  my  godson.     Tr.  and  ad.  F.  M.  Wil- 

braham.     Lond.     185 1.     i6mo.  [bm] 

2703.  Tales  from  history.     Ed.  H.  S.  B.  Webb.     Riv- 

ingtons  1887.     i2mo.  [ec] 

2704.  They  that  sow  in  tears  shall  reap  in  joy.     New 

ed.    Jackson  &  W.  1863.     iSmo.  [ec] 

2705.  do.     Sowing  in  tears  and  reaping  in   joy.     Tr. 

Mrs.  Faber.    Lond.    Nisbet  1870.     i6mo.  [bm] 

2706.  The    three    bank-notes.      Tr.    Rebecca    Schively. 

Phil.     Luth.  board  1S75.     i7op.     17cm.       [ix] 

2707.  The  treasure  of  the  Inca.    Tr.  J  :  l^" :  Smith.    Phil. 

Luth.  board  1870.     169P.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

2708.  do.     The  Inca's  treasure.     Ad.  J.  Young.     Lond. 

Marlborough    1879.     Svo.  [bm] 

2709.  The  two  musicians.     Tales  for  my  young  people. 


Tr.  and  arr.  M.  M.  Campbell.     Lond.     Christ, 
knowl.  soc.  1878:    8vo.  [bm] 

2710.  Under  the  earth.     Tr.   Rebecca   Schively.     Phil. 

Luth.  board  1870.     i34p.     il.     17cm.  [lc] 

271 1.  The  widow's  son;    or,    bread    upon  the  waters. 

Lond.    Ward,  Lock  1881.    246P.    il.    8vo.  [bm] 

Hoffmann,  Fz.  and 


2712.  Little  things,  the  germs  of  greatness.    38p.    Float- 

ing  on  the  ice.     2op.     Phil.     Hoffmann  &  Mor- 
witz  1872.     il.     i6cm.  [lc] 

Hoffmann,  Fz.  1804-81 

2713.  Philosophy   of  Baader.     Tr.  A.   Strothotte.     In 


2714.  Theism  and  pantheism.     Tr.    D.   J.   Snider.     In 



Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

Hoffmann,  (or  Hoffmann-Donner)  H :  1809-94 

2715.  The  Eng.  Struwwelpeter ;  or,  pretty  stories  and 

funny    pictures     for     little    children.       Leipz. 
1848.    4th  ed.    4to.  [bm] 

2717.  do.     Pauline  and  the  matches,    i860?  8vo.  [ems] 

2718.  do.     Eng.    Struwwelpeter.      27th    ed.    on  linen. 

Griffith  1880.     4to.  [ec] 

2719.  do.     Slovenly    Peter;    or,    pleasing    stories    and 

funny  pictures.    New  issue.    NY.    Knox  1885. 
il.  sq.  O.  [AC] 

♦2720.  do.  do.'  Phil.  Winston  189-?  gop.  il.  4to.  [ny] 
—  Phil.  Coates  1902.  unp.  (Not  a  close 
tr.)  [ny] 

2721.  do.     Struwwelpeter  minor.     From  the  Ger.  by  J. 

Trojan.     Eng.  ed.    Jarrold  1893.     1896.    1897. 
8vo.  [ec] 

2722.  do.     Struwwelpeter  junior.    Tr.  J.  Trojan.    New 

ed.     Jarrold  1898.     24p.     long  410.  [ec] 

2723.  do.     Struwel  Peter;  a  picturebook  for  boys  and 

264  iiniversitt  of  wisconsin  stl'dies 


girls.     NY.     McLoughlin  1898.     34p.     il.   fol. 

(Without  ascription.)  [lc] 

2724.  do.     Shock -headed    Peter.  A     children's    farce 

with  song  in  two  acts.  Ad.  by  Ph.  Carr  and 
Nigel  Playfair.  Music  by  Walter  Rubens. 
Lond.     Enoch.     NY.     Boosey  1901.     sSp.    4to. 


2725 .  do.     Eng.       Struwvvelpeter ;     on     linen.      Lond. 

Blackie  1903.    4to.  [ec] 

2726.  do.     do.     New  ed.    Griffith  &  F.     1904.  4to.  [ec] 

2727.  do.     Struwel  Peter.      A    picture    book    for  boys 

and  girls.  NY.  McLoughlin  1904.  48p.  il. 
28  X  22cm.     (Cf.  #2723.)  [lc] 

2728.  do.     Eng.    Struwwelpeter.      Lond.      Dean's    rag 

book  CO.     1905.     i6p.     il.     30cm.  [bpl] 

2729.  do.     Peter   Teeter  stories,  ad.    from  the    famous 

Ger.  Struwwelpeter,  w.  orig.  add.  by  Prof.  H. 
L.  Schwetzky.  II.  R.  H.  Garman.  Chic. 
Thompson  &  Thomas  1905.  63p.  il.  23  x 
30cm.  [lc] 

2730.  do.     Struwwelpeter.     New  ed.     Routledge    1909. 

8vo.  [eg] 
On  linen.     Routledge  1909.     8vo.  [ec] 

2731.  do.     do.     Frowde  1911.  [ec] 

2732.  Prince  Greenwood  and  Pearl-of-Price,  with  their 

good  donkey,  kind  and  wise !  Tr.  Mrs.  Matilda 
Despard.  II.  Eleanor  Greatorex.  Washington, 
D.  C.     Peters  1874.     I7p.     30cni.  [lc] 

Hoffmann,  Jl. 

2733.  Floating  on  the  ice.    Sec  #2712. 

2733a.    do.     with  Grandfather's  darling  and  Floating  on 
the  ice.     Phil.     Claxton   1872.     i8mo.  [ac] 

2734.  Grandfather's  darling.     A  tale.     Tr.  Stephen  W. 

White.  Phil.  Hoffman  &  Morwitz  1872.  64p. 
il.     i6mo.  [lco] 

2735.  "Oh,  I  sec  you  !"    A  tale.    Phil.    IlolTman  &  Mor- 

witz 1873.    87p.    il.     i8mo.  [lco] 


2735a.  Thou  shall  not  steal.  The  faithful  watcher.  Two 
tales.  Phil.  Hoffman  &  Morwitz  1873.  63. 
22p.    il.    _i8mo.  [lco] 

HoFFMEiSTER,  Wf.  F:  L:  Ab.  1819-45 

2735b.   Travels   in    Ceylon    and    continental    India,   etc. 
Edinb.     Kennedy  1848.     527p.     20cm.         [lc] 
HoFMANNSTHAL,  Hg.  Hofmann,  edler  v.  1874- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14,  €91(17),  C160  (2d  ed.), 
2736.     The  adventurer  and  the  singer.     Selections.     Tr. 

B.  Q.  ^Morgan.    In  C160  (2d  ed.). 
*2j^'^.     Ariadne  on   Naxos.      Tr.    A.    Kalisch.     Berlin; 
Paris.       Fiirstner      1913.       (Libretto,    English 
only.)  [lc] 

*2738.      Death  and  the   fool.      Tr.    Max    Batt.     In  Poet 
Lore,  vol.   24   (1913).       [No    rhymes;  forced 
verse.  ] 
*2739.     do.     Tr.  Elis.  Walter.    Bost.    Badger  1914.    45p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

♦2740.     do.     Tr.  J  :  Heard,  Jr.     In  €91(17). 
2741 .     The  death    of    Titian.      Tr.    J :    Heard,  Jr.     In 
*2742.      Electra.     Tr.  Arthur  Symons.     NY.     Brentano's 
1908.     83p.     20cm.     [Style  excellent;  errors.] 


t2743.     do.     Tr.  C:  T.  Mason.     Berlin.     Fiirstner  1909. 

43P-    8vo.     (Libretto,  French  and  Eng.)     [lc] 

♦♦2744.     do.     Tr.    A.    Kalisch.      Berlin    1910.      (Libretto, 

Eng.  only.}  [lc] 

2745.  Madonna   Dianora :  a    play    in   verse.     Tr.   Mrs. 

Harriet     Boas.      Bost.      Badger     1916.      44p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

2746.  The  marriage  of  Sobeide.    Tr.  B.  Q.  Morgan.    In 


t2747.     The      rose-bearer.       Tr.     A.      Kalisch.       Berlin. 

Fiirstner    19 12.       i3op.       i2mo.      [Incomplete, 

true  neither  to  sense  nor  metre.]  [ny] 

♦♦2748.     do.     Tr.  A.  Kalisch.     Berlin.     Paris  1912.     [Ex- 



cellent  singing  version.     Cf.  #2/4J.     Evidently 
the  text  of  the  opera  is  not  the  same.]  [lc] 

*275o.      Venice  preserved,   a  tragedy.     Tr.   Elis.  Walter. 
In  Poet  Lore,  vol.  26(1915). 

HoHENLOHE-ScHiLLiNGSFUERST,    Chlodwig    K:  V:   fiirst  zu, 
**275i.      Memoirs.     Eng.  ed.  supervised  G:  W.   Chrystal. 
NY.    Macmillan  1906.     2v.    23cm.  [lc] 

See    Hedemann,    Axe.    v.,    My    friendship    etc. 
HojER,  Kd. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C138,  C266. 

HoLBACH,  PI.  T.  baron  d'  (properly  PI.  H:  Dt.),  1723-89 

2752.  Good  sense.     (Tr.  from  the  French.)     Mendum. 

n.  d.  [ac7] 

Holbein,  Hs.  1497-1543 

See  Knackfuss,  H.,  Hans  H__.     #3036. 
See  Wohmann,  A.,  Hans  H--.     #6210-2. 

Hold,  E. 

2753.  The  young  Savoyard.     See  Krummacher,  F.,  Al- 

fred etc.     #3267. 

Holm,  Ad.  1830-1900 

2754.  History   of    Greece   from   commencement  to  the 

close  of  the  independent  Greek  nation.  Tr.  F: 
Clarke.  Lond ;  NY.  ]\lacmillan  1878-1900.  4V. 
2icm.  —  1st  ed.  1894.  (Only  IV  tr.  by  Clarke, 
who  revised  I-III.)  [lc] 

HoLSTEiN,  Fz.  V.  1826-78 

Selection,  verse,  see  C230. 

HoLTEi,  K:  V.  1798-80 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C62,  C137. 


2755-      Wanderings    of    a     jmirnoyinan    tailor    through 



Europe  and  the  east,  1824-40.  Tr.  3d.  Ger.  ed. 
W :  Hewitt.  Loud.  Longman  1844.  286p. 
1 8cm.  [lc] 
Bohn  1849.    i2mo.                                     [ec] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C230. 

HoLUB,  El.  1847- 1902 

2756.  Seven  years  in  S.  Africa:  travels,  researches,  and 

hunting  adventures,  1872-9.  Tr.  Ellen  E. 
Frewer.    Bost.    Houghton  1881.    2v.    il.  22cm. 

—  ed  ed.    Lond.    Low  1881.    23cm.  [lc] 

Holz,  Amo,  1863- 

Seleciion,  verse,  sec  €91(18),  C14,  €185. 

HoMBURG,  Em.  Cph. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C220,  C180. 


2757.  The  civilization  of  the    east.      Tr.    L  H.  Loewe. 

Macmillan    1900.      i6mo.      (Temple   primers.) 

HOPFEN,   Hs.    1835-I904 

2758.  The  fortunes  and  fate  of  little  Spangle.     In  C173. 

2759.  Trudel's  ball.     In  C173. 

HoPFEN,  Hs.  and 
Eckstein,  Em. 

2760.  Novels  and  humorous    sketches.      Chic.     Schick 

1885.  3  pts.  in  I  V.  19cm.  (Contains  #2758, 
#2759,  #716.)  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

HoRMAYR  zu  Hortenburg,  Js.  frcihcrr  v.  d.  d.  1848 

2761 .  Memoirs  of  the  life  of  Andrew  Hofer.    Tr.  C :  H  : 

Hall.    Lond.    Murray  1820.     igSp.    22cm.  [lc] 

268  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Horn,  G: 

2762.  Count  Silvius,  a  romance.    Tr.  M.  J.  Safford.  NY. 

Harlan  1882.    463P.  [lco] 

2763.  The  margravine  of  Baireuth  and  Voltaire.     (Cor- 

respondence.)    Tr.  Princess  Cn.  of  Schleswig- 
Holstein.     Lond.     Stott  1888.  i84p.  8vo.   [lco] 
See  Friederike  So.  W  :e. 

Horn,  H:  Mz.  1814-74 

2764.  The  rose's  pilgrimage:  a  legend.    Ad.  to  the  music 

of   Robt.   Schumann  by    H :  Cobb.     St.   Louis. 
Studley  1862.     lop.    8vo.     (Libretto.)       [lco] 

"Horn,  W.  O.  v."  (i.  e.  Ph.  F:  W:  Oertel,  1798-1867) 

2765.  The  beaver  trappers    and    other  stories.     Tr.  J. 

Henderson.    Lond.     1870.     i2mo.  [bm] 

2766.  Friedel ;  an  autobiog.     Tr.  C.  M.   Sawyer.     Phil. 

1856.    3d  ed.    i6mo.  [bm] 

2767.  How  the  French  took  Algiers;  or,  the  Janissary's 

slave.    Tr.  J.  Latchmore.    Edinb.    Oliphant,  A. 
&  F.  1881.     iQop.    8vo.  [bm] 

2768.  Leonhard,  the  runaway.      Tr.    from    P'an  Horn. 

Phil.    Luth.  board  1871.    74p.     i6mo.       [lco] 

2769.  Maria  Theresa.    Tr.  G.  P.  Upton.    Chic.  McClurg 

1905.     I4ip.     17cm.  [lc] 

2770.  The  military  chest :  an  incident  of  the  war  between 

Prussia  and  France  (and  other  stories).     Tr. 
J.  Henderson.    Lond.     1870.     i2mo.  [bm] 

2771 .  Olaf  Thorlaksen  :  an  Icelandic  narrative.     Tr.  M. 

Sheeleigh.     Phil.       Luth.    board     1870.      2iip. 
i6mo.  [rm] 

2772.  do.     same.     The  boy  pilot;  or,  Olaf  Thorlaksen. 

Tr.  M.  Sheeleigh.     Lond.     Ward,  Lock  1882. 
2iip.     8vo.  [bm] 

2773.  The  schoolmaster  of   Abbacli,  and  other  stories. 

From  Cut.  of  van  Horn.     Phil.     Claxton,  R.  & 
H.  1870.    354p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

2774.  Tiiree  days  in  Gellert's  life.     Founded  on  facts. 

Lond.     1861.     i2mo.  [bm] 


HoRNFF.CK,  F:  (or  Hornseck?) 

2775.  The  human  heart.     In  Schiller,  Lay  of  the  bell. 

1891.  [bm] 

Hornseck,  F:  (or  Homfeck?) 

Selection,  i-crsc,  see  C198. 

HoRST,  Jl.  1864- 

See  Engel,  Ax.,  joint  author. 

HosEMANN,  Td.  1813-75 

2776.  A  laughter  book   for    little    folk.      Tr.  Mme.  de 

Chatelain.    Lend.     185J.    4to.  [bm] 

HoTTiNGER,  J:  Jk.  1783-1860 

2777-     The  life  and  times  of  Zwingli.     Tr.  T.  C.  Porter. 
Harrisburg,  Pa.     Scheflfer  1856.     42ip.     i2mo. 


HouwALD,  Cph.  Em.  freiherr  v.  1778-1845 

2778.  The   Christian    and    the    Mahometan.      In    The 

Christmas  roses  and  other  tales,  1845.  4to.    [bm] 

2779.  The  goldsmith.  The  new  year's  wish.     In  Cousin 

Natalia's  tales.     1841.     i6mo.  [bm] 

Hroswitha,  (propcrtly  Hrothswith),  10th  cent. 

Selection  from  her  "Abraham",  in  C52. 

Hrussoczy,  Me.  edie  v.  1821-98,  see  "Tenger,  Mariam". 

HuBER,  V  :  Aime,  1800-69 

2780.  Stories   of   Spanish    life.      Lend.     Colburn   1837. 

2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

Hugh,  R:a,  1864- 

S election,  verse,  sec  C14,  C9i(i8),  C185. 

2781.  Recollections  of  Ludolf  Ursleu  the  younger.    Tr. 

(abr.)   by  Muriel  Almon  and  B.  Q.  Morgan. 
In  C9i(i8). 

HuEBNER,  J:  1668-1731 

2782.  The  historical  companion:  being  a  new  introduc- 

tion to  the  history  of  all  nations.     Written  or- 
iginally  in    the    High-Dutch.      By    Mr.  John 



Hubner,  for  the  use  of  schools.  And  now 
faithfully  translated  into  English.  Lond. 
Print,  for  G.  Smith  1742.    309p.    17cm.       [lc] 

HuEBNER,  Js.  Ax.  freiherr  v.  1811- 

2783.  Through   the    British    empire.      Lond.      Murray 

1886.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

2784.  Ramble  round    the    world.      Tr.    Lady   Herbert. 

Macmillan  1874.    2v.    8vo. New  ed.     1878. 


HuEGEL,  Carl  Ax.  Ans.  freiherr  v.  1796-1870 

2785.  Travels  in  Kashmir  and  Panjab.     Lond.     Peth- 

eram  1845.    423P.     il.     25cm.  [lc] 

HuELSEN,  Cn.  C:  F:  1858- 

**2786.  The  Roman  forum;  its  history  and  its  monuments. 
Tr.  2d  Ger.  ed.  Jesse  B.  Carter.  Rome. 
Loescher.  NY.  Stechert  1906.  259P.  il. 
17cm.  [lc] 


2787.  The  congress  of  the  beasts  ....  for  nego- 
tiating a  peace  between  .  .  .  the  quad- 
rupedes  at  war.  A  farce  of  two  acts  (satire  on 
the  congress  at  Aix-la-Chapelle).  Written  orig. 
in  High  Dutch.  Tr.  J.  J.  Heidegger.  Lond. 
1748.    3op.    8vo.  [bm] 

_-  Lond.  1748.  5op.  8vo.  __  2d  ed.  corrected. 
Lond.    1748.    8vo.  [bm] 

--  4th  ed.    Lond.  for  W.  Webb  1748.  68p.  [loo] 

Hugo  von  Trimberg,  fJ.  1260-1313 

Selections  from  "Renner",  sec  C52,  C108;  see  also 

Hugo  von  Montkort,  1357-1423 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C13. 

Hugo  von  Werbenwag,  H.  1258-79 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C181,  C244. 

HUHN,  A.  V. 

2/88.     The  kidnapping  of  Prince  Ax.  v.  Battenberg  etc. 
Stanford  1887.    8vo.  [ec] 

Humboldt,  F:  W:  H:  Ax.  freiherr  v.  1769-1859 
Selection,  prose,  see  €160(13). 

2789.  Works.    Appleton  n.  d.    gv.    lamo.    (Cosmos,  5V. 

Narr.  of  trav.  in  Amer.,  3V.    Views  of  nature.) 


2790.  Aspects  of  nature  in  different  lands  and  different 

climates.  Tr.  Mrs.  Eliz.  Sabine.  Phil.  Lea 
&  Blanchard  1849.    475p.    20cm.    __  1850. 

Lond.      Longman    1849.      2v.      i8cm. 

Lond.  Longman  1850.  2v.  in  i.  i8cm.  [lc] 
..  Longman  1848.     2V.  square.  [ec] 

2791.  do.     Views  of  nature;  or,  contemplations  on  the 

sublime  phenomena  of  creation.  Tr.  E.  C.  Otte 
and  H:  G:  Bohn.  Lond.  Bohn  1850.  452p. 
i8cm.  [lc] 

2792.  Copernicus  and  the  ancient  astronomers.     (From 

the  Cosmos.)  Bost.  1888.  Old  south  leaflets. 
I2p.    i2mo.  [lco] 

2793.  Cosmos:  a  general    survey    of    the  physical  phe- 

nomena of  the  universe.  Tr.  A.  Pritchard. 
Lond.     1845.     1848.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

__  Tr.   Pritchard.     Bailliere.     1848.     2v.     8vo. 


2794.  do.     a  sketch  of  a  physical  description  of  the  uni- 

verse. Tr.  E.  C.  Otte,  B.  H.  Paul,  and  \V.  S. 
Dallas.  Lond.  Bohn  1849-58.  5V.  i8cm.  [lc] 
_-  Bohn  1847-58.     5v.  [ec] 

-_  Harper  n.  d.    5V.     i2mo.  [ac7] 

2795.  do.     Tr.  Mrs.  Sabine.    Lond.     Longman  1850-58. 

4V.     17cm.     (Only  ist  pt.  of  vol.  4.  pub.)   [lc] 

2796.  Life,  travels,  and  books  of,  by  B.  Taylor.     Low 

1859.    8vo.  [eg] 

2797.  Life  and  travels.     Blackwood  i860.     i2mo.     [ec] 

2798.  Life,  travels,  and  books   of.     With   intro.  by  B. 

Taylor.    NY.    Rudd  &  C.  1865.    i2mo.       [ac] 

272  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2799.  Life,  tr.    Jane    and    Caro.      Lassell.     Longmans 

1873.    2v.    8vo.  [ec] 

2800.  Life  and  travels.  New  ed.    Nelson  1892.  8vo.  [ec] 

2801 .  Personal   narrative   of    travels   to   the     .... 

new  continent  ....  1 799- 1 804.  Tr.  (fr. 
the  French)  by  Helen  ]\L  Williams.  Lond. 
1814-29.    7v.    8vo. Phil.  1815.    8vo.     [bm] 

2802.  do.     Lond.     Longman     18 14.      2v.      289,    299P. 

8vo.  [] 

2802a.    do.     yx.  in  8.     1818-29.  [lco] 

2803.  do.     Tr.  and  ed.  T.    Ross    (from    the   French). 

Lond.    Bohn  1847.    8vo.  [bm] 

2804.  Pictures  of  nature  and  travel,  by  Buchheim.  Lond. 

Williams  &  N.  1875.     i2mo.  [ec] 

2805.  Political  essay  on  the  island  of  Cuba.     Tr.  Helen 

j\L  Williams.     (From  ^2801,  vol.  7.)     Lond. 

Longmans  1822.    8vo.  [lco] 

2805a.    do.     Political    essay    on    the    kingdom    of    New 

Spain.    Tr.  J.  Black  1811.    2v.  8vo.  [bm] 

2806.  do?     Island   of    Cuba.       Tr.    Thrasher.       Lond. 

Low  1856.    8vo.  [ec] 

2807.  The    travels    and    researches    of    A.    v.    H in 

America  and  in  Asiatic  Russia.  By  W.  Mac- 
gillivray.     1832.     424P.     i2mo.     (Cf.  #2801.) 


2808.  do?     Travels  and  discoveries,  abridged.     Parker 

1840.     i8mo.  [ec] 

2809.  do.     same  as  #-So/.  Harper  1842.     i2mo.  [bm] 

2810.  do.     same  as  #jSo^^?  Bohn  1853.    3V.  8vo.   [ec] 

2811.  do.     same  as  #>8oy.     Nelson   1857.     i2mo.     

i860.  [ec] 
Lond.    1859.   8vo.                                      [bm] 

2812.  do.     sam^  as  ^sSoj?     Travels   in  .Vmerica  and 

Asiatic  Russia.    Crosby  &  N.  n.  d.  i8mo.  [aci] 

2813.  do.     same  as  if.2Soj.      Travels    and  researches. 

Tr.  Macgillivray.     IIarj)er  n.  d.  ii.  i8mo.  [ac"] 

2814.  do.     sameas#J8oj?    Tr.  T.  Ross.    3V.     (Bohn.) 


Little,   B.   Lippincott.      Scribner    &    W.    n.  d. 


2815.  do.     same  as    ^2810?      Travels    to  equinoctial 

America,     1799-1804.      Routledge     1895.      3v. 

8vo.  [ec] 

See  Bruhns,  K:,  Life  of  A.  v.  H_-.     #364. 
See    Loewcnberg,    J.,    A.    v.    H__.      Youth    and 

early  manhood.     #3612. 
See  Schwarsenberg.  F.,  Life  and  labors.  #5336. 

Humboldt,  W  :  (i.  e.  F :  W :  Cn.  K :  Fd.)  freiherr  v.  1767-1835 
Selection,  prose,  see  C206. 

2816.  The  early  romantic  school.     Tr.  Jas.  T.  Hatfield. 

In  €91(4). 

2817.  Letters  to  a  female  friend.    Tr.  2d  Gcr.  ed.  C.  M. 

A.  Couper.     1844.    2v.    i2mo.  [bm] 

2818.  do.     do.     Tr.  Dr.  Stebbing.     Lond.     Hall  1849. 

8vo.  [ec] 

2819.  do.     do.     Lond.     Chapman  1852.     2v.    8vo.  [ec] 

2820.  do.     Letters  to    a    lady.      Intro.    C:    G.    Leland. 

Phil.     Leypoldt;  NY.     Christern   1864.     257P. 
17cm.  [lc] 

__  New  ed.    NY.    Holt  1873.  [ac] 

2821.  Letters,  1827-58,  to  Varnhagen  v.  Ense,  and  other 

matter.    Lond.    Triibner  i860.  334p.  22cm.  [lc] 

2822.  do.     Tr.  2d  Ger.  ed.     Fried.     Kapp.     NY.    Rudd 

&  C.  i860.    407p.     19cm.  [lc] 

2823.  Schiller  and  the  progress  of  his  intellectual  devel- 

opment.   Tr.  Fes.  H.  King.    In  091(4). 

2824.  The   sphere   and   duties   of   government.      Tr.   J. 

Coulthard,  Jr.     1844.     i2mo.  [bm] 

2825.  Thoughts  and  opinions  of  a  statesman.     2d  ed. 

Lond.     Pickering  1850.     i66p.     i7cni.     (Let- 
ters to  Charlotte  A.  E.  v.  Stein.)  [lc] 

2826.  do.     Religious     thoughts     and     opinions.      Bost. 

Crosby  &  Nichols  1851.    i7ip.    17cm.  [lc] 

See  Goethe.,  Corr.  \v.  W :  v.  H--  and  his  wife. 


Humboldt,  Ax.  and  W: 

Lives  of,  by  Klencke  and  Schlesier.  See  Klencke, 
P.    #3000. 

HuMPERDiNCK,  Engelbert,  1854- 

Hansel  and  Gretel  (opera),  see  Wette. 
Konigskinder  (opera),  see  Rosmer. 

Huss,  J:  1369-1414 

2827.  Memoir.     Tr.  M.  A.  Wyatt.     Seeley  1846.     8vo. 


2828.  do.     Tr.   fr.  Ger.    1855.  2d.  ed.  So.  Meth.   1875. 


2829.  Letters.    Tr.  C.  Mackenzie.    Longman  1846.   8vo. 


Sec  Loserth,  J  :,  Wiclif  and  Hus.     #3622. 
Huss,  J.  and 

HlERONYMUS    VON    PrAG,   /?.    I399-I416 

2830.  Memoirs.    Presb.  Com.  1867.     i8mo.  [ac] 

HuTTEN,  U:  V.  1488-1523 

Selection,  verse,  see  C52,  C264,  C151. 
Sec  Strauss,  D:,  Life  and  times.     #5542. 

Iffland,  A:  W:  1759-1814 

2831.  The  bachelors,  a  comedy.    Lond.    1799.  8vo.  [bm] 

2832.  Conscience,  a  tragedy.     Tr.   B:   Thompson.     In 


2833.  Trans f    do.     Das  Gewissen,  a  tragedy.     By.  J. 

\V.    Fraedersdorft'.       Lond.      Williams    &    N. 
i860.    8vo.  [ec] 

2834.  Crime  from  ambition;  a  play.    Tr.  M.  Gcisweiler. 

Lond.     1800.    8vo.  [rm] 

2835.  The  foresters:  a  picture  of  rural   manners.     Tr. 

B.    riumptro.     Lond.      N'ornor    iK:    Hood    i~()(). 
Ii9p.    8vo.  [bm] 

2836.  The  good    neighbor;    an    interlude,    in    one  act. 

Altered     ....     by      W :      Dunlap.       NY. 
Longworlh  1814.     up.     unio.  [lco] 


2837.  The  lawyers.     A  drama.     Tr.  C.  Ludger.     Lond. 

1799.    8vo.  [bm] 

2838.  The  nephews.     A  play.     Freely  tr.  H.  E.  Lloyd. 

Lond.    Spilsbury  1799.     i04p.    8vo.  [lco] 

Ihne,  W:  1821-1902 

2839.  Early  Rome,  to  its  destruction  by  the  Gauls.  Lond. 

Longmans  1876.     i8mo.  [ec] 

-_  1904.     _-  Scribner  1907.  [abp] 

21840.     The  history  of  Rome.    Lond.    Longmans  1871-82. 

5v.    8vo.  [bm] 

Imhof,  aftcnvards  Helwig,  Ame.  v.   1776-1831 

Taie,  In  Auerbach,  B.,  German  evenings.    #75. 

Immermann,  K:  Lbt.  1796-1840 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C53,  C167,  C221  ;  #1489. 
2841.     Oberhof,  a  tale  of  Westphalian  life.     (Tr?)     By 
Wagner.    Camb.    Wareh.    1879.     i2mo.       [ec] 
♦2842.     do.     Tr.  P.  B.  Thomas.     In  €91(7). 

2843.  The  wonders  in  the  Spessart.    In  C192. 

Ingersleben,  frau  Erne  (v.  Loga)  v.  1822-71,  see  "Rothen- 
fels.  E.  V." 


See  Gundert,  H.,  Biog.  of  C.  I--.     #2094. 

Itai.iener,  H  : 

2844.  The   rat-charmer   of    Hamelin.     Comic  opera   in 

four  acts.     NY.     Schuberth   1882.     I98p.    410. 


Jacobi,  J:  G:  1740-1814 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C145,  C245,  C232,  C109, 

C16,  C22,  C142. 
Selection,  prose,  see  C120. 

Jacobs,  F:  Cn.  W :  1764-1847 

2845.  Hellas:  or,  the  home,  history,  literature,  and  art 

of    the    Greeks.      Tr.     J.     Oxen  ford.     Lond. 
Parker  1855.    8vo.  [bm] 

276  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Selection,  verse,  see  C109,  C21. 

Jahn,  K. 

2846 .  Augusta,  grand  duchess  of  Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 
A  biog.  sketch.  Tr.  J.  Rafter.  Schwerin  1864. 
8vo.  [bm] 

Jahn,  O:  1813-69 

**2847.  Life  of  Mozart.  Tr.  PauHne  D.  Townsend. 
Lond.     Novello  1882.     3V.     23cm.  [lc] 

Jakob  von  der  Warte 

Selection,  verse,  see  C52,  C146. 

Janssen,  J:s,  1829-91 

**2848.  History  of  the  German  people  at  the  close  of  the 
middle  ages.  Lond.  Paul,  T.  &  T.  1896-1910. 
i6v.  23cm.  (Vols.  1-2  tr.  M.  A.  Mitchell  and 
A.  M.  Christie;  remainder  tr.  Christie.)        [lc] 

Jarosy,  Rd. 

2849.  ^  warm  reception.    A  comedietta,  in  one  act.   Tr. 

adap.  for  Amer.  stage  by  Mabel  Morse.     NY. 
De  Witt  1890.     up.     19cm.  [lc] 

Jeiler,  Igs. 

2850.  Life  of  the  venerable  Mary  Crescentia  Hoss.    Tr. 

Clementinus   Deymann.      NY.     Benzigcr   1886. 
357p.    i2mo.  [lco] 

Jensen,  W  :  1837- 

Sclection,  verse,  see  C230,  C68,  C38,  C185. 

2851.  Fair  isle.     .V  tale  in  verse.     Tr.  by  a  Shetlander. 

Kirkwall.     1881.    65P.    8vo.  [bm] 

2852.  Karin.     Tr.    Lillie    A.    Mercur.      Towanda,    Pa. 

Mercur  1882.     5op.    22cm.  [lc] 

2853.  do.     Karin  of  Sweden.     Tr.  Mrs.  Waugh.     NY. 

Collier  1894.    2o8p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

2854.  do.     Karine  :  a  story  of  Swedish  love.    Tr.  Ennna 

A.     Endlich.      Chic.      McClurg     1896.      2iip. 
17cm.  [lc] 

2855.  Runic  rocks:  a  North-Sea  idyl.     Tr.  Marianne  E. 


Suckling.    Pref.  G.  Fiedler.    Stock  1898.  288p. 
8vo.  [ec] 

Jerome,  of  Prague 

See  Huss,  J.    #2830. 

Jerrmann,  E:  1795-1859 

2856.  St.  Petersburg:  its  people;  their  character  and  in- 

stitutions.    Tr.    F:    Hardman.      NY.     Barnes 
1855-     234p.     igcni.  [ix] 

_-  Samci'      Pictures     from     St.     Petersburg. 
Longman   1852.     i2mo.  [ec] 

Jhering,  Rd.  V.  1818- 

2857.  The  struggle  for  law.    Tr.  5th  Ger.  ed.  J.  J.  Lalor. 

Chic.    Callaghan  1879.     I30p.     i2mo.    __2d  ed. 
1915.     138P.  [lc] 

2858.  do.     Battle   for  rights.      Tr.    P.    A.    Ashworth. 

Lond.    Stevens  1883.    84p.     i2mo.  [bm] 

JiRiczEK,  O:  Luitpold,  1867- 

♦2859.  Northern  hero  legends.  Tr.  M.  Bentinck  Smith. 
Lond.  Dent  1902.  I46p.  15cm.  [Seems  to 
alter  arbitrarily.]  [lc] 

Joachim,  Js.  1831-1907 

2860.  Letters  from  and  to     ...     .     sel.  and  tr.  Mrs. 

Nora  Bickley.     Lond.    Macmillan  1914.    47op. 
il.    23cm.  [lc] 

Joannes,  de  Hildesheim 

2861 .  The  three  kings  of  Cologne.     .An  early  Eng.  tr. 

In  Early  Eng.  text  soc.  1886.    8vo.  [bm] 

JoHANN  Em.  I,  herzog  von  Sachsen-Weimar,  1594-1626 
See  Neumayr  v.  Ramssla,  J :  #4074. 

JoHANN  VOX  Brabant,  herzog  (Jan  I),  ;?.  1269-94 
Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C181. 

JoHANNE  Jne.  grafin  v.  Reden 

See  Reuss,  E.,  A  pietist  of  the  Napoleonic  wars 
and  after.     #4491. 


John,  Ege.  1825-87,  see  "Marlitt,  E." 

Jonas,  Jt.  1493- 1 555 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264. 

Jordan,  W.  1819- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

JoRGENS,  J.  L.  d.  1827 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Joseph  II,  kaiser,  1741-90 

2862.  Letters     ....     to    Gen.    D'Alton.      Tr.     fr. 

French.    Lend.     1790.    8vo.  [bm] 

2863.  Letters     ....     to    dist.    princes   and    states- 

men,  (now  first  trans,  from  the  Ger.)     2  pts. 
Lond.      Pamphleteer,    1813   etc.   vol.    19.     8vo. 

See  Miihlbach,   L.,    Joseph    II    and    his    court. 

JuENGST,  Ane.  1843- 

2864.  A   brother's    sacrifice.       Ad.    Aloysius    J.    Eifel. 

Techny,   111.   Soc.   of   the   Divine  word.      1909. 

222p.       19cm.  [lc] 

2865.  Sister  Angela.     In  C213. 

JUNGHANS,  So.    1845- 

2866.  The  heiress  against  her  will.    Tr.  L.  Field.    Lond. 

Lit.  soc.  1885.    8vo.  [bm] 

Jung-Stilling,  J:  H:  1740-1817 

2867.  Heinrich  Stilling.     (Autobiog.)     Tr.  S:  Jackson. 

3  pts.    Lond.     1835-6.     i2mo.     (Separate  titles : 
childhood,  dome.stic  life,  sequel.)  [bm] 

2868.  do.     do.     Lond.     Hamilton,    Adams    1835.     2v. 

372,  446p.     i2mo.  [lco] 
Hamilton  1842.    8vo.  [ec] 

2869.  do.     Autobiography  of  H.    S.      Tr.  S.  Jackson. 

2d  ed.     Lond.     1843.    8vo.  ["m] 

2870.  do.     Autobiog.     Tr.   S:  Jackson.     NY.     Harper 

1844.     i88p.     _-  1845.  [lco] 


2870a.    do.     Life,  by  Jackson,  abridged  b)- Wright.   Lend. 
Houlston  1847.    32mo.  [ec] 

2871.  dof     Life.    Tr.  E.  L.  Hazelius.    Gettysburg,  Pa. 

Neinstedt  1831.    4i6p.    8vo.  [lco] 

2872.  do.     Sequel  to  Heinrich  Stilling.     Tr.  S.  Jackson. 

Lond.     Hamilton,  Adams  1836.     342p.     i2mo. 
(Vol.  3  of  #2867.)  [LCO] 

2873.  Interesting  tales.     Tr.  S.  Jackson.     Lond.     1837. 

i2mo.  [bm] 

2874.  Scenes  in  the  world  of  spirits.     Tr.  3d  orig.  ed. 

Gottlieb  Shober.     New-Market.     Print,  by  A. 
Henkel   1815.     282p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

2875.  Theobald;  or,  the  fanatic:  a  true  history.    Tr.  S: 

SchaefTer.     Phil.      Hooker;    NY.      Saxton  & 
Miles  1846.    286p.     20cm.  [lc] 

2876.  Selections.    Tr.  S.  Jackson.     1833.    32mo.       [ec] 

"Junker,  E."  (i.  e.  Frau  Else  (Robert)  Schmieden,  1841-96) 

2877.  Lucy;  or,  married   from  pique.     A  story  of  real 

life.    Tr.  Jos.  A.  Sigmund.    Bost.    Loring  1868. 
52p.     23cm.  [lc] 

2878.  Margarethe;  or,  life-problems.     Tr.  Mrs.  Wister. 

Phil.    Lippincott  1878.     i2mo.  [ac] 

1906.    336p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Title:    Margaret's   ordeal.  Lond.     Ward, 

Lock  1883.    224p.    8vo.  [bm] 

Junker,  W  :  J  :  1840-92 

2879.  Travels  in  Africa,   1875-86.      Tr.    A.  H.  Keane. 

Lond.     Chapman    &    Hall      1890-2.      3V.     il. 
23cm.  [lc] 

Just,  Ad. 

2880.  Return  to  nature.  Routledge  1912.  468?.  8vo.  [ec] 

Just,  Gst. 

2881.  Life  of  Luther.    Tr.  Martin  Sommer  and  F:  W: 

Herzberger.    St.  Louis.    Concordia  1903.   io3p. 
il.     19cm.  [lc] 


Kadelburg,  Gst.  185 1- 

See  Blumenthal,  Ok.,  joint  author. 

Kaden,  Wol.  1838- 

See  Stieler,  K :,  joint  author. 

Kaeppelin,  Charles  Eugene  Rodolphe,  1810-91 

2882.  Alsace  throughout  the  ages.     Tr.  Ma.  L.  Hendee. 

Franklin,  Pa.    Miller  1908.    207p.    19cm.     [lc] 

Kahlenberg,  H.  v. 

Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 

Kaisenberg,  Mz.  Lp.  Ld.  v.  1837-1910 

2883.  Memoirs  of  the  Baroness  Cecile  de  Courtot,  lady- 

in-waiting  to  the  Princess  de  Lamballe  etc.   Tr. 
Jessie  Haynes.     NY.    Holt  1900.     298P.   22cm. 


Kalb,  J:  1721-81 

Sec  Kapp,  F :,  Life  of  major  J  :  Kalb  etc.     4^2933. 

Kant,  Im.  1724-1804 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160,  C120;  see  also  Stirling, 
Jas.  H.,  Text-book  to  Kant.  Edinb.  1881. 
8vo.  [bm] 

2884.  The    metaphysical    works.      Tr.    J:    Richardson. 

Lond.     1836.    3  pts.  8vo.  [bm] 

_-  ist  ed.    1818.  [34] 

2885.  Anthropology.    Tr.  A.  E.  Kroeger.    In  €141(9-11, 


2886.  Concerning  a  pretended  right  to  lie  from  motives 

of  humanity.    Tr.  A.  !•",.  Kroeger.     In  €141(7). 
**2887.     Cosmogony.     Ed.  and  tr.  W:  Hastie.     Glasgow. 
Maclehose  1900.    205p.    20cm.  [lc] 

*2888.     Critique  of  aesthetic  judgment.    Tr.  Jas.  C.  Mere- 
dith.    Oxford.     Clarendon   1911.     333p.    iqcm. 


Critique  of  practical  reason.    Sec  Thcor)'  of  ethics. 
2889.     Critic  of  pure  reason  criticised  and  explained  by 
himself.     Tr.  A.  E.  Kroeger.     In  €141(14). 


**2890.     Critick  of  pure  reason.    Tr.  Fis.  Haywood.    Lond. 
Pickering  1838.    6559.    22cm.  [lc] 

2891.  do.     do.     2d  ed.    1848.    6259.    8vo.  [bm] 

2892.  Critique  of  pure  reason.     Tr.  J:  M.  D.  Meikle- 

john.     Bohn    1856.     8vo.  [ec] 

__  Lond.  Bell  &  D.  1872.  517P.  i8cm.  [lc] 
**2893.     do.     do.     Rev.  ed.    NY.      Colonial    press    1899. 

480P.     il.     24cm.  [lc] 

**2894.     do.     Tr.  F:  Max  Miiller.    Centenary  ed.     Lond. 

Macniillan  1881.     2v.     22cm.     __   1896.     8o8p. 

2icm.     __  2d  rev.  ed.  NY.     1907.  [lc] 

**2895.      Dreams   of   a   spirit-seer.      Tr.    E.    P.    Goerwitz. 

Lond.      Sonnenschein ;   NY.     Macmillan    1900. 

i6ip.     19cm.  [lc] 

**2896.     Educational  theory.     Tr.  E:  F.  Buchner.     Phil; 

Lond.      Lippincott    1908.      309p.       19cm. 

1904.  (Has  bibliography  of  translations.)  [lc] 
**2897.     do.     Kant  on  education.      Tr.    Annette  Churton. 

Lond.     Paul,  T.  &  T.  1899.     i2ip.     19cm. 

Bost.    Heath  1906.  [lc] 

2898.  Elements  of  the  critical  philosophy.     Essays  and 

treatises  on  moral,  political,  and  various  philo- 
sophical subjects.  Lond.  1798.  I799-  2v. 
8vo.    Tr.  A.  F.  M.  Willich.  [bm] 

2899.  Fundamental   principles   of     the    metaphysics    of 

ethics.  Tr.  T :  K.  Abbott.  3d  ed.  Lond.  NY. 
Longmans  1907.     io2p.     19cm.  [lc] 

--  Longmans  1895.    8vo.  [ec] 

2900.  do.    same?    Fundamental  principles  of  the  meta- 

physic  of  morals.  Tr.  T.  K.  Abbott.  In  Har- 
vard Classics.     NY.     Collier.     Vol.  32. 

2901.  Idea  of  a  universal  history.    In  C94. 

t2902.     Inaugural   dissertation   of    1770.     Tr 

W:  J.  EckofT.  NY.  Columbia  college  1894. 
loip.  24cm.  [Translator  adds  and  elaborates, 
and  is  not  faithful  to  Kant's  language.]  [lc] 
2903.  Introduction  to  logic,  and  Essay  on  the  mistaken 
subtilty  of  the  four  fingers.  Tr.  T.  K.  Abbott. 
Lond.    Longmans  1885.    lOop.    8vo.  [bm] 

282  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


2904.  Kritik  of  judgment.     Tr.  J:  H:  Bernard.    Lend; 

NY.     Macmillan  1892.     429P.     230111.         [lc] 

2905.  The  metaphysic    of    ethics.      Lend.      1799.     2v. 

8vo.  [bm] 

12906.      do.     Tr.   J.   W.    Semple.       Edinb.       Clark    1836. 

378p.     2icm.      __    New   ed .  i86g.     3d  ed. 

1871.  [lc] 

_-  4th  ed.  by  Calderwood.     1886.  [B4] 

2907.  In  the  infinite  divisibihty  of  space.     Tr.  J:  Wat- 

son.    In  Ci4i(2o). 

2908.  Plan  of  an    everlasting    peace.      Tr.   Cabot.     In 

**2909.     do.     Perpetual  peace.    Tr.  B  :  F.  Trueblood.  Bost. 
Amer.  peace  soc.  1897.     53p.     19cm.  [lc] 

2910.  do.     Perpetual   peace:  philosophical  essay,    1795. 

Tr.  w.  intro.  and  notes  by  M.  Campbell  Smith. 
Pref.  by  Prof.  Latta.  Lond.  Sonnenschein 
1903.  2i8p.  8vo.  [eg] 
Cheaper  ed.    Allen  &  U.     1915.                [ec] 

2911 .  do.     Eternal   peace,    and    other    international    es- 

says. Tr.  W :  Hastie.  Bost.  World  peace 
foundation  19 14.     i79P-    20cm.  [lc] 

**292i.  The  philosophy  of  Kant  as  contained  in  extracts 
from  his  own  writings.  Sel.  and  tr.  J :  Watson. 
New  cd.  Glasgow.  Maclehose.  NY ;  Lond. 
Macmillan  1901.    356p.    20cni.  [lc] 

*2922.     Philosophy  of    law.      Tr.    W:    Hastie.     Edinb. 

Clark  1887.     265P.     igcni.      [rcrbosc]        [lc] 

2923 .      The  principles  of  the  critical  philosophy,  sel.  from 

the  works.    Lond.     1797.    8vo.  [bm] 

♦2924 .  Principles  of  politics.  Ed.  and  tr.  W :  Hastie. 
Edinb.  Clark   1891.     I48p.     19cm.  [lc] 

t2925.  Prolegomena  to  every  future  metaphysic.  Tr.  J: 
Richardson.  Lond.  Sinipkin  &  Marshall  1819. 
2f)Op.  8vo.  (Judgment  from  translator  of 
#2927.)  [bm] 

*2926.  do.  Tr.  J:  P.  MahafTy  in  Kant's  critical  phi- 
losophy  for    English    readers.       1st    ed.    1872. 


Rev.  ed.  Macmillan  1889.  (Tr.  of  #29^7  says 
this  version  is  based  on  #2p^fi,  but  convcyi 
sense  fairly  ivell.)  [ec] 

♦♦2927 .  do.  Prolegomena  and  metaphyiscal  foundations 
of  natural  science.  Tr.  E.  B.  Bax.  2d  rev.  ed. 
Lond.     Bell  1891.     254P.     iScm.  [lc] 

._  Bell  &  S.     1883.     i2mo.  [ec] 

**2928.  do.  Prolegomena  to  any  future  metaphysics.  Tr. 
P.  Carus.  Oiic.  Open  court ;  Lond.  Paul,  T. 
&  T.     1902.    30ip.     19cm.  [lc] 

♦2929.  Religion  within  the  boundary  of  pure  reason.  Tr. 
J.  W.  Semple.  Edinb.  Clark  1838.  276p. 
8vo.  [lco] 

__  2d  ed.     1848.  [34] 

2930.  Theory  of  ethics  of  practical  philosophy.     Tr.  T. 

K.  Abbott.     Lond.    Longmans  1873.  8vo.   [em] 

2931.  do.     Critique  of  practical  reason  and  other  works 

on  the  theory  of    ethics.      Enl.  ed.  of  #2930. 

Lend.     Longmans  1879.    8vo. 

_-3d  enl.  ed.     Lond.     Longmans  1883.     368p. 

8vo.  [bm] 

__  4th  ed.     Longmans  1889.  [eg] 

**2932.     do.     do.     Critique  etc.     Tr.  T.  K.  Abbott.     5th 

rev.  ed.  Lond ;  NY.     Longmans   1898.     368p. 

Svo.  [lc] 

6th  ed.     Lond.     1909. 

See  Chamberlain,  H.,  L  Kant     ....     a  com- 
parison with  Goethe  etc.    #515. 
See    Fischer,    K.,    A  critique    of    Kant.       #869. 

(Also  others.) 
See  Paulsen,  P.,  L    Kant,    his  life  and  doctrine. 

See  Stahlin,  L.,  A  Critical  examination  of  Kant, 

Lotze,  and  Ritschl.    #5468. 

Kanzler,  Der, 

Selection,  verse,  see  C181,  C244. 



Kapp,  F:  1824-84 

2933.  Life  of  J :  Kalb.  maj.  general  in  the  revolutionary 

army.     NY.    Holt  1884.    337?.    20cm.       [lc] 

2934.  Life  of   F:  W:  V.  Steuben,  maj.  general  in  the 

revolutionary  army.    NY.    Mason  1859.    735p. 
20cm.  [lc] 

Karl  der  Grosse,  742-814 

See  Eginhardus.,  Life  of  the  emperor  Karl  the 
Great.     #738-9- 

Karlstein,  H  :  k.  v. 

2935 .  Gotham  and  the  Gothamites.     Tr.  F.  C.  Valentine. 

Chic.     Laird  &    Lee    1886.      I79p.      Bvo.     __ 
Lond.    Field  &  Tuer  1887.    20ip.    Bvo.       [bm] 

Karpeles,  G.  1848- 

2936.  Jewish  literature  and  other  essays.     Phil.     Jewish 

pub.  soc.  of  America.    1895.    404p.    8vo.  [bms] 


Katch,  Gst.  Ad.  1813- 

2937.  Under  the  storks'  nest. 

R.  Steinestel.      Phil. 

Kauffmann,  K:  F:  1863- 

2938.  Northern    mythology. 

Lond.     Dent   1903. 

Kaufmann, (Ax?  1817-         ) 

Selection,  verse,  see  C38. 

A  romance.     Tr.  Emily 

Lippincott  1875.      233P. 


Tr.     M.     Steele.    Smith. 
io6p.      15cm.     (Temple 


Kautsky,  K  :  1854- 

2939.  Communism  in  central  Europe  in  the  time  of  the 

reformation.     Tr.  J.    L.    and  E.  G.  Mulliken. 
Lond.     Unwin  1897.    30op.    8vo.  [ec] 

2940.  Ethics  and  the  materialist  conception  of  history. 

Tr.  J:   B.   Askew.     Chic.     Kerr   1907.     2o6p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

2941 .  Frederick  Engels ;  his  life,  his  work,  and  his  writ- 


ings.    Tr.  May  W.  Simons.    Chic.    Kerr  1899. 
32p.     19cm.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C229. 

Keil,  G: 

2942.  New  fairy  stories  for  my  grandchildren.     Tr.  S. 

W.   Lander.     NY.     Appleton    1861.     84p.     il. 
sq.     i6mo.  [lco] 

Keiter,  Te.  Kellner 

2943.  Poems  of  Therese.    Tr.  Ellen  Frothingham.    NY; 

Lond.     Putnam  1899.    97p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

Keller,  A:n,  1805-81 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C190. 

Keller,  Gf.  1819-90 

Selection,  verse,  see  €148,  €91(14),  C185. 
Selection,  prose,  see  C132,  C160. 
2943a.   Clothes   make  the  man.     Tr.   A.   S.   Newcastle*- 
upon-Tyne.     1876.  [b8] 

2944.  The  company  of  the  upright  seven.     Tr.  B.  Q. 

Morgan.     In  €91(14). 

2945.  Dietegen.     NY?     1894.    48p.    8vo.  [bms] 

..Same?  Tr.  Oscar  Block.   NY.    1894.       [b8] 

2946.  The  governor  of  Greifensee.     Tr.  P.  B.  Thomas 

and  B.  Q.  Morgan.  In  €91(14). 
12947.  Little  Meret  (from  "Der  griine  Heinrich",  Chap. 
V.)  Tr.  Lilaise  R.  Smith.  Poet  Lore,  vol.  17 
(1906).  [Arbitrary.] 
**2948.  A  selection  of  his  tales.  Tr.  Kate  F.  Kroeker. 
Lond.  Unwin  1891.  291  p.  8mo.  (Clothes 
maketh  man.  The  abused  love  letters. 
Dietegen.)  [bms] 

--  Same.     Title;     Clothes    maketh    man,  and 
other  Swiss  stories.    Unwin  1894.    291P.  [bms] 

2949.  Ursula.     Tr.  B.  Q.  Morgan.    In  €91(14). 

2950.  Seven  legends.    Tr.  56th  Ger.  ed.    Martin  Wyness. 

Lond;  Glasgow.    Gowans  &  Gray  191 1.     ii2p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

286  univ'ersity  of  wiscoxsin  studifs 


*295i.  do.  Legends  of  long  ago.  Tr.  C:  H.  Handschin. 
Chic.  Abbey  191 1.  96p.  i6cm.  [Not  strictly 
faithful]  [lc] 

*2952.  A  village  Romeo  and  Juliet.  Tr.  and  condensed 
by  H.  C.  P(orter)  and  C.  P(orter).  Poet 
Lore,  vol.  9(1897).  [Good  style,  but  needless 
changes  and  sotnc  errors.] 

*2953.  do.  Tr.  A.  C.  Bahlmann.  NY.  Scribner  1914. 
i55p.     19cm.     [Too  free.]  [lc] 

2954.  do.     Tr.  P.  B.  Thomas  and  B.  Q.  Morgan.     In 


2955.  do.     Lend.   Constable   1915.     i82p.     8vo.        [ec] 

Keller,  Js.  An. 

2956.  Angeli  Dei;  or,  stories  of  angels.     Tr.  O.   S.  B. 

Lond.     Washbourne  1887.     I74p.     8vo.     [bm] 
_-  Benziger  1888.  [ac] 

_-  2d  ed.     1893.    8vo.  [ac] 

2957.  Maria  Sanctissima.    Tr.  O.  S.  B.    Lond.    Wash- 

bourne  1899.    424P.     8vo.  [ec] 

2958.  The    sacred    heart:    incidents     ....     Sel.     . 

.     .     .     by  O.  S.  B.    Lond.    Washbourne  1898. 
256P.    8vo.  [ec] 

2959.  Saint   Joseph's    help:    or,    stories    of     ...     . 

intercession.      Tr.     O.    S.    B.      Lond.     Wash- 
bourne 1888.     278p.    8vo.  [bm] 

2960.  Stories   for  first   communicants.     Benziger   i888. 


Keller,  S.,  sec  "Schrill,  Ern." 

Kellermann,  Bh.  1879- 

2961.  God's  beloved.     Tr.  K.  Royce.     In  €91(20). 
♦2962.      The  tunnel.     NY.     Macaulay  191 5.    322p.     igcm. 

[Too  ready  to  abandon  his  auihor.]  [lc] 

Kemper,  J. 

2963.     Maximilian  in  Mexico.     Tr.  G.  P.  Upton.     Chic. 
McClurgujii.     i33p.     17cm.  [lc] 


Kepple,  pi.  W  :  v.  1852- 

2964.     More     joy     .     .     .     .     Ad.     J.     McSorley.      St. 
Louis.     Herder  19 14.     257p.     20cm.  [lc] 

Kern,  Gb.  Cn.  1835 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C220,  C221,  C266. 

Kerner,  H. 

The  good  dean  Ensfried.     In  C213. 

Kerner,  Justinus  And.  Cn.  1786-1862 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C48,  C229,  C177,  C38, 
C199,  C20,  C21,  C23,  C145,  C8,  C68,  C267,  C62, 
C190,  Ci67(vtuch),  C109,  C137,  C162,  C226, 
C230,  C248,  C215,  C121,  C103. 
*2965 .  The  seeress  of  Prevorst :  being  revelations  con- 
cerning the  inner  life  of  man.  Tr.  Mrs.  Cather- 
ine Crowe.  Lond.  Moore  1845.  338p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

__  NY.    1859.    8vo.  [bm] 

Kerst,  F  : 

Beethoven,    the    man    and    the    artist    etc.       See 

Beethoven.     #178. 
Mozart,  the  man  and  the  artist  etc.     See  Mozart. 

Keyserling,  E:  v. 

2966.  Gay  hearts.    Tr.  B.  Q.  Morgan.  In  C9i(i9). 

Keyssler,  J:  G:  1693-1743 

2967.  Travels    through    Germany,    Bohemia,    Hungary, 

Switzerland,  Italy,  and  Lorrain.  Giving  a  true 
and  just  description  of  the  present  state  of  those 
countries.  Tr.  2d  Ger.  ed.  __  3d  ed.  Lond. 
print,  for  G.  Keith  1760.  4V.  il.  21cm.  [lcJ 
--  ist  ed.     1756-7.    __  2d  ed.  1758.  [bm] 

2968.  do.     The     travels     ....     through     Swisser- 

land,  Germany,  and  Hungary.  In  The  world 
displayed.  Lond.  1762-90.  Vol.  19(1778). 
14cm.    (Abridgment  of  #2967.)  [lc] 

2969.  Jo.     Travels  etc.     Abridged.     In  Moore,  J.   H. 

2s8  vxiversity  of  wisconsin  studies 


New  and  complete  coll.  of  voyages  etc.    Vol.  2. 
1785?  fol.  [bm] 

KlEFER,  F.   J. 

2970.  The  legends  of  the  Rhine  from  Basle  to  Rotter- 

dam.    Tr.  L.  W.  Garnhani.     2d  ed.     Mayence. 
Kapp  1869.     3i3p.     17cm.  [lc] 

Kiel,  H. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266. 

KiELMANSEGG,  F:  graf  V.  1728-1800 

2971.  Diary  of    a    journey    to    England,    1761-2.     Tr. 

Countess  Kielmansegg.     Lond  ;  NY  ;  Bombay. 
Longmans  1902.     287P.    il.     20cm.  [lc] 

KiESEWETTER,  Raphael  G:  1773-1850 

2972.  History  of  the  modern  music  of  western  Europe. 

Tr.  R.  Miller.    Lond.    Newby  1848.    8vo.  [bm] 

KiESLiNG,  J :  Ts. 

See  Schubert,  G.,  Life  of  _-.    #5296. 

Kind,  J:  F:  1768- 1843 

Selection,  verse,  see  #3054,  C25T,  C137,  C23. 

2973.  Freischiitz  ;  or,  the  seventh  bullet.    Etch,  by  Cruik- 

shank.     Baldwyn  1824.     i2mo.  [ec] 

2974.  do.     Altered  by   Soane.      Lond.    1825.      [Not  a 

translation:  dialog    virtually    ncis.',    songs  "rc- 
ivritten".]  [lc] 

2975.  do.     Dcr  Freischutz  ;  or,  tlie  seventh  bullet.   Lond. 

Cumberland    1832?     4ip.      i8mo.      (Libretto.) 

_-  Sauief  Lond.  1832.  i2mo.  (Ger.  and 
Eng.)  [bm] 

2976.  do.     4th  rev.  and  retranslated  ed.     Lond.     1841? 

i2mo.  [bm] 

__  5th  ed.  rev.  and  re-translated.  Lond.     1842. 

I2ni0.  [bm] 

t2977.     do.     Tr.   C:   B.    Burkhardt.     NY.  Ward    1845. 

I7p.     8vo.  [lco] 


--NY.     1856.     (Contains  some  music.)       [lc] 
♦2978.     do.     Der  Freischutz.     NY.     Bryant   187 1.     35p. 
Svo.     (Some  lyrics  taken  from  London  libretto, 
otherwise  independent.)  [lco] 

**2979.  do.  Freyschutz.  Bost.  Ditson  1888.  25p.  Svo. 
(Ital.  and  Eng.  Some  music.  Ital.  cuts 
slightly.)  [lco] 

KiNKEL,  Gf.  1815-82 

Selection,  verse,  see  C21,  C62,  C8,  C145,  C172, 
2980.     A  family  feud.    Tr.  F.  Hardman.     In  Tales  from 
Blackwood.    2d  series.    Vol.11.  [i.coj 

**298i .  Tanagra :  an  idyl  of  Greece.  Tr.  Mrs.  Fes.  Hell- 
man.  II.  Edwin  H.  Blashfield.  NY.  Putnam 
1893.     79p.    20cm.  [lc] 

KiNKEL,  J  :a,  1810-58 

2982.  Twelve  stories    of    earth,    air,    and    water.      In 

Mamma's  stories  etc.     1872.    Svo.  [bm] 


2983.  Life  of  \V.  Farel,    the    Swiss    reformer.     Lond. 

1837.     i2mo.  ["m] 

KiRCHMEYER,  T:  callcd  Naogeorgus,  151 1-63 

2984.  Reprint  of  the  Popish  kingdome  or  reigne  of  Anti- 

christ, written  in  Latin  verse  by  T.  Naogeorgus 
and  Englyshed  by  B.  Googe,  1570.  Lond. 
Satchell  1880.    74p.    4to.  [bm] 

Kirch NER,  Hm. 

2985.  An  oration  in  praise  of  travell  in  general.     __  An 

oration  in  praise  of  the  travell  of  Germany  in 
particular.     In  Coryat's  crudities.     161 1.     4to. 


KiRscHNER,  Lula,  1854-         ,  see  "Schubin,  Ossip". 

Klapka,  Gyorgy 

2986.  General  Klapka  on  the  eastern  question.     Tr.  fr. 

290  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


German   w.  preface  and  appendix  by   H.  W. 
Freeland.    Lond ;  Chichester.    1877.   8vo.     [bm] 

Klaproth,  H.  Jl.  V.  1783-1835 

2987.  Travels  in    the    Caucasus    and    Georgia.     Lond. 

Colburn  1813.    4to.  [ec] 

Klee,  Ghd. 

2988.  A  brief  history  of  German  literature.     By  G:  M. 

Priest.     Based  on    Klee's    "Grundziige".     NY. 
Scribner  1909.    366p.    20cm.  [lc] 

2989.  Deutschen  Heldensagen.    By  J :  Fis.  Davis.    New 

ed.  Hachette  1894.     (Translation?)  [ec] 

2990.  Hagen   und   Gudrun.      By    H.   J.   Wolstenholme. 

Camb.  univ.  press  1894.      (Translation?)    [ec] 

2991.  Heldensagen   (Hagen    und    Hilde    und    Gudrun) 

literally  tr.  Cornish  1894.     i2mo.  [ec] 

Klein,  C  : 

2992.  The  pastor's  narrative;  or,  before  and  after  the 

battle  of  Worth,  1870.    Tr.  Mrs.  F.  E.  Marshall. 
Lond.   1879.     8vo.  [bm] 

Kleist,  Ewd.  Cn.  v.  1715-59 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C245,  C232,  C52,  C8,  C221, 

2993.  Kleist's  vernal  season,  Tr.  G.  H.  Egestorff.     2d 

ed.    Lond.    1818.    8vo.  [bm] 

Kleist,  H:  v.  1777-1811 

Selection,  verse,  see  Ci 37. 
2993a.   Michael  Kohlhaas.    In  C192. 

2994.  do.     Tr.  Fes.  H.  King.     In  091(4). 

**2995.  do.  In  Prussia's  representative  man.  By  Fis. 
Lloyd  and  W :  Newton.  Lond.  Triibner  1875. 
i2mo.  [t-'w] 

__  Also  in  C160. 
t2996.      Prince  Friedridi  von  Homburg.    In  #2995.     [Li- 

**2597.     do.     Tr.  Herman  Hagcdorn.     In  091(4). 


2998.     St.  Cecilia;  or,  the  power  of  music.    In  C192. 
♦2999.     Letters.     In  #2995. 

Klencke,  Ph.  F:  Hm.  1813-81  and 


30CX3.  Lives  of  the  brothers  Humboldt.  Tr.  and  arr. 
Juliette  Bauer.  Lond.  Ingram,  Cooke  1852. 
43 1 p.     19cm.  [lc] 

__  Harper  1853.    _-  Harper  n.  d.     i2mo.  [ac7] 


Kletke,  Gst.  Hm.  1813-86 

3001 .  Robert  of  Marseilles ;  or,  the  crusade  of  the  chil- 
dren. Tr.  Rebecca  Schively.  Phil.  Luth.  pub. 
1883.    i6mo.  [.\c] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C230,  C198. 

Klinger,  F:  Mx.  v.  1752-1831 

*3002.     Faustus :  his  life,  death,  and  descent  into  hell.  Tr. 
G:  Borrow.    Lond.     1825.    8vo.  [bm] 

_- Lond.  Kent  1864.  302p.   19cm.   [Good  spirit, 
but  needless  liberties  taken.]  [lc] 

3003.  The  modern  Arria.    A  tragedy.     Lond.  1795.  8vo. 


3004.  Travels  before  the  flood.     1796.    8vo.  [bm] 

Kloeden.  C:  F:  v.  1786-1856 

3005.  The     self-made     man.     Autobiog.      Tr.     A.  M. 

Christie.    Lond.    Strahan  1876.    2v.    358,  383P. 
8vo.  [lco] 

Klopstock,  F:  Gb.  1724-1803 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C245,  C52,  C264,  C176,  C202, 
C137,  C167,  C68,  C38,  C230,  C162,  C8,  C16, 
C220,  C231,  C232,  C108,  C23,  C145,  C160,  €117, 

3006.  The  death  of  .'\dam,  a  tragedy.     Tr.   R.  Lloyd. 

Lond.    1763.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3007.  Gethsemane,  a  poem;  founded  on    for  rather  an 

abridgment  of)  the  Messiah.     By  Mrs.  Monto- 
lieu.    Lond.     1823.    3V.     i2mo.  [bm] 

292  university  of  wisconsik  studies 


t30o8.     The  Messiah.     Attempted     ....    by  J.  Coll- 
yer.    Lond.     1763.    2v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

[Prose,  inaccurate.] 

3009.  do.     (Commenced  by  Ma.  CoUyer,  and  completed 

by  Jos.)  3d  ed.  Lond.  Dodsley  1769.  2v. 
i2mo.  [bms] 

3010.  do.     Tr.    Jos.    Collyer.  In    15   books.      Elizabeth 

Town.  Print,  and  sold  by  Shepard  Kollock  1788. 
383P.     i6mo.     (Reprint  of  #3008.)  [B24] 

301 1 .  do.     do.     NY.     for     Duyckinck.       1795.      403p. 

i2nio.  [B24] 

3012.  do.     do.     Books  1-15.     Bungay  1808.     8vo.   [bm] 

3013.  do.     The   Messiah,  a  poem;  attempted   in   Eng. 

blank  verse.  By  Solomon  Hailing.  George- 
town, S.  C.  Baxter  1810.  37p.  8vo.  (A 
versification  of  book  I  apparently  made  from 
Collyer.)  [lco] 

3014.  do.     Elegant  extracts  from  Klopstock's  Messiah. 

Tr.  G.   H.  C.  Egestorff.    Brighton  1810.    8vo. 


3015.  do.     do.     Bost.  West.  1811.  2v.  299,  272p.    ihmo. 


3016.  do.     Books    1-16  by   Mrs.   Collyer,  remainder  by 

Mrs.  Meeke.  Lond.  J.  Walker  181 1.  2v. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

3017.  do.     A  new  tr.    The  five  last  books  prepared  for 

the  press  by  T.  Raffles.  Lond.  Underwood 
1814.  3v.  i6mo.  [Ka/Hcs  is  much  closer  than 
Collyer;  knows  more  German.]  [lco] 

3018.  do.     Tr.  into  Eng.  prose.    Lond.  1817.  8vo.  [bm] 

3019.  do.    same  as  #3016.    Lond.     1817?  [bm] 

3020.  do.     same  as  #3018.     1819.    8vo.  [bm] 
3020a.   do.     Poems  of  F:  VJ :  Cronhelm ;  with  an  hexa- 

metrical  tr.  (or  rather  imitation)  of  part  of  the 
2d  book  of  Klopstock's  Messiah.  Lond.  1820? 
i2mo.  [bm] 

3021.  do.     same  a.s   #3016.      Loiul.       Rivington    1821. 

6i8p.     i2mo.  [bm] 


3022.  do.     Cf.  #soi4-    Tr.  G.  H.  C.  EgestorfF.    Ham- 

burg 1821-2.    4v.    8vo. 1826.  [bm] 

3023.  do.     Books  1-7.     Tr.  Miss  Head.     Lend.    Long- 

mans 1826.    2v.    313,  3i8p.    Svo.  [lco] 

3024.  do.     Cf.  #3021.     Rivington   1839.     24mo.     [ec] 

3025.  do.     Book  I,   tr.  into  Eng.  heroic  metre.     Cam- 

bridge 1866.     i2nio.  [bm] 

13026.  Klopstock  and  his  friends.  A  series  of  familiar 
letters  ....  1750-1803.  Tr .  Miss  Benger. 
Lond.  Colburn  1814.  309P.  8vo.  [Inaccu- 
rate.] [lc] 
*3027.  Memoirs  (i.  e.  mainly  letters)  of  F:  and  Marg. 
Klopstock.  Tr.  Miss  Eliz.  Smith.  Bath  1808. 
236p.    8vo.                                                      [bm] 

3028.  do.     in  Fragments  in  prose  and  verse.    Bath  1809. 

2v.    Svo.    (Memoirs  are  vol.  2.)    __  1810.  [bm] 

3029.  do.     Memoirs.    Phil.     Nicklin  1810.    252P.  i2mo. 


3030.  do.     Fragments  ?/<:.    New  ed.    Bath  181 1.     1812. 

New  ed.      Lond.      Cadell    &    Davies  1814. 

1 81 2.     8vo.     __  New  ed.   Lond.     1818.     8vo. 

New  ed.   1824-6.      8vo.      __    Lond.     1842. 

(Vol.  2  of  1811,  12  ed.  also  issued  separately 
with  portrait  inst.  of  title-page.  242^.)  [bm] 
♦3031.  Odes,  1747-80.  Tr.  W:Nind.  Lond.  Pickering 
1848.  3iop.  i6mo.  [True  to  sense  but  not  to 
form.]  [lco] 

3032.  Solomon,  a  sacred  drama.     Tr.  R.  Huish.     Lond. 

1809.    8vo.  [bm] 

Kluckhohn,  A:  1832-93 

3033.  Louise,  queen    of    Prussia.      A    memorial.     Tr. 

Eliz.   H.  Denio.    Cambridge,   ^L'xss.     Riverside 
press  i88i.    83p.    2acm.  [lc] 

Klunzinger,  K:  B:  1834- 

3034.  Upper  Egypt:  its  people  and  its  products.     A  de- 

scriptive account.      NY.      Scribner,    .\.    1878. 
4o8p.    il.    23cm. Lond.    Blackie.  [lc] 

294  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


My  grandmother,  a  tale.    In  C50. 

Knackfuss,  Hm.  1848- 

3035.  Diirer.    Tr.  C.  Dodgson.     Leipz.    Velhagen  &  K. 

Lond.     Grevel  1900.     I52p.     il.     4to.  [lc] 

3036.  Holbein.     Tr.  C.  Dodgson.     Leipz.     Velhagen  & 

K.    Lond.    Grevel  1899.    i6op.    il.    26cm.  [lc] 

Knapp,  Ab.  1798-1864 

Selection,  verse,    see    C126,    C220,    C221,  C266, 
C134,  C63;  #5436. 

Knaust,  H  : 

Selection,  z'crse,  sec  C202. 

Knebel,  K:  L:  v.  1744-1834 

Selection,  verse,  see  C202. 

Knigge,  Ad.  Fz.  F :  L :  f  reiherr  v.  1752-96 

3037 .  The  German  Gil  Bias ;  or,  the  adventures  of  Peter 

Claus.    Lond.     1793.    3v.    i2mo.  [bm] 

3038.  Practical  philosophy  of  social  life;  or,  the  art  of 

conversing  with  men.  Tr.  P:  Will,  ist  Amer. 
ed.  Lansingburgh,  NY.  Pennimann  &  Bliss 
1805.  368p.  2icm.  (Reprint  of  Lond.  1799. 
8vo.)  [lc] 

Knorr  von  Rosenroth,  1636-86 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C180,  C265 ;  #5436. 

Knortz,  K:  1841- 

Selection,  verse,  sec  CigS(much),  C145,  C130. 

KoBELL,  Fz.  V.  1803-82 

Selection,  verse,  see  C20i{\~). 

KoBELL,  Lu.  V.  1828-1901 

See  Dollinger,  J.,  Conversations  etc.     #615. 

Koch,  Ad. 

3039.  Prince  Alexander  of  Battenberg:  reminiscences  of 

his  reign  in  Bulgaria,  from  authentic  sources. 


Lond.  Whittaker  1887.  288p.  il.  8vo.  Tr. 
J.  F.  Davis,  H.  F.  Powell,  and  P.  C.  Evans,  [lc] 

Koch,  Ern. 

3040.  Prince  Rosa-Stramin.    Tr.  A.  v.  Beresford.    Got- 

tingen  i860.    8vo.  [bm] 

Koch,  Jl.  1866- 

3041 .  Roman  history.    Tr.  L.  D :  Barnett.    Lond.    Dent 

1905.    i6op.    15cm.    (Temple  primers.) ist 

ed.  1900.    __  2d  ed.  1901. 3d  ed.  1905.  [lc] 

Koch,  K:  H:  El.  1809-79 

3042.  The  Crimea  and  Odessa.     Tr.  Joanna  B.  Horner. 

Lond.    Murray  1855.    323P.     19cm.  [lc] 

3043.  do.     The  Crimea.    Lond.    Routledge  1855.    8vo. 

—  Another  ed.     1855.  [bm] 

Koch,  Rle. 

3044.  Holly  and  mistletoe.    Tales.    Tr.  "Trauermantel". 

Bost.    Crosby,  Nichols  i860.    249P.     il.    i6mo. 


Koch,  Rle.  and 
Burg,  Ma. 

3045.  Seed-time    and    harvest.      Tr.    "Trauermantel". 

Bost.  Crosby,  N.  L.  n.  d.  i6mo.  (Country 
cousins.  The  little  ragman.  The  picture.  By 
R.  Koch.     The  inquisitive  boy.     By  M.  Burg.) 


KoELLNER,  W :  H  :  E :  1806- 

3046.  The  return  to  faith ;  exemplified  in  the  life  of  W. 

K.  Written  by  himself.  Tr.  S :  Jackson. 
Lond.     1836.     8vo.  [bm] 

KoENiG  KoNRAD  DER  JuNGE,  1252-68,  sce  Konradin. 

KoENiG,  E:  1846- 

3047.  The  Bible  and  Babylon:  a  brief  study  in  the  his- 

tory of  ancient  civilization.     9th  rev.  and  enl. 



ed.  Tr.  C :  E.  Hay.  Burlington,  la.  Ger.  lit. 
board  1903.    649.    20cm.  [lc] 

KoENiG,  Ewd.  A:  1833-88 

3048.  Wooing  a  widow.    Tr.  Ma.  A.  Robinson.    U.   Jas. 

Pagan.    NY.    Bonner  1894.    38op.     19cm.  [lc] 

KOENIGSBERG,    LcO,    1837- 

3049.  Hermann  v.  Helmholtz.    Tr.  Fes.  A.  Welby.    Ox- 

ford.    Clarendon  1906.     440p.     24cm.         [lc] 

KoENiGSMARCK,  Hs.  Ad.  Erwein  Max,  graf  v.  1865- 

3050.  A  Ger.  staff  officer  in  India.     Tr.  P.  H.  O.  Wil- 

liams. Lend.  Paul,  T.  &  T.  1910.  339P-  il- 
25cm.  [lc] 

3051.  The  Markhor:  sport  in  Cashmere.     Lond.     Paul, 

T.  &  T.  1910.     i68p.     i6mo.  [ec] 

KoENiGSMARCK,  Me.  Au.  grafin  v.   1670-1728 

3052.  A  home  truth:  memoirs  of  the  love  and  state  in- 

trigue of  the  court  of  Hanover.  1743.  8vo. 
_-  2d  ed.  1744?    8vo.  [rm] 


3053 .  The  herdsman    of    Dambach ;    or,  "vengeance  is 

mine,  I  will  repay,  saith  the  Lord."  Tr.  Sa.  A. 
Flory.     Phil.     Luth.  board  1875.     I56p.     i6mo. 


KOERNER,  Cn.  Gf. 

*3054.  Life  of  Carl  T.  Korner  ....  with  scl. 
from  his  poems,  tales,  and  dramas  (and  letters). 
Tr.  G.  F.  Richardson.     Lond.     1827.     2v.  8vo. 

:  [bm] 

__  2d  ed.  Lond.  Nutt  1845.  367,  387P.  i2mo. 
[Knozvs  German,  but  is  no  poet;  lyrics  undis- 
tinguished, blank  verse  good,  prose  excellent.] 

3054a.    do.     Phil.     Grecnbank  1833.    \'ol.  i.    8vo.     [lco] 

I-Cor.KNi::?,  K:  Td.  1791-1813 

Selection,  verse,  see  C40,  C229,  C38,  C226,  C56, 







**3o62 . 







C15,  C167,  C168,  C169,  C177,  C90,  C119,  C68, 
C18,  C145,  C202,  C109,  C137,  C162,  C230,  C16, 
C52,  C142,  C248,  C245,  C121,  €201(17,  20), 
C191,  C103,  C21,  C22,  C23,  C8,  C46,  Cm, 
€91(5),  Ci,  C83,  C75,  C53,  C89,  C160,  C76, 
C185,  #3054,  #2634,  #1664,  #4865. 

The  faithful  sentry.  Opera  in  one  act.  Music 
by  Gracncr.  Tr.  S.  Gordon.  Lond.  St.  Cecelia 
music  pub.  1899.    Vocal  score,  83p.    4to.  [lco] 

Goldner.     A  fairy  tale  told  by  Korner.     In  C50. 

Hans  Heiling's  rocks.    In  ^3054. 

The  harp.     In  C125. 

do.     In  #3054. 

Hedwig;  or,  love  and  gratitude.  A  drama.  Tr. 
Mrs.  Burton  Daveney.  Norwich.  Miller  1878. 
8vo.  [bm] 

-_  Lond.    Simpkin  1879.     i2mo.  [ec] 

The  journey  to  Schandau.     In  #3054. 

Letters,  to  friends  and  family.     In  #3054  (vol. 

I.  P-   135-270)- 
The   lyre   and   the   sword    ....     with    .    .     . 
.     extracts  from  his  letters.    Tr.  W.  B.  Chor- 

ley.     Lond.     Whittaker   1834.     i6mo.         [bm] 

—  Hamilton  1839.     32mo.  [ec] 

[Judging  from  selections  in  C203,  excellent.] 
do.     same?    Lyre  and  sword.    Lond.    Smith  184 1. 

94p.     i2mo.  [bm] 

Rosamond.     In  #3054. 

do.     Lond.     1830.    8vo.  [bm] 

do.     Rosamunda.  a  tragedy  in  four  acts.     Tr.  J : 

Chapman.     Folkestone,  print,  by  Goulden  1878. 

26p.    17cm.  [lc] 

A  selection  from  the  poems  and  dramatic  works. 

Tr.   Mme.  Lucien   Davesics  de  Pontes.     Lond. 

Williams  &  N.  1850.     399P.    8vo.  [bm] 

To  the  people  of  Saxony.     In  i^3054. 
Woldemar:  a  story  from  the  Italian  campaign  of 

1805.     In  C125. 



**307i.     do.     In  #3054. 
**3072.     Zriny.     In  #3054. 

KoESTLiN,  Jl.  1826-1902 

3073.  Martin  Luther,  the  reformer.     Tr.  E.  P.  Weir. 

3d  ed.    Lond.    Cassell  1883.     i45p.    8vo.  [bm] 

3074.  Life  of  Luther.     NY.     Scribner  1883.     587P.     il. 

2icm. 1903.  [lc] 

3075.  Life  of  Martin  Luther.    Ed.  J  :  G.  Morris.    Tr.  by 

different  hands.  Phil.  Luth.  pub.  1883.  496p. 
il.    25cm.  [lc] 

3076.  do.     same?     2d    ed.      Lond.       Longmans    1895. 

499p.     4to.  [bms] 

__  Lond.    Longmans  1898.     2d  ed.    5i6p.   8vo. 


3077.  The    coming   Franco-German    war.      A    military- 

political  study.  Tr.  J.  Hill.  Lond.  Ward  & 
Downey  1887.    8vo.  [bm] 

Kohl,  J  :  G  :  1808-78 

3078.  Austria     ....     Hungary,  Bohemia;  Galicia, 

Styria,  Moravia,  Bukovina.  and  the  military 
frontier.  Lond.  Chapman  &  Hall  1843.  S32p. 
22cm.  [lc] 

3079.  Austria.    Phil.    Carey  &  Hart  1844.    I04p.    23cm. 

(Contains  only  Bohemia,  and  Upper  and  Lower 
Austria.)  [lc] 

3080.  Ireland.     (Description  and  travel.)     NY.    Harper 

1844.     ii5p.    24cm.     (Cf.  #3081.)  [lc] 

3081.  Ireland,  Scotland,  and  England.     Lond.     Chap- 

man &  Hall  1844.  248,  TOO,  202p.  22cm. 
(Also  separately,  Cf.  #3080,  #3089.)         [lc] 

3082.  Kitchi-gami.     Wanderings  round  Lake  Superior. 

Lond.  Chapman  &  Hall  i860.  428p.  il.  8vo. 
Tr.  Sir  F.  C.  L.  Wraxall.  [lc] 

3083.  Panorama  of  St.  Petersburg.     Lond.     Simms  & 

Mclntyre  1852.    224p.     i8cm.  [lc] 


3084.  Russia  and  the  Russians,  1842.     Lend.     Colburn 

1842.     2v.     il.     igcni.  [lc] 

3085.  do.     Abridged.     Lend.     1842.     8vo.  [bm] 

3086.  do.     New  ed.    Bohn  1850.    8vo.  [ec] 

3087.  Travels  in  Canada,  and  through  the  states  of  NY 

and  Pennsylvania.  Tr.  Mrs.  P.  Sinnett.  Lond. 
Manwaring  1861.     2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

3088.  Travels  in  England  and  Wales.     Tr.  T.  Roscoe. 

Bristol.    Sherwood  1845.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3089.  Travels  in  Scotland.    Tr.  J:Kesson.    Lond.    1844. 

8vo.  [bm] 

KOHLER,  Js.    1849- 

3090.  Philosophy  of  law.    Tr.  Adalbert  Albrecht.    Bost. 

book  CO.  1914.    39op.    21cm.  [lc] 

KoHLR.\uscH,  H:  F:  Td.  1780-1865 

3091.  Character  of  Charlemagne.    In  C116. 

3092.  A  history  of  Germany;  from  the  earliest  period 

to  the  present  time.  Lond.  Chapman  &  Hall 
1844.     7oop.     22cm.     Tr.  Jas.  D.  Haas,     [lc] 

3093.  do.     NY ;  Phil.   Appleton  1847.  48op.  23cm.  [lc] 

3094.  do.     Bohn  1848.    8vo.  [ec] 

KoHN,  SI.  1825- 

3095 .  Gabriel ;  a  story    of    the    Jews    in  Prague.     Tr. 

Arthur  Milman.  NY.  Munro  1882.  3op. 
4to.  [lco] 

KoiTSCH,  C.  J.  i8th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C180. 

KoLB,  P:  1675- 1 726 

3096.  The  present  state  of    the    Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

Written  orig.  in  High  German,  by  Peter  Kolben. 
Done  into  Eng.  from  the  orig.  by  Mr.  (Guido") 
Medley.  II.  w.  copper  plates.  Lond.  Innys  & 
Manby  1738,  31.    2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

KoLDEWEY,  K :  1837- 

3097.  The  Ger.  arctic  expedition  of   1869-70.     Tr.  and 



abr.     L.  P.  Mercier.    Lond.    Low  1874.     59op. 
il.    24cm.  [lc] 

KoLLOWiTZ  (i.  e.  Kollonitz),  Pla.  grafin  v. 

3098.  Court    of    Mexico.      Tr.    J-    E.    OUivant.      Lond. 

Saunders  &  O.  1867.    8vo.  [ec] 

KoLMAS,  Der  v.,  i^th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186. 

KOMPERT,  Lp.    1822-86 

3099.  Christian  and  Leah,  and  other  Ghetto  stories.   Tr. 

Alex.   S.  Arnold.     II.  F.   H.  Jackson.     Lond. 
Dent  1895.     246p.     8vo.  [bm] 

3100.  A  Ghetto  violet.    Tr.  A.  S.  Arnold.    In  C236(2). 

3101.  Scenes   from  the  Ghetto:  studies  of  Jewish  life. 

Lond.     Remington  1882.     340p.    8vo.         [bm] 

3102.  do?     Stories  of  Jewish  life;  or,  scenes  from  the 

Ghetto.    NY.    Munro  1883.    36p.    410.      [lco] 

3103.  The  silent   woman.      Tr.    C:   Flint   McClumpha. 

In  C179. 

Ko  NEB  ERG,  Hm. 

3104.  Blessed  ones  of  1888:  Clement  Maria  Hofbauer 

etc.     Tr.  Eliza  A.  Donnelly.     NY.     Benziger 
1888.    i88p.    i8mo.  [lco] 

KoNEWKA,  PI.  1S40-71  (silhouette  artist) 
Black  Peter.    See  Trojan,  J. 

KONRAD  VON  ^^'U1•:RZBURG,  d.   128/ 

Selection,  verse,  see  Cio8,  C244. 

K.i^RAH  VON  Wui'Kznuiu;,  d.  1287 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C243,  C244,  C181.  C160 
(under  Walther  v.  d.  Vogelweide). 

KoNRADiN,  Kiinig,  1252-68 

Selection,  verse,  see  C186,  C13. 

KopiscH,  A:  1 799- 1853 

Selection,  verse,  see  C53,  C198,  C105,  Ci69.  Ct45. 
C68,  C8,  C20. 


KoRTUM,  K:  Am.  1745-1824 
**3i05.     The  Jobsiad:  a  grotesco-oomico-heroic  poem.   Tr. 
C:   T.  Brooks.     Phil.     Leypoldt   1863.     iSip. 
il.     i8cm.  [lc] 

KosEGARTEN,  L:  Gtd.  1 758-1818 

Selection,  verse,  see  C162,  C23,  C145. 

"KOSEWITZ,  W.   F.  V." 

3106.  Eccentric  tales.    Lend.     1827.    il.    8vo.         [bm] 

KossAK,  E.  1814-50 

Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 


3107.  History  of  chivalry  and  ancient  armour.     Tr.  A. 

Lowy.  Lond.  Willis  &  Sotheran  1857.  nop. 
il.    obi.    4to.  [lco] 

KoTZEBUE,  A:  F:  Fd.  v.  1761-1819 

Selection,  verse,  see  C232,  C167,  C137,  C23,  C68, 

Selection,  prose,  see  C132,  C245. 

3108.  The  dramatic  works.     Tr.  C:   Smith.     NY.   for 

Smith  &  Stephens.  1800.  3V.  8vo.  (Only 
three  tr.  by  Smith ;  all  published  separately  by 
Smith.     See  individual  titles.)  [1^24] 

3109.  Plays.    NY.    French  n.  d.    4V.    i6mo.  [ac7] 

31 10.  Adelaide  of  Wulfingen :  a  tragedy.    Tr.  B.  Thomp- 

son.   Lond.     1798.    8vo.    __  Also  in  €247(2). 

3111.  do.     do.     reprint  of  #3110.     NY.  for   Smith  & 

Stephens  1800.    67p.    8vo.  [B24] 

31 12.  Alfred  and    Emma,    a    play,    founded    on    (Die 

Kreuzfahrer) Lond.     1806.     8vo. 


3113.  The  beauties  of  K__  sel.   fr.  his  works.     By  A. 

Howard.    Lond.    1834?    i2mo.  [bm] 

31 14.  The  beautiful    unknown.      (Die    schone    Unbe- 

kannte.)  A  dramatic  history.  Tr.  C:  Smith. 
NY.  Burnton  &  Darling  1803.  5op.  i8cm. 
(Bound  with  Zaida.)  [lc] 



3115.  The  confession.     A  comedy  in  one  act   (and  in 

verse).    Phil.     1820.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3116.  The  confusion;  or,  the  wag.      (Der  Wirrwarr.) 

A  play.    Tr.  E.  F.  F.    Cambridge  1842.     i2mo. 

Whittaker  1842.     i2mo.  [ec] 

31 17.  The  constant    lover;    or,    William    and  Jeanette. 

(Gepriifte  Liebe.)      A  tale.    Lond.    Bell  1799. 
2v.    i2mo.  [bm] 

31 18.  do.     same  title.     Bost.   for  Bumstead    1799.     2v. 

in  I.     i2mo.  [B24] 

NY.  for  Judah  1799.    2v.     i2mo. NY. 

Jansen  1801.    2v.     i2mo.  [B24] 

3 1 19.  The   Corsicans.      (Die  Korsen.)  A  drama.     2d 

ed.    Lond.     1799.    8vo.  [bm] 

3120.  do.     reprint.     NY.    Longworth  1814.  79p.   i6mo. 


3 121.  Count  Benyowsky;  or,  the  conspiracy  of  Kamt- 

schatka.  (Graf  Benjowski.)  A  tragi-comedy. 
Tr.  W:  Render.    2d  ed.    Lond.  1798.  8vo.  [bm] 

3122.  do.     reprint,     ist  Amer.   fr.  2d  Lond.  ed.     Bost. 

Manning  &  Loring  1800.    98p.     x6mo.       [lco] 

3123.  do.     do.     Balto.  for  Thomas,  A.  &  B.  1803.    76p. 

8vo.  [lco] 

3124.  do.     Tr.  B.  Thompson  in  C247(2). 

3125.  The  count  of  Burgundy.    (Der  Graf  v.  Burgund.) 

A  play.  Tr.  A.  Plumptre.  Lond.  1798.  8vo. 
_.  2d  ed.     1798.    _-  3d  ed.  1798.  [bm] 

3126.  do.     Tr.  C:    Smith.      NY.      Smith  &  Stephens 

1800.    69p.    8vo.  [lco] 

3127.  Deaf  and  dumb;  or,    the    orphan.      (Dcr  Taub- 

stuinme.)  An  historical  drama.  Tr.  B.  Thomp- 
son. Lond.  1801.  8vo.  [bm] 
_.  Also  in  C247(3). 

3128.  do.     reprint.     Abbe  de  I'Epee ;  or,   the  orphan; 

an  historical  drama  in  four  acts.  NY.  for 
Smith  i8ai.    42p.    Svo.  [lco] 


3129.  Egotist  and  pseudo-critic.    Tr.  W.  H.  Chambers. 

In  C59. 

3130.  False    shame.       (Falsche    Sham.)      A    comedy. 

Lond.    1799.    8vo.  [bm] 

3131.  do.     False  dehcacy.    Tr.  B.  Thompson  l8oo.  [bm] 

Also  in  €247(3). 

3132.  do.     reprint   of   #3^30?     False  shame;  or,  the 

American  orphan  in  Germany.     Charleston,  S. 
C.    Young  1800.    76p.    i2mo.  [B24] 

3133.  do.     reprint  of  #3130.    Newark,  N.  J.  for  Smith, 

NY.     1801.    63p.    8vo.  [B24] 

3134.  Father  and  son.       (Die    beiden  Klingsberg.)     A 

comedy.    In  The  new  British  theatre.     1814  etc. 
Vol.  3.    8vo.  [bm] 

3135.  The  female  Jacobin-club.     (Der  weibliche  Jacob- 

iner-Clubb. )      A   political   comedy.     Tr.   J.    C. 
Siber.    Liverpool.     1801.    8vo.  [bm] 

_-  Lond.    Vemor  1802.  [ec] 

3136.  The   force  of   columny.      (Die  Verlaumder.)      A 

play.  Tr.  A.  Plumptre.   Lond.  1799.  8vo.     [bm] 

3137.  do.     reprint.     NY.   for   Smith  &  Stephens    1800. 

I24p.    8vo.  [B24] 

3138.  The  happy  family.     (Die  silberne  Hochzeit.)     Tr. 

B.  Thompson.     Lond.      1799.     8vo.     __   Also 
in  C247(3).  [bm] 

3139.  do.     reprint.     NY.   for   Smith  &  Stephens   1800. 

84p.    8vo.  [B24] 

3140.  Historical,    literary,   and   political   anecdotes   and 

miscellanies.    Lond.    Colburn  1807.    3V.    i6mo. 


3141.  The  history  and    surprising    adventures   of  Jos. 

Pignata.    Tr.  G.  Beech.    Lond.    Dean  &  Mun- 
day  1821.     26p.     17cm.  [lc] 

3142.  How  to  die  for  love.     (Blind  geladen.)     A  farce 

in  two  acts.    .Vd.  2d  ed.    Lond.    Chappie  1812. 
45p.    8vo.  [lc] 

_-  3d  ed.    1812.    __  1816.    --  Also  in  Cumber- 
land's British  theatre,  vol.  40.    1829  etc.    i2mo. 




**3i43.  Ildegerte,  Queen  of  Norway.  Tr.  B:  Thompson, 
Jr.  Phil,  for  Campbell  1800.  2v.  in  i.  103, 
9ip.     17cm.     (Reprint  of  Lond.  ed.  1798.)   [lc] 

3144.  The  Indians  of  England.     (Die  Indianer  in  Eng- 

land.) A  comedy.  In  Thomson,  Alex.  The 
German  miscellany.     1796.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3145.  do.     same.     The  East  Indian:  a  comedy.     Lond. 

1799.  Svo.  [bm] 

3146.  do.     reprint-'     NY.  for  Smith  &  Stephens   1800. 

88p.    Svo.  [B24] 

13147.     do.     The  Indian  exiles  :  a  comedy.   Tr.  B.  Thomp- 
son.    In  €247(3). 

3148.  Johanna  of  Montfaucon :  a  dramatic  romance  of 

the  14th  century.  Ad.  to  Eng.  stage  by  R.  Cum- 
berland.    Lond.      1800.    Svo.    —  2d  ed.    3d  ed. 

1800.  [bm] 

3149.  Kindred.      (Die    Verwandschaften.)      A    comedy 

Tr.  Capadose.    Lond.  1837.    Svo.  [bm] 

3150.  La  Perouse.     (La  Pey rouse.)     A  drama.     Tr.  B. 

Thompson.     Lond.     1799.     Svo.  [bm] 

315 1.  do.     La-Pey rouse,  a  drama.     Tr.  Anne  Plumptre. 

Lond.     1799.    Svo.  [bm] 

3152.  do.     La  Peyrouse,  a  comedy  in  two  acts.    Tr.  C: 

Smith.  NY.  for  Smith  &  Stephens  1800.  40p. 
Svo.  [B24] 

3152a.    Life  of  Musaeus.     In  #4044. 

3153.  Lovers'  vows;  or,  the  child  of  love.     (Das  Kind 

dcr  Licbe.)  A  play  in  five  acts.  Tr.  S.  Porter. 
Lond.  for  Parsons,  sold  by  Hatchard  T79S. 
II I p.     2pcm.  [lc] 

3154.  do.     Lovers'  vows.     A  play.     Tr.  Mrs.  Inchbald. 

Lond.  1798.  Svo.  _.  7th  ed.  gth  ed.  Lond. 
179S.    Svo.  [hm] 

3155.  da.     The  natural  son.     A  ])Iay  in  live  acts.     The 

original  of  lovers'  vows.  Tr.  Anne  Plumptre. 
Lond.  1798.  Svo.  _.  2d  ed.  1798.  ..  Dublin 
1798.     i2mo.  [ii.m] 

3156.  do.     same.    4th  rev.  ed.    Lond.  179S.    Svo.     [bm] 


3157.  do.     Lovers'  vows;  or,  the  natural  son.     Tr.   B. 

Thompson.     In  C247(2). 

3158.  do.     rcl>ri»t  of  #3137.     Balto.   for  Thomas,   A. 

&  B.    1802.    66p.    Svo.  [B24] 

3159.  do.     same  as   #3134.     Dublin.      Burnside    1806. 

f)3p.    i2mo.  [bm] 

Also  in  Inchbald's  British  theatre.     Vol.  23. 

1808.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3160.  do.     Lovers'  vows.     Altered  from  the  translation 

of  Mrs.  Inchbald  and  B.  Thompson  by  J.  H. 
Payne.  Balto.  Dobbin  &  Murphy  1809.  pop. 
i6mo.     (Combines  the  two  versions.)  [i-co] 

3161.  do.     Lovers'  vows.    Tr.  W :  Dunlaj).    \Y.   Long- 

worth  1 8 14.    74p.     i8mo.  [lco] 

3162.  do.     same  as   #3134.      In   Cumberland's   British 

theatre.  Vol.  17.  1829.  i2mo.  __  In  Penny 
National  library.  Vol.  5.  1830?  Svo.  [bm] 
__  London  stage.  Vol.  3.  1824  etc.  Svo.  __ 
In  The  acting  drama.  1834.  Svo.  __  In  Brit- 
ish drama.  Vol.  10.  1864  etc.  il.  Svo.  [bm] 
♦3163.  The  most  remarkable  year  in  the  life  of  A.  v.  K. 
Written  by  himself.  (Das  merkwiirdigste  Jahr 
meines  Lebens.)  Tr.  B.  Beresford.  Lond. 
Phillips  1802.     3v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3164.  do.     reprint.     NY.     for     Caritat      1802.       309p. 

i6mo.  [lco] 

3165.  The    negro    slaves,    a    dramatic-historical    piece. 

Lond.  Cadell  &  Davies  1796.  I42p.  Svo.  __ 
1800.  [bm] 

3166.  The  noble  lie:  a  drama.   Tr.  M.  Geisweiler.   Lond. 

1799.    Svo. 2d  ed.     1799.  [bm] 

3167.  do.     The  noble  lie ;  a  comedy,  being  the  conclusion 

of  The  stranger.  Lond.  Pitkeathley  1799. 
39p.    Svo.  [lco] 

13168.     Novelettes.  Lond.  Phillips  1807.  3V.   i2mo.    [bm] 
3169.     The  organs     of     the     brain.      (Die    Organe  des 
Gehirns.)     A  comedy.     Tr.   Lieut.-Col.  Capa- 
dose.    Lond.     1838.    Svo.  [bm] 



3170.  The  pastor's    daughter.      Lond.      Colburn    1806. 

4V.  [EC] 

3171.  The  patriot  father.      (Die  Hussiten.)     A  histor- 

ical play.  Ad.  by  F.  Shoberl.  Lond.  1830. 
Svo.  [bm] 

3172.  The  j>eevish  man.     (Oble  Laune.)     Tr.  C.  Lud- 

ger.    Lond.     1799.    Svo.  [bm] 

3173.  The  pigeon.     (Die  Taube.)      A    tale.    Tr.  by  a 

Philadelphian.    Phil.     1802.    Svo.  [bm] 

3174.  Pizarro  in  Peru;  or,  the  death  of  Rolla.      (Die 

Spanier  in  Peru,  oder  Rollas  Tod.)  Tr.  T.  Dut- 
ton.    Lond.     1799.    Svo. 2d  ed.  1799.  [bm] 

3175.  do.     Rolla;  or,   the   Peruvian   hero.     Tr.   ^L   G. 

Lewis.    2d  ed.     Lond.     1799.    Svo.  [bm] 

3176.  do.     The   Spaniards   in   Peru;    or,   the   death   of 

Rolla.  Tr.  Anne  Plumptre.  6th  rev.  ed.  Lond. 
1799.    Svo.  [bm] 

3177.  do.     Pizarro.     Ad.  to  the  Eng.  stage  by  R:  B. 

Sheridan.  Lond.  i799-  8vo.  __  20th  ed. 
1799.     __  26th  ed.  iSoo.  [bm] 

317S.  do.  reprint  of  #;i^~.  Pizarro;  a  tragedy,  in 
five  acts.  As  performed  at  the  Theatre  royal 
in  Drury  Lane :  taken  from  the  German  drama 
of  K__,  and  ad.  to  the  English  stage  by  R: 
Brinsley  Sheridan.  Phil,  for  Rice  1799.  59p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

3179.  do.     same  tr.  as  ^^iJi;.    NY.    Judah  1799.    74p. 

i6mo.  [B24] 

3180.  do.     Pizarro;   or,    the    Spaniards    in    Peru.     A 

tragedy  in  five  acts.  NY.  for  Smith  &  Stephens 
iSoo.  62p.  iSmo.  (Taken  from  #3177,  but 
act  V  is  expanded  to  follow  the  German  or- 
iginal.) [B24] 

3181.  do.     Pizarro  in  Peru  ;  or,  the  death  of  Rolla.    Tr. 

W:  Dunlap.  NY.  Hopkins  1800.  92p.  Svo. 
(With  the  \\'il(l  goose  chace.)  [lco] 

3182.  do.     Pizarro;  or,  the    death    of    Rolla.     Tr.   B. 

Thompson.     In  1.247(1). 


3183.  do.     identical   with    i^^i^<)?     Pizarro.      Ad.    by 

Sheridan.     NY?     i8--.     74p.     iSmo.       [lco] 

3184.  do.     reprint  of  #317/.    Bost.     i8og.  [B24] 

3185.  do.     do.     Bost.    West  &  Richardson  1818.     69p. 

17cm.  [lc] 

3186.  do.     do.     NY.     Longworth    1819.     68p.     i8mo. 


3187.  do.     do.     Cf.  ^^3178.     Phil.     Turner  1823.     sSp. 

24mo.  [lco] 

3188.  do.     same  as  #3177.     In  Oxberry,  W.  H.,  The 

new  English  drama,    vol.  20.     1824.     6ip.   8vo. 


3189.  do.     do.     In   British   drama,    1824    etc.      vol.  2. 

8vo.  [bm] 

3190.  do.     In  Acting  American  theatre.     Phil.     Poole 

1826-7.  vol.  13,  no.  4.  i2mo.  (The  plays 
carefully  corrected  from  the  prompt  books  of 
the  Philadelphia  theatre.)  [lco] 

3191.  do.     same  tr.  as  #3177.    NY.    Taylor  1846.    6op. 

i6mo.  [lco] 

3192.  do.     do.     In  The    British    drama.      Phil.     1850. 

vol.  2.  [lc] 

3193.  do.     do.     In  Lacy's  acting  ed.  of  plays,  1850  etc. 

Vol.  27.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3194.  do.     Sheridan's  play    of    Pizarro,    arranged   for 

representation  by  C.  Kean.  Lond.  1856. 
8vo.  [bm] 

3195.  do.     same  tr.  as  #3177.     In  British  drama,  1864 

etc.    Vol.  I.    il.    8vo.  [bm] 

3196.  do.     do.     In  New  York  drama.     Wheat  &  Cor- 

nett  1877.    Vol.  3.    8vo.  [lco] 

3197.  Poverty   and  nobleness    of    mind.      (.Xrmut  und 

Edelsinn.)  A  play.  Tr.  M.  Geisvveiler.  Lond. 
1799.    8vo.    -- 2d  ed.  1799.  [bm] 

3198.  do.     Sighs ;  or,  the  daughter.    A  comedy.    Tr.  w. 

alterations  by  P.  Hoarc.  Lond.  1799.  8vo. 
--  4th  ed.  1799.  [bm] 

3199.  do.     reprint  of  #3198.    Charlestown,  for  Larkin, 

Boston.     1800.    7ip.     i2mo.  [B24] 



3200.  do.     reprint   of    ^rJ^P^''     Indigence,   and   noble- 

ness of  mind.    NY.  for  Smith  &  Stephens  1800. 
64p.    8vo.  [B24] 

3201.  The  reconciliation.     (Die  Versohnung.)     A  com- 

edy.   Tr.  C.  Ludger.    Lond.     1799.    8vo.  ^-  4th 
ed.     1799.    8vo.  [bm] 

3202.  do.     The  birthday.    Ad.  to  Eng.  stage  by  T.  Dib- 

din.    Lond.     1800.    8vo.  [bm] 

3203.  do.     Fraternal  discord.       NY.    for    Smith    1801. 

74p.    8vo.     (Reprint  of  #3201?)  [B24] 

3204.  do.     Fraternal   discord.     Altered     ....     W. 

Dunlap.     NY.     Longworth  1809.    69p.     i8mo. 


3205.  do.     same  tr.  as  #j^o^.     In  Inchbald,  Collection 

of  farces,  1815  etc.     Vol.  2.     i2mo.  [lco] 

3206.  The  Russian  prisoner  of  war  among  the  French. 

Lond.     1816.    8vo.  [bm] 

3207.  Self-immolation;  or.   the  sacrifice  of   life.      (Der 

Opfertod.)     A  play.    Tr.  H  :  Neumann.    Lond. 

1799.  49p.     8vo.  [bm] 

3208.  do.     do.     reprint.     Bost.    for    Blake    1799.      57p. 

i2mo.  [B24] 

3209.  do.     do.     reprint.      NY.    for    Smith    &    Stephens 

1800.  54p.    8vo.  [B24] 

3210.  do.     Family    distress;     or,     self-immolation     etc. 

Lond.    Phillips  1799.    8vo.  [bm] 

3211.  Sketch  of  the  life  and  literary  career     .... 

with  the  journal  of  his  tour  to  Paris.     Tr.  A. 
Plumptre.     Lond.     Symonds  1800.    384?.    8vo. 


3212.  do.     reprint.     NY.     Ward    1801.      276p.     i2mo 


3213.  doF     reprint.^     Life,    written    by    himself.      Phil. 

1801 ?  [024] 

3214.  do.     sawc  tr.     In  Autobiog.     Vol.  q,   10.     Lond. 

Hunt  &  Clark  1827.    283,  274P.     i6mo.       (lco) 

3215.  The  stranger.      (Mcnschenhass    und    Reu€.)     A 


comedy.  Freely  tr.  A.  Schink.  Lend.  1798. 
8vo.    --  6th  ed.    1798.  [bm] 

3216.  do.     reprint.     NY.     1799.  [B24] 

3217.  do.     The  stranger;   or,   misanthropy  and  repent- 

ance. A  drama.  Tr.  G.  Papendick.  Lond. 
1798.    Svo.  [bm] 

3218.  do.     reprint  of  4^S-^7-   Bost.    Russell  n.  d.    i2mo. 


3219.  do.     The  stranger.    A  drama.     Tr.  B.  Thompson. 

In  C247(i). 

3220.  do.     reprint  of  ^Pj^ip'     Phil.     1801.  [B24] 

3221.  do.    same  tr.  as  #j2ig.     Lond.     1902.    Svo.    __ 

Lond.     1806.    Svo.  [bm] 

3222.  do.     do.     NY.     Longworth  1808?  [B24] 

3223.  do.     do.     In  Inchbald,  British  theatre,  1S08.    Vol. 

24.  i2mo.  --  Also  in  Lond.  stage,  1824  etc. 
Vol.  3.  Svo.  __  Also  in  Cumberland's  British 
theatre,  1829  etc.  Vol.  14  i2mo.  __  Also  in 
Penny  national  library,  vol.  5.  1830?    Svo.  [bm] 

3224.  do.     NY.     Taylor  1846.     59p.     i6mo.  [lco] 

3225 .  do.     same  tr.  as  #j^ip.    In  Webster,  B  :,  The  act- 

ing national  drama.  Lond.  1849.  Vol.  15. 
54p.     i6mo.  [lco] 

3226.  do.     do.     In  Webster,  B.,  The  series  of  dramatic 

entertainments  performed  at  Windsor  Castle. 
1849.    4to.  [bm] 

3227.  do.     do.     In  Lacy's  acting  ed.  of  plays,  1S50  etc. 

Vol.  22.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3228.  do.     do.     In  British  drama,  1S64  etc.    Vol.  i.    il. 

Svo.  [bm] 

3229.  do.     In   NY  drama.     Wheat  &  Cornett   1873-6. 

Vol.  I.,  no  3.  [lco] 

*3230.     The  sufferings  of  the   family  of   Ortenberg.     A 

novel.     Tr.  P:  Will.  Dublin,  for  Moore  1799. 

2v.    17cm.  .  [lc] 

3231.  do.     reprint.     Phil.     Print  for  Rice  1800.     2v.  in 

I.     154,  i6op.     18cm.  [lc] 

3232.  Travels    from    Berlin,    through    Switzerland,    to 



Paris,  in  the  year  1804.     4th  ed.     Lond.     Phil- 
lips 1806.    3v.  in  I.     i6cm.     (isted.  1804.    3V.) 


3233.  do.     In  Phillips,  R.,  A  collection  of  modern  and 

contemporary     voyages    and    travels.       Lond. 
1805-23.    22cm.    Vol.  I.     (Summary.)         [lc] 

3234.  Travels  through  Italy  in  the  years  1804  and  1805. 

New  ed.  rev.     Lond.     Phillips  1807.     4V.  in  2. 
17cm.  [lc] 

3235.  do.     In  Phillips,  R.,  Coll.  of  modern  voyages  etc. 

Vol.  4.     8vo.     (Summary.)  [lc] 

3236.  The  virgin  of  the  sun.     (Die  Sonnen-Jungfrau.) 

Tr.  Anne   Plumptre.     Lond.     1799.     8vo.     __ 
2d  ed.     1799.  [bm] 

3237.  do.     Tr.  B.  Thompson.     Lond.     1799.     8vo.     __ 

Also  in  €247(1),  entitled:  Rolla ;  or,  the  virgin 
of  the  sun.  [bm] 

3238.  do.     Tr.  J.  Lawrence.   NY.    1800.  8vo.  [bm] 

3239.  do.     Tr.  W.  Dunlap.    NY.     Hopkins  1800.    Sop. 

8vo.  [bm] 

3240.  The    wanderer;     or,     the     rights     of    hospitality. 

(Eduard  in  Schottland.)     A  drama.     Altered 
C.  Kemble.     Lond.     1808.    8vo.  [bm] 

3241.  do.     reprint  f    NY.     Longworth  1808?  [B24] 

3242.  The  widow  and  the  riding  horse.     (Die  Wittwe 

und  das  Reitpferd.)     A  dramatic  trifle.    Tr.  A. 
Plumptre.     Lond.     1799.    8vo.  [bm] 

3243.  do.     reprint?     NY.  for  Smith  &  Stephens   1800. 

26p.    8vo.  [B24] 

3244.  do.     Adapted   to  Eng.   stage   T.    Dibdin.      1799. 


3245.  The  wild  youth.      (Der   Wildfang.)      A   comedy 

for  digestion.     Tr.  C:  Smith.     NY.     Smith  & 
Stephens  1800.     72p.    8vo.  [lco] 

3246.  do.     The  wild  goose   chace.      A    play.     Tr.  W: 

Dunlap.      NY.      Hopkins    1800.      io4p.     Svo. 


3*47.     do.     Of  age  to    morrow.      Adapted    T:  Dibdin. 


NY.    Longworth  1808.     (Reprint  of  Lend.  ed. 
1806.)  [B24] 

3248.  The   writing-desk;    or,   youth   in   danger.      (Das 

Schreibepult.)     Lond.     Robinson  1799.     ii4P- 
8vo.  [bm] 

3249.  do.     reprint f     NY.  for  Smith   1801.     72p.     8vo. 


3250.  do.     The  wise  man  of  the  east.    Tr.  Mrs.  Inch- 

bald.     Lond.     Robinson  1799.     Sop.     8vo. 

2d  ed.  1799.  [bm] 
**325i.  Zaida;  or,  the  dethronement  of  Muhamed  IV.  A 
novel,  founded  on  historical  facts.  Tr.  C : 
Smith.  NY.  Burnton  &  Darling  1803.  2i3p. 
iScm.  [lc] 
181 1.    \\'ith  The  beautiful  unknown,     [lc] 


3252.  Narrative  of  a  journey  into  Persia,  in  the  suite 

of  the  imperial  Russian  embassy,  in  the  year 
1817.     Lond.    Longman  1819.    328p.   il.    21cm. 


__  Phil.    Carey  1820.    8vo.  [ac] 

3253.  The  Russian  prisoner.    Gale  i8i6.    8vo.  [eg] 


3254.  Narrative  of  a  voyage  round  the  world,   18 15-8. 

Lond.    Longman  1821.     3V.    8vo.  [ec] 

3255.  New  voyage  round  the  world,  1823-6.     Colbum 

1830.     2v.  [ec] 

Kraatz,  Kurt,  1857- 

Scc  Laufs,  K :,  joint  author. 

Krabbe,  C.  F. 

3256.  Life  of    Bernard    Overberg.      Tr.    G.   Spencer. 

Derby  1843.    i6mo.  [bm] 

Kraft  von  Toggenburg,  fl.  1260 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C181,  C244,  C160  (under 
Walther  v.  d.  Vogelweide). 


Kramer, (Geniidn?) 

3257.  Lindorf  and  Caroline.    Tr.  Ma.  J.  Young.    Crosby 

1803.    3V.     i2mo.  [ec] 

3258.  Walter  de  Monbary  :  a  romance.    2d  ed.    Newman 

1816.    4v.     i2mo.  [ec] 

Kratter,  Fz. 

3259.  Natalia  and  RIenzikoff ;  or,  the  conspiracy  against 

Peter    the    Great.     Lend.      1798.     204p.     8vo. 


Kraus,  El. 

3260.  The  adventures  of  Count  G:  Albert  of  Erbach. 

A  true  story.  Tr.  H.  R.  H.  Beatrice,  princess 
H :  of  Battenberg.  Lond.  Murray  1890.  322p. 
il.    20cm.  [lc] 

Krause,  K:  Cn.  F:  1781-1833 

3261 .  The  ideal  of  humanity  and  universal   federation. 

Ed.  in  English  by  W.  Hastie.  Edinb.  Clark 
igoo.     igip.     i2mo.  [lc] 

Kreissle  von  Hellborn,  H:  d.  1869 

3262.  Franz  Schubert;  a    musical    biography.     Tr.  E: 

Wilberforce.  Lond.  Allen  1866.  287P.  20cm. 
(Abridged.)  [lc] 

3263.  The  life  of  Fz.   Schubert.     Tr.  A.  D.  Coleridge. 

Lond.     Longmans  1869.     2v.     20cm.  [lc] 

Kreyenberg,  Ghd. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C68. 

Kruesi,  Ilm. 

3264.  Pcstalozzi :  his  life,  work,  and  influence.     Cincin. 

Wilson,  Hinkle  1875.     248p.     8vo.  [bm] 

3265.  do.     Sketch  of  the  life  and  character  of  Pesta- 

lozzi.  In  Amer.  institute  of  instruction.  Lec- 
tures 1853.  Ticknor.  R.  &  F.  1854. 
i2mo.    (pp.  27-52.)  [lco] 

Kruc,  W:  Traugott,  1770-1842 

326'S.     Fundamental   philosophy;  or,  elements  of  primi 


live  philosophy.    Tr.  H.  N.  Day.     Sawyer,  In- 
gersoU  1852.     i8mo.  [ac] 

Kruger,  J : 

Selection,  vcse,  see  C221. 

Krummaciier,  F:  Ad.  1767-1845 

Selection,  terse,  see  C220,  C23,  C22,  C2G6,  C215, 
C20l(l6),  C2S,  C16. 

3267.  Alfred  and  the    Httle    dove.      (Also,    the  young 

Savoyard.     By    E.    Hold.)      Tr.    by    a  lady. 
Edinb.    1862.    i6mo.  [bm] 

3268.  Cornelius  the  centurion.    Tr.  J.  W.  Ferguson.    In 

The  Biblical  cabinet.     Vol.  22.     1840.     Edinb. 
Clark  1840.    2iop.     i6mo.  [bm] 

3268a.    Fables.    Sec  Lessing,  #3529. 

3269.  Oriental  fairy    tales.      See    Herder,    J.  G.,  joint 


3270.  Parables.     Tr.   F.   Shoberl.      Lond.     Ackermann 

1824.    3i6p.    i2mo.  [bm] 

^2yi.     do.     Tr.  Miss  F.  Johnston.    Lond.     1839.    2i8p. 

8vo.  [bm] 

3272.     do.     Lond.     1844.     i6mo.  [bm] 

__  Same?  Cheap  ed.  Parker  1844.  8vo.  [ec] 
T,2~T,.     do.     Lond.     1847.    3op.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3274.  do.     Cf.  #3-7'-    Tr.  Miss  F.  Johnston.     Nisbet 

1849.     i2mo.  [ec] 

3275.  do.     Tr.  L.  Lermont.     Phil,  the  translator,  1852. 

95p.    i6mo.  [lco] 

3276.  do.     Cooke  1853.    il.    4to.  [ec] 

3277.  do.     Tr.  7th  Ger.  ed.    Lond.  1854.  78p.  8vo.  [bm] 

3278.  do     Lindsay  &  Blakiston  1854.    Phil.    8vo.   [ac] 

3279.  do.     The  robins  and  other  parables  for  children. 

Phil.     Lindsay  &  B.  1857.  [ac] 

3280.  do.     Cf.  #J2^/'.    Tr.  7th  Ger.  ed.    Lond.    Bohn 

1858.    362P.    8vo.  [bm] 

_-  Same.    Scribner.    Lippincott.    Little,  Brown 
n.  d.    i2mo.  [ac7] 

-.SameF     McCauley  n.  d.     i2mo.  [ac7J 

3281 .  do.     Simple  similitudes ;  or,    fables    etc.     Books 

314  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


for  the  young.      Packet    no.    9.     1861.     i32p. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

3282.  do.     Strength  and  beauty  ;  for  boys  and  girls.   Ad. 

from  Prof.  J :   Holmes   Agnew's  tr.   of   K 's 

parables.     Plainfield,  N.  J.    Dalziel  1892.    63p. 
22cm.  [lc] 

Krummacher,  F:  W:  1796-1868 

3283.  Autobiography.     Ed.  by  his  daughter.    Tr.  M.  G. 

Easton.     Edinb.    Hamilton  1869.    8vo.       [bm] 

3284.  do.     2d  rev.  ed.    1871.    8vo.  [bm] 

3285.  do.     NY.    Carter  1869.    35op.    8vo.  [lco] 

3286.  Gems  of by  P.  C.  Hirschfeld.    Wertheim  1847. 

i8mo.  [eg] 

Krupp,  Af.  1812-87 

See  Niemeyer,  V:,  Alfred  Krupp:  a  sketch  of  his 
Hfe  and  work.     ^^4110. 

Kruse,  H  :  18 15- 

3287.  The  crystal  dagger.     Oath  and  conscience.     Tr. 

R.  Gillies.    In  Cioi. 

Krusenstern,  Am.  J:  v.  1770-1846 

3288.  Memoirs  and  correspondence,  ed.  by  Ross.    Long- 

mans 1856.    8vo.  [ec] 

3289.  Voyage  round    the    world,    1803-6.      Tr.  R:  B. 

Hoppner.     Lond.   for  Murray  1813.     2v.  in   i. 
28  X  22cm.  [lc] 

KuECHLER,  C:  Gb.  F:  1869- 

3290.  Elizabeth  (consort    of    Fis.    Js.    I,),  empress  of 

Austria  and  queen    of    Hungary.      Tr.    G:  P. 
Upton.     McClurg  1909.     i39p.     17cm.         [lc] 

KUEGELGEN,  W :  G :  Ax.  v. 

3291.  Bygone  days;  or,  an  old  man's  reminiscences  of 

his  youth.    Lond.     1871.    3V.    8vo.  [bm] 

KuEHN,  Fz. 

3292.  Barbarossa.     Tr.  G.  P.  Upton.     Chic.     McClurg 

1906.    i67p.    17cm.  [lc] 


KuEHNE,  A:  1829-83,  sec  "Dewall,  J  :s  van" 

KuEHNE,  J:s 

Sec  Ramseyer,  F:,  joint  author. 

KUEHNEMANN,  Eg.    1868- 

♦3293.     Schiller.     Tr.  3d  Ger.  ed.  Mrs.  Kath.  H.  Royce. 
Bost.     Lond.     Ginn  igi2.     2v.     21cm.         [lc] 

KUELPE,  Os.  1862- 

3294.  Intro,  to  philosophy  :  a  handbook  for  students.  Tr. 

W.  B.  Pillsbury  and  E.  B.  Titchener.  Lond. 
Sonnenschein  1897.    256p.    8vo.  [cms] 

-_  NY.  Macmillan  1901.  256?.  19cm.  [lc] 
__  Sonnenschein  1907.  __  New  ed.  Allen  &  U. 
1916.  [ec] 

3295.  The  philosophy  of  the  present  in  Germany.     Tr. 

5th  Ger.  ed.  Maud  L.  Patrick  and  T :  W.  Pat- 
rick.   Lond.    Allen  1913.    256P.     19cm.       [lc] 


3296.  In  the  Turkish  camp,  and  other  stories.    Tr.  Ma. 

R.  Gray.  St.  Louis.  Herder  1899.  136?. 
i6mo.  [lc] 

KuERENBERG,  Dcr  V.,  early  12th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C184,  C185. 

KuETTNER,  K :  Gib. 

3297.  .  Travels  through  Denmark,   Swreden,  Austria  etc. 

In  Collection  of  modern  voyages,  vol.  i.  Lond. 
1805  etc.    8vo.  [bm] 

KuGLER,  Fz.  Td.  1808-58 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C198. 

3298.  A  handbook  of  the  history  of  painting.     Part  I. 

Italian  schools.     Lond.     1842.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3299.  do.     Schools  of    painting    in    Italy.      Tr.  Marg. 

Hutton.  2d  ed.  rev.  and  enl.  Lond.  Murray 
1851.    2v.    il.    20cm.  [lc] 

3300.  do.     Italian   schools  by  Eastlake.     New  ed.     2V. 

Murray  1855.    2v.  8vo.  [ec] 



3d  ed.    2  pts.    Lond.     1855.  [bm] 

_-  New  ed.    Murray  1867.    2V.    8vo.  [ec] 

3301 .  do.     4th  ed.      Rev.    by    Lady    Eastlake.      Lond. 

1874.    2  pts.    8vo.  [bm] 

3302.  do.     5th  ed.     Rev.  A.  H.  Layard.     Lond.     Mur- 

ray 1887.    2  pts.    8vo.  [bm] 

3303.  do.     Italian   schools    of    painting,    based   on  the 

handbook  ....  6th  ed.  rev.  and  in  part 
rewritten  A.  H.  Layard.  Lond.  Murray  1902. 
2v.     11.     2icm.  [lc] 

3304.  Handbook   of  the  history  of  painting.     Part  IL 

The  German,  Flemish,  and  Dutch  schools.  Tr. 
Mrs.  Marg.  Hutton.  Lond.  Murray  1846. 
377p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

3305.  do.     Also,    Spanish   and    French    schools.      1854. 

2v.    il.    2icm.  [lc] 

German,  Dutch,  French,  and  Spanish  schools, 

by  Head.     Murray  1854.    2v.    8vo.  [ecj 

3306.  do.     German,  Flemish  and  Dutch  schools.    Based 

on  the  handbook Enl.  and  for  the 

most  part  re-written  by  Dr.  Waagen.  Lond. 
Murray  i860.     2v.     il.     20cm.  [lc] 

3307.  do.     do.     New  ed.  rev.  and  in  part  re-written  by 

J.A.Crowe.    Lond.     1874.    2  pts.    8vo.     [bm] 

3308.  do.     do.     New  ed.  rev.  and  re-written  by  J.  A. 

Crowe.     Lond.     Murray  1879.     2V.     8vo.   [lc] 

3309.  do.     do.     6th  impression.    3d  ed.  1898.  2icm.  [lc] 

3310.  History   of   Frederick   the  great.     Tr.    Moriarty. 

Lond.     Virtue  1843.     8vo.  [kc] 

331 1.  do.     Pictorial    history    |of    Germany    during    the 

reign  of  Frederick  the  great.  II.  .\d.  Menzel. 
Lond.    Bohn  1845.    6i6p.    25cm.  [lc] 

__  Routledge  1877.    8vo.  [ec] 

3312.  do.     Life  of  Frederick  the  great.     NV.  Perkins 

1902.    453p.     il.     19cm.  [lc] 

KuH,  El.  1828-76 

Selection,  verse,  see  C230. 

KUHN,  A  : 

Selection,  verse,  see  C167. 

KuLMANN,  Eli.  1808-25 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C172. 

KuNTH,  J :  Sg.  1700-79 

Selection,  verse,  see  C103,  C264. 

KuRZ,  Hm.  1813-73 

3313.  Falstaflf  and  his  companions.  Intro,  by  H.  K. 
Tr.  C.  C.  Shack  ford.  Plates  by  PI.  Konewka. 
Bost.     Roberts  1872.     i8p.     i2mo.  [lc] 

KuRZ,  Iso.  (i.  e.  Kl.  Mge.)  1853- 

Selection,  verse,  sec  091(18),  C185. 

"Kyrburg,  Fritz  v.  d."  see  Bilse,  Os.  Fr.  1878- 

Lachmann,  He.,  afterwards  Landauer 
**34i3.     Salome.     (Opera  by  R:  Strauss.)     Libretto,  Ger. 
and  Eng.    NY.  Theatre  ticket  office  1906.    53p. 


**34i3a.   do.     Tr.   A.   Kalisch.     Berlin;   Paris.      Fiirstner 
191 1.    3ip.    8vo.    Libretto,  Eng.  and  Ger.  [lcJ 

Lachmann,  p.  d.  1715 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Lafontaine,  A:  H:  Jl.   1758-1831 

Selection,  prose,  see  C94. 

3414.  Age  and  youth;  or,  the  families  of   Abendstedt. 

A  novel.    Lond.    1813.    4V.     i2mo.  [bmJ 

3415.  Baron  de  Fleming,  the  son;  or,  the  rage  of  sys- 

tems.   A  novel.    Lond.     1804.    3V.  i2mo.  [bm] 

3416.  Dolgorucki  and  Menzikofif.    A  Russian  tale.  Lond. 

Lane  1805.    2v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3417.  do.     Maria  MenzikofF  and  Fedor  Dolgoruchi.     A 

Russian  tale  founded  on  fact.     Lond.     Bailey 
180-.     28p.     17cm.  [lc] 

3418.  Edward  and    Annette.      A    moral    tale.     Lond. 

1807.     i2mo.  [bm] 

318  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


3419.  The  family  of  Halden.     A  novel.     Lond.     1799. 

4v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3420.  Family  quarrels.     A  novel.     Lond.     Dean   1811. 

3v.    i2mo.  [bm] 

3421.  The  Haunted  castle.     In  C125. 

3422.  Henriette   Bellman;  or,  the  new   family  picture. 

Lond.    1804.    2v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3423 .  Love  and  gratitude ;  or,  traits  of  the  human  heart. 

Six  novels.  Tr.  (  ?)  Mrs.  Parsons.  Brentford 
1804.     3V.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3424 .  The  man  of  nature  ;  or,  nature  and  love.    Tr.  W  : 

Wennington.  New  enl.  ed.  Lond.  for  the 
translator  1807.     447p.     22cm.  [lc] 

3425 .  Odd  enough,  to  be  sure !  or,  Emihus  in  the  world. 

Tr.  J.  Hemet.  Lond.  Lane  &  Newman  1802. 
2v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3426.  Raphael;  or,  peaceful     life.      Tr.     Mrs.  Green. 

Lond.    Taylor  1812.    2v.    i2mo.  [bm] 

3427.  The  reprobate.    A  novel.    Tr.  M.  Charlton.  Lond. 

Lane  &  Newman  1802.    2v.    i2mo.  [bm] 

3428.  Rodolphus  of  Werdenberg.    A  play.    Lond.    1805. 

2v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3429.  Saint  Julien.    Lond.    Lane  1799.    2v.    i2mo.  [bm] 

3430.  do.     Saint  Julien;  or,  niemoirs  of  a  father.  Lond. 

Bell  1798.     279p.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3431.  A  tale  of  ancient  times,  entitled  Romulus.    Balto. 

Mauro  1814.  314?.  17cm.  (Possibly  reprint 
of  Romulus,  a  tale  etc.  Tr.  P.  Will.  Lond. 
1799.)  [lc] 

3432.  The  village  pastor  and  his  children.     A  novel. 

NY.  Longworth  18 10.  4V.  in  2.  246,  238P. 
(Reprint  of  Lond.  ed.  1803.)  [B24] 

3433.  do.     Family  pictures;  or,  the  life  of  a  poor  vil- 

lage pastor  and  his  children.     1849.    8vo.  [bm] 

3434.  do.     Family  portraiture;  or,  the  history  of  a  Ger- 

man country  ])astor  and  his  family.  Tr.  (into 
French)   by  Mnie.  L  do  Montolieu     .... 


freely  rendered  from  the  French  by  Mrs.  J.  D. 
W.  Digby.    Lend.    Hall  1857.    8vo.  [bm] 

3435.  The  village  of  Friedewalde ;  or,  the  enthusiast.    A 

novel.    Tr.  J.  Powell.    Load.    1806.    3V.    i2mo. 


Lagerstrom,  Anga.  v.  see  "Moeller,  A.  v." 

La  Motte  Fouque,  F:    H:    K:    freiherr    de,  1777-1843,  see 


Selection,  verse,  see  C229. 

Lamey,  A:  1816-96 

Selection,  verse,  see  C167. 

Lamp.\dius,  \V:  Ad.  1812-92 

3436.  Life  of  Felix  Mendelssohn-Bartholdy.    Tr.  W:  L. 

Gage.   NY;  Phil.   Leypoldt  1865.    271P.    17cm. 


3437.  do.     Lend.     Reeves  1876.    8vo.  [bm] 

3438.  do.     New  and  enl.  ed.    Bost.    Ditson  1887.    333p. 

20cm.  [lc] 

Lampe,  F.  a.  d.  1729 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Lamprecht,  pfafTe,  early  12th  cent. 

Selections  from  his  "Alexander",  see  C52,  C108. 

Lamprecht,  K:  Gtd.  1856- 

**3439-  What  is  history?  Five  lectures  on  the  modern 
science  of  history.  Tr.  E.  A.  Andrews.  NY ; 
Lond.     Macmillan  1905.     227p.     20cm.       [lc] 

Lamszus,  W: 

3440.  The  human  slaughter-house;  scenes  from  the  war 
that  is  sure  to  come.  Tr.  Oakley  Williams 
NY.  Stokes  1913.  ii6p.  i8cm.  ._  Lond. 
Hutchinson.     i26p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

Landes.mann,  H:  1821-1902,  see  "Lorm,  Hieronimus". 

320  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Lang,  G:  1836- 

3441.  Pixy's  holiday    journey.      Tr.     Ma.    E.   Ireland. 

Chic ;  Akron.  Saalfield  pub.  1908.  2529.  il. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Langbecker,  Em.  Cn.  Gb.  1792-1843 
Selection,  verse,  see  C221. 

Langbein,  A:  F:  Ern.  1757-1835 

Selection,  verse,  see  C23,  C21,  C20,  C53,  C148, 
C137,  C62. 

3442.  The  bridegroom's  probation.     The  broken  leg.    In 


3443.  The  lady's  palfrey.     In  C92. 

3444.  Marianne   Richards;   or,  memoirs   of   an  actress. 

Seven  marriages,  and  never  a  husband.  The  ir- 
reconcilable man.  Albert  Limbach  ;  or,  a  martyr 
to  the  fair.  An  hour's  instruction  in  political 
economy.     The  lady's  palfrey.     In  €212(4). 

Lange,  Ern.  1650-1727 

Selection,  verse,  see  C220,  C265.  C44. 

Lange,  Ern.  Ph.  K:  1813-99,  see  "Galen,  Ph." 

Lange,  F:  Ab.  1828-75 

3445 .  History  of  materialism  and  criticism  of  its  pres- 

ent importance.  Tr.  E.  C.  Thomas.  3d  ed. 
Lond.  Paul,  T.  &  T.  1890.  3V.  22cm.  [lc] 
Triibner  1877-81  [ec] 

Lange,  Lz. 

3446.  Journal   of   the    residence     .     .     .     .     at     .     .     . 

Pekin.  In  Bell,  J.,  of  .\utermony.  Travels 
etc.    Vol.  2.     1763.    4to.  [rm] 

3447.  Journey  from  Petersburg  to  Peking.     In  The  pres- 

ent state  of  Russia,  etc.    \'o\.  2.     1723  etc.  8vo. 


3448.  Travels  in  China,   1717.     In  .\  now  coll.  of  voy- 

ages and  travels.     1745.  ('/f.     \'ol.  3.    4to.   [i:m] 

Lange,  J.  C. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C180,  C215. 


Lance,  J  :  P:  1802-84 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C220,  C221. 

Langhans,  W:  1832-92 

3449.  History  of  music  in  twelve  lectures.  Tr.  2d.  enl. 

ed.  J  :  H  :  Cornell.    NY.    Schirmer  1886.    i84p. 
25cm.  [lc] 

Langsdorfk,  G:  H:  freiherr  v.  1774-1852 

3450.  Voyages  and  travels     ....     1803-7.    II.  from 

orig.  drawings.     Loud.     Colbum   1813-14.     2v. 
28cm.  [lc] 

3451.  do.     do.     Carlisle,  Pa.    Print,  by  Philips,  for  sale 

in  Phil,  by  Carey  1817.     6i7p.     22cm.         [ix] 

L'Arronge,  Ad.  1838- 

3452.  Dr.  Klaus,  a  comedy  in  five  acts.    Tr.  and  ad.  A. 

Neuendorflf.    1878.  [B19] 

3453.  My  boy.     (Alein  Leopold.)     A  comedy  in  three 

acts  and  six  tableaux,  a  tr.  and  adaptation     .     . 
.     .     by  A.  Neuendorflf.  [biq] 

3454.  do.     My  son,  comedy  drama  in  one  act,  by  Ruth 

Comfort  Mitchell  (Mrs.  Young).     NY.     1915. 
Tp.  [IX] 

Lasaulx,  Ame.  v.  1815-72 

3455.  Sister  Augustine.     Superior     ....     at  Bonn. 

Tr.   fr.  German.       Lond.      Kegan    Paul    1880. 
338p.    8vo.  [dm] 

__  NY.    Holt  1881.    338p.    i2mo.  [lco] 

Lasker-Schueler,  Else,  1876- 

S election,  verse,  see  C14. 

Lassalle,  Fd.  J :  Gb.  1825-64 

Selection,  prose,  see  C9i(io). 

*3456.      Franz  v.  Sickingen ;  a  tragedy  in  five  acts.     Tr. 

D.  De  Leon.    NY.    NY.  labor  news  1910.  i49p. 

19cm.     [Stumbling  verse.]  [lc] 

Sec  Bernstein,  E.,  F.  L-_  as  a  social  reformer. 


322  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Laufenberg,  H  :  v.  ■ 

Selection,  verse,  see  C20i(i6),  C20;  also  possibly 
C264  (calls  him  Loufenburg.) 

Laufer,  Bh. 

3457.  The  white  Indian.     A  wild  west  drama  in   four 

acts.     Tr.  W:  Sinnhold.     Buffalo,  NY.     1889. 
64p.    24mo.  [lco] 

Laufs,  K:  1858-1900 

3458.  Crazy  idea.    A  comedy  in  four  acts.    Tr.  Maurice 

Hagemann.   Chic.   Chic.  Dram.  see.  1897.    [BI9] 

Laufs,  K:  and 
Kraatz,  Kurt 

3459.  Are  you    a    i\Iason?      (Die  Logenbriider. )      Ad. 

Leo  Ditrichstein.     NY.     Lederer  &  Herrmann 
1901.    83p.    8vo.  [ac] 

3460.  do.     Are  you  an   Odd   Fellow?     Farce  comedy. 

Ad.  by  W.  Brandon.    Paola,  Kan.  [B19] 

Laukenau,  H.  v.  and 
Oelsnitz,  L.  v.  d. 

3461.  Russia,  past  and  present.    Ad.  Mrs.  Henrietta  M. 

Chester.      Lond.       Christ,     knowl.     soc ;     NY. 
Young  1881.    434p.    il.    20cm.  [lc] 

"Laun,  F:"  (i.  e.  F:  A:  Schulze,  1770-1849) 

3462.  The  blind  passenger.     In  C233a  (III). 

Laurentius  Laurentii,  1660-1722 

Selection,  verse,  see    C220,    C221,    C265,  C266, 
C180,  C215. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C230. 


3463.  The    young    crusaders.      From    the    Ger.     NY. 

Strong,  n.  d.     i8mo.  [f^cj] 

Lavater,  Anna 

See  Ziethe,  W.,  Anna  Lavater,  a  picture  of  Swiss 
pastoral  life. 



Lavater',  J;  Ksp.  1741-1801 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C229,  C180,  C44. 
Selection,  prose,  sec  C120,  C70. 

3464.  Aphorisms  on  man.      Tr.    J.    H.    Fuseli.     Lond. 

1788.  [b24] 

3465.  do.     reprint.     Phil.       Spotswood      1790.       loop. 

i6mo.  [B24] 

3466.  do.    reprint.     3d  ed.    NY.    Berry  &  Rogers  1790. 

I  I4p.     i6mo.  [B24] 

3467.  do.     reprint.     4th  ed.  Bost.    Thomas  &  Andrews 

1790.     ii2p.     i6mo.  [lco] 

3468.  do.    reprint.     5th  ed.     Newburyport,  Mass.     Os- 

borne 1793.     logp.     17cm.  [lc] 

3469.  do.     3d  ed.     Lond.  for  W.  Johnson  1794.     224p. 

i6mo.  [lco] 

3470.  do.     reprint.     5th    ed.      Catskill,    NY.      Mackay, 

Croswell   1795.     76p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

3471.  do.     1st   Amer.    ed.       Lancaster,     Pa.     Albright 

1830.     i4op.     13cm.  [lc] 

3472.  Of  design,  colouring,  and  writing.    In  Lumley,  E. 

The  art  of  judging  ....  character  .  . 
.  .  from  ....  handwriting.  1875. 
i6mo.  [bm] 

3473.  On  the  nature,  excellency,  and  necessity  of  faith. 

Tr.  P:Will.    Lond.     1805.    8vo.  [bm] 

3474.  Original  maxims  for  the  young.    Tr.  Eliz.  A.  Mac 

Caul,  afterwards  Finn.  Lond.  Wertheim 
1838.    24mo.  [bm] 

3475.  The  pastor's  legacy  ;  or,  devotional  fragments  from 

the  German  of  L__.  By  H.  J.  Fay  (in  verse). 
Lond.     1842.    i6mo.  [bm] 

3476.  Remonstrance     ....     against  the  invasion  of 

Switzerland.  From  the  French.  Lond. 
Debrett  &  Longman  1798.    31  p.    8vo.  [bm] 

3477.  do.     Letter    to    the     French    directory.       Lond. 

Hatchard  1799.    33p.    8vo.  [bm] 

3478.  do.     Dublin.     Milliken  1798.     i6p.    8vo.       [lco] 

'Note.    Essays  on  physiognomy  not  included. 

324  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


3479.  do.     Graisberry  &    Campbell    1798.      i4p.     8vo. 


3480.  Secret  journal  of  a  self-observer;  or.  confessions 

and  familiar  letters  of Tr.  P:  Will.    Lend. 

Cadell  1795.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

_-  1770.    2v.    280,  372p.  [lco] 

3481.  Words  of  consolation  for  friends  of  love  and  of 

faith.  Tr.  G.  G.  Moore.  Lond.  Nisbet  1881. 
62p.    i6mo.  [bm] 

3482.  Memoirs  of  J.  C.  Lavater,  compiled  by  Philipp  J. 

Heisch  chiefly  from  the  biog.  of  G.  Gessner 
and  J.  Herbst.  With  memoir  of  his  widow 
(from  Gessner).  Also,  Lavater's  corresf>ond- 
ence  with  the  Oberlins.  Lond.  Bagster  1842. 
3i7p.     il.     14cm.  [lc] 

Lavater,  L: 

3483.  Of  ghostes  and  spirites  walking  by  nyght,  and  of 

strange  noyses,  crackes,  and  sundry  forewarn- 
ynges,  which  commonly  happen  before  the  death 
of  menne,  great  slaughters  and  alterations  of 
kyngdomes.  Tr.  into  Englyshe  by  R.  H.  Lond. 
Watkins  1572.    4to. 1596.  [bm] 

"Leander,  R:"  (i.  e.  R:  v.  Volkmann  1830-89) 
Selection,  prose,  see  C132;  #220ia. 
Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C230. 

3484.  Fantastic  stories.    Tr.  Paulina  B.  Granville.   Lond. 

King  1873.    il.    8vo.  [bm] 

3485.  do.     Dreams  by  a  French  fireside.    Tr.  M.  O'Cal- 

laghan.  Lond.  Chapman  &  Hall  1886.  27ip. 
il.    8vo.  [bms] 

3486.  do.     German   fantasies  by  French  firesides.     Tr. 

Pauline  C.  Lane.  NY.  Putnams  1887.  203p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

Ledderhose,  K  :  F: 

3487.  The  life  of    A.    G.    Spangenberg.     Lond.     1855. 

8vo.  [bm] 

3487a.   Life  of  Ph.  Melanchthon.    Phil.     1855.  Svo.  .[ec] 


Lehmann,  A:  W:  Rd. 

3488.  An  artist's  reminiscences.     Lond.     Smith,  Elder 

1894.     325P.     Svo.     (Translation?)  [lc] 

Lehmann,  J:  F:  W:  El. 

3489.  G.  G.  Gervinus.     Tr.    E.    Dixon.     Lond.     1872. 

Svo.  [bm] 

Lehmann,  Lilli,  1848- 

3490.  My  path  through  life.     Tr.  .Mice  B.  Seligmann. 

NY;  Lond.     Putnam  1914.     5iop.     il.     23cm. 


Lehmus,  J.  A.  d.  1788 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C265. 

Leibniz,  Gf.  W:  freiherr  v.  1646-1716 

3491 .  Abridgment  of  his  theodicy.    Tr.  A.  E.  Kroeger. 

In  Ci4i(7). 

3492.  A  collection  of  papers     ....     between     .     . 

.     .     L--  and  Dr.  Clarke     ....     1715  and 

1716,  relating  to  ...  .  natural  philosophy 
and  religion.     In  Clarke,  S :,  A  collection  etc. 

1717.  8vo.  [bm] 

3493.  Critique  of    Locke.      Tr.    A.    G.    Langley.      In 

Ci4i(i9,  21,  22.) 
**3494.      Discourse   on    metaphysics;   correspondence    with 
Arnauld ;  and  monadology.     Tr.  G:  R.  Mont- 
gomery.   Chic.     Open  Court.    Lond.    Paul,  T. 
&  T.  1902.    272p.     19cm.  [lc] 

3495.  .\  letter     ....     to  the  author  of  the  reflec- 

tions on  the  origin  of  Mahometanism.  In 
Reland,  A.,  Of  the  Mahometan  religion,  pt.  3. 
1712.    8vo.  [bm] 

3496.  A  letter      ....      to  Mr.  Burnet  of  Kenney, 

24th  August  i^>97.  French  and  Eng.  In 
Thueming,  L.  P.,  A  defence  of  the  late  Dr.  S. 
Clarke,  etc.     1744.    Svo.  [bm] 








Life  of,  tr.  J.  M.  Mackie.     Wiley   1847.     i2mo. 


Monadology.     Tr.  F.  H.  Hedge.     In  €141(1). 
Monadology  and  other  philosophical  writings.    Tr. 

R.  Latta.    Oxf.  1898.    437P.    D.  [uw] 

New  essays  concerning  the  human  understanding. 

A  critical  exposition.    By  J.  Dewey.    In  Morris, 

G.   S.,  German  philos.  classics   etc.      1882   etc. 

8vo.  [bm] 

New  essays  concerning  human  understanding.  Tr. 

A.  G.  Langley.     NY;  Lend.    Macmillan  1896. 

86ip.    20cm.  [lc] 

New  system  of  nature.     Tr.  A.  E.  Kroeger.     In 

On  the  doctrine  of  a  universal  spirit.    Tr.  A.  E. 

Kroeger.    In  0141(5). 
On  the  nature  of  the  soul.    Tr.  T.  Davidson.    In 

On  Platonic  enthusiasm.     Tr.   T.   Davidson.     In 

The  philosophical    works.      Tr.     fr.    Latin    and 

French  by  G:  AI.  Duncan.    New  Haven,  Conn. 

Tuttle,  Morehouse  &  Taylor  1890.    392p.    23cm. 

—  2d  ed.  1908.    409p.    [Carefully  done.    Better 

than  #3494-]  [lc] 

A  refutation  recently  discovered  of  Spinoza  by 

Leibniz.     Tr.  O.  F.  Owen.     Edinb.     Constable 

1855-     I55P-    i/cm-  [lc] 

A  system  of  theology.    Tr.  C.  \\'.  Russell.     Lond. 

Burns  &  Lambert  1850.    232p.    8vo.  [bm] 

-_  New  ed.    Burns  1855.    8vo.  [eg] 

A  summary  account  of  Leibniz's  memoir     .     .     . 

.     to  Louis  the  Fourteenth,  recommending     .     . 

.     .     the  conquest    of    Egypt.      Lond.       1803. 

8vo.  [dm] 

Leiningen,  graf  v. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C186. 





Leiningen-W'esterhurg,  K  :  Emich 

3510.  German  book    plates:    illust.    handbook.     Tr.  G. 

Ravenscroft  Dennis.  Bell  1901.  i6mo.  8vo.  [ec] 

Leipoldt,  W  : 

351 1.  A  memoir  of  H.  E.  Rauschenbusch,  late  pastor 

....  at  Elberfeld.  Tr.  R.  F.  Walker. 
Lond.    1843.    Svo.  [bm] 

Leitenberger,  O. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  €105.  i.'^ 

Leitner,  K  :  Gf.  1800-90 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C20i(3),  C20,  Ciio. 

"Lenau,  N  :"  (i.  e.  N:  Niembsch  v.  Strehlenau,  1802-50) 

Selection,  verse,  see  C3  (much),  C267  (much), 
C145,  C19,  C20,  C8,  €91(7),  C185,  C68,  C229, 
C38,  C109,  C230,  C226,  C86,  C121,  C54 ;  #3800. 

Lengerke,  Cs.  v. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68. 

Lenz,  W:  V.  1808-83 

3512.  The  great  piano  virtuosos  of  our  time,  from  f>er- 

sonal  acquaintance.  Liszt,  Chopin,  Tausig, 
Henselt.  Tr.  Madeleine  R.  Baker.  NY.  Schir- 
mer  1899.     i69p.     i2mo.  [lc] 

Lenzen,  Ma.  (Sebregondi) 

3513.  Not  in  their  set;  or,  in  different  circles  of  society. 

Tr.  M.  S.  Bost;  NY.  Lee  &  Shepard  1874. 
375p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

Leo,  F.  a. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68. 

Leon,  V:  1860- 

See  Feld,  L.,  joint  author. 

Lepsius,  J  :s,  1858- 

3514.  Armenia  and    Europe:    an    indictment.      Ed.  J. 

Rendel  Harris.  Lond.  Hodder  &  S.  1897. 
344p.    8vo.  [ec] 

328  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Lepsius,  K:  R:   1810-84 

3515.  Letters  from  Egypt,  Ethiopia,  and  the  peninsula 

of  Sinai.  Tr.  Leonora  and  Joanna  B.  Homer. 
Lend.    Bohn  1847.    8vo.  [bm] 

__  (Bohn)  Little,  Brown.  Scribner.  Lippincott. 
n.  d.    i2mo.  [aC/] 

3516.  A  tour  from  Thebes  to  the  peninsula  of   Sinai. 

Tr.  C.  G.  Cottrell.    Lond.    1846.     i6mo.     [bm] 

__  Petheram  1847.    8vo.  [ec] 

See  Ebers,  G:,  Richard  Lepsius,  a  biog.     #682. 

Lessing,  Ghd.  Ep.  1729-81 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C145,  C24^( much),  C38. 
Selection,  prose,  sec  C160,  C70,  C120. 

3517.  Dramatic  works.     Ed.  Ernest  Bell.     Lond.     Bell 

1878.  2v.  382,  413P.  i2mo.  (Miss  Sara 
Sampson.  Philotas.  Emilia  Galotti  by  Boylan. 
Nathan  the  Wise  by  Boylan.  Damon,  or  true 
friendship.  The  young  scholar.  The  old  maid. 
The  woman-hater.  The  Jews.  The  free- 
thinker, the  treasure,  and  Minna  v.  Barnhelm  in 
a  version  based  ou  #3520.)  [t-fo] 

3518.  Select  prose  works.    Tr.  E.  C.  Beasley  and  Helen 

Zimmern.    Lond.    Bohn  1879.    8vo.  [bm] 

--  Bell  1900.  493p.  il.  I9cni.  (Laocoon. 
How  the  ancients  represented  death.  Dramatic 
notes.)  [lc] 

3519.  Laocoon   and   other   prose.     Tr.   and   ed.   W.   B. 

Ronnfeldt.     Lond.     Scott    1895.      289P.     8vo. 


3520.  Three   comedies      (Frcigeist.      Schatz.      Minna.) 

Tr.  J.  J.  Holroyd.  Colchester.  Tothani  1838. 
28ip.    8vo.  [bm] 

13521 .  Cambridge  free  thoughts  and  letters  on  bibliolatry. 
Tr.  H.  H.  Bernard.  (Contains  Eine  Parabcl 
and  die  Anti-Goetziana.)  Lond.  Triibner 
1862.     I44p.    8vo.  [1.C0] 

**352ia.    Dramatic    notes.       ( Hamburgischc    Dramaturgic, 
part.)     Tr.  Helen  Zimmern.     In  #3518. 




3522 .  The  education  of  the  human  race.  Tr.  F :  W : 
Robertson.  Lond.  Smith,  Elder  1858.  79p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

--  3d  ed.     King  1872.     i6mo.  [ec] 

__  3d  ed.    Lond.    Paul  i88r.    jgp.  i6cm.  [lc] 

—  Lond.     1896.    8vo.  [bmsJ 

—  Also  in  Harvard  classics,  vol.  32.  NY.  Col- 
lier 1909. 

t35_'3.      Emilia  Galotti.     Tr.  B.  Thompson?    In  €247(6). 
+3524.     do.     Tr.    Fanny    Holcroft.       In    Theatrical    re- 
corder, vol.   I.     Lond.   1805  etc.  [rm] 

3525.  do.     reprint.     Phil.     Bradford   &   Inskeep    1810. 

i8p.  22cm.  (In  The  mirror  of  taste  and  dra- 
matic recorder.     \'ol.  2,  no.  3.)  [lc] 

—  Also,  pub.  by  Mcllhenry  in  Bost.,  Coale  in 
Balto.,  Morfood,  Wellington  in  Charleston, 
S.  C.     1810.  [B24] 

3526.  do.     A     tragedy    in     five    acts     ...         .as 

performed  by  Mile.  Fanny  Janauschek.  .  .  . 
.     Tr.  G:Marlo\v.    NY.     1867.  O.  [xl] 

3527.  do.     Tr.  C.  L.  Lewes     In  Tauchnitz  ed.  vol.  9. 

8vo.  [bm] 

3527a.  do.     Tr.  R.  D.  Boy  Ian.    See  #3517. 

3528.  Fables.    Selection.     In  C120. 

3529.  do.     Selection.     Fables  and  parables   from  Less- 

ing,  Herder  (Krumniacher  and  others).  Lond. 
Burns  1845.     72p.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3530.  do.     Tr.     J.     Richardson.      York.      Etherington 

1773.    68p.    8vo.  [bm] 

^3531-     do.     Fables   and   epigrams.      Lond.     Hunt    1825. 

2o8p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

3532.     do.     Fables.      In   three    books.       Ger.   and   Eng. 

Lond.     1829.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3533-  do.     Lessing's  German  fables  in  prose  and  verse. 

With  a  close  Eng.  translation.  Ger.  and  Eng. 
Lond.    Nutt  i8rx).    8vo.  [bm] 

3534-  do.     Fables  by  Fis.  Storr.     New  ed.     Rivingtons 

1882.     1887.    8vo.  [eg] 

330  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


3535  ■  How  the  ancients  represented  death.  Tr.  Helen 
Zimmern.     In  #3518. 

3536.  Laocoon;   or,  the  Hmits  of  poetry  and  painting. 

Tr.  W.  Ross.    Lond.    Ridgway  1836.  8vo.  [bm] 

3537.  do.     Tr.  E.  C.  Beasley.     Lond.     Longman  1853. 

8vo.    Cf.  #3541-  [bpl] 

^3538-     do.     Tr.  Sir  Rob.  Jos.  Phillimore.    Lond.     Mac- 

millan  1874.     (See  lc.) 1905.    1910.    336p. 

15cm.  [lc] 

**3539-  '^o-  Tr.  Ellen  Frothingham.  Bost.  Roberts 
1874.     245p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

3540.  do.  A  condensation  of  Lessing's  Laokoon.  Cam- 
bridge, IMass.  Sever  1877.  24p.  25cm.  (A 
brief  statement  of  Lessing's  general  contentions, 
cleverly  done.)  [lc] 

**354i.  do.  Tr.  E.  C.  Beasley.  In  #3518.  (Revised 

3542.  do.     do.     Revised  ed.     Bohn  1888.     iGgp.     8vo. 


3543.  do.    same  as  #j5jp.    Bost.    Little,  Brown  1904. 

250P.    17cm.  [lc] 
*3544.     do.     same   as   #353^-     Lond.     Routledge;   NY. 
Button  1905.     336p.     15cm.  [lc] 
Routledge   1910. 

3545.  do.     and  How    the    ancients    represented    death. 

(Cf.  #3418.)     Bell  1914.    246P.    i2mo.       [ec] 

3546.  Lucy  Sampson;  or,  the  unhappy  heyress.    Tr.  D: 

Rittenhouse.    Phil.    Cist  1797.  [^24] 

**3547.     do.     In  #3517.     (Probably  tr.  by  E.  Bell.) 

3548.  (Minna  v.  Barnhelm.)     The  disbanded  officer ;  or, 

the  baroness  of  Rruchsal.    (Altered  from  Minna 
by  J.  Johnstone.)     Lond.     1786.    8vo.         [bm] 

3549.  do.     Minna  von  Barnhelm.    Tr.  F.  Holcroft.    In 

The  theatrical  recorder,   vol   2.     Lond.      1805 
etc.    8vo.  [bm] 

*3550.  do.  The  school  for  honor;  or.  the  chance  of  war. 
Lond.  Vernor  &  Hood  1799.  io6p.  8vo. 
[Good  ill  sf>irif,  hut  not  a  close  version,    .fust  is 


Trim,  Minna  is  Louisa,  Host  is  Shark,  Servant 

is  Tryall,  JVidmc  is  Mrs.  SItadlcy,  etc.]         [ny] 

3551.  do.     Minna  v.  Barnhelm;  or,  a  soldier's  fortune. 

Tr.  W.  C.  Wrankmore.    Leipz.  1858.  8vo.  [bm] 
..  Holt  1864.    —  New  ed.     1876. 

3552.  do.     A  soldier's  fortune.     Tr.  Em.  Bell  in  C59; 

also  in  C1X3.    __  Cf.  also  #3517. 

3553.  do.     NY.     Hinds    189- ?     83p.     i6mo.     (Handy 

literal  tr.)  [ny] 

**3554-     <io.    same  as  #351  J.    Phil.    McKay  1897.     ii3p. 

i6mo.     (Pocket  literal  tr.)  [lc] 

3555.  do.     Jilinna  V.  Barnhelm;  or,  a  soldier's  luck.    Tr. 

P.  Maxwell.     Lond.     Univ.  press   1899.  287P. 
8vo.  [bms] 

3556.  (Nathan  der  Weise.)     Selection,  sec  C266,  C162, 

Cioo,  C59. 

3557.  do.     Nathan  the  Wise.    Tr.  R.  E.  Raspe.    Lond. 

1781.    8vo.  [bm] 

♦3558.     do.     Tr.    W:    Taylor,    of     Norwich.      Norwich. 

Stevenson  &  Matchett  1791.    293p.    8vo.     [ny] 

__  Also  in  C245. 

3558a.   do.     Phillips  1805.    8vo.  [ec] 

*3559-     <io.     Tr.  Dr.  A.    Reich.      Lond.     Bunnett   i860. 

2i9p.     i2mo.  [lc] 

3560.     do    same  as  #3^f;8.    Tauchnitz  ed.    Vol.  9.  [bm] 

**356i .     do.     Tr.  Ellen  Frothingham.  With  Kuno  Fischer's 

essay.    NY.    Holt  1867.    259P.    17cm.    __  Rev. 

ed.  1868.  [lc] 

__  New  ed.     1873.  [ac] 

3562.     do.     Tr.  Robert  Willis?    Lond.    1868.    8vo.  [bm] 

^3563.     do.     Tr.  into  Eng.  prose  by  Dr.  Isidore  Kalisch. 

NY.    Waldemar  &  Zenn  1869.     2i2p.      i6mo. 


3564.  do.     Abridged  and  tr.  E.  S.  H.      Lond.       1874. 

4to.  [bm] 
Same?    Sotheran  1874.    4to.  [ec] 

3565.  do.     Tr.   .Andrew  Wood.     Lond.     Nimmo   1877. 

8vo.  [bm] 














do.     A  dramatic  poem.     Lend.     Williams  &  N. 

1877.    8vo.  [ec] 

do.     Tr.  R.  D.  Boylan.     In  #3517. 
do.     Tr.  E.  K.  Corbett.    Lend.    Kegan  Paul  1883. 

i85p.    8vo.  [hcl] 

do.     same  as  #j^j8.    Cassell  1888.     I92p.    8vo. 

do.     A  dramatic  poem  in  five  acts.    New  Orleans. 

Hopkins    1894.      i8ip.      8vo.       [Correct;  poor 

verse.]  [lco] 

do.     Tr.  W.  Jacks.     Glasgow.     MacLehose  1894. 

252P.     il.    8vo.  [bms] 

do.     same  as    i^jf^^S.      In    Hoyles,    Euretta  A., 

Lessing.     NY ;    Bost ;    Chic.      Silver,    Burdett 

1895.    2i2p.     i2mo.  [lc] 

do.     Tr.  Patrick    Maxwell.      Lond.     Scott   1895. 

264P.    8vo.  [bms] 

do.     do.     NY.     Bloch   1917.     388p.     i2mo.  [lc] 
do.     and  Minna  v.  Bamhelm.     Ed.  E.  Bell.     Tr. 

R.  D.  Boylan.     Bohn  1888.     239P.    8vo.     (Cf. 

#3552,  #3517-)  [bm] 

do.     and  Emilia  Galotti.    Low  1868.     i8mo.     [ec] 
The  philosopher.    A  tragedy  in  five  acts.    Tr.  H : 

iVL  Milner.     Lond.    Chappie  1819.     sSp.    8vo. 

(Not  by  Lessing.)  [ny] 

See  Stahr,  Ad.,  Life  and  works.     #5473. 
Life!"    Lessing  and  Gellert ;  also,  Lessing's  essays 

on  fables.    Hachette  1887.    Bvo.  [ec] 

H:  1827-79 
Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  CJ30.  C185. 

LicuTOLT  VON  Seven,  ijlh  cent. 

Scleclioii,  verse,  see  C244. 

Lew.m.d-Stahr,  Fanny,  181 1-89 

3578.  Hulda  ;  or,  the  deliverer.     A  romance.     Tr.  Mrs. 

Wistcr.     Lippincott  1874.     394P-     i8cm.     [lc] 

3579.  The  Italian  sketch-book.     In  The  book-case,  vol. 

3.     1852.    8vo.  [bm] 


3580.  The   Italians  at  home.     Tr.  Countess  d'Avigdor. 

Lond.     Cautlcy  1848.     2v.     iQcni.  [lc] 

3581 .  Lake-house.    Tr.  Nathaniel  Greene.    Best.    Tick- 

nor  &  Fields  1861.    304?.    19cm.  [lc] 

3582.  The  mask  of  beaut) .    A  novel.    Tr.  Ma.  M.  Pleas- 

ants.    II.  F.    A.    Carter.      NY.     Bonner  1894. 
34op.     19cm.  [lc] 

3583.  Stella.     Tr.  B.  Marshall.     Tauchnitz   1884.     2v. 

8vo.  [bm] 

_-  NY.    Munro  1885.    4to.  [ac] 

3584.  Stories  and  tales.     Chic.     Schick  1885.     91,   i6p. 

19cm.     (The  aristocratic  world.     The  maid  of 
Oyas.)  [lc] 

__  Also  in  C173. 

LiCHTENAU,  \V:e  Rietz,  grafin  v.  1752-1820 

3584a.   Confessions  of  the  countess  of  L_-.     Tr.  by  R. 
B-t-n.    Lond.     1799.    8vo.  [dm] 

LitnTENHERG,  G:  Cph.  1742-99 

3585 .  The  reflections  of  L...    Sel.  and  tr.  Norman  Allis- 

ton.    Lond.    Sonnenschein  1908.     i68p.     19cm. 


LicHTENSTEix,  Mt.  H:  K:  1780-1857 

3586.  Travels  in   Southern   Africa.   1803-6.     Tr.  Anne 

Plumptre.    Lond.     Colburn  18 12- 15.     2v.    4to: 



Selection,  verse,  sec  C18. 

Lichtwer,  Mg.  Gf.  1719-83 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8. 

LiEBER,  Fz.  1800-72 

Selection,  verse,  see  C22. 

LlEBESKIND,  A :  Jk. 

Sec  Herder,  J.  G.,  Oriental  fairy  tales.    #2506. 

LiEBicH,  Ehf.  1713-80 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221,  C126;  #5436- 



Lies,  Eug.  (German?) 

3587.     Female     minister.      NY.      Munro 




LiLiENCRON,  Dv.  freiherr  v.  1844- 1909 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14,  €91(18),  C160,  C185. 



Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 

Diana ;  or,  father  and  son.    A  play  in  five  acts. 

Tr.  L.  J.  Frank.    NY.    1873.  [B19] 

Hanging  moss.     Tr.  Winchester  Ayer  and  Helen 

Folger.    NY.    Appleton  1892.  30op.  i8cm.  [lc] 
Helen  Young.    Tr.  P.  J.  McFadden.    Chic;  NY. 

Rand,  McNally  1892.    i83p.    19cm.  [lc] 

Klaus  Bewer's  wife.      Tr.    Clara    S.  Fleishman. 

NY.     Hoh  1886.    253p.     17cm.  [lc] 

Lace.  A  Berlin  romance.     NY.     Appleton  1889. 

324p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Maria  and  Magdalena.    A  play  in  four  acts.    Ad. 

L.  J.  Hollenius.     NY.     De  Witt   1874.     44p. 

i2mo.  [lco] 

_-  Chic.    Dram.  soc.  1874.  [B19] 

LiNDAU,  Rd.  1829- 

3594.  Gordon   Baldwin,  and  The  philosopher's  pendu- 

lum.   NY.    Appleton  1878.     i63p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

3595.  Liquidated,  and  The  seer.     NY.    Appleton  1878. 

i79p.    i6cm.  [lc] 

3596.  Our  little  world.     Tr.  Cornelia  D.  Wilder.     St. 

Paul.     Price.  McGill  1889.     149P.     17cm.  [lc] 

3597.  The  philosopher's   pendulum,  and   other   stories. 

F,dinb.     Blackwood   1883.     322p.     8vo.       [dm] 

3598.  do.     In  Tales  from  Blackwood.    2d  ser.  1878-80. 

Vol.  10.  [lco] 

3599.  do.     In  C236(i). 

3600.  Stories  and  novels.     Chicago.     Schick  1885.     94, 

42,  lop.     19cm.     (Hans,  the  dreamer.     All  in 
vain.     First  love.)  [lc] 

_-  .'\lso  in  Ci 73. 


LiNDAU,  W  :  Ad. 

3600a.  Heliodora ;  or,  the  Grecian  minstrel.  Tr.  fr.  the 
Ger.  of  Baron  Goethe  [sic].  Lond.  Button 
1804.    3v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

LiNDEMANX.   I.    I58O-1630 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C266. 

Linden, A : 

3601 .  Children's  trials ;  or,  the  little  rope-dancers  and 

other  tales.    Tr.  "Trauer  Mantel."    Bost ;  NY. 
1855.     i2mo.  [bm] 

—  NY.    O'Shea  1868.    __  1876.  [ac] 

3602.  Titania:  tales  and  legends.     Tr.  "Trauermantel." 

Bost.    Crosby  &  N.  1857.     i6mo.  [bm] 

„  NY.    O'Shea  1868.     1876.  [ac] 

Linden,  C. 

3603.  Our  general.   (In  Eng.  or  Ger.)    Phil.    Barclay,  n. 

d.    il.    8vo.  [ac7] 

LiNGC,  Hm.  1820-1905 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C68,  C230,  C46,  C145, 
C148,  C267,  C86,  C262. 

Link,  H:  F:  1767-1851 

3604.  Travels  in  Portugal    and    through    France  and 

Spain.     Tr.    J :    Hinckley.      Lond.     Longman 
1801.    504P.    2icm.  [lc] 

LiNSiNGEX,  C:e  v.  1768-1815 

3605.  C.  V.  L_-  and  W:  IV.    Unpublished  love-letters. 

Tr.  T.   G.  Arundel.     Lond.     Sonnenschein  & 
Allen  1880.    i83p.    19cm.  [lcj 

-_  2d  ed.     1881.  [ec] 

LiPPMANN,  F.    1839-I903 

3606.  Engraving  and  etching:  a  handbook  for  the  use  of 

students    and    print    collectors.       Tr.    Martin 
Hardie.    Lond.    Grevel  1906.    3i2p.    il.    23cm. 


Liscov,  S.  d.  1698 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C180. 

3c6  rnlversitv  of  wisconsin  studies 

Liszt,  Fz.  1811-86 

**36o7.     Letters.    Coll.  and  ed.  by  La  ]Mara.    Tr.  (from  the 

French)     Constance    Bache.      Lend.      Grevel 

1894.    2v.    20cm.  [lc] 

See  Lenz.  W :  v.,  The  great  piano  virtuosos  of  our 

time.     #3512. 
See  Nohl,  L.,  Life  of  L...     #4203. 
See  Ramann,    Lina,    F.    L_-,    artist    and    man. 

See    Wagner,     R.,      Correspondence 


LiTZMANN,  Bd.  1857- 

3608.  Clara  Schumann  :  an  artist's  life  based  on  material 
found  in  diaries  and  letters.  Tr.  and  abr.  fr. 
4th  ed.  Grace  E.  Hadow.  Lond.  Macmillan : 
Lcipz.  Breitkopf  &  H.  1913.    2v.    24cm.       [lc] 

Loi^N,  J:  M!.  freiherr  v.  1694-1775 

3610.  The  analysis  of  nobility,  in  its  origin  etc.     Tr.  fr. 

.     .     .     V.    Lowhen.      Lond.      Printed    and 
sold  by  Robinson  1754.     3i7p.     17cm.  [i.cj 

LoEHER,  Fz.  V.  1818-92 

361 1 .  Cyprus:  historical  and  descriptive.    Ad.  by  Ma.  .A. 

Joyner.      NY.     Worthington    1878.     324p.     il. 
2icm.  [lcJ 

LoEWE,  Feodor,  1816-90 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C267,  C145,  C162. 


3612.  A.   V.   Humboldt.       Youth     and  early  manhood. 

Travels   in   America   &   Asia.      In    Bruhns.   C, 
Alex.  V.  Humboldt  etc.     \'ol.  i .     #364. 

LoEWENSTERN,  Matthiius  ApcUes  v.  1594- 1648 

Select! 0)1,  verse,  see  C220,  C180,  C265,  C266. 


3613.  Napoleon  and  the  commune  of  Paris.    .\  four  act 

drama.     Tr.   J.    Silversmith.     Chic.     Occident 
print.    1880.    73p.    i6mo.  [lco] 


LoEwy,  Em.  1857- 

3614.  The  rendering  of  nature  in  early  Greek  art.     Tr. 

J :  Fothergiil.  Lond.  Duckwortli  1907.  logp. 
il.    20cm.  [lc] 

LoGAi',  F :  V.  1604-55 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264,  C161. 

LoHE,  J :  Cn. 

3615.  Catechism  of    music.      Tr.    and    ed.    C.    Bache. 

Lond.    Augener  1886.    I44p.    8vo.  [bmJ 

LoHMANN,  Erne.  F:e  So. 

3616.  The  mill  of  the  vale.    The  night  on  the  mountain. 

The  pilgrim.     In  C50. 

3617.  Self-devotion ;  or,  the  Prussians  at  Hochkirch.    A 

free  translation.    Lichfield.     1849.     i6mo.  [ism J 

LoHR,  Fr. 

3618.  A  day  in  ancient  Rome,  being  a  revision  of  "Aus 

dem  alten  Rom"  by  E.  S.  Shumway.  NY. 
Chautauqua  press  1885.  pGp.  il.  20cm.  __ 
40th  thousand.     Bost.     Heath  1887.  [lc] 

LoRBELL,  J:  W:  1786- 1863 

See  Niebuhr,  B.  G.,  Life  and  letters.     #4099. 


3619.  Life  of  Alcuin.     Tr.  J.  M.  Slee.     Lond.     Hurst 

1837.    284P.    8vo.  [rm] 

"LoR.M,  Hieronimus"  (i.  e.  H:  Landesmann  1821-1902) 
Selection,  verse,  see  Cl^(mucli),  C230. 

LoRTziNG,  Gst.  Ab.  1801-51 

3620 .  The  czar  and  the  carpenter ;  or,  Peter  the  great  in 

Saardam.  (Czar  und  Zimmerman.)  A  comic 
opera  in  three  acts.  Phil.  Ledger  job  print. 
off.  1866.    28p.    8vo.  [lco] 

3621.  do.     The  two  Peters.     NY.     Theatre  ticket  off. 

1880.    24p.  [lco] 


LosERTH,  J :  1846- 

3622.  Wiclif  and  Hus.    Tr.  M.  J.  Evans.    Hodder  1884. 

8vo.  [ec] 

LosKiEL,  G :  H : 

3623.  History  of  the    mission    of    the  United  Brethren 

among  the  Indians  in  North  America.     Tr.  C. 
I.  LaTrobe.    Lond.    1794.    3  pts.    8vo.       [bm] 

3624.  History    of    the    Moravian    mission    among    the 

Indians  etc.      (Founded    on    Loskiel.)       1840. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

Lossius,  Csp.  F: 

3625.  Gumal  and  Lina;  or,  the  African  children.     Tr. 

fr.  French  (of  J.  L.  A.  Dumas)  by  S.  B.  IMoens. 
Lond.     18 1 7.     2v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3626.  do.     4th  ed.     Lond.     Duncan    &  ]\Ialcohn   1839. 

4i8p.     i2mo.  [em] 

"Lothar"  (i.  e.  O.  C.  v.  Graeven) 

3627.  The  arch  rogue.    Castle  Christburg.    In  0212(2). 

Lothar,  Rd.  1865- 

3628.  The  harlequin  king.    A  play  in  four  acts.    Tr.  J. 

Severance.      (Fonded    on    "Konig    Harlekin.") 
1906.     Tp.  [lc] 

LoTZE,  Hm.  (i.  e.  Rd.  Hm.)  18x7-81 

3629.  Logic,  in  three  books,    of    thought,  of  investiga- 

tion, and  of  knowledge.    Tr.  ed.  by  B.  Bosan- 
quet.  Oxf.,  Clarendon  1884.  539p.  23cm.     [lc] 

3630.  Metaphysic,  in  three  books,  ontology,  cosmology, 

and  psychology.    Tr.  ed.  by  R.  Bosanquet.    Ox- 
ford.   Clarendon  1884.     538p.     23cm.  [lc] 

3631.  !Microcosmus:  an  essay  concerning  man  and  his 

relation  to  the  world.     Tr.  Eliz.  Hamilton  and 
E.  E.  C.  Jones.   Edinb.   Clark  1885.   2v.   23cm. 


--  4th  ed.    Simjikin  1894.    2v.    8vo.  [ec] 

3632.  do.     An  outline  of  the  microcosmus.     By  H:  C. 

King.     Based  on  Eng.  translation.    Oberlin,  O. 
Pearcc  &  Randolph  1895.     io5P-    24cm.       [lc] 


3633.  On  the  ideal  and  real.     Tr.  Max  Eberhardt.     In 


3634.  Outlines  of  aesthetics.     Dictated  portions  of  the 

lectures.    Tr.  and  ed.  G :  T.  Ladd.    Bost.    Ginn 
1886.    ii3p.     19cm.  [lc] 

3635.  Outlines  of    logic    and    of    encyclopedia    of  phi- 

losophy.    Dictated    portions    etc.      (See    fore- 
going.)    1887.     i84p.     i9cni.  [lc] 

3636.  Outlines  of    metaphysic.      Dictated    portions  etc. 

Ginn,  Heath  1884.     i66p.     igcm.  [lc] 

3636a.   Outlines  of  philosophy.    Dictated  etc.    Bost.  Ginn, 

Heath  1884-7.    4^-  [lco] 

3637.  Outlines  of  the  philosophy  of  religion.     Dictated 

portions  etc.    Ginn,  Heath  1885.    i62p.     19cm. 

__  Lond.     Dickinson  1887.     I58p.    8vo.     [bm] 

3638.  do.     Outlines  of  a  philosophy  of  religion.     By  F. 

C.  Conybeare.    Sonnenschein  1892.    8vo.     [ec] 

3639.  Outlines  of  practical  philosophy.      Dictated  por- 

tions etc.     1885.     i56p.     i9cni.  [lc] 

3640.  Outlines  of    psychology.      Dictated  portions  etc. 

Ginn  1886.     I57p.     19cm.  [lc] 

3641.  do.     Dictated  portions  etc.     Tr.  C.  L.  Herrick. 

Minneap.    Williams  188-.    i5op.    il.  20cm.  [lc] 

3641a.   System  of  philosophy.     Pt.    i.      Logic.      Pt.   II. 

Metaphysics.      Tr.    ed.    B.    Bosanquet.      1884. 

8vo.     (Cf.  #3629,  #3630.)  [bm] 

See  Stahlin,  L.,  Critical  examination 


LuDWiG  I.  K  :  .\:  konig  v.  Bayern,  1786-1868 

Selection,  verse,  see  C137,  C231,  C63 ;  #3800. 

3642.  A  selection  from  the  poems     ....     imitated 

.     .     .     .     G.  Everill.    Lond.    1837.    8vo.  [bm] 

3643.  do.     2d  ed.    Munich.    Franz  1844.    io8p.     i2mo. 

(55  poems.)  [lco] 

3644.  A  translation  of  Walhalla's  inmates.     G.  Everill. 

Munich  1845.    i2mo.  [bm] 


LuDwiG  Salvator    Ma.    Js.    J :    Bp.    Dominic   Renier    Fd.  C : 

Zenobius  Antoninus ;   Erzherzog  v.   Osterreich, 


3645 .  The  caravan  route  between  Egj'pt  and  Syria.    Tr. 

Ernst  Hesse-Wartegg.  II.  by  the  author.  Lond. 
Chatto  &  W.  1 88 1.    68p.    22cni.  [lc] 

3646.  Leucosia,  the  capital  of  Cyprus.     1881.    8vo.  [bm] 

LuDWic,  G.  M. 

3647.  Pontresina  and  its  neighborhood.    Tr.  F.  S.  Reilly. 

Lond.      1876.      i6mo.     _-  2d  ed.     1879.     8vo. 

LuDwiG,  O:  1813-65 

3648.  Between  heaven  and  earth.     Gowans  &  G.  1911. 

294p.    8vo.  [ec] 

3649.  do.     Tr.  Muriel  Almon.  In  €91(9). 

*3650.     The  forest  warden.    Tr.  Paula  Green.    Poet  Lore, 
vol.  24(1913).      [Fails  in  the  colloquial.] 

3651.  do.     The  hereditary   forester.     Tr.  Alfred  Remy. 

In  091(9). 

LuEBKE,  W :  1826-93 

3652.  Ecclesiastical  art  in  Germany  during  the  middle 

ages.    Tr.  5th  Ger.  ed.    L.  A.  Wheatley.    Cas- 

sell  1870.    299p.    il.    24cm. 2d  ed.    Edinb. 

Jack  1873.     --  4th  ed.  1877.  [lc] 

3653.  History  of  art.    Tr.  F.  E.  Bunnett.    Lond.    Smith, 

Elder  1869.  2V.  il.  26cm.  __  2d  ed.  1878.  [lc] 
__  3d  ed.    1875. 

3654.  History  of  sculpture. 

Smith,  Elder  1872. 
_-  New  ed.     1878. 

3655.  Introduction  to  a  history  of  church  architecture. 

Tr.  and  condensed.  In  Bell,  W.,  Altertiim- 
liches  Wortregister  der  Baukunst  etc.  1855. 
8vo.  [bm] 

3656.  Outlines  of  the  history  of  art.     New  tr.  from  the 

7th  Ger.  ed.  Ed.  C.  Cook.  NY.  Dodd.  Mead 
1878.    2v.    il.    25cm.  [lc] 

—  1880.     Student's  ed.     1881.     2v.  [ac] 


Tr.  F.  E.  Bunnett. 


2v.     il.     26cm. 





3657.  do.     Minutely  rev.  and  largely  re-written  by  R. 

Sturgis.     NY.      Dodd,    Mead    1904.      2v.     il. 
25cm.  [lc] 

LuECKE,  F:  1791-1855 

See  Schleiermacher,  brief  outline  etc.     Reminis- 
cences of  Schleiermacher.     #5057. 

LcETZOw,  K  :  F  :  Arn.  v.  1832-97 

3658.  Art  treasures  of    Italy.      Tr.    Susan  T.  Hooper. 

Bost.     Fine  art  pub.     1888.    2v.    in  12  pts.    il. 
45  X  32cm.  [lc] 

3659.  Restoration  of  the  Venus  of  Melos  by  A.  Wittig. 

Tr.  Lewis  J.  Block.    In  Ci4i(5). 

LuiSE,  Are  W:e  Ame.  1776-1810.  konigin  v.  Preussen 

3660.  Queen  Louisa  of  Prussia;  or,  goodness  in  a  palace. 

Tr.  fr.  Ger.  sources  by  Cath.  E.  Hurst.    Meth. 

book  cone.  1874.     i6mo.  [ac] 

See  Kluckhohn.,  A  memorial.     #3033. 
See  Merz,  H :.  Louise,  queen  of  Prussia.     #3803. 
See  Muehlbach,  L.,  Napoleon  and  the  queen  of 

Prussia.     #3960. 

LuiSE,  grossherzogin  von  Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach 

3661 .  A  selection,   fr.  the  unpub.   correspondence.     In 

Mme.  de  Stael  and  the  grand-duchcss  Louise. 
1862.    8vo.  [t-co] 

LuiSE  Hte.  kurfurstin  v.  Brandenburg,  1627-67 

Selection,  verse,    see    C126,    C220,    C265,    C264, 
C215,  C44- 


3662.  Among  cannibals:  account  of  four  years'  travel  in 

.Austria  and  Queensland.    Tr.  R.  B.  .\nderson. 
NY.    Scribner  1889.    il.    O.  [ac] 

Luther,  Hs. 

Selection,  prose,  sec  Cr78a. 


Luther,"  Mt.  1483-1546 


Works                                 Letters 
Selections                          Table-talk 
Hymns                              Biography 


Select  works.    Tr.  R.  H.  Cole.    Lond.    1826.    4v. 

8vo.                                                                  [bm] 


Luther's  primary  works.     Tr.  and  ed.  H:  Wace 

and  C.  A.  Buchheim.  Lond.  Hodder  &  S. 
1896.    495p.    8vo.  [bm] 

3665.  Precious  and  sacred  writings  of  M.  L.  Ed.  J.  N. 

I.f^nker.  Minneap.  Lutherans  in  all  lands  co. 
1904.    2icm.     (In  progress.)  [lc] 

3666.  Works.    Phil.    Holman  1915-         21cm.     [Done  in 

collaboration  and  zvith  great  care;  should  be- 
come definitive  English  version.]  [lc] 


Selections,  prose,  sec  C120,  C160. 

3667.  Gems  of  Luther.     Tr.  P.  C.  Hirschfeld.     Lond. 

Shaw  1838.    i2mo.  [bm] 

3668.  Luther  anecdotes     ....     gathered   from  his 

books,  letters,  and  history.  By  Dr.  Macaulay. 
Lond.  Relig.  tract  soc.  1883.  i6op.  8vo.  [bm] 
_-  NY.    Scribner  &  W.     1883.  [ac] 

3669.  Manna  of  the  heart.     Sel.  from  Luther  by  P.  C. 

Hirschfeld.    Groombridge  1841.     i8mo.       [ec] 

3670.  Watchwords  for  the  warfare  of  life.    Tr.  Mrs.  E. 

Charles.     Lond.     1869.    8vo.  [bm] 

__  NY.    Dodd,  Mead.     i2mo.  [ac] 

--  NY.    Nelson  1884.  [ac] 

3671.  Bondage  of  tlie  will.     Tr.  H.  Cole.  Ecdos  1823. 

8vo.  [ec] 

3672.  do.     Tr.  Vaughan.    Edinb.    Hamilton  1823.  8vo. 


'Sermons  and  most  other  theological  matter  excluded. 


3673.  The  favour  of  princes.     Lond.     Macmillan  1899. 

270P.    8vo.  [ec] 

3674.  Luther's  own  statements  concerning  his  teaching 

and  its  results,  fr.  the  earliest  and  best  ed.  of  his 
Ger.  and  Lat.  works.  By  H :  O'Conner.  NY. 
Benziger  1884.     i2mo.  [ac] 

3675.  Treatise  touching  the  liberty  of  a  Christian  man. 

Tr.   Tas.  Bell.     Lond.     Longman   1817.     i2mo. 



Selection,  see  C126,  C180,  C103,  C138,  C22,  C265, 
C264,  C62,  C2,  C134,  C202,  C220,  C221,  C172, 
C121,  C75,  C218,  C44,  C63,  C143,  C215,  C127, 
C135,  C185. 

3676.  Hymns  of  the    reformation   by    Dr.    M.    L.  and 

others  from  the  German  .  .  .  .  his  life 
....     P.   Melanchthon.     Tr.    H.   J.   Fry. 

Lond.     Gilpin  1845.     23IP.     i6mo.     Lond. 

Partridge,  Oakey  1853.  [bm] 

3677.  Hymns,  tr.  Rev.  J.  Anderson.    Collins  1847.  i2mo. 


3678.  The  spiritual  songs  of  M.  L.  Tr.  J.  Hunt.    Lond. 

Hamilton,  Adams  1853.    igop.    i2mo.        [bm] 

3679.  Spiritual  songs.    Tr.  R.  Massie.    Lond.    Hatchard 

1854.    92p.    8vo.  [lco] 

3680.  Luther  as  a  hymnist.     (Compilation  of  Luther's 

hymns)  by  B.  Pick.  Luth.  bk.  st.  1875.  i2mo. 
(Translations?)  [ac] 

*368i.  Hymns  set  to  their  original  melodies.  Ed.  L.  W. 
Bacon.  NY.  Scribner  1883.  7op.  sq.  8vo. 
[Bacon's  trans,  quite  good;  others  too  free.] 


3682.     Luther's  letters  to  women.     Tr.  Mrs.  Malcolm. 
Lond.    1865.    8vo.  [bm] 

♦3683.  Letters.  Sel.  and  tr.  Marg.  A.  Currie.  Lond. 
Macmillan  1908.  482P.  23cm.  [Style  inade- 
quate] [lc] 



**3684.  Luther's  Correspondence  and  other  contemporary 
letters.  Tr.  and  ed.  Preserved  Smith.  Phil. 
Luth.  pub.  soc.   19 1 3.     22cm.     (In  progress.) 



3685.  Dris.     Martini  Lutheri  colloquia  mensalia ;  or     . 

.    .    .    divine  discourses  at  his  table 

Tr  Capt.  Henrie  Bell.     Lond.     W:   Du-Gard 
1652.    54ip.    fol.  [bm] 

3686.  do.     do.     2d  ed.     Lond.     Heptinstal  1791.     502p. 

fol.  [bm] 

**3687.  do.  do.  The  familiar  discourses  ....  Tr. 
H :  Bell.  New  rev.  ed.  by  Jos.  Kerby.  Lewes. 
Baxter  1818.    476p.    8vo.  [lco] 

13688.  do.  Table  talk;  or,  some  choice  fragments  from 
the  familiar  discourse Lond.  Long- 
man 1832.  323P.  i2mo.  [Tr.  of  #369/  says 
this  book  fraiusfoniis  L.  into  an  unctuous  Eng. 
clergyman,  grave  and  formal.]  [km] 

**3689.  do.  Table  talk.  Ed.  and  tr.  W :  Hazlitt.  Lond. 
Bogue  1848.  Svo.  [Tr.  of  #369^  says  this 
contains  about  one-fourth  of  Aurifabcr.  Style 
excellent;  accuracy  sufficient.]  [lco] 

_.  New  ed.     Bohn    1857.      Svo.     __  New  ed. 
Bell  1875.  [i-c] 

3690.  do.     Table  talk.     IV^  centenary  ed.     Sel.  and  cd. 

Prof.  Gibb.    Lond.    Unwin  1883.    I4ip.     i2nio. 


3691.  do.     Extracts  sel.  by  Dr.  Macaulay.     I27p.     1883. 

Svo.  [bm] 

3692.  do.     Choice    commemorative     selections.      Relig. 

tract  soc.  1883.  [eg] 

3693.  do.     Luther  at  table:  a  few  elegant  extracts  from 

his  talk.     By  W.  H.  .\ndtTson.     Lond.     Burns 
&  Gates  1883.    32p.    Svo.  [bm] 

3<'k)4.  (/().  A  selection  from  the  tabic  talk.  Tr.  Capt  H: 
Bell.  Lond.  Cassell  i8Sh.  \f)2p.  Svo.  (Cf. 
#3685.)  [nM] 


3695.  do.     NY.     Stokes    1893.       I4ip.       iSino.     (Cf. 

#3690-)  [lco] 

3696.  do.    Satnc  as  #^869.     Lond.     Bell   1902.     39op. 

i8cm.  [lc] 

**3697-     do.     Conversations,  sel.    tr.    and    ed.  Preserved 

Smith  and  H.  P.  Gallinger.    Bost;  NY.    Pilgrim 

press  1915.    26op.    il.     19cm.  [lcJ 


3697a.   The  autobiography  of  M.  L.     Tr.  J:  P.  Lawson. 
Smith  &  E.  1836.    Svo.  [bm] 

3698.  Life  of  L.  written  by  himself.    Coll.  and  arr.  M. 

Michelet.    Tr.  ^^■.  Hazlitt.     1846.    471P.    Svo. 


3699.  do.     Life  of  L.  gathered  from  his  own  writings  by 

M.  Michelet.     Tr.  G.  H.  Smith.     Lond.  Whit- 
taker  1846.    io8p.    8vo.  [bm] 

3700.  do.     NY.    Appleton  1846.    314?.  [lco] 

3701.  do.     Univ.  lib.     Biography,  vol.  i.     1853.  io8p. 

Svo.  [bm] 

See  Burckhardt,  J  :,  Life  and  character     .... 

Sec  Dollinger,  J..  Luther,  a  succinct  view.     #616. 
See  Pick,  Hm.,  Life  and  deeds.     #860. 
Sec  Freytag.  Gst.,  Doctor  Luther.     #1072-4. 
See  Gelzer,  H :,  Life  of  ^L  L.     #1200-2. 
See  Grisar,  H.,  Luther.     #2077. 
See  Hamack,  A.  ^L,  Luther,  the  prophet  of  the 

reformation.     #2184. 
See  Just,  G.,  Life  of  L.     #2881. 
See  Kostlin,  J.,  Life  of  L.    #3073-6. 
See     Melanchthon.      Ph.,     Memoirs     of     M.     L. 

See  Meurer,  M.,  Life  of  M.  L.    #3807. 
See  Nebe,  A.,  Luther  as  spiritual  adviser.    #4071. 
Sec  Pfeilschmidt,  F,rn.,  Luther  at  Coburg.  #4337. 
See  Pfizer.  G..  Life  of  L.     #4338. 
5^(?  Rein,  W:,  The  life  of  M.  L.    #4477. 


See  Scheibel,  J.  G.,  Life  of  M.  L.    #4697. 

See  Tischer,  J.,  Life  of  Luther.     #5665. 

See  Uhlhorn,  G.,  Luther  and  the  Swiss.    #5726. 

Mackay,  John  Henry,  1864- 

**3702.  The  anarchists;  a  picture  of  civilization  at  the 
close  of  the  19th  century.  Tr.  G:  Schumm  and 
Sa.  E.  Holmes.  Bost.  Tucker  1891.  305p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Madeleine,  Me.  1881- 

Selection,  verse  see  C14. 

Maeurer,  W  : 

Selection,  verse,  see  0231(9  poems). 

Magdeburg,  Jm.  d.  1560 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126,  C266. 

Mahler,  Gst.  1860- 

See  Stefan-Gruenfeldt,  PL,  G.  M etc.     #5474- 

Mahlmann,  Sf.  A:  1771-1826 

Selection,  verse,  see  C38,  C149,  C161,  C23,  C62, 

"Maltitz,  Hm.  v."  (i.  e.  Hm.  Klencke,  1813-81) 
Selection,  verse,  see  #3800. 

Mandelslo,  J :  Abr.  v. 

3703.  The  remarks  and  observations  made  by in 

his  passage  ....  through  several  coun- 
tries of  the  Indies.  In  Harriss,  J.,  Navigantium 
atque  itinerantium  biblioteca.  Vol.  i.  1744. 
fol.  [bm] 

3704.  Voyages     and     travels     ....     1638-40.      In 

Harris,  J.,  Navigantium  etc.    Vol.  2,    1705.   fol. 


3705.  The    voyages    and    travels     ....     into    the 

East-Indies  ....  1638  ....  1640.  Tr.  J. 
Davies.  In  Olearius,  A.,  The  voyages  and 
travels  etc.    1662.    fol.    #4252.  [bm] 

morgan— bibliography  of  german  literature     347 

Mann,  T:  1875-  1 

3706.  Tonio  Kroger.    Tr.  B.  Q.  Morgan.    In  0141(19). 

Manteuffel,  Ula.  Zoge  v.  (Fran  v.  Trebra-Lindenau),  1850- 

3707.  Violetta.     A   romance.     Tr.   Mrs.  Wister.     Phil. 

Lippincott  1886.     368p.     18cm.  [lc] 

Mantzius,  K  : 

3708.  History  of  theatrical  art  in  ancient  and  modern 

times.  Intro.  W :  Archer.  Tr.  Louise  V.  Cassel. 
Lond.  Duckworth  1903-5.  4V.  8vo.  [ec] 
Phil.    Lippincott  1903.    3v.    il.    8vo.     [ac] 

Marenholtz-Buelow,  Bta.  Ma.  baronin  v.  1810-93 

3709.  Reminiscences     of     Fried.     Froebel.      Tr.     Mrs. 

Horace  Mann.  Bost.  Lee  &  Shepard;  NY. 
Dillingham  1877.    359p.    17cm.  [lc] 

—  NY.    Scribner  &  W.  1887.  [ac] 

—  1892.    19cm. 1905.    20cm.  [lc] 

Marggraf,  Hm. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C231. 

"Marholm,  La."  sec  Hansson,  La.  (Mohr),  1854- 

Maria  Theresia,  1717-80, 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266. 

See  Horn,  W.  O.  v.,  M__  T...     #2769. 

Markgraf  von  Brandenburg,  see  Albrecht 

Markgraf  von  Brandenburg  Anspach, 
See  Gros,  C : 

Markgraf  von  Hohenburg  (Diepold  v.  Vohburg), ;?.  1212-25 
Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C146. 

Markgraf  O:  von  Brandenburg  mit  dem  Pfeil,  fl.  1266-1300 
Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C244,  C161. 

Marks,  Er. 

Selection,  prose,  see  Ci78a. 

"Marlitt,  E."  (i.  e.  Ege.  John,  1825-87) 

3710.  At  the  councilor's;  or,  a  nameless  history.     Tr. 




Mrs.   Wister.      Phil.      Lippincott    1876. 


1 8cm.     __  1904. 



do.     In  the  counselor's  house.    Tr.  Annie  Wood. 

NY.    Munro  1888.    294P.     19cm. 



do.     Lond.     1876.    3V.     8vo. 



do.     NY.    ]\Iunro  1880. 



The  bailiff's  maid.     A  romance.     .     .     . 

.     Tr. 

Mrs.    Wister.      Phil.      Lippincott    1881. 





do.     NY.    Munro  1888.    204p.     19cm. 



Brave  woman.    Tr.  M.  P.  Waterman.    NY 

;  Lond. 

1891.     i2mo. 



The  countess  Gisela.     Lond.     1870.    8vo. 


3718.  do.     Tr.    Mrs.    Wister.      Phil.      Lippincott    1879. 

424P.     i8cm.    __  1897.  [lc] 

3719.  do.     Tr.  A.  Nahmer.     NY.  Harper     n.  d.     8vo. 


3720.  do.     NY.    Munro  1888.    3i7p.     19cm.  [lc] 

3721.  Fighting  with  fate.     A  novel.     Lond.     Remington 

1 88 1.    323p.    8vo.  [bm] 

3722.  Gold  Else.     Tr.  W.  C.  Wrankmore.     1868.     2V. 

8vo.  [bm] 

3723.  do.     Gold  Elsie.     Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.     Phil.     Lip- 

pincott 1868.     1883.     1896.    344p.     i8cm.   [lc] 

3724.  do.     Gold     PI'sie.      NY.      Lovell     1887.      235P. 

19cm.  [lc] 

3725.  In  the   Schillingscourt.     Tr.   Mrs.   Wister.     Phil. 

Lippincott  1879.     1901.    386p.     19cm.         [lc] 

3726.  do.     Tr.  Emily  R.  Steinestel.    NY.    Munro  1879. 

1888.    248p.    19cm.  [lc] 

3727.  do.     Tr.  Hettie  E.  Miller.     Chic.     Weeks   1896. 

488p.    il.    20cm.  [lc] 

3728.  The  lady  with  the  rubies.     Tr.  Mrs.  Wi.stcr.    Phil. 

Lippincott  1885.     334p.     I9cin.  [lc] 

3729.  do.     NY.    Munro  1885.    D.  [ac] 

3730.  do.     The   lady   with    the   garnets.     Tr.    Baroness 

Langenau.     Lond.     Stock    1886.     3i8p.     8vo. 



3731.  do.     The  lady  with    the    rubies.      Tr.  Hettie  E. 

Miller.     Giic.    Weeks  1895.    370?.    il.     20cm. 


3732.  Magdalena.      (Also,    The    lonely    ones,    by    PI. 

Heyse.)     Phil.     1870.    Bvo.  [bm] 

Z7ii-     do.     Tr.    Mrs.    Elgard.      Phil.  Lippincott   n.   d. 

il.    8vo.  [ac7] 

3734.  The   old   mam'selle's    secret.  Tr.   Mrs.   Wister. 

Phil.     Lippincott  1869.    3i2p.     19cm.     _.  1876. 
1886.     1896.    191 1.  [lc] 

3735.  do.     NY.    Lovell  1886.    D.  [ac] 

3736.  do.     Tr.  Mrs.  M.  S.  Smith.     NY.     Munro  1882. 

1886.    259p.     1 8cm.  [lc] 

3737.  do.     The  old  maid's  secret.    Tr.  H.  J.  G.  Dublin 

1871.    8vo.  [bm] 

3738.  do.     Strahan  1871.    8vo.  [ec] 

3739.  do.     New  ed.    Lond.    Ward  &  Lock  1882.    i2mo. 


3740.  Over  yonder.     Novelette.     (Reprinted  from  Lip- 

pincott's  magazine.)     1869.     43p.    8vo.       [lc] 

3741 .  do.     Tr.   Mrs.   Elgard.     Phil.     Lippincott  n.   d. 

8vo.  [AC7J 

3742.  The  owl-house.     A  posthumous  novel.  (Finished 

by  W.  Heimburg.)      Tr.    Ma.    S.    and  G.  H. 
Smith.    NY.    Munro  1888.    275p.     19cm.  [lc] 

3743.  do.     The   owl's   nest.     Tr.   Mrs.   Wister.     Phil. 

Lippincott  1888.    1900.    1912.  362P.  i8cm.  [lc] 

3744.  do.     The  owl's  nest.     Tr.  Hettie  E.  Miller.    Chic. 

Weeks  1893.    269?.    20cm.  [lc] 

3745.  The  princess  of  the  moor.    Leipz.    Tauchnitz  1872. 

2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

3746.  do.     The    little    moorland    princess.      Tr.    Mrs. 

Wister.    Phil.     Lippincott  1876.    4o8p.     19cm. 
-_  1900.  [lc] 

3747.  do.     do.     Lond.    Ward,  Lock  1881.    387P.    8vo. 


3748.  do.     The  little  princess.     Tr.   Blanche  E.   .Slade. 

Lond.    Remington  1883.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

350  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

"AIarlitt,  E." 

3749.  do.     The  princess  of   the   moor.     NY.     Munro 

1888.    30ip.     19cm.  [lc] 

3750.  The  second  wife.    A  romance.    Tr.  Mrs.  Wister. 

Phil.    Lippincott  1874.    302p.    i8cm. 1902. 

19cm.  [lc] 

3751.  do.     Tr.  Annie  Wood.     Lond.     1875.     S*^-     ^'^o- 


3752.  do.     NY.    Munro  1880.  [ac] 
3753-     '^o.     The  second    wife.      A    romance    of  Castle 

Schonwerth.    Lond.    Ward,  Lock  1881.     3i8p. 
8vo.  [bm] 

3754.  do.     Tr.  A.  Wood.    NY.    Munro  1887.    D.     [ac] 

Marner,  Der,  fl.  1230-70 

Selection,  verse,    see    C244,    C146,    C186,    C160 
(under  Walther  v.  d.  Vogelweide). 


Selection,  verse,  see  C265. 

^L\RTEL,  C: 

Selection,  verse,  see  C226. 

Martius,  K:  F:  Ph.  v.  1794-1868  and 
Spix,  J.  B. 

3755.  Travels  in  Brazil     ....     1817-20.    Tr.  H.  E. 

Lloyd.    Lond.    1824.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

Marx,  Ad.  Bh.  1795-1866 

3756.  Beethoven's  F  minor  sonata.    Tr.  .\.  E.  Kroeger. 

In  €141(4). 

Marx,  K:  H:  1818-83 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 
3757-     Eastern  question:  a  reprint  of  letters  written  in 
1853-6  dealing  with  events  of  Crimean  war.  Ed. 
Eleanor   M.   Aveling   and   E:   Avcling.     Lond. 
Sonncn<;chein  1897.    672P.    8vo.  [ec] 

3758.  Revolution  and  counter-revolution;  or,  Germany 
in  1848.  Ed.  E.  M.  Aveling.  Lond.  Sonnen- 
schcin  1896.     i6op.    8vo.  [ec] 



3759.  Secret  diplomatic  history  of  the  i8th  century.  Ed. 

E.   M.  Aveling.      Lond.      Sonnenschein   1899. 
g6p.    8vo.  [ec] 

Mascov,  J:  Jk.  1689-1761 

3760.  History  of  the  ancient  Germans.    Tr.  T.  Lediard. 

Lond.    1738.    2v.    4to.  [bm] 

IvIathilde,  consort   of  prince  Louis  of  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 

3761.  Life-dreams:  the  poems  of  a  blighted  life.     At- 

tributed to  Princess  Mathilde  of  Bavaria.     Tr. 
J  :  Heard,  Jr.    Bost.    Badger  1913.    78p.    19cm. 


Mathesius,  J:s,  1504-65 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126,  C264. 

Matthissox,  F:  v.  1761-1831 

Selection,  verse,  see  C20i(i7),  C245,  C167,  C232, 
C202,  C52,  C8,  C108,  C172,  Cio,  C243,  C176, 
C161,  C233,  C5,  C145. 

3762.  Letters     ....     1785-94:     containing     .     .     . 

anecdotes  relative  to  the  present  state  of  lit- 
erature in  Germany.  Tr.  A.  Plumptre.  Lond. 
1799.    8vo.  [bm] 

M.\TZERATH,  Js.    1815- 

Selection,  verse,  see  Ciio,  C2oi(i8). 

Mav,  A:  1840- 

**2>7^i-     Pompeii,  its  life  and  art.    Tr.  P.  W.  Kelsey.  NY; 

Lond.    Macmillan  1899.    509P.    il.    8vo.  [lc] 

3764.  do.     New  rev.  and  cor.  ed.     NY;  Lond.  Mac- 

millan 1902.    557p.    22cm.  [lc] 

Ma.mmilian,  emperor  of  Mexico,  1832-67 

3765.  On  the  wing.      Tr.    A.    M.    Lushington.     Lond. 

Saunders  &  O.  1868.    343p.    21cm.  [lc] 

3766.  Recollections  of   my   life.     Lond.     Bentley    1868. 

3v.    20cm.  [lc] 

See  Kemper.    J.,  ^L..  in  Mexico.     #2963. 

352  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Mayer,  K:  1786-1870 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145,  C68,  C198. 

Mecklenburg,  See  Ad.  F :  herzog  v. 

Meding,  Ok.  1829- 1903,  see  "Samarow,  Gregor" 

Megiser,  Hieronymus 

3767.  An  ancient  account  of  Madagascar,  A.  D.   1608. 

Antananarivo.     1877.    8vo.  [bmJ 

Meier,  G:  F:  1718-77 

3768.  The  merry  philosopher;  or,  thoughts  on  jesting. 

Lond.    Newberry  1764.    2v.    2i3p.    i6cm.  [lc] 

Meier-Graefe,  Jl.  1867- 

3769.  Modern  art;  being  a  contribution  to  a  new  system 

of  aesthetics.  Tr.  Flor.  Simmonds  and  G:  W. 
Chrystal.  Lond.  Heinemann ;  NY.  Putnam 
1908.    2v.     il.     29cni.  [lc] 

Meinecke,  F:  1862- 

S election,  prose,  see  Ci78a. 

3770.  The  warfare  of  a  nation.     Lectures  and  essays. 

Tr.  J :  A.  Spaulding.  Worcester,  Mass.  Davis 
press  1915.    6op.     24cm.  [lc] 

Meiners,  Cph. 

3771.  History  of  the  female  sex.    Tr.  F.  Shoberl.   Lond. 

Colburn  1808.    4V.    8vo.  [bm] 

M EI N HOLD,  J:  W  :  1 797-1 851 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C266,  C134. 

3772.  The  amber  witch.     (Maria  Schweidler,  die  Bern- 

stein-Hexe.)  Tr.  E.  A.  Friedliinder.  Lond. 
Murray  1844.     i6mo.  [bm] 

-.  New  ed.     Murray  1861.  [ec] 

_-  .\lso  issued  with  Beckford's  "Vathck". 
Lond.     1852.     i2mo.  [bm] 

?i77i-     ^0.     samcf     Mary  Schweidler,  the  amber  witch. 
NY.    Wiley  &  JPutnam  1845.    i8op.  i8cm.  [lc] 


3774.  do.     Tr.  Lady  Duff  Gordon.    NY;  Lond.   Cassell 

1888.     I92p.     14cm.  [lc] 

Cassell  1894.     i8mo.  [ec] 

__  Lane  1903.  [ac] 

3775.  do.     do.     Lond.    Nutt  1894.  [umsJ 

3776.  Sidonia  the  sorceress.     Hodgson  1849.  i2mo.  [ec] 

See  also  A276. 

3777  •  ^0.  Sidonia  the  sorceress,  the  supposed  destroyer 
of  the  whole  reigning  ducal  house  of  Pomer- 
ania.  Tr.  Lady  Wilde.  And,  Mary  Schweidler 
etc.  Tr.  DufT  Gordon.  Lond.  Reeves  & 
Turner  1894.  2v.  20cm.  [lc] 

3778.  do.     Sidonia     etc.      Tr.     Lady     Wilde.      Lond. 

Morris,  Kelmscott  press  1893.  455p.  4to.   [nMs] 

Meinloh  von  Sevelingen,  I'tli  cent. 

Selection,  I'crse,  see  C13,  C186. 

Meissner,  Der,  see  Heinrich  v.  Aleissen 

Meissner,  Af.  1822-85 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C8,  C145,  C121,  C131,  C54, 

Meissner,  A:  Gb.  1753-1807 

Selection,  prose,  sec  C94. 

Meissner,  Me.  185 1- 

3779.  From  the  land  of  stories:  a  book     ....     for 

children  ....  mostly  from  .... 
Meissner.  Tr.  ad.  and  arr.  P.  P.  Claxton. 
Richmond,  Va.  Johnson  1902.  92p.  il. 
i8cm.  [lc] 

3780.  do.     Atlanta;   Richmond.      Johnson    191 1.     I02p. 

il.    i8cm.  [lc] 

Meissner,  O.  Af.  ? 

3781.  Ode  to  harmony.     Tr.  for  Boston  acad.  of  mus. 

by  S.  A.  Eliot.  Bost.  Perkins  &  Marion  1837. 
4P-    8vo.  [lco] 

Meister  K.\rl 

Selection,  verse,  see  C153. 

354  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Meister,  C.  L.  G. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C62. 

Melanchthon  (i.  e.  Schwarzerd),  Ph.  1497-1560 

3782.  A  history   of  the  life     .     .     .     .     of     .     .     . 

M.  Luther.     Tr.     H.     J.     Fry.      See  Luther. 
Hymns  of  the  reformation.     #3676. 

3783.  The  history  of  the  lyfe  and  actes  of  I\L  Luther. 

In  Bennet,  H.,  A  famous  and  godly  history  etc. 
1561.    8vo.  [bm] 

3784.  Memoirs  of  Martin  Luther.     In  Luther,  Thirt}'- 

four  sermons  etc.     1816.    8vo.  [bm] 

3785.  An  oracyon  or  processe  rehearsed  off  P.  !M.  at  the 

buryall  of     ...     .     M.  Luther.    Tr.  J.  Bale. 
In  Jonas,  J.,  The  true  hystorie  etc.     1546.    8vo. 


See  Ledderhose,  C,  Life  of  M_-.     #3487a. 

Mellin,  graf  v. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C23. 

"Mels,  a."  (Mt.  Cohn,  d.  1894) 

3786.  Baron  Leo  v.  Oberg,  IM.  D.     A  story  of  love  un- 

spoken.    Tr.  Jos.  A.  Sigmund.     Bost.     Loring 
1868.    92p.     23cm.  [lc] 

3787.  Clelia.     From  family  papers.    Tr.  for  Littell's  liv- 

ing age.    Bost.    Littell  &  Gay  1S70.    8vo.  [] 

3788.  do.     Tr.  T.  H.  Fairfax.     See  Detlef,  K.     #579. 

Mencken, i/th  cent. 

Selection,  z'ersc,  see  C180. 

IVTendei-ssohn,  Moses,  1729-86 

Selection,  prose,  see  C94,  C120. 
3789.     Phaedon;  or,  the  death  of  Socrates.     (Imitation 
of  Plato.)     Tr.  C:Cullcn.    Lond.     1789.    8vo. 

MENOELSSOHN-BARTHOLnY,  Jk.  L:  Fx.  1809-47 
Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 
**379a.     Letters,   1833-47.      Tr.     Lady     Wallace.      Lond. 
Longman  1863.     468p.     i9cni.  [lc] 


3791.     do.     New  ed.     1864.     437p.  [bm] 

•♦3792 ,     Letters   from  Italy  and   Switzerland.     Tr.  Lady 

Wallace.    Lond.    Longman  1862.    357p.    19cm. 

--  2d  ed.  1862.    --  3d  ed.  1864.  [lc] 

*3793-     Letters     ....     to      Ignaz      and      Charlotte 

Moscheles.     Bost.      Ticknor    1888.      3o6p.     il. 

22cm.  [lc] 

*3794.      Selected  letters.   Tr.  and  ed.  \V.  F.  Alexander  and 

Sir  G :    Grove.      Lond.      Sonnenschein ;   NY. 

Macmillan   1894.     i3oP-     i/cm.  [lc] 

See  Devrient,  E.,  My    recollections    of   F.  M 

See  Hensel.  S..  The  M..  family.     #2488. 
Sec  Hiller,  Fd.,    M..,    letters  and  recollections. 

Sec  Lampadius.  W :,  Life  of  F.  M__.     #3436-8. 
Sec  Polko,  E.,  Reminiscences  of  F.  M--.     #4388. 

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,  K:   1838-97 

3795.  Goethe  and  Mendelssohn,  1821-31.     Tr.  Miss  M. 

E.  V.  Glehn.     Lond.     Macmillan   1872.     I59p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Menge,  Rd. 

3796.  An  introduction  to    ancient    art.     Tr.  Lilian   B. 

\\'orthington.    2d  enl.  ed.    Lond.    Mansell  1887. 
2o6p.    8vo.  [dm] 

Menger,  Rd. 

3797.  Countess  Loreley.    A  novel.    Tr.  Miss  Dandridge. 

NY.    Appleton  1889.     237?.     i8cm.  [lc] 

Mensel,  W..  i6th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C180. 

Mentz.ver  (or  Mentzer),  J.  d.  1734 

Selection,  verse,  see  C265,  C126. 

Menzel,  W'fg.  1 798-1873 

3798.  Europe  in  1840.    Edinb.     1841.    8vo.  [bm] 

--  Longman  1841.     i2mo.  [ec] 

356  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


3799.     German  literature.    Tr.  C.  C.  Felton.    Bost.    1840. 
3v.    8vo.  [bm] 

Wiley  1840.    3v.    8vo.  [ec] 

*38oo.  do.  Tr.  T:  Gordon.  Oxford;  Lend.  Talboys 
1840.  4v.  19cm.  [Solid  translations,  some 
very  good.]  [lc] 

3801 .  The  history  of  Germany  from  earliest  period  to 

1842.  Tr.  4th  Ger.  ed.  Mrs.  G:  Horrocks. 
Lend;  NY.  Bell  1892-9.  3V.  19cm.  [lc] 
Bohn  1848-9    3V.     18cm.  [lc] 

Merz,  H  : 

3802.  Eminent  women  of  the  German  reformation.    Tr. 

S.  Jackson.  Lond.  Seeley,  Jackson  1856. 
I59p.    8vo.  [bm] 

3803 .  Louise,  queen  of  Prussia.    Tr.  G :  P.  Upton.   Chic. 

McClurg  1909.     i28p.     il.     17cm.  [lc] 

Messmer,  J :  J. 

3804.  Red  Carl.     Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ireland.     NY.     Crowell 

1888.     295p.     il.     19cm.  [lc] 

Methfessel,  Ab.  1785-1869 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C62,  C145. 

Metternich-Winneburg,  Clt.  Lt.  Wz.  fiirst  v.  1773-1859 

3805.  Memoirs  (in    French)     1773-1829.     Tr.     Robina 

Napier.  NY.  Munro  1881.  4pts.  in  i  v. 
33cm.  [lc] 

3806.  do.     1773-1835.     NY.     Harper  1881.     5v.    30cm. 

(Pt.  5,  1830-5,  tr.  Gerard  W.  Smith.)  [lc] 

Metzger,  Amb. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C62. 

Meurer,  Mz. 

3807.  The  life  of  M.  Luther.     Tr.  by  a  pastor.     .     .     . 

.     NY.    Ludwit;  1848.    695p.    il.    8vo.     [lco] 

Meyer,  E.  L.  E.  v. 

3808.  Love  and  frietulshij^'s  rosary.    NY.    Kelley  1865. 

i6mo.     (Translation?)  [ac] 


Meyer,  Hs.  H  :  Js.  1858- 

3809.  Across  East  African  glaciers;  an  account  of  the 

first  ascent  of  Kilimanjaro.  Tr.  E.  H.  S. 
Calder.  Lond.  Philip  1891.  404P.  il.  28  x 
22cm.  [lc] 

Meyer,  Kd.  Fd.  1825-98 

Selection,     verse,     see     091(14),     C160,     €19(9 
poems),  C185. 

3810.  The  chancellor's  secret:  a  tale  of  the  12th  century. 

Tr.  M.  J.  Taber.    New  Bedford,  Mass.    Lawton 

1887.     S.  [ac] 

13811.     The  monk's  wedding.       A  novel.        Tr.   Sa.   H. 

Adams.     Bost.     Cupples  &  Hurd  1887.     169P. 

19cm.     [Omits  at  zvilL]  [lc] 

**38i2.     The  monk's  marriage.     Tr.  W.  G.  Howard.     In 


3813.     Plautus  in  the  convent.    Tr.  W.  G.  Howard.     In 


*38i4.     The  tempting  of  Pescara.    Tr.  C.  Bell.    Rev.  and 

cor.     NY.      Gottsberger    1890.      i84p.     17cm. 

[Cannot  manage  difficulty  of  the  style.]       [lc] 

Meyer-Foerster,  W:  1862- 

*38i5.     Old  Heidelberg.    Tr.  Max  Chapelle.    NY.    Dodge 
&  Metcalf  1903.     i73p.     19cm.  [lc] 

3816.  do.     II.  N.  W.  BrinckerhofT.    NY.    Wessels  1904. 

I73P-     19cm.     [Careless  and  loose.]  [lc] 

3817.  do.     Karl  Heinrich.     A  tale.     Original   form  of 

"Old  Heidelberg."  Gowans  &  Gray  1906. 
234p.    il.    8vo.  [ec] 

3818.  do.     Old  Heidelberg,  a  sentimental  comedy  in  five 

acts.    Tr.  R.  Bleichmann.    Lond.     1903.  [B19] 

Meyer N,  Gst.  v. 

3819.  A  perilous  adventure;  or,  the  days  of  Mary  of 

Burgundy.  (Teuerdank's  Brautfahrt.)  Tr. 
M.   Hall.     Lond.     Warne    1884.     3i2p.     8vo. 



Meyfart,  J  :  Matthaus,  1590-1636 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221,  C266,  C44. 

MiCHAELis,  J:  D:  1717-91 

3820.  A  dissertation  on  the  influence  of  opinions  on  lan- 

guage, and  of  language  on  opinions  .... 
together  with  an  enquiry  into  the  advisability 
and  practicability  of  an  universal  learned  lan- 
guage. Lond.  1769.  4to.  __  2d  ed.  1771. 
4to.  [bm] 

Michel,  T.  and 
MoRiTZ,  A: 

3821.  A  will  and  a  way.     Tales  from  the  German  by 

"Trauermantel".  Bost.  Crosby  &  N.  1859.  2i3p. 
il.  i6mo.  (Tailor  and  fiddler.  By  Michel.  The 
benefactor's  portrait.  The  gardener's  daughter. 
Patience  removes  mountains.  The  ways  of  provi- 
dence.   By  Moritz.)  [lco] 

MicHELET,  K:  L:  1801-93 

3822.  The  dialectic  and  the  principle  of  contradiction. 

Tr.  Louis  Soldan.     In  €141(5). 

3823.  Michelet's  theory  of  art  as  the  science  of  aesthet- 

ics. In  Hegel,  G.,  The  philosophy  of  art  etc. 
1886.    8vo.     #2344.  [bm] 

MiEGEL,  Ag.  1879- 

Sclcction,  verse,  see  C14,  091(18),  C185. 

Miller,  J.  B.  d.  1824 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126. 

Miller,  J:  Mt.  1750-1814 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C167.  C23. 

3824.  Sigevart.     .\  talc.     Tr.   H.   L.  Chelsea,  Eng.  for 

Poiidori  1799.    2v.     14cm.  [lc] 

3825.  do.     Siegwart:  a     mona.stic     tale.      Tr.     L.  M. 

Hawkins.    Lond.     i8of>.    3v.    i2mo.  [bm] 

Milloecker,  K  :  1842-99 

The  beggar  student.     Countess   Dubarry.     Gas- 


parone.     The    vice-admiral.       (Operas.)     5^1? 
Zell.  F. 

"MiLOW,  St."  (i.  e.  St.  V.  Millenkovich,  1836-         ) 
Selection,  verse,  see  C230. 

"MiRZA  Schaffy",  see  Bodenstedt,  F:  v.  j    • 


3826.  G.  M — 's  journey  to  Pennsylvania  ....  1750  and 

return    to    Germany  ....   1754.       Tr.    C.   T. 
Eben.    Phil,  for  Jeanes  1898.    I29p.    8vo.  [lc] 

3827.  do.     Phil.    McVey  1898.  [lc] 

"MoELLER,  A.  v."  (i.  e.  Anga.  v.  Lagerstrom) 

3828.  Little  Paul  and  his  moss-wreaths;  or,  the  king  and 

the  little  boy  who  kept  his  word.    Lond.     Hogg 
1861.    i6mo.  [bm] 

MOELLHAUSEN,  Bid.    1825-I9OS 

3829.  Diary  of  a  journey  from  the  Mississippi  to  the 

coast   of  the    Pacific.       Tr.    Mrs.    P.   Sinnett. 
Lond.     Longmans  1858.    2v.     il.    8vo.         [lc] 

MOELLING,  K :  Ew. 

3830.  Faust's  death.    A  tragedy.    Phil.    Lippincott  1865. 

136P.    8vo.    (Translation?)  [lco] 

MoERiKE,  E:  1804-75 

Selection,  verse,  see,  €54,  C68.  C230,  C198,  C19, 
C46,  C20,  C8,  C145,  €91(7),  C185,  C148,  C167, 
C121,  C195  (calls  him  Mohnikc),  C160;  #2424. 
Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 
13831.  Mozart's  journey  from  Vienna  to  Prague.  Tr. 
Florence  Leonard.  In  €91(7).  [Outrageous 


3832.     Trip  around  the  world.    Cine.    Burgheim  1886.    il. 
4to.     _-  2d.  ed.  1887.  [ac] 

MOESER,  Jt.    1720-94 

Selection,  prose,  see  C94,  C120. 



3833.  Harlequin;  or,  a  defence  of  grotesque  comic  per- 

formances. Tr.  J.  A.  F.  Wamecke.  Lond. 
1766.    8vo.  [bm] 

MoEWES,  H:  d.  1831 

Selection,  verse,  see  C220,  C215. 

3834.  Memoir  ....  principally       translated.         Lond. 

Hatchard  1840.    209p.    8vo.  .  [bm] 

3835 .  The  minister  of  Andouse.    Tr.  S.  Jackson.    Edinb. 

Hamilton  1839.    272p.    8vo.  [bm] 

MoHR,  F: 

3836.  The  grape  vine.     NY.     Judd  1867.     i2mo.     [ac] 

3837.  do.     Tr.  "Horticola".     1876.  [ac] 

MoHR,  Js.   1792-1848 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C21,  C180. 

MoHR,  N:  C:  E:  1828-76 

3838.  To  the  Victoria  Falls  of  the  Zambesi.     Tr.   N. 

D'Anvers.    Lond.    Low  1876.    462p.   il.   22cm. 


MoLLER,  G:  1784-1852 

3839.  An  essay  on  the  origin  and  progress  of  Gothic  ar- 

chitecture. Lond.  Priestley  &  Weale  1824. 
i4ip.     19cm.  [lc] 

3840.  Moller's    memorials    of    German   gothic   architec- 

ture. Tr.  W.  H.  Leeds.  Lond.  Wcale  1836. 
i76p.    22cm.  [lc] 

_-  Weale  1835.    2v.    fol.    Te.xt  8vo.  [ec] 

Moi/rKE,  Him.  K:  Bh.  graf  v.  1800-91 

Selection,  prose,  see  €91(10),  Tr.  E.  v.  ^Lich. 
Grace  Bigelow,  Clara  Bell,  II :  W.  Fischer, 
Mary  Herms. 

3841.  Essays,  speeches,  and  memoirs.    Tr.  (respectively) 

C:  F.  McClumpha,  C:  St.  L.  Barter,  and  Ma. 
Herms.  Lond.  Osgood,  Mcllvaine ;  NY. 
HariKT  1893.     2v.     23cni.  [i,c] 

3842.  Extracts  from  ....  correspondence  pertaining  to 


the  war  of  1870-71.  Tr.  Harry  Bell.  Ft. 
Leavenworth,  Kan.  Army  press  191 1.  229P. 
20cm.  [lc] 

3842a.  Field-marshal  count  H.  v.  Moltke  as  a  corres- 
pondent. Tr.  Ma.  Herms.  Lond.  Osgood ; 
NY.    Harper  1893.    309P.    il.    23cm.         [lc] 

3843.  Letters   from    Russia.      Tr.    R.    Napier.     Lond. 

1878.    8vo.  [bm] 

3844.  do.     Tr.    Grace    Bigelow.      NY.      Harper    1878. 

i8ip.     I2cm.  [lc] 

3845.  do.     New  ed.     Lond.     Kegan  Paul  1881.     i2mo. 


3846.  Letters  ....  to  his   mother  and  brothers.     Tr. 

Clara  Bell  and  H :  W.  Fischer.  NY.  Harper 
1892.    3i7p.  il.  22cm.  [lc] 

3847.  do.     Lond.    Osgood  1891.    2v.    il.    8vo.        [bm] 

3848.  Letters  to  his  wife  and  other  relatives.     Tr.  J.  R. 

Mcllraith.  Lond.  Paul,  T.  &  T.  1896.  2v. 
il.    8vo.  [lc] 

3849.  Moltke:  his  life  and  character,  sketched  in  jour- 

nals, letters,  memoirs,  a  novel,  and  autobiog. 
notes.  Tr.  Ma.  Herms.  NY.  Harper  1892. 
332p.    il.    23cm.  [lc] 

3850.  Notes  of   travel.      Extracts    from    the  journals. 

Lond.    Kegan  Paul  1880.    8vo.  [bm] 

—  New  ed.  1881.     i2mo.  [ec] 

3851 .  Poland;  an  historical  sketch.    Tr.  E.  S.  Buchheim. 

Lond.    Chapman  &  Hall  1885.    i55p.  8vo.  [bm] 

3852.  Projects  for  the  campaign  of   1866  against  Aus- 

tria. Tr.  and  precised  for  the  general  stafT,  war 
office.  Lond.  for  H.  M.  stationery  office  by  Har- 
rison.    1907.    74p.     19cm.  [lc] 

3853.  The  Russians  in  Bulgaria  and  Rumelia  in  1828 

and  1829.     Lond.     Murray  1854.     476p.  22cm. 


3854.  Tactical  problems,    1858-82.      Tr.    K:  v.  Donat. 

Lond.    Allen  1899.     i75p.    maps.    8vo.       [lc] 
See  Dressier,  F:,  M_-  in  his  home.    #622. 
See  Muller,  W:,  Moltke,  1880-78.     #4011. 




Selection,  z'crsc,  see  C38. 

MOMBERT,  Af.    1872- 

Scicction,  Terse,  sec  C14. 

MoMMSEN,  Td.  1817-1903 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

3855.  The  earliest  inhabitants  of  Italy.     (Extract  from 

his  Roman  history.)  Tr.  G.  Robertson.  Lond. 
Parker  1858.    8vo.  [bm] 

3856.  The  history  of  Rome.    Tr.  W  :  P.  Dickson.    Lond. 

Bentley  1862-75.    4V.    8vo.  ■         [bm] 

3857.  do.     New  ed.     NY.     Scribner  1870.     4V.     20cm. 

__  1887.    2icm.  [lc] 

3858.  do.     New  ed.    Lond.  1868-86.    4v.    8vo.       [bm] 

3859.  do.     New  rev.    ed.      NY.      Scribner    1903.     5v. 

2icm.  [lc] 

3860.  do.     Lond.     Dent;   NY.     Dutton.      (Everyman) 

1911.    4v.  [lc] 

3861 .  The  history  of  the  Roman  republic,  abridged  from 

the  history  by  Prof.  M.  Tr.  C.  Bryans  and  F. 
J.  R.  Hendy.  NY.  Scribner  1908.  542.  19cm. 
(First  pub.  by  Bentley  in  Lond.  1888).       [lc] 

3862.  The  provinces  of  the  Roman  empire  from  Caesar 

to  Diocletian.  Tr.  W.  P.  Dickson.  Lond.  Mac- 
miilan  1909.   2v.   23cm.    (First  ed.  1886.)     [lc] 

3863.  do.     NY.     Scribner  1887.    2v.     21cm.  [lc] 

3864.  Rome  from  earliest  times  to  44  B.  C.     Ed.  Arthur 

C.  Howland.  Phil.  Morris  1906.  (De 
4i8p.    24cm.  [lc] 

NY.     Collier    1913.      21cm.     ..    1916.     il. 

23cm.  [lc] 

3865.  To  the  people  of  Italy A  letter.    Tr.  from 

Italian  by  I.  C.  1871.    8vo.  [bm] 

MORGENSTERN,   Cn.    187I- 

Sclection,  verse,  see  C14. 

MoRiTZ,  A : 

3866.  The  benefactor's  portrait.    The  gardener's  daugh- 


ter.  Patience  removes  mountains.  The  ways  of 
providence.     Tales.     In  #3821. 

3867.  The  hymn-book.     Kasem  the  miser.     William  the 

little  chimney-sweeper.     Talcs.     In  #4642. 

MORITZ,  Gst. 

3868.  Duty  and    affection.      A    tale.      Chambers  1848. 

i6mo.  [bm] 

MoMTZ,  K:  Ph.  1757-93 

3869.  Mythological  fictions  of  the  Greeks  and  Romans. 

Tr.  5th  ed.  C.  F.  W.  Jaeger.  NY.  Carvill 
1830.     276p.     il.     i6mo.  [lco] 

3870.  do.     Talboys  1830.     i2mo.     (Foregoing  probably 

a  reprint  of  this.)  [ec] 

3871 .  Travels  through  various  parts  of  England,  in  1782. 

In  Mavor,  W.  F.  The  British  tourists.  2d  ed. 
Lond.  1800.  Vol.  4.  14cm.  [lc] 
1809.    i2mo.                                               [bm] 

3872.  do.     Travels,   chiefly    on     foot,    through   several 

parts  of  England,  in  1782,  described  in  letters 
to  a  friend.  Tr.  by  a  lady.  In  Pinkerton.  J  :. 
A  general  collection  of  ...  .  voyages  and 
travels.    Vol.  2.    Lond.  1808-14.   27cm.        [lc] 

3873.  do.     Lond.    Cassell  1886.     i92p.    8vo.  [bm] 

MoscHELES,  Cte.  (Embden),  d.  1889 

3874.  Life  of  Moscheles,  with  selections  from  his  diaries 

and  correspondence,  by  his  wife.  Ad.  A.  D. 
Coleridge.  Lond.  Hurst  &  Blackett  1873.  2v. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Moscheles,  Ig.  1794- 1870 

3875.  Life  of  Beethoven.    Sec  #5035. 

3876.  Recent  music  and  musicians,  as  described  in  his 

diaries  and  correspondence  sel.  by  his  wife,  and 

ad A.    D.   Coleridge.      1873.      New   ed. 

NY.    Holt  1875.     i2mo.  [ac] 

See  Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,  F.,  Letters  .... 
to  ...  .  Moscheles.    i^3793. 


MOSEN,  Jl.  1803-67 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C40,  C38,  C167,  C68,  C109, 
Clio,  C161,  C198,  C148,  C145,  C8,  C267. 

3877.  Ishmael.     The  Italian  novel.     Helena  Vallisneria. 

The  picture  of  the  mermaid.     In  A22. 

MosENTHAL  SI.  Hm.  ritter  v.  1821-77 

3878.  The  golden  cross.     Opera  in  two  acts.     Tr.  J.  P. 

Jackson.    4op.    Lond.     1878.    4op.    8vo.  [bm] 

3879.  Gyda.    A  play.    Ad.  J.  Schonberg.     1875.       [BI9] 

3880.  Isabella  Orsini.     A  romantic  drama  in  four  acts. 

Tr.  and  ad.  H :  L.  Williams.     NY.     De  Witt. 


3881 .  Leah,  the  forsaken.     A  play  in  five  acts.     Tr.  A. 

Daly.  NY.  1886.  __  In  author's  private  edi- 
tion, 1890.  [B19] 

3882.  do.     Tr.  W.  Benneux,  and  ad.  .\.   Daly.     Lond. 

French.     [NY.  lib.]  '        [B19] 

3883.  The  queen  of  Saba.     Opera.     Tr.  J:  H:  Cornell. 

Hamburg,   Pohle     1881.      Score,  276p.      8vo. 

(Music  by  K:  Goldmark.)  [lco] 

3884.  do.     Hamburg  1881.    52p.    8vo.  [bm] 

3885.  Stories  of  Jewish  home  life.     Phil.  Jewish  ]nib. 

soc.  1907.    387P.     19cm.  [lc] 

MosER,  And. 

3886.  Jos.    Joachim.      Biography    1831-99.      Tr.    Lilla 

Durham.  Intro.  J.  A.  Fuller  Maitland.  Wellby 
1900.    352p.    8vo.  [ec] 

MoSER,  E. 

Sec  Schonthan,  joint  author. 

MosER,  Gst.  V.  1825- 1903 

3887.  The  annuity.     Comedy  in  five  acts.    Tr.  S.  Witt- 

mann.     Lond.     Miles  1885.     ■;•,]■>.    8vo.       [hm] 

3888.  An  Arabian  night;  or.  Ilaroun  al  Raschid  and  his 

mother-in-law.  .\  comedy  in  four  acts.  Tr.  .\. 
Daly.  NY.  Print,  as  MS  for  author.  1884. 
84P.     22cm.  [lc] 


3889 .  The  Arabian  nights.    Farce  ....  founded  on  the 

Ger S.    Grundy.      Lond.      Lacy    1893. 

49p.     i2mo.  [liMsJ 

3890.  An  artist  taylor.    A  dramatic  composition  in  four 

acts.      Based    on    the    Ger.    and    ad.    Hilmar 
Stephany.   Chic.  188 1.  [B19] 

3891 .  Confidential   clerk.      Ad.    Sydney    Wittman   and 

Shedden  Wilson.  [B19] 

3892.  A  foolish  investment.    Comedietta  in  one  act.   Ad. 

Miss  M.     NY.     De  Witt   1888.     I5p. 
i2mo.  [lco] 

3893.  "I  shall  invite  the  major".     A  petite  comedy  in 

one  act.     Literally  tr.  Sydney  Rosenthal.     NY. 
De  Witt  1875.     i6p.     19cm.  [lc] 

3894.  Lot   49.      Farce  ....  from   the    German  .... 

W.  J.  Fisher.     Lond.  Lacy  1893.     20p.    i2mo. 


3895.  Medium.      A    comedy    in    four    acts.      Ad.    R. 

Rudelius.    San  Francisco.     1880.  [BI9] 

3896.  On    'change.      Farce  ....  arranged  ....  Miss 

E.  Lawrence.     1895.    53p.     i2mo.  [bms] 

3897.  Our  regiment.     Farcical  comedy.     .Ad H. 

Hamilton.     Lond.     French  1893.     55p.    i2mo. 


3898.  The  secretarj-.    Ad.  W :  Gillette.    NY.  1882.  [B19] 

3899.  do.     The    private   secretary.      Ad.    C:    Hawtrey. 

Lond.    French  1884. 1907.  [B19] 

3900.  do.     The  librarian.     Ad.  H.  G.  Dresen  and  E.  S. 

Rheem.     Washington,  D.  C.    1885.  [B19] 

3901.  The  swell  Tyrolean.    Comedy  in  four  acts.     1884. 

4pt.    fol.    Tp.  [bm] 

3902.  Utimo;  or,  bulls  and  bears.     A  comedy  in   four 

acts.     Ad.    Hartley   Campbell.     San   Francisco. 
1875.  [B19] 

3903.  do.     The  big  bonanza.    Ad.  A.  Daly.  1875.     [lc] 

3904.  The  violet  eater.     A  drama  in  three  acts.     MS 

prompt  book.  [nv] 

3905.  White  horse.     (Play).     Cambridge,  Mass.    Sever 

1888.     i2mo.  [ac] 


MosER,  Gst.  T.  and 

GiRUDT,   O. 

3906.  The   falling  star.     Comedy  in   four  acts.     Lond. 

1886.    4to.    Tp.  [bm] 

MosER,  Gst.  V.  and 


3907.  The  passing  regiment.     A  pla}'  in  five  acts.     Ad. 

A.  Daly.    NY.    1886.  [B19] 

Moses,  Ad. 

3908.  Luser  the  watchmaker.     An  episode  of  the  Polish 

revolution.    Tr.  I\Irs.  A.  de  V.  Chaudron.   Cine. 
Bloch  1883?    i25p.    Svo.  [bm] 

Mozart,  J:s  Cms.  Wfg.  Gb,  called  Wfg.  Amds.  1756-91 

**3909.     The  letters  of  W.  A.  M.  1769-91.    Tr.  Lady  Wal- 
lace.   Lond.    Longmans  1865.    2v.    19cm.  [lc] 
*39io.     Letters.    In  Holmes.  E:,  Life  ....  including  his 
correspondence.    Lond.    Chapman  &  Hall  1845. 
i2mo.  [lco] 

**39ii.  Mozart,  the  man  and  the  artist,  as  revealed  in  his 
own  words.  Comp.  F :  Kerst.  Tr.  H :  E : 
Krehbiel.     NY.     Huebsch   1905.     i43P-  20cm. 


The  Magic  flute.    (Opera.)     See  Schikaneder,  J:, 

See   Hoffmann,   Fz.,  M 's  earlv  days.     #2684, 

Sec  Jahn,  O:,  Life  of  M...     #2847. 
Sec  Moriko,  E :,  Mozart's  journey  from  X'icnna  to 

Prague.     #3831. 
See  Nohl.  L:,  Life  of  M_-.     #4204,  #4205. 
See  Rau,  H.,  The  tone  king  etc.     #4451,  #4452. 
See  Schlichtcgroll.  Ad.,  The  life  of  M...    #5068. 

MuiccHi.ER,  K:  1763- 

Sclectloii,  verse,  see  C232,  Cio. 


3912.  Personal  anecdotes  of  Frederick  the  Great.     In 


MuEFFLiNG,  F:  K:  Fd.  freiherr  v.  1775-1851 

3913.  History  of  the  campaign  ....  in  the  year  1815. 

Lond.    Egerton  1816.     I34p.    22cni.  [lc] 

3914.  Narrative  of  my  missions  to  Constantinople  and 

St.  Petershurg.  1829  and  1830.  Tr.  D:  Jardine. 
Lond.    Longman  1855.    i66p.    17cm.  [lc] 

3915.  Passages  from  my  life.    2d  rev.  ed.  Lond.    Bentley 

1853.    528p.     23cm.     (ist  ed.  1853.)  [lc] 

MUEGGE,  Td.  1 806-6 1 

3916.  A  peasant  prince.     In  C106. 

3917.  Afraja,  a  Norwegian  and  Lapland  tale ;  or,  life  and 

love  in  Norway.  Tr.  E:  J.  IMorris.  Phil. 
Lindsay  &  Blakiston  1854.    57ip.    i8cm.      [lc] 

3918.  do.     Life  and  love  in  Norway.    6th  ed.  1858.  [lc] 

3919.  do.     Afraja.     Phil.     Porter  1876.  [ac] 

3920.  Switzerland  in   1847,  and   its  condition,  political, 

social,  moral,  and  physical,  before  the  war.  Ed. 
Mrs.  P.  Sinnett.  Lond.  Bentley  1848.  2v. 
19cm.  [lc] 

"MuEHLBACH,  Lu."  (i.  e.  Frau  Ka.  (Miiller)  Mundt,  1814-73) 

3921.  Historical  romances  of  Louisa  Miihlbach.     NY; 

Lond.  Appleton  1898.  20v.  22cm.  (Also 
sejiarately,  see  titles.)  [lc] 

3922.  Andreas   Hofer.      An    historical    novel.     Tr.   F. 

Jordan.  II.  G.  Fay.  NY.  Appleton  1868. 
26ip.    23cm.  [lc] 

3923.  do.     same.     1893.    499p.     19cm. 1898.    22cm. 


3924.  Berlin  and   Sans-Souci ;  or,   Frederick   the   Great 

and  his  friends.  Trs.  Mrs.  C.  Coleman  and  her 
daughters.    NY.    Appleton  1867.    39ip.    20cm. 


--  New  cheap  cd.  Appleton  1889.        [ac] 

3925.  do.     sann:.     1898.  497p.  22cm.         [lc] 



3926.  Bernthal ;  or.   the  son's   revenge.     NY.      Harf>er 

1867.    g6p.    24cm.  [lc] 

3927.  A  conspiracy  of  the  carbonari.    Tr.  Ma.  J-  Safford. 

NY.    Neely  1896.    236p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

3928.  The  daughter  of  an  empress.  An  historical  novel. 

Tr.  Nathaniel  Greene.  NY.  Applcton  1869. 
255p.    24cm.  [lc] 

3929.  do.     same.     1893.    453p.     igcni.    __  1898.    22cni. 


3930.  do.     NY.    Lovell  1887.    D.  [ac] 

3931.  The  empress  Josephine.     An  historical  sketch  of 

the  days  of  Napoleon.  Tr.  W.  Binet.  II.  G. 
Fay.    NY.    Appleton  1867.    28op.    23cm.  [lc] 

3932.  do.     same.     1898.    524P.    22cm.    __  1911.     I9cni. 


3933.  Frederick  the  Great  and  his  court.     An  historical 

romance.  Tr.  Mrs.  C.  Coleman  and  her  daugh- 
ters. NY.  Appleton  1866.  434p.  20cm.  [lc] 
—  1898.    433p.    22cm.  [lc] 

__  NY.     Appleton  1887.  [ac] 

3934.  do.     NY.      Merrill    &    Baker     1887.      299P.     il. 

2icm.  [lc] 

3935.  do.     NY.    Lovell  1887.    D.  [ac] 

3936.  Frederick  the  Great  and  his  family.     An  histor- 

ical novel.  Tr.  Mrs.  C.  Coleman  and  her 
daughters.  NY.  Appleton  1867.  30op.  il. 
24cm.  [lc] 

3937.  do.     same.     1893.     S7-P-     19cm.    _.  1898.   22cm. 


3938.  Frederick  the  Great  and  his  mercliant.     Tr.  I^dy 

Wallace.     Lond.     1858.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

Germany  in  storm  and  stress.    Sec  Old  Fritz  and 
the  new  era. 

3939.  Goethe  and  Schiller.    An  hi.storical  romance.     Tr. 

Chapman  Coleman.  11.  G.  Fay.  NY.  Apple- 
ton  1868.    283P.    23cm.  [lc] 

3940.  do.     same.     189S.    494p.    22cm.  [lc| 

3941.  do.     NY.    Lovell  1887.    D.  [ac] 

MUKCJAN — BlBLluUKArilY  OF  GKU.MAN  LlTKltATUKK        ;j(;9 

3942.  Henry   VIII  and  his  court;  or,  Catharine   Parr. 

An  historical  novel.  Tr.  H :  N.  Pierce.  NY. 
Appleton  1867.    4i8p.    20cni.  [lc] 

New  ed.    Appleton  1887.  [ac] 

1898.    4i8p.    22cm.  [lc] 

3943.  do.     Mobile,  Ala.    1865.    2v.    8vo.  [cm] 

3944.  Joseph  II  and  his  court.    An  historical  novel.    Tr. 

A.  de  \'.  Chaudron.  Mobile,  Ala.  Goetzel  1864. 
4v.  in  I.     19cm.     (Wall  paper  covers.)  [lc] 

3945.  do.     do.     NY.    Appleton  1884.    "54 ^p.    il.    2^cni. 


3946.  do.     do.     Appleton  1898.    672p.    22cm.  [lc] 

3947.  Katharine  Parr;  or,    the    court  of   Henry   VIII. 

(Cf.  #3942.)  An  historical  romance.  Tr.  J. 
R.  Atkins.    Lend.     181)2.    3V.     i2mo.  [ism] 

3948.  Louisa  of  Prussia  and  her  times.     An  historical 

novel.  Tr.  F.  Jordan.  NY.  Appleton  1867. 
277p.  il.  24cm.  [lc] 
New  ed.    Appleton  1877.                          [ac] 

3949.  do.     Appleton  1898.     5i6p.    22cm.  [lc] 

3950.  Marie  Antoinette  and  her  son.    An  historical  novel. 

Tr.  W:  L.  Gage.  NY.  Appleton  1867.  30ip. 
il.    23cm.  [lc] 

3951.  do.     Appleton  1898.    566p.    22cm.  [lc] 

3952.  The  merchant  of  Berlin.    An  historical  novel.    Tr. 

Amory  Coffin.  NY.  Appleton  1867.  394p- 
19cm.  [lc] 

3953.  do.     Also,  Maria  Theresa  and  her  fireman.    1868. 

291P.    il.    24cm.  [lc] 

3954.  do.     New  ed.    Appleton  1889.  [ac] 

3955.  do.     Appleton  1898.    42op.    22cm.  [lc] 

3956.  Mohammed  Ali  and  his  house.     An  historical  ro- 

mance. Tr.  Chapman  Coleman.  II.  A.  Fred- 
ericks.   NY.  Appleton  1872.    229p.  23cm.  [lc] 

3957.  do.     Appleton  1898.    463P.    22cm.  [lc] 

3958.  Napoleon  and  BUicher.     .\n  historical  novel.    Tr. 

F.  Jordan.  NY.  Appleton  1867.  301  p.  il. 
24cm.  [ir] 




3959.  do.     Appleton    1893.      507p.      19001.      —    1898. 

22cm.  [lc] 

3960.  Napoleon  and  the  queen  of  Prussia.     An  histor- 

ical novel.  Tr.  F.  Jordan.  NY.  Appleton 
1867.     245p.     il.     24cni. 1868.  [lc] 

3961 .  do.     NY.    Appleton  1893.    509P.    I9cni. 1898. 

22cm.  [lc] 

3962.  Old  Fritz  and  the  new  era.     Tr.  Peter  Langley. 

II.  G.  Fav.    NY.    Appleton  1868.    27ip.    24cm. 


-_  Germany  in  storm  and  stress.  Old  Fritz  and 
the  new  era.  NY.  1868.  Tr.  P.  Langley. 
8vo.  [bm] 

3963.  do.     Appleton  1898.    407p.    22cm.  [lc] 

3964.  Prince  Eugene  and  his  times.    An  historical  novel. 

Tr.  A.  de  V.  Chaudron.  II.  G.  Fay.  NY. 
Appleton  1869.    3i6p.     23cm.  [lc] 

3965.  do.     Appleton  1898.     549p.     22cm.  [lc] 

3966.  Queen  Hortensc :  a  picture  of  life  in  the  time  of 

Napoleon.     NY.     Lovell    1888.     2iop.      i8cm. 


3967.  do.     Queen  Hortense :  a  life  picture  of  the  Na- 

poleonic era.  An  historical  novel.  Tr.  Chap- 
man Coleman.  NY.  Appleton  1870.  i87p. 
24cm.  [lc] 

3968.  do.     NY.     Appleton  1898.     383P.     22cm.       [lc] 

3969.  The  reign  of  the  great  elector.     Tr.  M.  S.  Smith. 

NY ;  Lond.    Ajipleton  1898.    426p.   22cni.    [lc] 

3970.  A  royal  marriage.     In  C106. 

3971 .  The  story  of  a  millionaire.    Tr.  Nathaniel  Greene. 

NY.    Appleton  1872.    356p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

3972.  Two    life-paths.       A     romance.       Tr.     Nathaniel 

Greene.  NY.   Appleton  1869.   i57p.  23cni.  [lc] 
3973-     The  youth  of  the  great  elector.    .An  historical  ro- 
mance.   Tr.  M.  S.  Smith.    NY.    .\ppleton  1896. 
470p.     19cm.     -_.  1898.     22cni.  [i.c] 

MuEiiLER,  H  :  V.  1812-74 

Selection,  verse,  see  C62. 


Mueller,  Art. 

Selection,  zrrsc.  sec  C258. 

Mueller,  C.  W. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C20. 

Mueller,  C. 

3974.     Burgomaster's  family.     By  Sir  J.  Shaw  Lefcvre. 
Longmans  1873.     1874.     8vo.  [ec] 

Mueller,  D  : 

3975-      (Geschichte  des  deutschen  Volkes.)     In  Lewis,  C. 

T.,  A  history  of  Germany,  founded  on 

1874.    8vo.  [bm] 

Mueller,  F:  Max,  1823-1900 

**3976.  German  love.  (Deutsche  Liebe.)  From  the  papers 
of  an  alien.  Tr.  Susannah  Winkworth.  Lond. 
Chapman  &  Hall  1858.  I53p.  i2mo.  [lc] 
**3977-  '^o.  Tr.  4th  Ger.  ed.  G(eorgiana)  A(de]aide) 
M(ueller).  Lond.  Mullan  1877.  I52p.  i2mo. 
[Seetns  to  be  nothing  but  a  revision  of  #j9/6.] 


3978.  do.     do.     Lond.     Sonnenschein  1884.     I52p.   8vo. 

__  2d  ed.  Lond.  Sonnenschein  11887.  I52p. 
8vo.  [bms] 

3979.  do.     do.     New     ed.       Lond.      Longmans      1898. 

i52p.    8vo.  [bms] 

--  Pocket  ed.     Lond.     Longmans  1909.  I78p. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

**398o.     do.     Memories:  a  story  of  German  love.  Tr.  G: 
P.  Upton.    Chic.    Jansen,  McClurg  1875.    I73p. 

i8cm.     ._   1879.  [lc] 

3981.  do.     do.     New  ed.     II.  Blanche  Ostertag.  Chic. 

McClurg  1902.     I34p.     22cm.  [lc] 

3982.  do.     do.     New  illus.  ed.    II.  Marg.  and  Helen  M. 

Armstrong.       Chic.       McClurg      1906.       I35P- 
23cm.  [lc] 

3983 .  The  Silesian  horse-herd.     ( Das  Pferdeburla  )  Tr. 

372  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


O.  A.  Fechter.  Pref.  by  J.  E.  Carpenter.  Lend. 
Longmans   1903.     23op.     8vo.  [ec] 

3984.  Speech  at  the  German  peace  festival  in  London, 

May  I,  1871.  (Ger.  and  Eng.)  Lond.  1871. 
8vo.  [bm] 

Mueller,  Grd.  F:  1705-83 

3985.  Voyages   from  Asia  to  America,   for   completing 

the  discoveries  of  the  northwest  coast  of 
America.  Tr.  from  the  High  Dutch  of  S: 
Muller.  By  T :  Jefferys.  Lond.  Jeliferys  1761. 
76p.    26  X  2icm.  [lc] 

3986.  do.     2d  ed.     1764.     i2op.     27  x21cm.  [lc] 

Mueller,  Hs.  1882- 

3987.  The  love  coast.    Comedy  in  three  acts.    Ad.  Mrs. 

C:  A.  Doremus.  NY.  Carczak  pnb.  1915. 
Tp.  [lc] 

Mueller,  H  :  of  Rostock,  lyth  cent. 

3988.  Hours  of  spiritual    refreshment.      Tr.    Rev.   ^L 

Geneste.    Lond.     1840.     i6mo.  [bm] 

3989.  do.     House  of    refreshing.      Pref.    A.    Melville. 

NY.    Armstrong  1887.     S.  [ac] 

3990.  do.     do.     Simpkin   1886.     i2mo.  [ec] 

Mueller,  H  :  Ern.  1866- 

3991.  "Who  are  the  Huns?"     The  law  of  nations  and 

its  breakers.  Tr.  R.  L.  Orchelle.  Berlin. 
Reimcr;NY.    Stechert  1915.    405P.  24cni.  [lc] 

Mueller,  Hm. 

3992 .  The  bride  of  Messina.    Ad.  from  Schiller.    Opera 

in  three  acts.  Music  by  J  :  H :  Bonawitz.  Tr. 
H.  \\'.  Wothcrill.     Phil.  "  Lee  &  Walker  1874. 


Mueller,  Hg.  1 831 -81 

3993.  Adelaide.     A  play  in  one  act.     Ad.  D:  Bispham. 

NY.    1897.    Tp.  [lc] 

3994.  Beethoven:  a  dramatized  episode   from  his  life. 


In  one  act.  Tr.  G.  Hein.  Aberdeen  1879.  3ip. 
i6mo.  [bm] 

Mueller,  J  :s 

3995.  Hindrances  of  life.     Tr.   F.   F.  Strecker.     NY. 

Kennedy  1909.    302p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Mueller,  J:s  v.  1752-1809 

3996.  Topographical   and    military   description   of    Ger- 

many.    Egerton  1813.     8vo.  [ec] 

3997.  Universal  history.     Tr.  Jas.  C.  Prichard.     Lond. 

for  Longman  181 1.     22cm.    3V.  [lc] 

3998.  do.     do.     Bost.     1834.    4V.     i2mo.  [bm] 

3999.  do.     Bost.     1837.    4v.     i2mo.  [ac] 
4CXX).     do.     The  history    of    the  world  ....  to  ...  . 

1783.    Compared  with  the  orig.,  rev.  cor 

Alex.  H.  Everett.  In  four  vols.  Vol.  1-2. 
Bost.  Marsh,  Capen,  Lyon  &  Webb  1840.  2v. 
19cm.  [lc] 

4001.  do.     do.     Rev.  A.  Everett.     NY.     Harper  n.  d. 

4v.  [ac7] 

See  Virchow,  Rd.,  J :  Mueller,  an  eloge.    #5764. 

Mueller,  K:  Otfried,  1797-1840 

4002.  Ancient  art  and  its  remains;  or,  a  manual  of  the 

archaeology  of  art.  Tr.  2d  ed.  J  :  Leitch.  Lond. 
Fullarton  1847.     526p.     22cm.  [lc] 

4003.  do.     do.     New  enl.  ed.   1850.  [um] 

4004.  Attica  and  Athens.     Tr.  J.  G.  Lockhart.     Lond. 

Groombridge   1842.      I94p.     21cm.  [lc] 

4005.  History  and  antiquities  of  the  Doric  race.    Tr.  H: 

Tufnell  and  G :  C.  Lewis.  Oxf.  Murray  1830. 
2v.    22cm.  [lc] 

4006.  Introduction  to  a  scientific  system  of  mythology. 

Tr.  J.  Leitch.  Lond.  Longman  1844.  353P- 
8vo.  [lco] 

4007.  Manners  and  customs,   religion   and  arts   of   the 

Etruscans.  Freely  tr.  Jilrs.  E.  C.  Gray,  in  her 
History  of  Etruria.     Pt.  3.     1843  <"''■•     i2mo. 


374  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Mueller,  L.  E.  S. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266. 

Mueller,  Niclas 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145,  C25. 

Mueller,  O:  1816-94 

4008.  Charlotte      Ackerman :     a     theatrical      romance, 

founded  upon  interesting  facts  in  the  life  of  a 
young  artist  of  the  last  century.  Tr.  Mrs.  C. 
Coleman  and  her  daughters.  Phil.  Porter  & 
C.  1871.     357P-     i8cm.  [lc] 

4009.  Dr.  Goethe's  courtship.     A  tale  of  domestic  life. 

Tr.  V.  S.  Lond.     1866.    8vo.  [bm] 

4010.  The  forester  of  Altenhain.    Tr.  T.  Shoberl.   Lond. 

1852.     i2mo.  [bm] 

Mueller,  W:  1794- 1827 

Selection,  verse,  see  C160,  C54,  C232,  C149,  C246, 
C226,  C127,  C68,  C176,  C198,  C161,  C148, 
(much),  C14S,  C8,  C267,  C62,  C18,  C46,  C167, 
C237,  C20i(i7),  C121,  C20,  C184,  C185. 

Mueller,  W:  1820-92 

4011.  Moltke,    1800-78.     Tr.   P.   C.    Pinkerton.     Lond. 

1879.  8vo.  [bm] 
__   2d    ed.      Lond.      Sonnenschein    &  Allen 

1880.  [bm] 

4012.  Political   history    of    recent   times,    18x6-75.    with 

special  reference  to  Germany.  Tr.  J :  P.  Peters. 
NY.     Harper  1882.    692P.    20cm.  [lc] 

MuELLKR,  Wfg.  1816-73 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C145.  C20i(i8),  C38. 

MuF.LLNER,  y\m;uid  Gf.  Ad.  1774-1829 

4013.  Guilt ;  or,  the  gipseys  prophecy.    A  tragedy 

Followed  by  Schiller's  "Ideal"  and  "The  cranes 
of  Ibycus".  Tr.  W :  E:  Fryc.  Lond.  for  the 
author  1819.    8vo.  [bm] 

4014.  do.     Guilt :  or.  the  anniversary.    A  tragedy  in  four 


acts.  Tr.  R.  P.  Gillies.  Edinb.  1819.  4to.  (50 
copies  priv.  print.)  [km] 

4015.  do.     Guilt.     A  tragedy.     Tr.  J.  Cockle.     Lond. 

Williams  &  Norgate  1888.    io8p.    8vo.      [dms] 

Muench-Bellini;hausi;n,  Eligius  Fz.  Js.  freiherr  v.  1806-71, 
see  "Halm,  F." 

MuENCHHAUSEN,  Borries  v.  1874- 

Selection,  verse,  sec  091(18),  C185. 

MUENSTER,    Sb.    1 489- 1 552 

4016.  A   briefe   collection   and   compendious  extract  ot 

strange  and  memorable  thinges,  gathered  oute  of 
the  cosmographye  of  S.  Munster.  Lond.  T. 
Marshe  1572.    8vo. I574-  [bu] 

4017.  A  treatyse  of  the  newe  India  ....  after  the  .... 

universal!  cosmographie.  Tr.  R.  Eden.  Lond. 
Sutton  1553.    8vo.    Unpaged.  [bm] 

Muenster-Ledenburg,  G:  Hb.  fiirst  Munster  v.  Derneburg, 
graf  zu,  1 820- 1 902 

4018.  Political  sketches  of  the  state  of  Europe,  1814-67. 

Tr.  Grafin  Harriet  Miinster-Ledenburg.  Edinb. 
Edmonston  &  Douglas  1868.    287P.    23cm.  [lc] 

MUENSTERBERG,  Hg.   1863- 

♦4019.     The  Americans.    Tr.  E.  B.  Holt.  NY.    McClure, 
Phillips  1904.    6i9p.    24cni.    _.  1905.  [lc] 

MuENTER,  Balthasar,  d.  1793 

Selection,  Terse,  see  C126. 

4020.  A  narrative  of  the  conversion  and  death  of  Count 

Struensee,  formerly  prime  minister  of  Den- 
mark. Lond.  Linde  1773.  3o8p.  8vo.  --2d 
ed.     1774.  [bm] 

4021.  do.     Tr.  G.  F.  A.  Wendebom.  2d  ed.  Lond.    Riv- 

ington  1825.  238P.  22cm.  (First  trans,  in 
1774- )  [lc] 
3d  ed.  Lond.     1826.                                   [bm] 

4022.  do.     Count  Struenzee,  the  sceptic  and  the  Chris- 



tian.     Tr.  from  the  French  tr.  of  the  German. 
Mrs.  J.  H.  Wilson.    Bost.     1853.     i2mo.     [bm] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C190. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C146. 

MuNCKER,  Fz.  1855- 

4023.  R:  Wagner:  his  life  and  works.     Tr.  D.  Land- 

mann.    Lend.    Williams  &  Norgate  1891.  io6p. 
il.    8vo.  [bm] 

MuND,  E.  D..  see  "Pochhanimer,  Max  v." 

MuND,  Rid. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C267. 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C105. 
MuNDT,  Fran  Ka.  (Miiller),  1814-73,  sec  "Muhlbach.  Lu." 

MuNDT,  Td.  180S-61 

4024.  Count    Mirabeau.       An    historical    novel.       Tr. 

Therese    J.   Radford.      NY.      Appleton    1868. 
273P-    il-    24cm.  [lc] 

4025.  Krim-Girai,  Khan  of  the  Crimea.     Tr.  W.  G.  C. 

Eliot.    Lond.    Murray  1856.    8vo.  [bm] 

MusAEUs,  J:  K:  A:  1735-87 

4026.  The  chronicles  of  the  three  sisters.     In  C203. 

4027.  do.     In  C154. 

4028.  do.     Also,  Mute  love.    Tr.  J.  F?  Hanstein.  Lond. 

Macdonald  &  Neal  i8()6.     i34p.     i2mo.     [r.Ms] 

4029.  Dumb  love.     Tr.    T.    Carlyle.      Phil.     Joy   1840. 

84p.     l2mo.  [bm] 

--  Also  in  C34;  C120;  C92. 

4030.  The  cloi>cmcnl.     In  Tlio  odd  volume.  |it.  2.   1826 

etc.     \Cmw.  ['1^'] 

4031 .  do.     In  Cy4. 


4032.  The  enchanted  knights;  or,  the  chronicle  of  the 

three  sisters.  (The  demon  of  the  ring.)     Tr. 

A.  Sagorski.  Load.     Cunningham  1845.    2  pt. 

i6mo.  [rm] 

4033.  do.     The  arm!  The  sword!     and  the  hour!  or, 

the  legend  of  the  enchanted  knights.  Freely 
versified  and  amplified  by  M.  G.  Kennedy. 
Lond.     1850.    Bvo.  [bm] 

__  Lond.     Longman  1857.    8vo.  [ec] 

4034.  Legends  of  Rubezahl  and  other  tales.    In  Hazlitt's 

holiday  library.     Lond.     Ciindall   1845.     i2mo. 


4035.  do.     Legends  of  Number  Nip.     (Compiled  from  a 

translation  of  Musaeus's  works  publ.  in  London 
shortly  after  his  death.)  By  Mark  Lemon. 
Lond.  Macmillan  1864.  il.  I40p.  8vo.  [n>r] 
--  Legends  of  N.  N.  Tr.  Mark  Lemon.  Mac- 
millian  1870.     i2mo.  [ec] 

4036.  do.     Legends  concerning  Number  Nip.     In  C203. 

4037.  Legends  of  Number-Nip.    In  The  odd  volume,  pt. 

1.  1826.    i6mo.  [bm] 

4038.  do.     A  legend  of  Number  Nip.    In  Tales  and  leg- 

ends.   By  the  authors  of  the  Odd  volume.    Vol. 

2.  1828.    8vo.  [bm] 

4039.  Libussa.    In  C192. 

4040.  do.     Libussa,  Duchess  of  Bohemia;  also,  the  man 

without  a  name.  Tr.  J.  F.  Hanstein.  Lond. 
1866.     i6mo.  [bm] 

4041 .  do.     Libussa.    Tr.  Carlyle.     In  C34. 

4042.  Melechsala.    Tr.  Carlyle.     In  C34. 

4043.  The  nymph  of  the  fountain.     In  C203. 

4044.  Physiognomical    travels.       Tr.     Anne    Plumptre. 

With  his  life  by  Kotzebue.  Lond.  1800.  3V. 
i2mo.  [pm] 

4045.  Popular  tales  of  the  Germans.    Tr.  W:  Beckford. 

Lond.     1791.    2v.    264,  284P.    8vo.  [um] 

4046.  Popular  tales.     In  C2i2(3). 

4047.  Popular  tales.    Hughes  1845.     i2mo.  [eg] 



4048.  Popular  works.    Tr.  J.  T.  Hanstein.    Lond.    Neal 

TS65?    3  36p.    8vo.  [bms] 

4049.  Richilda ;  or,  the  progress  from  vanity  to  vice.    In 


4050.  Select  popular  tales.     Loud.     1845.     i2mo.     (Cf. 

#4046.)  [bm] 

4051.  Select  popular  tales.    Lond.    Lumley  1850?    i68p. 

i6mo.  [lco] 

4052.  The  stealing  of  the  veil ;  or,  the  tale  a  la  IMongol- 

fier.     In  C203. 

4053.  The  three  sons-in-law.    A  free  version  ....  A.  F. 

Frere.    Lond.    1861.    il.    4to.  [bm] 

__  Nelson  1871.    4to.  [ec] 

MuscuLus,  (properly  Muslin  or  Aleuslin),  Wfg.  1497-1563 

4054.  Common  places.    Tr.  about  1563.  [bi8] 

MuTHER,  R:  1860- 

4055 .  The  history  of  modern  painting.     Lond.     Henry 

1895-6.    3v.    il.    27cm.    Tr.  E.  C.  Dowson,  G: 
A.  Greene,  and  A.  C.  Hillier.  [ix] 

4056.  do.     Rev.  ed.  continued  by  the  author  to  the  end 

of  the  19th  cent.     Lond.     Dent ;  NY.     Button 
1907.    4v.    il.     26cm.  [lc] 

4057.  History  of  painting,   from  the  4th  to  early    19th 

cent.     Tr.    G :   Kriehn.     NY ;   Lond.      Putnam 
1907.     2v.     il.     22cm.  [lc] 

Myconius  Os. 

4058.  Life  of  Zwingli,   1532.     Tr.  H:  Bennet.     Lond. 

1561.    Cf.  #6543. 

Nachtigal,  J.  K.  C.  sec  "Othmar" 
Naogeorgus,  sec  Kirchmeyer. 

Nathusius,  Frau  Ma.  K:e  Eli.  Lu.  (Scheele)  v.  1817-57 
Selection,  verse,  sec  C20. 

4059.  Above  her  station.    The  story  of  a  young  woman's 

life.     Tr.  Mrs.  Herman  Philip.     Edinb.     Stra- 
han  1859.    8vo.  [bm] 


_.  NY.     Follett,  F.  &  Co.  18C2.     i2mo.       [ac] 
NY.     Bradburn   1865.     i2mo.  [ac] 

4060.  Elizabeth:  a   story   which   docs  not   end  in   mar- 

riage.    Tr.  S.  A.  Smith.     Ediiib.     Grant.     2v. 
18O0.    8vo.  [bm] 

Lond.    Simpkin  1859.     2v.     i2mo.     __  i860. 

_-  1871.  [ec] 

4061 .  Katie  von    Walden ;    or,    Langenstein    and   Bob- 

bingen.     Tr.   Ma.    A.    Robinson.     Phil ;   NY. 
Amer.  S.  S.  union  1892.    38ip.     19cm.         [lc] 

4062.  Louisa  von  Plettenhaus,    the    journal  of  a  poor 

young  lady.     Best ;  NY.     Francis  1857.    233P. 
17cm.  [lc] 

4063.  do.     Diary   of   a   poor    young    lady.      Tr.   Emily 

Ritzerow.     Lond.     1869.    8vo.  [bm] 

4064.  do.     Joachim  von   Kamern  ;  the  diary  of  a  poor 

young   lady.       Tr.     Miss     Thompson.       Leipz. 
Tauchnitz  ;  Lond.    Low  1869.    8vo.  [bm] 

4065.  Step  by  step:  or,  the  good  fight.     Lond.     Bentley 

i860.    8vo.  [bm] 

_-  Step  by  step:  or,  the  poor  governess.     New 
ed.     Bentley  i860.    8vo.  [ec] 

Naubert,  Cne.  Bne.  Ege. 

4066.  Alf  von  Deulmen  (i.  e.  Diilmen).    Tr.  Miss  A.  E. 

Booth.     1794.    8vo.  [bm] 

4067.  The  mantle.    Tr.  G:Soane.    In  C233a. 

Xau.mann,  El.  1827-88 

4068.  The  history  of  music.      Tr.    F.    C.  W.  Praeger. 

Lond;  NY.     Cassell  1886.    2v.    il.    24cm.  [lc] 

Naumann,  F:  1860- 

4069.  Central   Europe.     Tr.    C.     ^L    Meredith.     Lond. 

King  1916.    354p.    22cm.  [lc] 

Neander,  Jm.  1640-80 

Selection,  verse,    see    C126,    C264,    C266,   C103, 
C180,  C215,  C221,  C134,  C185. 

Neaxder,  J:  A:  W:  1789- 1850 

4070.  The  emperor  Julian  and  his  generation.     An  his- 

380  university  of  'sviscoxsix  studies 


torical  picture.    Tr.  G  :  V.  Cox.    Lond.    Parker 
1850.    I Sop.    27cm.  [lc] 

Nebe,  a  : 

4071 .  Luther  as  spiritual  adviser.     Tr.  C :  A.  Hay  and 

C :   E.   Hay.     Phil.     Luth.  pub.    1894.     242P. 
i2mo.  [lco] 

Neidhart  von  Reuental,  a.  1216-45 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C146,  C181. 

Neitschmann  (properly  Nietschmann),  see  "Stein,  A." 

Ness,  Bta. 

4072 .  Withered  leaves  :  a  novel  from  the  German.    Rem- 

ington 1879.    3v.    8vo.  [ec] 

Neubeck,  Vlr.  W:  1765- 

Seleetio)i,  verse,  see  C109,  C232. 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C109. 

Neumann,  Angelo,  1838-1910 

*4073.  Personal  recollections  of  Wagner.  Tr.  4th  ed. 
Edith  Livermore.  NY.  Holt  1908.  329P.  il. 
23cm.     [Liberties.]  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C265. 

Neumann,  H. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C68. 

Neumann,  J :  N. 

See  Bergcr,  J:,  Life  of  the  right  rev.  J.  N.  N-.. 

Neumark,  G:  162 1 -8 1 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221,  C180,  C265,  C138,  C62. 

Neumavr  von  Ramssla,  J  :  W  : 

4074.     Visit  to  King  James  I  at  Theobalds  in  1613  .... 
by  J :   Ernest  duko  of  Saxo-Weiniar.     In  Rye, 


\V.  B.,  England  as  seen  by  foreigners  etc  TS65. 
4to.  [bm] 

Neumeister,  E.  d.  1756 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126. 

Neuss,  H:  G:  1664-1716 

Selection,  verse,  see  C44. 

NicoLAi,  Ph.  1556-1608 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221,  C220,  C63,  C264,  C138, 
C266,  C44,  C180,  C20. 

NicoLAi,  Cph.  F:  1733-1811 

4075.  The  life  and  opinions  of  Sebaldus  Nothanker.    Tr. 

T.  Button.    Lond.     1798.    3V.     i2mo.         [bm] 

4076.  An  account  of  the  apparition  of  several  phantasms. 

In  C94. 

XiEBUHR,  Barthold  G:  1776-1831 

Selection,  prose,  sec  C160. 

4077.  A  dissertation  on  the  geography  of   Herodotus. 

Oxford.     Talboys  1830.    86p.    8vo.  [i-co] 

4078.  An  epitome  of  N 's  history  of  Rome.     Tr.  T. 

Twiss.    Oxford.    Talboys  1836-7.    2  pts.    8vo. 


__  Bohn  1849.  [ec] 

4079.  Greek  hero-stories.    Tr.  B.  Hoppin.    NY.    Dodd, 

Mead  1879.     I20p.    il.     8vo.     __  Lond.     Shaw 
1880.     i2op.    8vo.  [I!M] 

4080.  do.     Heroic  tales  of  ancient  Greece.     Ed.  Felix 

Summerly.    Lond.    Cundall  1844.     Ii6p.  i6mo. 


Lond.      Chapman    &    Hall    1843.      il.     sq. 

i6mo.  [lco] 

--  Bohn  1849.     i6nio.  [ec] 

4081 .  do.     The  Greek  heroes ;  stories  from  N__.     11.  A. 

Rackham.     Lond;    NY.      Cassell    1910.      96p. 
1 8cm.  [lc] 

4082.  doF     Stories   from  Greek   history.     Lond.     Nutt 

1843.    47p.  [bm] 



4083.  do?     Stories  of  the  gods  and  heroes  of  Greece. 

Tr.  Lady  DufT-Gordon.  Ed.  S.  Austin.  Lend. 
Parker  1843.    52p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

4084.  History  of  Rome.     Tr.  Jul.  C.  Hare  and  Connop 

Thirlwall.  Cambridge.  Taylor  1828-42.  3V. 
2icm.  (Vol.  3  tr.  \V:  Smith  and  Leonhard 
Schmitz.)  [lc] 

4085.  do.     2d  rev.  ed.     1831.     (Vol.  i  only.)  [bm] 

4086.  History  of   Rome,   from  the  first  Punic  War  to 

the  death  of  Constantine  (i.  e.  vols.  4  and  5  of 
the  histor)').  Tr.  L.  Schmitz.  Lond.  Taylor 
&  Walton  1844.     2v.     22cm.  [lc] 

4087.  4th  ed.  of  #4084.    1847-51.    3v.    8vo.  [bm] 

__  New  ed.  Walton  1859.    3v.    Svo.  [ec] 

4088.  Lectures  on  ancient  ethnography  and  geograph}-. 

Tr.  L.  Schmitz.  Lond.  Walton  &  Maberly 
1853.    2v.    22cm.  [lc] 

4089.  Lectures  on  the  history  of  Rome   from  the  first 

Punic  war  to  the  death  of  Constantine.  Ed.  L. 
Schmitz.  2v.  Lond.  Taylor  &  Walton  1844. 
8vo.  [bm] 

4090.  Lectures  on  the  history  of  Rome  from  the  earliest 

times  to  the  commencement  of  the  first  Punic 
war.    Tr.  L.  Schmitz.    Lond.    Taylor  &  Walton 

1848.  552p.    8vo.  [bm] 

4091.  Lectures  on  Roman  history.     Tr.  H.  Le  M.  Chep- 

mell  and  F.C.F.   Demmler.     Lond.     Fullarton 

1849.  2v.     i6mo.  [bm] 

4092.  Lectures   on  the   history   of   Rome    from  earliest 

times  to  the  fall  of  the  Western  empire.  2d  ed. 
Lond.  Taylor,  ^^'alton  &  Mabcrly  1849-30.  3V. 
22cm.  [lc] 

4093.  Lectures   on    Roman    history.      Bohn    1850.      3v. 

i2mo.  [eg] 

4094.  Lectures  on    Roman   history.      V.A.   Schmitz.     3d 

ed.    Walton  1850.    3v.    Svo.  [ec] 

4095.  3d  ed.  of  #4192.     Ed.  L.  Schmitz.     Lond.     Wal- 

ton 1870.    Sup.    Svo.  [bm] 


4096.  Lectures  on  the  history  of  Rome.     Ed.  Schmitz. 

4th  cd.    Lockwood  1873.    ^^'O-  ["^^J 

4097.  5th  ed.  of  #4192.    Ed.  L.  Schmitz.     Taylor  1898. 

840P.    8vo.  [ec] 

4098.  Lectures  on  ancient  history  from  the  earliest  per- 

iod to  the  taking  of  .Mexandria  by  Octavianus. 
Tr.  L.  Schmitz.  Lond.  Taylor,  Walton  & 
Maberly ;  Phil.  Blanchard  &  Lea  1852.  3V. 
22cm.  [lc] 

4099.  Life  and  letters  of.    Tr.  Susanna  Winkworth,  fr. 

Lebensnachrichten  iibcr  B.  G.  N.  (by  C.  K.  J. 
Bunsen,  J  ;s  Brandis,  and  J  :  W  :  Lorbcll).  NY. 
Harper  1852.  563P.  20cni.  ..  Lond.  Chap- 
man &  Hall  1852.    3v.    22cm.  [lc] 

4100.  Life  of   Carsten   Nicbuhr.     Tr.    Prof.   Robinson. 

Students'  cabinet  lib.  vol.  3.    1835  etc.  8vo.  [bm] 

4101.  The  Roman  history.     Tr.  F.  A.  \\'alter.     Lond. 

1827.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

NiEUUHR,  Carsten,  1733-1815 

4102.  Travels  through   Arabia,  and   other  countries   in 

the  East,  ])erformcd  by  ^L  Niebuhr.     Tr.  Rob. 
Heron.   Edin.  Alorison  1792.  2v.  il.  22cm.    [lc] 

4103.  do.     Abr.     In  Pinkerton,  J.,  A  general  collection 

of  voyages  etc.  vol.  10    1808,  etc.    410.       [bm] 
See  Niebuhr,  B.  G.,  Life  of  __  #4100. 


4104.  Cruises  in   the  Bering  sea.      Tr.    R:    A.  Ploetz. 

Lond.  Ward ;  NY.  Scribner  1909.  252p.  il. 
24cm.  [lc] 

4105.  W'wh  rifle  in  five  continents.     Tr.  H.  B.  Stanwell. 

NY.     Scribner  1909.     426p.     il.     24cm.       [lc] 

Niemann,  W:  O:  A:  1839- 

4106.  The  baroness  Blank.    A  novel  of  the  new  German 

empire.   NY.  Bonner  1890.  32op.  il.  19cm.  [lc] 

4107.  The  Boer  boy  of  the  Transvaal.     Tr.  Kate  M. 

Rabb.    Phil.    Penn  pub.  1900.    348p.    il.     i2mo. 


384  i-xiversity  of  wisconsin  studies 


4108.  The  coming    conquest    of    England.      Tr.  J:  H: 

Freese.  NY.  Putnam ;  Lend.  Routledge  1904. 
384P.     19cm.  [lc] 

4109.  Ephraim;  or,  the  many  and  the   few.     A  novel. 

Tr.  C.  Tyrrell.     Lond.     Bentley  1883.    3V.  8vo. 


NiEMEVER,  V:    1812-87 

4110.  Alfred   Krupp:    a   sketch  of   his    life  and   work. 

Tr.  Kate  W.  and  O.  E.  Michaelis.  NY. 
Prosser  1888.    72p.    il.    24cm.  [lc] 

NiERiTZ,  K:  Gst.  1 795- 1 876 

41 11.  Alexander  Menzikoft ;  or,  the  perils  of  greatness. 

Tr.  Airs.  H.  C.  Conant.  NY.  Scribner  1853. 
226p.     i6mo.  [lco] 

_-  Scribner  1854.     i8mo.  [ac] 

41 12.  do?     Alexander   Menschikoft,   the    founder   of   a 

family.  Edin.  Constable  1855.  I25p.  i6mo.  [bm] 

4113.  do?     AlenzikofT:  a  story.     Tr.  L.  H.  Kerr.     Rel. 

tract  soc.  1894.    8vo.  [ec] 

4114.  The  bears  of  Augustusberg,  an  episode  in  Saxon 

history.    Bost.    Crosby  &  N.  1856.  i8mo.  [ac] 

—  NY.    O'Shea  1868.    i6mo.  [ac] 

._  NY.    O'Shea  n.  d.     i6mo.  [ac7] 

4115.  Betty's  decision.    Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ireland.  Phil.  Luth. 

pub.  house  1886.     145P.     i8mo.  [lco] 

4116.  Busy  hands  and  patient  hearts;  or,  the  blind  boy 

of  Dresden  and  his  friends.  Tr.  Annie  Har- 
wood.  Lond.  Jackson,  Waiford  &  Hodder 
1863.     I22p.    8vo.  [b.m] 

41 17.  do.     Phil.    Ashmead  &  111  vans  1864.     i68p.    i2nio. 

2d  thousand.    Hodder  &  S.  1868.  [um] 

Phil.  Lippincott  1869.  sq.  i2mo.  [ac] 
3d  thousand.    Hodder  &  S.   1873.  ["m] 

--  New  ed.    Hodder  1877.     i2mo.    __  New  ed. 

Hodder  1885.    ._  New  ed.    Hodder  1889.   i2nio. 









4121.  Christian  Beck's  grandson.     Tr.   M.   E.   Ireland. 

Richmond,  \'a.  Prcsb.  com.  of  pub.  1894.  232P. 
19cm.  [lc] 

4122.  The  cobbler,  the  clerk,  and  the  lawyer  of   Leib- 

stein.    In  HotTmann,  F.  Stories  etc.    #2698. 

4123.  The  crown  prince  and  his  scapegoat ;  or.  truth  and 

falsehood.  Tr.  E.  M.  G.  Phil.  Moore  1877. 
242p.     iSmo.  [lco] 

4124.  Driven  out.    Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ireland.    Richmond,  Va. 

Presb.  com.  of  pub.  1893.     i56p.    19cm.      [lc] 

4125.  The  dumb  boy  of  Fribourg;  or,  the  pilgrim  and 

the  dragon.  A  tale  of  the  discovery  of  gun- 
powder. Tr.  J.  B.  J.  Champagnac.  Rev.  by 
A(gnes)  T.  S(adlier).  NY.  Sadlicr  1873. 
i66p.     i8mo.  Ilco] 

4126.  Erna,  the  forest  princess  ;  or,  pilgrimage  of  the 

three  wise  men  to  Bethlehem.  Tr.  Mrs.  H.  C. 
Conant.    Rochester,  NY.    Darrow  1855.    i2mo. 


4127.  Exiles  of  Salzburg,  and  other  stories.     Tr.  Mrs. 

L.  H.  Kerr.  Lond.  Rel.  tract  soc.  1880.  256p. 
8vo.  [hm] 

4128.  The    faithful  missionary;   or,   life   in   Greenland. 

Tr.  W.  H.  Gotwald.  Lond.  Ward,  Lock  1882. 
233p.    8vo.  fi'..\i| 

4129.  Faithful   unto   death.       Tr.     M.    A.    ]Manderson. 

Phil.  Luth.  board  1871.  287P.  il.  i6mo.  [fxo] 
--  Lond.    Ward,  Lock  1881.    287P.   8vo.  [em] 

4130.  The  foundling;  or,    the    school    of  life.     Edinb. 

1850.  24mo.  [bm] 
__  Lond.  Houlston  1869.  i8mo.  [ec] 
1870.     i6mo.  [bm] 

4131.  do.     Also,  the  Siege  of  Magdeburg.  In  Tales  for 

the  young.  Edinb.  Paton  &  Richie  1855.  424P. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

4132.  Gottlieb  Frey  ;  or,  honesty  is  the  best  policy.    Phil. 

Luth.  board  1871.     226p.     il.     i6mo.         [lco] 

4133.  Gustavus  Vasa;  or,  king  and  peasant.    Tr.  J.  F: 



Smith.     Phil.  Luth.  board   1872.     258P.    i6mo. 


The  faithful  servant;  or,  the  king  and  the 

peasant.    Lend.    Ward,  Lock  1881.    258P.   8vo. 


4134.  In  fair  Silesia.     Tr.  i\Ia.  E.  Ireland.    Presb.  com. 

1894.     156P.     19cm.  [lc] 

4135.  The  jailer  of  Norwich;  or,  the  eighth  command- 

ment.    NY.  Ger.  prot.  episc.  S.   S.  union  and 
church  book  soc.  1863.     i86p.     i2mo.         [lco] 

4136.  Lenchen's  brother  and  the  Platzbacker  of  Plauen. 

Tr.  ]Ma.  E.  Ireland.     Phil.  Presb.  board  1887. 
3i3p.    il.     i8cm.  [lc] 

4137.  The  little  drummer  ....  a  story  of  the  Russian 

campaign.    Tr.  H.  W.  Dulcken.  Lond.    Addey 

1852.    8vo.  [bm] 

_-  Routledge  1856.     i2mo.  [eg] 

4138.  do.     Tr.  Mrs.  H.  C.  Conant.    NY.  Scribner  1853. 

2O0p.     il.     i6mo.  [lco] 

4139.  The  little  miner;  or,  honesty  rewarded.     Tr.  E. 

M.  Gifford.    Phil.    Moore  1878.    i8mo.       [ac] 

4140.  One  offence  punished ;  a  Swiss  talc.    Tr.  E.  M.  M. 

Dublin  1859.     i2mo.  [bm] 

4141.  The  perils  of  greatness:  the  story  of  A.  Menschi- 

koff.     (Cf.  #4111.)     1865.    s'vo.  [bm] 

4142.  The   pilgrim   kings;   or,    the   star   of    P)ethleheni. 

Lond.    Ward,  Lock  1881.    223p.    il.    8vo.  [bm] 

4143.  The     plum-woman;    or,     the    child     with    three 

mothers.    Tr.  Mrs.  H.  C.  Conant.    NY.    Scrib- 
ner 1855.    2oip.     i6mo.  [lco] 

4144.  The  rat  catcher;  or,  the  magic  fife.     A  story  of 

the  olden  time.    Tr.  Mrs.  H.  C.  Conant.     NY. 
Scribner  1855.     i66p.     i6mo.  [lco] 

4145.  The  rich  man  and  the  poor  man.    Tr.  W:  H.  Got- 

wald.    Phil.  Luth.  board  1875.  i2op.  17cm.  [lc] 

4146.  do?     Help  in  need;    or,    rich  and  poor.     Lond. 

Ward,  Lock  i88i.     i2op.    8vo.  [bm] 

4T47.     The  school  on  Liineburg  heath.     Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ire- 


land.     Kichinontl,  \'a.  Prcsb.  com.  of  pub.  1895. 
I48p.    igcni.  [lc] 

4148.  Seppel;  or,  the    burning    of    the  Synagogue  at 

Munich.    Lond.     Hoddcr  1879.    8vo.  [bmJ 

__  Hodder  1883.     i8mo.  [ec] 

4149.  The   shepherd    boy    and    his    dog.     Tr.  Rebecca 

Schively.     Phil.    Rcf.    church    pub.    1889.     il. 
i6mo.  [lco] 

4150.  The  shepherd's  family.    Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ireland.  Rich- 

mond, Va.  Presb.  com.  1894.    I  up.    19cm.    [lc] 

4151.  The  Siberian  exile.    Tr.  Ma.  Ireland.    Richmond, 

\'a.  Presb.  com.  of  pub.  1894.  I22p.  19cm.  [lc] 

4152.  The  smuggler's  revenge;  or,  lost  child.    Tr.  Lady 

Lentaigne.  New  ed.  Lond.  Simpkin  1884. 
i2mo.  [ec] 

4153.  Swan  maiden  and  other  tales.     Phil.     Lippincott, 

Grambo  n.  d.    i8mo.  [ac2] 

4154.  Tales  of  old  times.    C:  Scott  1854.    i6mo.     [ac] 

4155.  Tales    for   the   young.      Edinb.      Hamilton    1856. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

4156.  The  three  kings.     Tr.  Rebecca   Schively.     Phil. 

Luth.  board  1871.    223p.     17cm.  [lc] 

NiESE,  Cte.  1854-  ("Lucian  Burger") 

4157.  The    story    of    little    Mamsell.      Tr.    Miss    C.    E. 

Emerson.    In  C114. 

NiETSCHMANN,  Hm.  O :  sec  "Stein,  Armin." 

Nietzsche,  F:  W:  1844-1900 

4158.  Complete  works  of   F.  N.  Ed.  Dr.  Oscar  Levy. 

Edinb;  Lond.  Foulis  1909-13  (or  1910-14). 
i8v.  20cm.  (i.  On  the  birth  of  tragedy.  Tr. 
W :  A.  Haussmann.  2.  Early  Greek  philosophy 
and  other  essays.  Tr.  Maximilian  A.  Miigge. 
3.  On  the  future  of  our  educational  institutions ; 
Homer  and  classical  philology.  Tr.  J.  M.  Ken- 
nedy. 4.  5.  Thoughts  out  of  season.  Tr.  A. 
M.  Ludovici ;  Adrian  Collins.  6.  7.  Human, 
ail-too  human.  Tr.  Helen  Zimmern ;  P.  V. 
Cohn.    8.    The  case  of  Wagner.    Tr.  Ludovici. 

388  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


We  philologists.  Tr.  J.  M.  Kennedy,  g.  The 
dawn  of  day.  Tr.  J.  M.  Kennedy.  lo.  The  joy- 
ful wisdom.  Tr.  T :  Common.  Poems,  tr.  Cohn 
and  Maude  D.  Petre.  ii.  Thus  spake  Zara- 
thustra.  Tr.  T:  Common.  12.  Beyond  good 
and  evil,  a  prelude  to  a  philosophy  of  the  fu- 
ture. Tr.  H.  Zimmern.  13.  14.  The  will  to 
power.  Tr.  Ludovici.  15.  The  genealogy  of 
morals.  Tr.  H.  B.  Samuel.  Peoples  and  coun- 
tries. Tr.  J.  M.  Kennedy.  16.  The  twilight  of 
the  idols.  The  Antichrist.  Tr.  Ludovici.  17. 
Ecce  homo.  Poetry  by  Cohn,  Herman  Schef- 
fauer,  Francis  Bickley,  G.  T.  Wrench.  18. 
Index  by  Rob.  Guf?y.  Quotations  tr.  by  Cohn. 
Essay  on  N_-  in  England  by  Levy.  Some  judg- 
ments given  below  under  single  titles.)  [lc] 
4159.  Works.  Ed.  and  tr.  A.  Tille.  T.  Common,  and 
others.  Lond.  Henry  1896.  8vo.  In  progress. 
NY.  Macmillan. 
Unwin  1899.  In  progress. 
(Vol.  I.  (Also  numbered  X.)  A  genealogv' 
of  morals.  Tr.  W :  A.  Haussman.  Poems.  Tr. 
by  J:  Gray.  \'ol.  2  (or  XI).  The  case  of 
Wagner ;  the  twilight  of  the  idols ;  Antichrist. 
Tr.  T:  Common.    Cf.  also  #4189.)  [bms] 

Selection,  verse,  see  C9i(i5),  tr.  by  Maude  Petre, 
Helen  Zimmern,  J:  Gray,  W:  A.  Haussmann. 
See  also  Ci6o(2d  ed.) 
**4i6o.     Poems.     Tr.  P.  V.  Cohn.    In  #4158(10  and  17). 
*4i6i.     Poems.     Tr.  Maude  D.  Petre.     In  ^^4158(10). 

4162.  Poems.     Tr.    Herman    Scheffauer,   Francis   Bick- 

ley, and  G.  T.  Wrench.     In  #4158(17). 

4163.  Poems.     Tr.  J:  Gray.    In  #4159. 

4164.  Selection.    The  gist  of  Nietzsche,  arranged  by  H: 

L.  Mencken.    Host.    Luce  1910.  6op.  igcni.  [lc] 

4165.  Selection.     N as  critic,  philosopher,  poet,  and 

prophet ;  choice  selections  from  hi.s  works.  Com- 


piled  by  T :  Common.     NY.     Dutton ;  Lond. 
Richards  1901.     26ip.     21cm.  [lc] 

4166.  Selection.     N ,  his  maxims  of  Hfe.    Sel  and  arr. 

by  J.  M.  Kennedy.    Edinb;  Lond.    Foulis  1912. 
Ii6p.     i8mo.  [ec] 

4167.  The  Antichrist.    Tr.  Ludovici.    In  #4158(16). 

4168.  do.     Tr.  Common.    In  #4159(2). 

4169.  Beyond  good  and  evil.     Tr.  Helen  Zimmern.     In 


Foulis  1914.    War  ed.    Svo.  [ec] 

**4i-o.     Birth  of  tragedy.     Tr.  W :  A.  Haussmann.     In 
#4158(2).     [Nearly  perfect.] 

4171 .  The  case  of  Wagner:    N contra  Wagner.     Tr. 

Ludovici.     In  #4158(8). 

4172.  do.     Tr.  Common.     In  #4159(2). 

4173.  The  dawn    of    day.      Tr.    J.    M.  Kennedy.     In 

**4i74.     do.     Tr.  Johanna    Volz.       Lond.      Unwin    1903. 
387P.    24cm.  [lc] 

**4i75.     Early  Greek   philosophy  and  other  essays.     Tr. 
Maximilian  A.  Miigge.    In  #4158(2). 
4176.     Ecce  homo.     In  #4158(17). 

♦4x77.     do.     Portland,   Me.     Smith  &  Sale   1911.     6op. 

19cm.  [lc] 

4178.     The  genealogy  of  morals.    Tr.  H.  B.  Samuel.    In 

do.     Tr.  W:  A.  Haussmann.    In  #4159(1). 

Homer  and  classical  philolog>'.  Tr.  J.  M.  Ken- 
nedy. In  #4158(3).  [Inadequate  knowledge 
of  GerMtan.] 

Human,  ail-too  human.  Pt.  I.  Tr.  Helen  Zim- 
mern.    In    #4158(6).      [Some  minor  errors.] 

do.     Pt.  II.    Tr.  P.  V.  Cohn.    In  #4158(7). 

do.  Tr.  Alex.  Harvey.  Chic.  Kerr  1908.  i82p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

^*4i84.     The    joyful    wisdom.       Tr.    T:    Common.       In 

t4i84a.   On  the  future  of  our  educational  institutions.  Tr. 






390  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


J.  M.  Kennedy.     In  #4158(3).     [Poor  and  in 
some  cases  inaccurate.] 
4185.      Peoples  and  countries.     Tr.  J.  j\I.  Kennedy.     In 

*4i86.     Thoughts    out    of    season.      Tr.    Ludovici.      In 

:/^4i58(4).     [Loose  and  arbitrary.] 
*4i87.     do.     Pt.  II.     Tr.  Adrian  ColHns.     In  #4158(5). 
[Too  free.] 

Selections  from  the  same,  entitled :    The  use 

and  abuse  of  History,  in  €91(15). 
**4i88.      Thus  spake  Zarathustra:  a  book  for  all  and  none. 

Tr.T:  Common.    In  #4158(11). Selections 

from  the  same  in  €91(15). 

4189.  do.     Tr.  Alex.  Tille.    In  #4159(8). 

Henry  1896.     5i2p.     8vo.  [ec] 

Reeves  1901.     8vo.  [ec] 

Unwin  1908.    New  ed.    8vo.  [ec] 

4190.  The  twilight  of    the    idols.      Tr.   Ludovici.     In 


4191.  do.     Tr.  T:  Common.     In  #4159(2). 

4192.  We  philologists.     Tr.  Kennedy.     In  #4158(8). 

4193.  The  will  to  power.    Tr.  Ludovici.    In  #4158(1^, 

See  Forster-Nietzsche,  Eli.,  The  life  of  Nietzsche. 
The  young  N.     #880,  #881. 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C230. 

NoE,  H  :  A :  1835-96 

4194.  Southern  railway  of  Austria.     The  line  through 

Carinthia  and  the  Pustertal.  From  Germany 
to  Italy  etc.  In  Illustrated  Europe  etc.  1884. 
3  pts.  no.  42-50.    8vo.  [bm] 


4195.  Baron  and  squire:  a  story.     By  Clarke.     Ni.'^bet 

1892.    il.  8vo.  [ec] 

NOELDEKE,  Td.   1836- 

4196.  Sketches  from  eastern  history.     Tr.  J:  S.  Black. 

Lond.     1892.     288p.     23cm.  [lc] 

NoESSELT,  F :  A : 

4197.  Mythology,  Greek  and  Roman.    Tr.  Mrs.  Angus 

W.  Hall.    Lond.    Kerby  &  Endean  1885.    578P. 
8vo.  [bm] 

--  New  ed.    Kerby  1890.    8vo.  [ec] 

NoHL,  K:  F:  L:  1831-85 

*4i98.     Beethoven   depicted   by  his  contemporaries.     Tr. 

Emily  Hill.    Lond.    Reeves  1880.    374p.    19cm. 

(Compiled  by  F:  Kerst.)  [lc] 

**4i99.     Letters   of   distinguished   musicians.      Tr.    Lady 

Wallace.    Lond.    Longmans  1867.  467P.    20cm. 


4200.  Life  of  Beethoven.      Tr.    J:  Jos.   Lalor.     Chic. 

Jansen,  McClurg  1881.     20ip.     19cm.         [lc] 

4201 .  do.     do.     Lond.    Reeves  1884.   i68p.   19cm.    [lc] 

__  2d  ed.    Reeves  1893.    8vo.  [ec] 

4202.  Life  of  Haydn.    Tr.  G :  P.  Upton.    Chic.    Jansen, 

McClurg  1883.     I95p.     19cm.  [lc] 

4203.  Life  of  Liszt.     Tr.  G:  P.  Upton.     Chic.    Jansen, 

McClurg  1884.  198P.  19cm.  --5th  ed.  Mc- 
Clurg 1897.     i8cm.  [lc] 

4204.  Life  of  Mozart.  Tr.  J.  J.  Lalor.     Chic.     Jansen, 

McClurg  1880.     236P.     19cm.  [lc] 

4205.  Life    of    Mozart.      Tr.    Lady    Wallace.      Lond. 

Longmans  1877.     2v.     20cm.  [lc] 

4206.  Life  of  Wagner.     Tr.  G:  P.  Upton.     Chic.    Jan- 

sen, McClurg  1884.     204p.     19cm.  [lc] 

4207.  An    unrequited    love:    episode    in    the    life    of 

Beethoven.  From  the  diary  of  a  young  lady 
(Fanny  del  Rio).  Tr.  Annie  Wood.  Lond. 
Bentley  1876.    8vo.  [ec] 

Noire,  L:  1829-89 

4208.  Problem  of  anthropology.    Tr.  M.  B.  Bonner.     In 



NoLTE,  Vincent 

4209.  Fifty  years  in  both  hemispheres;  or,  reminiscences 
of  a  merchant's  life.  NY.  Redfield  1854. 
476p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

NoRDAU,  Max  Simon,  1849- 

**42io.     The  comedy  of  sentiment.     (Gefiihlskomodie.)     A 
novel.  NY ;  Chic.  Neely  1895.  278p.    19cm.  [lc] 
421 1,     do.     same?     Tr.  Jessie  Haynes.     Lond.     Heine- 
mann  1895.    8vo.  [bms] 

j,2i2.  The  conventional  lies  of  our  civilization.  (Kon- 
ventionelle  Liigen.)  Chic.  Schick  1884.  364P. 
8vo.  [bm] 

__  Chic.    Laird  &  Lee  1895.  [lco] 

4213.  do.     Lond.    Heinemann  1895.    34'5p-    8vo.  [bms] 

__  Heinemann  1906.     356p.    8vo.  [ec] 

4214.  Degeneration.     Tr.  from  2d  ed.     NY.     Appleton 

1895.    4th  ed.    566p.    23cm.  [lc] 

__  Lond.   Heinemann  1895.   56op.   8vo.  [bms] 

_-  Heineman  1895.    Eds.  1-7.    8vo.  [ec] 

4215.  do.     do.     Popular   ed.     Heinemann   1898.  SMP- 

8vo.  [ec] 

—  1913-    5I4P-    8vo.  [ec] 

4216.  Deliverance.     Tr.  Euphemia  Johnson.     In  C196. 

4217.  Doctor  Kohn.    A  tragedy  of  the  present  day.    Tr. 

Ma.  J.  Saflford.    Washington,  D.  C.  1899.    [B19] 

**42i8.     The  drones  must  die.     (Drohnenschlacht.)     NY. 

Dillingham  1897.     526p.    20cm.  [lc] 

4219.  do.     Lond.    Heinemann  1899.    4i6p.    8vo.     [ec] 

4220.  The  dwarf's  spectacles,  and  other  fairy  tales  told 

by  M.  N.  to  his  Maxa.     Tr.  ^L-l.  J.  Safford. 
Lond;  NY.    Macmillan  1905.  39op.    il.     19cm 

**422i.     How  women  love,  and  otiier  tales  (soul  analysis). 
(Seelenanalysen.)      NY;     Cliic.     Nccly    1896. 
282p.     19cm.     [£a.vv  to  tran.'^lati'.]  [lc] 

*4222.  The  interpretation  of  history.  (Sinn  der  Ge- 
schichte.)  Tr.  M.  .\.  Hamilton.  Lond.  Reb- 
man  1910.    376p.    22cm.  [lc] 


4223.  do.     do.     NV.    Moffat,  Yard  1911.    414?.    21cm. 


4224.  The  malady  of  the  century.     (Die  Krankheit  des 

Jahrhunderts.)        Lond.       Heinemann      1896. 
3o8p.    8vo.  [bms] 

4225.  do.     Lond;NV.  Xeely  1898.  433p.   i2mo.      [lc] 

4226.  Morganatic.    Tr.  Eliz.  Lee.    Lond.    Chatto  1904. 

40op.    8vo.  [ec] 

4227.  On  art  and  artists.     Tr.  W.  F.  Harvey.     Lond. 

Unwin ;  Phil.    Jacobs  1907.    3519.    21cm.  [lc] 

4228.  Paradoxes.      Chic.      Laird  &  Lee   1895.      377P- 

18cm.  [lc] 

4229.  do.     Tr.    5th   Ger.   ed.    J.   R.    Mcllraith.     Lond. 

Heinemann  1896.    343p.    8vo.  [bms] 
Heinemann  1906.    356p.    8vo.  [f.c] 

4230.  Paris  Sketches.    Chic.    Schick  1890.     igcm.  [lc] 

4231.  do.     Chic.     Laird  &  Lee  1895.     i62p.     il.    i2mo. 


4232.  A  question  of  honor.     A  tragedy  of  the  present 

day.    In  four  acts.    Tr.  Ma.  J.  Saflford.    Bost ; 
Lond.    Luce  1907.     i69p.    20cm.  [lc] 

4233.  The  right  to  love,  a  drama  in  four  acts.    Tr.  Emil 

Blum.    Allegheny,  Pa.  1892.  [biq] 

4234.  do.     Tr.  Ma.  J.  Saflford.    NY;  Chic.  Neely  1895. 

i69p.     19cm.  [lc] 

4235.  The  shackles  of   fate,  a  play  in  five  acts.     NY; 

Lond.     Neely  1897.     i89p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

4236.  Soap  bubbles   etc.     Tr.    Ma.  J.   Saflford.     Lond; 

NY.    Neely  1896.    203p.     i6mo.  [lc] 

NosTiTZ-RoKiTNiTZ.  Mdc.  Pie.  (des  Granges)  Heifer,  grafin 

4237.  Travels  ....  in   Syria,   Mesopotamia,    Burmah. 

Tr.  Jane   Sturge.     Lond.      Bentley    1878.     2v. 
2icm.  [lc] 


Selection,  z'crse,  see  C232. 


Sec  Nicolai,  C,  Life  and  opinions 4^4075. 


NOTKER,  d.   912 

Selection,  verse,  see  C265. 

"NovALis"  (i.  e.  F-:  Lp.  freiherr  v.  Hardenberg,  1772-1801) 

Selcctwn,  verse,  see  €91(4),  C160,  C126,  C220. 
C221,  C52,  C23,  C265,  C266,  C8,  C163,  C185. 
Selection,  prose,  sec  C120. 

4238.  Selection.     In   Life,  thoughts,  and  works,  by  M. 

J.  Hope.    Lond.     Stott  1891.     i2mo.  [ec] 

4239.  The  devotional  songs  of  Novalis.     Collected  and 

ed.  by    Bernhard    Pick.      Chic.      Open   Court 
19  ID.      Ii4p.      i6cm.  [lc] 

4240.  Disciples  at  Sais  and  other  fragments.     Tr.  F.  V. 

M.  T.  and  U(na)  C.  B(irch?).    Intro,  by  Una 
Birch.    Lond.    Methuen  1903.    i8op.    8vo.    [ec] 
**424i.     Henry  of  Ofterdingen.    Cambridge,  Mass.    Owen 
1842.     236P.     20cm.  [lc] 

__  NY.    Moore  1853. 
—  Wiley  1853.    8vo.  [ec] 

4242.  Hymns  and  thoughts  on  religion.    Tr.  W :  Hastie. 

Edinb.     Hamilton  1888.     8vo.     (Two  excellent 
versions  given  in  it4239.)  [ec] 

4243.  Hymns  to  night.    See  Chamisso,  Peter  Schlemihl. 


4244.  do.     Tr.  H:  Morley,  in  His  Dream  of  the  lilybcll. 

Lond.     1845.     i6mo.  [bm] 

4245.  The  story    of    Hyacinth    and  Roseblossom.     Tr. 

Lillie  Winter.     In  C9i(4). 


4246.  Albrccht  Diirer,  his  life Tr.  Lucy  D.  Wil- 

liams.   Lond;  NY.    Macmillan  191 1.    96?.    il. 
35cm.  [lc] 

Odeleben,  Ern.  O:  Innocenz,  freiherr  v.  1777-1833 

4247.  A   circumstantial   narrative  of    the   campaign    in 

Saxony,  in  the  year   1813.     Tr.  A.  J.  Kcnipc. 
Lond.     Murray  1822.    2v.     22cni.  [ix] 


Oehlschlaeger,  Hm. 

4248.  Strange  folk:   a    novel.      Tr.   F.  Grant.     Lond. 

1872.    8vo.  [bm] 

Oelsnitz,  L.  v.  d. 

See  Laukenau,  H.  v.,  joint  author.    #3461. 

Oer,  Max  V. 

Selection,  rersc,  sec  C109,  C199. 

Oer,  S.  v. 

4249.  A  day  in   the  cloister.     Ad.   from  the   Ger.   by 

Dom  Bede  Camm.  Sands  1900.  3o8p.  Bvo.  [ec] 

Oersted,  Hs.  Cn.  1777-1851 

4250.  The  soul  in  nature.     Tr.  Leonora  and  Joanna  B. 

Horner.  Lond.  Bohn  1852.  465P.  i8cm.  [lc] 
__  (Bohn).  Lippincott.  Scribner,  W.  &  A. 
n.  d.     i2mo.  [ac7] 

Oertel,  Ph.  F:  \V:  1798-1867,  see  "Horn,  W.  O.  v." 

Oertzen,  G  :  V.  1829- 

Selection,  verse,  see  C121. 

Oeser,  Rd.  L :  1807-59,  ^^^  "Glaubrecht,  O." 

Oesterreicher,  Rd.  1881-         ,  sec  Schonthan,  joint  author. 

Ohrwalder,  Js.  1856- 

4251.  Ten  years'  captivity    in    the    Mahdi's    camp,  fr. 

]\ISS.  By  Major  Wingate.  Lond.  Low  1892. 
1893.    6th  ed.    1894.    8vo.  [ec] 

Oken,  Lz.  (properly  Okenftiss)  1779-1851 

See  Ecker,  Ax.,  L.  O...   a  biog  sketch.    #715. 

Olearius,  Am.  d.  1671 

4252.  The  voyages  and  travells  of  the  ambassadors  sent 

by  Frederick,  duke  of  Holstein,  to  the  great 
duke  of  Muscovy  and  the  king  of  Persia  .... 

M.DC.XXXni-M.DC.XXXIX Tr.  J  : 

Davies.  2d  cor.  ed.  Lond.  for  Starkey  &  Bas- 
set 1669.    2v.  in  I.    33cm.  [lc] 


Ompteda,  Cn.  F:  W:  freiherr  v.  1765-1850 

4253.  In  the  king's  German  legion.     Memoirs  of  Baron 

O--.    Tr.  J.  Hill.     Lond.     Grevel  1894.     32op. 
23cm.  [lc] 

Oncken,  Hm. 

Selection,  prose,  see  CijSa. 

Opitz,  Mt.  1 597- 1639 

Selection,  prose,    sec    C161,    C14S,    C264,  C108, 
C195,  C243. 

Oppermann,  a. 

4254.  Memoir  of  Ernst  Rietschel.     In  E.  R.  the  sculptor 

<-''••     #4555- 

Orlich,  Lp.  V.  1804-60 

4255.  Travels  in  1842-3,  tr.  H.  E.  Lloyd.    Lond.    Long- 

man 1845.    2v.    8vo. Bohn  1846.  [ec] 


Selccliuji,  verse,  see  C62. 

OsTEN,  Mary 

4256.  Grandmother's    curiosity    cabinet.      Tr.   Anna    B. 

Cooke.    Bost.    Button  1869.  25sp.  i6mo.  [lco] 

Osterwald,  W  :  1820-87 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C40,  C68,  C198. 

Oswald  von  Wolkenstein,  1377-1445 
Selection,  verse,  sec  C13. 

"Oswald,  E."  (i.  e.  Frau  Bhe.  Schulze-Smidt.  1846-  ) 

4257.  A  madonna  of  the  Alps.    Tr.  N.  H.  Dole.    Bost. 

Little,  Brown  1895.     207p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

4258.  Vain  forebodings.     Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.     Thil.     Lip- 

pincott  1885.     305p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Oswald,  II:  Sg.  18th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C44,  C180,  C134. 

Otfuid  von  Weissenhurg,  before  876 

Selection,  7'crsc,  see  C245,  C264. 


Otho,  son  of  Moritz,  landgraf  v.  Hessen 

4259.  Visit  to  England  mace  by  O 161 1.    1865. 

4to.  [bm] 

"Otmar",  (i.  c.  J.  K.  C.  Nachtigal) 

Selection  from    "V'olkssagen    nachcrzahlt    v.  O." 
(Bremen  1800)  in  C2i2(2j. 

Otte,  Fr. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C190. 

Otto  vox  Botenlauben,  ii75?-d.  1245 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C13,  Ci8r. 

Otto  Zum  Turme 

Selection,  verse,  see  C181. 

Otto  IV  mit  dem  Pfeile.  markgraf  von  Brandenburg.   1266- 
1309.  see  Markgraf 

OVERBECK,  Cn.  Ad. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C232,  C16.  Cio. 

OVERBERG,   Bh.    I574-1826 

See  Krabbe,  C,  Life  of  . .  £3256. 
Sec  Schubert,  G.,  Memoir  of  . .  ^^5297. 

Paalzovv,  Frau  Hte.  (Wach)  v.  1788- 1847 

4260.  The  citizen  of  Prague.     (Thomas  Thyrnau.)     Tr. 

M.  Howitt.     1846.    3V.     i2mo.  [bm] 

4261 .  Godway  castle ;  or,  the  fortunes  of  a  king's  daugh- 

ter.    Tr.  Fes.  K.  Barnard.     Lond.     Bruce  & 
Wyld  1846.     504P.     19cm.  [lc] 

4262.  St.  Roche.     Tr.  H.    S.    and    A.  B.  I.  P.     Ed.  J. 

Morier.    1847.    3V.    i2mo.  [bm] 

Palleske,  El.  1823-80 

4263.  Schiller's   life   and    works.      Tr.    I.ady   Wallace. 

Lond.    Longmans  i860.    2v.    436,  452p.    8vo. 

__  Bohn  1859,  i860.    2v.    8vo.  [ec] 


Panofka,  Td.  1800-58 

4264.  Manners  and  customs  of  the  Greeks.  II.  GiScharf. 

Lend.     Newby  1849.     4op.     28cm.     Ed.  Sir  C. 
T.  Newton.  [lc] 

'Taoli,  Betty"  (i.  e.  Bba.  Eli.  Gliick,  1815-94) 
Selection,  verse,  sec  C198,  C145. 

Pappus, i6th-iyth  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266,  C138. 

"Paracelsus"  (i.  e.  Ph.  Aureolus  Theophrastus  Bombastus  v. 
Hohenheim,  1493-1541) 

4265.  114   experiments  and  cures  etc.     Tr.   J.   Hester. 

Lond.     1596.    4to.  [bm] 

4266.  The  hermetic    and    alchemical    writings    of  P__. 

Lond.    Elliot  1894.    2v.    4to.  [bms] 

4267.  The  life  and  doctrines  of  ...  .  P--.     Extracted 

and  tr.  by  Franz  Hartmann.     Lond.     Redway 
1887.    220p.    22cm.  [lc] 

4268.  do.     do.     NY.    Lovell  189 1.    367P.     i9cni.     [lc] 

4269.  Medicina  diastatica,  or  sympathetica!!  mumie.    Tr. 

F.  Parkhurst.    Lond.     1653.    i2mo.  [hm] 

4270.  Paracelsus  his    archidoxes    in    ten    books.     Tr. 

J(ames)     H(owell?),     Oxon.      Lond.       1661. 
8vo.  [bm] 

4271.  Paracelsus,  his  aurora,  and  treasure  of  the  phil- 

osophers.   Tr.  J.  H.,  Oxon.    1659.    i2mo.    [bm] 

4272.  Paracelsus  his  dispensatory  and  chirurgery.     Tr. 

W.  D.  Lond.    1656.    i2mo.  [bm] 

4273.  Paracelsus  of   the  chymical   transmutation  .... 

of  metals.    Tr.  R.  Turner.     Lond.     16^-    8vo. 


4274.  Paracelsus  of   the  supreme   mysteries  of   nature. 

Tr.  R.  Turner.     Lond.     1656.    8vo.  [bm] 

4275 .  The  secrets  of  j)hysick  and  philosophy  ....  pub. 

in  the  English  tongue  by  J :  Hester.    Lond.  for 
W :  Lugger  1633.     i9(^p.     i2mo.  [bms] 

4276.  Tiiree  books  of  philosophy  written  to  the  .\thcn- 

ians.     In  Pinnell,  H.,  I'hilos.  reformed.     1657. 
8vo.  [bm] 


Parrot.  J:  Jk.  F:  W:  v.  1791-1841 

4277.  Journey  to  Ararat.     Tr.  W :  D:   Cooley.     Lond. 

Longman  1845.    375p.    il.    22cm.  [lc] 

Pauli,  Gst. 

4278.  Venice.  Tr.  P.  G.  Konody.     Lond.     Grevel;  NY. 

Scribner  1904.    I73p.    il.    24cni.  [lc] 

Pauli,  Rid.  1823-82 

4279.  Picture  of  old  England.     Tr.  E.  C.  Otte.     Lond; 

NV.     Macmillan  1877.     i2mo.  [ac] 

Paulsen,  Eli.  1879- 

Selcction,  verse,  see  C14. 

Paulsen,  F:  1846- 

**428o.     German  education  past  and  present.  Tr.  T.  Lorenz. 
Lond.     L'nwin  1908.     3iop.     I9cni.  [lc] 

*428i.  The  German  universities  and  university  study. 
Tr.  F.  Thilly  and  W :  W.  Elwang.  NY.  Scrib- 
ner 1906.  45 ip-  23cm.  [Irritating  altera- 
tions.] [lc] 
**4282.  The  German  universities:  their  character  and  his- 
torical development.  Tr.  E :  D.  Perry.  NY ; 
Lond.  Macmillan  1895.  254p.  20cm.  [lc] 
4283  Im.  Kant,  his  life  and  doctrine.  Tr.  rev.  Ger.  ed. 
by  J.  E.  Creighton  and  A.  Lefevre.  Lond. 
Nimmo;  NY.  Scribner  1902.  419P.  21cm.    [lc] 

4284.  Introduction  to  philosophy.     Tr.   F.   Thilly.      ist 

Amer.  fr.  3d  Ger.  ed.    NY.    Holt  1895.    437p. 

22cm.   2d  .Amer.  ed.  1898. 1907.  [lc] 

--  Lond.    K.  Paul  1906.  [ec] 

4285.  The  problem  of  cosmolog)',  abridged  and  ad.  E.  B. 

-Andrews.     Lincoln,  Neb.    Ivy  press  1901.    83P. 
i2mo.  [lc] 

**4286.  .System  of  ethics.  Ed.  and  tr.  4th  rev.  and  enl. 
ed.  F.  Thilly.  NY.  Scribner ;  Lond.  K.  Paul 
1899.     723p.    8vo.     _-  1906.  [lc] 

Paulus,  E  :  1837- 

See  Stieler,  K  :,  joint  author. 


Paver,  JI.  ritter  v.  1842- 

4287.  New  lands  within  the  Arctic  circle.     Narr.  of  the 

discoveries  of  the  Austrian  ship  "Tegetthof", 
1872-4.    Lond.    Macmillan  1876.    2V.    il.  23cm. 


Pechoff,  H. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C38. 

Perl,  Frau  Hte.  1845- 

4288.  Venezia,  by  Henry  Perl.     Ad.  Mrs.  Arthur  Bell. 

Lond.     Low,  Marston  1894.     248p.     il.    33011. 


Perner, Dr. 

4289.  Kindness   and     cruelty;    or,    the    adventures    of 

Edward  and  Stephen :  a  tale.  Lond.  1852. 
8vo.  [bm] 

Perthes,  C:e 

4290.  C.   Perthes,   the    perfect    Christian    wife.     Con- 

densed from  the  life  of  F :  C.  Perthes.  By  Mrs. 
L.  C.  Tuthill.  NY.  Carter  &  Bros.  n.  d. 
i2mo.  [AC4] 

Perthes,  CI.  Td.  1809-67 

4291 .  Christ  in  a  German  home,  as  seen  in  the  married 

life  of  F:  and  C:e  Perthes.  NY.  Amer.  tract 
soc.  1872.  228p.  17cm.  (Arr.  by  Alice  H. 
Goodwin  from  Eng.  translation.)  [lcJ 

4292.  Memoirs   of    F:    Perthes;   or,    literary,   religious, 

and  political  life  in  Germany,  1789-1843.  3d 
ed.  Edinb.  Constable  1857.  2V.  2icni. 
("Not  ....  a  lit.  tr.  of  the  Ger.  work."  _. 
Pref.)  [lc] 
Edinb.    Hamilton  1856.                             [ec] 

Perthes,  F  : 

4293.  Life  and  times  of.     New  ed.     Edinb.     Hamilton 

1858.  i2mo.  _-  New  ed.  Nimmo  1878.  8vo. 
(Same  as  #4292?)  [ec] 

Pest.\loz7i,  J:  H:  1746-1827 

4294.  .\  biog.  sketch  of  the  struggles  of  P--  to  estab- 


lish  his  system ;  comp.  and  tr.  chiefly  from  his 
own  works,  by  an  Irish  traveler  ( —  Synge). 
Dubhn  1815.    8vo.  [bm] 

4295.  Leonard  and  Gertrude.     Phil.    1801.     Appar.   a 

reprint  of  tr.  from  the  French.  Lond.  1801. 
(Bath  1800?)  [B24] 

4296.  do.     Leonard   and    Gertrude.      "A    book    for   the 

poor."  Tr.  Eliza  Shepherd.  Geneva  1824. 
Vol.  I.    8vo.    (No  more  pub.)  [bm] 

4297.  do.     or,  a  book  for  the  people.     Part  i.     Lond. 

Mavvman  1825.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

See  Kruesi,  Hm.,  P_-,  his  life  etc.    #3265. 
Sec  Raumcr,  K:,  Life  and  system.  .  .  .     #4461. 

Peters,  K  :  1856- 

4298.  New  lights  on  dark  Africa:  being  the  narr.  of  the 

Ger.  Emin  Pasha  expedition.  Tr.  H.  W. 
Dulcken.  Lond;  NY;  Melbourne.  Ward,  Lock 
1 89 1.    597p.    il.    25cm.  [lc] 

Petersen-,  J.  \\".  ij'th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C180. 

Petersen,  Me.  d.  1859 

4299.  Princess  Use:  a  story  of  the  Harz  Mts.     Tr.  H. 

Burrows.    Devizes  1856.     34p.    8vo.  [bm] 

4300.  do.     A  legend  from  the  German.    Tr.  Lady  Wal- 

lace.   Lond.    Bell  &  D.  1859.     i6mo.  [ec] 

4301.  do.     The  princess  Usee,  a  fairy  talc.    II.  E.  Fro- 

ment.    Lond.     1867.    4to.  [bm] 

4302.  do.     a  fairy  tale.     New  ed.     Lond.     Saunders  & 

O.  1866.    4to.  [ec] 

4303.  do.     a  story  of  the  Harz  Mts.  (ascribed  to  L.  v. 

Ploennies.)  Tr.  24th  Ger.  ed.  Intro.  J.  L.  Lin- 
coln. Host.  Gould  &  Lincoln  1867.  8ip.  il. 
23cm.  [lc] 

4304.  do.     Bost.    Tilton  1867?  [ac] 

4305.  do.--Tr.    C.   A.   Girdlestone.     Char,   cross   pub. 

1876.     Lond.    47p.    8vo.  [bm] 

4306.  do.     or.  the  history  of  a  river,  and  other  stories. 

Lond.  book  soc.  1880.    i28p.    8vo.  [tm] 




4307.  do.     Tr.  Florence  M.  Cronise.     II.  J.  E.  Bundy. 

Chic.    Albert,  Scott  i8gi.    82p.    20cm.         [lc] 

4308.  do.     In  C65.     (Ascribed  to  L.  v.  Ploennies.) 

4309.  do.     a  story  of  the  Harz  Mts.,  and,  The  will-o'- 

the-wisps.       Bost.       Tilton     1868.       259P.       il. 
i/cm.  [lc] 

4310.  The  will  o'  the  wisps;  or,  St.  John's  eve  in  the 

forest.    Edinb.     1865.    Svo.  [bm] 

4311.  do.     The  will-o'-the-wisp.     Tr.  M.  M.  B.     Lond. 

Simpkin,  Marshall  1874.    i64p.    32mo.        [em] 

4312.  do.     Tr.   C.   I.   Hart.     Lond.     Chapman   &  Hall 

1883.     264P.    Svo.  [bm] 

4313.  do.     Tr.  j\Irs.  B.    Skeetc.      Lond.     Sonnenschein 

1892.     ii4p.     Svo.  [bm] 

4314.  do.     The  wandering  lights.     In  C65.      (Ascribed 

to  Ploennies.) 

Petiscus,  a.  H. 

4315.  The  gods  of  Olympus.    Tr.  and  ed.  from  the  20th 

ed.  by  K.  A.  Raleigh.     Pref.  by  Jane  E.  Harri- 
son.   Lond.    L^nwin  1892.    27ip.    il.  Svo.  [bm] 

Petzel,  Rosa  see  "Claudius,  Mt." 

Pfarrius,  Gst.  1800-84 

Selcetiou,  verse,  see  C46,  C68,  C8,  C145,  C198. 

Pfeffel,  Gf.  Kd.  1736-99 

Scleetioii,  verse,  sec  C145,  C2t„  #2411. 


Selection,  z'crse,  see  C126. 

Pfeiffer,  Ida  (Reyer),  1797-1S58 

4316.  Journey  to  Iceland  ....  Sweden,  and   Norway. 

Tr.  Cttc.  F.  Cooper.    Lond.    Rent  ley  1852.  363P. 
20cni.  [lc] 

4317.  do.     do.     NY.    Putnam  1852.    273i>.     iScni.  [u] 

4318.  do.     \'isit  to  Iceland  and  the  Scandinavian  north. 

Lond.     National  il.  lib.  1852.    354p.     Svo.  [bm] 
.^319.     do.     Riker  1854.     ijmo.  [.\c] 


4320.  do.     Visit    to    Iceland    and    north    Scandinavia. 

Lond.     Ward  &  Lock  1856.    8vo.  [ec] 

4321.  A  lady's  voyage  round  the  world.    A  sel.  tr.  Mrs. 

P.  Sinnett.     Lond.     Traveller's  lib.   1851.     2pt. 


4322.  do.     A  woman's  journey   round  the  world.     An 

unabr.  tr.  Lond.  National  il.  lib.  1852.  2d  ed. 
338p.  8vo.  [bm] 
4th  ed.    Lond.    Cooke  1854.    328p.    il.   i8cm. 


4323.  do.     A  lady's  travels  round  the  world.     Tr.  W. 

Hazlitt.     Lond.     Routledge  1852.     409p.     8vo. 


4324.  do.     Lady's    voyage    etc.      NY.      Harper    n.  d. 

i2ino.  [ec3] 

4325.  do^     Round  the  world:  a  story  of  travel  comp. 

from  the  narr  of  ....  by  D.  Murray  Smith. 
Lond.    Nelson  1868.    8vo.  [bm] 

4326.  Journey  round  the  world.     Nelson   1893.      i2mo. 

(Same  as  #4325?)  [ec] 

4327.  A  lady's  second  journey  round  the  world.    Lond. 

Longman  185 1.    i6mo.  [ec] 

4328.  do.     Second  journey    round    the    world.     Lond. 

Routledge  1854.    i2mo.  [ec] 

4329.  do.     .\  lady's  second  journey  etc.     Tr.  J.  Sinnett. 

Lond.    Longman  1855.    2v.    20cm.  [lc] 

4330.  do.     Lond.    Bohn  1855.  [ec] 

4331.  do.     A  lady's  second  journey  etc.    NY.     Harper 

1856.    50op.    20cm.  [lc] 

4332.  do.     Second   journey   etc.     Lond.     Ward   &   L. 

1856.    il.    8vo.  [ec] 

4333.  The  last  travels  ....  visit  to  Madagascar.     W. 

biog.  memoir.  Tr.  H.  W.  Dulckcn.  Lond. 
Routledge  1861.     338p.     19cm.  [lc] 

--  New  ed.    Routledge  1863.    8vo.  [ec] 

4334.  Margaret;  or,  the  motherless.     Lond.     Hurst  & 

B.  1861.    8vo.  [ec] 

4335  •     Valisneria ;   or,   a    midsummer    day's   dream.      A 

tale.    Lond.    Longman  1857.     i2mo.  [ec] 

404  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


4336.  Visit  to  the  Holy  Land,  Egypt,  and  Italy.    Tr.  H. 

W.    Dulcken.      Lond.      Ingram,    Cooke    1852. 

336p.    il.    20cm. 2d  ed.    1853.    19cm.    [lc] 

--Newed.    Lond.    Ward  &  L.  1862.    8vo.    [ec] 

Pfeilschmidt,  Ern.  H : 

4337.  Luther  at  Coburg.    Tr.  J:  G.  Morris.    Phil.  Luth. 

pub.   1882.     i42p.     17cm.  [lc] 

Pfizer,  Gst.  1807-90 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145,  C8,  C109,  C161. 

4338.  Life  of  Luther.     Tr.  T.  S.  Williams.     Soc.   for 

promotion  of  pop.  instruc.  1840.    8vo.         [bm] 

Pfleiderer,  O  :  1839- 

4339.  The    philosophy    of   religion   on  the   basis   of   its 

history.     Tr.  2d  ed.  A.  Stewart  and  A.  Menzies. 
Theol.  trans,  fund  1886-8.    4V.    8vo.  [bm] 

__  Scribner  &  W.  1885-8.    4V.    Svo.  [ac] 

4340.  do.     Gifford    lectures     1894.      Blackwood    &   S. 

1894.    2v.    8vo.  [ec] 

Pflugk-Harttuxg,  Jl.  V.  1848- 

4341.  The  early  middle  ages.     In  €123(7). 

4342.  The  great  migrations.     In  Ci23(6).     [No  appar- 

ent relation.] 

Pfordten,  Hm.  v.  d. 

4343.  A  plain  handbook    to    the    plot  and   text  of   R. 

Wagner's  Tristan  and  Isolde.     Bed  Trowitsch 
1892?    5op.    8vo.  [bm] 

Pfranger,  J :  G  : 

Selection,  verse,  see  C245. 

Pfungst,  a. 

4344.  A  Gorman  Buddhist:  a  biog.  sketch.     Luzac  1902. 

8vo.     (Translation?)  [ec] 

4345.  Poems.     Tr.  E.  F.  L.  Gauss.     Lond.     Paul  iqo6. 

Svo.  [ec] 

morgan— bibliography  of  german  literature     405 

Pfungst,  O. 

4346.  Clever  Hans.  Tr.  C.  L.  Rahn.     Lond.     Bell  igii. 

8vo.  [Ec] 

Philipp  Jl.  herzog  v.  Stettin-Pommem 

See    Gerchow,  F:,    Diary    of    the    journey    etc. 

PuiLippi,  Ad.  1843- 

4347.  Florence.     Tr.   P.  G.   Konody.     Lond.     Grevel ; 

NY.    Scribner  1905.     i87p.    il.    24cm.        [lc] 

Philippi,  Fx.  1851- 

4348.  Anonymous,  a  drama  in  three  acts.     Ad.  Emily 

Howard.    St.  Louis.    1899.  [B19] 

4349.  The  great  light.     Tr.  and  ad.  C.  Swickard.     NY. 

1903.    Tp.  [lc] 

Philippson,  L  : 

4350.  The  Marannos.  A  novel.    Tr.  L  Koplowitz.     Phil. 

Levy  type  Co.  1898.     i46p.     i2mo.  [lc] 

Philippson,  Mt.  1846- 

4351 .  The  age  of  Frederick  the  Great.    In  C 123 (15). 

4352.  The  age  of  the  Reformation.     Tr.  Louis  Pollens. 

In  Ci23(ii). 
4353-     The  age  of  the  European  balance  of  power.     In 

4354.  The  religious  wars.  In  Ci23(i2). 

Pichler,  Frau  K:e  (Greiner)  1769-1843 

4355.  The  count  of  Barcelona.    A  tale  of  Spanish  chiv- 

alry.   In  C50. 

4356.  George  Selding.    In  Cioi. 
4357-     Johannes  Schoreel.     In  C9. 

4358.  Quentin  Matsys ;  or,  the  blacksmith.    Lond.    1845. 

i2mo.     (Cf.  #4363-)  [bm] 

4359.  The  siege  of  Vienna.     Lond.     Leitch.     (Library 

of  romance  1833-5.)     i2nio.  [bm] 

4360.  do.     satn£?     Phil.    W'aldie's  select  circulating  lib. 

vol.  5.     1835.    4to.  [lco] 



4361.  do.     a  tale  of   1683.     Lond.     Tinsley   1877.     3^- 

8vo.  [bm] 

4362.  Waldstein  ;  or,  the  Swedes  in  Prague.     Tr.  J.  H. 

Rosenthal,  afterwards  Haas.  Lond.  1828.  2v. 
i2mo.  [bm] 
Also  in  C116. 

4363 .  do.     same.     The  Swedes  in  Prague  ;  or,  the  signal 

rocket.  A  romance  of  the  thirty  years'  war. 
Tr.  J.  D.  Haas.  (With  "Quentin  Matsys.") 
Lond.    Lumley  1845.     192,  58p.    il.     i6cm.  [lc] 

4364.  do.     The   Signal   rocket.      A    tale    of   the  thirty 

years'  war.     Lond.     1878.     i82p.    8vo.       [bm] 

Same?     The    signal    rocket.      Warne  1875. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

4365.  Tales.    Hughes  1845.    i2mo.     (Same  as  #4363?) 

^  [EC] 

PicuLER,  Lu.  (i.  e.  Frau  Lu  Zeller,  1823-89) 

4366.  A  daughter  of  Rome.    A  romance  of  the  Father- 

land. Tr.  J.  AL  Colles.  Lond.  Digby  1893. 
344p.    8vo.  [bm] 

4367.  The  red  mantle.     Tr.  K.  E.  Heyser.     Phil.  Luth. 

pub.  soc.  1884.     i24p.     17cm.  [lc] 

Pick,  Is. 

4368.  Life  from  the  dead :  a  word  to  my  people.    Tr.  fr. 

Ger.    Edinb.  1854.     i2mo.  [bm] 


4369.  The  nature  of  spirits.     In   Agrippa,  H :,   Fourth 

book  ....  #15. 

PiETSCH,  L:  1824-1911 

4370.  Contemporary  German  art  at  the  centenary   fes- 

tival of  the  Royal  academy  of  arts,  Berlin.  Tr. 
N.  D'Anvers  Bell.  NV.  Scribncr  188S.  2v. 
il.     32cm.  [lc] 

PiLLERSDORF,  Fz.  X:  frcihcrr  v.  1786-1862 

4371.  Austria  in  1848  and  1849.    Tr.  G:  Gaskell.   Lond. 

Bcntlcy  1850.     I43p.     igcni.  [lc] 


PiNSKV  D:  1872- 

4372.     The  treasure.     A    drama    in    four  acts.     Tr.  L. 
Lewisohn.     NY.     Huebsch  1915.     i94P-  19cm. 


Platen-Hallermuende,  K:  A:  G:  Max,  graf  v.  1796-1835 

Selection,  verse,  see  €201(13,  14),  C86,  C48,  C149, 
C229,  C231,  C202,  Ciog(inncli),  C230,  C137, 
C161,  C226,  C148,  C19,  C46,  C145,  C8,  C267, 
C108,  Clio,  C121,  C243,  C160,  091(5),  C18, 
C103,  C20,  C185. 
*4373.  Sonnets  from  Venice.  Tr.  R.  B.  Cooke.  Madi- 
son, Wis.     Priv.  print.  1914.     26p.     17cm.  [lc] 

Platter,  T:  1499- 1582 

4374.  The  autobiog.  of  T.  P.,  a  schoolmaster  of  the  i6th 

cent.  Tr.  Ehz.  Anne  McCaul,  afterwards  Finn. 
Lond.  Wertheim  1839.  i2mo.  [bm] 
New  ed.    1846.  [ec] 

Plehn,  M.  C. 

4375.  Emin  Pasha  (i.  e.  E:  Schneider.)  Tr.  G:  P.  Upton. 

Chic.    McClurg  1912.    I25p.    17cm.  [lc] 

Ploennies,  Lu.  v.  1803-72 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C199,  C230,  C20. 
Princess    Use.      (False   ascription,    see    Petersen, 

The   wandering    lights.       (False    ascription,    see 
Petersen,  Me.) 

Ploetz,  K:  1819-81 

4376.  Epitome   of  ancient,  medieval,  and  modern  his- 

tory.    Tr.  and  enl.  W:  H.  Tillinghast.     Bost; 

NY.    Houghton  1884.    6i8p.     19cm.     ._  1897. 

—  1898.  [lc] 

4377-     '^0.    same.     New  rev.    ed.    1905.      66op.     20cm. 

--  191 1.  [lc] 

4378.     do.    same.     A    handbook    of    universal    history, 

from  the  dawn  of  civilization  to  the  outbreak  of 

the  great  war  of  1914.    Houghton  1915.    624P. 

408  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

Ploetz  "'  "'  ^- 

2ocm.     __  Also  title:     A  manual  of  univ.  his- 
tory, [lc] 

Pocci,  Fz. 

4379.  Rhymes  and  pictures  for  children.  Littlemore, 
Masson  1850.    29ff.    i6mo.  [bm] 

"PocHAMMER,  Max.  V."  (i.  e.  E.  D.  (v.  P__)  Mund) 

4379a.  Six  stories  (of  Miinchhausen?)  narr.  by  ...  . 
written  w.  an  appreciation  by  Evelyn  Everett- 
Green.  II.  A.  Dudley.  Leadenhall  press  1900. 
32op.  [ec] 


Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 

PoLENZ,  W :  V.  1861-1903 

**438o.     Farmer  Biittner.      Tr.    (and    abr.)    Edmund  v. 

Alach.    In  €91(17). 

''4381 .     The   land   of    the    future.      Tr.   Lily  Wolffsohn. 

Beriin.    Fontane;NY.    Brentano's  1904.    30ip. 

2icm.     [Questionable  liberties.]  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C23. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

PoLKO,  Frau  Ele.  (\'ogel)   1822-99 

4382.  Flower  ]iicture.    Tr.  S.  ^^^  Lander.     NY.    Apple- 

ton  n.  d.     i6nio.  [AC4] 

4383.  Lulu's  novel.     NY.    JMunro  1880.    4to.  [ac] 

4384.  Musical  sketches.     Tr.  6th  Ger.  ed.  Fanny  Fuller. 

Phil.     Leypoldt;  NY.     Christern   1864.     297P. 
17cm.    _-Bost;NY.    Ditson  1892.    20cm.  [lc] 

4385.  do.     Tr.  15th  Ger.  cd.     NY.     Sturgis  &  Walton 

1909-    345P-     19cm.  [lc] 

4386.  Musical  laics,  phantasms,  and  sketches.     Tr.  Ma. 

P.  Maudslay.    2d  scries.    Lond.    Tinsiey  1877. 

357p.    20cm.  [lc] 

43P7.     do.     1st  series.   Tr.   Maudslay.     Lond.     Tinslev 

1875.  '  [FX] 


4388.  Reminiscences  of  F.  Mcndelssohn-Bartholdy.    Tr. 

Lady  Wallace.  Lond.  Longmans  1869.  25rp. 
il.    20cm.  [lc] 

Popp,  Frau  Ade.  1869- 

4389.  The  autobiog.  of  a  working  woman.  Tr.  E.   C. 

Harvey.  Lond;  Leipz.  Unwin  1912.  I35p. 
19cm.  Tr.  fr.  3d  Ger.  ed.  __  Chic.  Browne 
1913.  [lc] 

PoscHiNGER,  H:  ritter  v.  1845- 

Sce  Bismarck,  Table-talk.     #242,  #243. 

PoscHiNGER,  Mge.  (Landau)  edle  v.  1862- 

4390.  Life  of  Emperor  Frederick.     Ed.  Sidney  Whit- 

man.    NY;  Lond.    Harper  1901.    459p.    2^cm. 


Pranger, (i.  e.  Pf ranger?) 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

Preiswerk,  S. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C266. 

Prinz  H:  v.  Preussen,  1726-1802 

See  F:  d.  Grosse.     Eulogy  ....     #1094. 

Prohl,  He. 

4391.  Christel:  a  tale  of  true  luck.     Tr.  P.  M.  Pearson 

and  G.  Wagner.  Lond.  Soc.  for  promot.  Christ, 
knowl.  1885.    8vo.  [eg] 

_-  NY.    Young  1887.    il.     i6mo.  [ac] 

4392.  Tannenwiese:  or,  a    happy    home.     A  sequel   to 

"Where  is  heaven?"    Tr.  M.  P.  Butcher.  Phil. 

Luth.  pub.  1886.    204p.     17cm.  [lc] 

4393-     Where   is  heaven?     Tr.   M.   P.   Butcher.  Phil. 

Luth.  pub.  1884.    S.  [ac] 

Prutz,  Hs.  1843- 

4394.     The  age  of  Charlemagne.  Tr.  Herman  W.  Hayley. 

In  Ci23(8).     [A'o  apparent  relation.] 
4395-     The  age  of  feudalism  and  theocracy.     Tr.  Frank 

E.  Zinkeisen.    In  Ci23(9). 

410  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


4396.  The  age  of  the  Rennaissance.     Tr.   F.  E.  Zin- 

keisen.     In  €123(10). 

Prutz,  Rb.  E:  1816- 

S election,  ivrse,  sec  C8,  C68,  C267,  C231,  C248. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C266. 

PuECKLER-MusKAU,  Hm.  L:  H:  fiirst  v.  1785-1871 

4397.  Egypt  and  Mehemet  Ali.     Lond.     Newby   1845. 

3v.     19cm.  [lc] 

4398.  Semilasso  in  Africa.       2d    ed.      Lond.     Bentley 

1837.     3v.     19cm. Travels  and  adventures 

in  Algiers  etc.    1839.  [lc] 

4399.  Tour  in  England,    Ireland,    and  France,   1826-9. 

Tr.  Mrs.  Sa.  Austin.  Phil.  Carey,  Lea  &  B. 
1833.    499p.    22cm.  [lc] 

4400.  Tour  in  Germany,  Holland,  and  England,  1826-8. 

Tr.  Mrs.  Sa.  Austin.  Lond.  Wilson  1832.  2v. 
19cm.  [lc] 

4401.  Tutti   frutti.     Tr.  Capt.  Edmund  Spencer.     NY. 

Harper  1833.     226p.     20cm.  [lc] 

4402.  Tutti  frutti;  or,  the  sketch-book  of  the  author  of 

"The  tour  of  a  German  prince".  Lond.  Simp- 
kin  &  M.  1836.     2  pt.  in  IV.     19cm.  [lc] 

PuENjER,  G:  Cn.  Bh.  1850-85 

4403.  History  of  the  Christian  philosophy   of  religion, 

from  the  reformation  to  Kant.  Tr.  W :  Hastie. 
Pref.  by  R.  F.  Flint.  Edinb.  Clark  1887.  66op. 
23cm.  [lc] 

PUETTER,  J:   St.    I725-1807 

4404.  An  historical  development  of  the  present  political 

constitution  of  the  Germanic  empire.  Tr. 
Josiah  Dornford.  Lond.  Payne  1790.  3v. 
32cm.  [lc] 

PUETZ,  E.  V. 

4405.  Sacrifice.    In  C213. 


PuETZ.  W:  1806-77 

4406.  Manual  of  ancient  geography  and  history.     NY. 

Appleton   1849.     i2mo.  [ac| 

4407.  do.    Ancient  geography  and  history  by  Paul  and 

Arnold.    Rivington  1853.     New  ed.  i2mo.  [ec] 

4408.  Handbook  of    medieval    geography    and  history. 

Tr.  R.  B.  Paul.  Lond.  Rivington  1849.  2o8p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

4409.  do.  sauw.   NY.  Appleton  1850.  2np.    19cm.  [lc] 

4410.  do.     Survey  of  the  geography  and  history  of  the 

middle  ages,  476-1492.  Tr.  Prof.  Stigell.  Lond. 
Varty  &  Ow-en  1854.     334p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

_-  Cover  1855.     i2mo.  [ec] 

4411.  Manual  of  modern  geography  and  history.     Tr. 

Rb.  B.  Paul.  I  St  Anier.  rev.  and  cor.  from 
Lond.  ed.     NY.    Appleton  1851.    3l6p.     19cm. 


4412.  do.     same.     Modern    geography    and    history    by 

Paul  and  .Vrnold.   Rivington  1859.    i2mo.     [ec] 

PcFENDORF,  S  :  frcihcrr  v.  1632-94 

4413.  An  introduction  to  th^   history  of  the  principal 

states  of  Europe.  Begun  by  Baron  P__,  and 
continued  down  to  the  year  1743  by  M.  Marti- 
niere.  Improved  from  the  French  by  Jos. 
Sayer.     Lond.  for  Knapton   1748.     2v.     2ocni. 


4414.  Of  the  law  of  nature  and  of  nations.  Tr.  fr.  Latin 

by  Basil  Kennett.  Oxford  for  Churchill  1703. 
4,  27,  400,  262p.  33cm.  Book  V  tr.  W :  Perci- 
vale.  [lc] 

4415.  do.     Abridg'd  from  the  original Compared 

with  the  respective  last  editions  of  Mr.  Bar- 

beyrac's      French      translations By     J. 

Spavan.  Lond.  for  Vanan  &  Osborne  1716. 
2v.    20cm.  [lc] 

4416.  do.    4th  ed.  carefully  corrected.    Lond.    Walthoc, 

Wilkin  1729.    14,  84,  878P.   36  X  24cm.         [lc] 

4417.  do.     5th  ed.   Lond.    Bonwicke  1749.   4,  75,  883p. 

38cm.  [lc] 



4418.  The  whole  duty  of  man  according  to  the  law  of 

nature.    Now  made  English.    Lond.  for  Harper 
1698.    336p.    I 8cm.  [lc] 

PuTLiTZ,  Gst.  H :  Gans,  edler  herr  von  und  zu,  1821-90 

4419.  Forest  voices.     Ed.   C.  A.  Smith.     Albany,  NY. 

Munsell  1866.     io2p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

4420.  Origin  of  the  Christmas  tree.    Tr.  E.  E.  H.    NY. 

Button  1869.     i8mo.  [.\c] 

4421 .  What  the  woods  talk  about.    Tr.  H :  W.  Carstens. 

In  his  A  trifolium.    Bost.    Alunroe  1855.    I97p. 
18cm.  [lc] 

4422.  \^■  hat  the  woods  whisper  to  itself.    NY.    Appleton 

1869.     i2mo.  [ac] 

4423.  What  was    said    in    the    woods.      Lond.       1851. 

i6mo.  [em] 

4424.  The  young  lady's  house.     In  Speed.     Stories  of 

patriotism  etc.  [lco] 

Pyrker,  J:  Ladlislaw,  v.  Felso-Cor,  1772-1847 
Selection,  verse,  see  C68. 

QuiDDE,  L:  1858- 

4425.  The  kaiser's  double:  being  a  translation  by  C.  H. 

A.  Field  of  the  ....  jiamphlet  ....  entitled 
Caligula,     n.  p.     n.  d.     i6p.  i8cm.  [lc] 

Raabe,  W:  1831- 

Srlcction,  prose,  see  Cr32. 

4426.  Abu  Tel  fan  ;  or,  the  return  from  the  mountains  of 

the  moon.     Tr.  S.  DclfFs.     Lond.     Chapman  & 
Hall  1881.     3v.    8vo.  [bm] 

4427.  The  hunger-pastor.    Tr.  ".\rnold".    Lond.    Chap- 

man &  Mall  1883.     2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

*4428.     do.     Tr.  Muriel  Almon.     In  C9i(ii).     [Unable 
to  cope  with  his  style.] 

Rabener,  Gb.  W:  1714-71 

4429.     A  dream  upon  the  occupations  of  departed  souls. 
In  C94. 


4430.  Satirical  letters.     Lond.     Lindc    175".     2v.     317, 

325P.     iCmo.  [lco] 

Racovita,  Ela.  (v.  Donniges)  1845- 

4431.  Princess  Helena  v.  R..,  an  autobiog.     Tr.  Cecil 

Mar.       NY.       Macinillan ;    Lond.        Constable 
19 10.    42op.    24cm.  [lc] 

4432.  The  evil    that    women    do.      .\    novel.      Tr.    A. 

Howard.     NY.    Dillingham  1890.    332p.  i2mo. 

"Raimund,  Golo"  (i.  e.  Bta.  (Heyn)  Frederich.  1825-82) 

4433.  From  hand  to    hand.      Tr.    Mrs.  Wister.     Phil. 

Lippincott  1882.     372p.     19cm.  [lc] 

4434.  A  hard  heart.     By  S.  H.     Phil.     Lippincott  1884. 

243p.     19cm.  [lc] 

4435.  A  new  race.         Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.     Phil.     Lippin- 

cott 1880.     22ip.     19cm.     __   1908.  [lc] 

4436.  Sought  and    found.      Tr.    Adelaide    S.  Buckley. 

NY.    Funk  &  W.  1888.     lyip.    20cm.         [lc] 

Rainer,  Js. 

4437.  A  noble  priest:  Joseph  Salzmann.     Tr.  Jos.  W. 

Berg,     dinger  &  S.  1903.     il.     i2nio.         [ac] 

Raisner, ip-th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C265. 

Ramann,  Lina,  1833- 

4438.  Franz  Liszt,  artist  and  man,  181 1-40.  Tr.  Miss  E. 

Cowdery.     Lond.    Allen  1882.     2V.     19cm.  [lc] 

Rambach,  J:  Jk.  1693-1735 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126,  C266,  C44,  C180. 

Ramler,  K:  W:  1725-98 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C245,  C52,  C153. 

Ramseyer,  F:  A:  and 

4439.  Four  years  in  Ashantee.     Ed.   Mrs.  Weitbrecht 

(from  their  diaries).  Intro,  by  Dr.  Gundert, 
pref.  by  Prof.  Christlieb.  Lond.  Nisbet  1875. 
8vo.    _.  2ded.    1877.  [bm] 



Ranke,  Lp.  V.  1795-86 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 
4440.  Ferdinand  I  and  Maximilian  II  of  Austria:  an 
essay  on  the  political  and  religious  state  of  Ger- 
many immediately  after  the  Reformation.  Tr. 
Lady  Duff  Gordon.  Lond.  Longman  1853. 
i35p.    8vo.  [ec] 

**444i .  History  of  the  Latin  and  Teutonic  nations,  1494- 
15 14.  Tr.  Phil.  A.  Ashworth.  Lond.  Bell 
1887.    388p.     18cm.  [lc] 

4442.  do.     same.     Rev.  by   G.   R.   Dennis.     Bell    1909. 

448p.     19cm.  [lc] 

4443.  History  of  Prussia,  tr.  Demmler.     Newby   1848. 

Vol.  I.    8vo.  [ec] 

4444.  History   of   the   Reformation   in   Germany.      Lea 

1844.     8vo.  [ac] 

4445.  do.     Tr.   Sa.  Austin.     Lond.     Longmans   1845-7. 

3v.  8vo.  (Vols.  I  and  2  are  of  2d  ed. )  [lco] 
*4446.  do.  same.  Ed.  R.  A.  Johnson.  Lond.  Rout- 
ledge;  NY.  Dutton  1905.  792p.  23cm.  [lc] 
**4447.  Memoirs  of  the  house  of  Brandenburg  ....  dur- 
ing 17th  and  i8th  centuries.  Tr.  Sir  Alex,  and 
Lady     Lucie     Duff-Gordon.      Lond.      Murray 



Rapp,  G. 

1S49.     3v.    22cm. 
Univer.sal  history.     Tr.  D.  C.  Tovey  and  G:  W. 
Prothero.     NY.     Harper   1885.     494p.     22cm. 


Lond.    K.  Paul  1884. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

Raticii  (Ratichius,  Ratke),  Wfg.  1571-1635 

See  Raunier,  K  :  w.  R...  Comenius.  and  Basedow. 

Ratzel,  F:  1844- 

4449.  History  of  mankind.  Tr.  _'(1  Ger.  cd.  .\.  J.  Butler. 
Intro.  F.  B.  Tylor.  Lond.  Macmillan  1896-8. 
3v.     il.    8vo.  [bms] 


Rau,  Heribert,  1813-76 

4450.  Beethoven:   a   biogr.   romance.     Tr.    S.   E.    Ran- 

dolph. Best;  NY.  Ditson  1880.  332p.  I7cni. 
1908.    20cni.  [lc] 

4451.  Mozart:  a  biogr.  romance.  Tr.  E:  R.  Sill.     NY. 

Leypoldt  &  Holt  1868.     323P.     19cm.         [lc] 

4452.  The  tone  king:  a  romance  of  the  life  of  Mozart. 

Tr.  J.  E.  Rae.  NY.  Dodd,  Mead  1900.  387P. 
igcni.  [lc] 
Lend.     Jarrold  1899.    48op.    8vo.         [ec] 

Raumer,  F:  L:  G:  v.  1781-1873 

4453 .  America  and  the  American  people.     Tr.  W :  VV. 

Turner.    NY.    Langley  1846.  5i2p.  22cm.  [lc] 

4454.  Contributions  to  modern  history.     Vol.  2.     Fred- 

erick 11  and  his  times.   Lond.  1837.   8vo.      [r.MJ 

4455.  England  in   1835:  being  a  series  of  letters.     Tr. 

Sa.  Austin  and  H.  E.  Lloyd.  Lond.  1836. 
8vo.  [i!m] 

—  Phil.  Carey,  Lea  &  B.  1836.  5i2p.  23cm. 
(With  "England  in  1841".)  [lc] 

4456.  England  in   1841 :  being  a  series  of  letters.     Tr. 

H.  E.  Lloyd.    Lond.    Lee  1842.  2V.  i8cm.  [lc] 

4457.  History  of  the  i6th  and   17th  centuries.     Lond. 

Murray  1835.     2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

4458.  Italy  and  the  Italians.     Lond.     1840.     2v.    i2mo. 

Raumer,  K:  G:  v.  1783-1865 

4459.  German  universities.    Tr.  F.  B.  Perkins  from  vol. 

4  of  "Geschichte  d.  Padagogik".  NY.  Brownell 
1859.  256]).  8vo.  ( Reprint,  fr.  Amer.  jouni. 
of  educ.)  [lc] 

4460.  do.    satne?     Hartford,    Conn.      Barnard    n.    d. 

8vo.  [ac] 

4461.  Life  and  system  of  Pestalozzi.     Tr.  J.  Tilleard. 

Lond.     Longman  1855.    8op.    22cm.  [lc] 

4462.  Ratich,     Comenius,     and     Basedow.       Hartford, 

Conn.     Barnard  n.  d.    8vo.  [AC7] 


Raupach,  Ern.  B :  Bn.  SI.  1784-1852 
Selection,  verse,  see  Ci  77. 

4463 .  The  daughter  of  the  air :  a  mythic  tragedy  in  five 

acts  (and  in  verse)  after  the  idea  of  P. 
Calderon.     Lond.     Marsh  1831.     io2p.     i2mo. 


4464.  The    Nibelungen     treasure:    a    tragedy.       Lond. 

Williams  &  N.     1847.     i26p.     i6mo.         [lco] 

4465.  The  serf.     (Isidor  und  Olga.)     A  tragedy  in  five 

acts  (and  in  verse),  altered  ....  and  ad.  to 
Eng.  stage  by  R.  Talbot.  Lond.  Cumberland 
1828.    54p.    15cm.  [lc] 

Lond.     1828.    2d  ed.     i2mo.  [bm] 

Also  in   Cumberland's  British  theatre,  Vol. 

19.     1837?    S4p.     i8mo.  [lco] 

Rauschenbusch,  H.  E. 

See  Leipoldt,  W:,  ]\Iemoir  of  H.  E.  R_-.    #3511. 

Reber,  Fz.  v.  1834- 

4466.  History  of   ancient  art.     Tr.  and  augm.  Jos.   T. 

Clarke.  NY.  Harper  1882.  482P.  il.  23cm. 
(Orig.  pub.   1871.)  [lc] 

4467.  History  of  medieval  art.     Tr.  J.  T.  Clarke.     NY. 

Harper  1887.    743p.    il.    23cm.  [lc] 

Reck,  Ph.  G:  F:  v. 

4468.  An  extract  of  the  journals  of  Mr.  Commissary  v. 

Reck,  who  conducted  the  first  transport  of 
Saltzburgers  to  Georgia :  and  of  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Boltzius,  one  of  their  ministers.  Lond.  Christ, 
knowl.  soc.  1734?  72p.  i6cni.  [lc] 
Reprinted  in  Force,  P.,  Tracts,  vol.  4.  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  1836-46.    23cni.                        [lc] 

Same.    Washington,  printed  by  Force  1846. 

38p.    8vo.  [lc] 

Recke-Volmerstein,  Maria  griifin  v.  d. 

4469.  Recollections  of  the  life  of  Matilda  (v.  Pfeil  xmA 

Kleiii-Ellguth')    v.    d.    Reckc-\'olmerstcin.      Tr. 


M.  Fox.    Intro.  Lord  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells. 
Lond.     Seeley  1874.    8vo.  [h.m] 

Reden,  J  :e  Jne.  grafin  v. 

Sec  Reuss,  E.,  A  pietist  of  the  Napoleonic  wars. 
....     #4491- 

Redenbachek,  \V  : 

4470.  The  little  cloister  ruin.    A  narrative.     Tr.  Rev.  J. 

Oswald.    Phil.  Luth.  board  1871.     ijop.    i8mo. 

Redw'itz,  Ok.  baron  v.  1823- 

Sclcction,  verse,  see  C8,  C68.  C145,  C198. 

Ree,  pi.  J  :s,  1858- 

4471 .  Nuremberg  and  its  art  to  the  end  of  the  i8th  cen- 

tury.   Tr.  G.  H.  Palmer.    Lond.    Grevel ;  NY. 
Scribner   1905.     i8ip.     il.     24cm.  [lc] 

Regenboge,  Barthel.  ft.  1300-18 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C186,  C146. 

Reichenau,  Rd. 

4472.  Child-life.     Ad.  C.  Campbell.     Lond.     Routledge 

1870.     il.    sq.    8vo.  [dm] 


Selection,  verse,  see  Clio. 

"Reichenbac,   Mz.   v."    (i.   e.   Valeska    (v.    Reiswitz)    grafin 
v.  Bethusy-Huc,  1848-         ) 

4473.  The  Eichhofs.     Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.     Phil.     Lippin- 

cott  1 88 1.    8vo.  [ac] 

Reichun-Meldegg,  Ax.  freiherr  v.  1801-77 

4474.  An  exposition    of    Goethe's    Faust.      Tr.   R.  H. 

Chittenden.     NY.    Miller  1864.     i2nio.       [ac] 

Reichmann,  Rd. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C105. 

Rein,  J :  Jt.  1835- 

4476.     Japan:  travels  and  researches.     NY.     Armstrong 
1884.    543p.    il.    25cni.  [lc] 

41s  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


__  Lond.     Hodder  &  S.  1883.    8vo.    -_  2d  ed. 

1889.  [EC] 

Rein,  W  :  1847- 

4477.  The  life  of  M.  Luther.     Tr.  and  ed.  Rev.  G:  F. 

Behringer.     NY.     Funk    &    W.    1883.     aigp. 
19cm.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C226. 

Reinecke,  K:  H:  Carsten,  1824- 

4478.  The  Beethoven  pianoforte  sonatas.     Letters  to  a 

lady.    Tr.  E.  M.  T.  Dawson.    Lond.    Augener 
189-.     i42p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Rein  HARD,  Fz.  Volkmar,  1753- 1812 

4479.  IMemoirs  and  confessions.   Tr.  O.  A.  Taylor.  Bost. 

Peirce  &  Parker  1832.     i64p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

Reinhard,  K  :  v. 

4480.  "Ich   dien."     The  soldier's   life:   its   dignity  and 

honour.    Tr.  J.  T.  Ferrier.    Lond.     1856.   i2mo. 

"Reinhold,  C."  (i.  e.  Cn.  Rid.  Kostlin,  1813-56) 
Selection,  verse,  see  C153. 

Reinhold,  Car.  (same  as  foregoing?) 

4481 .  Evening  bell :  Gcr.  and  Eng.  interpaged  by  Man- 

gan.     Lond.     Simpkin  1858.     i2mo.  [eg] 

Reinick,  Rb.  1805-52 

Selection,  verse,  see  C54,  C229,  C199,  C109,  C230, 
C62,  C68.  C8,  C119,  C145,  C267,  C105,  C121. 

4482.  The  king  of  root  valley  and  his  curious  daughter. 

A  fairy  tale.     II.  T.  v.  Oer  and  R.   Reinick. 
Lond.    Chapman  &  Hall  1856.    34p.    410.  [lco] 

4483.  do.     The  root  princess.    A  Christmas  story.     Tr. 

Fanny  Fuller.    Phil.     Leypoldt  1865.    32p.    ii. 
4to.  '  [lco] 

4484.  The  road  to    fortune,    with     other  tales.     Bost. 

Crosby,  Nichols  1852.     i2mo.  [ac] 


RiuNMAR  VON  BkENNENiiURO  (also,  Dcf  Brennenbcrger) ,  fl. 

Selection,  verse,  see  Ci86;  cf.  also  C13. 

Reinmas  von  Hacenau,  H.  1150-1210 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C13,  C184,  C264,  C186. 

Reinmar  von  Zweter,  H.  1219-52 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186,  C108. 

Reissmann,  A:  1825-1903 

4485.  Life  and  works    of    R.    Schumann.     Tr.  3d  ed. 

Abby   L.    Alger.      Lond.      Bell    1886.     276?. 
19cm.  [lc] 

Reissner,  Am.  d.  1563 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126. 

Reithardt,  J.  J. 

Selcctiait,  verse,  see  Cigo(inuch). 

Rf.itzenstein,  K:  freiherr  v.,  /?.  1792 

4486.  Count  Koenigsmark.    In  €247(6). 

Rellstab,  L:  1799-1860 

4487.  Eighteen  hundred  and  twelve.    A  historical  novel. 

Tr.  Ma.  Norman.     1849.     3^-     i2mo.  [bm] 

4488.  do.     The  Polish  lancer;  or  1812:  a  tale  of  Na- 

poleon's  invasion    of    Russia.      Lond.      1853. 
8vo.  [bm] 

-_  New  ed.    Routledge  1878.  [ec] 

Reumont,  Af.  v.  1808-87 

4489.  The  carafas  of  Maddaloni.    Bohn.    8vo.       [bm] 

4490.  Ruins  of  the  Rhine,  their  times  and  traditions. 

Ed.     C.    White.       Aix-la-Chappelle.       Kohnen 
1838.    356p.    il.    8vo.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C229. 

Reuss,  Eire,  fiirstin 

4491.  A  pietist  of  the  Napoleonic  wars  and  after,  the 

life  of  J  :e  Jne.  grafin  v.  Reden.    Tr.  Mrs.  C :  E : 

420  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Barrett-Lennard  and  M.  W.  Hoper.  NY. 
Button  1905.    375p.    il.     22cm.  [lc] 

Reuter,  Fritz,  i.  e.  H:  L:  Cn.  F:  1810-74 
Selection,  verse,  see  C208. 
Selection,  prose,  see  C160,  C132. 
*4492.     An  old   story  of   my    farming   days.      (Ut  mine 
stromtid.)       Tr.    M.    W.    Macdowall.       Leipz. 
Tauchnitz  1878.    3V.    Svo.  [lc] 

4493.  The  Brasig   episodes   from   "Ut   mine   stromtid". 

Tr.  M.  W.  Macdowall  and  E.  v.  Mach.  In 

4494.  How  I  came  by  a  wife.     A  humorous  story.  Tr. 

P.  C.  Glave.  Denver.  Echo  pub.  1883.  32p. 
15cm.  [lc] 

*4495.  In  the  year  '13.  (Ut  de  Franzosentid.)  A  tale 
of  Mecklenburg  life.  Tr.  C :  L.  Lewes.  Leipz. 
Tauchnitz   1867.     299P.     8vo.  [lc] 

4496.  do.     same.     NY.      Leypoldt   &    Holt    1868.      sq. 

i6mo.  [ac] 

4497.  do.    same.     NY.    Munro  1878.    29p.    32cm.  [lc] 
*4498.      Seed-time  and  harvest;  or,  during  my  apprentice- 
ship.     (Ut  mine  stromtid.)      Phil.     Lippincott 
1 87 1.     292p.    23cm.  [lc] 
__  New  ed.     1878.                                          [ac] 

Reuter,  Gle. 

4499.  Bric-a-brac,  and  Destinies.     Tr.  Grace  I.  Colbron. 

In  C196. 

Reventlow,  Ern.  Cn.  Einar  L:  Dv.  graf  zu,  1869- 

4500.  The  vampire  of  the  continent.  Tr.  G:  Chatterton- 

Hill.     NY.     Jackson  press  1916.     22511.    u)cm. 

RiiEGius,  Urbanus,  1849-1541 

4501 .  A  comparison  betweene  the  olde  learnynge  and  the 

newc.  Tr.  out  of  Latin  by  W,  Turner  (Dean 
of  Wells.)  Southwarke.  j.  Nnclso  1537.  8vo. 
(Unpaged.)  [iim] 


4502.  do.    same.     Southwarke.     James  Nicolson   1538. 

8vo.  [bm] 

4503 .  do.    same.     The  olde  learnynge  and  the  new,  com- 

pared together.    1548.    8vo.  [bm] 

RuEiNWALD,  G :  F :  H : 

4504.  The   Protestant  exiles   of  Zillerthal,   their  perse- 

cutions, and  ex-patriation  from  the  Tyrol.     Tr. 

J.  B.  Saunders.     Lond.     1840.     i2mo. 2d 

ed.    1840.  [bm] 

__  Lond.     Hatchard  1848.  [ec] 

"Rhodex,  Emma  v."  (i.  e.  Emmy  Friedrich-Friedrich) 

4505.  An  obstinate    maid.      Tr.    21st    Ger.  cd.  Ma.  E. 

Ireland.     II.  I.    Waugh.      Phil.     Jacobs   1898. 
323p.     i2mo.  [lc] 

4506.  The  young   violinist.   Tr.    12th    Ger.   ed.   Ma.   E. 

Ireland.     II.   C.    B.    Williams.      NY;   Akron. 
Saalfield  1906.     i4op.     igcm.  [lc] 

RiCHTER,  Cn:  F:  1676-1711 

Selection,  verse,    see    C221,    C180,    C265,   C44; 
#5435.  #5436. 

RiCHTER,  J:  PI.  F:  1763-1825 

Selection,  verse,  see   C167,   C2^(i'ersc   from   his 

Selection  prose,  see  C160,  C120,  Cioo,  C132,  C70, 
C94,  C206. 

4507.  Analects    from  J.   P.   Richter.      In  De  Quincey. 

T:,  Confessions  etc.    Lond.     1867.    8vo.     (Cf. 
#4512.)  .  [bm] 

4508.  .-Vrmv  Chaplain  Schmelzle's  journey  to  Flatz.     In 

*4509.     Autobiography.     In  Lee,  Mrs.  Eliz.   B.     Life  of 
J.  P.  F.  R._.     Lond.     Chapman   1845.    i2mo. 

--  Lond.     Chapman  185 1.    8vo.  [ec] 

4510.  The  Campaner  Thai;  or,  discourses  on  the  im- 
mortality of  the  soul.  Tr.  Juliette  Gowa.  Lond. 
Gilpin  1848.  [ec] 



4511.  do.     same.     2d  ed.    rev.    and    cor.     Gilpin   1857. 

8vo.  [bm] 

4512.  The  Campagner  Thai,  and  other  writings.     Bost. 

Ticknor  &  F.  1864.  383?.  i8cm.  (Tr.  by 
**Juliette  Bauer,  T.  Carlyle,  T:  De  Quincey, 
who  does  only  brief  extracts.  Cf.  i^45o8.)   [lc] 

4513.  The  death  of  an  angel.     In  C125. 

4514.  do.     In   Morley,  H :,  The  dream  of  the  lilybell. 

....  Lond.     1845.    i6mo.  [bm] 

**45i5.     The  death  of  an  angel,  and  other  pieces.     Tr.  A. 

Kenney.    Lond.    Black  1839.    289P.    8vo.     (68 

prose  selections.)  [ny] 

*45i6.     The  death  of  an  angel.     In  C9. 

4517.  The  diadem.    Tr.  Miss  L.  Osgood.    Phil.     Carey 

&  Hart  1846.     (Cited  in  C 120.) 

4518.  Extracts  from  the  works.     Sel.  and  tr.  Georgiana 

Lady  Chatterton.     Lond.     Parker   1859.     8vo. 

**45I9.  Flower,  fruit,  and  thorn  pieces;  or,  the  married 
life,  death,  and  wedding  of  the  advocate  of  the 
poor,  Firmian  Siebenkas.  Tr.  E :  H :  Noel. 
Lond.  Smith  1845.  2v.  i6cm.  [lc] 
Bost.     jMunroe.     2v.                               [aci] 

—  Bost.    Ticknor  &  F.  1863.    2v.  19cm.     [lc] 
4520.     do.     or,    the   wedded    life,   death,   and    marriage. 

....  Tr.  A.  Ewing.    Lond.    Bohn  1877.   8vo. 

__  (Bohn);    Little,  Brown.  Scribner  1888.  [ac] 

—  (Bohn?)  IMacmillan.  [b8J 
**452i.     Hesperus;  or,  forty-five  dog-post-days.    Tr.  C:  T. 

Brooks.     Bost.     Ticknor  &  F.  1865.     2v.  i8cm. 


**4S22.     The  invisible  lodge.  Tr.  C :  T.  Brooks.  NY.    Holt 

1883.    4o6p.     i7cni.  [lc] 

4523.     Levana;  or,  the  doctrine  of  education.  Tr.  A.  H. 

Lond.  Longman  1848.    487P.    21cm.  [lc] 

**4524.     do.    sauic.     Bost.     Ticknor    &    F.    1863.     40op. 

1 8cm.  [lc] 


_.  3d  ed.  1866.    4CX)p.  [bm] 

4525.  do.     Preceded  by  a  short  biog.  of  the  author  and 

his  autobiog.,  a  fragment.  Lond.  Bohn  1876. 
8vo.  [bm] 

__  (Bohn)  Little,  Brown.    Scribner  &  W.  1886. 


4526.  do.    same  as  #43^3.    Best.    Heath  1886.    4i3p. 

i8cm.  [lc] 

4527 .  do.     Ed.  for  Eng.  readers  by  Susan  Wood.    Lond. 

Sonnenschcin  1887.     nop.    8vo.  [bm] 

4528.  do.    same  as  4r43-5-     Lond.     Bell  1897.     i6mo. 


4529.  Maria  Wuz  and  Lorenz-Stark   (by  J.  J.  Engel)  : 

or,  English  prints  (i.  e.  translations)  of  two 
German  originals  by  F.  and  R.  Storr.  Lond. 
Longman  1881.     i94p.    8vo.  [bm] 

4530.  The  moon;  a  tale  of  the  imagination.  In  €125. 

4531.  do.     In  C192. 

4532.  The  new  year's  night  of  an  unhappy  man.    In  C16. 

4533.  do.     In  C167. 

4534.  Nutcracker  and  sugar  dolly.     (False  ascription? 

See  Hoffmann,  E.  T.  W.,  #2624etc.)  Tr.  Danu. 
Cundall  1848.    sm.    to.  [ec] 

4535.  The  opening  of  the  will.    Tr.  Fes.  H.  King.     In 


4536-  Quintus  Fixlein.    Tr.  T:  Carlyle.    In  #4512. 

--  Life  of  Quintus  Fixlein.    In  C34. 

4537-  Quintus  Fixlein's  wedding.     Tr.  T:  Carlyle.     In 

*4538.     Reminiscences  of  the  best  hours  of  life  for  the 
hour  of  death.    Bost.    Dowe  1841.    52p.    i8mo. 

Bost.    Munroe  n.  d.     24mo.  [aci] 

4539.  do.     Recollections  from  the  most  beautiful  hours, 

for  the  last  hours  of  life.     In  #4515. 

4540.  Rome.    Tr.  C:  T.  Brooks.    In  €91(4). 

4541.  Schmelzle's  journey  to  Flatz.    Tr.  T:  Carlyle.   In 

#4512.     Cf.  #4508. 



4542.  Sketches  of  and  from  J.  P.  Richter.    Lend.    Ben- 

nett 1859.    84p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

4543 .  Titan :  a  romance.       Tr.    C :    T.   Brooks.     Bost. 

Ticknor ;  Lond.  Triibner  1862.  2v.  i8cm.  __ 
2d  ed.     1863.     19cm.  [lc] 

*4544.  Walt  and  Vult ;  or,  the  twins.  (Flegeljahre.)  Tr. 
Mrs.  Eliza  B.  Lee.  Bost.  Monroe;  NY. 
Wiley  &  P.  1846.    2v.     17cm.  [lc] 

4545.  Wit,  wisdom,  and  philosophy.     Ed.  G.  P.  Hawley. 

NY;  Lond.  Funk  &  W.  1884.  2289.  19cm. 
(Brief  sel.  under  topics  ;  at  least  partly  eclectic.) 

RiEDEL,   Gst. 

4546.  Blind  William.     Phil.     Claxton  1872.     il.     i6mo. 


RiEDESEL,  F;e  Cte.  Lu.  (v.  Massow),  freifrau  v.  1746-1808 

4547.  Letters  and  memoirs  relating  to  the  war  of  Ameri- 

can independence,  and  the  capture  of  German 
troops  at  Saratoga.  NY.  Carvill  1827.  323P. 
2icm.  [lc] 

4548.  do.     Tr.  W:  L.  Stone.     Albany.     Munsell  1867. 

235p.     il.    22cm.  [lc] 

Riedesel,  F  :  Ad.  v. 

See  Eelking,  Max  v.,  Memoirs  ....  #737- 

RiEHL,  Alois,  1844- 

4549.  The  principles  of  the  critical  philosophy.   Intro- 

duction to  the  theory  of  science  and  meta- 
physics. Tr.  Arthur  Fairbanks.  Lond.  Paul. 
T.  &  T.  1894.    346p.    2icm.  [lc] 

RiEiiL,  W:  H:  1823-97 

Selection,  prose,  see  €91(8),  C132. 
*4550.      Castle  Ncideck.     Tr.  A.  M.  Reiner.     In  Ci()6. 
4551.     Culturgeschichtliche    Novellen.      Literally    transl. 
2d  ed.     Cornish   iP^qo.     8vo.  [p.c] 

Rii:m.\nn,  Hg.  i.  e.  C:  W:  Jl.  Hg.  1849- 

455_'.      Catechism  of    musical    aesthetics.      Tr.   Rev.   H. 


Bewcrunge.      Lond.      Augcner     1895?      Cjp. 

i8cm.  [lc] 

4553-     Catechism  of    musical    history.    Lond.     Augcner 

1892.    2V.    il.     19cm.  [lcj 

RiESBECK,  J:  Kp.  1754-S6 
4554.     Travels  through  Germany,  in  a  series  of  letters.    Tr. 
Rev.  P.  H.  Maty.     Lond.     Cadell   1787.     3v. 
2icm.  [lc] 

RiETSCHEL,  Em.  1804-61 

4555.  E.  R the  sculptor;  and  the  lessons  of  his  life. 

An  autobiog.  and  memoir  by  A.  Oppermann. 
Tr.  Mrs.  G.  Sturge.  Lond.  Hodder  &  S.  1875. 
8vo.  [bm] 

RiKTZ,  W:e,  1752-1820,  sec  Lichtenau 

RiLKE,  Rainer  Ma.  1875- 

Sdection,  verse,  see  €91(18),  C14,  C185. 

RiNCKART,  Mt.  1586-1649 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264,  C266,  C44,  C126,  C134, 

Ring,  Max,  1817-1901 

4556.  J.  Milton  and  his  times.    An  historical  novel.    Tr. 

F.  Jordan.     II.  G.  Fay.     NY.     Appleton   1868. 

3o8p.    23cm.  [lc] 

4557-     do.     Tr.   J.    Jefferson.       Manchester.     Hey  wood 

1889.    472p.    8vo.  [bmJ 


4558.  The  BernstorfT  papers:  the  life  of  Count  A.  v. 
BernstorfT.  Tr.  Mrs.  Barrett-Lennard  and  M. 
W.  Hoper.  Lond ;  NY.  Longmans  1908.  2v. 
23cm.  [lc] 

RiNGWALDT,  BmS.   I53O-99 

Selection,  verse,  see  Ci8o,  C264. 

Rio,  Fanny  del 

See  Nohl,  L:,  An  unrequited  love  ....   #4207. 


RiST,  J :  1607-67 

Selection,  verse,    see    C220,    C180,    C264,  C265, 
C266,  C138,  C44,  C7. 

4559.  An  account  of  the  German  morality  play  entitled 

Depositio  Cornuti  Typographici With  a 

rhythmical  tr.  of  the  German  version  (by  J.  R.) 
of  1648.    By  W.  Blades.    1885.   4to.  [bm] 

RiTSCHL,  Abr.  1822-89 

See  Staehlin,   L.,    Critical   examination   of    Kant, 
J_ct.-e,  and  R—.     #5468. 

RiTTFK,  A:  H:  1791-1869 

4560.  The  history  of  ancient  philosophy.     Tr.  A.  J.  W. 

Morrison.       Oxford,     Talboys     1838-46.       4V. 
22cm.  [lc] 

RllTERMANN,  K:  V: 

Selection,  verse,  see  C258. 

RlTTERSHAUS^  El.    1834-97 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C68,  C145,  C146,  C121, 

ROBERTHIN,  Rb.    1600-48 

Selection,  verse,  see  C264. 

RocHAU,  A:  L:  V.  1810-73 

4561 .  Wanderings    through  ....  Italy    in     1850    and 

185 1.    Tr.  Jane  Sinnett.    Loud.    Bentley  1853. 
2v.    20cm.  [lc] 

RocHLiTZ,  F:  1769- 

Sclcction,  verse,  see  C62. 

RODENBERG,  Jl.   183I- 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C68,  C230,  C145,  C198,  C121. 

4562.  England,  literary  and  social,  from  a  German  point 

of  view.     Lond.     Bentley   1875.     442p.     23cni. 


4563.  The  Grandidicrs:  a  tale  of  Berlin  life.     Tr.  \\. 

Savillc.    Lond.    Low  1881.    3V.    Bvo.         [bm] 

4564.  The  island  of  the  saints:  a  pilgrimage  through 


Ireland.     Tr.  Sir  F:    C:    L.  Wraxall.     Lond. 
Chapman  &  Hall  1861.    3239.     19cm.  [lc] 

4565.     King  "by  the  grace  of  God."     An  historical  ro- 
mance.   Lond.    Bentley  1871.    3V.    8vo.     [bm] 
*4566.     Poems.     Tr.  \V :  Vocke.     Chic.     Western  News 
i860.      129I.      i6mo.      [For  0   native  German, 
very  creditable]  [uw] 

4567.  The  tower  of  Babel.     Sacred  drama  in  one  act 

(and  in  verse).  Tr.  J.  Pittman.  Lond.  Enoch 
1880.    i9p.    8vo.  [bm] 

RoDiGAST,  (Rodegast?),  S:  d.  1708 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221,  C266,  C126. 

RoECKELj   A : 

Sec  Wagner,  R :,  Letters  ....  #5942. 


4568.  Harvest  home.    Opera  in  three  acts.    Tr.  Andrew 

Nembach.  Cincin.  Hawley  1884.  32p.  (Li- 
bretto.) [lco] 

RoESSLER,  C:  1864- 

4569.  The  five  Frankfurters.     A  comedy  in  three  acts. 

Tr.  Jas.  Fuchs.  NY.  Fly  1913.  I27p.  il. 
20cm.     [Flats.]  [lc] 

ROFFHACK,  Ab.   1837-I906 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14. 

RoGGE,  Bh.  1831- 

4570.  The  chaplain  in  the  field  of  war:  being  the  ex- 

periences of  the  clerical  staff  during  the  Prus- 
sian campaign  of  1866.  Condensed  (and  tr.) 
from  the  official  report  .  .  .  .  G.  Gladstone. 
Lond.    1870.    8vo.  [bm] 

4571.  Kaiser  William  I,  1797-1888.    By  Prof.  C.  Ruble. 

Lond.    Williams  &  N.  1889.    8vo.  [ec] 

RoH,  J. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C264. 


RoHLFS,  Grd.  1831-96 

4572.  Adventures  in  Morocco  and  journeys  through  the 

oases  of  Praa  and  Tofilet.    Intro,  by  \V.  Reade. 
Lond.     1874.    8vo.  [bm] 

ROHRBACH,   PI.    1869- 

4573.  German  world  policies.     (Der  deutsche  Gedanke 

in  der  Walt.)     Tr.  E.  v.  Mach.     NY.     Mac- 
millan  191 5.     243p.     19cm.  [lc] 

4574.  Germany's    isolation:   an   exposition   of    the   eco- 

nomic causes  of  the  war.    Tr.  P.  H.  Phillipson. 
Chic.    McClurg  1915.    i86p.    19cm.  [lc] 

RoLLETT,  Hm.  1819-1904 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145,  C230. 

4575.  Poems  from  the  German  of  H.  R-..  Tr.  H.  Phil- 

lips, Jr.    Phil.    Priv.  print.  1887.  3op.  8vo.  [bm] 

RoNGE,  J  :s,  1813-87 

4576.  Vindication  of  J.  Ronge,  the  Luther  of  the   19th 

century.     Tr.   R.   Taylor.     Lond.      1845.     8vo. 


4577.  Autobiog.  and  justification  of  J.  R.     Tr.  5th  Ger. 

ed.  J.    Lord.      Lond.      Chapman    bros.    1846. 
7op.    8vo.  [bm] 

4578.  Justification.     In    J:    Rongc,    The    holy   coat  of 

Treves,  and  the  new  German-Catholic  church. 
Edinb.    T:  Nelson.     1845.     i20p.    8vo.       [bm] 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C68.  C229,  C230.  CJ67,  C121. 

4579.  Conrad  Hagen's  mistake.    Tr.  Mrs.  Crozer.   Phil. 

Lipp.  1881.     2i6p.     19cm.  [lc] 

4580.  The  curate  of  Orsieres.     Ad.  Ma.  .\.  Robinson. 

NY.    Harper  1878.    Sip.     12cm.  [lc] 

RosEGGER,  Petri  Ketteenfeier,  1843- 

Sclection,  prose,  see  C132. 
*4S8i.     The  earth  and  the  fulness  thereof.    A  romance  of 
modern  Styria.     Tr.    Fes.    E.  Skinner.     NY ; 
Lond.     Putnam  1902.     397p.     20cm.     [Flats.] 



♦*4582.     A  fight  for  freedom:  or,  Peter  Mayr,  landlord  of 

the  Mahr.     Tr.  Ma.  Dougherty.     Dublin.     Gill 

1913.     392p.     i2mo.     [Some  bad  errors.]    [nv] 

4583.     The  forest    farm:   tales    of    the   Austrian  Tyrol. 

Lond.     Fifield  1912.    226p.    8vo.  [ny] 

**4584.     do.     Forest  home    (abr.).     Tr.   L.    Fossler.     In 

*4585 .     The  forest  schoolmaster.    Tr.  F.  E.  Skinner.  NY ; 
Lond.     Putnam  1901.     333p.     i2nio.     __  Same 
abr.  in  C9i(,i6).     Umvarrantcd  liberties,    [lc] 

4586.  The  God-seeker.    Tr.  F.  E.  Skinner.    NY;  Lond. 

Putnam  1901.    475p.    20cm.  [lc] 

4587.  L  N.  R.  L,  a  prisoner's  story  of  the  cross.     Tr. 

Eliz.  Lee.  11.  C.  K.  Linson.  NY.  McClure, 
Phillips ;  Lond.  Hodder  &  S.  1905.  340p. 
20cm.  [lc] 

—  Hodder  1907.  8vo.  __  Pop.  ed.  1911. 
328p.  [ec] 

4588.  The  light    eternal.     Lond.     Unwin   1907.     358p. 

8vo.  [ec] 

4589.  My  kingdom  of    heaven.      Lond.      Hodder  &  S. 

1907-    338p.    8vo.  [ecJ 


Selection,  verse,  see  C2^. 

"Rosen,  Erwin" 

4590.  In  the  foreign  legion.     Lond.     Duckworth   1910. 

22cm.  [lc] 

—  Cheaper  re-issue.  1912.    30op.    8vo.        [ec] 

Rosen,  Jl.  v.  1833-92 

4591.  Grisette:  a  talc  of  Paris  and  NY.     Drane  1889. 

8vo.     (Lovell  lib.)  [eg] 

4592.  A  model  hu.sband.     A  comedy  in  four  acts.    Ad. 

A.  Stein.    Phil.     1880.  [B19] 

4593.  Nancy  &  co.     A  comedy   in    four  acts.     Tr.  A. 

Daly.    NY.    1884.  [lc] 

4594.  do.     an  eccentric  piece  in  four  acts.    Tr.  A.  Daly. 

NY.  as  MS.  for  the  author  1886.  63p.  8vo.  [lco] 

430  rxiversitt  of  wisconsin  studies 


4595-     Needles  and  pins.     A  comedy  in  four  acts.     Tr. 
A.  Daly.    NY.    1880.  [lc] 

4596.  Oh,  these  naughty  men.    Comedy  in  four  acts.    Tr. 

and  ad.  A.  Neuendorff.    1877.  ]bi9[ 

4597.  Quits;  or,  a  game    of    tit-for-tat.     A  comedy  in 

four  acts.    Tr.  A.  Daly.    NY.    1881.  [BI9] 

4598.  A  triple  courtship.    A  comedy  ad.  and  augm.  W: 

D.  Eaton.    Chic.  1878.    49,  43,  33  leaves  sm.    4to. 
Tp.  [lco] 


See  Andrea,  J:,  The  hermetick  romance.     #2ia. 

RosENKRANZ,  J:  K:  F:  1805-79 

4599.  Composition  of  Goethe's  social  romance.     Tr.  D. 

J.  Snider.     In  Ci4i(4). 

4600.  Difference  of  Baader  from  Hegel.    Tr.  T:  David- 

son.   In  Ci4i(2). 

4601 .  Goethe's  social   romances.  Tr.  T :   Davidson.     In 


4602.  Goethe's    story    of    the    snake.      Tr.    Anna    C. 

Brackett.     In  Ci4i(5). 

4603 .  Goethe's   \V.     Meister.       Tr.    T :   Davidson.      In 


4604.  Hegel  and  his  contemporaries.     Tr.   G.  S.    Hall. 

In  Ci4i(ii). 

4605.  Hegel   as  the   national   philosopher   of    Germany. 

Tr.  G.  S.  Hall.    St.  Louis.    Gray,  Baker  1874. 
8vo.  [.\c] 

4606.  Hegel's  aesthetics.      Hegel's    philosophy    of  reli- 

gion.   Tr.  G.  S.  Hall.    InCi4i(7)- 

4607.  Introduction  to  Hegel's  encyclopaedia.    Tr.  W:R. 

Walker.     In  Ci4i(5). 

4608.  On   Goethe's   Faust.      Tr.    A.    C.    Brackett.      In 


4609.  On  Hegel's  phenomenology.      On    Hegel's  logic. 

On  Hegel's  i)hilosophy  of  right.  On  Hegel's 
philosi)])hv  of  history.  Tr.  G.  S.  Hall.  In 


4610.  Philosophy  of    education;    or,    pedagogics    as  a 

system.    Tr.  A.  C.  Brackett.    St.  Louis.    Gray, 
Baker  1872.    8vo.  [ac] 

_-  Also  pub.  in  C141,  vol.  6  etc. 

461 1.  do.    sanur.     2d  rev.    ed.      NY.      Appleton  1886. 

D.  [ac] 

4612.  Second  part  of  Goethe's  Faust.    Tr.  D.  J.  Snider. 

In  Ci4i(i). 

4613.  Second  part  of  Faust.     Tr.  A.  C.  Brackett.    In 


RosENROTH,  C.  Knorr  v.,  see  Knorr 

RosKowsKA,  Me. 

4614.  Die  Halligen ;  or,  in  the  midst  of  the  North  Sea. 

Tr.  Smith.    Phil.    Luth.  board  1870.  i6mo.  [ac] 

"RosMER,  Em"  (i.  e.  Elsa  Porges  Bernstein,  1866-         ) 

4615.  John  Herkner.    Tr.  IMa.  Harned.     In  Poet-Lore, 

vol.  22  (1911). 
**46i6.     Kingly  children.    Tr.  C.  H.  Meltzer.    NY.    Rull- 
mann   19 10.     69p.     4to.     (Opera  by  Humper- 
dinck.    Libretto,  Eng.  and  Ger.)  [lc] 

*46i7.     Twilight.     Tr.  P.  H.  Grummann.     In  Poet-Lore, 
vol.  2^  (1912).     [Attempts  dialect  and  fails.] 

R0STHI0(  ?) 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C62. 

RoTH,  Abh. 

4618.  The  Doldenhorn  and  Weisse  Frau.    Ascended  for 

the  first  time  by  A.  R.  and  E.  v.  Fellenberg. 
By  A.  Roth.     Coblenz,  Leipz.     1863.     il.    8vo. 

RoTir,  J.  1818-92 

See  Schubert,  G.  H.,  joint  author.   #5300. 

Roth,  R: 

4619.  Prince  Frederick  and  the  dawn  of  the  reforma- 

tion.   Tr.  5th  ed.  Ma.  E.  Ireland.     Burlington, 
la.    Ger.  lit.  board  1913.     iO~p.     17cm.        [lc] 


RoTHE,  J:  And.  d.  1758 

Selection,  verse,  see  C220,  C126,  C180. 

Rot  HE,  R:  1799- 1867 

4620.  Still  hours.     Tr.  J.  T.  Stoddart.     Intro,  essay  by 

J.  Macpherson.  Lond.  Hodder  &  S.  1886. 
425p.    8vo.  [bm] 

RoTHENBURG,  Frau  Ade.  Kta.  Aide.  (v.  Zastrovv)  v.  1837-91 

4621 .  The   seamstress  of   Stettin.     Ad.   "Cornelia   Mc- 

Fadden".  Cine.  Cranston  &  Stowe ;  NY. 
Hunt  &  Eaton  1889.    327P.     19cm.  [lc] 

"RoTHENFELS,  E.  V."   (i.  e.  Frau  Erne.   (v.  Loga)  v.  Ingers- 
leben,  1822-71) 

4622.  Eleonore.     Tr.  Fes.  E.  Bunnett.     Phil.  Lippincott 

1872.    303p.    19cm.  [lc] 

4623.  Little  heather  blossom.     Tr.  Ma.  J.  Safford.     11. 

W.  B.  Davis.  NY.  Bonner  1891.  47op. 
19cm.  [lc] 

RoTTECK,  K:  Wzs.  Rodecker  v.  1775-1840 

4624.  General  history  of  the  world  ....  to  1831.     Tr. 

and  cont.  to  1840  by  F:  Jones.  1st  Amer  ed. 
Phil.  Stollmeyer  1840-1.  4V.  il.  23cm.  [lc] 
__  Phil.     Leary  1851.    4V.  in  2.    23cm.       [lc] 

4625.  do.     Lond.    Longman  1842.    4V.    Bvo.  [bm] 

4626.  do.     continued  .  .  .  C :  J.  Peterson.    Phil.   Leary 

&  Getz  n.  d.    4V.  in  2.    Also  4V.  in  i.  [ac] 

4627.  do.     New     rev.    cd.      NY.      Worthington    1885. 

4v.  [ac] 

Rriiix,  i^th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C186. 

Rubinstein,  An.  1829-94 

4628.  Autobiography,     1829-89.       Bost ;     Lond.     i8w. 

i6mo.  [ec] 

4629.  A  conversation  on  music.    Tr.  Mrs.  J-  P.  Morgan. 

NY.    Tretbar  1892.     I46p.     i7cni.  [lc] 

MUHGAN— B1BL.I0G;{A1'HV  of  GEUiiAN  LlTliUATLT.t:        433 

KuDLOFF,  W :  F : 

4630.  Shakespeare,  Schiller,  and  Goethe,  relatively  con- 

sidered.   Hamilton  1848.    i2nio.  [ec] 

Rudolf  Fis.  C:  Js.  Erzherzog  und  Kronprinz  v.  Oesterreich, 

4631.  Notes  on  sport  and  ornithology.    Tr.  C.  G.  Dan- 

ford.     Lond.     Gurney  &  Jackson   1889.     648P. 
23cm.  [lc] 

4632.  Travels  in  the  East:  including  a  visit  to  Egypt 

and  the  Holy  Land.     II.  Pausinger  etc.     Lond. 
Bentley  1884.    380?.    8vo.  [dm] 

Rudolf  von  Fenis,  fi.  1158-92 

Selection,  verse,  see  C186,  Ci8i. 

Rudolf  von  Rotenburg,  /jf/t  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C13,  C244. 

RuECKERT,  F:  1789- 1866 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C220,  C3,  C40,  C86,  C149, 
C105,  C229,  C38,  C185,  C246,  C226,  C243, 
C231,  C68,  C161,  C109,  C108,  C107,  C230,  C171, 
C137,  C167,  C168,  C169,  C46,  C16,  C103,  C162, 
C20,  C21,  C23,  C148,  C7,  Ciig(much),  C22 
(much),  C145,  C267,  C8,  C62,  C90,  C264,  C198, 
C9,i(much),  C248,  C121,  C195,  C172,  C221, 
C20i(i8),  C43,  C9i(5),  C160;  #3800,  #2424, 

4633.  The  alien-child's  holy    Christ.      Tr.    i:.   Hodges. 

Newcastle.      Richardson     1846.        i7p.      8vo. 
(Ger.  and  Eng.)  [bm] 

4634.  The  vision  of  God  as  represented  in  R__'s  frag- 

ments.   Tr.  in  Eng.  rhyme  by  W :  Hastie.    Glas- 
gow.    ALicLehose  1898.    33p.    4to.  [bms] 

4635 .  The  wisdom  of  the  Brahmin :  a  didactic  poem.  Tr. 

C.  T.  Brooks.    Bks.  1-4.    Bost.    Roberts  1882. 
252P.    i6mo.     (ac  says  bks.  1-6)  [lco] 

4636.  The  Brahman's  vision.    Tr.  Eva  M.  Martin.  Rider 

1910.    46p.     i2mo.  [ecJ 


RuEDiGER,  Frau  Minna,  1841- 

4637.  For  the  sake  of  the  faith :  four  stories  of  the  times 

of  the  reformation.  Burhngton,  la.  Ger.  Ht. 
board  1905.     I28p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

4638.  VValdtraut:  a  story  of  the  forest.     Tr.  Sophy  G. 

Colvin.  Edinb;  Lond.  Oliphant  1896.  223p. 
8vo.  .  [bms] 

4639.  Waldtraut,  according  to  the  chronicle  of  the  pastor 

of  Hinrichshagen.  Tr.  Corinth  Crook.  II. 
Dorothy  Cole.    Chic.    Elliott  1898.  284P.  17cm. 


RuESTOw,  F:  W:  1821-78 

4640.  The  war  for  the  Rhine  frontier,    1870.     Its  po- 

litical and  military  history.  Tr.  J :  L.  Need- 
ham.  Edinb;  Lond.  Blackwood  1871-2.  3V. 
2icm.  [lc] 

RuETE,  Frau  Erne.  1S44- 

4641 .  Memoirs    of    an    Arabian    princess.      Tr.  Lionel 

Strachey.  NY.  Doubleday  Page  1907.  227p. 
it.     23cm.  [lc] 

RuHKoi'F,  Jle.  and 
MoRiTZ,  A : 

4642.  Nannie's  jewel-case;  or,   true   stories  and   false. 

Tr.  "Trauermantel."  Host.  Crosby  &  N.  1858. 
223p.    il.     i6nio.  [lco] 

RuLOFK,  E:  H. 

4642a.   Life,  trial,  and    execution.      (In    Eng.  or  Ger.) 
Phil.     Barclay  1871.     8vo.  [acJ 

RuNCF.,  Ph.  O:  1777-1810 

Selection,  verse,  see  C167. 

RuPEUTi,  F : 

Sclcclioii,  verse,  sec  C198. 

Rui-rms,  O:  1819-64 

4(^143.      Two  hemispheres.   .A  romance.  Tr.  C.  L.  W.    Phil. 
Claxton.    R.  &  H.  1870.    245P.     iScni.         [lc] 


Saar,  Fcl.  V.  1833- 

Selcclion,  z-crsc,  see  €91(18),  C185. 
♦4644.     The  stonebreakers.    Tr.  A.  M.  Reiner.    In  C196. 

Sacer.  Gf .  W  :  1635-99 

Selection,  verse,  see  C220,  C44,  C265. 

Sacher-Masoch,  Lp.  v.  1836-95 

4645.  Jewish  tales.    Tr.  fr.  the  French  by  Harriet  Lieber 

Cohen.     Chic.     McClurg   1894.     3i7p.     i8cm. 


4646.  The  new  Job.     Tr.  H.  L.  Cohen.     NY.     Cassell 

1891.    270P.    19cm.  [lc] 

4647.  Seraph.     A  tale  of  Hungary.    Tr.  E.  M.  Phelps. 

NY.    Allen  1893.    i59p.    8vo.  [bm] 

4648.  Thou  shalt  not  kill.    Tr.  H.  L.  Cohen.    In  C196. 

4649.  Venus  and  Adonis,  and  other  tales  of  the  court 

of  Catherine  H.  Lond.  Mathieson  1896?  i87p. 
Svo.  [bms] 

S.\CHS,  Hs.  1494-1576 

Selection,  verse,  see  C63,  C264,  C266,  C138,  C218, 
C52,  C126,  C243,  C160,  C132. 

t4650.  Goodly  dysputacion  between  a  Christen  show- 
maker    and    a    Papysshe    Person done 

within  the  famous  citie  of  Norembourgh  .... 
tr.  Anthony  Scoloker.  Lond.  1648.  (Cited  by 
BIO  who  says  crude  and  faulty.) 

*465i.  Merry  tales  and  three  Shrovetide  plays.  Now 
first  done  into  Eng.  verse  by  W:  Leighton. 
Lond.  Nutt  1910.  27op.  20cm.  (Includes 
The  horse  thief;  the  hot  iron;  the  travelling 
scholar.)  [lc] 

T4652.     Raising  the  devil.     Tr.  \V.  H.  H.  Chambers.     In 
C59.     [Very  bald  prose,  not  zvholly  accurate.] 
Sec  Wildenhahn,  A.,  Hans  Sachs #6136. 

Sachse,  F. 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C215. 


Sachsen-Weimar,  Herzog  v. 

4653.  Travels  through  North  America  in  1825-6.     Phil. 

Carey,  Lea  &  Carev  1828.    2v.    8vo.  [ac] 

Salis,  J:  Gaudenz  v.  1762-1834 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C142,  C23,  C21,  C68,  C52, 
C231,  C230,  C161,  C177,  C226,  C127,  C167, 
C169,  C202,  C53,  C232,  C176,  C145,  C5,  C103. 
C18,  Cm;  #47/4- 

Salis  Marschlius,  K:  Ulysses  v.  1762-1818 

4654.  Travels  through  various  provinces  of  the  kingdom 

of  Naples,  in  1789.  Tr.  A.  Aufrere.  Lond. 
Cadell  &  D.  1795.     527P.    il.     21cm.  [lc] 

Sallet,  F:  v.  1812-43 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C8,  C145,  C131,  C267,  C230. 

Salm-Salm,  Ag.  (Leclerq)  prinzessin  zu,  1840-1912 

4655.  Ten  years  of   my  life.     Detroit.     Belford    1877. 

385P.     I 8cm.  [lc] 

4656.  do.     Lond.     Bentley  1876.     2v.    20cm.  [lc] 

Salm-Salm^  Fx.  Cst.  Ax.  J :  Nk.  prinz  zu 

4657.  My  diary  in  Mexico,  in  1867,  including  the  last 

days  of  the  emperor  Maximilian.  Lond. 
Bentley  1868.     2v.     il.     20cm.  [lc] 

Salten,  Fx.  1869- 

4658.  The  love  of  life.    Ad.  Jos.  H.  Neebe.    Chic.  1910. 

Tp.  [lc] 

Salzmann,  Cn.  Gotthilf,  1744-1811 

4659 .  Charles  and  Mary ;  or  stories  to  help  in  the  train- 

ing of  children.    NY.    Miller  n.  d.     i2mo.  [AC4] 

4660.  Elements  of  morality,  for  the  use  of  children.    3d 

Amer.  ed.  Wilmington,  Del.  print,  by  J.  Johnson 
1796.  232p.  17cm.  (Tr.  Mrs.  Ma.  Godwin. 
1st  Lond.  ed.  1790.)  [lc] 

4661 .  do.    same,     ist    Amer.    ed.    Providence,    R.    L 

Carter  &  Wilkinson  1795.    30<)p.     i2mo.     [B24] 

4662.  do.    sauie.     Phil,   for  Hoflt  &  Kaemnicrer   1796. 

2v.     i2mo.    il.  [B24] 


4663.  do.    satw.     NY.  ca.  1803.     121110.  [1:24] 

4664.  do.    same.     1st  Balto.  ed.  rev.  and  cor.     1811. 

i2mo.  [B24] 

4665.  do.     II.  W:  Blake.    Lend,  for  J.  Sharpe  181-.  2v. 

I 8cm.  [lc] 

4666.  do.     Stories  for  children ;  or,  elements  of  morality. 

NY.    Francis  n.  d.    i8mo.  [ac2] 

4667.  What  God  does  is  well  done.  Tr.  E.  T.  Disosway. 

Cincin.  Methodist  bk.  cone.  n.  d.     i6mo.  [ac/] 

"Samarow,  Gregor"  (i.  e.  Ok.  Meding,  1827-         ) 

4668.  For  sceptre  and  crown.    Lond.     King  1875.     2v. 

8vo.  [bm] 

S.ANDER,  Cn.  Lavinus  F: 

Selection,  verse,  see  C232,  C245. 

Saphir,  M.  G.  1795-1858 

Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 

Sartorius,  C:  Cn.  W:  1796-1872 

4669.  ^Mexico.      Landscapes     and     popular     sketches. 

Darmstadt.  Lange ;  NY.  Lang  &  Kronfeld 
1858;  Lond.  Trubner  1859.  202p.  il.  28  x 
22cm.  [lc] 

Sassen,  S.  E.  W  :e 

Selection,  verse,  see  C4. 

Sastrow,  Ems.  1520- 1603 

4670.  Social   Germany     in     Luther's    time;    being   the 

memoirs  of  B.  S.  Tr.  A.  D.  Vandam.  West- 
minster. Constable  1902.  349?.  il.  20cm.  [lc] 
_-  NY.     Dutton  1903.  [ac] 

—  Title:  Memoirs  of  a  Ger.  burgomaster. 
Intro.  Herbert  A.  L.  Fisher.     Constable   1905. 


"ScHACHiNG,  O :  V."    (i  .e.  V :  Mt.  O :  Denk,  1853-         ) 

4671.  Afra.     In  C213. 

4672.  The  bell  foundry.     NY;  Cincin.     Bcnziger  1907. 

171P.     i7cni.  [lc] 

4673.  The   mad   knight.     A   merry    tale  ....  ad.   K. 



Denvir.     NY;  Cincin.     Benziger  1915.     I7cni. 


4674.  The  violin  maker.    Tr.  Sara  Trainer  Smith.    NY; 

Cincin.    Benziger  1905.     IJSP-     17cm.  [lc] 

ScHACK,  Ad.  F:  graf  v.  1815-94 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C198. 

ScHADE,  J.  C.  i/th  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266,  C180. 


4675.  The  iron  idol    Tr.  Mrs.  A.  v.  Ende.    In  €91(19). 
"ScHAFFY,  Mirza",  see  Bodenstedt.  F: 

SCHALLING,  Mt.  d.   1608 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126,  C220,  C266,  C138. 

SCHANENSEE,  L.   M.   V. 

4676.  A  storm  on  Lake  Lucerne,   fr.  the  Ger.     Lond. 

Simpkin  1869.    sq.     i6mo.  [ec] 

ScHANZ,  Frida 

4677.  Prince  Fridolin's  courtship.  1888.     In  Lohmeyer, 

Jl.     (Title  missing.)  [lco] 

SCHARRELMANN,   W:    1875 

Sec  Wiegand,  J.,  joint  author. 

SCHAUMCERGER,    H  :    1834-74 

Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 

ScHAUKAL,  R :  1874- 

Sclection,  verse,  sec  C14. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C198. 

ScHEFER,  Gb.  Lp.  Im.  1784-1862 

Selection,  verse,  see  C221,  C109.  C108,  C86,  C8, 

4678.  The   artist's   married   life;  being   that   A.   Diirer. 

Lond.  1848.  [iim] 


4679.  do.    same.     Lond.      Chapman     &     Hall      1851. 

i2nio.  [bm] 

4680.  do.     same.     Rev.   ed.   w.   memoir.     NY.      1862. 

8vo.  [bm] 

4681.  do.     Rev.  ed.     Tr.  Mrs.  J:  R.  Stodart.     Best; 

Cambridge.    ]\Iunroe  1861.    204p.    iScni.       [lc] 
__  NY.    Miller  n.d.     i2mo.  [AC7] 

4682.  The  bishop's  wife :  a  tale  of  the  Papacy.    Tr.  Mrs. 

Stodart.     Lond.     Chapman   1851.     20op.     8vo. 


4683.  The  world-priest.     A  poem.     Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks. 

Bost.     Roberts  1873.    373p.    sq.     i6mo.   [lco] 

SCHEFFEL,  Js.  \'  :  V.   1826-86 

Selection,  verse,  see  C130,  C145,  C148,  C9i(i3), 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 
♦4684 .     Ekkehard.    A  tale  of  the  loth  century.    Tr.  Sofie 
Delffs.     Leipz.     Tauchnitz  1872.     2v.  [lc] 

4685.  do.     same?     NY.     Gottsberger   1890.     2v.   i6cm. 


4686.  do.    same?     NY;   Boston.     Crowell    1895.     2v. 

il.    17cm.  [lc] 

♦4687.     So.    abr.     Tr.  S.'  DelflFs  and  R.  Tombo,  Jr.     In 

C9i(i3).       [Wholly    abridged;    archaic    style 

wholly  lost.] 

4688.     do.     Tr.   Helena    Easson.      Lond.       Dent;    NY. 

Button  191 1.     (Everyman.)    39ip.  [lc] 

**4689.     Gaudeamus!     Humorous  poems  tr.   fr.  S--  and 

others  by  C :  G.  Leland.    Bost.    Osgood  ;  Lond. 

Triibner  1872.     i54p.     13  x  9cm.  [lc] 

4690.  In  the  Rhaetian  Alps.     Tr.  A.  I.  Coleman.     In 


4691.  The  monk  of  St.  Gall.    A  dramatic  adaptation  (in 

five  acts  and  in  verse)  of  ...    .  Ekkehard  by 
R.  S.  Ross.    Lond.    Bell  1879.    8vo.  [bm] 

4692.  Mountain  psalms.     Tr.  Mrs.  F.  Briinnow.     Lond. 

Triibner  1882.    8vo.  [dm] 

4693.  The  Swedes  at  Rippoldsau.    A.  D.  1643.     (With 



Eckstein,  Eternal  laws  of  mortality.)  Priv. 
print.  1880?    39p.    4to.  [bms] 

*4694.  The  trumpeter  of  Sakkingen.  Tr.  Mrs.  Fis. 
Briinnow.  Lond.  Chapman  &  Hall ;  NY. 
Scribner   1877.     302p.     lamo.      [Poor  verse.] 


**4695.  do.  The  trumpeter :  a  romance  of  the  Rhine.  Tr. 
200th  Ger.  ed.  Jessie  Reck  and  Louise  Lorimer. 
Intro.  Sir.  T.  Martin.  Edinb.  Blackwood 
1893.     2i5p.     19cm.  [lc] 

SCHEFFER,  J:s,    162I-79 

4696.  The  history  of  Lapland,  wherein  are  shewed  the 

original  manners,  habits,  marriages,  conjura- 
tions etc.  of  that  people.  Oxford  at  the  theater 
1674.    I47p.   il.   29cm.    (From  the  Latin.)    [lc] 

ScHEFFLER,  J :  Augelus,  1624-77  sec  "Angelus  Silesius" 


4697.  Life  of   M.    Luther.      Tr.    J.   P.   Menge.      1862. 

8vo.  [bm] 

ScHELLiNG,  F:  W:  Js.  V.  1775-1854 

Selection,  prose,  see  C120. 

4698.  Academical  lectures.    Tr.  Mrs.  Ella  Morgan.     In 


4699.  The  historical  construction   of   Christianity.     Tr. 

Mrs.  Ella  Morgan.     In  Ci4i(i2). 

4700.  Introduction  to  idealism.     Tr.  T:  Davidson.     In 


4701 .  Introduction  to  the  philosophy  of  nature.     Tr.  T : 

Davidson.    In  €141(1). 

4702.  Method  of  university  study.    Tr.  Mrs.  E.  Morgan. 

In  Ci4i(ii). 

4703.  On  medicine  and  the  theory  of  organic  nature.    On 

the  science  of  the  fine  arts.  Tr.  Mrs.  Morgan. 
In  Ci4i(i5). 

4704.  On  natural  science  in  general.     Tr.  Mrs.  Morgan. 

In  C141 (14). 


♦♦4705 .     On  the  relation  of  the  plastic  arts  to  nature.    Tr. 
J.  E.  Cabot.     In  €91(5). 

4706.  Oration   on  ...  .  plastic  arts  and   nature.     Tr. 

A.    Johnson.      Lond.      Chapman    1845.      34p. 
i2mo.  [bpl] 

4707.  Practical  effects  of  modern  philosophy.    Tr.  C :  L. 

Bernays.    In  Ci4i(3). 

4708.  Transcendental   idealism.    By   J:   Watson.     Chic. 

Griggs  1882.    i6mo.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  CiSi. 

ScHENK,  H.  T.  1656-1727 

Selection,  verse,  see  C44,  C265,  C134. 

SCHENKENDORF,  Fd.  Gf.   Mx.  V.   1784-1812. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C167,  C8,  C62,  C68,  C185, 
C15,  C38,  C9i(5);#38oo. 

SCHERENBERG,    Em.    1839- 

Selcction,  verse,  see  C198,  C226,  Ci2i(?  ascribed 
to  Emil  S ). 

ScHERER,  M.  ( Illustrator  F) 

Sec  Wiedemann,  Fz.     #6080. 

ScHERER,  VI.  1878- 

4709.  The  work  of   Diirer  ....  intro.  abr.   fr.  V.   S. 

NY.  Brentano's  1907  i6+382p.  il.  27cm.   [lc] 

ScHERER,  W:  1841-86 

4710.  History  of  Ger.  literature.    Tr.  3d  Ger.  ed.    Mrs. 

F.  C.  Conybeare.      Oxford.     Clarendon   1886. 
2v.    23cm.     __  NY.    Scribner  1893.    2v.  20cm. 


47H.     do.     same.     1891.    335p.    8vo.  [bm] 

4/12.     do.     same.     Ed.  F.  Max  Mueller.     Frowde  1906. 

2v.    418,  366p.    8vo.  [eg] 


SCHERR,  J  :s,    1817-86 

Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 

4713.  Schiller  and  his  times.    Tr.  Elis.   McClellan.   Phil. 

Kohler  1880.    4S4p.    il.     i2mo.  [lco] 

ScHERZER,  K:  ritter  v.  1821-1903 

4714.  Narrative  of  the  circumnavigation  of  the  globe  by 

Austrian  frigate  Novara,  in  1857-9.  Lond. 
Saunders  &  O.  1861-3.  3V.  8vo.  (Appar.  tr. 
by  the  author.)  [lco] 

4715.  Travels   in  the   free  states  of   Central  America. 

Lond.    Longman  1857.    2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

ScHEURLiN,  G:  1802-72 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145,  C198. 

SCHIEBELER,   D.   d.    I/Jl 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126. 

SciiiKANEDER,  J:  Em.  1751-1812 

4716.  Magic  flute.     (Opera  by  Mozart.)     Ad.  T.  Cooke. 

Lond.  Theatre  royal  1838.  28p.  8vo.  [Much 
altered.]  [lc] 

4717.  do.     Libretto,  Ital.  and  Eng.     NY.     French  1880. 

28p.    4to.     [Tr.  from  Italian,  ivhielt  slaughters 

the  German.]  [lc] 

14718.     do.     Libretto,  Ital.  and  Eng.    NY.    Acad,  of  mus. 

n.  d.     [Bald  prose.]  [lc] 

4719.  do.     Libretto.     Ditson  1888.    3ip.    8vo.  [lc] 

4720.  do.     Tr.  E:  J.  Dent  for  the  performance  at  Cam- 

bridge. Cambridge.  HefTcri9ii.  57p.  i2mo. 
[Differs  from  both  the  Gcrnmn  versions  acces- 
sible to  7ite.]  [lc] 

Schiller,  Fx. 

4721.  Munich,  its  treasures  of  art  and  science,  manners 

and  customs.  Tr.  by  an  Eng.  tourist.  Munich 
1852.     8vo.  [bm] 


Schiller,  J:  Christoph  F:  v.  1759-1805 


Single  works 





4722.  Works.     Historical  ind  dramatic.     Lend.     Bohn 

1846-9.  4v.  8vo.  (I.  Thirty  years'  war.  Re- 
volt of  the  Netherlands.  II.  Revolt  of  Nether- 
lands. Wallenstein.  W.  Tell.  III.  Don  Carlos. 
Mary  Stuart.  Maid  of  Orleans.  Bride  of 
Messina.  IV.  Robbers.  Fiesco.  Love  and 
intrigue.    Demetrius.    Ghost-seer.)  [bm] 

4723.  do.    same.     Bohn  1853.  [uw] 

4724.  do.     Complete  works.     Ed.   w.  careful   revisions 

and  new  tr.  by  C:  J.  Hempel.  Phil.  Kohler 
1870.  2v.  27cm.  (Adds  some  poems,  Homage 
of  the  arts,  Schiller's  philosophical  and  aesthet- 
ical  letters,  tr.  by  Hempel.  Intro,  to  Nether- 
lands revised.  Otherwise  same  as  4^4722.)  [lc] 

4725.  do.    Work,  il.  by  greatest  Ger.  artists.    Ed.  J.  G. 

Fischer.  Phil.  Barrie  1883.  4V.  30cm.  (I. 
Poems  by  Bowring.  Robbers  ;  Fiesco ;  Love  and 
intrigue ;  as  in  #4722.  II.  Don  Carlos ;  W'al- 
lenstein,  complete ;  Mary  Stuart ;  Maid  of  Or- 
leans ;  as  in  #4722.  Misanthrope.  III.  Bride 
of  Messina  ;  Tell ;  Demetrius  ;  Ghost-seer  ;  Re- 
volt of  Netherlands ;  as  in  #4722.  Criminal 
from  lost  honor.  Fragments :  Warbeck,  The 
Maltese,  The  children  of  the  house.  IV.  Re- 
volt of  Netherlands,  continued ;  Thirty  years' 
war;  as  in  #4722.  Fragments  of  Schiller's 
translations  (in  German).  Life  by  H.  H. 
Boyesen.)  [lc] 

4726.  do.     Works.      (Household    ed.)       NY.      J:    D. 

Williams  n.  d.  Bost.  Cassino  1884.  4V.  il. 
i6mo.  (I.  Thirty  years'  war.  Revolt  of  Neth- 
erlands.     II.  Ghost-seer.      Sport    of    destiny. 

■For  critical  Judgments  gee   individual  titles. 

444  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Robbers.  Fiesco.  Love  and  intrigue.  Wallen- 
stein,  complete.  III.  Tell.  Don  Carlos. 
Demetrius.  Mary  Stuart.  Maid  of  Orleans. 
Bride  of  Alessina.  IV.  Poems  and  essays.  Same 
tr.  as  #4J22.)  [uw] 

4727.  do.     Works.    (Household  ed.)     NY.    Lovell  188-. 

4v.     19cm.     (Same  as  foregoing.)  [lc] 

4728.  do.     Works,   tr.    by   various   hands.    Lond.    Bell 

1897-1903.     7v.     19cm. 

(I.  Thirty  years'  war.  II.  Revolt  of  Nether- 
lands. Trial  of  Egmont  and  Horn.  Siege  of 
Antwerp.  Disturbances  in  France.  III.  Don 
Carlos.  Mary  Stuart.  Maid  of  Orleans.  Bride 
of  Messina.  IV.  Robbers.  Fiesco.  Love  and 
intrigue.  Demetrius.  Ghost-seer.  Sport  of 
destiny.  V.  Poems.  VI.  Essays  aesthetical  and 
philosophical.     VII.  Wallenstein.     Tell.)      [lc] 

4729.  Poems  and  plays.     Poems  tr.  Lytton.     Plays  tr. 

M.   G.   Lewis,   Coleridge,   Lord  Russell,   Lord 

Ellesmere,  and  others.    Ed H :  Morley. 

Routledge  1889.    889p.    Svo.  [bm] 

4730.  Dramatic  works.     Wallenstein  and  Wilhelm  Tell. 

tr.  by  Coleridge,  Churchill,  and  Martin.  Bohn 
1889.  419P.  Svo.  [bm] 
_-  Bell  1903.  420p.  igcm.  [lc] 
Bell  1910.  [uw] 

4731.  Works.    Edition  de  luxe.    Ed.  N.  H.  Dole.  Bost. 

Niccolls  1902.  il.  23cm.  (Has  Diintzer's  life 
of  Schiller,  tr.  Percy  Pinkcrton.  Revolt  of 
Netherlands  as  in  #4724.  Otherwise  same  tr. 
as  #4722,  except  poems.  Arnold-Forster  signs 
the  translator's  preface ;  but  I  examined  38 
poems,  all  tr.  cither  by  Rowring  or  Lytton. 
Volumes  not  numbered.  (I.  II.)  Aesthetical 
and  philo.sophical  letters  and  essays.  (III.) 
Poetical  works.  (IV.)  Revolt  of  Netherlands. 
(V.)  Thirty  years'  war.  (VI.)  Maid  of  Or- 
leans.     Bride    of    Messina.      Tell.      Demetrius. 


(VII.)  Wallenstein.  (VIII.)  Robbers.  Fiesco. 
Love  and  intrigue.)  [lc] 

4732.     do.     Works.     NY.     Williams.     8v.     (Cheap  re- 
issue of  #4-31.)  [ny] 

4733-     ^o.     Works.     Ed.  L.  Hermann.     Lond.     Unwin 
1905.    8v.    8vo.  [ec] 

4734.     Poet  and  prose  works.     Black  1830.    8vo.     [ec] 
Selections,  verse,  see  €201(9,  10.  ".  16,  18,  24, 
25),  C54,  C191.  Ci77(much,  cf.  #4760).  C172, 
C121,  C151,  C262,  C131,  C245,  C81,  C162,  C230, 
C202,  C243,  C127,  C56,  C246,  C38,  C48,  C232, 
C62,  C109,    Clio,    C107,    C231,    C142,    Ci67,- 
(much),  C226,  C176,    C137,  C68,  C149,  C90. 
C14S,  C69,  C16,  C18,  C23,  C22,  C46,  C8,  C136, 
C83,  C53,  C40,  Cm,  C7,  C103,  C225,  C190, 
C185.  C89,  C84,  C4.  C52,  C72,  C251,  C160.  C76, 
C178,  C194,    C9i(3),    C252,    C21,    C59.  C94; 
#4013.  #3054.  #1660. 
Selection,    prose,    sec    C70,    C120,    C94,    C160, 
C9i(3),  C212,  C206. 

4735-  Selection.     Anon.     Illustrations    of    Shakespeare, 

Goethe,  and  Schiller.  By  M.  Retzsch.  Tilt 
1823.    obi.    4to.  [ec] 

4736-  do.     T:  Carlylc.     Life  of  Schiller.     NY.     Dear- 

born 1837.  294p.  i2mo.  NY.  Lovell  1885. 
2d  ed.    31  ip.     i2mo.  [lco] 

4737-  «^o-     P-  Carus.     Sketch  of  his  life  and  an  appre- 

ciation of  his  poetry.  Chic.  Open  Court  1904. 
io2p.  24cm.  (Poems  cited  in  versions  of  Bow- 
ring  and  Lytton  ;  a  few  stanzas  by  author.)   [lc] 

4738.  do.     Miss  Colman.    Wild  flowers:  a  coll.  of  gems 

from  the  best  authors.  Bost.  Colman  1846. 
i26p.  8vo.  — Ladies'  vase  of  wild  flowers. 
1848.  [b2I] 

--  Auburn.  Alden  1850.  i26p.  12cm.  (Two 
brief  selections  from  Schiller.)  [lc] 

4739.  do.    Anna  Swanwick.     Sel.  from  the  dramas  of 

446  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Goethe  and  S.-.    Lond.    Chapman  1843.    8vo. 


4740.  Anon.     Poems    and    translations     from    Schiller. 

Lond.   Rodwell  1821.  8vo.    (Cf.  #49iia.)    [ec] 

4741.  Anon.     Ballads.     A  literal  tr.     NY.     Hinds  &  N. 

1896.     92p.      15cm.      [Prose,  correct.]        [lc] 

4742.  Arnold-Forster,  E.  P.    Sel.  from  Schiller's  poems. 

Lond.  Hamilton,  Adams  1888.  I24p.  i2mo. 
[Rea  (Cf.  BI4)  discusses  his  versions  of  the 
Song  of  the  bell,  The  diver,  and  The  walk,  and 
gives  him   especial  praise   for  the  two  latter.] 


4743.  do.     Lond.     Heinemann  1901.     372p.     8vo.    [ec] 

-_  Same?    NY.    Holt  1902.    D.  [ac] 

(Same  as  #4731  (HI)?) 

4744.  Bowring,  E.  A.      Poems    of    Schiller,  complete. 

Lond.  Parker  185 1.  8vo.  See  remarks  on 
#1370.)  [bm] 

4745.  do.     2d  rev.  ed.    Lond.    Bell  1874.    377p.     i8cm. 

(#4728(V).)  [LC] 

4746.  do.     NY.     Lovell  1884.    344p.     i6mo.  [lco] 
14747.     Clark,  Gilbert.     Ballads  and  shorter  poems.     Tr. 

into  Eng.  verse.     Lond.     Williams  &  N.   u)Oi. 

i2mo.     (Cf.  #4929.)  [ec] 

*4748.     Hickson,  S:    Specimens  of  translations  from  the 

poems.     Lond.     priv.  circ.  1849.     28p.     i2mo. 


*4749.  Johnston,  J.  Pyin.  Lyrics  and  song  of  the  bell. 
Lond.  Senior  1839.  55p.  8vo.  [Mediocre 
translations.     Cf.  #4948.]  [ny] 

t4750.  Lytton,  E:,  Lord.  Poems  and  ballads.  NY. 
Harper  1844.  424P.  19cm.  [Fluent  versifier, 
but  conscienceless  translator.  BI4  criticises  him 
severely  on  The  diver  and  The  walk.  B25  even 
more  .w  on  the  Song  of  the  bell.     Cf.  #4950.] 


4751.     do.     Leipz.  Tauchnitz  1844.  104  +  284P.  S.    [uwj 


4752.     do.     Edinb;  Lend.     Blackwoods  1844.    2v.    8vo. 

4753-     'io.     2d  ed.     Blackwoods  1852.    8vo.  [ec] 

4754.     do.     With  Odes  of  Horace.    Lond.     1875.    8vo. 


__  Routledge  1887.    8vo.  [ec] 

4755-     'io.     Favorite  poems.     Host.     1877.     i6mo.     [bm] 

4756.  do.     Routledge  1887.    492p.    8vo.  [bm] 

4757.  do.     Routledge    1887.      276p.       (Motley's  univ. 

lib.)  [bm] 

4758.  do.    Warne  1887.     348p.     8vo.     (Chandos  clas- 

sics.) [bm] 

4759.  do.     Louisville,  Ky.     Amer.  print,  house  for  the 

blind  1898.    72p.    fol.  [lc] 

*476o.  Merivalc,  J :  H.  Minor  poems  of  Schiller  of  the 
2d  and  3d  periods,  with  a  few  of  those  of  earlier 
date.  Lond.  Pickering  1844.  8vo.  (Cf.  C177 
and  #4960.)  [dm] 

4761.  Mills,  Arthur.     The  song  of  the  bell,  and  other 

ballads.  Paraphrased.  Lond.  Bickers  1876. 
i2mo.     (Cf.  #4962.)  [ec] 

4762.  R(obinson),     S(amud).     Specimens     of  ...  . 

minor  poems.  Lond.  Williams  &  N.  1867. 
I22p.    8vo.  [bm] 

4763.  Sothcby,  IV.  W.     Poems,  complete.    Lond.     1851. 


4764.  Trela'Li'iu'y,  Ma.     Lyrical  ballads  from  the  Ger- 

man of  Schiller.  By  the  trans,  of  "Mary  Stuart". 
Devonport  1838.    i2mo.    (Cf.  #4968.)       [bm] 

4765.  IVhitty,  J.   I.     The  gods   of    Greece  ....  with 

celebrated  stanzas  restored.  Lond.  Grocock  & 
CondlifT.    4ip.    1892.    8vo.  [bm] 

4766.  Wircntan,  H:  D.     Poems  ....  complete.  (  Ger. 

and  Eng.)  Phil.  Kohler  1871.  871P.  i8cm. 
(Eclectic:  Bowring,  Lytton,  Dwight,  Mangan, 
Merivale,  etc.    A  few  by  the  editor.)  [lc] 

.Single  Works 

4767.  Bride   of    Messina.     Tr.    Emily    Allfrey.      Lond. 

Triibner  1876.    8vo.  [bm] 

448  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


4/68.     do.     Selection.     In  C124. 

*4769.  do.  Tr.  G.  Irvine.  Lond.  1837.  8vo.  [BI4: 
Lyrics  poor,  blank  verse  better;  expansive  tend- 
ency.] [lco] 
4770.  do.  Tr.  Percival  Lockwood.  (Ger.  and  Eng.) 
Miinchen  1839.  275P.  8vo.  [bm] 
14771.  do.  Tr.  Adam  Lodge.  Lond.  Day  1841.  Bvo. 
[ni4:   Paraphrase  rather  than  a  trans.]       [bm] 

4772.  do.     do.     3d  ed.  .  .  .  with  other  poems.     Lond. 

Day  1863.     8vo.  [bm] 

4773.  do.     do.     In   #4722  and  subsequent  editions. 
Sec  Mueller,  Hm.,  Bride  of  IMessina.     Ad.  from 
■     Schiller.     #3972. 

14774.      Capuciner.  NY.  Radde  1839.  23p.  i2mo.  (A  tr.  of 

the  friar's  speech  in  Wallensteins  Lager.)    [ny] 

4775.     Children  of  the  house.     In  #4725(111). 

♦4776.     Christian  Wolf,  a  true  story.    Lond.    Berger  1837. 

97-1  i2p.     il.    2icm.  [bpl] 

4777.  The  criminal,   in  consequence  of  lost  reputation. 

Tr.  (anon.)  for  the  'Romancist'.     Lond.    Clem- 
ents 1841.     i3p.    22cm.  [lc] 

4778.  do.     Tr.  by  F.     The  Criminal.     In  C94. 
*4779.     do.     The    dishonoured    irreclaimable.      Tr.    Hol- 

craft.     In  C125. 

4780.  do.     The  criminal  from  lost  honour.    Tr.  J.  Oxen- 

ford.     In  C192.      __    Same  ....  honor.     In 

4781.  do.     The  criminal.  .  .  .  Tr.  T.  Roscoe.    In  C212. 

4782.  do.     The  criminal  become  so  from  lost   [sic]    of 

honour.     Tr.    L.   W'apler.     .Vugsburgh.      I'riv. 
print.    1825.    8vo.  [bm] 

4783.  Demetrius.     Tr.  C.  Hodges.     In  C124. 
♦♦4784.     do.     Tr.  Sir  T.  Martin.    In  #4722(IV),  and  sub- 
sequent editions. 

4785.  Don  Carlos.    Translated  a»io)i  in  1795.     (See  BI4. 

p.  40.     ni2  says  this  tr.  is  of  "doubtful  authen- 

4786.  do.     anon.     Tr.   and   rendered   into  verse.   Lond. 

MORGAN— B1BL.10GKAPHY  OF  GEKMAN  LlTlCliATlKi:        449 

1822.  8vo.  (Author  says  he  has  found  it  nec- 
essary to  retrench  one  half,  to  leave  out  the 
underplot,  to  make  many  changes,  and  to  com- 
pose an  entirely   new   catastrophe!     See   UI4.) 

**4787.  do.  Tr.  R.  D.  Boylan.  In  #4722(111),  and  sub- 
sequent editions.  (Both  B14  and  BI2  call  this 
the  best  Eng.  version.) 
**4788.  do.  A  dramatical  poem.  Tr.  J:  W.  Bruce. 
Mannheim.  Schwan  &  Goctz ;  Lond.  Black  & 
Armstrong  1837.     31  ip.     i2mo.  [ny] 

4789.     do.     Tr(?).    G:H:  Calvert.    Balto.  1834.    (Can- 
not verify  the  reference.) 
*4790.     do.     Tr.  C.  H.  Cottrell.     Lond.     Longmans  1843. 
265P.     8vo.     __   ed  ed.    1844.      [Correct,  poor 
verse]  [lco] 

—  Smith,  Elder  1843.    8vo.  [ec] 

4791.     do.     Ad.  W:  Dunlap.     NY.     1799.  I1512J 

*4792.  do.  Tr.  T.  S.  Egan.  Lond.  1867.  8vo.  [1:14: 
■faithful,  'li'anting  in  inspiration.]  ["m] 

t4793.  do.  Tr.  G.  H.  Noehden  and  J.  Stoddart.  Lond. 
^liller  1798.  327p.  8vo.  [ni4:  as  a  prose  tr. 
....  vcr\  good,  but  in  parts  rather  too  free.] 


t4794.  do.  Tr.  Symonds  (  ?  see  B12).  3d  ed.  Lond.  for 
Richardson  1798.  32op.  23cm.  [Prose  tr.  of 
1st  Gcr.  ed.  Abridges,  slurs  over  difficulties, 
and  viistranslates.]  [lc] 

4795.     do.     Tr.  and    ad.    by    Bayard  Taylor.     Unpub- 
lished.    (See  B12.) 

14796.  do.  Tr.  B.  Thompson.  Lond.  I72p.  8vo.  [lco] 
__  Also  in  C247(5),  [B14:  very  slovenly  and 

t4797-  do.  Tr.  J.  Towler  (or  Tower,  so  bm).  Carlsruhe 
1843.    8vo.  [dm] 

_.  Lond.  Williams  &  N.  1844.     i2mo.         [ec] 
[B14:  tolerably  faithful,  but  style  is  careless  and 
4798.     do.     Espy  Williams.     Don  Carlos:  an  historical 

450  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


play  in  four  acts.  Founded  on  ...  .  Schiller's 
play.  NY.  190-.  56  leaves.  4to.  Tp.  [ny] 
t4799.  do.  Tr.  Andrew  Wood  into  Eng.  blank  verse. 
Edin.  1873.  8vo.  [B14:  fairly  accurate,  little 
poetic  merit.']  [bm] 

*48oo.  Essays.  The  aesthetic  letters,  essays,  and  the 
philosophical  letters.  Tr.  J.  Weiss.  Bost. 
Little,  Brown  1845.  380P.  i6mo.  [Free,  not 
incorrect.]  [lco] 

4801 .  do.  Philosophical  and  aesthetic  letters.  Tr.  J. 
Weiss.  Pref.  by  J.  Chapman.  Lond.  Chap- 
man   1844.      3i8p.      i2mo.      (Catholic    series.) 

Chapman  1845  (w.  diff.  title-page.)        [bm] 

__  Bohn  1845.  [ec] 

**48o2.     do.     Essays  aesthetical  and  philosophical.     Tr.  by 

various  hands.     Lond.    Bell  1875.   435p.    i8cm. 

(Same  as  vol.  VI    of    #4728.)      —    Also  in 

4803.      do.     Letters  upon  aesthetic  education.  NY.     Col- 
lier.    (Harvard  classics,  vol.  32.)     (Taken  from 
**48o4.     do.     Philosophical    and   aesthetical  writings.   Tr. 
Hempel.     In  #4724. 

*48o5.  Fiesco,  or,  the  conspiracy  of  Genoa.  A  tragedy. 
Edin.  1841.  8vo.  [H  :  Bohn  in  #4723:  "quite 
negligible",  r.14:  "It  bears  ez-idenec  of  great 
care  ....  its  only  defect  is  that  it  is  too  lit- 
eral.] [bm] 
**48o6.  do.  Tr.  H  :  Bohn.  In  #4722.  and  subsequent  edi- 
tions. (Founded  on  #4808,  but  thoroughly  re- 

t48o7.     do.     Fiesko Tr.    Sir    G.    C.  D'.\guilar. 

Dublin.  Milliken.  1832.  Lond.  Longman. 
Svo.  [r.14  :  Pi'o.'^e  and  poor  blank  verse  mingled. 
Pull  of  errors  and  interpolations.]  [bm] 

t48o8.     do.     Tr.  G.  H.  Noehden  and  J.  Stoddart.    Lond. 
Johnson  1796.    228p.    Svo.   [Very  faulty.]  [ny] 


4809.  do.     do.     In  Select  plays.     Balto.     1802.    Vol.  2. 

i2mo.  [524] 

4810.  do.     Tr.  Planche  {?  so  ec).     Fiesko;  or,  the  re- 

volt of  Genoa.     An  historical  play  in  five  acts. 

Altered   from   Schiller.     Lond.     Wright   1850. 

8vo.  [bm] 

t48ii.     do.     Tr.   Dr.  Rcinbeck,  ca.    1824.     (See  B14,  p. 

4812.     The  fight  with  the  dragon.     With  Retzsch's  out- 
lines.   Lond.     Boosey  1825.    4to.  [ec] 
**48i3.     do.     Tr.  J.  P.  Collier.    II.  Retzsch.   Lond.   Prow- 
ett  1825.    43p.    4to.                                       [lco] 
_.  Lond.     Low  1873.    obi.    4to.                    [bm] 

4814.  do.     (Tr.  Lytton.)     II.  Retzsch.    NY.    Appleton ; 

Stuttgart.    Cotta  1857.    obi.    4to.  [ny] 

4815.  Fraternal  magnanimity.    Tr.  Roscoe.     In  C212. 
♦4816.     do.     Anon.     In  C92. 

4817.  Fridolin;  or,  the  road  to  the  iron  foundry.     Tr. 

J.    P.    Collier.      II.    Retzsch.      Lond.      Prowett 
1824.    43p.    4to.  [bm] 

__  Lond.     Low  1875.    obi.    4to.  [bm] 

4818.  do.     (Tr.  Lytton.)     Fridolin  ;  or,  an  errand  to  the 

iron  foundry.     Stuttgart.     Cotta ;  NY.    Apple- 
ton  1857.     7p.     8  il.     obi.    4to.  [ny] 
14819.     The  ghost-seer.    Anon.    In  C260. 
**4820.     do.     Anon.     n.  t-p.  n.  d.    48p.    8vo.  [ny] 
**482i.     do.     Anon.     The  visionary  :  from  the  papers  of  the 
Count  de  O--.    NY;  Phil.    Ferrett  1845.    96?. 
25cm.  [lc] 
4822.     do.     Anon.     Ghost  seer.       A  tale.       Blackwoods 
1857.    i2mo.                                                     [ec] 
**4823.     do.     Tr.  H.  G.  Bohn.    In  #4722,  and  subsequent 
♦4824 .     do.     Tr.  D.  Boileau.     The  ghost-seer,  or  appari- 
tionist.     Lond.    1795.     242P.     8vo.     (.^bridged 
and  without  the  letters.)                                [bm] 
4825.     do.     do.     an  interesting  fragment.     NY.     Swords 
1796.     i2op.     i2mo.     (Reprint  of  foregoing.) 


452  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


4826.     do.     Tr.  T.  Roscoe.     In  C212.     The  apparitionist, 

a  fragment. 
14827.     do.     Tr.    W:   Render.      The   Armenian;  or,   the 
ghost  seer.     A  history  founded  on  fact.     Lond. 
Symonds  1800.    4V.  in  2.    18  x  locm.    (Includes 
the  continuation  by  Follenius,  see  #88ia.)  [lc] 

4828.  do.     do.     The    ghostseer!      Lond.      Colbum    & 

Bentley  1831.     2v.     i8cm.  [lc] 

4829.  do.     do.     Phil.     n.   d.   2v.      i2mo.      (Reprint  of 

#4827.)  [B24] 

**4830.  Historical  works.  Tr.  G:  ]\Ioir.  Edinb.  Con- 
stable 1828.  2v.  i6cm.  (Thirty  years'  war. 
Trial  of  Egmont  and  Horn.    Siege  of  Antwerp.) 


4831.  History  of  the  revolt  of  the  United  Netherlands. 

NY.     Harper  n.  d.     (Probably  from   #4722.) 


4832.  do.     Tr.  Heinrich  Apel.     Key  to  German.     The 

revolt  of  the  Netherlands.  With  a  literal  word- 
for-word  translation.  Lond.  Cornish  i860. 
8vo.     (Books  I-IV.)  [bm] 

__  Cornish  1880.  [ec] 

4833.  do.     Tr.  E.  B.  Eastwick.     History  of  the  defec- 

tion of  the  United  Netherlands  from  the  Span- 
ish empire.  Frankfort  on  the  Main.  1844. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

4834.  do.     Tr.  T:Horne.    History  of  the  rise  and  prog- 

ress of  the  Belgian  republic.  Lond.  Coxhead 
1807.     i2mo.  [bm] 

♦♦4835.  do.  Revolt  of  the  United  Netherlands.  Tr.  (i.  e. 
rev.  fr.  Eastwick's  tr.)  by  A.  J.  ^^'.  Morrison. 
In  #4722. 

4836.  do.     same.     Rev.  by   Schmitz.     In   #4728. 

4837.  History  of  the  thirty  years'  war.     NY.     Harper 

n.  d.     (Probably  from  #4722.)  [aci] 

4838.  do.     Anon.     NY.      Burt    1905.      i2mo.      (Prob- 

ably from  #4728.)  [ac] 


•4839.     do.     Tr.  Capf.   Blaquiere.     Lond.     Miller    1799. 
2v.    22cm.  Ilc] 

4840.  do.     Tr.  J.   M.   Duncan.     Lond.     Simpkin   1828. 

2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

4841.  do.     Tr.  Jas.  Martin.     Key  to  German.     History 

of  the  thirty    ....  Literally  translated.    Lond. 
Cornish  1873.    i6mo.     (Book  L)  [bm| 

4S42.     do.     Tr.  A.  J.  W.  Morrison.    In  #4722,  and  sub- 
sequent editions. 
4843.     do.     do.     Last  campaigns  of  Gustavus  Adolphus. 
In  €91(3). 
**4844.     The  homage  ot  the  arts.     Tr.  C:  T.  Brooks.     In 

**4845.     do.     Tr.  A.  I.  Coleman.     In  C9i(3). 
t4846.     do.     Tr.  Hempel.    In  #4724. 
*4747.     The  knight  of  Togenburg.     (Tr.  VV:  Whewell.) 
Printed  for  sale  at  the  Shelford  bazaar.     Shel- 
ford  1842.    9  1.,  unnumbered.    24cm.  [lc] 

**4848.  Love  and  intrigue.  Tr.  H:  G.  Bohn.  In  #4722, 
and  subsequent  editions.  (Contains  not  a  few 
14849.  do.  (Tr.  P:  Colombine?  so  bm  and  #4723. 
Goedeke  says  J.  J.  B.  Timaeus.)  Cabal  and 
love.    A  tragedy.     Lond.     Boosey  1795.     i  i9p. 

8vo. 2d  ed.  1797.  [bm] 

_-  Lond.    Bryan  1795.    ii9p.    8vo.  [lco] 

4850.  do.     same.     Lond;    Leipz.      Boosey    &    Reinicke. 

1796.    nop.    8vo.  [bm] 

4851.  do.     reprint.     In    Select    plays.      Balto     1802-4. 

Vol.  2.     1802.     i2mo.  [H24] 

+4852.     do.     Tr.  M.  G.  Lewis.    Minister:  a  tragedy  in  five 

acts.     Lond.     1797.     22op.     _.  2d  ed.     1798. 

[Paraphrase;    O)nission    on    every    page,    also 

much  amplification  and  distortion.]  [uw] 

4853.     do.     do.    The  harper's   daughter:   or,   love   and 

ambition.     A  tragedy.     Pub.  w.  alterations  (by 

M.  G.  Lewis).    Phil.    Carey  1813.    76p.    i8mo. 

(Performed  in  1803.;  [lco] 

14854.     do.     Tr.   J:   H.    Payne.     Love   and   intrigue.     A 

454  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


tragedy  in  five  acts.  AIS.  ca  1817-20.  i6ip. 
4to.       [Knmvs  little  German.]  [lco] 

**4855.  do.  Tr.  T.  C.  Wilkinson.  Lond.  Sonnenschein 
1884.  i55p.  8vo.  [Tlie  best  eng.  version,  ace. 
to  BI4.]  [bm] 

4856.  do.     Ad.  Morris  Barnett.    Power  and  principle  :  a 

drama  in  three  acts.  Founded  on  ...  .  Lond. 
Lacy  18--.  3ip.  i2mo.  (Prompter's  copy. 
A  play  of  this  title  performed  at  Lond.  in  1850. 
Main  lines  as  in  Schiller,  but  denouement  is  al- 
tered.    See  BI4.)  [ny] 

4857.  Maid  of  Orleans.    Tr.  G :  H  :  Calvert.    NY.    Put- 

nam 1874.     i6mo.  [ac] 

*4858.  do.  Tr.  J.  E.  Drinkwater-Bethune  in  C61. 
[Blayik  verse  very  good,  but  no  feminine  end- 
ings. Lyrics  poor.  Correct,  zi 4:  says:  "It  is  evi- 
dent at  a  first  glance  that  the  tr.  is  a  vian  of  gen- 
ius."]   __  Priv.  print.    Lond.    1835.  [cm] 

*48s9.  do.  Tr.  G.  H.  C.  EgestorfT.  Lond.  Black  & 
Young  1836.  Svo.  [Native  German;  inade- 
quate command  of  Etig.]  [bm] 

*486o.  do.  A  romantic  tragedy.  Tr.  L.  Filmore.  Lond. 
Griffin  1882.    i24p.    8vo.  [bm] 

14861.  do.  Tr.  N.  L  Lucas.  Lond;  Bremen  1841.  Svo. 
[Tr.  of  #4858  says  wholly  zvorthless.]  [bm] 
__  Lond.    Black  1845.    Svo.  [ecJ 

4862.  do.     Tr.  P.  Maxwell.    ( Prolog  and  first  two  acts. ) 

Lond.  Nutt  1889.  96p.  Svo.  [B14:  "It  has, 
to  a  large  c.vtcnf,  zvhaf  its  author  claims  for  it 
__  accuracy  and  fidelity  to  the  original  text."] 


4863.  do.     do.     complete?  \.o\v\.  Scott  1892.  i2mo.  [kc| 

14864.  do.     Tr.  E.  S.  Pearson.     Dresden;  Leipz.     Pub. 

by  Pearson  1887.    24nio.  [uw] 

14865 .  do.     and  other    poems.      Tr.    W :    Peter.     Cam- 

bridge, AL-i,ss.    Owen  1843.     229p.     i6cm.  [lc] 
4866.     do.     Tr.  H.  Salvin  in  #4885.     [A  contemporary 


review,  cited  by  B14,  indicates  that  S.  is  rather 
4867.     do.     Tr.  Anna  Swanwick.     In   #4739.     (Large 
portions  omitted.) 
**4S68.     d:i.     do.     In  #4722,  and  subsequent  editions. 

4869.  do.     do.     In    Schiller's   dramas.     Bohn's   shilling 

series.     1888.     8vo.     (Includes  Mary  Stuart.) 


4870.  do.     do.     Phil.      McKay     1899.      I58p.      ifinio. 

(Pocket  literal  tr.  of  the  classics!)  [lc] 

14871.  do.  Tr.  H:  Thompson.  Lond.  Burns  1845. 
I46p.  17cm.  [BI4:  "lias  thought  if  adz'isablc  to 
shorten  and  alter  some  passages."]  [lc] 

4871a.  do.  Tr.  E.  S.  and  F.  J.  Turner.  Lond.  Smith, 
Elder  1842.  i2mo.  [B14:  more  literal  than 
#4838,  less  poetic]  [bm] 

4872.  do.     Anon.    Joan  of  Arc.    A  tragedy  in  five  acts. 

After  the  Ger.  of  Schiller.  i8_-.  51  leaves, 
fol.  With  mus.  score.  MS.  (Prompter's  copy, 
enclosing  a  program  of  the  performance  in  1865 
at  Philada.  Abridged  acting  version,  not  a 
trans.)  [ny] 

4873.  The  Maltese.    A  fragment.    In  #4725(111). 

4874.  Mary  Stuart.     Anon.      Lond.      Longmann  1833. 

8vo.  [ec] 

4875.  do.     Tr.  Mrs.  F.  A.  Kemble  Butler  in  her  Plays. 

Lond.  1863.  i2mo.  [An  abridged  acting  ver- 
sion, with  unwarranted  deviations  from  Schil- 
ler's text.]  [ny] 

**4876.  do.  Tr.  J.  C.  Mellish.  Lond.  Auld  1801.  224p. 
8vo.  [Tr.  from  first  MS  copy,  hence  does  not 
wholly  agree  with  printed  editions.]  [ny] 

**4877.  do.  do.  (Revised.)  In  #4722,  and  subsequent 

4878.  do.    do.     In   Schiller's  dramas.     Bohn's   shilling 

series.    1888.    Cf.  #4869. 

4879.  do.     do.     As  performed  by  Mme.  Marie  Seebach. 

NY.  1870.  52p.  8vo.  (Abridged  from 
#4877.)  [lco] 



4880.  do.     do.     Phil.      McKay     1898.      i65p.      i6mo. 

(Pocket  literal  trans.)  [ny] 

4881.  do.     do.     NY.    Hinds  &  N.  1902?    i22p.     i6mo. 

(Handy  literal  tr.)  [ny] 

4882.  do.     Tr.   E.    S.    Pearson.      Dresden   ca.    1885.   S. 


4883.  do.     Tr.   E.  L.    Percival.      Munich   1839.     209p. 

8vo.  (Ends  with  HI,  I.)  [BI4  says  the  tr.  has 
not  the  slightest  notion  of  verse]  [bm] 

14884.  do.  Tr.  W:  Peter.  Phil.  Perkins  1840.  New 
ed.    255p.     i6mo.  [ny] 

Heidelberg  1841.    8vo.  [bm] 

4885.  do.  Tr.  H.  Salvin.  Mary  Stuart  and  the  Maid 
of  Orleans.  W.  life  of  author.  Lond.  Long- 
man 1824.    8vo.    (Cf.  #4866.)  [bm] 

*4886.  do.  Tr.  Anne  Trelawney.  Devonport.  Byers 
1838.  i62p.  i2mo.  -_  New  title-page.  Lond. 
Schloss  1S38.  i2nio.  {'ni:^  says  she  makes  mis- 
takes, but  is  mostly  faiihful  and  poetical.]   [bm] 

14887.  do.  Tr.  L.  White.  Lond.  Kegan  Paul  1882. 
43ip.     8vo.     [B14:  "dull  and  prosaic."]      [bm] 

4888.  do.     Tr.    T:    Williams    from    Italian   version    of 

Andre  Maffei.  Ad.  expressly  for  Mme.  Ristori. 
NY.  Sanford,  Harroun  1866.  4ip.  8vo. 
[Prose  tr.  of  Italian  verse,  much  condensed 
from  Schiller.]  [lco] 

4889.  do.     Ad.  Lewis  Wingfield  ....  as  performed  by 

Mme.  Helene  Modjoska.  Indianapolis.  Has- 
selman-Journal  co.  1883.  57p.  i2mo.  [Cuts 
doum  4^.i8/j;  final  act  is  remodelled  to  conform 
more  to  history.]  [ny] 

4890.  do.     same?    Ed.  from  the  prompt  book  of  Mme. 

Mojoska  by  M.  A.    Rnst.    Raker  1904.   D.    [.\c] 

4891.  The  misanthrope.     In  #4723(111). 

Der  Neflfe  als  Onkel.     (Tr.  by  Schiller  from 
French  of  L.  B.  Picard.)     Not  included. 
4f(j2.     On   the   use   of   the   chorus   in   tvagcdv.      Tr.    .\. 

MOUOAN— BUn.|oOI?Ar'HY  OF  GERMAN  LlTRRATl'RK        457 

Lodge.  In  €91(3).  __  Also  in  #4722.  and 
other  editions. 

Der  Parasit.  (Tr.  by  Schiller  from  L.  B. 
Picard.)     Not  included. 

4893.  Pegasus  in    the    yoke.       (Tr.    Lytton.)       U.    by 

Retzsch.  Stuttgart.  Cotta;  NY.  Appleton, 
also  Radde  1857.    2p,  2  leaves,     fol.  [ny] 

4894.  The  robbers:  a  tragedy  in  five  acts.    Tr.  and  alt. 

fr.  the  Ger.  as  it  was  performed  at  Branden- 
burgh  house  theater  1798.  Lond.  1799.  8vo. 
[From  the  stage  edition.  "Of  little  or  no  value." 
B14.]  [bm] 

■*4895 .  do.  Tr.  H  :  G.  Bohn.  In  #4722,  and  subsequent 
editions.  [The  best  tr.  we  have:  faithful  and 
scholarly  and  free  from  serious  errors.  B14.] 

4896.  do.     do.     (Abridged.)   NY.     French  i8__.     57p. 

i2mo.     (As    acted    at   the    Bowery    theatre  in 

1853-)  [N'V] 

-_  NY.    Taylor  1854.    57p.    i6mo.  [lco] 

4897.  do.     Tr.  J.  Dicks.    1885.     i9p.    i2mo.  [bm] 

4898.  do.     Ad.   E.   Gandy.     Lorenzo    ....    a  tragic 

drama,   founded  on   the  Robbers 1823. 

8vo.  [bm] 

4899.  do.     Ad.  J.  G.  Holman.     The  red-cross  knights. 

A  play  in  five  acts.  Founded  on  the  Robbers. 
....  Lond.    Cawthom  1799.    68p.    8vo.  [ny] 

4900.  do.     "Tr.  M.  G.  Lewis  in  1794,  while  attache  at 

the  Hague."     (Pencil  note  in  copy  of  B14  at 

uw.     Cannot  verify.) 
t490i.     do.     Tr.  W:    Render.      Lond.      Symonds    1799. 

'95P-     8vo.     [Based  on  stage  edition.     "Quite 

worthless."    B14.]  [rm] 

f4902.     do.     Tr.   B.   Thompson.     In   €247(5).      [Based 

on  stage    edition.      "Quite    zvorthlcss."     R14.] 


4903.  do.     reprint.     Select  plays.    Balto.    Vol.2.    1802. 

i6mo.  [bpl] 

4904.  do.     do.     N^^     Longworth   1808.      io8p.     24mo. 


458  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


4905.     do.     do?     Balto.    J.  Robinson,     ca.  1825.     [B24] 

t49o6.     do.     Tr.  A.  F.  Tytler,  lord  Woodhouselee.    Lend. 

Robinsons  1792.    8vo.     [Based  on  stage  ed.    Tr. 

is  careless  and  often  inaccurate.]  [bm] 

4907.  do.     do.     2d  ed.    Cor.  and  impr.    Lond.    Robin- 

sons 1795.     I44p.    8vo.  [bmJ 

4908.  do.     (do.)     Perth    1800.      [H:   Bohn   in    i^2y22 

says  this  is  a  piracy  of  foregoing,  and  a  worse 

4909.  do.     do.     4th  ed.     Lond.     Robinson  1800.     I76p. 

8vo.  [nv] 

4910.  do.     reprint.     NY.  Campbell   1793.     i2op.     8vo. 


4911.  The  song  of  the  bell.     Anon.      (Ger.  and  Eng.) 

Lond.     1827.     8vo.  [bm] 

4911a.   do.     Anon.     In  #4740. 

4912.  do.     Anon.     Bath.     Higman   1828.     2ip.     i2mo. 


4913.  do.     Anon.     Retzsch's  outlines  to  the  song 

Black  1833.    obi.    410.  [ec] 

4914.  do.     Anon.     Lond.    Black  &  Armstrong  1837.    II. 

Retzsch.    obi.    8vo.  [ny] 

4915.  do.    Anon.     (Sung  at    a    concert    given    by  the 

Handel  Soc.  of  the  \V.  R.  College.     Aug.  14, 
1845.    4  leaves.    8vo.  [nv] 

t49i6.     do.     Anon.     Dublin    1857.      i2mo.      [Merc   dog- 
gerel.    1U4.]  [hm] 

4917.  do.     Anon.     II.  M.  Retzsch.     Stuttgart.     Cotta ; 

NY.     Appleton,  also  Radde  1857.     12  +  I2p. 
fol.  [nv] 

4918.  do.     same  as  #.fgTy.     Grand  musical  entertain- 

ment by  the  Harmonic  soc.     Dayton,  O.     May 
5,  1880.    i6p.    4to.  [nv] 

4919.  do.     Anon.     The  lay  of  the  bell.     Lond.     1859. 

8vo.  [bm] 

t4920.     do.     Anon.     \\'ith   other  translations.     Norwich 

1863.     32p.     i6mo.      [Almost  as  bad  as  it  is 

possible  for  it  to  be.    B14.]  [bm] 


14821.     do.     .-iiion.     Lond.  priv.  ijrint.  1873.    i-p.    24cm. 

[Quite  7i'orthless.]  [lc] 

4922.     do.     Anon,     and  Tlic  diver.    Partridge  1883.  8vo. 


14923.     do.     Tr.  T.  J.  Arnold.     Lond.     Nutt  1842.     8vo. 
[Neither  elegant  nor  poetical.    E14.]  [bm] 

♦4924 .     do.     Tr.  E.  P.  Arnold-Forster.    In  #4742.     [Fol- 
lows form  pretty  closely,  uses  too  much  iambic 
metre.    A  good  deal  of  merit.    BI4.] 
do.     Tr.  A.  Asher.     Berlin   1834.     3ip.     32mo. 

do.     Tr.  A.  Baskerville.     In  C8. 
do.     Tr.  E.  A.  Bowring.    The  lay  of  the  bell.    In 




14928.  do.     Tr.  J.  J.  Campbell.     In  C32. 

14929.  do.     Tr.  G.  Clarke.      In    #4747.      [One  of  the 

most  sloz'enly,  i)wlcgaiit,  and  careless  transla- 
tions of  a  great  zi'ork  that  zve  have  ever  seen. 

Tr.  Colonel  Colomb.     In  #401. 

Tr.  A.  W.  Cutler.     Host.     1887.  [1125] 

Tr.  J.  S.  Dwight.     In  C225. 

Tr.  G.  H.  C.  Egestorff.    In  C66. 

Tr.  S :  A.  Eliot  for  Bost.  acad.  of  music. 
Bost.  Perkins  &  Marvin  1837.  i6p.  8vo.  — 
Also  Bost.     1838.    -_  Also  in  C202.  [lco] 

Tr.  S.  A.  Ellis  (i.  e.  Eliot?).     In  Cioo. 

Tr.  C.  K.  F.    In  C226. 

Tr.  A.  G.  Foster-Barnham.  The  lay  of  the 
bell.  II.  W.  A.  Phillips.  Lond.  Unwin  1896. 
52p.    obi.    4to.  [ec] 

4938.  do.     Tr.  W.  H.  Furness.      In    C84,  C145,  C89. 

[Adheres  strictly  to  Schiller's  metres;  impure 
rhymes  frequent.] 

4939.  do.     do.     Phil.     Schafer  &  Konradi    1859.     8p. 

8vo.  [ny] 

4940.  do.     do.     II.  C.  Jaeger  and  A.   Mueller.     Lond. 

1874.    4to.  [bm] 

















460  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


4941 .  do.     do.     Vignettes  by  R.  Seitz.    Lond.    Hachette 

1880.    55p.    fol.  [bm] 

4942.  do.     (do.)     II.  A.  Liezen-Mayer  and  E.  H.  Gar^ 

rett.     Bost.    Estes  &  Lauriat  1883.   46p.    21cm. 


14943.     do.     Tr.  Lord  Gower.    In  #1505. 

4944.     do.     Tr.  J.  W.  Grant.     The  lay  of  the  bell  and 

The  diver.     Hamilton    1867.     Svo.      [1514  says 

"not  very  brilliant."     Cf.  #1507.]  [ec] 

*4945.     do.     Tr  S.  Hickson.     In   #4748. 

*4946.     do.     Tr.   G.  B.  Holmes.      The    lay    of  the  bell. 

Lond.     1877.    8vo.     {Faithful,  but  tame.    B14.] 


14947.  do.     Tr.  E.  B.  Impey.     The  lay  of  the  bell.     II. 

^I.  Retzsch.    2d  ed.    Lond.     Simpkin,  Marshall 
1842.     i22p.     obi.     4to.  [lco] 

_-  Simpkin  1850.     2d  ed.     obi.  410.  [ec] 

_-  Also  in  C137. 

14948.  do.     Tr.  J.  P.  Johnston.     In  #4749. 

4949.  do.  Tr.  T.  J.  Livesey  and  F.  Hageliiken  (in 
prose).  AUman's  pop.  elementary  series  1876. 
42p.    Svo.  [bm] 

*4950.  do.  Tr.  Lord  Lytton.  In  ±14750.  [B25  calls  it 
one  of  the  'worst  translations.  B14  says:  "Al- 
tliough  far  from  perfect,  this  version  shows  a 
mastery  of  the  art  of  translation Per- 
haps the  most  serious  blemish  is  the  frequent 
departure  from  the  original  metre,  a  new  char- 
acter thus  being  given  to  man\  parts  of  the 

4951.  do.     do.     Lay  of    the    hell.       11.    after   Retzsch. 

Lond.    Low  1865.    obi.    410.  [bm] 

4952.  do.     (do.)     In    IMenoely    &    Co.       (West    Troy. 

NY.)     Catalogue  of  ...  .  bells.    Albany,  NY. 
Wied,  Parson  1874.    8vo.  [lco] 

4953.  do.     do.     New  ed.     Lond.     Low  1875.     il.     410. 


4954.  do.     do.     Bost.  1877.  [bm] 


4955.     do.     Tr.  J.  C.  Mangan.     The  lay  of  the  bell.     In 

14956.     do.     Tr.  Renira  H.  A.  Martin.  Lond.    1849.    8vo. 
[Tolerably   faithful,   but  very  prosaic.     nH.] 


*4957.     do.     Tr.  Sir  T.   Martin.     Song  of  the  bell  and 

other  tr.    Edinb.     Blackwood  1889.    30ip.   8vo. 

[Would  be  very  successful  but  for  change  in 

metrical  form.     BI4.]  [bm] 

14958.     do.     Tr.  G.  P.  Maurer.    In  C176.     [Can  scarcely 

slioiu  one  good  line.     BI4.] 
4959.     do.     Tr.  H.  A.    Mecson.      (Literal    tr.)     Lond. 
Longman  1846.     i6mo.  [bm] 

♦4960.  do.  Tr.  J.  H.  Merivale.  In  C177.  #4760.  [On  the 
whole,  very  faithful.  One  of  the  best  we  have. 

4961 .  do.     do.     Edin  ;  Lcipz  ;  Lond.  \\'illiani.s  &  N.  1856. 

8vo.   __  Lond.  Williams  &  N.  1869.  8vo.  [bm] 

4962.  do.     Paraphrased  by  Arthur  Mills.   Song  of  the 

bell,  gods  of  Greece,  and  other  ballads.  Lond. 
1876.     8vo.     [Fair  paraphrase,     r.14.]  [bm] 

14963.     do.     Tr.  M.  M(ontagu.)     Song  of  the  bell  and 

other  poems.     Lond.     1839.     8vo.     Lond. 

1854.  [bm] 

4964.  do.  Tr.  G(eorgiana)  A(delaide)  Mullcr  (i.  e. 
Miiller?).  Also.  The  human  heart,  by  F.  Horn- 
feck.     Paris;  Nice.     Galignani  1891.    3op.  8vo. 


*4964a.   do.     Tr.  Marg.  Muensterberg.     In  C185. 

t4965.  do.  (Tr.  J.  Page.)  Story  of  the  bell.  Lond. 
1827.  __  1828.  [Entirely  devoid  of  merit. 
BI4.]  [BI4] 

t4966.     do.     Tr.  R.  Robinson.     In  C233. 

14967.  do.     Tr.  H.  D.  Skrine.     Bath.     Priv.  print.  1870. 

2ip.    8vo.    ["Absolutely  zcorthless."  BI4.]   [bm] 

14968.  do.     Tr.  Anne  Trelawney.    In  #4764.     [325  says 

of  no  value.] 
U^/x)-     do.     Tr.  W :  Whewell.     In  C2 56. 
♦4970.     do.     Tr.  Andrew  Wood.     Lay  of  the  bell  .  .  . 

462  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


and  other  ballads.     Edin.     Nimmo  1879.     I47p. 
8vo.     [Style  is  tame.    BI4.]  [bm] 

**497i .  do.  Tr.  J.  P.  Worden  ....  ace.  to  the  metre 
and  rime  of  the  orig.  (With  historical  intro., 
Ger.  text,  review  of  several  other  translations, 
and  a  bibliography  of  all  known  versions  in 
English.)  Halle.  Niemeyer  1900.  I49p.  il. 
i6mo.     [Probablv  the  best  version  in  English.] 


*4972.     do.     Tr.    T:    C.    Zimmerman.      Song  ....  and 

other  poems.     Reading,  Pa.     Priv.  print.  1896. 

2d  ed.     [Has  very  good  spots.]  [^25] 

14973.     do.     Tr.    Wyttenbach.      Lond.      Hatchard  1839. 

8vo.     [b25  says  no  good.]  [ec] 

4974.  The  sport  of  destiny.     In  C212. 

4975.  do.     In   #4726,   #4728. 

Turandot.      (Tr.  by  Schiller   from  Gozzi.)     Not 
**4976.     Upon  naive  and  sentimental  poetry.     In  C70. 

4977.     do.     Tr.  J.  Weiss.    In  C120. 
**4978.     The  walk.    Tr.  E.  P.  Arnold-Foster.     In  #4742. 
["The  magnificent  diction  ....  has  been  ad- 
mirably imitated  throughout."     B14.] 
**4979-     ^"^     Tr.  E.  A.  Bowring.     In  ^1:4744.      [Most  re-  , 
markablc  .  ...  is  the  strict  fidelity  to  the  or- 
iginal.    1114.] 
**498o.     do.     Tr.  Sir  J.  W.  Herschcl.   Lond?    1845?   Priv. 
circ.    23p.    obi.    8vo.  [Date  seems  to  be  1842, 
from  copy  in  lc]  [bm] 

14981.     do.     Tr.  Lytton.      In    #4750.      ["In    no    sense 

worthy  of  the  orig."    BI4.] 
*4982.      do.     Tr.    J.    H.    Merivalo.      In    C167.      [-Fairly 
correct,  but  lacks  the  freshness  and  strength  of 
the  German."    1114.] 
4983.-    A  walk  among  tlic  linden  trees.    In  C212. 

14984.  W'allcnstein.     (Lager).    Anon.    Dublin  univ.  mag. 

vol.  8(1836).     [Very  faulty.]  [B14] 

14985.  do.     (Lager.)     Tr.  Jas.  Churchill.    Eraser's  mag. 


1846.     —  Also  in  #4722,  and  subsequent  edi- 
tions.    [Frrv  mediocre;  dull,  prosy.    BI4.] 
_.  Also  in  Cs9.     Frequently  issued  with  Cole- 
ridge's tr. 

♦*4986.  do.  (Pice.)  Tr.  S.  T.  Coleridge.  Lond.  Long- 
man &  Rees  1800.  2i4p.  Svo.  [Not  without 
faults,  hut  best  Eiig.  version.]  [i'>m] 

—  Select  poet,  works.  1852.     i2mo.     _.  Univ. 
lib.  vol.  I.     1853.    Svo.  [bm] 

**4987.  do.  (Tod.)  Tr.  S.  T.  Coleridge.  Lond.  Long- 
man &  Rees  1800.  i57p.  Svo. Other  edi- 
tions as  of  #4986.  [bm] 

4988.  do.     (Pice.)      Tr.   Coleridge.     NY.     Longworth 

1805.    I73p.    i6mo.  [B24] 

4989.  do.     (Pice.   Tod.)    Tragedies:     The    Pieeolomini, 

etc.    Lond.    W.  Smith  1842.    Svo. New  ed. 

Griffin  i860.     (Probably  Coleridge.)  [ec] 

Tr.    Coleridge.      Masterpieces    of     for.   lit. 

Lond.    Griffin  1866.    Svo.  [lco] 

**4990.  do.  (Pice.  Tod.)  Tr.  Coleridge.  (Revised.)  In 
#4722,  and  subsequent  editions.  (Coleridge's 
omissions  restored.) 

4991.  do.     Wallenstein  and  Wilhelm  Tell.     Lond.     Bell 

1889.      i2mo.      (Probably    Pice,    and    Tod,   by 
Coleridge;  Tell  by  Martin.)  [ec] 

4992.  do.     Wallenstein's  camp  and  Pieeolomini.     Tr.  by 

Churchill.     (Probably  Coleridge's  tr.  of  Pice.) 
Bell  1S95.    Svo.  [ec] 

4993.  do.     Selections  from  Coleridge's  tr.     In  C59. 

4994.  do.     The   death   of   Wallenstein.     Tr.   Coleridge. 

In  C9i(3). 

14995.     do.     (Lager.)     The  camp  of  W_.   (and  original 

poems).     Tr.   Lord.     Gower.     Lond.     Murray 

1830.    Svo.     ["Very  weak."    B14.]  [ec] 

**4997-     <^o.     (Complete.)     Tr.  J.  A.  W.  Hunter.     Lond. 

Kegan  Paul  18S5.    42ip.    8vo.     [As  a  tr.  better 

than  Coleridge.    B14.]  [bm] 

♦4998.     do.     (Pice.  Tod.)    Tr.  C.  G.  N.  Lockhart.    Lond. 

464  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Blackwood  1887.     407p.     Svo.     [Correct,  lacks 
interest.     BI4.]  [bm] 

**4999.  do.  (Lager.)  Tr.  T.  Martin.  In  his  Madonna 
pia,  and  three  other  dramas.  Edin.  Blackwood 
1894.  3I5P-  Svo.  (First,  in  Blackwood's 
Edin.  Mag.  1892.)  [Not  so  literal  as  Hunter, 
more  spirited.     B14.]  [bm] 

tsooo.  do.  (Lager.)  Tr.  G:  Moir.  Best.  Munroe 
1837.     I42p.     i2nio.  [log] 

15001.  do.  (Pice.  Tod.)  Tr.  G:  j\Ioir.  Edin;  Lond. 
Simpkin  1827.  2v.  Svo.  ["Very  mediocre  per- 
formance." B14.]  [bm] 
Same?    Simpkin  1845.    2v.    Svo.  [ec] 

5002.  do.     (Complete.)     Tr.  E.   S.   Pearson.     Dresden 

1886.  [B14I 

5003.  do.     (Lager.)     Tr.  ]£.  Thornton.     Frankford  on 

the  Main.     1854.     i6mo.  [bm] 

15004.  do.     (Pice.)      Tr.    W.    R.    Walkington.     Lond. 

Smith  &  Elder  1862.    Svo.  [bm] 

15005.  do.     (Lager.)     Tr.  T.  Wirgmann.     Lond.     Nutt 

1 87 1.     Svo.     [As  prosaic  as  it  could  be.     B14.] 

5006.     Warbeck.     Fragment.     In  :^4725(III). 
15007.     William  Tell.     Anon.     Lond.     Bull   1829.     2i2p. 
Svo.     [" Quite  zvorthless."    DI4.]  [bm] 

t50o8.  do.  Tr.  T.  C.  Banfield.  Lond.  Black,  Y.  &  V. 
1831.  Svo.  [Worse  if  anything  than  the  fore- 
going.   1114.]  [bm] 

5009.  do.     Ger.   and   Eng.   by    Braunfels.    Lond.     Wil- 

liams &  N.  1847.    Svo.  [ix] 

5010.  do.     Ger.   text   with    an    interlinear   tr.   etc.      L. 

Braunfels  and  A.    C.    White.      2d  ed.     Lond. 
Williams  &  N.  1859.     i2mo.  [bm] 

501 1.  do.     Tr.  C.  T.  Brooks.     Providence,  R.  I. 

ston  1838.     i2op.     i2mo.  [lc] 

__  Bost.     Munroe  1842.  [ac] 

*50i2.     do.     Tr.  D.  C.    Campbell.  Lond.      1878.     8vo. 

["Respectable."    BI4.]  [iim] 


75013.     do.     Tr.  J.  Cartwright.     Lond.     Nutt  1869.    8vo. 
[Little  poetic  talent  or  knozctcdge  of  Girman.] 


5014.  do.     Tr.  A.  G.  Latham.    Lond.  Dent  1904.    3o8p. 

i2mo.  [ec] 
Macmillan  1904.     (Temple  classics.)     i6mo. 


5015.  do.     Tr.  and  ad.  to  school  use  C:  A.  McMurry. 

NY;  Bost.  Silver,  Burdett  1902.  i2op.  il. 
i8cm.  [lc] 

**50l6.  do.  Tr.  Sir  T.  Martin.  In  #4722,  and  subsequent 
editions.  [C14:  "A  most  admirable  piece  of 
work  ....  in  strength  and  freshness  many 
passages  are  little  inferior  to  the  German.  Style 
is  ...  .  clear,  strong,  and  highly  poetical,  and 
the  exact  sense  of  the  original  is  everywhere 
faithfully  rendered.  ] 
5017.  do.  do.  With  Wallenstein  in  #4991.  __  Also  in 
C9i(3),  C113. 

15018.  do.  Tr.  E.  Massie.  Lond.  Alacmillan  1878. 
i6mo.     ["Extremely  poor."    E14.]  [ac] 

t50i9.  do.  Tr.  P.  Ma.xwell.  Lond.  Scott  1893.  2i4p. 
8vo.     ["Disappointing."    B14.]  [bm] 

15020.  do.     Tr.  E.  S.  Pearson.     Dresden.     Leipz.     Pub. 

by  Pearson  1885.    24mo.  [l'w] 

15021.  do.     Tr.   W:   Peter.     Heidelberg.     Winter    1839. 

2oop.    i2mo.    _-  Lucerne.    Kaiser  1856.     [ny] 
*5022.     do.     Tr.     S:     Robinson.       Lond.       Hurst     1825. 
8vo.  [eg] 

__  Lond.     1834.     i2mo.  [ny] 

_-  Lond.  Routledge  1892.  i8op.  8vo.  (Lub- 
bock's hundred  books.)  [1514  rates  it  higher 
than  I  should.  He  says:  "It  is  ...  .  highly 
poetical  .  ...  In  fidelity  there  is  little  to  be 
desired.]  [dm] 

15023.  do.  Tr.  Jos.  Schafcr.  The  Swiss  patriots:  a 
scene  (Melchthal  scene  from  the  first  act)  from 
S Valley  City,  N.  D.  1898.   i5p.  S.    [uw] 

466  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


15024.     do.     Tr.  R.  Talbot.     Lond.     1829.     8vo.     [Same 

judgment  as  on  ^^oo8.'\  [bm] 

♦5025.     do.     Tr.    H.    Thompson.      Lond.      Bums    1845. 

I35p.     17cm.     [Blank  verse  so-so;  lyrics  poor.] 


15026.  do.  Tr.  Tarkari.  Lond.  Hamilton  1879.  i2mo. 
["Tr.  knoii's  neither  Ger.  nor  Eng.  and  has  not 
the  most  rudimentary  notions  of  verse."    BI4. 

CI.    #398.]  '  [BM] 

**5027.     Xenions.  Tr.  Paul  Cams.    See  Goethe,  #1398. 

Correspondence  with  Goethe,  see  #1778  etc.     . 
*5028.      Correspondence  ....  with    Korner    and    other 
contemporaries.     Tr.  Simpson.     Lond.     Bentley 
1849.     3v.     i2mo.  [lco] 

5029.  [58]    Letters  ....  prior  to  his  marriage.     (1782- 

90.)     Tr.  J.  L.  Weisse.    Host.    Dickinson  1841. 

I34p.  i2mo.  [ny] 

See  Dijntzer,  H.,  Life  of  S--.     #628. 
Sec  Humboldt,  W.  v.,  S and  the  progress  of  his 

intellectual  development.     #2823. 
See  Kiihnemann,  E.,  S— .     #3293. 
See  Miihlbach,  Lu.,  Goethe  and  S--.    #3939  etc. 
See  Palleske,  EL,  S_-'s  life  and  works.     #4263. 
See  Scherr,  J:s,  S--  and  his  times.     21:4713. 

Schllings,  K:  G:  1865- 

5030.  In   wildest    Africa.   Tr.   F:   W'hyte.      Hutchinson 

1907.     2v.    724]).     il.    8vo.  [ec] 

5031.  With  flashlight  and  rifle.  Tr.   F:  Whyte.     Intro. 

Sir  H.  H.  Johnston.  Hutchinson  1906.  2d  and 
pop.  ed.    8i4p.    il.    8vo.  [i:c] 


5032.  The  bondage  and  travels  of  J.  .S.,  a  native  of  Ba- 

varia, in  Europe,  Asia,  and  Africa,  1396-1427. 
Tr.  Commander  J  :  B.  Tel  for.  Lond.  Hakluyt 
Soc.   1879.     263P.     22cm.  [lc] 


SCHIMMELMANN,  Adle.  grafiii 

5033.  Glimpses  of  my  life  at  the  German  court,  among 

the  Baltic  fishermen  and  Berlin  socialists,  and 
in  prison,  including  "A  home  abroad"  by  O: 
Funcke.  Ed.  W.  S.  Foggitt.  Hodder  1896. 
224p.     il.     8vo.  [ec] 

ScHiMMER,  K:  A: 

5034.  The  sieges  of  Vienna  by  the  Turks.  Tr.  Earl  of 

Ellesmere.  From  the  Ger.  of  K.  A.  S.  and 
other  sources.    Lond.     1847.     i6mo.  [bm] 

ScHiNDLER,  An.  Fx.  1796-1864 

5035.  Life  of  Beethoven,  including  his  correspondence 

with  his  friends,  and  H.  Doring's  Life  and  Char- 
acteristics. Ed.  L  Moscheles.  Lond.  Colburn 
1841.    2v.    19cm.  [lc] 

5036.  do.     Bost.  Ditson  n.  d.  39op.     i2mo.  [acj] 
ScHLEGEL,  A:  W:  v.,  1767-1845 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C72,  C8,  C137,  C56,  C103. 

Selection,  prose,  see  C120,  €91(4). 
**5037.     A  course  of  lectures  on  dramatic  art  and  litera- 
ture.    Tr.  J :  Black.     Lond.  for  Baldwin,  Crad- 
ock  &  Joy  1815.     2v.     2icm.  [lc] 

5038.  do.     2(1  ed.    Intro.  R.  H.  Home.    Lond.    Temple- 

man  1840.    2v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

5039.  do.     Rev.  ace.  to  the  last  Ger.  ed.  J.  W.  ^lorrison. 

Lond.    Bohn  1845.     535p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

5040.  do.     Phil.     Hogan  &  Thompson  n.  d.  [aci] 

5041.  do.     2d  ed.    Rev.  by  Morrison.    Bell  1886.    535p. 

19cm. 1902.  [lc] 

Schlf:gi;l,  J.  A.  d.  1973 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 
Schlegel,  J :  Els. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C167. 
Schlegel  K:  W:  F:  v.  1772-1829 

Selection,  prose,  see  C120,  C160. 
Selection,  verse,  see  C8. 
♦5042.     The  aesthetic  and  miscellaneous  works.    Tr.  Ellen 
J.  Millington.    Lond.    Bell   1889.    S53p.    i8cm. 
[Style  inadequate.]  [lc] 



5043 .  A  course  of  lectures  on  modern  history  ....  his- 
torical essays  on  the  beginning  of  our  history. 
Tr.  L.  Purcell  and  R.  H.  Whitelock.  Lond. 
Bohn  1849.     423?-     i8cm.  [lc] 

**5044.  Lectures  on  the  history  of  literature  ancient  and 
modern.  Tr.  J :  G.  Lockhart.  Edin.  Black- 
wood 1818.    2v.    2icm.  [lc] 

5045.  do.     Phil.    Dobson  1818.  2v.  346,  130P.  8vo.  [lco] 

5046.  do.     New  ed.      Edin.      Blackwood    1841.     43op. 

8vo.  [bm] 

5047.  do.     Moss  n.  d.  [act] 

5048.  do.     With  questions  by  J:  Frost.     i2mo.     Moss. 

1853.  [ac2] 

5049.  do.     Lond.    Bohn  1859.    Svo.  [bm] 

__  Bell  &  Daldy  1865.    420p.     i8cm.     __  1896. 


5050.  do.     Lond.  Bohn  1846.     i2mo.    __  New  ed.  1861. 

8vo.  [ec] 

*505i.     Lucinda.      Tr.     P.     B.     Thomas.      In     €91(4). 


**5052.     The  philosophy  of  history.    Tr.  Jas.  B.  Robertson. 

Lond.    Saunders  &  O.  1835.    2v.    22cm.       [lc] 

5053.  do.     NY.    Appleton  1841.    2v.     igcni.  [lc] 

5054.  do.     Lend.    Bohn  1846.    Svo.  [bm] 

5055.  do.     -th  rev.  ed.     Lond.     Bell  1888.    498P.  19cm. 


*5056.  The  philosophy  of  life  and  philosophy  of  lan- 
guage ....  lectures  ....  Tr.  A.  J.  W.  Mor- 
rison. Lond.  Bohn  1847.  567P.  18cm.  [lc] 
--  NY.    Harper  n.  d.  [ac2] 

ScHLEiERMAcmcR,  F:  Ern.  Dn.  1768-1834 
Selection,  prose,  see  C120. 

5057.  Brief  outline  etc.     With  reminiscences  of  S_-  by 

F.  Liicke.     Tr.  W.  Farrer.     Edin.     Clark  1850. 
22op.     i2mo.  [bm] 

5058.  Christmas  eve:  a    dialog    on    the  celebration  of 


Christmas.  Tr.  \V.  Hastie.  Edin.  Clark  1890. 
8op.     8vo.  [bm] 

5059.  Introductions  to  the  dialogues  of  Plato.  Tr.  W. 

Dobson.  Cambridge.  Dcighton  1836.  4329. 
8vo.  [] 

__  Lond.  Parker  1836.  [f.c] 

5060.  Life  of  S--,  as  unfolded  in  his  autobiog.  and  let- 

ters. Tr.  Frederica  Rowan.  Lond.  Smith, 
Elder  i860.    2v.    386,  339p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

5061 .  On   religion ;  speeches    to    its  cultured  despisers. 

Tr.  J:  Oman.  Lond.  Paul,  T.  &  T.  1892. 
287P.     2icm.  [lc] 

**5o62.     On  the  social  element  in  religion.    Tr.  G:  Ripley. 
In  C9i(5). 

5063.  The  theology  of  S--,  a  condensed  presentation  of 

his  chief  work,  "The  Christian  faith"  by  G: 
Cross.  Chic.  Univ.  of  Chic,  press  1911.  344p. 
20cm.  [lc] 

SCHLER,  J.  G. 

5064.  Initiator)'  treatise    on    philosophy.      Tr.    W.    T. 

Harris.    Dulau  1855.    8vo.  [ec] 


Sec  Klencke,  P.,  joint  author.     #3000. 


5065 .  Th(:  orphan  of  Lowood :  a  play  in  two  parts  and 

four  acts.  Dram.  fr.  C.  Bronte's  novel  "Jane 
Eyre" ;  written  and  ad.  from  the  Ger.  MS.  NY. 
1863.    2v.   60,341.    (Endsat  Act  111,8.)     [lco] 


5066.  Saunterings  in  and  about  London.  Lond.    Ward, 

Lock  1853.    8vo.  [ec] 

_-  Tr.  O:  V.  W'cnckstern.  Lond.    Cooke  1853. 

290P.    il.     19cm.  [lc] 

5067.  War  in   Hungary.      Tr.    J.  E.    Taylor.     Lond. 

Bentley  1850.    2v.   8vo.  [ec] 

.^CHLICHT,  freiherr  v."  see  Baudissin,  Wf.  graf  v.  1867- 


ScHLicHTEGROLL,  Ad.  H:  F:  1765-1822 

5068.  The  life   of   Mozart.     In  Beyle,   Marie   H.,  The 

lives  of  Haydn  and  Mozart.  Lond.  1818.  pp. 
334-418.  [lc] 

SCHLIPPENBACH,  graf  Ab.  V. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C153. 

ScHLOSSER,  F:  Cph.  1776-1861 

5069.  History  of  the  i8th  century  and  of  the  19th  cen- 

tury till  the  overthrow  of  the  French  empire. 
Tr.  D.  Davidson.  Lond.  Chapman  &  Hall 
1843.     8v.     22cm.  [lc] 


5070.  A  general  history  of  music.    Tr.  F.  Cecilia  Tubbs. 

Lond.    Bentley  1865.    359p.    2C)cm.  [lc] 

ScHMiD,  Cph.  V.  1768-1854 

Selection,  verse,  see  C90,  C190. 

5071.  The  basket  of    flowers,    and    other  tales.     Lond. 

Simpkin  1839.     i2mo.  [ec] 

5072.  do.     The  flower  basket.     A  Catholic  tale.     Phil. 

McGrath  n.  d.     32mo.  [-^04] 

5073.  do.     The  basket  of  flowers.     Tr.   G.   T.   Bedell 

(from    the    French    version).  Lond.       1851. 

i6mo.  [bm] 

5074.  do.     do.     Lond.  1856.     i6mo.  [bm] 

5075.  do.     do.     New  ed.    Lond.    1862.  i6mo.         [bm] 

5076.  do.    same    as    #5071-      Lond.  Simpkin    1862. 

8vo.  [ec] 

5077.  do.     Lond.  1862.    24nio.    (Little  lib.  of  choice  and 

select  tales.)  [bm] 

5078.  do.     same  as  #50/3-     1862.     24mo.  [bm] 

5079.  do.     do.     New  ed.  1865.     i6mo.  [bm] 

5080.  do.     Tr.    from    French.      Lond.      (Edin.  print.) 

1866.  8vo.  [bm] 

5081.  do.     Basket  of  flowers  and  other  tales.     Milner 

1867.  32mo.  [ec] 

5082.  do.     or,  piety  and  truth  triumphant.     Tr.  fr.  orip. 


Ger.  ed.     Lond.      (Edin.  print.)      Lansdowne 
gift  books.     1869.    8vo.  [bm] 

5083.  do.     jflMir  oj  #507?.     Lond.  1869.     i2mo.     [uxi] 

5084.  do.     do.     Lond.  1873.     i6mo.     (Beeton's  books.) 


5085.  do.     do.     Intro.    G.  T.  B.  Lond.    1879.  8vo.  [bm] 

5086.  do.     do.     Edin.      (Perth  print.)     Gemmell   1882. 

150P.    8vo.     (Anchor  series.)  [bm] 

5087.  do.     do.     1884.     i6mo.  [bm] 

5088.  do.     do.     18S7.    8vo.  [bm] 

5089.  do.     do.     1889.     8vo.  [bm] 

5090.  do.     Lond.    Blackie  1894.     igsp.    8vo.  [bm] 

5091.  do.     and  other  tales.     Milner  1905.     286p.  8vo. 

_-  1906.  [ec] 

5092.  do.     Everett  1912.  i2mo.  [ec] 

5093.  The  black  lady  and  other  tales.     Lond.     Leam- 

ington.   Art  &  Book  CO.  1893.    298P.    8vo.  [cm] 

5094.  The  boy  and  the  man.    In  Howitt,  M.,  The  golden 

casket  etc.  II.  J.  Palmer.  Lond.  1861.  8vo.  [bm] 

5095.  do.    same.     Cassell's  story  books  for  the  young. 

1866  etc.    8vo.  [bm] 

5096.  The   boy  adventurers.     Historical   tales.     Lond. 

Warne  1875.     •!■     i8mo.  [ec] 

5097.  The   cake.      (With   other   tales.)      Lond.      1849. 

24mo.  [bm] 

5098.  Canary    bird,    dove,    inundation,    rose    tree    etc. 

(Separate.)     Lond.    Sinipkin  1876.    i2mo.    [eg] 

5099.  Canary  bird,  and    other    tales.      Tr.  Mrs.  F.  H. 

Smith.    Amer.  tract  soc.  1883.    il.    i6mo.     [ac] 

5099a.   The  carrier  pigeon.     NY.     Dunigan   1849.     7op. 

il.     i8mo.  [lco] 

5100.  Catholic  tales.  Tr.  Russell  and  Kelly.    Richardson 

1847.    3v-     8vo.  [ec] 

5101 .  The  chapel  of  the  forest,  and  The  robin  redbreast. 

Derby  1845.     i6mo.  [bm] 

5102.  The  cherries.  NY.  Dunigan  1849.  38p.  i8mo.  [lco] 

5103.  Christmas  eve.    Lond.    Hughes  1843.  i2mo.  [bm] 

5104.  do.     or,  the  story  of  little  Anton.     1849.     i6mo. 




5105.  do.     and  other  tales.     New  ed.    Rev.  and  cor.  J. 

Tillotson.    Lond.    1853.    i6mo.  [bm] 

5106.  Clara;  or,  the  dangers  of  innocence.     Tr.  HeHo- 

dora.    Augsburg  1843.    8vo.  [bm] 

5107.  The  Easter  eggs,  a  tale  for  children.    Lond.    1829. 

i2mo.  [bm] 

5108.  do.     Tr.   (S:?)  Jackson.     Edin.     Hamilton  1839. 

i8mo.  [ec] 

5109.  do.     C.  V.  Schmid's  Easter  eggs.    Tr.  H.  J.  Whit- 

ling.    Nuremberg  1846.     i6mo.  [bm] 

51 10.  do.     Tr.  by  U.  Derby.     1846.     i6mo.  [bm] 

51 11.  do.     a    story  ....  for    children.       Tr.    L.     H. 

Steiner.     Phil.     Ref.   church   pub.    1S70.     95p. 
i6mo.  [lco] 

51 12.  do.     and  red  and  white  roses.    Edin.  1870.     i8mo. 


51 13.  do.     NY.    Button  n.  d.     i8ino.  [ac7] 

51 14.  do.     Lond.  Bell  1908.    68p.     il.     8vo.  [ec] 

5115.  The  egg-thief:  a    comedy    in    one    act.     Tr.  ]\L 

Trautwein.      Lond;    Berl.      Kolckmann    1882. 
39p.    8vo.  [bm] 

51 16.  Fifty  short  stories.     Tr.  H.  J.  W'hitling.     Nurem- 

berg 1846.    8vo.  [bm] 

5 117.  First  tales  for  children.     Tr.  Miss  F.  Johnstone. 

Bath  1845.     i6mo.     _-  Bath  1846.  [bm] 

5 118.  Forget  me  not.     In  C65. 

5119.  Genevieve  of  Brabant:    a    legend    of  the  middle 

ages.  Tr.  C.  W.  R.   Dublin.   Duffy  1835.    204p. 
i6mo.  [bm] 

5120.  do.     Genoveva  of  Brabant.     A  tale  of  old  times. 

Lond.     1843?     i6mo.  [bm] 

5121.  Genoveva  of  Brabant,  a  talc.     Lond.     Burns  1S48. 

i6mo.  [ec] 

5122.  Genevieve.     Balto.     Lucas  n.  d.     i8mo.         [aci] 

5123.  Genevieve   de    Braiiant :   tale   of   antiquity.      NY. 

("atli.  pub.  11.  <1.     iSmo.  [AC7] 

5124.  Historical    tales,    selected    from    Schmid.      Lond. 

Burns  1848.     i8mo.  [ec] 


5125.  The  hop  blossoms.     Derby  1845.     i6mo.         [bm] 

5126.  do.     Honesty  the  best  policy;  or,  the  hop  blos- 

soms, and  other  stories.  New  ed.  rev.  and  cor. 
T.  M.  Ready.    Lond.     1853.     i6mo.  [dm] 

5127.  do.     The  hop  blossoms.     Tr.  J.  F:  Smith.     Phil. 

Luth.  board  1872.     I74p.    i6mo.  [lco] 

5128.  How  Henry  Eichenfels  came  to  the  knowledge  of 

God.  Tr.  J.  Bachman  and  J.  Miller.  2d  ed. 
Harrisburg,  Pa.  Winebrenner  1836.  io3p. 
13cm.  [lc] 

5129.  do.     Henry  of  Eichenfels;  or,  how  a  child  learned 

to  know  that  there  is  a  God.  Edin.  1848. 
i6mo.  [bm] 

5130.  do.     Henry   of    Eichenfels.    and    Christmas    eve, 

by  Flower.    Cleaver  1848.     i8mo.  [ec] 

5131.  do.     Henry  of  Eichenfels.     Louis  the  little  emi- 

grant. Two  moral  tales  for  young  people. 
Stuttgart  1852.    2  pt.    8vo.  [bm] 

5132.  do.     How  little  Henry  came  to  the  knowledge  of 

God,  and  other  tales.  New  ed.  rev.  and  cor.  J. 
Tillotson.    Lond.     1853.     i6mo.  [bm] 

5133.  do.     Henry  of  Eichenfels.     Lond.     Groombridge 

1856.     i6mo.  [ec] 

5134.  do.     How  Henry  of  Eichenfels  came  to  the  knowl- 

edge of  God.  Tr.  A.  M.  Grussi.  Collegeville, 
Ind.  St.  Joseph's  coll.  press  1898.  86p.  il. 
i6mo.  [lc] 

5135.  Hundred  short  tales  for  children.  Tr.  F.  B.  Wells. 

Lond.     Bosworth  1853.     i6mo.  [cm] 

__  2d  ed.     Bosworth  1853.     i8mo.  [lco] 

5136.  do.     Tr.  Wells.  NY.    Carter  &  Bros.  1853.    i6mo. 


5137.  do.     do.     Bosworth  1859.  [ec] 

5138.  do.     do.     New     ed.      Frome     Selwood.       1869. 

i2mo.  [ec] 

__  New  ed.  Simpkin  1869.    i8mo.  [ec] 

5139.  do.     Sadlier  n.  d.     NY.     i6mo.  [ac7] 

5140.  One  hundred  and    forty  short  tales  and  parables 

for  children.    NY.     Sadlier  n.  d.  [ac3] 



5 141.  The  little  emigrant:  a  tale  of  the  French  Revolu- 

tion.    New    ed.      Rev.    and    cor.  J.  Tillotson. 
Lond.  1853.     i6mo.    __  Cf.  also  #5131.      [bm] 

5142.  The  little  hermit ;  or,  the  German  Robinson  Crusoe. 

New  ed.    Rev.  and   cor.    T.    M.  Ready.     Lond. 
1853.     i6mo.  [bm] 

5143.  do.     Godfrey   the  little    hermit    and   other  tales. 

New  ed.    Lond.    1892.    3iop.    8vo.  [bm] 

5144.  The  little  lamb.     A    tale.      Tr.     (S:?)    Jackson. 

Edin.     Hamilton  1839.     i8mo.  [fx] 

5145.  do.     The  pet  lamb;  or,  the  little  strawberry  girl. 

New  ed.     Rev.  and  cor.  T.  AL  Ready.     Lond. 
Allman  1853.    i52p.    i6mo.  [bm] 

5146.  do.     The  pet  lamb.      A    tale.      Edin.     Oliphant 

1870.     i3op.     i6mo.     (Cf.  A239.)  [hm] 

5147.  do.     The  little    lamb.    Tr.    M.    E.    W.   Graham. 

Dublin.    Gill  1884.    78p.    8vo.  [bm] 

__    Lond.    Simpkin     1884.       (Ascribed    to   H. 
Schmid.)  [ec] 

5x48.      The  little  wooden  crucifix.     In  Cousin  Natalia's 
tales.    II.  Miss  F.  Corbaux.    1841.    i6mo.  [bm] 

5149.  The  madonna.    NY.    Dunigan  1848.    56p.    i8mo. 


5150.  Moral  tales  for  young  people.  Tr.  W.  E.  Drugulin. 

Stuttgart  1850-2.    5  pts.    8vo.  [bm] 

5151.  Canon  Schmid's  new  tales  of  good  fortune.     Ad. 

Rev.  T  :  J.  Jenkins.    Akron,  O  ;  Chic ;  NY.   Mc- 
Bride  1897.     iSgp.    il.     i6mo.  [lco] 

5152.  do.     do.     1897.  I44p.  [lco] 

5153.  The  nightingale;  or,  a  kind  act  is  never  lost.     A 

talc  of  the  Russian  war.  forty  years  ago.     NY. 
Dana  1856.    91  p.    i6mo.  [lco] 

5154.  do.     Claremont,  N.  H.     Claremont  n.  d.     i8mo. 


5155.  do.     NY.  Dutton  n.  d.     i8mo.  [AC7] 

5156.  The  orphan  child;  or,  the  story  of  Little  Sophia. 

New  ed.  rev.  and    cor.    T.   M.  Ready.     Lond. 
1854.    32mo.  [bm] 


5157.  The  picture  of  the  Virgin.     Ad.  Ma.  Hewitt.     11. 

J.  Absolon.    Lend.    Orr  1844.    24p.    8vo.    (Cf. 

#5149)  [bm] 

5158.  Red  and  white   roses,    and    other  stories.     Lond. 

Burns  1843.     i6mo.     (Cf.  #5112;  A253.)   [ec] 

5159.  The  redbreast.    NY.    Dunigan  1848.    4op.    i6mo. 

(Cf.  #5101.)  [lco] 

5160.  The  rings;  or,  the  two  orphans.     Tr.  arr.  and  al- 

tered C:    A.    Wycth.      Phil.      Martien    1854. 
i53p.     i6mo.  [lco] 

5161.  Rosa  of  Tannenburg;  a  tale  of  the  olden  time  for 

parents  and  children.    Lond.  1857.    i2nio.     [hm] 

5162.  do.     (not  same.)     R.  v.  T.     A  tale  etc.     Lond. 

i860.    8vo.  [bm] 

5163.  do.     Rosa  V.  Tannenburg.    New  ed.    Booth  i860. 


5164.  do.     Rosa  V.  T.     A  tale.     Tr.  Lucie  A.  Archer. 

NY.    Scott  1881.     I72p.     i2mo.  [lco] 

—  NY.    Ward  &  Drummond  1883.    i2mo.  [ac] 

5165.  The  rose-bush.     A  tale  for  young  persons.     New 

ed.   rev.  and  cor.  T.   M.  Ready.     Lond.    1853. 

i6mo.     (Cf.  #5098.)  [bm] 

The  stolen  child,  sec  How  Henry  of  Eichenfels. 

5166.  The  shepherd  boy,  and  other  tales.     Lond.     1849. 

32mo.  [bm] 

5167.  Tales  designed    chiefly    for    the  young.     Dublin. 

Duffy  1846.    3v.    il.    8vo.  [um] 

5168.  do.     Short  tales  for  little  children.     Dublin  1855. 

8vo.  [i!m] 

5169.  do.     A  series  of  tales  for  children.     Tr.  R.  C. 

Hales.   Lond.   Simpkin  1859.   2d  ed.   8vo.    [um] 

5170.  do.     2(1  ed.  Lond.     Simpkin  1861.    8vo.  [ec] 

5171.  do.     Tales.     Newly  tr.  H.  J.  Gill.     Dublin.     Gill 

1888.    384P.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

—  Lond.     Simpkin  1875.  [ec] 

5172.  do.     Tales.    NY.    Strong  n.  d.  6v.    i8mo.  [ac7] 

5173.  do.     same  as  #^i/i.     Dublin.  Gill  1890.     384P. 

8vo.  [bm] 



__  Simpkin  1890.     8vo.  [ec] 

5174.  do.     Short  stories.    Series  2.    NY.    Wildermann 

1900.     64,  64,  64p.     i6mo.  [lc] 

5175.  do.     Tales,  tr.   Gill.     New  enl.  ed.      17th  thous. 

II.  T.  J.  Reynolds.  Dublin.  Gill  1902.  368p. 
8vo.  [ec] 

5176.  The  two  roads  of  life.     [54]     Tales  designed  to 

show  that  honesty  is  the  best  policy.  Dublin. 
DufTy  1858.    355p.     i2mo.  [bm] 

5177.  The  wonderful   doctor.     An   Eastern   tale.     Mc- 

Grath  n.  d.  [AC4] 

ScHMiD,  Cn.  F : 

5178.  General   principles   of   Christian  ethics.     Abr.  by 

W.  J.  Mann.  Phil.  Luth.  bookstore  1872. 
I53p.    i2mo.  [lco] 

ScHMiD,  Hm.  Td.  V.  1815-80 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68. 

5179.  The  chancellor  of  the  Tyrol.     Tr.  Dorothea  Rob- 

erts.   Lond.    Unwin  1885.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

5180.  The  habermeister.    A  tale  of  the  Bavarian  moun- 

tains. NY.  Leypoldt  &  Holt  1869.  379p. 
17cm. New  ed.     Holt  1875.  [lc] 

ScHMiD,  Hm.  Td.  V.  and 
Stieler,  K  : 

5181.  The  Bavarian  highlands  and  the  Salzkammergut. 

Profusely  il.  W.  an  account  of  the  peasantry 
....  by  H.  S.  and  K.  S.  Lond.  Chapman  & 
Hall  1874.    205p.    36cm.  [lc] 

Schmidt,  Fd.  1816-90 

5182.  Oiarlemagne.  Tr.  G:  P.  Upton.     Chic.     McClurg 

1910.     loip.     17cm.  [lc] 

5183.  Gods  and  heroes.    Tr.  and  ad.  from  S--  and  C:  F: 

Becker  by  G:  P.  I'pton.  Chic.  McCIurg  1912. 
i23p.     17cm.  [lc] 

5184.  Gudrun.    Tr.  G :  P.  Upton.    Chic.    McClurg  1906. 

I34p.     17cm.  [lc] 


5185.      Herman  and  Tliusnelda.  Tr.  G:  P.  Upton.     Chic. 
McClurg   1907.     i28p.      17cm.  [lc] 

5196.  The  Nibelungs.     Tr.   G:   P.  Upton.     Chic.     Mc- 

Clurg 1906.     I74p.     17cm.  [lc] 

5197.  William  Tell.    Tr.  G:  P.  Upton.    Chic.    McClurg 

1904.     ii7p.     il.  17cm.  [lc] 

5198.  The  youth  of  the  Great  Elector.    Tr.  G:  P.  Upton. 

Chic.     McClurg    1909.      I44p.      17cm.  [lc] 

Schmidt  (von  Luebeck),  G:  Ph.  1766-1849 

Selection,  verse,  see  C20i(i7),  C43,  C226,  C16, 

Schmidt,  J.  E.  d.  1745 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C126. 

Schmidt,  J :  Kp.  1806-50  see  "Stirner,  Max" 

Schmidt,  Klamer  Eb.  K:  1746-1824 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C198. 

Schmidt,  O:  Em.  1862-        see  "Ernst,  O:" 

Schmidt-Phiseldeck,  Kn.  F:  v.  1770-1832 
Selection,  verse,  see  C46. 

Schmieden,  Frau  Else  (Robert)    1841-96,  sec  "Junker,  E." 

Schmithof,  E. 

5199.  Six  cups  of  chocolate;  a  piece  of  gossip  in  one 

act.    Freely  Englished  ....  Edith  V.  B.  Mat- 
thews.   NY.    Harper  1897.     32p.     i6mo.  [lc] 

Schmitt,  Hs.  1835- 1907 

5200.  The  natural  laws  of  musical  expression.    Tr.  Fes. 

A.  van  Santford.     Chic.     Summy   1894.     47p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

Sciimoecer,  K:  Ehrhard,  1883. 

5201.  Life  of  Anna  Catharina   Emmerich.     Abridged. 

In  Quarterly  Series,  vol.  10.     1872.    8vo.  [bm] 

5202.  do.     NY.     Pustet  1885.    2v.     19cm.  [lc] 

ScHMOLCK  (or  Schmolke),  B:  1672-1737 

Selection,  verse,    see    C220,    C221,    C126,  C215, 
C265,  C63,  C180. 


SCHMOLLER,  Gst.  V.    1838- 

Sclection,  prose,  see  Ci78a. 

ScHMOLZE,  K :  H  : 

5203.  An  artist's  poems.    Tr.  C.  G.  Leland.    Phil.    Ley- 

poldt  1864.    8  1.    il.    fol.  [lco] 


Selection,  fverse,  see  C229. 

SCHNECKENBURGER,    Max,    1819-49 

Selection,  verse,  see  C145,  C38,  C15,  C20i(i8). 
C243,  C130. 


5204.  Alassio,  a  pearl  of  the  Riviera.     Lond.     Triibner 

1887.     8vo.  [ec] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C266,  C138. 
Schneider,  E:  (i.  e.  Schnitzer,  E:)  sec  "Emin  Pasha" 

Schneider,  H.  G. 

5205 .  Hansina  Hinz  :  a  true  story  of  Moravian  missions 

-  in  Greenland.    Tr.  freely  by  E.  F.  K.  Rel.  tract 
soc.  1901.    96p.    8vo.  [eg] 


Selection,  verse,  sec  C167. 

SCHNITZLER,  Art.    1862- 

5206.  Anatol :     a     sequence    of     dialogues  ....  para- 

phrased for  the  English  stage  by  Granville 
Barker.  Lond.  Sidgvvick  &  Jackson  191 1.  NY. 
Kennerley  191 1.     i25p.    20cm.  [lc] 

5207.  Bertha  Garlan :  a  novel.     Goschen    1913.     272p. 

8vo.  [ec] 

5207a.   Comedies  of  words,  and  other  plays.     Tr.  Pierre 

Loving.        Cincin.        Stewart   and   Kidd    191 7. 

i82p.     20cm.  [lc] 

5208.  Das  Marchcn.      Tr.  C.  V..  Wheeler  and  Granville 

Barker.  [B19] 


5209.  The  dead  are  silent.     Tr.  Courtland  H.  Young. 

In  C196,  Cii4(7). 

5210.  The  duke  and  the  actress.    Tr.  Hans  Weysz.    Poet 

Lore,  Vol.  21(1910). 
t52ii.     Gallant  Cassian ;  a  puppet  play  in  one  act.     Tr. 
3d  ed.     Adam  L.  Gowans.     Lond.     Govvans  & 
Gray  19 14.     10  -j-  45p.     i2mo.     [A  very  dull 
itnifation.]  [ny] 

5212.  The  green  cockatoo  and  other  plays.     Tr.  H.  B. 

Samuel.     Lond;  Edin.     Gay  &  H.  1913.     I24p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

5213.  do.     The  green  cockatoo.    Tr.  H.  B.  Samuel.    In 


5214.  The  hour  of  reckoning.     Tr.  Pierre  Loving.     The 

international,  vol.  10  (1916). 
4215.     The  legacy.     A  drama  in  three  acts.     Tr.  Ma.  L. 
Stephenson.      Bost.     Badger  191 1.     Poet-Lore 
plays,  vol.  22.    25cm.  [lc] 

5216.  The    literary    sense.      Tr.    and    ad.    C:    Harvey 

Genung.    NY.     1908.     Copyright  by  Walter  N. 
Lawrence.  [B19] 

5217.  do.     Literature.    Tr.  A.  I.  Coleman.    In  C9i(2o). 

5218.  do.     Tr.    P.    Loving.        The    international,    vol. 


5219.  do.     Tr.  Elsie  Plant.  [bm] 

5220.  Living  hours.    Tr.  H.  T.  Porter.     Poet-Lore,  vol. 


5221.  do.     Vital  moments.     (Abridged.)    International, 

vol.  3  (1910). 

**5222.      The  lonely  way.     Intermezzo.     Countess  Mizzle. 

Three  plays.    Tr.  E.  A.  Bjorkman.    NY.    Ken- 

nerley    1915.     323P.      19cm.      [Clever,  genuine 

dialog,  fczv  errors.]  [lc] 

15223.     Professor  Bernhardi.    Ad.  in  Eng.  by  Mrs.  Emil 

Pohli.     San   Fran.     Elder   1913.     64p.     20cm. 

[U nzvarranted  liberties.]  [lc] 

5224.     The  reckoning.      (Liebelei.)     Tr.  Grace  I.   Col- 

bron.    NY.    1907.  [B19] 



5225.  do.  Light-o'-love.  Tr.  B.  Q.  Morgan.  In  The 
drama,  no.  7  (1912). 
**5226.  do.  Playing  with  love.  Tr.  P.  Morton  Shand. 
(Also,  Hofmannsthal's  Prolog  to  Anatol,  very 
badly  tr.  by  Trevor  Blakemore. )  Lond.  Gay 
&  H.  1914.     loip.     19cm.  [lc] 

5227.     The  road  to  the  open.    Tr.  H.  B.  Samuel.    Lond. 
Latimer  i9__.    4129.     20cm.  [lc] 

*5228.  Viennese  idyls.  Tr.  F.  Eisemann.  Bost.  Luce 
1913.  i82p.  i2nio.  (Flowers.  Blind  Geronimo 
and  his  brother.  Andreas  Thameyer's  last  let- 
ter. The  sage's  wife.  The  farewell.  The  dead 
are  silent.)  [Correct  but  flat:  style  wholly 
lost.]  [nv] 

5229.  The  wife.     (Die  Gefiihrtin.)     Current  literature, 

vol.  39  (1905).     (Abridged.)  [B19] 

5230.  The  woman  with  the  dagger.     Tr.  H.  B.  Samuel. 

Fortnightly  Review,  vol.  gi.  [019] 

5231.  do.     Abridged.    International,  vol.  4.  [BI9] 

5232.  do.     The  lady  with  the  dagger.    Tr.  H.  T.  Porter 

in  Poet  Lore,  vol.  15   (1904). 

ScHOBERT,  Fran  He.  (Harnisch)  1858- 

5233.  The  flower  girl  of  Paris.     Tr.  Laura  K.  Kendall. 

Chic;  NY.    Rand,  McNallv  1893.    232P.  21cm. 


5234.  Picked  up  in  the  streets.     .\  romance.     Tr.  Mrs. 

Wister.     Phil.     Lippincott  1888.    335?.     18cm. 


Passion  i)lay  at  Oberammergau.     Sec  Oberam- 
mergau,  A2i8ff. 

ScHOEMANN,  G:  F:  1793-1879 

5235 .  The  antiquities  of  Greece.     The  state.    Tr.  E.  G : 

Hardy  and  Jas.   S.   Mann.     Lond.     Rivingtons 

1880.    583P.    23cni.  [lc] 

5236.     Athenian  constitutional  history,  as  represented  in 

Grotc's  history  of   Greece,  critically  examined 


by  G.  F.  S.    Tr.  B.  Bosanquet.    Oxford;  Lend. 
Parker  1878.     i05p.    2icm.  [lc] 

5237.  Dissertation  of  the  assemblies  of  the  Athenians. 

Tr.   from  the  Latin.     Cambridge.     Grant  1838. 
361P.     22cm.  [lc] 

ScHOENAicH,  Cph.  O:  freiherr  v.  1725-1807 

5238.  Arminius  ;  or,  Gerniania  freed.   Tr.  3d  ed.  "Baron 

Conzeck".    Lond.  for  Becket  &  de  Hondt  1764. 
2v.    192,  2i6p.    i6mo.    (Prose  trans.)       [lco] 

SCH0ENAICH-C.\R0LATH,    El.    ZU,    PrinZ,    1852-I908 

Selection,  verse,  see  C14,  C185,  €91(18). 

5239.      Melting    snows.       Tr.    Marg.    Symonds. 


Nimmo  1894.     1895.    8vo. 


SCHOENBERG,   Er.    V. 

5240.     Travels  in  India  and   Kashmir.     Lond. 

Hurst  & 

B.  1853.     2v.     8vo. 



Selection,  prose,  see  Ci78a. 

SCHOENER,  Rid.    1849- 

5241 .  Rome  ....  Condensed  and  ed.  Mrs.  Arthur 
Bell.  Lond.  Low ;  NY.  Scribner  1898.  296P. 
il.    33cm.  [lc] 

SCHOENHERR,    K:    1869- 

*5242.     Faith  and  fireside.    Tr.  E.  v.  Mach.  In  €91(16). 
[Correct,  flats  on  the  style.] 

ScHOENTHAN,  Fz.  cdlcr  V.  Pemwald,  1849- 
Selection,  prose,  see  C132. 

5243.  The  Dorrits.  A  comedy  in  three  acts.     (Founded 

on  Dickens'  Little  Dorrit.)     Tr.  Marg.  Mayo. 
NY.    1909.    Tp.  [lc] 

5244.  A  kettle  of  fish.     A  farcical  comedy  in  one  act. 

Adapted.  Bost.  Baker  1890.  53p.   i6mo.    [lco] 

5245.  The  last  word.    A  comedy  in  four  acts.    Tr.  A. 

Daly.     NY.     1890.  [B19] 



5246.  Marie  Theresa.     A  play  in  four  acts.  Tr.  J.  H. 

Sprange.    NY.     1907.    Tp.  [lc] 

5247.  Military  mad.    A  comedy  in  three  acts.     Tr.  Leo 

Ditrichstein.     1904.  [B19] 

5248.  A  night  off ;  or,  a  page  from  Balzac.    A  comedy  in 

four  acts.     Tr.  A.  Daly.     NY.     Dick  &  Fitz- 
gerald 1885.  [B19] 

5249.  Nobody's  fault ;  or,  the  child  of  the  ilarshalsea.  A 

play  in  three  acts.     Copyright   Selwyn   &   Co. 
NY.     1906.     Tp.  [lc] 

5250.  The  professor's  play;  or,  the  kidnapping  of   the 

Sabine  women.     A  comedy  in  four  acts.     Tr. 
Ludmilla  Krueger.    Alameda,  Cal.     1898.  [B19] 

5251.  do.     The  Sabine    women.      Tr.    A.   Daly.     NY. 

1884.  [B19] 

5252 .  Seven-twenty-eight ;  or,  casting  the  boomerang.  A 

comedy  in  four  acts.    Tr.  A.  Daly.    NY.    Dick 
&  Fitzgerald  1883.  [B19] 

5253.  do.     The  hurly-burly;    or,    7-20-8.      A    farcical 

comedy    in     three     acts.       Alt.     and    ad.    H. 
Hendricks.    Lond.    French.  [B19] 

ScHOENTH.w,  Fz.  and 
Kadelburg,  G. 

5254.  The  railroad  of  love.    A  comedy  in  four  acts.    Tr. 

A.  Daly.     NY.    print,  as  MS  for  author  1887. 
72p.    8vo.  [lco] 

ScHOENTHAN,  Fz.  and 

5255.  The  lancers.     A  comedy  in   three  acts.     Tr.  J. 

Hartley  Manners.     NY.     1907.     Tp.  [lc] 

ScHOENTHAN,  Fz.    Olid 

Oesterreiciier,  Rd. 

5256.  Miss  Patsy;  or,  Dcr  dumme  .\ugust.  Ad.  Sewell 

Collins.    Copyright  Henry  Savage.    NY.     1909. 
Tp.  [lc] 


ScHOEPF,  J :  D : 

5257.  Travels  in  the  confederation,  1783-4.    Tr.  and  ed. 

A.  J.  Morrison.  Phil.  Campbell  1911.  2v. 
20cm.  [lc] 

ScHONER,  J.  G.  d.  1818 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Schopenhauer,  Art.  1788-1860 

Selection,  prose,  sec  C160,  C70,  C206. 

5258.  The  art  of   controversy,  and   other  posthumous 

papers.  Sel.  and  tr.  T.  B.  Saunders.  Lond. 
Sonnenschein ;  NY.  Macmillan  1896.  i  i6p. 
19cm.  [lc] 

5259.  The  art  of  literature.     A  series  of  essays.     Sel. 

and  Tr.  T.  B.  Saunders.  Lond.  Sonnenschein  ; 
NY.  Macmillan  1900.  I49P-  19cm.  [lc] 
__  First  ed.  Sonnenschein  1891.  [bm] 
__  6th  ed.  Sonnenschein  19x0.  [ec] 
**526o.  The  basis  of  morality.  Tr.  A.  B.  Bullock.  Lond. 
Sonnenschein  1903.  285P.  19cm.  [lc] 
2d  ed.    Allen  &  U.  1915.    3i6p.    8vo.      [ec] 

5261 .  Counsels  and  maxims ;  being  the  second  part  of 

Aphorismen  zur  Lebensweisheit.  Tr.  T.  B. 
Saunders.  Lond.  Sonnenschein ;  NY.  Mac- 
millan 1899.     i62p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Lond.    Sonnenschein  1890.    i62p.  [bm] 

—  2d  ed.    1891.    i62p.    i2mo.  [lco] 

5262.  Dialogue  on  immortality.      Doctrine  of   the  will. 

Tr.  C.  L.  Bernays.    In  Ci4i(i). 

5263.  Essays.    Sel.  and  tr.  T.  B.  Saunders.    NY.    Burt 

1893?  455p.  i2mo.  (Wisdom  of  life.  Coun- 
sels and  maxims.  Religion  and  other  essays. 
Art  of  literature.    Studies  in  pessimism.)     [lc] 

5264.  Essays  of   Schopenhauer.     Tr.   Mrs.  R.  Dircks. 

Lond.    Scott  1897.    224p.    8vo.  [bms] 

Five  masterpieces.    Milwaukee  188 1.    i6mo.    (See 

#5272.)  [ec] 

**5265.     On  the  fourfold  root  of  the  principle  of  sufficient 

reason ;  and.  On  the  will  in  nature.    Two  essays. 

484  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


Tr.  4th  Ger.  ed.    Mme.  Karl  Hillebrand.  Lond. 

Bell  1889.     380P.     19cm.  [lc] 

**5266.     do.    same.     Rev.  ed.     Lond.     Bell   1891.     38op. 

i2mo.  [lc] 

5267.  On  human  nature:  essays  in  ethics  and  politics. 

Sel.  and  tr.  T.  B.  Saunders.  Lond.  Sonnen- 
schein;  NY.  Macmillan  1902.  I32p.  19cm. 
(First  ed.  1897.)  [lc] 

3d  ed.     Sonnenschein    1906.      I46p.     8vo. 

__  4th  ed.     1910.  [eg] 

5268.  On  the  intellect.    Tr.  C:  Josef e.    Ci4i(8). 

5269.  Parerga  and  paralipomena.     Tr.  T.  B.  Saunders. 

In  091(15). 

5270.  Religion:  a  dialogue,  and  other  essays.     Sel.  and 

tr.  T.  B.  Saunders.  Lond.  Sonnenschein  1889. 
ii7p.  8vo.  [bm] 
2d  ed.    Sonnenschein  1890.  ii7p.  19cm.  [lc] 

5271.  do.     3d  enl.  ed.    Lond.    Sonnenschein  1891.  I40p. 

19cm.  [lc] 

__  Lond.    Sonnenschein:  XY.    JMacmillan  1899. 


**5272.     Select  essays.  Tr.  Garrett  Droppers  and  C:  A:  P. 

Dachsel.    Milwaukee.    Sentinel  Co.  1881.    I78p. 

20cm.     [Some  errors.]  [lc] 

5273.  Select  essays.     Lond.     Bell   1891.     8vo.     (Bohn 

lib.)  [ec] 

__  Bell  1914.    4i4p.    i2mo.    (Cf.  #5263.)  [ec] 

5274.  Selections  from  S_-.    Siegle,  H.  1912.  i8mo.  [ec] 
**S275 .     Studies  in  pessimism :  a  series  of  essays.    Sel.  and 

tr.  T.  B.  Saunders.  2d  ed.  Lond.  Sonnen- 
schein 1891.  i42p.  19cm.  [lc] 
[Takes  some  questionable  liberties.] 

Lond.       Sonnenschein ;    NY.      Macmillan 

1903.    _-  1908.  [lc] 

__  7th  ed.     1906.    8vo.  [ec] 

5276.     do.    same?    Temple   Co.    1893.     Re-issue    1898. 

i2mo.  [eg] 


5277.  do.     Tr.  W.  M.  Thomson.    Mathieson  1896.  i84p. 

(After-dinner  series.)  [bms] 

5278.  Thoughts  on  philosophy  and  its  method.  Thoughts 

on  logic  and  dialectic.    Tr.  C:  Josefe.    In  C141 


5279.  Will  in  nature.    NY.    Eckler  1900.    D.  [ac] 

5280.  Wisdom  of  life;  being  the  first  part  of  Aphor- 

ismen  zur  Lebensweisheit.  Tr.  T.  B.  Saunders. 
Lond.  Sonnenschein  1890.  I35p.  19cm.  (Cf. 
#5261.)     _-  1891.    --  3d  ed.  1902.  [lc] 

5281.  do.     W'isdom  of  life,  and  other  essays.    Tr.  T.  B. 

Saunders  and  E.  B.  Bax.  Lond;  Washington, 
D.  C.    Dunne  1901.     332p.    8vo.  [lc] 

5282.  The  wisdom  of  S ,  sel.  T.  B.  Saunders.     NY. 

Wieners   1902.     I27p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

5283.  do.     Wisdom  of  S-_  as  revealed  in  some  of  his 

principal  writings.  Sel.  and  tr.  Walter  Jekyll. 
Watts  1911.    454p.    8vo.  [eg] 

**5284.  The  world  as  will  and  idea.  Tr.  R:  B.  Haldane 
and  J :  Kemp.  Lond.  Triibner  1883-6.  3V. 
2icm.    --  Paul,  T.  &  T.  1896.  [lc] 

__  Sel.  in  €91(15). 
See  Harms,   F :  A.,   Schopenhauer's  philosophy. 

Schopenhauer,  J  :a  Hte.  (Trosiener)  1766-1838 

5285.  My  youthful  life,  and  pictures  of  travel.    Tr.  E. 

W.  Lond.  Longman  1847.  2v.  283,  32op. 
i2mo.  [lco] 

5286.  Poor  Margaret :  a  tale.    Tr.  Agnes  Eraser.    Lond. 

1855.    8vo.  [bm] 

ScHOPPE,  Amelia 

5287.  Henry  and  Mary,  Tr.  S.  Cobbett.    Lond.    Simp- 

kin  i860.    8vo. Simpkin  1863.     l2mo.   [ec] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C20. 


5288.  Frederick  the  Great  and    the    seven  years'  war. 



Tr.  G:  P.  Upton.    Chic.    McClurg  1905.    i45p. 
17cm.  [lc] 


5289.  The  king  of   Rothenburg:   a  historical   romance. 

Tr.  Mrs.  Ma.  A.  Bookstaver.     Best.     Badger 
1914-    3I5P-     i9crn.  [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C167,  C62. 

5290.  Traditions  of  the  countries  of  the  Rhine.     Tr.  C: 

V.  Incledon  and  P:  Will.  Heidelberg.     Engel- 
mann  1836.     i2op.    il.     i-cm.  [lc] 

"ScHRiLL,  Em."  (i.  e.  S.  Keller) 

5292.  His  heir.     A  novel  of  modern  life  in  Southern 

Russia.    Tr.  W.  Eickmann.    Lond ;  NY.    Neely 
1899.    478p.    i2mo.  [lc] 

ScHROEDER,  F:  U :  L:  1744-1816 

5293.  The  ensign:    a    comedy    in    three    acts.     Tr.  B. 

Thompson.     In  €247(6). 

ScHROEDER,  J :  H  :  1666-99 

Selection,  verse,  see  C220,  C221,  C44,  C265,  C126. 

ScHUBART,  F:  Dn.  1739-91 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C145,  C109,  CioS,  C52. 

C226,  C169,  C2^2,  Cio;  #3800. 
Selection,  prose,  see  C94. 

Schubert,  Fz.  1797-1828 

The  conspirators.     See  Castelli.     #510. 
Miriam's  song  of  triumph.     (Cantata.)    Sec  Grill- 

parzer,  Fz.     #1816. 
See  Kreissle  v.  Hcllborn.     (Biography.)     #3262, 

Schubert,  Gotthilf  H:  v.  1780-1860 

5294.  The  cripple  of  Rottenstein  ....  a  narrative  of 

facts.    Tr.  Mrs.  W.  H.    Lond.    Nickisson  1843. 
52p.    8vo.  [bm] 



5295 .     The  Leipsic  student ;  or,  the  old  debt.     A  tale, 
Lond.    Houlston  &  Stoneman  1852.    i8ip.  Svo. 

S2g6.     Life  of  John  Tobias  Kiesling.  Lond.   1837.   i2mo. 


5297.  A  memoir  of  B.  Overberg  ....  with  a  short 

account  of  the  system  of  national  education  in 
Prussia.    Lond.    Sceley  1838.    i2mo.  [bm] 

5298.  Mirror  of  nature.    Phil.     1849.     i2mo.  [ec] 

5299.  The  ocean  current.    Lond.     1849.    24mo.       [em] 

5300.  Palastina.     New  album  of  the  Holy  Land.     De- 

scriptive notes  by  S ,  J.  Roth,  and  O.  Fraas. 

Eng.  Ger.  and  Fr.    Stuttgart  1868.  Svo.      [bm] 

5301 .  Reminiscences  of  the  life,  and  some  of  the  letters, 

of  H.  R.  H.  Helene  Louise,  the  late  duchess  of 
Orleans.  Bath.  Binns  &  Goodwin  1862.  246P. 
19cm.  [lc] 

5302.  Treatise  on  the  existence  of  a  good  and  evil  prin- 

ciple in  man.  Tr.  W.  Lobscheid.  Hong  Kong. 
Shortrede  1861.     i8p.    8vo.  [bm] 

5303.  The  twin  brothers.     A  tale.     Tr.   Mrs.   Stanley 

Carr.     Lond.    Partridge  1846.     i2mo.         [bm] 

Schubert,  G.  H. 

5304.  The  whirlpool.     Bath  1852.  32mo.  [bm] 

"ScHUBiN,  Ossip"  (i.  e.  Lula  Kirschner,  1854-         ) 

4304a.   Asbe'in.     From  the  life  of  a  virtuoso.     Tr.  E.  L. 
Lathrop.     NY.    Worthington  1890.    34ip.   Svo. 


5305.  Blanche:  the  maid  of  Lille.     Tr.  Sa.  H.  Adams. 

Bost.    Priv.  print.  1902.    93p.     19cm.  [lc] 

5306.  Broken  wings.    NY.    Collier  1893.    284P.     iScm. 


5307.  Chords  and  discords.     A  story  of  souls  astray. 

Tr.  A.  H.  L.  NY.  Collier  1894.  2v.  in  i. 
iScm.  [lc] 

5308.  The  closing  door.  Tr.  Marie  D.  Gurney.     Lond. 

Dent  1896.    i97p.    8vo.  [bms] 


"ScHUBiN,  Ossip" 






Countess  Erika's  apprenticeship.  Tr.  Mrs. 
Wister.  Phil.  Lippincott  1891.  425P.  19cm.  [lc] 

Erlach  court.  Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.  Phil.  Lippin- 
cott 1889.    367P.    19cm.  [lc] 

Felix  Lanzberg's  expiation.  Tr.  E.  L.  Lathrop. 
NY.    Worthington  1892.    3  up.    il.    19cm.  [lc] 

Gloria  victis.     Tr.  Ma.  Maxwell.     NY.     Gotts- 

berger  1886.    319P.    i6mo. 


The  hand  of  destiny.    Tr.  Ma.  A.  Robinson.    NY. 
Worthington  1892.    272p.    20cm.  [lc] 

5314.  A  leafless  spring.    Tr.  M.  J.  Safford.    Phil.    Lip- 

pincott 1893.    295p.     19cm.  [lc] 

5315.  "O  thou,  my  Austria!"    Tr.  Mrs.  Wister.     Phil. 

Lippincott  1890.    429P.    19cm.  [lc] 

5316.  Our  own  set.     Tr.  C.  Bell.     Rev.  and  cor.     NY. 

Gottsberger  1884.    28op.    i6cm.  [lc] 

5317.  do?    One  of  us  :  a  novel  in  three  parts.    Tr.  H.  F. 

Powell.    Stott  1888.    8vo.  [ec] 

5318.  do.     One  of  us.     Tr.  Mrs.  Ellen  Waugh.     NY. 

Collier  1893.    288p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

5319.  Peterkins,  the  story  of  a  dog.    Tr.  Mrs.  J:  Lane. 

II.  C.  Taylor.  Lond ;  NY.  Lane  1906.  i79p. 
20  X  17cm.  [lc] 

5320.  The  story   of  a  genius.     Tr.   E.   H.   Lockwood. 

NY.    Fenno  1898.    2i2p.    i2mo.  [lc] 

ScHUECKiNG,  Cph.  Bh.  Levin  1814-83 

5321 .  Fire  and  flame.     Tr.  Mrs.  Evangeline  O'Connor. 

NY.    Appleton  1876.     i75p.    23cm.  [lc] 

5322.  Luther  in  Rome;  or,  Conradina,  the  last  of  the 

Hohenstaufen.  A  religio-historical  romance. 
Tr.  Mrs.  Eudora  South.  Bost.  Thayer  1890. 
377p.    il.     25cm.  [lc] 

5323.  Powder  and  gold.     A  story  of  the  Franco-Prus- 

sian war.    NY.    Hinton  n.  d.    i6mo.  [ac7] 

ScHUETZ,  J  :  Jk.  1640-90 

Selection,  verse,  see  C44,  C180,  C266,  C138,  C134. 


ScHULTS,  Ad.  1820-58 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C190. 


Selection,  verse,  see  C38,  C245,  C131. 

ScHVLZ.  Ab.  ("San-Marte")   1802-93 

5324.  An  essay  on  the  influence  of  Welsh  tradition  on 

the  Hterature  of  Germany,  France,  and  Scan- 
dinavia. Tr.  Mrs.  Berrington.  Llandovery 
1841.    i4op.    8vo.  [bm] 

ScHULZ,  E:  1813-42,  see  "Ferrand,  E:" 

ScHULZE,  Ern.  Kd.  F:  1789-1817 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C52,  C22,  C16. 

5325.  The  enchanted  rose,  a  poem  in  three  cantos.     Tr. 

W.  Waddilove.    Hamb.  1835.    8vo.  [bm] 

5326.  do.     a  romaunt  in  three  cantos.     Tr.  C.  de  Cres- 

pigny.    Lond.    Longman  1844.    8vo.  [bm] 

ScHULZE,  F:  A:  1770-1849,  see  "Laun,  F:" 

ScHULZE-Smidt,  Frau  Bhe.  1846-        see  "Oswald,  E." 

Schumacher,  Gb. 

•5327 .  The  Jaulau.  Surveyed  for  the  Ger.  society  for  the 
exploration  of  the  holy  land.  Lond.  Bentley 
1S88.    304p.    il.    2icm.  [lc] 

Schumacher,  Hm.  1868- 

Selection,  prose,  see  Ci78a. 

Schumacher,  Tony 

5328.  The  tower  angel.  Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ireland.  Chic; 
Akron.    Saalfield  1908.     I97p.    il.     19cm.  [lc] 

Schumann,  C'a.  1819-96 

Sec  Litzmann,  B.,  C.  S--,  an  artist's  life.    #3608. 

Schumann,  Rb.  Ax.  1810-56 

♦5329.  Early  letters.  Tr.  May  Herbert.  Lond.  Bell 
1888.     307P.    20cm.  [lc] 

490  university  op  wisconsin.  studies 


*5330.     Letters.     Sel.  and  ed.  Dr.  Karl  Stork.     Tr.  Ha. 
Bryant.  Lend.   Murray  1907.  299P.  23cm.    [lc] 
*533i.     The  life  ....  told  in  his  letters.    Tr.  May  Her- 
bert.    Lond.     Bentley   1890.     2v.     19cm.   [lc] 
*5332.     Music  and  musicians.    Essays  and  criticisms.    Tr. 
Fanny  Ritter.    NY.    Schuberth ;  Lond.    Reeves 
1877.     4i8p.     20cm.                                          [lc] 
5333-     do.     Second  series.     1880.     54op.     20cm.       [lc] 
See     Reissmann,     A :,     Life     and     works 

See  Wasiliewski,  W:,  Life #5957- 


5334.  An  artist's  poems.     Tr.  C.  G.  Leland.     Ger.  and 

Eng.     Phil.     Leypoldt  1,864.     8vo.     (Probably 
error.     Cf.  #5203.)  [ac] 

Schwab,  Gst.  B:  1792- 1850 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C190,  C145,  C198,  C248, 


5335.  The  legend  of  the  three  holy  kings.     Freely  tr. 

W.  A.   Gardener.      Lond.      Priv.   print.    1845. 
8vo.  [bm] 

SCHWARTZKOPPEN,   Clotildc   V. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68. 


5336.  Life  and  labours  of   Ax.   v.   Humboldt.     Lond. 

Hardwicke  1866.    8vo.  [ec] 


Selection,  verse,  see  Ci8o. 

ScHWEGLER,  F:  K:  Ab.  1819-57 

5337.  Hand  book  of  the  history  of  philosophy.     Tr.  J. 

H.  Stirling.     5th  cor.  ed.     Edin.     Edmonton  & 
Douglas  1874.    486p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

—  New  ed.    Hamilton  1877.  [ec] 

5338.  do.     do.     2d  ed.  F.din.  Hamilton  1868.  i2mo.  [ec] 

5339.  History    of    philosophy    in    epitome.      Tr.  J.  H. 


Seelye.  NY;  Lend.  Appleton  1856.  365?. 
19cm.  [lc] 

5340.  do.     do.     Rev.  B :  E.  Smith.    NY;Lond.    Apple- 

ton  1880.    469P.    20cm.    --  1908.  [lc] 

Schweiger-Lerchenfeld,  Amand,  1846- 

5341 .  Woman  in  all  lands.    Tr.  A.  S.  Meyrick.   Roper 

1880.     4to.  [.\c\ 

ScHWEiNFURTH,  G:  A:  1836- 

5342.  The  heart  of  Africa.     Three  years'  travels  and 

adventures  ....  1868-71.  Tr.  E.  E.  Frewer. 
NY.  Harper  1874.  2v.  il.  24cm.  [lc] 
Lond.    Low  1873.    2v.    il.    22cm.             [lc] 


Selection,  verse,  see  C215. 

Schweitzer,  Ab.  1875- 

5344.  J.  S.  Bach.    Tr.  E.  Newman.    Leipz;  NY.    Breit- 

kopf  &  H.  191 1.    2v.    il.    24cm.  [lc] 

Schwerin,  Jse.  Eli.  Felicitas,  grafin,  1836- 

5345.  Three  years.     Tr.    M.    J.    Saflford.     Chic;  NY. 

Rand,  McNally  1889.    2iop.    19cm.  [lc] 

"Sealsfield,  C:"  (i.  e.  K:  Postl,  1793-1864),  also  misprinted 

5346.  Adventures  in  Texas.    Abridged  by  F.  Hardman. 

ii2p.  In  Tales  from  Blackwood.  Edin.  i860. 
Vol.  5.    i8mo.  [lco] 

5347.  The  cabin  book;  or,  sketches  of  life  in  Texas.  Tr. 

Prof.  C:  F:  Mersch.  NY.  Winchester  1844. 
i55p.    22cm.    (Includes  Life  in  the  new  world.) 

__  Title:  Life  in  Texas.  Phil.  Colon  &  Adri- 
ance  1845.     i55p.    21cm.  [lc] 

5348.  do.     The  cabin  book;  or,  national  characteristics. 

Tr.  Sa.  Powell.  Lond.  Ingram,  Cooke  1852. 
296p.    il.    19cm.  [lc] 

5349.  do.     do.     NY.     St.  John  &  Coffin   1871.     273P. 

il.    2icm.  [lc] 

492  university  of  wisconsin  studies 

"Sealsfield,  C:" 

5350.  Flirtation  in  America.    NY.  Berford  n.  d.      [aci] 

5351.  Life  in  the  new  world;  or,  sketches  of  American 

society.     Tr.  G.  C.  Hebbe  and  J.  A.  Mackay. 
NY.     Winchester     1842.      349p.      21cm. 
1844.  [lc] 

5352.  North  and  South;  or,  scenes  and  adventures  in 

Mexico.  Tr.  Joel  T.  Headley.  NY.  Win- 
chester 1844.    II 8p.    23cm.  [lc] 

5353.  Rambleton:  a  romance  of  fashionable  life  in  NY. 

during  the  great  speculation  of  1836.  NY. 
Winchester  1844.    285P.    23cm.  [lc] 

5354.  Scenes  and  adventures  in  Central  America.     Ed. 

Fis.  (i.  e.  F:)  Hardman.  Edin.  Blackwood 
1852.    298P.     i8cm.  [lc] 

5355.  do.     do.     Frontier  life ;  or,  scenes  and  adventures 

in  the  south  west.  By  Fis.  (i.  e.  F:)  Hardman. 
NY.  Auburn,  M.  O.  &  M.  1856.  376?.  il. 
19cm.  (A  rifacimoito  from  the  German.)  [lc] 
NY.    Saxton  1859.    376p.    il.     19cm.      [lc] 

5356.  Tokeah.    Phil.    Lea  &  Blanchard  n.  d.  [aci] 

"Seeburg,  Fz.  v."  sec  Hacker,  Fz.  1836- 

Seemann,  O. 

5357.  Mythology  of  Greece  and  Rome  w.  reference  to  its 

use  in  art.  NY.  Harper  1877.  il.  i6mo.  [ac] 
_-  NY.     Scribner  1877.     il.     cr.     8vo.       [ac] 

5358.  do.     Tr.  G.  H.  Bianchi.     Lond.     Chapman  1887. 

New  ed.    8vo.  [ec] 

Seidel,  H:  1842-1906 

*5359-     -^  German  Christmas  eve.     Tr.  Jane  H.  White. 
Chic.    Abbey  1910.     22p.     i6cm.  [lc] 

**536o.     do.     Leberccht  Hiihnchen.    Tr.  .\.  Werner-Span- 
hoofd.    In  C9i(i3). 

Seidl,  J:  Gl.  1804-75 

Selection,  verse,  see  C162,  C38,  C229,  C230,  C198, 
C20,  C148,  C267. 


Sell,  K  :  of  Darmstadt 

5361 .  Alice,  grandduchess  of  Hesse,  Princess  of  Great 

Britain  and  Ireland.  Biographical  sketch  and 
letters.    NY.    Munro  1884.    57p.    fol.      [lco] 

Selnecker  (i.  e.  Schellenecker),  N:  1530-92 
Selection,  verse,  see  C266,  C264. 

Seume,  J:  Gf.  1763-1810 

Selection,  verse,  see  C8,  C221. 

5362.  Advent,  of  a  Hessian  recruit.  (Letter  from  Hali- 

fax, 1782.)  In  Mass.  Hist.  Soc.  Proceedings. 
Bost.  1889.    2d  ser.  vol.  4.  pp.  2-12.  [lco] 

Seyppel,  K:  Maria,  1847- 

*5363.  He-she-it.  Egj'ptian  court  chronicle  B.  C.  1302.  A 
veracious  and  truthful  version  preserved  and 
transcribed  for  general  use  by  the  peerless  poet 
laureate  of  Rampsinnit  III.  Lond.  Stock  1884. 
42p.    il.    27cm.     [Clever ;  not  faithful  to  form.] 


_.  NY.  Bouton  1884.  —  NY.  White,  Stokes, 
Allen  1885.     il.     4to.  [ac] 

5364.  My  book:  an  old  Egyptian  MS  quaintly  and  hu- 

morously il.  w.  descr.  text  tr.  from  German  of 
V.  Bodenstein.  NY.  White  &  Allen  1887. 
8vo.  [ac] 

5365 .  Sharp,  sharper,  sharpest :  humorous  tale  of  old 

Egypt.     NY.     White,  Stokes,  Allen  1885.     il. 

4to.  [ac] 

_-  Diisseldorf  1885.    4op.  [bm] 

5366.  Smith  and   Schmidt  in   Africa:  Hottentot  blue- 

book.  Eng.  words  E.  H.  Jones.  NY.  White  & 
Allen  1888.    il.    nar.  O.  [ac] 

SiCKiNGER,  Conrad 

5367.  Sure  way  to  a  happy  marriage.     Tr.  E.  I.  Taylor 

NY;  Cincin.  Benziger  1880.  32mo. 1881.  [ac] 

SiEBEL,  K:  1836-68 

Selection,  verse,    see    C145,    C198,  C230,  C267; 


SiEBOLD,  Ph.  Fz.  V.  1796-1866 

5368.  Manners  and    customs    of    the    Japanese.     NY. 

Harper  1841.    Svo.  [aci] 

SiEVEKiNG,  Ame.  W:e,  1794-1860 

5369.  Life.     Ed.  Catherine  Winkworth.     Lond.    Long- 

mans 1863.    Svo.  [ec] 

SiGMUND,  Js.  A.,  sec  "Mels,  A." 

SiLBERSTEIN,  A:    1827-I9OO 

Selection,  verse,  see  C68,  C198. 

SiMROCK,  K:  1802-76 

Selection,  verse,  see  C226,  C167,  C8,  C62,  C145, 
C46,  C190,  C153,  C202. 

SiNOLD, iSth  cent. 

Selection,  verse,  see  C265. 


See  Stein,  L.,  joint  author. 

SoLF,  W :  1862- 

Selection,  prose,  see  Ci78a. 


5370.  "How  Germany  crushed  France."     (the  story  of 

the  greatest  conspiracy  in  history).  Tr.  Louis 
G.  Redmond-Howard.  Lond.  Everett  1914. 
158P.     i8cm.  [lc] 


5371.  Bismarck:  his  hfe  and  times.    Tr.  Ida  L.  Saxton 

and  Grace  H.  Webb.  Lond ;  NY.  Neely  1898. 
20op.     il.     i2mo.  [lc] 


t5372.  FideUo.  (Opera  by  Beethoven.)  Libretto,  Ger. 
and  Eng.  NY.  Acad,  of  mus.  n.  d.  (Text  ad. 
freely  by  J.  S.  from  French  of  Bouilly : 
"Leonore ;  ou,  I'amour  conjugal.")  [lc] 

t5372a.   do.     Libretto,  Ital.  and  Eng.    Lond.     1851.     [lc] 


^5373-     do.    Libretto,  Ger.  and  Eng.    Best.    1864.    1892. 


5374.  The  fortress  of  Sorrento:  a  petit  histor.  drama  in 

two  acts.  NY.  Longworth  1808.  28p.  i2mo. 
(Ad.  w.  very  slight  change  from  Leonore,  i.  e. 
Fidelio.)  [B24] 

Sophie,  consort  of  Em.  A :  elector  of  Hanover,  1630-1714 

5375 .  Memoirs,  1630-80.    Tr.  H.  Forester.    Lond.    Bent- 

ley  1888.    27op.    2 1  cm.  [lc] 

Sophie  Do.  Kurprinzessin  v.  Hannover,  consort  of  G:  I  of 
England,  1666- 1726 

5376.  An  authentic  narrative  of  the  life,  persecutions, 

and  sufferings  of  the  Princess  of  Zell.  Lond. 
Lee  1820?    8vo.  [bm] 

S377-  ^lenioirs  of  ...  .  chiefly  from  the  secret  ar- 
chives of  Hanover,  Brunswick,  Berlin,  and 
Vienna ;  including  a  diary  of  the  conversations 
of  illustrious  personages  of  those  courts,  il- 
lustrative of  her  histor}-,  with  letters  and  other 
documents.  Now  first  pub.  from  the  originals. 
Lond.    1845.    2v.    8vo.  [bm] 

5378.  Translation  of    the    Princess    Sophia  Dorothea's 

journal  etc.  In  Brown,  J :,  Anecdotes  and  char- 
acters of  the  house  of  Brunswick.     1821.    8vo. 


SoRGE,  Rev 

5379.  Extracts  of  two  letters  ...  in  German  ....  Oc- 

tober 1758  ....  giving  an  account  of  the 
horrid  cruelties  ....  committed  by  the  Rus- 
sians on  the  king  of  Prussia's  dominions  .... 
Lond.  printed.  Host,  re-printed  and  sold  at 
Fowle  &  Draper's  printing-office  .  .  .  .in  Marl- 
borough street,  1759.    23p.    17cm.  [lc] 

Spalding,  J.  J.  d.  1804 

Selection,  verse,  see  C126. 

Spangenberg,  A:  Gb.  1704-92 

Selection,  Terse,  see  C180,  266. 

496  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


5380.  The  banished  count:  a  true  history.     By   F.   L. 

Mortimer.     Lond.     1844.      8vo.       (Abr.   from 

#5381.)  [BM] 

5381 .  Life  of  N :  L.  Count  Zinzendorf Tr.  S : 

Jackson.      Lond.      Holdsworth     1838.      5iip- 
i2mo.  [lco] 

See  Ledderhose,  K:  F:,  Life.  .  .  .     #3487. 

Spee,  F:  1591-1635 

Selection,  verse,  sec  €201(23),  C266. 

Spener,  Ph.  Jk.  1635-1705 

Selection,  verse,  see  C266,  C264. 

Speratus,  pi.  1484- 1 55 1 

Selection,  verse,  sec  C138,  C264. 

Spervogel,  1,  early  12th  cent.    Spervogel  H,  late  i3th  cent. 
Selection,  verse,  sec  C13,  C186,  C185,  C264. 

Spielhagen,  F:  1829-1911 

Selection,  prose,  see  C160. 

5382.  Baroness   Susan.     Maclaren    1904.     8vo.        [ec] 

5383.  do.     Tr.  Hilda  Skae.    NY.    Brentano's  1905.  [b8] 

5384.  Block  house  on  the  prairie:  German  Pioneers.  Citj' 

of  London  Co.  1882.     8vo.  [ec] 

5385.  The  breaking  of  the  storm.    Tr.  S.  E.  A.  H.  Ste- 

phenson.   Lond.    Bentley  1877.    3v.  8vo.  [cm] 

**5386.     do.     (Abridged.)     Tr.   Marion  D.  Learned.     In 


5387.     The  German  pioneers :  a  tail' of  the  Mohawk.    Tr. 

Levi  Sternberg.     Chic.     Donohue,  Henneberry 

1891.    250P.    20cm.  [lc] 

*5388.      Hammer  and  anvil.    Tr.  ^^' :  Hand  Browne.    NY. 

Leypoldt  &  Holt   1870.     lOmo.      [Better  than 

De  Vcre;  ruthless.]  [uvv] 

5389.  The  Hohcnsteins,  a  novel.     Tr.  Prof.  ^L  S.  Dc 

Vere.     NY.      Leypoldt    &    Holt   1870.     584?. 
i8cm.  [lc] 

5390.  Lady  Clara  de  Vere.     A  story.     NY.     Appleton 

1881.     i8ip.     i6cm.  [lc] 


*539i .  Problematic  characters.  Tr.  M.  S.  De  Vere  NY. 
Leypoldt  &  Holt  1869.  507P.  i8cm.  [Rather 
poor;  errors.]  [lc] 

__  NY.    Holt  1888.    i6cm.  [lc] 

5392.  Quisisana  ;  or,  rest  at  last.    Tr.  H.  E.  Goldschmidt. 

Lend.    Nimmo  &  Bain  1881.    3i6p.    8vo.    [b.m] 
__  NY.    Lovell  1884.    3i6p.    i8cm.  [lc] 

5393.  do.     do.     Tr.  Goldschmidt.     NY.     Munro   1882. 

4to.  [ac] 

5394.  In  rank  and  file.     NY.     Leypoldt  &  Holt  187-. 

i6mo.     (Publishers'   announcement   in  another 

5395.  Rose,  and  The  village  coquette.     NY.     Leypoldt 

&  Holt  187-.  i6mo.  (Publishers'  announce- 
ment in  another  volume.) 

5396.  The  skeleton  in  the  house.    Tr.  J.  Marsden.   Des- 

sau.    Kolckmann  1881.     i67p.    8vo.  [bm] 

5397.  do.     Tr.   M.    J.    Safford.      NY.      Harlan   1881. 

i6mo.  [ac] 

5398.  Through  night  to  light.     A  novel.     Tr.  M.  S.  De 

Vere.  NY.  Leypoldt  &  Holt  1870.  569P. 
i8cm.     _.  Holt  1888.     i6cm.  [lc] 

5398a.  Ultimo.  1874?    (Listed  by  Harris,  see  list  B.) 

5399.  The   village   coquette.      Tr.   J.   L.   Laird.     Lond. 

Chapman  1875.    8vo.  [bm] 

5400.  What  the  swallow  sang.     A  novel.     Tr.  M.   S. 

NY.  Holt  &  Williams  1873.  3o6p.   17cm.     [lc] 

SpIess,  Cn.  H:  1755-99 

5401.  The  dwarf  of  Westerbourg.    Lond.    IMorgan  1827. 

2v.     i2mo.  [bm] 

5402.  The  fallen  minister,  and  other  tales.     Tr.  W.  B. 

Hewetson.  Lond.  Newman  1809.  2v.  i2mo.  [bm] 

5403 .  The  mountain  cottager ;  or,  wonder  upon  wonder. 

A  tale.  Phil,  for  Hyndman  1800.  228p.  17cm. 
( Probably  reprint  of  tr.  by  Annabclle  Plumptre, 
Lond.    Minerva  Press  1798.    Cf.  B24.)       [lc] 

Spiker,  S.  H:  1786- 1858 

5404.  Travels  through  England,  Wales,  and  Scotland,  in 

498  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


the  year  1816.  Lond.  for  Lackington  etc.  1820. 
2v.  19cm.  [lc] 

Spillmann,  Js.,  5".  /.  1842-1905 

5405.  Blessed  are  the  merciful;  a  tale  of  the  negro  up- 

rising in  Haiti.  Tr.  Ma.  R.  Gray.  St.  Louis. 
Herder  1906.     I35p.     17cm.  [lc] 

5406.  The  cabin  boys.    A  story  for  the  young.    Tr.  Ma. 

R.  Gray.  St.  Louis;  Freiburg  (Baden).  Herder 
1907.    i37p.    17cm.  [lc] 

5407.  Children  of  Mary.     A  tale  of  the  Caucasus.     Tr. 

Helena  Long.  St.  Louis.  Herder  1896.  i22p. 
17cm.  [lc] 

5408.  The  Chiquitan  festival  of  Corpus  Christi  day:    a 

tale  of  the  old  missions  of  South  America.  Tr. 
M.  R.  Gray.  St.  Louis ;  Freiburg.  Herder 
1906.     I29p.    17cm.  [lc] 

5409.  Crosses  and  crowns.    Tr.  ]\L  R.  Gray.    St.  Louis; 

Freiburg.  Herder  1906.  I4ip.  17cm.  [lc] 
5409a.  Grandfather  and  grandson.  Some  pages  from  the 
family  history  of  the  Worthingtons  of  Blainsco. 
A  tale  of  the  persecutions  endured  by  the  Eng- 
lish Catholics  under  Queen  Elizabeth.  Tr.  M. 
C.  E.  Wells.    The  Vista  1890.    io8p.  8vo.  [bm] 

5410.  The  little  martyr  of  Prague.    Tr.  M.  C.  E.    Lond. 

Art  &  book  co.    1892.    i46p.    8vo.  [bm] 

541 1.  Long  Philip.    In  C213. 

5412.  Love  your  enemies.     A  tale  of  the  Maori  insur- 

rections in  New  Zealand.  Tr.  Helena  Long. 
St.  Francis,  Wis.  St.  Aemilianus'  asylum  1895. 
86p.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

5413.  do.   do.    St.  Louis.  Herder  1897.  ii7p.  17cm.  [lc] 

5414.  Lucius   Flavus.     An  historical   tale  of  the  time 

immediately  preceding  the  destruction  of  Jerusa- 
lem.   St.  Louis.    Herder  1901.  6i9p.  20cm  [lc] 

5415.  Maron.  the    Christian    youth    of    Labanon.     St. 

Louis.    Herder  1907.  [ac] 

5416.  The  queen's    nephew.      .\n    historical    narration 

from  the  early  Japanese  missiou.     Tr.  Helena 


Long.    St.  Louis.    Herder  1896.     I49p.     i7citi. 


5417.  The  shipwreck.    A  story  for  the  young.    Tr.  M.  R. 

Gray.  St.  Louis ;  Freiburg.  Herder  1906. 
I26p.     17cm.  [lc] 

5418.  The  trip  to  Nicaragua.    A  tale  of  the  days  of  the 

Conquistadores.  Tr.  AL  R.  Gray.  St.  Louis ; 
Freiburg.     Herder  1907.     MSp.     17cm.       [lc] 

5419.  Valiant  and  true.    Advent,  of  a  young  officer  of 

the  Swiss  guards  at  the  time  of  the  French 
revolution.    Sands  1905.    424P.    Bvo.  [ec] 

5420.  The  wonderful  flower  of  Waxindon.   An  historical 

romance  of  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  St. 
Louis.    Herder  1896.    494p.     19cm.  [lc] 

Spindler,  K:  1796- 185  5 

5421 .  The  enthusiast.    Lond.    Smith,  Elder  1835.   i2mo. 


5422.  The  Jesuit.     A    novel.      Lond.      Saunders  &  O. 

1832.    3v.    8vo.  [ec] 

5423.  do.     characteristic  of  the  early  portion  of  the  i8th 

cent.    Lond.    Smith  &  E.  1834.     i2mo.       [bm] 

5424.  do.     a  picture  of  manners  and  character  from  the 

1st  quarter  of  the  18th  century.  Lond.  Bull 
1839.    2v.    20cm.  [lc] 

5425.  do.     a  historical  romance,  illustrating  the  princi- 

ples and  practices  of  the  celebrated  society  .  .  . 
.  during  the  early  portion  of  the  18th  cent.  NY. 
Winchester  1844.    nop.    23cm.  [lc] 

5426.  do.     Brj-ce  1854.  [ec] 

5427.  The  Jew.      A    novel.      Lond.      Bull    1832.     3V. 

i2mo.  [bm] 

5428.  do.     NY.    Harper  n.  d.    8vo.  [ac7] 

5429.  The  natural  son.     A  German  tale  descriptive  of 

the  age  of  the  emperor  Rudolf  H.  Tr.  Lord 
A.  Conyngham.  Lond.  Mitchell  1835.  3V. 
i2mo.  [bm] 

5430.  do.     The  bastard;  or,  the  brother's  revenge.     A 

romantic  tale.  Tr.  A.  Braunfels.  NY.  Win- 
chester 1845.    234p.     23cm.  [lc] 

500  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


5431 .  do.     Archibald  Werner ;  or,  the  brother's  revenge. 

A  romantic  tale.    NY.    1849.    8vo.  [bm] 

5432.  St.  Sylvester's  night.     Cambridge;  Loud.     Ruge- 

ley  1844.  i2mo.  (Juvenile  Englishman's 
lib.)  [bm] 

Spitta,  Jl.  A:  Ph.  1841-94 

5433-  J-  S.  Bach,  his  work  and  influence  on  the  music 
of  Germany.  Tr.  C.  Bell  and  J.  A.  F.  Maitland. 
Lond ;  NY.    Novello  1899.    3V.    23cm.       [lc] 

Spitta,  K:  J:  Ph.  1801-59 

Selection,  verse,  see  C198,  C267,  C266,  C145, 
C180,  C215,  C162,  C220,  C221,  C103,  C135. 
*5434.  Lyra  domestica:  Christian  songs  for  domestic  edi- 
fication. Tr.  R:  Massie.  Lond.  Longmans 
i860.  I42p.  i8mo.  (Contains  entire  "Psalter 
und  Harfe".)  [lco] 

_-  3d  ed.    Longman  1862.  [ec] 

5435.  do.     Bost.     Button   1861.     300p.     i6mo.     (Con- 

tains only  a  portion  of  #5434,  but  adds  other 
hymns,  mainly  English.)  [lco] 

5436.  do.     2d  series.    From  ....  S and  other  .... 

hymn-writers.  Lond.  Longmans  1864.  i63p. 
i6mo.  (2d  portion  of  "Psalter  und  Harfe", 
and  other  German  hymns  in  translation.)     [lco] 

Spitteler,  C:  1845- 

Selcction,  verse,  see  C14,  C185,  C9i(i4). 

Spix,  J :  Bp.  V.  1781-1826  and 
Martius,  C.  F.  P.  V. 

5437.  Travels    in    Brazil  ....  1817-20.      Tr.    H.    E. 

Lloyd.  Lond.  Longman  1824.  2v.  in  i.  il. 
8vo.  [lc] 

Spohr,  L:  1784-1859 

**5438-     Autobiography.     Lond.  Reeves  &  Turner  1878. 

2v.  in  I.     23cm.  [lc] 

5439.     do.     Lond.     Longmans  1864.    8vo.                  [ec] 


Faust.     (Opera.)    Sec  Bernard,  J.    #204. 
See  Hauptmann,  Mz.,  Letters #2288. 

Springer,  An.  H:  1825-91 

5440.  Text-book  to  the  illustrations  of  the  history  of 

art.    Tr.  Mrs.  Marg.    Volkmann.    Bost.  Prang 

1883.  362p.  22cm.  [lc] 

Spyri,  Frau  J:a  (Heusser)  1827-1901 

5441.  Chel ;  a  storj'  of  the  Swiss  mountains.    Tr.  Helene 

H.  Boll.     NY.     Eaton  &  Mains;  Cincin.     Jen- 
nings &  Graham  1913.     I26p.     i8cm.  [lc] 

5442.  Dorris  and  her  mountain  home.    Tr.  Ma.  E.  Ire- 

land.   Richmond,  Va.    Presb.  com.  1902.    i66p. 
il.     19cm.  [lc] 

5443.  Gritli's  children.    A  story  for  children Tr. 

Louise  Brooks.     Bost.    Cupples  &  Hurd  1887. 
2v.  in  I.     i8cm.  [lc] 

5444.  Heidi's  early  experiences:  story  for  children,  etc. 

Lond.    Low  1884.    8vo.  [ec] 

5445 .  Heidi's    further    experiences :    for    children,   etc. 

Lond.    Low  1884.    8vo.  [ec] 

5446.  Heidi,    her    years    of    wandering    and    learning. 

Tr.    Louise   Brooks.     Bost.     De  Wolfe,   Fiske 

1884.  2v.  in  I.     i2mo.     (Apparently  same  as 
#5444,  #5445-) 

5447.  do.     Tr.  13th  Ger.  ed.  Mrs.  Helen  Dole.     Bost. 

Ginn  1899.  363P.  il.  i8cm. 1907.  20cm.  [lc] 

5448.  do.     a  story  for  girls.    Tr.  H.  A.  Melcon.    II.  J. 

W.  Davis.    NY.    Burt  1901.    367?.    19cm.  [lc] 

5449.  do.     Heide.    Tr.  Helene  S.  White.    NY.    Crowell 

1902.    338p.    il.     17cm.  [lc] 

5450.  do.     Ginn  1907.    il.    O.  [ac] 

5451.  do.     Lond.    Dent  1909.    330p.    il.    4to.  [ec] 

5452.  do.     Lond.     Dent;  NY.     Dutton  1910.  (Everj'- 

man.)     262p.    il.  [lc] 

5453.  do.     Tr.    Helene    White.      NY.      Crowell    1913. 

433p.    il.    2icm.  [lc] 

5454.  do.     Tr.  Eliz.  P.  Stork.    II.  Maria  L.  Kirk.    Phil; 

Lond.    Lippincott  1915.    3i8p.    21cm.         [lc] 

502  university  of  wisconsin  studies 


5455.  Heimatlos,  two  stories  for  children.     Tr.  Emma 

S.  Hopkins.  II.  F.  Richardson.  Bost ;  NY. 
Ginn  1912.  231P.  17cm.  (Lake  Sils  and  lake 
Garda.    Wiseli  finds  her  place.)  [lc] 

5456.  In  safe  keeping.     A   tale.      Tr.  Lucy  Wheelock. 

Lond.     Blackie  1896.    48p.     i6mo.  [bm] 

5457.  Moni,  the  goat  boy,  and  other  stories.     Tr.  Edith 

F.  Kunz.  School  ed.  Bost.  Ginn  1906. 
i6mo.  [ac] 

5458.  do.     Tr.  Helen    B.    Dole.      NY.      Crowell  1914. 

43p.    il.     19cm.  [lc] 

5459.  do.     Tr.  Elis.    Stork.      II.    M.    L.    Kirk.     NY; 

Lond ;  Phil.    Lippincott  1916.    72p.    19cm.  [lc] 

5460.  Red-letter  stories.     Swiss  tales.    Tr.  Lucy  Whee- 

lock. Bost.  Lothrop  1884.  94p.  17cm.  (Lisa's 
Christmas.     Basti's  song  in  Altorf.)  [lc] 

5461.  Rico  and  Wiseli.    Tr.  Louise  Brooks.    Bost.    De 

Wolfe,  Fiske  1885.  2v.  in  i.  i8cm.  (Rico  and 
Stineli.     How  Wiseli  was  provided  for.)      [lc] 

15462.  Swiss     Stories.      Tr.     Lucy    Wheelock.       Bost. 

Lothrop  1887.  2o8p.  8vo.  (In  safe  keeping. 
Rosenresli.  Lisa's  Christmas.  Basti's  song  in 
Altorf.  [Adapted  rather  than  translated.]  [bpl] 
__  Lond.    Blackie  1889.    Svo.  [bm] 

15463.  Uncle    Titus:    a    story    for    children Tr. 

Lucy  Wheelock  Bost.  Lothrop  1886.  201  p. 
i8cm.      [Hardly  a  translation.]  [lc] 

5464.  do.     Uncle  Titus  and  his  visit  to  the  country.    Tr. 

Louise  Brooks.  Bost.  Cupples,  Upham  1886. 
i6mo.  [bpl] 

5465.  Veronica  and  other  friends.     Tr.  Louise  Brooks. 

Bost.  Cupples  &  Hurd  1856?     i2mo.         [bpl] 

Stachelberg,  Na.  v.  baroness 

5466.  The  life  of  Carmen  Sylva.     Tr.  Baroness  Deich- 

mann.  Lond.  Kegan  Paul  1890.  3o6p. 
Svo.  [bm] 


Staden,  Hs.,  i6th  cent. 

5467.  The  captivity  of  Hans  Stade  of  Hesse  ....  1547- 

55,  among  the  wild  tribes  of  Eastern  Brazil. 
Tr.  A.  Tootal.  Lond.  Hakluyt  soc.  1874.  iGgp. 
22cm.  [lc] 

Staehlin,  Lh. 

5468.  Critical  examination  of  Kant,  Lotze,  and  Ritschl. 

Tr.  D.  W.  Simon.  NY.  Scribner  &  W.  1889. 
8vo.  [ac] 

__  Hamilton  1889.    8vo.  [ec] 

Staehlin  von  Storcksburg,  ]k.  1710-85 

5469.  An  account  of  the  new  northern  archipelago  .... 

in  the  seas  of  Kamtschatka  and  Anadir.  Tr.  C. 
Heydinger  and  Matthew  Maty.  Lond.  for  Hey- 
dinger  1774.    20,  i  i8p.    22cm.  [lc] 

Stahl,  p.  J. 




NY.    Appleton 



.    [AC] 


Tony  and 

I  puss. 

Bost.    Roberts  : 




Stahlschmidt,  J.  C. 


Pilgrimage  by  sea    and    land. 

Tr.    : 

5:  Jackson. 


Hatchard  1837.     i2mo 


Stahr,  Ad. 

,  W :  Td.  ] 



see  C68. 


Life  and  works 

of    G.    E.    Lessing. 


E.  P